Slope in the Real World By: Lyndsey Rawls

Slope in the real world

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Page 1: Slope in the real world

Slope in the Real World

By: Lyndsey Rawls

Page 2: Slope in the real world

Definition of SlopeSlope: slope defines the steepness, or

incline of a line. Equation: y2-y1

m= _____ x2-x1

Or rise

_____ run

Page 3: Slope in the real world

Positive(increasing) SlopeThese mountains pictured in this photo can be an example of positive slope. The mountains get higher, the higher you go up on them. There is a point where it starts to descend, on the other side, but if you start from the bottom of a mountain, both sides increase. When your keeping place in a book of a yours with lets say a marker or pen, the cover of the book is an example of increasing slope. It starts at a lower point, and ends on a higher one. The book cover increases its slope because of the writing utensil shoved inside of the book to keep it propped up. But it is still an increasing slope.

Page 4: Slope in the real world

Positive(Increasing) Slope

The right side of this rock can be yet another example of an increasing slope. The side of the rock starts close to the bottom, and the increases upward, towards the sky.

This light can be another example of increasing, positive slope. As the other examples, it increases upward.

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Positive (Increasing) Slope

This crane represents another example of positive slope. Just like all the others, it begins to ascend higher towards the sky.

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Negative Slope

The ramp seen in the picture to the right is an example of negative slope. The person on it is descending to the bottom (Which would mean he/she started at the top.) Isn’t that what negative slope is all about? Descending?

All of these lines are descending. This picture could be another example for negative or positive slope. You could look at it either way.

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Negative SlopeThis broken furniture has created a negative slope. Part of it sticks in the air, and begins to slant downward, and the rest in on the floor.

Ah, see-saws. A childhood memory for all. You probably have never thought about them having slopes. Well yes, they have slopes. See-saws can have negative slopes and positive slopes. Depending on the slope you perceive.

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Negative SlopeAs like the rest of my examples for negative slope, they can also be seen as a positive slope too. This mountain descends downward on both sides.

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Steeper SlopeAh…mountains.. The first thing most people think about when they hear the word steep. This mountain expresses a steeper slope.

Steep ramps… also another example of steeper slope.

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Steeper Slope

This road is yet another example of a steep slope. Seems like a difficult road to drive up..

This is a steep bridge. Its slope increases the higher it goes up.

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Steeper Slope

The roof of this church it very steep. I believe this could be yet another example of steep slope. Even though it isn’t a perfectly straight line, the slope still increases.

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Zero SlopeThis would be an example of zero slope. Considering there is no decline or incline in the direction of the line.

This table is flat. Although the angle of the picture makes it not seem that way. It is an example of zero slope, because there is no incline or decline.

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Zero Slope

All of these pictures are examples of zero slope. They do not have an increase or decrease in their slope.

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Flatter SlopeAll of these pictures have a tilt to them, but not a significant one. These are examples of flatter slope. A slope that would be considered a zero slope or a positive slope.

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Undefined Slope

All of these pictures have an undefined slope. They all have vertical lines, which have no slope.

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CreditsSources: www.flickr.comCreative commons pictures