T rain the T raine r EMRG/NodeBox invite you to a “Train the Trainer” eion on Ocober 21-22-23, 2013 at the premie of EMRG, St-Jozefsr aat 35, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium. In hi omprehenive raining oure you will learn how NodeBox work rom he inide ou, wi h a olid underanding o he undamenal, o you an ondenly eah i aferward. NodeBox i a grea appli aion or reaing generaive deign and daa vi ualizaion uing a viual, node-baed approah. By learning direcly rom i reaor, you ge he be poible preparaion or giving lae yourel. Who is it for? All eaher working in generaive ar & deign who are inereed in oahing NodeBox 3 workhop. What will you get?  Peronal raining by he NodeBox developer eam.  Inigh in he preen and uure o NodeBox.  Ae o work hop maerial.  Tip and ri k rom our experiene in eahing programming kill o ar/deign uden.  Qualiaion o give NodeBox workhop. Requirements?  Your own lapop (Ma or PC).  Experiene uing NodeBox 3.  Coding experiene i helpul, bu no required.  Training i in Englih, bu he NodeBox eam seak ome Duh, German, Spanih and Frenh, oo. Price? For hi hree day raining we harge €350. Inluded: oure maerial, beverage (oee, ea, waer, e.) and lunh. No inluded: ravel/lodging. I you are inereed we an provide you wih ip. Good o know: Inegraed2013, he deign onerene i happening on 24/25 o Ocober, in ae you need one exra reaon o ome o An werp. Programme:     M    e    t    a     l     l     i    c    a     W    o    r     d    s  ,     ©      2     0     1     3     L     i    e    v    e    n     M    e    n    s    c     h    a    e    r    t

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  • Train the TrainerEMRG/NodeBox invites you to a Train the Trainer session on October 21-22-23, 2013 at the premises of EMRG, St-Jozefsstraat 35, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium.

    In this comprehensive training course you will learn how NodeBox works from the inside out, with a solid understanding of the fundamentals, so you can confidently teach it afterwards.

    NodeBox is a great application for creating generative design and data visualizations using a visual, node-based approach. By learning directly from its creators, you get the best possible preparation for giving classes yourself.

    Who is it for?All teachers working in generative art & design who are interested in coaching NodeBox 3 workshops.

    What will you get? Personal training by the NodeBox developer team. Insight in the present and future of NodeBox. Access to workshop materials. Tips and tricks from our experience in teaching programming skills to art/design students. Qualification to give NodeBox workshops.

    Requirements? Your own laptop (Mac or PC). Experience using NodeBox 3. Coding experience is helpful, but not required. Training is in English, but the NodeBox team speaks some Dutch, German, Spanish and French, too.

    Price?For this three day training we charge 350. Included: course material, beverages (coffee, tea, water, etc.) and lunch.Not included: travel/lodging. If you are interested we can provide you with tips.Good to know: Integrated2013, the design conference is happening on 24/25 of October, in case you need one extra reason to come to Antwerp.

    Programme:Day 1: We will refresh the basics of NodeBox 3 and dive into the system core: how list processing works, how to create and distribute networks and libraries, how to attach custom code to nodes. We will show you the best way to find documentation and help, straight from the source.

    Day 2: PatternWhat do we want to visualize? Where can we get data? What can we learn from it? This course is an introduction to data mining using basic techniques from natural language processing, machine learning and statistical analysis. We will use the Pattern module for Python (http://www.clips.ua.ac.be/pattern), so programming experience is encouraged.

    Day 3: We examine examples and case studies in NodeBox 3 and Pattern and discuss what worked and what did not.

    SymposiumEvery day at 6pm, workshop attendees will have the opportunity to present their own activities in a 15-minute presentation. The aim of the symposium is to promote interdisciplenary discourse, so we welcome all proposals. Speakers are asked to submit a 100-word abstract and a short bio in advance. Presentations are open to the public and will be announced on social media and to the students of the St. Lucas University College of Art & Design.

    Subscription:If you are interested please fill in the form at bit.ly/t-t-t and we will get back to you with all the details.



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