Slavery Divides a Nation

Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

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Page 1: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

Slavery Divides a


Page 2: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

Setting the Scene…

• Year – 1820• President – James Monroe• Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. • 11 free states• 11 slave states

Page 3: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

How do we admit Missouri?

The Missouri Compromise

Page 4: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

Who was Henry Clay?

Maine = Free Missouri = Slave

12 free states and 12 slave states

Page 5: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

Wilmot Proviso

David Wilmot

Banned slavery in territories won from Mexico.

Page 6: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

Popular Sovereignty – right for people to create their own


Free-Soil Party• New political party

• Keep slavery out of the Western territories.

• Martin Van Buren ran for a second term. (He lost!)

Page 7: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

Setting the Scene…Tempers flare in Congress.

Benton vs. Foote

The reason: California

Page 8: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

California’s Impact…

• Cali wanted to enter as a free state.• 15 free states & 15 slave states• Oregon, Utah, and New Mexico would

follow.• South might secede.• Clay vs. Calhoun• Fugitive slaves must be returned.• Webster wants to avoid a Civil War.

Page 9: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

Compromise of 1850


Page 10: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

What did it accomplish?

• Admits California as a free state.• Bans slave trade in Washington, DC.• Fugitive Slave Act• Upholds popular sovereignty in New

Mexico and Utah.• Settles Texas/New Mexico border


Page 11: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave


• Harriet Beecher Stowe• Popular in the North• Objected in the South• History

Page 12: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

Setting the Scene…

Did the Compromise of 1850 end the debate over slavery?

NO!!!The battle over Kansas.

Page 13: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

• Divided Nebraska and Kansas• Each had the right to decide

about slavery(popular sovereignty)• Supported by the South &

President Pierce• North didn’t like it!

Page 14: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

Kansas is Bleeding…

• Proslavery vs. Antislavery• Border Ruffians vote illegally• Two governments in Kansas• John Brown at Pottawatomie Creek

Page 15: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

Violence in the Senate(again)!

Sumner vs. ButlerPreston to the rescue!

Page 16: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

Dred Scott v. Sandford

• Supreme Court decided slaves were not citizens.

• Congress didn’t have power to outlaw slavery in any territory.

• Missouri Compromise – unconstitutional.• Reaction was mixed.

Page 17: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

The Republican Party

• Formed by Free-Soilers and Northern Democrats.

• Keep slavery out of West and end it in the South.

• John C. Fremont – first presidential candidate.

• Republicans are here to stay.

Page 18: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave


• Born in Kentucky• Moved to Illinois and opened a store.• Honest, witty, plain-spoken, well-


Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Page 19: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

John Brown's Raid

• 1859• Harpers Ferry, Virginia• Accused of treason and hung to death.• Martyr ?

Page 20: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

Election of 1860Republican – Abe LincolnNorth Democrats – Stephen DouglasSouth Democrats – John BreckinridgeConstitutional Union – John Bell

Page 21: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

How they voted…

Lincoln Wins!

Page 22: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

The South Reacts…

• South Carolina secedes on December 20, 1860.

• Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas followed in February.

• Seven states form a new nation called the Confederate States of America.

• Jefferson Davis is named the first president.

Page 23: Slavery Divides a Nation Setting the Scene… Year – 1820 President – James Monroe Thomas Jefferson voices his opinion of slavery. 11 free states 11 slave

The Civil War Begins…

• Confederate forces opened fire on Fort Sumter in South Carolina.

• Major Robert Anderson surrendered to the Confederates on April 13, 1861.

• The Civil War has begun…