Andrieh Vitimus's Sleepy Time NLP and Magic Redeem or Dissolve Relax, slow your breathing, close your eyes and smile. Feel that smile flow, hum and spread throughout your body. See, feel and hear yourself movin g in space and time. Notice that the place around you has two pools. One filled with a black liquid and one filled with a light liquid. You can feel, see and hear other aspects of the surroundings filling with details in the way that you need them to. Breathe, smile, and relax more deeply. As you keep going deeper, imagine taking a stressful memory and see, feel, and hear it as a shape that you pull out of your mind. Literally, a shape that has weight, might feel heavy, and dragging you down. Push it into the black pool. Notice as you do how much lighter you feel. See, hear, smell, and feel that shape dissolving in the black pool as if it was a powerful acid. The pool just dissolves it. Now, take a positive memory. Pull it out of your mind and notice as you pulling it out of your mind it has a shape, weight and color. Push this positive memory into the light pool. As you do, notice how the pool lights up and vibrates out. After a few moments, the shape rises out of the pool even more powerful and vibrating. Take that shape and place it back into your mind. Feel, see, and feel that positive vibe gushing through your whole body. Keep smiling and breathing. Now go through as many thoughts as you can, with each thought or memory, decide to dissolve or redeem by pulling the thought out and placing it in the right pool for you. Drift off to sleep, continuing to pull out memories and dissolve or redeem all the memories in the way best for you, making you feel happier, more positive and even more awesome. Ancestral dreams. This is slightly easier if you have an ancestor altar set up of

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Sleepy Time NLP - By one of the best in magic: Andrieh Vitimus

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Andrieh Vitimus's Sleepy Time NLP and Magic

Redeem or Dissolve

Relax, slow your breathing, close your eyes and smile. Feel that smile flow, hum and spread throughout your body. See, feel and hear yourself moving in space and time. Notice that the place around you has two pools. One filled with a black liquid and one filled with a light liquid. You can feel, see and hear other aspects of the surroundings filling with details in the way that you need them to. Breathe, smile, and relax more deeply. As you keep going deeper, imagine taking a stressful memory and see, feel, and hear it as a shape that you pull out of your mind. Literally, a shape that has weight, might feel heavy, and dragging you down. Push it into the black pool. Notice as you do how much lighter you feel. See, hear, smell, and feel that shape dissolving in the black pool as if it was a powerful acid. The pool just dissolves it. Now, take a positive memory. Pull it out of your mind and notice as you pulling it out of your mind it has a shape, weight and color. Push this positive memory into the light pool. As you do, notice how the pool lights up and vibrates out. After a few moments, the shape rises out of the pool even more powerful and vibrating. Take that shape and place it back into your mind. Feel, see, and feel that positive vibe gushing through your whole body. Keep smiling and breathing. Now go through as many thoughts as you can, with each thought or memory, decide to dissolve or redeem by pulling the thought out and placing it in the right pool for you. Drift off to sleep, continuing to pull out memories and dissolve or redeem all the memories in the way best for you, making you feel happier, more positive and even more awesome.

Ancestral dreams.

This is slightly easier if you have an ancestor altar set up of some kind. I am a few days late in posting this, but it is still important in this season. For this, take a shower right before bed. As per my initiatory tradition, it is best to put on whites clothes or lightly colored clothes. Lay down and take deep breaths. Smile and feel, see, and hear that smile ripple through your body as all of those sensations you know as happiness rush and flow through out your body. Keep breathing and smiling, deeper and more fully. Now, as you relax more fully, breathing deeper, start to think of a deceased family member who you know loves you. Concentrate on those special sensations of love. See, Feel, Hear positive memories you had with that person. You might even notice a spot around you that feels powerfully aligned with those sensations. Allow yourself to know, feel, see, hear that love from that spot. As you focus on that spot see, hear and feel your ancestor’s presence. Keep breathing, express your gratitude and thanks. Feel, see, and hear those special sensations you know as love increase as you breathe more deeply. Pick a second ancestor you know loves you, now allow yourself to feel, hear, and see any positive memories with them. You might notice a second spot. As you focus on the spot, feel, know, feel, see and hear love coming from that spot as you feel the second ancestor’s presence. Breathe more deeply. Express Gratitude and love. Feel that love more fully as express the gratitude. Keep going,

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inviting more ancestors around you. As you drift oft to sleep, keep thinking about different ancestors who love you, each occupying a different spot as you feel completely supported and loved by those who came before you.

Lightning Expansion

Relax. Slow your breathing. Close your eyes and smile. Feel that smile flow, hum and spread throughout your body. Feel that vibe- the hum, the flow- possibly colors and textures of that happy sensation spreading outside of your body. Now extend that happy sensation as far as you can. Notice that there seems to be a barrier representing the limits of your universe that you are unable to push the happy sensations colors and textures through. Breathe deeply and smile more deeply. Imagine a pressure and white light building above your head. Feel, see, hear this white light growing in intensity and pressure. Keep breathing deeply and smiling. Keep going- feeling that pressure building and building until you can’t take it. Then see, feel, hear that light arc through you like lightning toward that barrier as if you were connected directly to the Grace of God (or Goddess). See, feel, hear that barrier crumble in the thunder of the lightning. Breathe deeply, smile deeply. Again let that happy sensation, color, hum, vibe, and texture spread throughout your body, and out. Drift off to sleep as those vibes extend past the destroyed barrier and smile even more deeply as you realize your personal universe has expanded in marvelous and exciting ways. As you dream, experience those future memories of your whole new expanded universe.

Cloud Vision

Close your eyes. Breathe as deeply as you can. Smile. This time, as you feel, see and even hear that smile rushing through your body, start to feel your body lighten. Keep breathing deeply, and let the smile reach down to the tips of your feet, as well as the top of your head. See, feel, and hear yourself start to float off the ground and up. As your body starts to float, more and more of your worries and stress stays behind on the ground. As you continue to breathe more and more deeply, feel, see and even hear the clouds come down and pull you up further and further. In fact, as you keep going higher, the events and circumstances of your life get smaller and smaller, each memory, like a small street from the highest cloud. You can see your whole life from 50,000 ft and you notice how easy it is to chart a new course from so high above. As you are fully supported by the clouds, allow yourself to contemplate and chart that future life easily knowing the easiest path with such a high view. Breathe, Smile, and let yourself drift off as your subconscious mind helps you implement that course.

Multiplying Banishing Smile.

Sometimes you need to feel good, but not just good- really good. Breathe, and close your eyes. Imagine that you are in a shower with the perfect temperature water. As each drop rolls off your body, feel some of the tension and negativity roll down. As relax more fully, there are more and more drops of water that take away more of the stress and negativity. As there are more drops, relax more fully. Keep going till there is a rushing waterfall at the perfect temperature. As you relax more fully, imagine that water fall at the perfect temperature becomes liquid light, dissolving any negativity around you. As you

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breathe more deeply, let that waterfall of light flow in through your head and out the bottom of your feet. Dissolve any negativity and let it flow out. Now as you are feeling the liquid light rush through you, imagine what it would be like if the top of your head felt, looked and sounded happy. Does this have a certain texture or vibe? As you concentrate on the flows, that liquid happiness starts to drip downward through the top of your spine down your midsection, to the knees and out through the bottom of your feet. As you relax more, there is more and more of the liquid happiness rushing throughout your body. See, feel, and hear the happiness rush through your body. As you do, imagine that the rushing happiness condenses in your feet. Perhaps it changes color or texture or increases in strength. You can feel, see and hear the happiness condensing and multiplying in you from the tips of your toes up through the angles, up the midsection and through the spine.

This new condensed happiness feels great. Now, start to condense the flow of happiness down into the tips of your toes, this new layer of happiness should be intense. As you begin condensing the happiness into all the cells of your body, into a new even stronger vibe, sight and hearing, then drift off to sleep as your body packs more happiness into your body.A Fairy Tale

For this exercise, you will have to play and have fun. So before starting, commit to having fun. Out loud. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply. Smile deeply and feel, hear and even see that smile to condense down into the tips of your toes and slowly spread up your ankles, through your legs, up your mid-section, spine, neck and even into your mind. Feel the smile echoing through your mind, as your breathing slows and you vibrate with that certain hum you know as that smile. In front you, feel, see, hear a floating book. You can see, feel, and even hear those special sensations that you know, or used to when you were a child call magic beaming off the book. Reach to the book. Feel it opening, and as it does, you realize this is your book. As you start to hear the book speak, and start to see your story flow out of the book, you realize this is your story however it is narrated by a voice, a presence, a shape that adores you and your story. You might even be able to feel, and hear the spirit behind you turn to the page of the book that describes this very moment. Then the book starts from the beginning, of course starting with "Once upon a time". You can see feel and even hear your life narrated in the most vivid and heroic terms, you can see, feel and even hear the events from a different perspective. In fact, each and every obstacle is met with triumphant rejoicing by this spirit that adores you. Every obstacle, proving how heroically triumphant you are and how special you are. You can feel the adoration rushing and pulsating around you. As you follow the story of you from that presence that adores you, keep going to the present time and then, drift a little into the future as the spirit that adores you praises each victory. Drift off to sleep and dream as far as you can in the future as the adoring presence continues to celebrate all of your specific future victories.

The Island of Serenity

Breathe Deeply and close your eyes. Keep breathing deeply and smile. Feel, hear, and see that smile spread as you breathe. You might even notice how that smile has a vibe,sound, or color/texture that starts to spread throughout your body. Slow your breathing down further, as you feel the smile spreading. Keep breathing while descending deeper and deeper into the color/texture or vibe of the smile. Descending down into that texture, sound or vibe of the smile, imagine it as endless sea. The further you go, the more peaceful and pleasant it becomes. Keep breathing and descending. Now as you descend into that texture, sound or

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vibe of the endless smile sea, notice that you approach an Island in the center of the endless smile. As you reach that island, see feel and hear the sensation you know as serenity bubbling up your body. As you climb on the island, you are filled with that serenity. See it, feel it, hear it even taste it on this island. As you breathe more deeply into that serenity, you may even notice a spot in your body that seems to more strongly resonate with that serenity and peace. As you concentrate on this spot while breathing deeply on the island, smiling, drift off to sleep slowly while seeing, feeling, and knowing different times that you can activate that sense of peace in the future, merely by concentrating on that area.

The Tree.

Close your eyes. Breathe. Smile. Allow that smile to spread throughout your body as you breathe in and out more and more deeply. Now, simply remember a time that you were in a forest.Imagine what it would be like to be in that forest at night. See, hear, smell and feel the forest as you go deeper and deeper in. As you keep walking in the forest, breathe more deeply and smile even more. Keep wandering in the forest until you reach a tree that you just love. As you wander, breathe and smile. You will know the right tree. Walk right up to the tree. Reach out to the tree. Hug the tree. Feel, see and hear yourself meld into the tree. As you do- feel, see and hear your roots and stability reaching downward into the earth. See, feel, and hear yourself reaching upward toward the sky. As all of your worries drain down into the earth, feel your smile growing as you become the tree. Feel the starlight shine on you as your branches sway back and forth. As you breathe more deeply, even deeper as the tree, flow back and forth as time passes. Drift off to sleep as you smile, breathing more deeply as the tree.

Magic Thought Organizer. It can often in our complicated world be hard to concentrate or know what to pay attention to. Fear not! We can use our subconscious mind to help. Before starting, listen to a mellow uplifting song you enjoy, and you should take a few moments to think about your long term goals. See, feel, hear them. Even taste those long term goals. Lay down, close your eyes, breathe deeply and smile. Again, breathe into the smile. See, hear, feel that smile throughout all the cells of your body. Now, imagine all your thoughts that you have consciously and subconsciously are objects in a room of your own creation. Depending on how things are going, your stress level, and general mental organization this maybe very cluttered, or ok. Just accept it for how it is. Again breathe and smile. Breathe deeply and imagine sitting in a chair of your own creation that is the most comfortable chair you can imagine in your favorite color. In your mind, tell yourself to organize your thoughts and memories so it becomes easy to move toward your long term success. Now again, breathe and smile. As you smile more deeply feeling the smile throughout your whole body, imagine that a small and tireless helper appears next to you. As that help appears next to you, start to hear that uplifting song. As you hear the song, see, feel and hear the helper start to organize your thoughts and memories. As each memory, experience and thought is put in its proper place for you to succeed, feel, see, and hear your smile grow. As each memory and experience is in its proper place, feel the happiness and success. See the happiness and success. Hear it. As you continue to go deeper and deeper into that smile sinking deeper and deeper into that comfortable chair in your vision, let the helper continue to organize your thoughts and experiences for your success, as you drift off to sleep.

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FLOW increased

Flow is a concept that is pretty simple, but hard to achieve in our modern life. It is often cited as one of the keys to happiness. In a way, it is a type of automatic hyper-focus. This Sleepy Time NLP will help to produce a FLOW state and train a person to achieve FLOW more often. Now, before you start the exercise, think about something that you really enjoy doing that you have gotten good at. A hobby or skill. It could be anything really, but remember a time you were in the zone with that skill, hobby or task. As you remember that, slowly close your eyes and breathe. Smile and then feel, see, hear the smile spreading throughout your body. Now, as you breathe deeply, start to go through one of those times you were working on your skill or hobby and were in the zone. Focusing just on the task, feel, see and hear the task. Feel, see, and hear any and all distractions melt flow away, as the smile increases throughout your body. There is you and the task. Feel time melt away. Just you, the task, and the smile spreading. Keeping going on the task, letting time melt away, as you drift oft to sleep in the zone.

Chalice of Forgiveness and Absolution

We all do things that we may later regret. This sleepy time uses a mantra personally tied for me to the Christos Spirit (which is the Gnostic version of Christ). It is a very powerful spirit of love and forgiveness. Breathe deeply. As you are breathing deeply, see, feel, hear yourself walking up a forest path on a mountain. Watch and notice each of the trees going by as you walk upward. As you keep walking up the mountain- feel yourself growing heavier and heavier. Feel, see, hear the burdens you are carrying. Each burden is something that you regret or believe that you did wrong. Keep walking up the Mountain. Feel, see, hear, and smell the trees the dirt etc. Keep breathing deeply, even though the weight of the burdens drags you down. It gets harder and harder to walk. As you get near the top of the mountain- see, feel and hear a brilliant white temple of your own design with steps. As you reach the temple steps, say and feel the words "Sa-lua-we". As you say the words, imagine a brilliant white chalice filled with a silver liquid in the center of the temple. Repeat the words, "Sa-lua-we" and drink. As you drink- feel, see, hear, and taste some of your burdens shake loose from you. Drink again, and you feel more of your perceived sins and burdens transform into light. As you start to feel lighter and lighter, continue to drink, tasting the liquid and feeling more and more of your regrets and burdens transforming into more light. Drift off to sleep as you continue to go through different experiences- releasing them and becoming more and more illuminescent.

Positive VR Virus

This is for you computer friendly people. Breathe. Smile. Close your eyes. As you feel, see, and hear that smile spread throughout your whole body, imagine that your surroundings start to degrade into code, in the same way Neo sees the Matrix. Code outlines all around you, flowing down in the glowing green glow as the sensory world around you reveals it’s self as a computer simulation that is easily changed. Feel the matrix character flowing in outlines around you. Now imagine that smile spreading through you into a small sphere in your hands (now also source code). See, feel, and hear all those sensations of intense and positive happiness jelling into your hands. See, feel, and hear that those source code symbols

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in your hands brightly glowing, humming and feeling. As you keep focusing on that sphere, see, feel, and hear the happiness in the sphere as matrix symbols getting stronger and stronger. In your mind instruct the sphere to self-replicate, and as you do, see, feel, and hear the texture, brightness, and even hum of the matrix symbols spreading throughout you, and spreading and changing all of the surrounding code inside you and all around you. As you start to see the code transforming, feel, see, and hear that happiness and positivity code, spreading all around you, as you drift off to sleep.

Self-Forgiveness. Self-forgiveness and self-support is one of the most powerful keys to success. Before we start tonight, I want you to remember a time when you were very honestly supportive of a friend or family member. Honestly supportive and trying to help. You may have noticed that when you were honestly supportive, you had a certain body posture and a certain tone of voice. You might even be a certain vibe of support that you understand. Now, I want you to remember a second time you were honestly supportive of someone. Again, notice your voice and body posture and the vibe you had. Now, breathe deeply and smile. As you smile more deeply, feel the smile in the tips of your toes. Maybe the smile has a color or texture that spreads through your body. In that supportive voice, say "I forgive myself for anything I did wrong in the day". Smile again. Breathe deeply and smile through the tips of your toes. Again forgive yourself in that supportive voice. Now, in that supportive voice, offer yourself words of encouragement. Keep offering yourself encouragement while smiling using that special voice. Feel the support and empowerment trickling in through every cell of your body. Perhaps the support from that voice has a certain color and texture that spreads throughout your body. As you are feeling more and more supported, listen more deeply to that voice while smiling as you drift off to sleep.

As the Seasons Change So do You. Happy Equinox a couple days late. The changing seasons are a great way to let go of the effect of experiences that you do not need anymore. Smile and breathe deeply. Allow yourself to see, feel, and even hear the changing seasons affecting you in the same way it affects a tree. Now, as you imagine different memories, allow the effects or sensations of unneeded and unproductive memories to pop out of your mind into 2-D pictures, then to faded crumbled pictures, and then like leaves see them drift away into the fall winds. Keep releasing memories one by one, and then release many memories at a time just as the trees release their leaves in this season. Breathe and smile, each release giving you more room to fill yourself up with that smile and joy. Release more and more unproductive, stressful or difficult memories. Drift off to sleep, as each unproductive or unneeded memory and experience drifts away carried away by the wind.

On The Road. The Road is a Powerful metaphor of transition. For This, ground and center before sleeping. Breathe Deeply and ask yourself or your guides to show you a glimpse of a destination that could be part of your greatest potential. Breathe deeply. Smile deeply, and imagine you are on the road, in the most comfortable car, in the most comfortable chair, in a car that drives

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itself moving forward in time. See, feel and hear each future memory passing by. Keep breathing. As you go, further and further along, smile more deeply. As you move keep moving forward drift off to sleep while dreaming of that potential destination.

Paying the Smile Forward:Breathe deeply, Breathe deeply in and out and smile as deeply as you can. See, feel, hear, and perhaps even smell that vibe rushing into your whole body as you smile. Breathe more deeply into that smile. A or a few times in the following day, you might think you may have a troublesome experience. Perhaps at the periphery of your body or thought you can feel, see and even hear those experiences creeping in. Now as you start to feel those different experience coming on, just notice how easily you go more deeply into the smile which makes everything seem effortlessly easy. In fact, in all the experiences you think might happen tomorrow drive you toward that effortless joy of that smile, as you are drift off to sleep.

Lord Ganesha Mantra Work. In honor of Ganesh. Simply lay down. Breathe deeply. Inside your mind just keep repeating Aum gam ganapataye namah. As you do, imagine with all five of your senses that you are dancing with Lord Ganesh in a Sea of stairs. Just picture Ganesh way on the horizon and as you keep breathing deeply and repeating the mantra in your mind, he dances closer and closer. As Lord Ganesha dances closer, smile deeper and deeper. Feel, see, and hear your worries melt and crumble as you see feel and hear your happiness and joy becoming stronger and stronger. Keep smiling, breathing deeply. When Lord Ganesha arrives fully, let him whisk you away to a dreamy joyful sleep dancing in among the stars, and where else he might take you in dreams.

Negativity / Marketing and Advertising Recylcing. This is a technique of training your subconscious mind to purge foreign attachments from your mind. First, breathe deeply and relax. Smile deeply and feel, see, and possibly hear that smile as you are breathing deeply. Now as you are breathing deeply and smiling go backwards throughout the day and push any stress or negativity you can remember out of your body and mind into shadowy blob that is next to you. Any feeling, sights, sounds or even smells, push it all into the blog. Go all the way to the morning. As you do this, notice that you yourself are able to smily more deeply and throughly. Breathe more deeply. Bring yourself back to the present moment. Do the same thing, this time pushing any sights, sounds or feelings of any advertisements you can remember ( of course, except mine :), into the blob. Go back from this moment, all the way back to the morning. You will notice you can smile even more deeply and breathe more deeply. Now on the third time, tell yourself to push any advertisements or marketing influence you do not conscious remember into the blog. Any visions that pop into your mind push into the blob as you work back works. Remember to keep breathing and smiling. After you do this third thing, you will notice you can smile even more powerfully and breathe even deeper. Now, will the blob of stuff to soar out to the stars and see, feel, and even hear it separate out into various stars to be recycled. Now as you see, feel and hear the blob separate between the stars. Now as you breathe and smile deeply, pay attention to the stars. Having giving over the negative energy to the stars see which star calls to you most. It might be a certain kind of twinkle or a pull towards it. You will know. Breathe deeply, smiley, and get drawn towards your star as you fall to sleep.

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Neither/Neither and a Question Divination Part 1. This may require some of you to review some of the holding opposites in mind based on several of the Rituals in Hands on Chaos Magic. The holding opposites in mind is originally a technique from A.O. Spare. For this, lay down. Breathe deeply. Smiley Deeply ( this will assure the subconscious mind that it is ok). Formally state your intent to dream an answer to a question or know the answer to the question automatically ( think downloading the information while sleeping like in the Matrix). On one side of your body imagine intense heat as if your body was on Estatic fire. See, Feel, even Hear that traveling up from the tips of your fingers and Toes inward. On the other side of your body, imagine your body becoming ice. See, Feel, even Hear that traveling up from the tips of your fingers and Toes inward. Continue feeling this Fire/Ice combo spreading throughout your entire body and meeting at the center point of your chest. Now, focus on this center point in your chest that is both fire and ice. Our minds have a lot of trouble with doing this, keep focusing on this state of DUAL state while breathing as deeply as possible. Allow yourself to slip into the dream state and pay attention to your dreams, or you may just know the answer to your question. This Neither/Neither State in practice is insanely useful for getting more accurate divinatory answers in my opinion, and priming the mind in this way before sleep seems to trigger the mind to be open to more accurate dreaming answers, or knowledge downloads.

Dream Telepathy Starting. This works better with someone you are on very good terms with. Its a really good idea, to tell the person you are doing some psychic experiments. Before starting, pick a positive memory you have with the person. This is one technique I have found to start working with this. First cleanse and ground by your preferred method before laying down. Showering is great for this. Lay down, breathe deeply. Imagine relieving the experience. Feel it. See it. Hear it. Now imagine that the other person in front of you with all of your senses. Breathe deeply. Now this time, imagine that you are reliving the experience and pulling the other person into the experience. Keep running through the same experience, over and over and over while drifting off to sleep, each time knowing the other person has been pulled into the experience. Touch base with the person on the next day.

Using Love to promote Self-Love. This is a simple technique to reframe negative self talk and negative self relationship. Breathe deeply and relax. Imagine that feeling and sensation of love. It usually comes with Joy and sometimes with a Side order of euphoria. Just imagine what it feels like, how you look at the world, how the world around you sounds when you have that rush. Now as doing that, just imagine yourself there is a mirror of yourself. As you stare at yourself, you just with that Euphoric rush. Perhaps it has a certain color or a vibe. Now, as you breathe more deeply, let the rush grow more deeply (if you haven't already, smile as if you were deeply in love). Somewhere in that mirror imagine, and you will know where it is as you are doing the exercise, you can sense a intense spot of the that euphoria. Focus just on that spot and breathe even more deeply. Let the colors, sounds, waves of feelings, and potentially visions engulf you fully until you cannot pay attention to that spot anymore because you are so immersed in that spot. At that point, let yourself drift to sleep.

Lucid Dreaming Hint One, The hands. This is a Lucid Dreaming hint that I have scene in lots of places, however, I believe I first saw it in LaBarge. Technically, in NLP terms it is a type

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of anchor. As you walk through the day, make sure to take a look at your hands every time you pass through a doorway. Thats right, as you pass through the doorway, take a moment, take a deep breath, relax and look at your hands. Chances are they will look normal all things considered. You have to do this for every doorway you passthrough, every time. Now, when lay down to sleep, breathe and mentally tell your self "Make my hands look different while sleeping". Remember a time you were dreaming and what it was like when you did pass through a doorway. As you relive that experience, what do your hands look like? Now, for many of you, probably not exactly like when you are a awake. That is just a testing phase. As you go condition yourself in the waking world to look at your hands EACH time you pass through a doorway, you will pick up the habit while dreaming as well. Its critical, to breath, relax and then look at your hands in the real world so you are calm in the dream world, or you will wake yourself up. That is the key. Cool I am dreaming like the Fonz NOT @$@$@ oh shit oh shit I am dreaming ( pop your awake, cause you got too excited). Once you note your hands are different, you know you are dreaming. The first couple times you discover you are dreaming, feel free to subtly change things, like the color of things. Like the Matrix, if you change to much too quickly, you most likely will wake up. Personally, I love triply techni-color dreams. Have Fun.

Roleplaying Dream Walks. This Sleepy time technique involves fantasy and priming your mind for dreaming. Through aspecting it is possible to fall into sleep as believing yourself as a mythological creature to help spur on lucid dreaming. Before starting, plan out what it would be like to be a mythological creature. Plan out what it would feel like, what that creature would look like, perhaps smell like, what powers it has. Lay down. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply. Keep breathing slowly. As you do, see your mythological creature way in front of you in the distance. Feel, See, and Hear it coming closer. Keep breathing deeply and that desire to become this creature increase as it moves to you. Keep breathing deeply. Once it is next to you, feel, see, and hear it as powerfully as you can. Feel that total desire to be one with it. Allow it to move into you, as you do, feel, see, hear and even smell you becoming the creature fully. Just keep breathing deeply and run with it. Let any visions come or insights come to you as drift off to sleep. Upon waking, do wake up and stretch, laugh out loud or otherwise banish. Have fun.

Hypnotic Synesthesia. Confusing your mind through imagined Synesthesia is a great way to open up more possibilities and a whole lot of creativity in dreaming and thus art. Close your eyes. Again focus on breathing as deeply as you can. Now imagine your favorite color. Now,as you breathe, either what that color would sound or feel like. Focus on the Sound or Feeling of your color. Try This with a second color. What is the Sound or Feeling of the Color. What happens when you hold multiple colors in mind at the same time, and are taking in the sound or feeling of the color? You might notice this leads to and interesting state that is difficult to describe. Run with it breathing as deeply as you can holding both "colors" in mind experiencing the "feel" or "sound" of both of the colors at the same time. If thats not challenging enough, do 3 at one time. Smile throughout the process ( which will lead to a more estatic dreaming and state). Drift off to sleep while in this state. Have Fun.

A smile is a natural Anchor. Try this. Breathe deeply, close your eyes, focus on your third eye ( usually between and slightly above your eyes). Breathe deeply in and out and smile as deeply as you can wile

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focusing on the spot. Your intention is enough, you don't need to do any other Gigong or Chakra mediation, just focus on that location. Drift off too sleep, allow whatever insight, visions, or sensations to guide you to sleep. :)

Third Chakra, Manipura work. Focus on the point, At the diaphragm, under the triangle where the ribs meet. Close your eyes while in bed and breathe deeply. See and feel a yellow, gold light spread through out your body. Smiling helps as well. While imagining bathing in that light, imagine with all your senses tomorrow going amazingly well and your actions are filled with confidence in all aspects. Just keep breathing deeply and imagining the confidence/good luck and drift oft to sleep.

Spirit Guide. For this sleepy time expertise, please do review some of the comments I have made about spiritual work in the past. Just be careful, and realize results. Get results. For more info see, Hands on Chaos Magic. Breathe Deeply. Close your eyes and smile. Allow that smile to spread throughout your body, and if you have figured out what color or sound that smile has, imagine it spreading throughout your body. Keep going deeper and deeper breathing into that smile as you feel better and better. Mentally ask to find a spirit guide that will help you better connect with your magic. Imagine what it would feel like if a white light streamed into the top of your head, as if "directed from heaven", or if you are more comfortable, imagine this light in the color of octamarine (whatever that means for you). Feel, see and hear that light rush through you as you smile even more deeply. In this brilliant light, imagine a shape. As you continue to breathe and relax, focusing on that shape, start to feel a presence and hear a voice. Breathe more deeply, continue to smile. As you keep focusing on what you are hearing from the shape, and what you are feeling from that presence, it becomes clearer and louder. Ask for a name, as you continue to breathe deeply. Smile even more deeply and allow this presence to guide you into various visions that you can feel, see, hear and even taste. As you descend deeper and deeper into those visions, let yourself drift off to sleep as you connect more deeply to your own magic. Please NOTE: I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT the guide that will look like will come to you, so heres an abstract picture I like.

Accepting the Daemonic.

This is a Sleepy Time NLP and magic post for those of you who might dream a little darker, and like it.

WARNING: For who have troubled past, see comments. If you need a banishing ritual, it will be the first comment. If you have any issues, listen to the path working, it will help. This will be a slightly more challenging exercise.

Horrifying Visions in Jungean thought signal the Daemonic and the movement toward reintegration of lost parts of the self and in some case new expressions of self and power. This

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is the stuff of Surrealist dreams. Relax, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Ask yourself to pull forward a part of yourself that may terrify you or that upsets you (I promise by sleep, this will feel great at the end). Imagine yourself surrounded by darkness and in that darkness stay relaxed and breathing. Keep breathing deeply. Feel that darkness, and possibly hear it. Choose a spot in the darkness where you can feel a presence that you know is yourself. It should make you very uncomfortable. Keep breathing deeply. As you focus on that spot, feel, see, and hear that presence more fully present. Continue to breathe deeply, and just accept whatever comes out. See, feel, hear, even taste that presence. Let your reaction just wash over you and keep breathing. Keep focusing on that presence. Even though you feel uncomfortable, reach out to the presence. Force yourself to do it, breathe deeply. Repeat to yourself. We are. We Are. We Are. As you more fully meld with this part of yourself, force yourself to physically smile. In all the ways you can, project acceptance. Feel acceptance, hear it, even see it as you breathe deeply and feel this hidden part being assimilated. As the melding process moves forward shift to "I am", as the smile more fully spreads throughout your body. Feel the hidden door to this part of yourself swing open with the acceptance and smile more deeply as you breathe deeply. As you are breathing and smiling, allow yourself to drift off to sleep to new visions and experiences that this part of you can bring.

I AM. This was an exercise from Hands on Chaos Magic to reassert personal sovereignty and it also references the magician as the center of their own personal universe. This is a great exercise to start before a weekend of magic. Breathe deeply. Smile. Inside your mind repeat "I AM" allowing each muscle in your body to relax more and more, while feeling that special sensation you know as power. Keep repeating "IAM" while breathing more fully and smiling. Feel, see, and even hear your center starting to feel like the perfect sun of your own life. Let that perfect relation extend throughout your body and see, feel and even hear that sun beaming from your center point. Keep repeating "I am". Smile as you beam that glowing energy even outside your body. Drift oft to sleep breathing the IAM into all of your dreams.

Reflections of Jupiter

It is Thursday. Traditionally, Thursday is Jupiter's Day and this is a slightly more #occult based Sleepy Time NLP. Jupiter is associated with luck, jolliness and mercy. Close your eyes, Breathe as deeply as possible and Smile. Feel, see, hear and even know that smile extend throughout all of your body. Really, see, feel, and even hear those sensations of the smile bubble through all of your body. As you keep smiling, repeat the words “jovis optimus maximus” inside your mind and keep smiling. See and feel an intense blue light cascade down over your body. You might even notice that your smile increases. Now, as your smile continues to grow, and you mentally are chanting ““jovis optimus maximus”, See, feel, hear, smell, and taste that special sensation you know as intense luck and wealth flooding your body, mind, spirit and surroundings. As you know that luck, feel your smile grow intensely as your body resonates with that luck. As you drift off to sleep, see, feel, hear different future memories coming to you and transforming in that Blue Jupiterian Light, as your each element of your life is filled with that great jolly luck and wealth.#NLP, #Hypnosis, #Metaphysics and #Magic: Fumbles to resources.

Breathe deeply and smile. Close your eyes. Feel, hear, and see that smile spread as you breathe. Allow the smile to fade. Breathe deeply. Think about a mistake you made. It’s ok. Just breathe deeply. Really think about it, see it feel it, hear it. Mentally step out of the scene. See it as if on a television screen. Notice how you are holding a remote control with an emotion content slider, and a lesson slider as well as a

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“next” button. Now, on the screen notice how much pain the mistake had caused. Feel it, sense it, and watch as the memory rolls by. Notice that on the remote, the emotion slide is all the way up and the lesson slider is all the way down. Now, turn the emotion slider all the way down. As you do that, the memory on the TV becomes out of focus, looses color, and becomes muted, leaving only a black screen at the lowest level. As the emotion content slider moves down, smile more and more deeply. When it is all the way down, then start pushing the lesson slider up. As you do, breathe deeply and feel your smile naturally grow as the screen changes to a white screen with the most powerful lessons in words you can take away from the experience. You can feel the smile growing as you feel, see, hear, and know the memory is now a resource. Do this for a second memory. After you have done this a couple times, do this faster and faster and allow yourself to drift to sleep as your subconscious mind changes as many as it can fumbles to resources.

Heart Chakra Healing.

Try this. Breathe deeply, close your eyes. As you feel, see, and hear that smile spread throughout your whole body, notice your heart chakra. See, feel, and even hear the vortex of green swirling energies in the center of your chest. As you concentrate on that point, notice how easily memories of love and connection flow into your mind. Breathe deeply in and out and smile as deeply as you can while focusing on the spot. You might notice sounds, sights, or even vibes in that heart vortex that feel off. Continue to breathe and smile. Allow the smile to interact with the green heart vortex until each spot, vibe, or memory that seems off, transforms in the smile. Let any sessions, sights, feelings, or sounds of pain, or suffering dissolve into the smile. Each transformation makes the sensations you know as happiness grow, and the vortex glows brighter and brighter. Keep going smiling and breathing, transforming as you drift off to sleep and the heart chakra vortex glows brighter, stronger and you feel better and better.

Calm Center of the Storm

Of course giving recent events, this is on my mind. It seems appropriate for what’s going on in many people’s lives. Breathe deeply, closeyour eyes, and smile deeply. Notice how easily and powerfully you can feel, see, hear and possible smell that smile spreading throughout your whole body. Now, as you do this you may notice a certain hum, vibe, or texture that files your body up while you feel those sensations of happiness that a smile represents fill your entire body. As you breath more deeply and smile even more deeply imagine that smile extending out of your body and forming a bubble around you. Keep breathing and smiling. Outside the bubble, see, feel and even hear vast winds, storms and issues. Each piece of debris represents an issue, tension or difficulty in your life. You can see, feel and hear those issues on the debris. As the storm is kicking up, you notice how these issues bounce off your bubble of happiness. As piece of debris bounces off your bubble, notice how much more you smile and breath even more powerfully. You start to notice that special sensation of confidence and knowing that you can easily maintain that bubble of happiness within and around yourself regardless of what happens outside the bubble. As you fully realize that fact, breathe more powerfully and smile more deeply. Feel the bubble getting stronger and stronger, as the power of that happiness sensation grows and the bubble becomes more vivid, the vibe stronger, the hum louder. Drift oft to sleep watching each little each piece of debris or issue bounce off your bubble and as you grow happier and happier.

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Relax, slow your breathing, close your eyes and smile. Feel that smile flow, hum and spread throughout your body. Now as you relax, now imagine the various stuff you have in your house or activities that you do. Think about each thing that you own that comes to your mind while breathing deeply. Breathe and smile and ask yourself, “Do I need this?” If you think about the activities you do, ask yourself, “Does this bring me joy?” Now, as you are breathing and asking yourself these questions, commit to simplifying. Imagine what your life could be like with less stuff and fewer activities that are not bringing yourself joy. Each thing that you decide you don’t need, express a willingness to let it go and feel your smile growing. As you see, feel, and hear yourself releasing the things and activities that do not bring you joy- feel, see, and hear yourself smiling more, as your life becomes freer, simpler, and filled with joyful things. See your future simplifying and tell yourself you will act on that feeling of happiness filling your body. As you drift off to sleep, smiling and breathing deeply, you realize that you are more than what you own. Simplify, breath, smile and sleep.

Peek a Boo

It’s no secret that people can be jealous. Worse than jealous, sometimes they are even self-sabotaging. We know from psychology the more that you announce your goals, the less likely you are to obtain them and this is known as the intention-behavior gap. There are a ton of reasons for that gap, and it feels natural and GOOD to announce your goals. Today’s sleepy time seeks to help increase your personal goal productivity by reframing that instinct to announce your goals. Clear your mind, breathe, and smile. As you do, feel that smile flowing through out your whole body and that color, vibe, and possible sound spreading into and possibly beyond even the tips of your fingers and toes. Breathe deeply. Now, see, feel, and hear a situation you can recall where you did talk about your goals. It feels ok maybe even good. Now, think about a situation where you achieved your goals. You know how much better and how awesome it felt when you achieved your goal. You know those special sensations. Now as you imagine future memories, notice how you start to talk about your goals, See, feel and hear yourself stop. As you stop talking about your goals, imagine that internal smile growing in your entire body. Feel, see, and know that you will achieve your goal. Instantly, see, feel, hear, yourself start talking about what you achieved and know that you will also achieve with the goal you started to talk about. Breathe deeply and smile even more powerfully. Pick a second future memory, as you are about to talk about the goals notice how easily and good it feels to stop and talk about achievements and know that you will achieve that goal. As you drift off to sleep going through third, fourth and fifth future experiences, notice how easily and good it feels to stay silent about your goals and how powerful it feels to talk about achievements as you breathe, smile and achieve.

Gravestones and Gratitude

In this time of year, when we are so close to the ancestors, it is sometimes useful to think about the fact we are mortal. Breathe dee

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ply. Close your eyes. Imagine walking into a cemetery. See, feel, hear, and smell the cemetery- the scent of the earth, the twilight mist, and the cool feel of the stones. You might already know what that cemetery is like. Wander around the cemetery. In the mist, notice a gravestone with your name on it. You cannot see the date. This may at first terrify you, it may upset you. Breathe deeply. In a flash, realize that right now however you are alive. As that realization of the right now hits you- feel, see and hear that smile pop throughout your whole body. Express sincere gratitude for the moment right now, for while you can imagine that gravestone, it means that you are alive. As the thought of this exact moment of living hits you, and how lucky and wonderful it is, allow that smile to spread throughout your whole body. As you drift asleep concentrating on the right now, feel, see, and hear how wonderful each moment actually is.

Stillness in the Rain

Relax. Breathe deeply with no pauses between breathes and smile. Internally, hear yourself laughing and allow that smile to extend throughout your entire body. Feel that vibe, color, texture and even hum of the smile spread to the tips of your fingers and even your toes, filling every part of your body. See, feel, hear yourself in a gentle night rain with an umbrella. Listen and feel the pattern of the drops form its own unique sympathy of drips and droops. Smell the fresh rain. Keep breathing deeply. Feel, hear and even see how still and quiet your mind becomes as you concentrate on the rain. Realize as you listen and feel the raindrops around you, you can almost see each of your memories reflected in each drop only for a moment. Breathe more slowly and more deeply. As your mind becomes more and more still, paying attention to each reflected memory within each drop, drift off to sleep becoming more and more still realizing that this too shall pass, as all memories in the rain drops do.

Becoming Elemental Earth.

Now for this relax. Smile and let that smile just extend throughout your entire body. Let that special sensation you know as happiness build and spread throughout your entire body. Now as you relax more and more, just allow yourself to sink into the earth. Feel yourself, teaming with the life under the ground as you feel your skin, muscles, and even blood become hard like earth. As you continue to sink into the ground, feel your sense of time becoming one with the sense of time of Earth. Notice how everything that may have been troubling you becomes a miniscule and tiny blink in such a vast time frame. Everything slows down, as that smile grows. Feel, see, hear, and know that sense of perseverance and fortitude of the earth filling you up. Imagine what it would be like, to build your personal foundation with this fortitude and perseverance. As you sink deeper and deeper, becoming the earth, see, feel, hear and even sense your future memories filling with that perseverance. You know that any issues are just a small blink in the vastness of your success. Drift oft to sleep feeling and knowing that perseverance empowering each moment of your future success.

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Eye of the Tiger

Relax, slow your breathing, close your eyes and smile. Feel that smile flow, hum and spread throughout your body. Remember that special sensation that you have felt when you were feeling confidence and achievement. If any specific memories pop up that support that confidence, just allow them to add to that vibe. Are there any parts of your body that seem to even more strongly vibe with that confidence, or any areas of your body where the confidence seems to project from? Does that spot have a certain color, texture, vibe or even hum? Now as you concentrate on that spot notice how it grows, and you feel more and more confidence. As you focus on that spot, you’ll notice its special vibe, texture, color or even hum. Keep focusing on that. As you do notice that the special vibe, texture, color or hum fills your irises. It’s as if you have the eye of the tiger. As you have that eye of the tiger, see, feel and hear that confidence spread into all of your future pursuits. Drift off to sleep seeing how much more powerful and confident you are in all of your pursuits throughout the future.

River of Healing

Happy Saturday. Slow your breathing, close your eyes and smile. Just gently smile and let it flow throughout your body. Now, imagine going to your favorite river. Try to pick a place on the river that is near a bend in the river. See, feel, hear, and even smell the river. Imagine yourself floating out into the middle of the river. Turn so you are facing downstream. Feel, see, and hear the current rushing under you. If you are so inclined, hum to yourself and feel any spirits or entities rushing around you with the flow of the river. See, feel and hear the current. As you feel that current rushing under and around you, feel your smile growing. Notice how that smile may have a color, texture, or vibe. See, feel, and even hear it more fully spread throughout your body. Now, anywhere there is a part of your body that seems to have a vibe, color or texture, that won’t take on the vibe, color, or texture of that smile, just pull it out of you and push it on the top of the river while the river forces it downstream. Notice how much better you feel as what you remove flows downstream from you. See, feel, hear any painful or stressful memories you can think of draining out of your mind, body and spirit into a sphere in front of you resting on the water. When you are ready, let it go flowing downstream. Notice how much better you feel as what you remove flows downstream and away from you. Feel the river, filling you up as you release those memories. As it does, the vibe, color, and texture of that smile grows intensely. Keep releasing as much as you can. Drift off to sleep, as you let more and more go, feeling better and better. Sleepy time, with attached image ( for facebook experimentation).

Reflections of Jupiter

It is Thursday. Traditionally, Thursday is Jupiter's Day and this is a slightly more #occult based Sleepy Time NLP. Jupiter is associated with luck, jolliness and mercy. Close your eyes, Breathe as deeply as possible and Smile. Feel, see, hear and even know that smile extend throughout all of your body

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. Really, see, feel, and even hear those sensations of the smile bubble through all of your body. As you keep smiling, repeat the words “jovis optimus maximus” inside your mind and keep smiling. See and feel an intense blue light cascade down over your body. You might even notice that your smile increases. Now, as your smile continues to grow, and you mentally are chanting ““jovis optimus maximus”, See, feel, hear, smell, and taste that special sensation you know as intense luck and wealth flooding your body, mind, spirit and surroundings. As you know that luck, feel your smile grow intensely as your body resonates with that luck. As you drift off to sleep, see, feel, hear different future memories coming to you and transforming in that Blue Jupiterian Light, as your each element of your life is filled with that great jolly luck and wealth.

Fumbles to resources.

Breathe deeply and smile. Close your eyes. Feel, hear, and see that smile spread as you breathe. Allow the smile to fade. Breathe deeply. Think about a mistake you made. It’s ok. Just breathe deeply. Really think about it, see it feel it, hear it. Mentally step out of the scene. See it as if on a television screen. Notice how you are holding a remote control with an emotion content slider, and a lesson slider as well as a “next” button. Now, on the screen notice how much pain the mistake had caused. Feel it, sense it, and watch as the memory rolls by. Notice that on the remote, the emotion slide is all the way up and the lesson slider is all the way down. Now, turn the emotion slider all the way down. As you do that, the memory on the TV becomes out of focus, looses color, and becomes muted, leaving only a black screen at the lowest level. As the emotion content slider moves down, smile more and more deeply. When it is all the way down, then start pushing the lesson slider up. As you do, breathe deeply and feel your smile naturally grow as the screen changes to a white screen with the most powerful lessons in words you can take away from the experience. You can feel the smile growing as you feel, see, hear, and know the memory is now a resource. Do this for a second memory. After you have done this a couple times, do this faster and faster and allow yourself to drift to sleep as your subconscious mind changes as many as it can fumbles to resources.

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