Slavery in the 1800’s

Slavery in the 1800’s

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Slavery in the 1800’s. Critics and Supporters of Slavery. The majority of Southerners supported slavery, but some suggested that it was unconstitutional. Supporters claimed that slavery was the only way to have enough workers on each plantation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Slavery in the 1800’s

Slavery in the 1800’s

Page 2: Slavery in the 1800’s

Critics and Supporters of Slavery The majority of Southerners supported slavery, but some suggested that it

was unconstitutional. Supporters claimed that slavery was the only way to have enough workers

on each plantation. Supporters also claimed that they gave the slaves food, clothing, and a

place to live. Critics claimed that it hurt the economy.

Page 3: Slavery in the 1800’s

Slave Drivers Being a slave driver was one of the worst jobs because he was

picked from the group of slaves to help manage slaves. The owner loved the driver, but the driver’s fellow slaves hated


Page 4: Slavery in the 1800’s

Punishments Slaves’ punishments consisted of whipping, being sold “down river” and being

placed in the sweat box. Whipping was the most common method of punishment around the colonies

because it was the easiest way to punish. When slaves were sold down river, this meant they were being sent away from

their families and friends, which affected many slaves. A sweat box is a box no taller than a normal man and no wider than a normal man.

The slave was placed in the box and stuck out in the open of a sunny area or a cold and damp place.

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Slaves Hardships Slaves dealt with their hardships by talking to their family and

friends, practicing their religion, telling folktales and jokes, and teaching the younger slaves their history.

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Nat Turner Nat Turner was a slave that lived in Virginia. Nat Turner believed that his mission from God was to free the

slaves. Nat led a rebellion that killed his owner and 60 other men. Virginia organized an army to hunt for Nat. During their search, the army killed over 100 slaves. Nat was found and later hanged.

Page 7: Slavery in the 1800’s

The Underground Railroad This was a system that Whites and African Americans helped slaves escape

to Mexico, the North, and Canada. During the day, slaves would stay at these safe houses, and at night slaves

would travel to other safe houses until it was safe enough to go on their own.

Harriet Tubman was one of the main contributors of the Underground Railroad.

She made 19 trips to save other slaves and her parents. She saved over 300 slaves.

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Underground Railroad Map