SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,

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Page 1: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,


MAY 9, 2016GROUP B


Page 2: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,






































Page 3: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,



Robert Minton-Taylor Senior Lecturer

Leeds Business SchoolLeeds Beckett University

Email: [email protected]: 01535 634 634

Rudiger Theilman Course LeaderLeeds Business SchoolLeeds Beckett University

Email: [email protected]: 01138 124 807

Richard Mabbett Store Lead

Small Business DepartmentIKEA Leeds

Email: [email protected]: 01924 427 600 ex. 6361

Helen Denton Marketing ManagerStorewide IKEA Leeds

Email: [email protected]: 01924 427 600 ex 6001


Page 4: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/HHGV�,.($�LV�FXULRXV�WR�¿QG�RXW�PRUH�DERXW�WKH�ORFDO�VPDOO�EXVLQHVV�PDUNHW��and what potential is there for them to build their clients through small-business communications and business objectives.

MAIN GOALS OF IKEA LEEDSFirst, build awarenss of IKEA Leeds and business objectives with the small business community. Second, engage with the small-business community to gain FXVWRPHU�OR\DOW\�DQG�ODVWO\��UDLVH�UHYHQXH�RI�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�DQG�DFFHVVRULHV�WR�£1 million in 2017 in coorolation with steps goals one and two, and a developed commnications/marketing plan.

RESEARCH METHODIn order to complete this, we did both primary and secondary research. For primary, we visited Leeds store to speak with consumers, visited small businesses within the target market to survey them, and developed in-store observations of competitors to learn what they are already doing. Secondary research was developed around IKEA Leeds, IKEA history, and comparing what we learned to competitors best practices.

RESEARCH RESULTSFrom our small-business surveys we learned the key features consumers want ZKHQ�VKRSSLQJ�IRU�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�DUH�FRPIRUW��VSDFH��HDVH�DQG�SULFH��:H�WRRN�WKRVH�DV�IRXU�WKHPHV�WR�FRQVLGHU�ZKHQ�GHYHORSLQJ�WKH�FDPSDLJQ��:H�DOVR�OHDUQHG�from consumers and small-business owners that the main comeptitors of IKEA are Staples, Argos and online retailers (Amazon, Ebay, etc.).


KEY MESSAGES & STRATEGY:H�GHYHORSHG�D�FDPSDLJQ�WKDW�PDNHV�EXVLQHVV�RZQHUV�IHHO�YDOXHG�DQG�SDUW�RI�the team. IKEA needs to take time to focus on offering the same inspiration and assistance to the business community, that they do to thier home furnishing FRQVXPHUV��:H�ZDQW�EXVLQHVV�RZQHUV�WR�WKLQN�,.($�¿UVW��DQG�UHWXUQ�WR�,.($�DJDLQ�and again. IKEA needs to be inspiratonal, creative, education, cost-effective, easy, and part of the small-business community.

CAMPAIGN:e developed a easy-to-follow 3-step campaign that reaches the consumers wishes of making IKEA easy to access, provides affortable and space concious products, and comfortable features and design. The campaign begins with tackling the three main goals; awareness, engagement and purchase.

:H�KDYH�WDNHQ�WKH�WLPH�WR�PDNH�,.($�D�LQVSLUDWLRQDO�DQG�IXQFWLRQDO�VWRUHIURQW��with engaging programs and services that keep loyalty and intrest from consumers, strategy in place to make purchasing products quick and easy, as well as offering the same value in return to consumers. The relationship with IKEA will be rewarding both for IKEA, and small-business leaders.

Page 5: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,


INTRODUCTIONRichard, Helen, Robert and the IKEA Team,


Our goal with this report is to help explain our thoughts on the brief you provided, H[SODLQ�RXU�VPDOO�EXVLQHVV�UHVHDUFK�DQG�¿QGLQJV��RXU�GHWDLOHG�LGHDV�RQ�FDPSDLJQ�DQG�communications recommendations, and logistics including timelines, budgets and evaluation.

:H�KDG�D�JUHDW�WLPH�ZRUNLQJ�ZLWK�\RX�RQ�WKLV�SURMHFW��:H��DV�VWXGHQWV�¿UVW��OHDUQHG�D�lot of valuable experience in developing research around a client brief, analysis of our ¿QGLQJV��DQG�DSSO\LQJ�WKRVH�¿QGLQJV�GLUHFWO\�WR�D�FDPSDLJQ�VWUDWHJ\��

:KHQ�ZH�EHJDQ�WKLV�SURMHFW��ZH�WRRN�D�ORW�RI�WLPH�ORRNLQJ�RYHU�,.($¶V�communications styles, business plans, and getting a better understanding of who as a company you are.

:H�OHDUQHG�WKDW�VRPH�RI�WKH�YDOXHV�RI�,.($�DUH�WR�EH�LQVSLULQJ��KDYH�D�VHQVH�RI�WRJHWKHUQHVV�DQG�EH�FUHDWLYH��FRVW�HIIHFWLYH�DQG�UHVSRQVLEOH��:KHQ�ZH�VHW�RXW�WR�WDON�to small-business owners to learn more about them, we learned these values were a lot of the same values they held for themselves and their businesses.

:KHQ�ZH�FRQQHFWHG�WKH�WZR��ZH�OHDUQHG�WKDW�WKHUH�LV�D�JUHDW�FRQQHFWLRQ�EHWZHHQ�IKEA and the small-business community, so we developed a campaign that is built directly from recommendations by consumers, small business owners, and what they KDG�WR�VD\��7KHLU�UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV�DUH�WKH�EDFNERQH�RI�WKLV�ZKROH�UHSRUW��:H�KRSH�\RX�¿QG�LW�KHOSIXO��

Thank you,

Julie Knapp, Project Manager/LDP�:LONLQVRQ��&RPPXQLFDWLRQV�/HDGKristina Brunvall, Marketing LeadIryna Bernatska, Strategy LeadPretty Lumempouw, Research Lead6R¿D�6HJDWR��&UHDWLYH�/HDG


Page 6: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,



IKEA BACKGROUNDIKEA started their business in 1943 by Ingrav Kamprad in Sweden (IKEA Business Brief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group, 2015).

The company operates 328 stores across Europe, Asia, North America, Oceania, Africa and Atlantic with a total number 155,000 employees (IKEA Group, 2015). 7KH�FRPSDQ\¶V�FRORU�DUH�SDLQWHG�LQ�\HOORZ�DQG�EOXH�DQG�KDV�NQRZQ�DV�WKH�FRPSDQ\¶V�LGHQWLW\�LQ�DOO�,.($�VWRUHV�

,QJUDY¶V�IDPLO\�RZQHG�WKH�IUDQFKLVHH�EXW�D�IHZ�VWRUHV�LQ�6LQJDSRUH��7KDLODQG�DQG�0DOD\VLD�DUH�RZQHG�E\�,NDQR�5HWDLO�$VLD��,.($¶V�SURGXFW�UDQJH�FRQVLVWV�of approximatelty 9,500 products, designed by 20 in-house designers and approximately 200 external contract-designers with more than €31.9 billion provits in 2015. In the same year, there was 711 million visitors in-store and 1.9 ELOOLRQ�SHRSOH�YLVLWHG�,.($¶V�ZHEVLWH��,.($�*URXS��������

In the United Kingdom, IKEA have 19 stores with one more store opening in Reading (IKEA, 2016). IKEA Leeds was opened in 1995. Located in Birstall, IKEA Leeds now serves over 1.1 million households around the Leeds area (IKEA Business Brief, 2016).

:LWK�WKH�YLVLRQ��³WR�FUHDWH�D�EHWWHU�HYHU\GD\�OLIH�IRU�PDQ\�SHRSOH �́�,.($�FRPHV�with the business idea of offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home IXUQLVKLQJ�SURGXFWV�DW�ORZ�SULFHV�WR�IXO¿OO�WKH�FXVWRPHUV�QHHGV�IRU�HYHU\GD\�OLIH�(IKEA, 2016).

IKEA BUSINESS STRATEGY BACKGROUND$V�D�SDUW�RI�,.($��WKH�,.($�%XVLQHVV�GHSDUWPHQW�VWDUWHG�LQ�WKH�����¶V��IRFXVLQJ�on selling business furniture in small and large quantities to the swedish organisations and now has became global to all IKEA stores all over the world (IKEA Business, 2016). IKEA Business has changed their names a few times ending with IKEA Business and launched the website of IKEA Business in 2007 �'LJLWDV/%L���������)ROORZLQJ�,.($¶V�YLVLRQ��³WR�FUHDWH�D�EHWWHU�HYHU\GD\�OLIH�IRU�PDQ\�SHRSOH �́�,.($�%XVLQHVV�VXSSRUWV�WKH�YLVLRQ�RI�,.($�*URXS�E\�RIIHULQJ�ZKDW�it has done for home furnishing customers to business customers, with wide range of products that are relevant for the business customers and provide the FXVWRPHUV�ZLWK�VROXWLRQV�IRU�WKHLU�EXVLQHVV�DQG�EXLOGLQJ�WKHLU�RI¿FH�HQYLURQPHQW��

IKEA Business is targeting the micro business market, companies with less 20 employees. Based on the survey that has been done for IKEA, there are 1 million businesses and more than 400,000 business owners in which 99% are small or medium sized companies. This target market spends their budget on furniture and spends roughly 32,000 sek (+/- 2,700 pounds) per year on average. In FY13, IKEA Business had contributed 11% or 711 million sales of their target market (IKEA Business, 2016).

Page 7: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,



IKEA Business provides the same range of IKEA products as home furnishing but DOVR�KDV�PRUH�VSHFL¿F�RSWLRQV�IRU�RI¿FH��UHWDLO�DQG�KRVSLWDOLW\�FXVWRPHUV�ZKLFK�DUH�the target market of IKEA Business. IKEA Business provides the companies easier ways to process payment that makes it easier for the business consumer to shop.

IKEA LEEDS BRIEF)ROORZLQJ�,.($¶V�YLVLRQ�WR�VHUYH�DV�PDQ\�SHRSOH�ZLWK�WKHLU�SURGXFWV��,.($�Leeds wants to also determine how to reach small businesses, organisations or independent businesses and know how to approach and communicate to the target market.

The target market of IKEA Leeds is micro businesses with less than 20 employees, ZLWK�IRFXV�LQ�RI¿FH��KRVSLWDOLW\�DQG�UHWDLO�HQYLURQPHQWV��7KLV�FDPSDLJQ�ZLOO�EH�based on IKEA Leeds and target businesses within 45 minutes drive from the IKEA Leeds store.

Based on the brief provided, what IKEA expected from us is to develop a campaign for IKEA business with the following goals in mind:


%XLOG�,.($�/HHGV�DV�WKH�OHDGLQJ�FHQWUH�IRU�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�WKURXJK�FRQWLQXHG�engagement with small business owners and companies.

Build awareness of IKEA to the local small business community through a detailed communications and public relations strategy.

In order to reach the goals of the brief, the campaign will use primary research to EXLOG�D�FDPSDLJQ�DQG�SURYLGH�WKH�EHVW�UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV�WR�UHDFK�WKH�KRPH�RI¿FH�workers and small businesses in Leeds area.




Page 8: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,


TARGET AUDIENCE &RESEARCH STRATEGY2XU�VWUDWHJ\�IRU�UHVHDUFK�ZDV�GHYHORSHG�IURP�WKH�EULHI��:H�ZDQWHG�WR�take a understanding on IKEA, compare it to main competitors and use recommendations from real consumers to help build our campaign.


According to the brief, the target audience included a radius of 45 miles from the VWRUH�LQ�/HHGV�DQG�KDV�EHHQ�GLYLGHG�EHWZHHQ�WKRVH�ZKR�ZRUN�LQ�DQ�RI¿FH�VHWWLQJ�and those who work from home (IKEA Pitch brief, 2016).

Building our research strategy, we aligned the main characteristics of the consumers, in order to achieve an appropriate communications and promotion strategy. To better understand what that target audience looks like, we did some secondary research to learn what Leeds has to offer.

First of all, it has to be said that Leeds, situated in the centre of England, is not only a commercial point of passage and exchange between the north and south of the country, but the population growth in recent years has led it to be the third biggest city in the United Kingdom (Dunsby, M. 2015).

In fact, according to Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership, the city offers, outside of the London district, a growing potential market which consistently UHSUHVHQWV�D�JRRG�RSSRUWXQLW\�IRU�QHZ�¿UPV�ORRNLQJ�IRU�D�ORZHU�FRVW�RI�OLYLQJ�DQG�more marketing opportunities (LEP, n.d.).

7KH�SUR[LPLW\�ZLWK�0DQFKHVWHU�DQG�6KHI¿HOG��OHVV�WKDQ�DQ�KRXU�DZD\�E\�URDG�DQG�rail; the two ports of Hull and Humber, less than 50 miles away; and the close Leeds Bradford International Airport, constitute an incredible network that gives WKH�FLW\�RI�/HHGV�D�VLJQL¿FDQW�SRWHQWLDO��'XQVE\��0��������

)XUWKHUPRUH��WKH�FLW\�KDV�D�JURZLQJ�SRSXODWLRQ�RI�¿QDQFLDO�VHUYLFHV�EXVLQHVVHV��FRQVLGHUHG�E\�PDQ\�DV�WKH�8.¶V�PDMRU�¿QDQFLDO�FHQWUH�RXWVLGH�WKH�FDSLWDO��0RUHRYHU��/HHGV�KDV�D�KLJK�DPRXQW�RI�RI¿FH�VWRFN�DYDLODEOH�IRU�QHZ�EXVLQHVVHV�DQG�ZLWK�¿YH�VKRSSLQJ�FHQWUHV�ORFDWHG�LQ�DQG�DURXQG�WKH�FLW\�FHQWUH��6DLQW�-RKQ¶V��Merrion, Trinity, The Light and The Core), commercial space is not only abundant EXW�LW�DOVR�VDWLV¿HV�DOO�NLQGV�RI�UHTXLUHPHQWV��7R�FRQFOXGH��WKH�/HHGV�FRXQFLO�DOVR�has several industrial units and business properties to rent, which consist in a great attraction to those interested in starting a new business (Dunsby, M. 2015).

$V�ZH�OHDUQHG�IURP�WKHVH�¿QGLQJV��WKH�RSSRUWXQLWLHV�IRU�,.($�WR�¿QG�WKHLU�SRWHQWLDO�LQ�D�SUROL¿F�LQGXVWULDO�DUHD�ZKHUH�WKH�EXVLQHVV�LV�LQ�VWDEOH�JURZWK�LV�YDVW�and the planning of a possible communication campaign should aim to catch the attention of new businesses popping up around the city.

Page 9: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,



,Q�RUGHU�WR�SURYLGH�,.($�/HHGV�ZLWK�DQ�HI¿FLHQW�DQG�DFFXUDWH�FDPSDLJQ�VWUDWHJ\�on how to best meet their target audience, increase their sales and meet their business goals, primary and secondary research was developed around these ideas.


:H�FRQGXFWHG�VPDOO�EXVLQHVV�VXUYH\V��LQ�VWRUH�,.($�FRQVXPHU�LQWHUYLHZV�DQG�GLG�LQ�VWRUH�REVHUYDWLRQV�RI�PDLQ�FRPSHWLWRUV�IRU�RXU�SULPDU\�UHVHDUFK��:H�WKHQ�followed up with extensive research on IKEA both in and out of the UK, getting a understanding of what the global company offers and then did the same for competitors to compare and contrast offerings.


Page 10: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,


PRIMARY RESEARCHAs previously mentioned, our goal has been to underline the needs of our target audience by talking directly with them. SMALL BUSINESS AND CONSUMER INTERVIEWS:H�FRQGXFWHG�D�VXUYH\�ZLWK����GLIIHUHQW�VPDOO�EXVLQHVVHV�¿UVW�DVNLQJ�demographic driven questions, such as what is your age, what is your profession DQG�JHQGHU��$V�LOOXVWUDWHG�LQ�WKH�SLH�FKDUWV�EHORZ��RXU�¿QGLQJV�VKRZ�DQ�HTXDO�distribution between female and male and a wide range of ages, with the biggest group being aged between 26-32 years old.

:H�DOVR�OHDUQHG�IURP�RXU�VXUYH\V�WKDW�DOPRVW�KDOI�RI�RXU�VXUYH\RUV�ZRUNHG�IURP�DQ�RI¿FH�HQYLURQPHQW��DQRWKHU�����FODLPHG�WR�ZRUN�IURP�KRPH��%XW�ZKDW�ZDV�interesting was that 12% of our surveyors claimed they work in more of a hybrid VLWXDWLRQ��ERWK�LQ�DQ�RI¿FH�DQG�DW�KRPH��7KLV�SRVHG�D�QHZ�VHW�RI�TXHVWLRQV�IRU�XV��DV�ZH�FRQWLQXH�WR�OHDUQ�DERXW�ZKR�RXU�WDUJHW�DXGLHQFH�UHDOO\�LV��:H�DOVR�PDGH�sure to reach out to a number of different professions, we talked with solicitors, home improvement professionals, PR professionals, dance school owners, restaurant/cafe owners and more.

Page 11: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,





“I spend a lot of time here, I need to space to be comfortable and suitable for me.”


:H�DOVR�DVNHG�RXU�VXUYH\RUV�ZKDW�IXUQLWXUHV�VWRUHV�FDPH�WR�PLQG�ZKHQ�WKLQNLQJ�RI�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH��7KH�WRS�WKUHH�FRPSHWLWRUV�QDPHV�ZHUH�6WDSOHV��$UJRV�DQG�IKEA. For the sake of our research, we also took the fourth most mentioned store into consideration when learning from our competitors: online stores. Many consumers and small business owners mentioned things like Amazon or Ebay, VWDWLQJ�WKDW�WKH\�ZRXOG�VHDUFK�RQOLQH�IRU�WKH�VSHFL¿F�IXUQLWXUH�WKH\�QHHGHG��

Other questions on the survey were also asked, questions such as the size of the company to make sure we were staying within our target audience of small-medium enterprises. You can see a full set of questions asked, and correlating data in APPENDIX 02 and APPENDIX 04, respectively.

:KHQ�GHYHORSLQJ�RXU�VHFRQGDU\�UHVHDUFK�ZH�GHFLGHG�WR�IRFXV�RQ�WDFNOLQJ�WKH�IRXU�themes that came from our surveys as mentioned above: comfort, price, ease DQG�VSDFH��:H�ZRXOG�FUHDWH�D�FDPSDLJQ�WKDW�PDGH�WKHVH�VPDOO�EXVLHQVV�RZQHUV�IHHO�OLNH�ZH�GHYHORSHG�LW�VSHFL¿FDOO\�IRU�WKHP��DQG�WKDW�WKH\�ZHUH�DQ�LPSRUWDQW�part of IKEA. All considered, our PR campaign strategy is build up on the concrete opportunity of give to the small-medium enterprises what they are looking for.

Page 12: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,


SECONDARY RESEARCHTo support our primary research, we decided to take the competitors that were named by our small business surveys and do some detailed secondary research RQ�WKHVH�FRPSDQLHV�DQG�VHUYLFHV�WKH\�RIIHUHG��:H�DOVR�ZHQW�DURXQG�WR�GR�LQ�VWRUH�observations on these competitiors to better understand what that consumer MRXUQH\�ORRNHG�OLNH��DQG�WKH�ZKDW�WKH�H[SHULHQFH�ZDV�ZKHQ�LQ�VWRUH��:H�GLG�D�detailed competitive analysis of these companies, and compared them to IKEA.

COMPETITOR ANALYSIS & IN-STORE OBSERVATIONSCompetitive analysis involves the exploration of strengths and weaknesses of potential and known competitors of a certain organisation or brand (Fill et al, �������&RQGXFWLQJ�FRPSUHKHQVLYH�VHFRQGDU\�UHVHDUFK�LQWR�,.($�/HHGV¶�PDLQ�competitors can be considered one of the most vital aspects of the entire brief. It LV�IHOW�WKDW�LQ�RUGHU�WR�JDLQ�DQ�XQGHUVWDQGLQJ�RI�WKH�FXUUHQW�VPDOO�EXVLQHVV�RI¿FH�furniture segment, it is vital to gain insight into what the key players are doing correctly (Dibb et al, 2006).

3UHOLPLQDU\�UHVHDUFK�OHDG�WR�D�TXLFN�EUDLQVWRUP�DERXW�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�VWRUHV�ZLWKLQ�the Leeds area. In order to build upon this list, comprehensive research by Mintel �������LQLWLDOO\�SURYLGHG�LQVLJKW�LQWR�ZKHUH�8.�FRQVXPHUV�FKRRVH�WR�EX\�RI¿FH�furniture in general. The following stores were found to be popular within the UK market: DFS, Staples, Argos, Furniture Village, Homebase, Furniture Land, The Range, B&Q, John Lewis and Next.

However, as stated previously within this report, our market is the Leeds area. The primary research conducted led to the top three organisations being named DV�EHVW�FKRLFH�IRU�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH��6WDSOHV��$UJRV�DQG�,.($��+RZHYHU��LQ�RUGHU�to gain more of an insight into the competitive market, the fourth most named option was also considered, online platforms. It was found that many of our surveyers would name online options as places they would go to shop (Amazon, Ebay, Overstock, etc.). Each of these three has been researched in detail and the ¿QGLQJV�DUH�RXWOLQHG�EHORZ�

Staples,GHQWL¿HG�DV�WKH�QXPEHU�RQH�FRPSHWLWRU�IURP�ERWK�SULPDU\�DQG�VHFRQGDU\�research, Staples has a lot to offer small business owners due to its vast presence, both online and in stores throughout the Leeds area. Preliminary analysis of the Staples website instantly gave insight into their product range; WKH\�FXUUHQWO\�VWRFN�D�YDULHW\�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH��UDQJLQJ�IURP�FKHDSHU�RSWLRQV�WR�more expensive items of a higher quality. In addition to chairs, desks, storage etc., Staples offer a wide range of complementary products which are offered to WKH�FXVWRPHU�RQFH�WKH\�LQVHUW�D�SLHFH�RI�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�LQWR�WKHLU�RQOLQH�EDVNHW��These complementary products range from smaller items such as pens and pencils to large items such as printers, lamps and paper. Staples also offers a price guarantee to all customers; on certain branded products, they guarantee to have the lowest price when compared with their nearest rivals (Staples, 2016).

Upon opening the Staples home page, the user is instantly asked whether or not they are shopping for personal or corporate use; this leads on to their concept RI�WKH�µ%XVLQHVV�$GYDQWDJH�6FKHPH¶��2IIHUHG�E\�6WDSOHV�ZRUOGZLGH��WKLV�VFKHPH�offers both large and small business owners the opportunity to personalise their

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own programme whilst consolidating and simplifying their need to spend a lot RI�WLPH�VKRSSLQJ�IRU�IXUQLWXUH��.H\�EHQH¿WV�RI�WKLV�VFKHPH�LQFOXGH�IDVW�DQG�IUHH�GHOLYHU\��GLVFRXQWV��DFFHVV�WR�WKH�6WDSOHV�RQOLQH�µ/HDUQLQJ�&HQWUH¶��DQG�ORFDO�experts (Staples, 2016).

In terms of delivery, Staples offers a wide variety of options which allows easy accessibility from small business owners and the public in general. Free delivery is available to customers on orders over £35; this therefore means that small EXVLQHVV�RZQHUV�ORRNLQJ�WR�IXUQLVK�DQG�HTXLS�WKHLU�RI¿FH�ZLWK�DOO�QHFHVVLWLHV��ZRXOG�EH�HOLJLEOH�IRU�WKLV��&RPSOHPHQWDU\�WR�WKLV��6WDSOHV�RIIHU�µFOLFN�DQG�FROOHFW¶�which allows consumers to choose their items online then simply pick them up instantly in any store throughout the UK (Staples, 2016). Although relatively VLPSOH��WKLV�LV�VRPHWKLQJ�ZKLFK�,.($�FXUUHQWO\�GR�QRW�RIIHU�DQG�LV�GH¿QLWHO\�something which could be considered appealing to small business owners (IKEA, �������)ROORZLQJ�WKLV��FRQVXPHUV�DUH�RIIHUHG�µKDVVOH�IUHH¶�UHWXUQV�ZKLFK�DJDLQ�provides incentive for small business owners to shop with Staples.


The big difference between Argos and many other furniture retailers is that they rely solely on their catalogue and website to promote their product range. Their UK stores are used primarily for collection and returns; some larger stores do KDYH�FHUWDLQ�SURGXFWV�RQ�VKRZ�EXW�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�LV�QRW�VRPHWKLQJ�WKDW�WKH\�choose to heavily endorse. As said previously, Argos has an extensive product UDQJH��LQ�WHUPV�RI�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH��WKH\�RIIHU�D�ZLGH�YDULHW\�LQFOXGLQJ�FKHDSHU�µ$UJRV�9DOXH¶�RSWLRQV�DQG�WKRVH�PRUH�H[SHQVLYH�ZLWK�D�SUHPLXP�¿QLVK���$V�ZHOO�DV�being able to pay for and collect items in store, customers have the ability to shop and pay online then simply go to their nearest door and collect their items within minutes (Argos, 2016).

In terms of delivery, Argos charges £8.95 for larger furniture items, although they now offer same day delivery which is extremely appealing to small business owners who desire items almost instantly and without worry. The Argos website is PRVW�GH¿QLWHO\�RQH�RI�WKH�RUJDQLVDWLRQV�¿QHVW�DVVHWV��$OO�SURGXFWV�DUH�SUHVHQWHG�ZLWK�PXOWLSOH�LPDJHV�DV�ZHOO�DV�VSHFL¿F�LQIRUPDWLRQ�UHJDUGLQJ�FRORXU��PDWHULDO�and sizes. It also maintains a comparison tool which allows users to search IRU�SURGXFWV�ZKLFK�KDYH�VSHFL¿F�IHDWXUHV��WKLV�LV�H[WUHPHO\�XVHIXO�LQ�WHUPV�RI�FRPSDULQJ�DQG�FRQWUDVWLQJ�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�VXFK�DV�FKDLUV�DQG�GHVNV��$V�SUHYLRXVO\�stated, consumers are able to reserve their stock online for collection or they are simply able to organise deliveries quickly and easily.

7KH�ELJJHVW�GRZQIDOO�IRU�$UJRV�DV�D�UHWDLOHU�LV�WKH�FXVWRPHU¶V�LQDELOLW\�WR�YLHZ�products before they actually purchase (Argos, 2016). However, Argos utilise their catalogue and website in such a way which makes those customers feel like the ease and price are more important aspects than actually being able to visit a furniture showroom. Their generous 28 day return policy on all products

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is something which provides customers with that peace of mind regarding their FKRLFH�RI�SURGXFW��)RU�EXVLQHVV�RZQHUV��µ$UJRV�IRU�%XVLQHVV¶�RIIHUV�D����RQ�WKHLU�full range of products as well as a reward scheme, an extended payment period RI����GD\V�DQG�DQ�HQKDQFHG�FDWDORJXH�ZLWK�SURGXFWV�WDLORUHG�VSHFL¿FDOO\�IRU�WKH�business customer (Argos, 2016).

Argos displayed a lot of features that would match the price and space features our surveyors requested. They had a lot of storage options and small accessory LWHPV�WKDW�ZRXOG�EH�HDV\�WR�¿W�LQWR�WKH�VSDFH�DYDLODEOH��IRU�D�ORZ�FRVW�SULFH��


$�ELJ�SUREOHP�ZLWK�VKRSSLQJ�RQOLQH�IRU�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�LV�WKH�LQDELOLW\�WR�VHH�WKH�products in person; however, many retailers offer clever imagery which allows the customer to see, for example a chair/desk in an environment which is similar to DQ�RI¿FH�VSDFH��0DQ\�RQOLQH�UHWDLOHUV�DOVR�RIIHU�IUHH�UHWXUQV�DQG�WKH�DELOLW\�SD\�YLD�D�UDQJH�RI�PHWKRGV��VXFK�DV�3D\SDO��,Q�WHUPV�RI�SXUFKDVLQJ�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�via an online store, the risks will be considerably higher for the small business owner. However, many people choose this method because it is quick and easy; the overall process take mere minutes and choice of products is unrivalled to that in any retail store within the UK market.

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IDENTIFIED ISSUESThe primary and secondary research led us to think about a lot of things, and developed some great team conversations. The research that has been done in IKEA, among small and medium-sized businesses, and online research provided XV�LQIRUPDWLRQ�DERXW�WKH�FXVWRPHU¶V�H[SHFWDWLRQV�DQG�DERXW�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH��%DVHG�RQ�RXU�¿QGLQJV��DQG�GLUHFWO\�OLQNLQJ�WKDW�LQIRUPDWLRQ�WR�WKH�,.($�EULHI��ZH�KDYH�LGHQWL¿HG�WKH�IROORZLQJ�LVVXHV�IRU�XV�WR�IRFXV�RQ�LQ�WKH�FDPSDLJQ�

ENGAGEMENTIKEA would like to engage with the small business community in order to get them to participate in the programs and services they offer more frequently. IKEA already has a unique loyalty program that is called IKEA Family with the focus RQ�³EHWWHU�HYHU\GD\�OLIH �́�$W�WKH�VDPH�WLPH�WKH�SURJUDP�IRU�VPDOO�DQG�PHGLXP�EXVLQHVVHV�LV�ZHDNHU�DQG�QRW�KHDYLO\�SURPRWHG��7KH�EHQH¿WV�DQG�VHUYLFHV�IRU�small and medium businesses are simple and does not correlate with what we OHDUQHG�LQ�RXU�SULPDU\�UHVHDUFK��0RUHRYHU��WKH�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�FDWDORJXH�KDV�D�basic design and lacks the inspiration IKEA gives to home furnishing consumers, ZKLFK�ZH�EHOLHYH�EXVLQHVV�FXVWRPHUV�ZRXOG�EHQH¿W�IURP��

AWARENESSIKEA is well-known for its furniture for living room, bedroom and kitchen. The RI¿FH�VHFWLRQ�KDV�D�ZLGH�UDQJH�RI�JRRGV�EXW�WKH�FXVWRPHUV�GRQ¶W�NQRZ�RU�DUH�QRW�DZDUH�RI�WKH�EHQH¿WV�WKDW�WKH\�FDQ�KDYH�ZKHQ�WKH\�JHW�D�EXVLQHVV�FDUG��0F*ODVVRQ���������,Q�RUGHU�WR�UHDFK�WKH�JRDOV�RI�,.($��ZH�WKLQN�LW¶V�LPSRUWDQW�WR�raise the general awareness of the IKEA business programs and services to this WDUJHW�PDUNHW��:H�ZDQW�WR�EXLOG�D�FRPPXQLW\�RI�VPDOO�EXVLQHVV�RZQHUV�ZKR�KDYH�a developed loyalty to Leeds IKEA, so that when their friends ask, they mention ,.($�¿UVW�

PURCHASEIn order to reach the £1 million pound goal, our research lead us to realise the changes that need to be made to the customer journey in order to get small business customers to purchase more, and more frequently. Many times in our UHVHDUFK�ZH�KHDUG�DQVZHUV�IURP�VXUYH\RUV�OLNH��³ZH�GR�QRW�KDYH�HQRXJK�WLPH�WR�VSHQG�ZDONLQJ�DURXQG�WKH�LVOHV�RI�WKH�,.($�VWRUH �́�,W�ZDV�FOHDU�WKDW�WKHUH�LV�D�need to minimize the time spent in the store, and a priority put on focusing on making the purchasing process easy and straightforward. Online ordering needs WR�EH�LPSURYHG�DQG�IRFXV�VSHFL¿FDOO\�RQ�VPDOO�EXVLQHVV�XVHUV�ZKR�ZDQW�D�FXVWRP�customer journey and a feeling of community when developing loyalty to a brand.

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KEY MESSAGES:H�KDYH�FUHDWHG�DQ�HDV\���VWHS�FDPSDLJQ�WKDW�UHDFKHV�DOO�WKH�ZLVKHV�RI�consumers, while giving IKEA opportunities to join the small business community and continue to grow with these business owners.

:H�ZDQW�WKHP�WR�WKLQN�,.($�¿UVW�DQG�then come back to IKEA again and again.

The campaign messaging should be directed at the small-business community, using a lot of the same values that IKEA sets for themselves. It should be inspirational, cost-effective, have a sense of togetherness, responsible and creative. These small business owners want to feel like part of the team, and that by linking up with IKEA they will get value in return for their loyalty.

7KH\�KDYH�SULRULWLHV�OLNH�¿QGLQJ�HDV\�WR�DFFHVV�SURGXFWV�DQG�SURJUDPV��IXUQLWXUH�and accessories that are space concious and storage options, they want the space WR�EH�FRPIRUWDEOH�DQG�UHOLDEOH�DV�WKH\�VSHQG�D�ORW�RI�WLPH�LQ�WKHLU�RI¿FHV��DQG�WKH\�want it to be cost-effective.

The idea should be to not have business owners come to IKEA to purchase a set of desks and chairs, but to continue to return for relaible services and quick purchases that they need. They should feel like IKEA adds true value to their business, and the relationship is mutual.

Keep these messages in mind, as they helped build the tactics that we will describe in the 3-step campaign for the next section.

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STEP ONE7KH�¿UVW�VWHS�RI�RXU�FDPSDLJQ�IRFXVHV�RQ�PDNLQJ�VRPH�LQ�VWRUH�DQG�FRPSDQ\�changes in order to tackle some of the suggestions or improvements mentioned IURP�VPDOO�EXVLQHVV�RZQHUV�DQG�LQ�RXU�UHVHDUFK��7KH�¿UVW�VWHS�RI�RXU�FDPSDLJQ�consist of; the IKEA showroom space, the IKEA business catelogue, and developing a one-stop-shop for quick and easy access to products.

IKEA SPACEIKEA is known for creative ideas and inspiration that it gives to its customers. People know that they can come into the store and to see small showrooms that can give them ideas on how IKEA furniture will look in their homes. Business RQZHUV�DUH�PDVWHUV�RI�WKHLU�FUDIW��EXW�ZKHQ�GHVLJQLQJ�HI¿FLHQW�ZRUNLQJ�VSDFHV�RU�IXUQLWXUH�WKDW�¿WV�ZLWKLQ�WKH�FRQ¿QHPHQWV�RI�WKHLU�VPDOO�RIIHFHV��WKH\�PD\�QHHG�KHOS��,.($�KRPH�DQG�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH��Q�G���VD\V��³ZKR�VD\V�\RX�FDQ¶W�PL[�EXVLQHVVHV�ZLWK�SOHDVXUH"´�EXW�ZDONLQJ�LQ�WKH�RI¿FH�VHFWLRQ�LQ�,.($�/HHGV�D�FXVWRPHU�KDUGO\�FDQ�LPDJLQH�KRZ�RI¿FH�GHVNV�DQG�ZRUNVSDFH�VWRUDJHV�FDQ�¿W�LQWR�WKHLU�RI¿FHV��

,.($�/HHGV�FDQ�LQÀXHQFH�FXVWRPHU�EHKDYLRUV�E\�FRQWUROOLQJ�VRPH�RI�WKH�SK\VLFDO�factors that they have control over. For instance, the layout of the store, music that you play, the lighting, temperature, and the smells make people stay longer LQ�WKH�VWRUH��0DWLOOD�DQG�:LUW]����������3UHVXPDEO\��WKH�ORQJHU�WKH�FXVWRPHU�ZDONV�around a store, the more he or she will spend (Hornik and Miniero, 2009). Based RQ�RXU�¿QGLQJV�IURP�RXU�VXUYH\��ZH�KLJKO\�UHFRPPHQG�UHRUJDQL]DWLRQ�RI�WKH�RI¿FH�section and to build a few showrooms that will inspire business customers in the Leeds store. This helps us tackle some of the concerns that consumers have over VSDFH��FRPIRUW�DQG�HDVH��7KH\�ZDON�LQ��DQG�ZH�GR�PRVW�RI�WKH�ZRUN�IRU�WKHP��,W¶V�a quick stop in their day.

CATALOGUECurrently, IKEA Leeds has a black and white catalogue that provides basic LQIRUPDWLRQ�DERXW�ZLGH�YDULHW\�RI�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH��7KH�LGHD�RI�,.($�LV�WR�JLYH�inspiration and ideas, which this catalogue lacks. The purchase increases when the customers can see, touch the goods, or when they have clear imagination of how the goods will look in their home. Moreover, advertising in catalogues LQYROYHV�FRQQHFWLQJ�ZLWK�FRQVXPHU¶V�IHHOLQJV�DQG�FDQ�VKLIW�WKHLU�PRRG��'DKO�HW�DO���2003).

ONE-STOP-SHOPOur target audience are busy people and as it was mentioned before they SUHIHU�WR�VDYH�WKHLU�WLPH��:H�UHFRPPHQG�,.($�/HHGV�FUHDWHV�D�HDV\�WR�DFFHVV�EXVLQHVV�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�VHFWLRQ�WKDW�ZLOO�DOVR�LQFOXGH�RI¿FH�VWDWLRQHU\�VXFK�DV�pens, pencils, lamps, accessories, papers, notebooks etc. It will help customers EX\�HYHU\WKLQJ�ZKDW�WKH\�QHHG�DW�WKH�VDPH�SODFH��%DVHG�RQ�SULPDU\�¿QGLQJV��6WDSOHV��������WRRN�¿UVW�SRVLWLRQ�RYHU�,.($�LQ�FRPSHWLWRUV�EHFDXVH�WKH�VWRUH�KDV�HYHU\WKLQJ�QHFHVVDU\�IRU�RI¿FH�GDLO\�OLIH�EXW�GRHVQ¶W�UHTXLUH�D�ORW�RI�WLPH�LQ�VWRUH�to make those purchases. Taking into consideration consumer behavior (Ries, 2009), we can assume that even if customers have planned to buy only one table and one chair but they see also something that is relevant to them they will buy it or will come back to buy it next time.

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STEP TWO)ROORZLQJ�WKH�VXFFHVVIXO�FRPSOHWLRQ�RI�WKH�¿UVW�VWHS��WKLV�VWDJH�LQFOXGHV�WKUHH�individual parts; business card, communications planning and local advertising. BUSINESS CARDFirstly, it is understood that IKEA Leeds already offers a business card scheme, however it is felt that the overall customer offering is lacking and should therefore EH�UHYDPSHG�LQ�RUGHU�WR�UHÀHFW�WKH�QHZO\�UHYLWDOLVHG�FDPSDLJQ��&KDIIH\��������insists that business customers desire a customised service which can easily be differentiated from those targeted at the general public. The primary focus of the updated business card scheme will therefore be the introduction of networking events, for both current and potential small business owners within the Leeds area.

7KH�¿UVW�QHWZRUNLQJ�HYHQW�ZLOO�EH�FRQVLGHUHG�WKH�ODXQFK�RI�WKH�RYHUDOO�FDPSDLJQ�due to its ability to convey a level of two-way communication between both IKEA Leeds and its customer base who are to be made aware of the current changes. A variety of stakeholders will be invited to the event; these will include journalists, targeted small business owners within the Leeds area and specialised IKEA co-workers who understand the purpose of the event. Those in attendance will have WKH�DELOLW\�WR�OLDLVH�ZLWK�IHOORZ�VPDOO�EXVLQHVV�RZQHUV��GLVFRYHU�WKH�EHQH¿WV�RI�WKH�newly relaunched business card and meet with the IKEA staff who will be with them every step of the way. A keynote speaker would also be invited to present at these events in order to gain interest and to make the ensure the evening completely unique and unrivalled. The events would be held within the IKEA store LWVHOI��WKHUHIRUH�PHDQLQJ�DOO�FDWHULQJ��VWDI¿QJ�DQG�RUJDQLVDWLRQ�FDQ�EH�FRPSOHWHG�LQ�KRXVH�ZKLFK�ZLOO�XOWLPDWHO\�VDYH�PRQH\�DQG�DOORZ�IRU�SUR¿FLHQW�RUJDQLVDWLRQ��

As a consultancy, we realise that a lot of small businesses are owned by families, WKHUHIRUH�LW�FRXOG�EH�KLJKO\�EHQH¿FLDO�WR�LQWHJUDWH�,.($¶V�FXUUHQW�IDPLO\�FDUG�EHQH¿WV�LQWR�WKLV�XSGDWHG�EXVLQHVV�DFFRXQW��7KLV�FDQ�EH�XVHG�DV�D�ZD\�RI�HQVXULQJ�OR\DOW\�LQ�WHUPV�RI�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�VXSSOLHV�GXH�WR�WKH�IDFW�WKDW�DOO�PHPEHUV�RI�WKH�WDUJHW�FRQVXPHU¶V�IDPLO\�ZLOO�EH�HOLJLEOH�WR�GLVFRXQWV�DQG�VSHFLDOLVHG�VHUYLFHV��&KLOGUHQ�DUH�RIWHQ�LQÀXHQFHG�E\�WKHLU�SDUHQWV�FKRLFH�RI�FRQVXPHU�JRRGV�DQG�ZLOO�most likely continue to choose a particular brand after leaving the family home. (Harrison, 2013). The children of small business owners may well become future entrepreneurs; due to their families continued relationship with IKEA, we want them to instantly choose this brand when developing their own business space. IKEA will ultimately become part of the family, offering products and services whenever and wherever their consumers desire them.

$IWHU�FRQGXFWLQJ�UHVHDUFK�LQWR�,.($¶V�RQOLQH�RUGHULQJ�SODWIRUP��LW�EHFDPH�REYLRXV�that their offering is somewhat lacking when compared with its competitors. )LUVWO\��WKHLU�ODFN�RI�D�µFOLFN�DQG�FROOHFW¶�RSWLRQ�LV�VRPHWKLQJ�ZKLFK�ZH�HQFRXUDJH�them to tackle. From our primary research, it became evident that small business owners require ease in terms of delivery option, therefore a click and collect service would mean they could simply choose the items they require online then simply pick up their order within minutes. Additionally, this can be considered a tactic to outset the disadvantages of not offering free delivery. Another large part RI�WKLV�VWDJH�ZLOO�EH�WKH�LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ�RI�RQOLQH�FXVWRPHU�SUR¿OLQJ��VRPHWKLQJ�ZKLFK�ZLOO�EH�DLPHG�VSHFL¿FDOO\�DW�EXVLQHVV�FXVWRPHUV��7KH�ZKROH�LGHD�DURXQG�

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this feature is for the consumer to have the ability to view previous orders, seek complementary products and to have contact with an IKEA co-worker who is well informed about their situation and needs. This also allows for easier access to customer accounts by IKEA staff; they will have the ability to help customers in a matter of minutes rather than relying on them repeating the same information that they may have had with another colleague previously.

$V�PHQWLRQHG�SUHYLRXVO\��,.($¶V�LQDELOLW\�WR�RIIHU�IUHH�GHOLYHU\�WR�EXVLQHVV�customers is a major downfall, therefore it would be highly useful to offer µFXUEVLGH�SLFNXS¶�DV�D�ZD\�RI�FRPEDWLQJ�WKLV��/LQNLQJ�ZLWK�WKH�RQOLQH�RUGHULQJ�platform, consumers will have the ability to purchase products online then arrange a convenient time for them to visit the IKEA Leeds store to pick up. Once at the store, the customer will be invited to park in a specialised pickup area where WKH\�ZLOO�EH�JUHHWHG�E\�RQH�RI�WKH�,.($�WHDP��7KH�FR�ZRUNHU�ZLOO�WKHQ�FRQ¿UP�WKDW�WKH�RUGHU�LV�FRUUHFW�WKHQ�ZLOO�DVVLVW�ZLWK�SDFNLQJ�WKH�FXVWRPHU¶V�FDU�ZLWK�WKH�purchased products. This strategy was devised based on the information received LQ�RXU�VHFRQGDU\�UHVHDUFK��7KH�RSWLRQ�RI�IUHH�GHOLYHU\�LV�D�VLJQL¿FDQW�DVVHW�IRU�DQ\�organisation selling consumer goods, both online and in-store (Dibb et al, 2006). The target consumers want ease, therefore this can be considered the second best feasible option apart from offering free delivery.

COMMUNICATIONS,W¶V�LPSRUWDQW�WR�IRFXV�RQ�KRZ�ZH�FRPPXQLFDWH�ZLWK�WKHVH�QHZ�PHPEHUV�RI�the business card. Targeting messages at small-business owners and making WKHP�IHHO�LPSRUWDQW�ZLOO�EH�LPSRUWDQW��$V�ZH�GHYHORS�WKLV�SODQ��LW¶V�LPSRUWDQW�that we also develop in-store communications, online communications, email communications and marketing communications that hold a message that makes a impact on the business owner.

As the program builds, the communications planning will need to be focused on building the community and adding new members to the program. In-store communications both printed and verbal from co-workers should be developed on ZK\�LW¶V�LPSRUWDQW�WR�EH�SDUW�RI�WKH�SURJUDP��DQG�WKH�EHQH¿WV�WKDW�ZLOO�FRPH�WR�the business owner.

After the launch, continued growth should be a focus, however communications should shift to focus more on the community and keeping the community engaged. Educational blogs, emails and messages; helpful hints and tricks in VWRUH��VLJQV�SRLQWLQJ�WR�WKH�TXLFN�DQG�HDV\�DFFHVV�WR�RI¿FH�DFFHVVRULHV�LQ�VWRUH�are some ideas to keep these communications alive.

$W�WKH�QHWZRUN�HYHQWV��LW¶V�LPSRUWDQW�WKDW�WKH�WLPH�LV�XVHG�FRUUHFWO\��0DNLQJ�important connections with the small-business owners by inviting important key note speakers from the local community, recognizing your business card members for big milestones or achievements and sharing stories of business owners that are part of the community will keep members engaged and interested.

Communications of this program can have an element of IKEA and promotion, but should be more focused on the consumer and helping them grow, which ultimately will create loyalty with the business owners bringing them back to the store and spreading the word with like-minded individuals.

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LOCAL ADVERTISINGIn order to communicate and build the programme properly, the overall relaunch RI�,.($¶V�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�VHFWLRQV�QHHG�WR�EH�DGYHUWLVHG�WKURXJKRXW�WKH�/HHGV�area. Due to the nature of the target audience, outdoor media will be used due to its broad appeal and its ability to target a vast number of people on a daily basis. Fill (2011) suggests that billboards are memorable if placed in locations which are visited by people on a daily basis. It is therefore recommended that IKEA place billboards on bus shelters/road sides in locations which are visited daily by those whom commute to work. This therefore provides IKEA with the ability to target DQG�LQVSLUH�VPDOO�EXVLQHVV�RZQHUV�RQ�WKHLU�ZD\�WR�WKH�RI¿FH�

Increasing engagement via company owned platforms can be described as earned media (Fill et al, 2012); IKEA have the ability to access their target market by utilising this. Integrating the campaign into their social media accounts will provide their stakeholders with the ability to interact with content whilst being DEOH�WR�JDLQ�XQGHUVWDQGLQJ�RI�WKH�UHODXQFKHG�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�RIIHULQJV�LQ�WKH�/HHGV�store. Visual content such as photos of the networking events, catalogue design, VSHFLDOLVW�VWDII�DQG�RI¿FH�VKRZURRPV�FDQ�EH�XWLOLVHG�RQ�DOO�VRFLDO�PHGLD�SODWIRUPV��These images can then be accompanied with various hashtags relating to the FRQWHQW�LQ�DWWHPSW�WR�JDLQ�SXEOLFLW\�IURP�WKRVH�LQ�VHDUFK�RI�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH��

Owned media can also be utilised in the form of their website. Once stage one of WKH�FDPSDLJQ�LV�FRPSOHWH��,.($�FDQ�SURPRWH�WKH�QHZO\�UHODXQFKHG�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�segment on their home page in an attempt to persuade visitors to click through to the desired section on the website. The business card should also be advertised on the home page in order to grab the attention of any customer considering buying products for their business and why they should join.

Chaffey and Smith (2013) suggest that paid media is an important tool for any organisation wishing to increase exposure in terms of their online presence. For this campaign, paid advertising will be used via search engine optimisation and pay per click (PPC). Both of these tools should give IKEA the ability to increase WKHLU�SUHVHQFH�ZLWKLQ�VHDUFK�HQJLQHV�ZKHQ�VSHFL¿F�FULWHULD�LV�HQWHUHG��,I�VRPHRQH�ZHUH�WR�VHDUFK�IRU�µRI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�/HHGV¶��WKH�GHVLUHG�JRDO�LV�WR�PDNH�,.($�RQH�of the top and most appealing results. This will also allow for precise tracking LQIRUPDWLRQ��LQ�WHUPV�RI�PRQLWRULQJ�FOLFN�WKURXJK�UDWHV�DQG�WUDI¿F�EURXJKW�WKURXJK�WR�WKH�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�VHFWLRQ�RI�WKH�ZHEVLWH�

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This stage is composed of two components: a detailed and inviting launch event, and a statement on continuing those established relationships.

LAUNCH EVENTThe idea for the launch event is to bring together those new members of the IKEA EXVLQHVV�FDUG�IRU�D�ZHOFRPH�OXQFK�DQG�H[FLWLQJ�ODXQFK�IRU�WKH�,.($�7HDP��:H�think that the networking events from stage two should be done once every six PRQWKV��DQG�WKLV�QHWZRUNLQJ�HYHQW�VKRXOG�KROG�WKH�SODFH�RI�WKH�¿UVW�RQH�

As established before, creating a sense of community with small-business owners KDV�D�ORW�RI�SRVLWLYHV�IRU�,.($��%\�RI¿FLDOO\�ODXQFKLQJ�WKH�QHZ�EXVLQHVV�SODQ��ZH�can share with our clients what is in store for them and set their expectations of future events and offers.

:H�DOVR�WKLQN�WKLV�ZLOO�EH�D�JRRG�RSSRUWXQLW\�WR�LQYLWH�LQ�SUHVV��LQÀXHQFHUV�DQG�those inthe community who can get some good PR for IKEA Leeds in-store and seeing the new features available.

This launch event will take place in IKEA allowing the company to cater for their clients needs in their own element, as well as give the opportunity for new clients to come experience the showroom, one-stop-shop, catelogue and features aroudnteh store.

In order for the guests to have a rewarding experience, we think bringing in a key speaker from IKEA to talk to our guests and connect with them is important. 6RPHRQH�OLNH�D�IXUQLWXUH�GHVLJQHU��RU�KRPH�RI¿FH�¿WWHU�ZKR�FDQ�H[SODLQ�WR�WKHVH�small-business owners how rewarding having a well-designed, workable space can be for them.

CONTINUED RELATIONSHIPSThese networking events open the door to develop a great sense of loyalty with these small business owners, bringing them back to IKEA again and again. By ongoing communications, maintaining promises, and strong, healthy business card campaigns, relationships with the customers with continue past the initial SXUFKDVH�RI�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�

This aspect will work as a cycle linked with stage one and two, and will hopefully continue growing the Leeds business community for IKEA. GB Consultancy believes that continued relationships will be built through the suggested networking events, educational opportunities and continued ease that is offered to their customers at these events, in communications campaigns and marketing.

Page 22: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,


TIMETABLEThe timetable will follow three stages of the campaign.

In phase one, we recommend we allow IKEA to build a new showroom, catalogue DQG�RQH�VWRS�VKRS�LQ�WKH�WLPH�QHHGHG��:H�ZDQW�WKH�IRFXV�WR�EH�RQ�UH�GHVLJQLQJ�WKH�VWRUH�DQG�WKH�FDWDORJXH�IRU�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�WR�IRFXVLQJ�RQ�,.($�%XVLQHVV�DV�one-stop-shop for business customers.

Once that phase is complete, phase two can begin. In phase two, we recommend the campaign takes six months to develop the business card, plan for the networking event and promote the new program building clientele and business card users.

The last step is the launch event, which will ultimately happen over one day. However, the continued relationships is important to take in when thinking of the timetable. Because we recommend a new networking event every six months, with new educational themes for the business card users, this timetable will revolve going back to phase one and two, making sure IKEA is activiely promoting and providing services to new business owners.




Page 23: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,



CATALOGUE AND SHOWROOM DESIGN0LJKW�EH�³IRU�IUHH´�IRU�RXU�FDPSDLJQ�DFFRUGLQJ�WR�,.($�0DUNHWLQJ�DQG�Communication (1999-2012). Ideally, this cost would be something budgeted from IKEA and their yearly plan.

CATALOGUE DESIGN & PRINTING7KHUH�DUH�SOHQW\�RI�GLIIHUHQW�FRPSDQLHV�ZKLFK�SULQW�FDWDORJXHV�DQG�OHDÀHWV��$JDLQ��IKEA may have better processes or recommendations for this plan. Our choice was made based on access to the full prices (taken into consideration all the measurements for the catalogues/brochures that have been chosen by our team).StressFreePrint (2006-2016) offers 20 pages each, in color, size 210x210, double sided, 150 GSM (paper thickness), gloss, and delivery within 4 days. The minimum that can be printed at this website is 25 catalogues, maximum 20000.

Price: 10,000 catalogues = £3,746 pounds

LEAFLETS/FLYERS PRINTING$JDLQ��6WUHVV)UHH3ULQW�������������RIIHUV�ÀDW��LQ�FRORU��VL]HG���[���������*60��gloss, and delivery within 4 days. Minimum that can be printed at this website is 5 OHDÀHWV��PD[LPXP���������

3ULFH����������OHDÀHWV� ���������SRXQGV


Page 24: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,


PPC ADVERTISING )RU�QRZ�,.($�LV�WDNLQJ��WK�SRVLWLRQ�RQ�*RRJOH�6HDUFK�LQ�³RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH �́These expenses are for our advertising in Leeds +30 miles (per month) on Google Pay Per Click (n.d.). Pay-per-click advertising can be a great way to reach small business owners and promote the new business plan. Because many of them are using the internet, and online methods to conduct their business, we think this FRXOG�EH�D�JUHDW�DYHQXH��:H�UHFRPPHQG�D�ODUJH�FKXQN�JRHV�WR�WKLV�DGYHUWLVLQJ��allowing for many clicks and hopefully lots of interest in the new programs.

Eight months, PPC advertising = 4,488 clicks at roughly £2,560 ADVERTISING IN THE CITY (PANELS)Advertising is the cheapest at the bus shelters and costs starting at £150 pounds per week according to Easy Outdoor Advertising (n.d.). You can choose WR�DGYHUWLVH�IRU�RQH�ZHHN��WZR��RU�PXOWLSOH��:H�UHFRPPHQG�\RX�GR�DURXQG�¿YH�weeks, in different locations to increase awareness.


Page 25: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,


EVALUATIONEvaluating the success of a campaign is vital for any organisation wanting to gain an understanding into its effectiveness and to provide strategic direction for the future (Blythe, 2006). To allow for a comprehensive evaluation which relates back to the goals of the brief, those same three individual components will be considered; awareness, engagement and purchase.

AWARENESS2YHUDOO�DZDUHQHVV�FDQ�¿UVWO\�EH�FDOFXODWHG�E\�WDNLQJ�LQWR�FRQVLGHUDWLRQ�WKH�amount of in-store enquiries/interaction between customers and IKEA business staff. This may simply be enquiring about the business card, requesting a copy of the updated catalogue or showing interest in the newly renovated show room. As well as this, online software can be used to monitor social media interaction, click through rates, website views/interaction and responses to advertisements. µ+RRWVXLWH¶�LV�DQ�H[DPSOH�RI�D�WRRO�ZKLFK�LV�XVHIXO�DQG�JDWKHULQJ�GDWD�VXFK�DV�WKLV�and making it useful for evaluative purposes. Finally, follow up primary research can be conducted in order to determine whether IKEA is considered any more SRSXODU�ZKHQ�FRQVXPHUV�WKLQN�RI�RI¿FH�IXUQLWXUH�UHWDLOHUV��*DLQLQJ�WKLUG�SRVLWLRQ�prior to this campaign, it will be relatively easy to determine if the strategy has EHHQ�VXFFHVVIXO�DW�JDLQLQJ�DZDUHQHVV�RI�WKH�FKDQJHV�ZLWKLQ�WKH�RI¿FH�VHJPHQW�

ENGAGEMENT7KH�¿UVW�VWHS�RI�PHDVXULQJ�HQJDJHPHQW�LV�WR�PHDVXUH�WKH�DPRXQW�RI�VPDOO�business owners who are signing up to the newly relaunched business card scheme. This will give inclination into the expanding customers base as well as how these people are choosing to view and purchase products. In addition to this, the networking events will feature an attendance record which instantly allows for the recording of who was present. These people can then be targeted VSHFL¿FDOO\�LQ�RUGHU�WR�LQFUHDVH�WKH�FKDQFHV�RI�UHSHDW�SXUFKDVLQJ��)LJXUHV�FDQ�DOVR�be analysed by taking into consideration the amount of people utilising the new showroom; this will instantly provide information regarding those enquiring about products and allowing an IKEA co-worker to design their space for them. Finally, WKH�DPRXQW�RI�SHRSOH�XWLOLVLQJ�WKH�µFXUEVLGH�SLFNXS¶�VKRXOG�EH�PRQLWRUHG��,I�WKH�numbers are considered high, more money could be invested in order to promote this further.

PURCHASE7KLV�WDNHV�LQWR�FRQVLGHUDWLRQ�WKH�RYHUDOO�VDOHV�¿JXUHV�IURP�HDFK�LQGLYLGXDO�customer. Repeat purchases will also be monitored in order to look at whether WKH�EXVLQHVV�FDUG�EHQH¿WV�DUH�HQRXJK�WR�PDNH�WKHP�OR\DO�WR�,.($�IRU�DOO�WKHLU�RI¿FH�QHHGV��$GGLWLRQDOO\��WKH�XVH�RI�WKH�µRQH�VWRS�VKRS¶�ZLOO�EH�PRQLWRUHG�FORVHO\��It will be important to consider whether customers are coming into the store and buying all of their complementary products on a regular basis rather than choosing rivals which may be closer to where they live. Finally, the key factor is of course revenue; does the combination of both online and in store sales allow for a ��PLOOLRQ�WXUQRYHU�DW�WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�¿UVW�\HDU��

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THANK YOU:H�ZRXOG�OLNH�WR�H[WHQG�D�WKDQN�\RX�WR�WKH�IROORZLQJ�SHRSOH�DQG�JURXSV��ZKR�made this project possible. The time you dedicated to us was appreciated and we learned so much. Thank you from the whole GB Consultancy team.





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Page 29: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,


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Robert Minton-Taylor Senior Lecturer School of Strategy, Marketing and Communications Leeds Business School Leeds Beckett University Tel: +44 (0) 1535 634 634 Mobile: +44 (0) 7947 818 816 E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected] Office Address: Rose Bowl | 1 Portland Gate | Leeds | West Yorkshire | LS1 3HB !09 February 2016 Version 4 !

Page 31: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,

Page 2 of 4 !1. IKEA Company Background !▪ IKEA began in 1943 in the small village of Agunnaryd, in the south of Sweden,

when Ingvar Kamprad, the founder, was just 17. !▪ Since then, the IKEA Group has grown into a global retail brand with 155,000

co-workers in 328 stores in 28 countries generating annual sales of more than €31.9 billion in the Financial Year 2015 (FY15). !

▪ Nearly 772 million customers visited an IKEA store in FY15. In the UK IKEA run 18 stores and 1 new order and collection point store in Norwich. The Leeds store, the subject of this campaign, serves over 1.1 million households within a 45 minute drive time of the store. !

▪ The IKEA vision is: “To create a better everyday life for many people. Our business idea supports this vision by offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.” !

▪ The IKEA values are the key strength to the IKEA and linked to our Human Resources Idea, “To give down-to-earth, straight-forward people the possibility to grow, both as individuals and in their professional roles, so that together we are strongly committed to creating a better everyday life for ourselves and our customers.” !

2. Goals of IKEA Leeds Business Campaign

1. To build £1 million per year in the office furniture and furnishings from across the IKEA Leeds store. !

2. Grow IKEA Leeds’ office furniture and furnishings business by 2.0% a year. !3. Build the profile of IKEA Leeds as a leading centre for the purchase of office

furniture and furnishings. !4. Build awareness of the CSR responsibility of IKEA to the local business

community. !3. Target Audiences/Stakeholders for IKEA Business Campaign !

a) The prime stakeholders for the store are owner managed companies, also known as micro-enterprises¹, employing between 1 to 6 people. !

b) The target market is within a 45 mins drive from Leeds. !c) However it is not expected that the research will be conducted with audiences

outside the Leeds city conurbation. !!! EUR-Lex. (2016). Definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises . Available: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=URISERV%3An26026. Last accessed 12 January 2016.

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Page 32: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,

!4. IKEA Leeds Business Brief !

A. The Questions To Be Answered By The Project? !a) What is the market size for office furniture and furnishings in the Leeds region? !b) Where do home-office workers and small businesses currently shop for their

office furniture and furnishings? !c) What products and accompanying services do home-office workers and small

businesses need from office furniture and furnishings providers? !d) What is the best way to communicate with home-office workers and small

businesses ? !The central question that IKEA Leeds would like answered is this: !

“Where is the growth area at present in the market. Is it traditional office space areas or is it people working from home and providing services and products in a more multi-channel environment?”

Helen Denton, Marketing Manager, IKEA Leeds. !

IKEA Leeds also adds that: !“We are looking at small/start up business, local authorities, not-for-profit organizations and landlords etc. !“The business may be the traditional, office desks, storage and chairs as well as volume sales of not- for-profit office products such as our ‘Marketplace’ products. !“We are still identifying our customer/market, but would look to differentiate these customers through an enhanced service package. !At the moment we only offer accounts to not-for-profit organisations and 'key account' customers, (big spenders). We feel this could be broadened to any business customer. We would be interested in the students’ views on this. !“Once we understand the market potential better we can develop a strategy for launching our offer.” !

Richard Mabbett, Office Manager, IKEA Leeds !5.Having Conducted Research on the Market Use the Results: !

a) To determine what product offerings and service e.g. dedicated call centre, business card etc. IKEA Leeds needs to deploy in order to satisfy its stakeholders’ needs i.e. from its existing or yet to be developed product ranges. !

b) To devise a PR campaign, with suitable messages, to appeal to IKEA’s target stakeholders on how IKEA Leeds should communicate the awareness of its business products and services – in terms of the company’s web presence, literature (including brochures) using traditional and/or social media tools.

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Page 33: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,

6. The Budget !▪ IKEA Leeds has been given an overall marketing budget for this campaign of

£10,000. !▪ Out of this must come marketing, advertising and, of course, public relations. !▪ Please ensure that your recommended PR activities fit within this overall

budget. !7. Dates !▪ Outline Proposal - Emailed to [email protected] and

[email protected] by 12.00 hrs on 22 February 2016 !▪ Dress Rehearsal – 13.00 hrs – 16.00 hrs Portland 216 (PD216) 19 April 2016 !▪ Pitch To IKEA – 13.00 hrs – 16.00 hrs Portland 216 (PD216) – 26 April 2016 !▪ Strategic Report – 12.00 hrs 03 May via MyBeckett !▪ Peer Assessment – 12.00 hrs 03 May via MyBeckett !

8. For Further Information !▪ IKEA Leeds store website: www.ikea.com/gb/en/leeds !▪ IKEA Leeds local community website – and Sustainable living: www.ikea.com/

gb/en/store/leeds/community !You may also email IKEA Leeds, but only the following executives: !▪ Helen Denton, Marketing Manager, IKEA Leeds Email [email protected]

Tel: 01924 427 600 ex 6001 !▪ Richard Mabbett, Business Lead, Email: [email protected]

Tel: 01924 427 600 ex 6361 !NOTE: Only the team’s client contacts can email or telephone IKEA. ▪ Helen and Richard are busy individuals, so their time is precious and it should

be used wisely in answering emailed questions. !▪ You must allow IKEA executives at least 48 hrs to reply to an email and only

the designated IKEA client contact in each group may email IKEA. !▪ To conduct interviews/questionnaires in the sort you need to give Helen Denton

and/or Richard Mabbett 48 hrs notice.

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Page 35: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,

Age: ! ! ! Gender:! ! ! Type of Business:!!Do you work from home or do you work in an office?!!!!How many employees does your business have?!!!!Think about furnishing your office, what is the most important thing to you?!!!!What three furniture stores come to mind when searching for your office?!!!!If you were looking for office furniture, what is the first step?!!!!If you’d like to share any other thoughts or comments on office furniture and how it!relates to your company culture, please feel free to share. !!!!!Age: ! ! ! Gender:! ! ! Type of Business:!!Do you work from home or do you work in an office?!!!!How many employees does your business have?!!!!Think about furnishing your office, what is the most important thing to you?!!!!What three furniture stores come to mind when searching for your office?!!!!If you were looking for office furniture, what is the first step?!!!!If you’d like to share any other thoughts or comments on office furniture and how it!relates to your company culture, please feel free to share.

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Page 37: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,

Store:!Time:!Date:!Who: !!Outside the store - Is it welcoming or inviting?!

What is the first impression of the store? Are baskets and trolleys easily available?!

Special campaigns and offers?!

Do they maintain their main concept? Theme of the store?!

Reduced prices?!

Page 38: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,

Layout? Is office furniture displayed in a certain way? !

Does the store use their own branded furniture, or sell other brands?!

Are brands divided into pricing levels, or is everything placed together?!

Typical customer journey? How do they find the furniture, get it to their car, check out, etc?!

Other opinions or things to mention?

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Page 40: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,

Customer Survey at IKEA

Question 1 What is your age?

18-25 26-35 36-45 45-60 60+ TOTAL

3 37 11 6 4 61

5% 61% 18% 10% 7%

Question 2 What is your gender?

Male Female TOTAL

32 29 61

52% 48%

Question 3 Do you work from Home or in an Office?

Home Office Both TOTAL

19 46 6 61

31% 75% 10%

Question 4 How many employees does your business have?

1 2 3 4 5 6 6+ TOTAL

12 6 5 0 4 2 42 61

20% 10% 8% 0% 7% 3% 69%

Question 5 Think about furnishing your office, what is the most important thing to you?

Space Organization Clean Comfort Proximity Decor/Design Ease Price

11 1 0 13 0 13 1 8

18% 2% 0% 21% 0% 21% 2% 13%

Practicable Necessity Quality Function Storage Safety TOTAL

3 1 7 1 1 1 61

5% 2% 11% 2% 2% 2%

Question 6 What three furniture stores come to mind when searching for your office?

Staples Argos Next IKEA Online Wilko Boundary Mill John Lewis

8 14 1 59 10 0 0 3 TOTAL

7% 13% 1% 54% 9% 0% 0% 3% 109

DFS Habitat Harris Smith the Rink Independent Stores Clas Ohlson B&Q Christopher Pratts

3 1 1 2 3 1 2 1

3% 1% 1% 2% 3% 1% 2% 1%

Question 7 If you were looking for office furniture, what is the first step?

Look Online Go to Stores TOTAL

32 29 61

52% 48%

Page 41: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,

Business Survey

Question 1 What is your age?

18-25 26-35 36-45 45-60 60+ TOTAL

9 17 9 11 6 52

17% 33% 17% 21% 12%

Question 2 Type of Business

Solicitors Hair/Nail Salon Interiors Window Cleaner Dance School Clothing Store PR Consultant Café/Restaurant/Bar

1 6 2 1 1 5 1 20

2% 12% 4% 2% 2% 10% 2% 38%

Accessories Flooring/Tile Florist Boutique Interior Retail Bakery Landlord TOTAL

3 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 52

6% 4% 4% 2% 2% 6% 2% 4%

Question 3 What is your gender?

Male Female TOTAL

26 26 52

50% 50%

Question 4 Do you work from Home or in an Office?

Home Office Both TOTAL

21 25 6 52

40% 48% 12%

Question 5 How many employees does your business have?

1 2 3 4 5 6 6+ TOTAL

10 7 6 6 7 2 14 52

19% 13% 12% 12% 13% 4% 27%

Question 6 Think about furnishing your office, what is the most important thing to you?

Space Organization Clean Comfort Proximity Décor/Design Ease

5 2 3 10 1 9 2

10% 4% 6% 19% 2% 17% 4%

Price Quality Usability Display TOTAL

10 8 1 1 52

19% 15% 2% 2%

Question 7 What three furniture stores come to mind when searching for your office?

Staples Argos Next IKEA Online Wilko Boundary Mill

22 12 4 23 21 6 1

18% 10% 3% 19% 18% 5% 1%

B&Q Wickes John Lewis Currys Harvey DFS SCS

3 1 4 1 2 4 1

3% 1% 3% 1% 2% 3% 1%

Clas Ohlson Homebase Secondhand Store Costco Morrison Furniture Village Sainsbury TOTAL

5 2 3 1 1 1 1 119

4% 2% 3% 1% 1% 1% 1%

Question 8 If you were looking for office furniture, what is the first step?

Delegate to Team Budget Look for Deals Look Online Catalog/Magazine Make a List Go to stores

1 2 2 23 4 4 15

2% 4% 4% 44% 8% 8% 29%

Make a call TOTAL

1 52


Question 9 Any comment?

Cheap and Cheerful is the most attractive feature

Being able to order online, hassle free. No salesperson

Would want to try the furniture before buying

Complimentary products to go with the furniture (e.g. office supplies, equipment)

Guarantee would persuade me to spend more money

Important to us, desk, chair, bin, desk, shelving and tidyness are the most important.

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Page 44: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,


Page 45: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,


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Page 47: SMALL BUSINESS CAMPAIGN - WordPress.comBrief, 2016). IKEA is an international company and sells home furnishings and home accessories in 28 countries all over the world (IKEA Group,


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'DWDPRQLWRU��������+RPH�5HWDLO�*URXS�3/&��>2QOLQH@�$YDLODEOH�IURP���KWWS���HGV�E�HEVFRKRVW�FRP�eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=0194937b-7f0f-40e3-9ba2-727db26c014d%40sessionmgr104&vid=8&hLG ���!�>/DVW�DFFHVVHG������������@



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0DWLOOD��$��DQG�:LUW]��-���������7KH�5ROH�RI�6WRUH�(QYLURQPHQWDO�6WLPXODWLRQ�DQG�6RFLDO�)DFWRUV�RQ�Impulse Purchasing. Journal of Services Marketing, 22 (7), pp. 562–567.

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