Project Management Articles and Tools Written and created by Roy Vincent

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Project Management Articles and ToolsWritten and created by Roy Vincent

PMO Maturity Assessment

Read more on the South Florida PMI Chapter website…


The Project Manager as Entrepreneur

 All projects have stakeholders; they are individuals and groups who are involved at different levels, have somewhat different interests, and exert varying degrees of influence on the project. No individual, however, is more involved and has more influence on the success of a project than the Project Manager…

Read more on the South Florida PMI Chapter website… http://www.southfloridapmi.org/index.php/new-site/309-is-this-capex-or-opex

Is this Capex or OpEx

One common question that I get from new project managers, and sometimes from experienced ones, is; how should this cost be classified? If you are a Project Manager you have most likely run into this dilemma. Certain costs are obvious; the purchase of equipment, software and other tangible assets are almost always Capital Expenses (CapEx)…

Read more on the South Florida PMI Chapter website… http://www.southfloridapmi.org/index.php/new-site/309-is-this-capex-or-opex