Sleep Deprivation and Vigilant Attention JULIAN LIM a,b AND DAVID F. DINGES b a Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA b Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Sleep deprivation severely compromises the ability of human beings to respond to stimuli in a timely fashion. These deficits have been attributed in large part to failures of vigilant attention, which many theorists believe forms the bedrock of the other more complex components of cog- nition. One of the leading paradigms used as an assay of vigilant attention is the psychomotor vigilance test (PVT), a high signal-load reaction-time test that is extremely sensitive to sleep de- privation. Over the last twenty years, four dominant findings have emerged from the use of this paradigm. First, sleep deprivation results in an overall slowing of responses. Second, sleep depri- vation increases the propensity of individuals to lapse for lengthy periods (>500 ms), as well as make errors of commission. Third, sleep deprivation enhances the time-on-task effect within each test bout. Finally, PVT results during extended periods of wakefulness reveal the presence of in- teracting circadian and homeostatic sleep drives. A theme that links these findings is the interplay of “top-down” and “bottom-up” attention in producing the unstable and unpredictable patterns of behavior that are the hallmark of the sleep-deprived state. Key words: sleep deprivation; psychomotor vigilance; lapses; time-on-task; caffeine; modafinil; amphetamine Introduction The complexity of the failures in vigilant attention is underscored by the diversity of compounds that can reverse the deficits caused by sleep deprivation. Caf- feine, amphetamines, and modafinil, each of which has different molecular targets, all cause similar improve- ments when administered to sleep-deprived individ- uals. Because of its serious real-world consequences, elucidating and understanding these biological sub- strates is an important and urgent current topic of investigation. The link between sleep and the capacity to attend to external stimuli is both intimate and inextricable. To the nonexpert, this fact may seem so intuitive as to be almost trivial. Is there any question, for example, that one would prefer to do an important piece of work after a good night of sleep rather than at midnight after 16 hours of continuous wakefulness? Most of us are aware that being sleep deprived for an extended period of time can feel like a physical force acting in the brain, compelling the eyes to shut and mental processing to “switch off,” resulting in intrusive and unwanted lapses in attention. Address for correspondence: David F. Dinges, Ph.D., 1013 Blockley Hall, 423 Guardian Drive, Philadelphia, PA 19104. [email protected] Early attempts to understand the effects of sleep de- privation (SD) on attention were by necessity restricted to behavioral observation and experimentation. How- ever, with the advent and development of methods such as EEG, PET and fMRI, as well as leaps in our understanding of the molecular biology of the brain, we are beginning to form a clearer picture of the re- lationship between attention and sleep deprivation at the cortical and cellular level. We are also beginning to understand how these mechanisms are integrated and interact across these observational scales. In the process, researchers are uncovering layers of complex- ity underlying the simple notion that sleep deprivation compromises our ability to pay attention. In this chapter, we review the body of research on the effects of sleep deprivation on attention, with spe- cial focus on vigilant attention and what is known of its underlying neural substrates. First, we briefly discuss the psychomotor vigilance test, and its importance as an assay of neurocognitive capacity. We then examine four common patterns of behavior that are observed in tests of attention, and particularly the psychomo- tor vigilance test, following sleep deprivation, and dis- cuss the putative neural basis of these changes. Finally, we turn our attention to the most commonly used wake-promoting drugs, reviewing how our knowledge of their modes of action implicate various molecular systems in the maintenance of attention and its failure after SD. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1129: 305–322 (2008). C 2008 New York Academy of Sciences. doi: 10.1196/annals.1417.002 305

Sleep Deprivation and Vigilant Attention · Sleep Deprivation and Vigilant Attention JULIAN LIM a,b AND DAVID F. D INGESb aDepartment of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,

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Sleep Deprivation and Vigilant AttentionJULIAN LIM a,b AND DAVID F. DINGESb

aDepartment of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAbDepartment of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Sleep deprivation severely compromises the ability of human beings to respond to stimuli in atimely fashion. These deficits have been attributed in large part to failures of vigilant attention,which many theorists believe forms the bedrock of the other more complex components of cog-nition. One of the leading paradigms used as an assay of vigilant attention is the psychomotorvigilance test (PVT), a high signal-load reaction-time test that is extremely sensitive to sleep de-privation. Over the last twenty years, four dominant findings have emerged from the use of thisparadigm. First, sleep deprivation results in an overall slowing of responses. Second, sleep depri-vation increases the propensity of individuals to lapse for lengthy periods (>500 ms), as well asmake errors of commission. Third, sleep deprivation enhances the time-on-task effect within eachtest bout. Finally, PVT results during extended periods of wakefulness reveal the presence of in-teracting circadian and homeostatic sleep drives. A theme that links these findings is the interplayof “top-down” and “bottom-up” attention in producing the unstable and unpredictable patternsof behavior that are the hallmark of the sleep-deprived state.

Key words: sleep deprivation; psychomotor vigilance; lapses; time-on-task; caffeine; modafinil;amphetamine


The complexity of the failures in vigilant attentionis underscored by the diversity of compounds that canreverse the deficits caused by sleep deprivation. Caf-feine, amphetamines, and modafinil, each of which hasdifferent molecular targets, all cause similar improve-ments when administered to sleep-deprived individ-uals. Because of its serious real-world consequences,elucidating and understanding these biological sub-strates is an important and urgent current topic ofinvestigation.

The link between sleep and the capacity to attend toexternal stimuli is both intimate and inextricable. Tothe nonexpert, this fact may seem so intuitive as to bealmost trivial. Is there any question, for example, thatone would prefer to do an important piece of workafter a good night of sleep rather than at midnightafter 16 hours of continuous wakefulness? Most of usare aware that being sleep deprived for an extendedperiod of time can feel like a physical force actingin the brain, compelling the eyes to shut and mentalprocessing to “switch off,” resulting in intrusive andunwanted lapses in attention.

Address for correspondence: David F. Dinges, Ph.D., 1013 BlockleyHall, 423 Guardian Drive, Philadelphia, PA 19104.

[email protected]

Early attempts to understand the effects of sleep de-privation (SD) on attention were by necessity restrictedto behavioral observation and experimentation. How-ever, with the advent and development of methodssuch as EEG, PET and fMRI, as well as leaps in ourunderstanding of the molecular biology of the brain,we are beginning to form a clearer picture of the re-lationship between attention and sleep deprivation atthe cortical and cellular level. We are also beginningto understand how these mechanisms are integratedand interact across these observational scales. In theprocess, researchers are uncovering layers of complex-ity underlying the simple notion that sleep deprivationcompromises our ability to pay attention.

In this chapter, we review the body of research onthe effects of sleep deprivation on attention, with spe-cial focus on vigilant attention and what is known of itsunderlying neural substrates. First, we briefly discussthe psychomotor vigilance test, and its importance asan assay of neurocognitive capacity. We then examinefour common patterns of behavior that are observedin tests of attention, and particularly the psychomo-tor vigilance test, following sleep deprivation, and dis-cuss the putative neural basis of these changes. Finally,we turn our attention to the most commonly usedwake-promoting drugs, reviewing how our knowledgeof their modes of action implicate various molecularsystems in the maintenance of attention and its failureafter SD.

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1129: 305–322 (2008). C© 2008 New York Academy of Sciences.doi: 10.1196/annals.1417.002 305

306 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Why Vigilant Attention?

“Attention” has a wide range of meanings in thepsychological literature, and numerous classificatorysystems have been suggested to isolate its componentparts. William James was among the first psychologiststo note that “attention” is not a unitary process, andthat its independent components include “voluntary”and “involuntary” attentional processes.1 These pro-cesses correspond approximately to what we now label“top-down” and “bottom-up” attention.2,3 Top-downattention is driven by knowledge-based mechanismsthat enhance the contrast between signal and noise,and produce biases toward relevant stimulus features.In contrast, bottom-up attention refers to target detec-tion that is driven by alerting features inherent to astimulus.3 These are popular and often-discussed con-structs, and are of some use in understanding attentionfollowing SD. Sarter3 notes, however, that top-downand bottom-up attention are theoretical constructs thatdo not necessarily have anatomically distinct corre-lates. At a neurobiological level, therefore, it is hardto tease apart how or whether these two attentionalcomponents are differentially affected.

In a different body of work, Sturm and colleagues4

have proposed a multicomponent model of attentionbased on its classification into “intensity” and “selec-tion” aspects.5 In this model, the intensity (or tonic)aspects of attention, which include alertness and sus-tained attention, are more fundamental than the se-lection aspects, which include orienting and execu-tive attention.6 Robertson and Garavan7 reiterate thispoint, arguing that vigilance is functionally distinctfrom selective aspects of attention, and closely relatedto the ability to inhibit peripheral or distracting stimuli.The implication of this model is that vigilant attentioncan wax and wane over the course of seconds, notminutes or hours, as previously hypothesized.8 More-over, the ability to carry out the more demanding se-lective and executive aspects of a task is contingenton an agent being able to sustain attention to thetask at hand. Thus, the variance associated with anydeficit in selective attention must be at least partiallyshared with the variance attributable to declines invigilance.

This theme—the fundamental importance of vigi-lance to all other aspects of cognition—has been takenup and explored by researchers of sleep deprivation.Indeed, cognitive deficits after SD can be observedin a wide range of domains, including memory, ex-ecutive function, and the multiple facets of attentionmentioned earlier. However, it is likely that much ofthis poorer performance is attributable to the inability

to sustain attention to the task at hand,9 as this is aprerequisite for all upstream cognitive processing.

A companion hypothesis to this is the controlled-attention model.10 This theory arose from the obser-vation that complex cognitive tasks tend to be affectedfar less, if at all, during periods of interference, or inindividuals with lower attentional capacity [for exam-ple, patients with attention deficit hyperactive disor-der (ADHD)11]. Controlled attention is a synthesis ofintensity and selective aspects of attention, and its re-quirements are greater for tasks that are not intrinsicallyengaging, because of the greater need in these teststo inhibit non-task-related distractions. Thus, sleep-deprived subjects do not need to exert as much ef-fort to engage controlled attention when performingcomplex challenges as compared to basic, unengagingtasks, accounting for the much greater declines on testsof vigilant attention.

Although the two preceding hypotheses approachthe behavioral data from slightly different perspectives,it is universally agreed that vigilance is the componentof cognition that is most consistently and drastically af-fected by periods without sleep. It is also of great inter-est to sleep researchers due to the fact that many tasksrequiring this facility have good ecological validity; in-deed, its failure can result in devastating real-worldconsequences. For example, characteristics of vigilancetasks very closely resemble the operational demands ofthose in jobs requiring long periods of sleep depriva-tion, particularly military personnel and commercialpilots.12–14

For all these reasons, it is critical in both pure andapplied science that the behavioral changes in vigilantattention after SD, as well as the biological underpin-nings of these changes, be clearly elucidated. We thusspotlight vigilant attention in this chapter to empha-size its fundamental importance in the field, as well ashighlight the breadth of research that bears relation tothe topic.

The Psychomotor Vigilance Test

Over the last two decades, the instrument that hasemerged as the dominant assay of vigilant attentionin paradigms of sleep deprivation is the psychomotorvigilance test (PVT).15–17 This simple yet extremelyinformative task has been employed as a marker ofattentional deficit in hundreds of studies to date. Thetest is highly sensitive to SD, and its reliability andvalidity have been amply demonstrated. Because of itsutility and widespread use, we describe the test in somedetail here as the archetype of a neurocognitive assayof attention after sleep loss.

Lim & Dinges: Sleep Deprivation and Vigilant Attention 307

The PVT is a test of simple reaction time (RT) toa cue that occurs at random inter-stimulus intervals(ISI). In the standard administration, the ISI variesrandomly from 2 to 10 s. Across the duration of therun, the distribution of reaction times is flat in thisrange. The standard test is 10 min long. During thistime, subjects are seated comfortably, and instructedto attend to a small, rectangular area on a dark screen.They are told to respond as rapidly as they are ablewhenever they perceive the appearance of a brightmillisecond counter inside this rectangular area. Stop-ping the counter allows subjects to view their reactiontime, which remains on the screen for a duration of1 s, and serves as feedback for that particular trial. But-ton presses when the counter is not displayed on thescreen are counted as false starts, or errors of commis-sion, which subjects are instructed to avoid.

Numerous outcome measures can be collected froma single 10-min bout of the PVT. Although the numberof lapses, or responses greater than 500 ms, is oftenused as the primary dependent variable in the test,important information can also be obtained from themedian RT, errors of commission, the variability inRTs, and the slope of reciprocal RTs across the run(which is a measure of the time-on-task effect).

Various properties of the PVT make it a particularlysuitable test of vigilance for studies of SD. These aresummarized briefly later in this chapter; for a morecomprehensive discussion of the subject, see Dorrianand Dinges.17 First, the PVT has a high signal-load;this allows for the collection of a large amount of datain a relatively short period of time. This signal loadincreases the sensitivity of the test in detecting evenrelatively small changes in attentional function with-out making the task so onerous that it depletes moti-vation. The test is reliable, with intraclass correlationsmeasuring test–retest reliability at 0.826 (P < .0001)for median response times, and 0.888 (P < .0001) fornumber of PVT lapses.17 The convergent validity ofthe test has been demonstrated through its sensitiv-ity to both total19–21 and chronic partial sleep depri-vation,18,22 as well as intervention with psychoactive,wake-promoting drugs.23,24 Finally, the test shows veryminor learning effects,20,25 making it suitable for reg-ular repeated administration over the course of hoursor days.

Effects of Sleep Deprivationon Vigilant Attention

The widespread use of the PVT as an outcome mea-sure in experiments of SD has yielded a vast amount of

data in the field over the past 15 years. Broadly, theseresults have revealed four large areas of behavioralchange, namely that:

1. Sleep deprivation causes a general, overall slow-ing of reaction times.

2. Sleep deprivation results in increased errors ofomission and commission.

3. Sleep deprivation enhances the time-on-taskeffect.

4. Tests of vigilant attention during periods of SDare sensitive to both circadian and homeostaticdrives.

Together, these discoveries have been consolidatedin and form the leading theoretical paradigm describ-ing performance after SD: the state-instability theory.25

According to this theory, numerous competing systemswork to exert an influence on behavior during periodsof extended SD.26 Chief among these are an invol-untary drive to fall asleep and a counteracting top-down exertion to sustain alertness. The interaction ofthese drives results in unpredictable behavior, includ-ing heightened RT variability, as well as the lapsingand false starts that occur sporadically and randomlythroughout each test bout.19

The unpredictability of neurobehavioral outcomesdisplayed by sleep-deprived subjects suggests that ex-tended wakefulness produces a liminal state in whichmultiple biological modules attempt to gain control ofbrain and behavior. Indeed, our current state of knowl-edge indicates that the neurobiology of sleep depriva-tion is highly complex, and the systems that subserveSD-related changes in behavior are, in all likelihood,not independent. Nevertheless, we attempt to surveyand synthesize the literature on the subject here, ad-dressing each of the four changes listed earlier.

Sleep Deprivation Causes a General,Overall Slowing of Reaction Times

Although there is substantial interindividual vari-ability in vulnerability to sleep loss,27 average reactiontimes on the PVT increase in length overall after aperiod of sleep deprivation.19,28–31 This generalizedresponse slowing is also reflected through a worseningof the fastest 10% of RTs on both visual and auditoryvigilance tasks.32 The increase is independent of thefact that subjects are also “lapsing”33–35 (defined onthe PVT as responding more than 500 ms after thestimulus onset), a phenomenon that will be discussedin the following section.

Because virtually all but the fastest RTs on the PVTare affected, it is likely that cognitive slowing is as-sociated with general state-related changes in brain

308 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

activity. These changes have been explored using avariety of instruments and methods. By employingelectrophysiological measures, steady fluctuations inbrain activity have been observed across periods ofSD. General drowsiness is associated with frontal in-creases in theta-band activity, and global increases inresting alpha power.36 In agreement with this, Ca-jochen et al.37 found progressively increasing powerin the 6.25–9-Hz (high theta/low alpha) band of theEEG power spectrum over 34 h of total SD, and drew alink between this and buildup of the homeostatic sleepdrive. This result has been replicated in a number ofSD paradigms.30,38,39 Cross-correlational analysis hasshown that slow-eye movements (SEMs) during periodsof eye closure40 and subjective sleepiness ratings40,41

are good predictors of these EEG power changes. In-creases in absolute theta power are also moderated bybody posture, with attenuation in standing comparedto supine subjects.42

A number of EEG markers have been specifi-cally correlated with performance on tests of vigi-lant attention following SD. Using multivariate EEG,Makeig and Jung43 found that a single principle com-ponent of EEG spectral variance was predictive ofreaction time on a test of alertness. Of the severalfrequencies that load onto this component, it hasbeen suggested that decreased beta activity is moststrongly associated with vigilance changes.44 Later,Jung45 reported that full-spectrum EEG power was amarginally better predictor of reaction times than thesingle principle component, or any of its constituentfrequencies.

Across the substantial body of work on this topic, ithas been generally noted that intersubject EEG out-comes only show strong correlations with performanceon vigilance tests under conditions of severe impair-ment, due in part to the relatively poor signal-to-noiseratio of EEG recording.46 Moreover, scalp electrophys-iology is limited in its ability to localize changes infunction to specific neural regions. To achieve this, re-searchers have turned to neuroimaging methods suchas PET and fMRI, both of which have spatial reso-lution adequate to the task. Brain regions affected bySD are to a large extent task-dependent; however, cer-tain areas—in particular the thalamus, anterior cin-gulate cortex, middle prefrontal gyrus, and inferiorparietal lobes—do appear to show hypoactivation af-ter SD across a large number of paradigms. Althougha metaanalysis of the literature would provide strongerevidence for the claim, we tentatively suggest that thisbrain network is responsible for the main, state-relatedchanges in vigilance that drive global slowing of re-sponse time.

Early PET researchers were among the first to re-port these changes. Using a continuous-performancetest, Wu and colleagues47 revealed strikingly differentpatterns of metabolic activity in sleep-deprived com-pared to rested subjects. Although global mean cere-bral metabolic rate did not change, decreases wereseen in the thalamus, basal ganglia, and cerebellum.The frontal and temporal lobes also showed significantdecreases in absolute metabolic rate after SD. Greaterdecreases in vigilant attention after SD (measured byreaction times) were associated with greater decreasesin absolute metabolic rates.

This shift in functional hemodynamics after SD hasbeen replicated in a number of other PET studies. Inan experiment with a shared but expanded subject poolto their original work,47 Wu et al.48 found the same tha-lamocortical decreases in activation after 24 h of SD,and also observed that these decreases were only par-tially reversed by one night of recovery sleep. Thomaset al.49,50 found both global and regional decreasesin cerebral metabolic rate across an 85-h SD periodfor subjects performing a serial addition/subtractiontask. Relative decreases were observed in bilateral pre-frontal cortex, dorsal and ventral anterior cingulate,dorsal and ventral thalamus, middle and inferior tem-poral gyrus, and in medial temporal cortex. On a grouplevel, decreases in activation in the thalamus, parietal,and prefrontal cortices were correlated with both alert-ness and cognitive performance over time.

fMRI paradigms have found decreased activationin a very similar network of areas. In sustained atten-tion tasks administered to well-rested subjects, goodperformance is most closely linked to activation in aright fronto–parietal network of regions.51,52 The tha-lamus and reticular activating pathway has also beenimplicated with rapid responding.53 Finally, the im-portance in task-related deactivation of certain brainregions has been noted by several authors to be criticalto maintaining a high level of vigilance.51,53–55 Theseareas constitute the “default-mode network,” a set ofbrain areas that show higher levels of cerebral bloodflow at rest than during cognitive task engagement.56

Default areas show anticorrelated activity to attention-related areas, and both networks are vital to optimaltask performance.57

Portas et al.58 studied the effect of arousal as a mod-erator of brain activity to an attentional task, usingmanipulations of caffeine (high arousal), and sleep de-privation (low arousal). The task had a short dura-tion in order to equalize performance across conditionsand ensure that differences were attributable solely toarousal state. The authors found that the thalamus wasthe area primarily affected by arousal-state changes,

Lim & Dinges: Sleep Deprivation and Vigilant Attention 309

with greater activity in this region after SD. Areas as-sociated with attention but not modulated by arousalwere superior and posterior parietal cortices, anteriorcingulate cortex, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

A series of experiments of performance and brainactivation on a Sternberg-like memory task59–61 haveled to the suggestion that the inferior parietal sulcus(IPS) plays an important role in modulating attentionfollowing SD. On this task, the closest associations be-tween brain activation and behavior were between de-clines in surrogate measures of attention (as opposedto working memory) and reductions in activation inbilateral inferior parietal cortex61 after 24 h of totalSD. Using a task that measures short-term memorycapacity, Chee and Chuah62 also found task-relatedreductions in IPS activity that were disproportionatelylower than performance declines after SD, lending cre-dence to the suggestion that the area is implicated inattentional dysfunction in sleep-deprived individuals.

Sleep Deprivation Results in Increased Errorsof Omission and Commission

Lapsing, or failing to respond in a timely fashion to apresented stimulus, is a hallmark of the sleep-deprivedstate.19,25 On the PVT, this is defined as any reac-tion exceeding 500 ms in length. Sleep-deprived indi-viduals experience so-called “microsleeps” and sloweyelid closures,35 and these are typically the inter-vals during which prolonged lapses occur. Lapses alsogrow more frequent as cumulative wakefulness in-creases,19,63 making this variable a useful outcomemeasure of the PVT.

An important but unanswered question in the fieldis whether “lapses” as sleep researchers traditionallyunderstand them are simply slower responses, or havequalitatively different neural signatures. Certainly, mi-crosleeps are discrete phenomona, detectable by EEGand ocular tracking, where a subject is momentarilybut definitively in stage I or II sleep. However, not allsuboptimal responses on the PVT can be explainedin this fashion, particularly since subjects occasionallylapse even in a well-rested state. As a result, researchersof lapses have worked from the assumption that manyslow responses simply fall on the extreme end of a con-tinuum, and are a result of perceptual, processing, orexecutive failures in the central nervous system. SDamplifies the tendency of this system to fail, both moreoften and for longer periods of time.

In support of this formulation, a strong correlationhas been found between the number of lapses made bya subject and the duration of those lapses, with a corre-lation of .75 between the two variables after controllingfor intersubject variance and repeated measures (Van

Dongen and Dinges, unpublished data). FIGURE 1 il-lustrates this point using data from a 2-week partialsleep-restriction protocol, in which subjects were giveneither 4-, 6-, or 8-hours time-in-bed (TIB).64 Compar-ison data are presented from a separate study of totalsleep deprivation lasting 88 hours. In the 8-h TIB con-dition, subjects present with virtually no lapses whentested during the day. With decreasing TIB, however,there is not only an increase in the percentage of lapsesper bout, but also a corresponding increase in averagelapse duration. Expressed another way, subjects whoshow very few lapses after SD also tend to have lapsesof relatively short duration.

Lapses have also been shown to correlate with slow-eyelid closures (SECs).65,66 The communication be-tween hypothalamic or reticular nuclei and midbrainoculomotor regions may account for this close associa-tion. In the two experiments cited, SECs have provento be highly reliable and valid correlates of poor perfor-mance after SD, and are of potential practical signifi-cance in gauging the level of impairment of a workeron the job.

Researchers have employed a number of methodsto identify the neural differences between responsesthat fall on different points in the optimal to subopti-mal range. Using electrophysiological recording with amoving window, Makeig and Jung67 found differencesin both tonic and phasic EEG activity to an auditoryvigilance task after a period of SD, with higher meanlevels of beta, theta, and delta power. In the windowsbefore undetected targets, theta activity decreased andgamma activity increased, while the opposite patternwas observed before detected targets. Townsend andJohnson68 reported that decreased beta power in thisprestimulus window was also a good marker of detec-tion failure. Finally, in a continuous visuomotor com-pensatory tracking task performed during 42 hours oftotal SD, Makeig et al.69 found that epochs of poor per-formance were accompanied by an increase in EEGpower, particularly in the high delta (3–4 Hz) band.

Because of their higher temporal resolution, event-related potentials (ERPs) have become an increas-ingly popular tool for studies of attention after SD.The P300, a positive, poststimulus deflection associatedwith the detection of unexpected stimuli, has a delayedonset and reduced amplitude following SD.70,71 Gos-selin et al.72 observed that, in an auditory oddball task,the P300 is reduced in frontal regions, but increasesover parietal areas, suggesting some measure of com-pensation for impaired executive functioning. The N1,another common marker of attention, is also reducedin amplitude after SD; this result was reported by Sze-lenberger et al.73 on a Continuous Attention Test (this

310 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

FIGURE 1. The average number of lapses on a PVT bout is highly correlated with the average lapse duration. The topleft panel contains data from an 88-h total sleep deprivation paradigm, and the remaining panels depict performance overa 2-week chronic sleep-restriction protocol (4-, 6-, and 8-h time-in-bed). After controlling for subject and repeated measureseffects, the correlation between the variables was .75 (P < .0001).

group did not find differences on the P300 component),and Corsi-Cabrera et al.74 on a simple reaction-timetest. These ERP changes occur over a diverse areaof cortical regions, with the P300 thought to orig-inate from the anterior cingulate cortex, prefrontalareas, as well as the temporal–parietal junction, andthe N1 found over sensory cortex. This suggests thereis no specific area responsible for lapsing, but rathera network of regions that contributes to failures ofattention.

The neural correlates of slow responding have beenexplored in a couple of recent fMRI studies. Drum-mond et al.54 imaged PVT performance in 20 healthyadults at rested baseline and after a period of 24 hoursof SD. Using an event-related analysis of individual re-actions, the authors found that fast reactions were asso-ciated with greater responses in the cortical sustained-attention network, as well as subcortical arousal andmotor systems, while, particularly after SD, relativelyslower responses were associated with a failure to dis-engage default areas.

Weissman and colleagues55 used a more sophisti-cated fMRI analysis method to investigate lapsing, al-

beit only in the rested state. By employing individu-alized regressors based on the reaction time for eachtrial on a global–local selective attention task, the au-thors were able to uncover regions of the brain thatshowed patterns of hemodynamic response that variedaccording to response speed. Slow responses were pre-dicted by the failure of early engagement of anteriorcingulate cortex, middle, and inferior frontal gyrus, aswell as increased target-related activity in the default-mode network. This failure in preparedness presum-ably led to degraded perceptual input, which resultedin greater, compensatory fMRI response in frontal andparietal cortices. Finally, the authors found that activ-ity in the right temporal–parietal junction and rightinferior frontal cortex was related to reaction time onthe subsequent trial, and suggested that these areas areimplicated in re-orienting mechanisms that facilitatefuture performance. This network of regions corre-sponds well to the origins of evoked potentials in thestudies discussed earlier.

When considered in tandem, the results of Drum-mond et al.54 and Weissman et al.55 support the con-clusion that many, though not all, lapses after SD are

Lim & Dinges: Sleep Deprivation and Vigilant Attention 311

FIGURE 2. Number of sleep attacks, or 30-s lapses on a 20-min PVT (every 2 hours) over 42 h oftotal sleep deprivation. Bars show mean (SEM) number of failures to respond for n = 14 healthy adultsubjects. Numbers above bars are percentage of subjects who had at least one failure to respond at eachtest bout time. Failures began at midnight after 16 h awake and peaked at 0700 (7 A.M.) at 26 h awake.

simply an enhancement of a tendency already nascentin well-rested individuals, although this remains to beempirically tested. Although further research is neededto identify the specific elements of failure in this com-plex system, current neurobiological evidence supportsthe notion that sleep deprivation does not fundamen-tally change the nature of regular responding, butrather slows it down due to a number of bottlenecks inneural processing.

What then, of the more catastrophic lapses that arenot simply slow, but a result of progression into truesleep? Microsleeps, or lapses into true sleep lasting sev-eral seconds, have been attributed to a weakening ofthe inhibitory mechanisms in the ventrolateral preop-tic nucleus (VLPO). The VLPO has been identified asa “flip-flop switch” that is stable during rested wakeful-ness, but highly sensitive to small neurochemical per-turbations after SD.75 Because of this instability, thesleep switch is prone to being involuntarily tripped af-ter SD, most often without prior warning. This is onlyone putative mechanism among numerous plausiblecandidates; other brain regions and neurotransmittersystems include the ascending reticular activating sys-tem, the basal forebrain, the orexin-hypocretins, as wellas specific monoaminergic and brainstem nuclei (e.g.,the locus coeruleus).

The features of catastrophic lapse occurrence em-phasize their qualitative distinctness. On the PVT,catastrophic lapses are those in which there is no re-sponse for 30 s. These extreme lapses—which we be-lieve are functional sleep attacks—start appearing after5–6 days of chronic sleep restriction (4–6 hours TIB),and, unlike shorter lapses, are completely absent in in-dividuals with a full quota of sleep (FIGS. 2 and 3). Eventhough time-outs are relatively rare, they are neverthe-less modulated by circadian and homeostatic drives,first appearing after 16-hours time awake with peakoccurrences at the circadian nadir.76 However, unlikelapses of shorter duration, 30-s sleep attacks are notcompletely unwarned. Plotted retrospectively, averageRTs 5 min prior to a sleep attack increase in a linearfashion, suggesting that greater instability in the wak-ing state puts subjects at greater risk for falling intoinvoluntary true sleep.76

It is worthwhile noting that errors of commission,or false alarms, also increase in number during SD,and show the same pattern of circadian modulation aslapses.19 The appearance of false alarms may reflecta compensatory response to drowsiness; however, littlework to date has been done to investigate this behavior.

The two features described so far—generalized re-sponse slowing and lapsing—explain the change in the

312 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

FIGURE 3. Thirty-sec sleep attacks (30 s) during PVT performance as a function of 3 dosagesof chronic sleep restriction for 14 days.

distribution of reaction times that occurs following SD(FIG. 4). As cumulative wakefulness increases, the righttail of the RT distribution shifts, increasing the skew-ness of the left portion of the curve, as well as its secondmodal peak; this is one of the defining characteristicsof the impact of sleep deprivation, as opposed to otherchallenges, on tests of vigilant attention.

More recently, it has been suggested that gammacurves may be useful in synthesizing information acrossmultiple test bouts of the PVT. This method involvesplotting a cumulative distribution function (CDF) of re-action times across multiple tests during a baseline pe-riod, as well as the relevant periods of sleep deprivation(FIG. 5), and then computing a difference function bysubtracting one curve from the other. The maximumdifference between the two curves (baseline versus SD)serves as a single coefficient reflecting the level of im-pairment of an individual. Preliminary data suggestthat this is a valid way of classifying individuals as vul-nerable or resistant to the deleterious effects of SD,77

and that these phenotyping coefficients are stable overperiods of time. Difference values also have utility ininvestigating the sensitivity and specificity of the PVT,for instance, computing the threshold reaction timethat maximally discriminates rested individuals fromindividuals first experiencing sleep-deprivation-relatedimpairment.

Sleep Deprivation Enhancesthe Time-on-Task Effect

The time-on-task (TOT) effect describes the phe-nomenon whereby performance worsens across thecourse of a cognitive task owing to fatigue or other fac-tors (e.g., boredom or diminishing motivation). Thisdecline is usually measured using either the changein reciprocal response speed or number of lapses overtime. Originally thought to be present only in tasksof considerable duration (30 min or greater), it hassince been found that TOT decrements are measur-able within the first several minutes of performance insleep-deprived individuals.78

Sleep deprivation greatly enhances the TOT ef-fect, especially in operations with high cognitive de-mand.15,19 However, as hours of wakefulness increase,these TOT decrements do not change in a straight-forward fashion. Initially, SD changes the slope ofresponses across a task. However, as time awake in-creases further, the intercept, representing the averagereaction time of the first few PVT trials, shifts down-wards, causing the slope to level off. This changearises when subjects are no longer to compensate fortheir attentional deficits, even for very short periodsof time. Finally, the downward movement of the in-tercept stops and the slope of responses once againincreases.

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FIGURE 4. Distribution of reaction times on the PVT over 4 days (88 h) of continuous total sleepdeprivation. Reaction times are bimodally distributed. As time awake increases, the left peak decreasesand shifts to the right, while the right peak increases, reflecting the growing number of lapses per PVTbout.

Various moderators have been found that influencethe degree of impairment caused by TOT. In an exper-iment using both a clock vigilance test (monotonous)and a driving simulator (engaging), Richter and col-leagues79 found relatively greater TOT impairment inthe monotonous task. Steyvers and Gaillard80 reportedthat TOT-related declines can be reversed by incen-tives or rewards. Both these results suggest that thereis at least a certain degree of top-down compensationthat subjects can exert to bolster performance; the re-ality, however, is that declining motivation is in and ofitself an integral part of the TOT effect,81 and shouldpermissibly be treated as such in future experimentalwork.

The biological basis of individual subject and taskdifferences in TOT after SD has not been explored,but it is likely that many of the same systems that sub-serve general response speed slowing play a role inthis deficit. For example, caffeine and modafinil ad-minstration during the period of SD partially attenu-ates TOT effects,23 while a study of insomniacs versuscontrols has shown that it is enhanced in the clinicalpopulation.82

The PVT Is Sensitive to Both Circadian Effectsand Homeostatic Sleep Drive

Human sleep–wake behavior is most commonlymodeled using the two-process model of sleep regu-lation.83 This model consists of two interacting com-ponents: a circadian process, which is a sinusoidal os-

cillator with a 24-h period, and a homeostatic process,which increases exponentially with time awake, anddissipates in a similar exponential fashion. Initially, thismodel was applied to predict sleep propensity;84 how-ever, it soon became clear that aspects of cognitivefunction could be forecast using the model in a similarfashion.

Performance on the PVT is affected by both circa-dian and homeostatic drives;85,86 FIGURE 6 shows PVTdata from an 88-h total SD paradigm, in which both asteadily increasing linear trend and an oscillating circa-dian rhythm can clearly be seen. The number of lapsesand the slowest (10th percentile) reaction times are par-ticularly sensitive in tracking this pattern.63 Critically,the pattern in this figure informs us that decline in per-formance over time during SD is not unidirectional,for example, “circadian rescue” can account for betterperformance in the morning after 48 hours of contin-uous wakefulness compared to the preceding hours ofthe night. Additionally, as time awake increases, thehomeostatic drive interacts with, and exerts a mul-tiplier effect on the circadian cycle, thus amplifyingperformance deficits at each circadian nadir.87

Edgar et al.88 elaborated on the neurobiological ba-sis of the circadian process in their “opponent pro-cess” model of sleep–wake regulation. This updatedmodel highlights the probable role of the suprachias-matic nucleus (SCN) of the anterior hypothalamus asan endogenous circadian pacemaker. The SCN has di-rect axonal projections to the posterior hypothalamus,

314 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

FIGURE 5. Gamma distributions as a way of representing PVT data. All individual reaction times across a period ofinterest are plotted as a cumulative distribution function. The left panel shows data from an 88-h total sleep-deprivation (SD)protocol; the right panel shows data from a 14-day partial sleep-restriction protocol (4-h time-in-bed). One potential useof these curves is to calculate a cutoff point for lapses that produces maximum discriminability between different groups ofinterest. For example, using a 500-ms threshold, there is a 19.2% difference between subjects at baseline and after 88-hSD, and a 16.7% difference between baseline and performance after 14 days of chronic sleep restriction.

and regulates arousal through the action of melatoninand hypocretins.89 Although there are substantial in-terspecies differences, the general effect of SCN lesionsis to disrupt the consolidation of sleep (i.e., during peri-ods when the circadian drive to sleep is typically high),without decreasing total sleep time.

The neural substrate of the homeostatic process re-mains in dispute. One putative mechanism is thoughtto be adenosine, although this contention is still underdebate. With increasing time awake, brain glycogenand ATP levels in the animal brain are steadily de-pleted due to metabolic demand, with adenosine as

Lim & Dinges: Sleep Deprivation and Vigilant Attention 315

FIGURE 6. Errors of omission and commission are modulated by circadian and homeostatic drives.White circles represent subjects undergoing 88 h of total SD, and black squares represent control subjects(8-h time-in-bed).

the final product of the breakdown of ATP. In ro-dents, sleep deprivation leads to an increase in thelevels of endogenous intra- and extracellular adeno-sine in the basal forebrain.90–92 An in vivo PET study ofthe adenosine A(1) receptor in humans after prolongedwakefulness has also demonstrated its up-regulation inwidespread cortical and subcortical regions.93 Adeno-sine is thought to have an inhibitory effect on wake-promoting neurons in the basal forebrain,94 as well asincrease sleep pressure by acting on the VLPO.95 Thisparsimonious hypothesis has been recently challengedby Blanco-Centurion et al.,96 however, who showedthat direct lesions in the basal forebrain of rats dis-rupted the build-up of extracellular adenosine, but didnot affect homeostatic sleep drive after 12 h of wake-fulness. Moreover, the administration of an adenosineagonist to the basal forebrain induced sleep in theselesioned rats. Thus, adenosine’s involvement in sleeppromotion is not as a direct mediator, and further workneeds to be done to address this question.

The consolidation of circadian and homeostatic in-formation from the SCN and the basal forebrain isthought to be carried out in the midbrain structures ofthe medial preoptic area and the anterior paraventric-ular thalamic nucleus.97 Ascending projections fromthe diencephalon subsequently feed this informationforward to higher cortical areas through a number ofneurotransmitter systems,98 and it is likely that these

pathways are responsible for the modulation of grossaspects of attention. In support of this theory, in vivo

neuroimaging studies have shown that thalamocorticalactivation does vary based on both the sleep homeo-stat49,50 as well as the time of day during which thescan was conducted.60

Attention-Modulating Compoundsand Their Molecular Targets

Although the cellular and molecular changes thatoccur during periods of sleep deprivation are becom-ing increasingly well-understood, little research hasbeen conducted that directly links these neurochem-ical changes to the modulation of arousal and alert-ness. Nevertheless, strong inferential conclusions canbe drawn from results of studies of psychoactive com-pounds that temporarily attenuate or reverse the ef-fects of SD. The most commonly used compoundsat present are caffeine, amphetamines, and the rela-tively new drug modafinil; these stimulant and wake-promoting pharmacological agents have been exten-sively studied for their ability to enhance cognitivefunctioning following periods of SD.99 An extensive dis-cussion of each of these compounds is beyond the scopeof this review, so here we present a brief survey of theliterature.

316 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

CaffeineCaffeine is the most commonly used legal psychoac-

tive stimulant in the world, and can be readily self-administered in coffee, tea, and many carbonated co-las. Its arousing effects can be observed within an hourof ingestion, both through decreased subjective sleepi-ness and improvement in objective measures of vigi-lance. Caffeine routinely improves performance on thePVT,100–102 longer visual vigilance tasks,103,104 morecomplex executive attention tasks,103 and reduces er-rors made on a driving simulator.105 Subjects alsoreport lower levels of subjective sleepiness when in-gesting caffeine versus placebo.105,106 The pharmaco-logical effects of caffeine have been reasonably wellstudied. Caffeine is an alkaloid compound that acts asan antagonist on adenosine receptors, causing down-stream increases in dopaminergic and glutamatergicactivity.107,108 Its stimulant effects have been specifi-cally attributed to binding at adenosine A(2A), and notA(1) subtype receptor sites.109 As discussed, the accu-mulation of adenosine in the basal forebrain has beenimplicated in escalating homeostatic sleep drive—thefact that caffeine both counteracts the neurochemi-cal changes and reverses the behavioral consequencesof SD provides buttressing evidence for this conjec-ture. Adenosine A(2A) receptor mRNA is found ex-clusively in portions of the ascending arousal pathway,including the ventral and dorsal striatum,110,111 mak-ing it a plausible candidate molecule responsible forthe declines in sustained attention following SD. In-deed, preliminary evidence in a rat model has directlylinked this adenosinergic build-up with performanceimpairments on a rodent version of the PVT.112

More recent studies have focused on the associationbetween individual differences in caffeine sensitivity,which are mediated by a polymorphism (c.1083T >

C) of the adenosine A(2A) receptor subtype gene(ADORA2A).113,114 Differences in ADORA2A pre-dict the effects of caffeine on both the subjective qual-ity of sleep and the differences in the EEG correlatesinvoked by caffeine consumption during subsequentnREM sleep.114 Retey et al.115 found that caffeine-sensitive individuals showed greater impairment thancaffeine-insensitive individuals on PVT performanceafter 24 hours of SD, but that caffeine administrationreversed this pattern of impairment. The anterior–posterior distribution of EEG theta power was alsodifferent between groups, with caffeine-sensitive indi-viduals showing greater increases in a frontal deriva-tion. The authors suggest that these adenosine receptorpolymorphisms form the neurobiological basis of thestable interindividual vulnerabilities to SD observed byVan Dongen et al.27 and Leproult et al.116

AmphetaminesThe two main classes of amphetamines are l- and

dextro (d-) amphetamine, which differ in their isomercomposition. Of these, dextroamphetamine is the moreabundant subtype, and is also almost twice as potentas l-amphetamine in its arousing effects.117 Relative toplacebo, amphetamines improve vigor and reaction-time performance during sleep deprivation,118–121 andare considered among the most effective compoundsfor doing so.

Various studies have specifically tested the effects ofd-amphetamine on vigilance. Cochran et al.122 foundthat 20 mg of d-amphetamine administered after 63 hof SD improved performance on an auditory RT taskrelative to placebo. Visual vigilance was also boostedby 20 mg d-amphetamine administration after 40.5 hof SD.118 Hartmann and colleagues123 compared thevigilance-improving effects of d- and l- amphetamine,and concluded that the former is more effective in itsenhancement of this cognitive facility.

Outside of the laboratory, amphetamine use by mili-tary pilots has been a focus of study over the last decade.Dextroamphetamine has been reported to have beenused by pilots flying combat missions requiring ex-tended wakefulness, and its users overwhelmingly showobjectively improved performance, and report subjec-tive benefits of taking the stimulant.124–126 The out-come measures in these field experiments are typicallyidentical to predictors of costly errors in actual combatsituations.

Endogenously, amphetamines bind to monoaminetransporters, thus blocking the reuptake of, and sub-sequently increasing postsynaptic levels of dopamine,serotonin, and noradrenaline.127,128 Of these neu-rotransmitters, it is thought that dopamine is themolecule primarily responsible for mediating thearousing effects of amphetamine.129,130 For example,dopamine knockout mice do not experience the arous-ing effects of consuming classic stimulants,131 andDrosophila with mutations in the dopamine trans-porter gene display high levels of activity and reducedsleep need.132

ModafinilModafinil is a wake-promoting atypical stimulant

drug prescribed for the treatment of narcolepsy and ex-cessive daytime sleepiness. When taken after a periodwithout sleep, modafinil reverses deficits in vigilant at-tention,23,118,133–135 speed of processing,136 executiveattention,102,118,137 and performance on operationaltasks.138,139 Modafinil attenuated the TOT effect onthe PVT in subjects who had been sleep deprived for54.5 h.23 In many of the experiments cited earlier, it has

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been noted that the beneficial effects of modafinil aredose-dependent, with 50–100 mg every 24 h producingno significantly greater effect than placebo, and 200–400 mg every 24 h maintaining vigilance near baselinelevels.23,102

The clinical benefits of modafinil are evident inthe treatment of shift-work sleep disorder. In a studyof 32 subjects undergoing simulated night-shift work,modafinil adminstration resulted in significant im-provements in the number of lapses and slowest 10%of reaction times on the PVT.140 In a group of pa-tients with shift-work sleep disorder, being on thedrug improved objective performance (measured byPVT performance) and reduced the number of ac-cidents and near-accidents experienced during com-mutes to and from work, although these patients con-tinued to show impaired performance compared tocontrols.141 In military settings, modafinil is being ad-vocated as a superior drug to amphetamine; althoughthe two substances produce comparable behavioraleffects, modafinil has fewer harmful side effects andgreater acceptability.142

The receptor targets of modafinil are not en-tirely clear, although several studies have implicateddopamine, serotonin, and in particular norepinephrinetransporters143–145 as potential mediators. The drugis hypothesized to increase the inhibition of sleep-promoting neurons in the VLPO via the action ofnorepinpehrine; evidence for this comes from increasesin plasma and urine norpeinephrine levels followingmodafinil administration,146 as well as in vivo studies inrhesus monkeys.144

The effect of modafinil vis-a-vis the orexin-hypocretins has also been considered. Orexins arethought to be responsible for stabilizing the wakingstate, and their levels are reduced in narcoleptic indi-viduals. There is disagreement, however, on the preciseeffect of modafinil on this system. On the one hand,modafinil increases FoS expression in wake-promoting,orexin-rich areas of the brain (the perifornical area).147

However, in a study of orexin (−/−) versus wild-typemice, modafinil surprisingly increased wake time inthe mutant more than the null strain.148 This suggeststhat orexin may contribute to the arousing effects ofmodafinil, but does not on its own fully mediate therelationship between drug and behavior.

Although caffeine, amphetamines, and modafinilall produce improvements in vigilance in the sleep-deprived state, it is apparent that their receptor targetsare somewhat dissimilar. Thus, even at the molecu-lar level, it is probable that multiple systems subservethe changes in attention already discussed. Future re-

search should produce better descriptions of the in-teractions of these neurotransmitter systems, as well asmore closely integrate our knowledge of attention fromthe level of the neuron to the level of human behavior.

Summary and Conclusions

The impact of SD on attention is far from straight-forward. The layers of complexity in this story arisefrom the fact that extended wakefulness affects a num-ber of neurobehavioral systems that then influence oneanother in synergistic or antagonistic ways. Attentionis also affected by the interaction of drives from mul-tiple cortical and subcortical networks, including sleeppressure conceivably from diencephalonic and basalforebrain areas, compensatory, top-down effort to re-main alert from the prefrontal cortex, and motivationand engagement associated with dopaminergic path-ways. Given this, it is perhaps unsurprising that perfor-mance following SD is both unpredictable and opento extremely high levels of interindividual variation.

Identifying the biological underpinnings of vigilantattention may aid us in understanding the neurocog-nitive effects of SD. The PVT, a simple, yet highly sen-sitive and valid task, has already afforded us significantinsight into the behavioral features that characterizesleep-deprived individuals. Future research will doubt-less focus further on the biological basis of these be-havioral features, and allow us to implement improve-ments upon our present pharmacological solutions tocounteract the deleterious effects of SD.

Indeed, the need for these solutions is urgent. Ithas been estimated that as many as 1 in 3 healthyadults obtain insufficient lengths of sleep,149 at consid-erable cost to society. Sleep deprivation leads to anincrease in the risk of motor-vehicle accidents andnear-accidents,150,151 as well as increases in on-the-job errors in a wide range of occupations, from truckdrivers and train operators to medical professionalswho are required to work long shifts with little-to-nointervening rest opportunity.152–154 It is arguable thatmany of these errors are attributable, at least in part,to failures of vigilant attention. By coming to a fullerunderstanding of SD and its deleterious effects, scien-tists put themselves in a better position to both createeffective interventions and educate the public on itsharmful and sometimes devastating consequences.

Competing Interest

The authors declare no competing interest.

318 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences


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