MAGAZINE Autumn 2012 Priceless Interpreters How to Use Them Tinnitus A Sufferer’s Story Autumn Essentials Seasonal Recipes Business Directory Local Interpreters Lifestyle & Culture with Equality BSL Version Now Available Online! Visit www.slfirst.co.uk

SL First - Issue 4 - Autumn 2012

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SL First (Ltd) is the UK’s first local magazine targeted at over 10 million Deaf and Hard of Hearing people in the UK.

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Autumn 2012 Priceless

Interpreters How to Use Them

TinnitusA Sufferer’s Story

Autumn Essentials Seasonal RecipesBusiness DirectoryLocal Interpreters

Lifestyle & Culture with Equality

BSL Version Now Available Online! Visit www.slfirst.co.uk

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We’re looking for people that can support our work with information and experiences to be included in the magazine.

Are you a ‘handy man’ or DIY enthusiast? We need someone to help out with our DIY feature on a regular basis.

Have you got the perfect meal? We’re looking for those special dishes that have either been handed down through your family, or the ones that have served you well over the years. We’d love you to share them with us so our readers can enjoy them too!

Great days out?Have you been somewhere recently that was interesting, fun or just a nice place to visit? How easy was it for you to get all the information you needed to make the most of the experience?

Let Us Know…You can get in touch with us either via our website www.slfirst.co.uk or by e-mailing [email protected]

Your Magazine NEEDS YoU!

Do You have what it takes?





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Contents & Editors Letter


fwd Law . . . . . . . 4-5

Interpreters: How to Use Them . . . .6

Interpreters Directory. . .7

Building a Life as a Deaf Architect . . . . 8-9

Business Directory . . . 10

Just a Thought . . . . . 10

The Ears Have it . . . . 11

Go Karting for Deaf People . . . . . . . 12-13

RecipesEthical Chef . . . . . . 14Waitrose . . . . . . . . 15

Recycling Banks . . 16-17

Will my Tinnitus Ever Go Away . . . . . . . . 19

ContributorsLinda Day & Tessa Padden SignworldlearnChris HeppenstallChairperson English Deaf Go KartingPeter Maynard FWD LawDarren Upton DRU DesignEthical Chef

Designed by Little Birdie Studio www.littlebirdiestudio.co.uk

Contact SL FirstEmail: [email protected]: 02920 695185Mobile: 07786 704223Text (SMS): 077 8670 4223Please remember to include your name and organisation in the text.

Address: Tredomen Business & Technology CentreTredomen Business ParkYstrad Mynach, Caerphilly, CF82 7FN

Sarah LawrenceEditor SL First

In typical SL First Magazine style, we’re back for the Autumn edition, and looking better than ever. This edition sees a much improved layout and style, with all the great content, hints, tips and accessible companies that you’ve come to expect. This magazine started life to include Deaf and Hard of Hearing people in the wider community, but through its success we’ve had to become aware that there are hearing people out there too! So we’re truly aiming for a level field for us all to enjoy our lives, regardless of our hearing. It’s been a tougher season than ever with all the choices I’ve had to make about what to put in this edition, but that just shows how engaged you, the reader, have become with your stories, and ideas for content. We’ve also been able to organise a few events within South Wales, so if there’s something that you’d like to be doing or would like to know more information about, then drop me an email and SL First will start digging.Dare I say it... keep an eye out for our next edition which will have all our tips for Christmas and getting ready for the New Year.

SarahSL First editor

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company that reunites people with inheritances they never even knew they had.

• Personal injury: My specialist area. Trying to get people good rehabilitation treatment and compensation to get them back on an even keel, if they have been injured through no fault of their own. This can range from simple road traffic accidents through to complicated workplace accidents.

What is unique about your company?We are a bit left-field, and try to think of fresh solutions to difficult problems. We pride ourselves on being relaxed and easy to deal with. We either try to stop our clients from having to spend any money, or if they have to spend some, we work hard to keep their outlay as low as possible.

How would you describe your company in three words?Innovative, pragmatic and friendly

How did you get into Law?Blame it on a tractor!! I enjoyed my A Levels so much I did them twice. I then wanted to find a job that would be interesting. Rather scarily, I was advised to look at being a bank manager or a lawyer. On my way to an interview to join a graduate scheme with Lloyds Bank, I got stuck behind a tractor and was late for the interview. As I said, blame it on the tractor!!

Why do you find law interesting?Because you have never seen it all. I also like the fact that law impacts on all of us in every aspect of our life, home, work and social. It can often be a bit scary, so if I can remove the fear, I feel like I’ve achieved something.

What was your most successful case?I’ve been really lucky to deal with such a wide range of cases in my life. I have done a huge amount of noise-induced hearing loss cases for example, so I understand the

SL First ▪ Autumn Edition4

by Peter Maynard

fwdlaw provides first class legal services to business and individuals throughout the UK.


What kind of legal services does your company offer?We offer most legal services that an individual could need. We cover 5 main areas:

• Property: Buying and selling homes and commercial premises.

• Employment: Sorting out disputes between employers and employees, and trying to get in first with policies and procedures so disputes never arise.

• Family matters: Dealing with all sorts of relationship breakdown and the knock on effects regarding finances and children.

• Wills and probate: Putting things in place to make it easier when a loved one goes. Also dealing with the aftermath of a bereavement – this can be straightforward if there is a well drafted will in place, or very complicated and difficult if there isn’t. We also act for an heir finding

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way that hearing loss can affect people’s lives. At one stage, I held the record for the highest amount of damages recovered in a hearing loss claim: my client not only had very severe hearing loss, she also had severe tinnitus that literally caused severe psychological and mental illness. I’m glad to say that by the time we’d finished the claim, we’d managed to get her some treatment for both coping with the tinnitus and to address the mental health problems. Mrs D was literally like a new woman – her husband was in tears. That’s the sort of thing that makes you feel like you are doing something worthwhile.

What kind of challenges do you foresee for the legal sector in the near future?The law is going through the most radical change it has ever faced at the moment. My biggest worry is whether ordinary people are going to be able to access legal advice easily. A legal system is fundamental, but if you can’t actually get your piece of justice (because of cost or location or not understanding), then you have no protection at all.

What kind of barriers do you think Deaf people face in accessing legal advice?I don’t think many people would deliberately discriminate against deaf people – I think most of what happens is down to ignorance. That’s why I am so excited that fwd have access to people like SL First who can show us what we could do better. I think that embarrassment is also a big problem. When you are faced with someone that you can’t communicate with in the usual way, you get embarrassed and flustered. I am learning that it’s OK to get embarrassed and there aren’t many things you can’t get around.

How is your company attempting to remove these barriers?We are doing a number of things. Firstly we have made a commitment to become deaf

friendly. In practical terms, that means we will train at least one of our staff to become proficient in BSL. We have a receptionist who has basic BSL so at least when people come in, we can say hi and ask them if they want a coffee.

We are also aware that the cost of interpreters is a problem for deaf people, so we will always offer to share those cost by reducing our charges.

We hope to be the pilot firm in the deaf friendly quality mark that the RAD Deaf Law Centre is launching, which will be fantastic. We will also second some of the deaf trainee solicitors that the Deaf Law Centre will take on.

Most of all we want to change. We want to be told what we can do to improve the accessibility of our services to deaf people, so if any of your readers have any ideas, please pass them on. We know we won’t get it right immediately but that won’t stop us trying.

What advice would you give to a young Deaf person who is thinking about starting a career in Law?Although deafness might be seen as a problem/difficulty, in reality it is a huge asset/opportunity. It means that the firm they work for will immediately be able to differentiate itself from all the other firms. It will give the deaf person a unique perspective on access to justice issues that I for one honestly believe could lead to commercial benefits for the business.


Peter Maynard - Directorfwdlaw LtdClifton Chambers, 12/13 Clifton Road, Newport NP20 4EW

Telephone: 01633 660440 Fax: 01633 662070 DX: 152600 Newport (Gwent) 13Web: www.fwdlaw.com

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It can be daunting booking your first interpreter, but you can be rest assured that you’re in good hands. They are all professionals with years of training and experience.

by Sarah Lawrence

Interpreters- How to Use Them

I’ve pulled together a little bit of advice and guidance for you, from my experience of working with Interpreters over the years.....

How to find them... We’ve got a great list for you of local, qualified BSL Interpreters right here in the magazine. If you are dealing with the Police, Health Boards or other Public Services then you’ll probably find that they have their own policies for employing an interpreter.

Get organsied... This may seem obvious to some people, but a lot of people run into difficulties with getting their dates and venues mixed up, this can create problems from the start if everyone involved is turning up to the wrong place, or even on the wrong day. This may well still be chargeable too, so it’s very worth while checking a few days before.

Background info... Where possible it’s good for an Interpreter to be copied into a meeting’s agenda, or have any handouts that may be distributed before the session. This helps to provide some context, although may not be appropriate for some situations, such as medical appointments. It’s best to discuss this with your chosen Interpreter when you make the booking.

During the meeting... Address the BSL user directly, rather than speaking to the interpreter, maintaining your normal pace and flow. If an Interpreter needs to clarify any points with you, or has missed any information then they will stop you or slow you down. Most people feel they need to pause to “let the Interpreter catch up”, but that’s not the case, so carry on. Keep the Interpreter at your side, remember that the BSL user is watching them, so needs to have them close to you, but also the Interpreter needs to hear what you’re saying and in a busy environment they’ll be grateful to have you close at hand.

Paying the bill... In some instances the BSL user may well have their own Interpreter funding through schemes such as Access to Work from the DWP, or Disabled Students’ Allowance. In many cases however it is the responsibility of the Service Provider (under the Equality Act 2010) to pay for the Interpreter.


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I-com Solutions Ltd25, Clarence Street, Pontypool, Torfaen, NP4 6LG

SMS: 07528 525190Email: co.ukWeb: www.i-com-solutions.co.uk


InterpretersMrs Julie Doyle RSLI & MASLIMobile: 07787 126431 Twitter: @juliebsl E: [email protected]

Mr Stephen Brattan-Wilson RLSI & MASLIMobile: 07595 844133 Twitter: @stephenbwEmail: [email protected]

Mr Karl Jenkins RSLI & MASLIMobile: 07918 640914 Twitter: @karljinx Email: [email protected]

Ms Cathryn McShane RSLI & MASLIMobile: 07806 771275Email: [email protected]

Claire Anderson RSLI & MASLIMobile: 07725 581647 Twitter: @ClaireABSLEmail: [email protected]

Mrs Tracey Pycroft RSLI & MASLI PG Dip NRCPD Registered LipspeakerM: 07889 065867 Twitter: @tpycroftEmail: [email protected]

Rachel Jones (nee Young) RSLI & MASLIMobile: 07758 228653Facebook: Rachel JonesEmail: [email protected]

Mrs Sue Williams RSLI & MASLIMobile: 07931 103435Facebook: Susan WilliamsEmail: [email protected]

Hafwen Parry RSLI & MASLIMobile: 07854 930809Email: [email protected] www.hafwen.co.uk

Could This Be You?For more information email [email protected]

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by Darren Upton

Building a Career as a Deaf Architect

My name’s Darren Upton. I live in King’s Lynn. I’ve been Deaf since I was born and I‘ve been an architectural technician for over 25 years. My Mum and Dad say I’ve always enjoyed building things, ever since I was a tot - starting with Lego! I was also very good at art and maths as a child, which are both essential skills for being an architect.

When I was growing up, I lived opposite a Deaf man called Brian, who was an excellent carpenter. I learnt a lot from him, and initially I wanted to be a carpenter, the same as him. My parents are real DIY types – in 1975 they made their first self-build bungalow, and I remember living in a caravan while they built it. Nearly twenty years later, in 1994, I was delighted to be able to design their second bungalow for them!

I attended the local primary school, but there was very little support from teachers for Deaf pupils. Eventually, when I was 11, a teacher recommended I should apply to Burwood Park School, a secondary school for Deaf boys. I was lucky enough to get a place. I studied geometrical engineering drawing at O and A Level, as well as Art at A Level.

After I left school, I trained at the Charles Hawkins Black Horse Agency in Kings Lynn, via the YTS program. After 6 months I was offered my first job as a trainee building surveyor, as well as going on day release at West Anglia College. I attended various building and design courses for 6 years and I won prizes for being the best student, with the highest marks on the course. I then went on to study at Cambridge City College to gain further qualifications.

I’ve worked in large architectural practices based in Cambridge, London and Essex for many years. In 2002, I joined Peter Humphrey Associates in Wisbech, which

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specialises in residential design, barn conversion and self-build dwellings. I’ve always enjoyed watching designs come to life, from initial concept right through to the completion stage. I’ve made contributions to 8 of our award-winning buildings, all of which have been given ‘Building Design’ awards.

In 2005, I bought my own piece of land and designed and built my own house.

Recently, a Deaf builder contacted me to ask if I was interested in undertaking work on a derelict building in Chiswick that he’d just bought. He was unhappy with his previous architects - they were slow to respond and difficult to contact. He also found that they weren’t keen on talking to Deaf people directly. He’s given me a number of interesting projects to work on. I aim to build on the good reputation I have with him as the property developer, and also his Deaf site manager; the fact that we’re all Deaf means we can communicate well with each other. The work on the derelict building has started and it’s progressing well. I promise to send SLFirst copies of the before-and-after photos when the work has been completed.

TIP: Access to Work – A Useful Service for Employers and Deaf Staff

Remember that communicating with Deaf employees (or bosses) who use BSL need not be difficult. Even if you’re too busy to learn BSL yourself, all Deaf staff are now entitled to apply for support under the Access to Work (AtW) scheme, including communication support in the workplace from a BSL/English interpreter. Hundreds of Deaf people now regularly use AtW interpreters in the workplace to ensure clear communication with colleagues, clients and customers.

For more details about AtW, see the Directgov website.www.direct.gov.uk/en/DisabledPeople/Employmentsupport/WorkSchemesAndProgrammes

Darren always seems to be at the front of technology and always comes out above the crown when asked to offer his own input on design and ideas. Peter Humphrey

DRU DesignSMS: 07734 865284Email: [email protected]: www.drudesign.co.uk

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Forgiveness by Beverly Jones‘Forgive them for they know not what they do’ – this is my mantra from the bible and one that quite literally helped me move from the dark days of depression.

It is all to easy too allow those that hurt us to live within our mind, we carry them around in our head and through this they cost us dearly. We can often spend more of our precious time holding those who hurt us close than we do holding those who are closest to us.

They have hurt you once, don’t allow then to up the cost for which you continue to pay the price – forgive them for as the bible says they know not what they do.

Awaken Life Coaching‘Lighting your Journey ahead’www.awakenlifecoaching.co.uk

Just a thought

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The Ears Have It!

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Did you know that rhinos have very poor eyesight yet excellent hearing? So much so, that when you approach a rhino it’s best to talk to him so he knows you’re coming – otherwise the surprise might just make him jump out of his skin!

So when two very important young fellas arrived at Manor House Wildlife Park (Yes! Zamba and Jambo are finally in their new house - a first for Wales) Anna Ryder Richardson and her husband Colin spent long hours chatting to them, just so that they’d learn the patterns of their voices.

Anna got so excited that she travelled to the Severn Bridge to greet them as they arrived in Wales! Zamba the UK’s first AI (Artificially Inseminated) rhino offspring will grow up in the company of Jambo who arrived on the same day!

Genetically very important Zamba and his new friend Jambo will soon be joined by Zimba. And it will be wonderful to watch these active young fellas, growing and learning, and displaying boisterous and natural behaviour.

“Needless to say this has been the most incredible and at times frustrating journey for me and my family, and the wonderful team we have here at Manor House… for four and half years we have been working to bring rhinos to Pembrokeshire. And we’re incredibly proud to have been chosen to help to stop the very real danger to these magnificent animals, that are literally being wiped out by poaching.” Anna Ryder Richardson

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by Chris Heppenstall

When I meet some people at deaf clubs the conversation, for me, usually turns to sports; some say “I play football for Great Britain”, “I play badminton for Ireland”, “I play Golf for Wales”, “I play bowls for Scotland”, “I swim for Great Britain”. I always think that this is brilliant, it shows that people are keen to get out and do what they enjoy, great stuff!

How about…. I represent England in the European Deaf Karting Championship and we were champions last year in Germany! Wow! Many people will exclaim! Champions!? Awesome! I didn’t know there was Karting for deaf people at a serious level! Where do you race? What countries are involved?

I’d just like to let you know that in the obscure background within the world of deaf sports, lies a small group of petrol heads from around Europe who are out to battle against each other on the tracks in little lawn mower engine powered go-karts.

The competition is the little known Euro Nations Deaf Karting Competition and is attended by nations including Austria, Belgium, England, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

The cost is on a modest scale, approximately £75 entry fee at each event and that includes hire of the kart, helmet and overalls; food, hotel accommodation and travel are added on top.

The camaraderie between petrol heads of various nations on and off the track make for a great weekend, and brings together a really wide variety of people. The cultural differences are fascinating and it’s a great way of learning about countries all over Europe without having to visit them all.

Through partnership with SLFirst we have also set up our first Welsh Deaf Karting team. Our first meeting will be on 24th November 2012 at 4pm at Supakart Newport. Bookings are available from [email protected] or contact Chris at [email protected].

If the competitive ‘vibe’ doesn’t take your fancy, you can still go to your local track and give it a try! I did this back in 2007 and never looked back since!

If this doesn’t ‘tickle your fancy’ just yet, go to your local track and have a go!

Go Karting for Deaf People

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Book Your Place On The DEAF KARTING CHALLENGESaturday 24th November 2012 at 4:00pm | £45.00 per driver*


Text (SMS) 0783138 0366

Visit www.supakart.co.uk

E-mail [email protected]

*£15.00 deposit needed by 1st November 2012

For general karting information, Visit www.edkt.co.uk Email: [email protected]

Alternatively there are Facebook groups you could look up. Simply search for them using the search string ‘deaf karting’.

The camaraderie between petrol heads of various nations on and off the track make for a great weekend, and brings together a really wide variety of people.

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This vegan carrot cake recipe is absolutely scrumptious as well as very low in fat. Try it out on your vegan skeptics, I guarantee they won’t notice the eggs and butter are missing!

Ethical Chef

by Ethical Chef

vegan Carrot Cake

MethodGet yourself prepared by preheating the oven to 170 Degrees Celsius, lining the tin, weighing out all the ingredients and getting all the utensils out you’re going to need.

1. Mix the sugar and margarine together in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy.

2. Grate the Carrots and add to the mix.

3. Add the sultanas to the mix

4. Add the Orange juice and zest to the mix

5. Sift the self raising flour, salt, spices and vanilla into the mix and stir well.

6. Spread out in the baking tin and place in the oven for 20 minutes until nice and brown on the top and cooked in the middle.

Always poke a knife or a cocktail stick into the middle of the cake just before you think it is ready to see if it is cooked in the middle as it might need longer in the oven.

Once cooled you can make some of the vanilla icing below to go on top for that perfect finish.

Preparation Time10 Minutes

Cooking Time20 Minutes

Serves 9

Shopping List Carrots 225gSultanas 170gSelf Raising Flour 280gFairTrade Sugar 170gGround Cinnamon 1tspGround Ginger 1 tspFresh nutmeg 1 tspVegan Margarine 200gOrange juice 200mlOrange Zest 1 tspVanilla Ext 1/2 tspPinch of salt For the IcingVegan Margarine 115gIcing sugar 170gVanilla Extract 1/2 tsp

Vegan Carrot Cake

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Preparation Time10 Minutes

Cooking Time30 Minutes

Serves 4

Shopping List1 tbsp Olive Oil454g Pork Sausages1 Medium Onion (finely chopped)2 Cloves Garlic (crushed)1 Leek (sliced)1 Large Carrot (cubed)1 tsp Ground Cumin2 Bay Leaves200g Lentils200g Curly Kale or Cavolo Nero (shredded)

Heat the oil in a large pan, add the sausages and fry for 15 minutes until browned. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon. Add the onion, garlic, leek and carrot and cook for 5 minutes until softened.

Add the cumin, bay leaves and lentils with 1-1.25 litres water. Bring to the boil then simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally until thick and soupy and the lentils are almost tender.

Stir in the kale or shredded cavolo nero, return the sausages to the pan, cover and cook for a further 5 minutes until the cabbage is tender. Discard the bay leaves and season to taste. Serve in warmed bowls.

Cook’s TipsAdd 200g essential Waitrose frozen butternut squash with the kale. For added flavour replace the water with stock.

Drinks Recommendation

This hearty hotpot suits a fairly robust yet well balanced Italian red wine, such as this blend of Primitivo and Merlot grape varieties: Da Luca imitivo/Merlot Tarantino, Puglia, Italy.

by Waitrose

1 of your 5 a day. Autumn comfort-food.


Sausage & Lentil Hotpot


More than 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com recipes

Sausage Hotpot

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SL First ▪ Autumn Edition16

NEW recycling banks for broken small electrical appliances have been introduced in Carmarthenshire.

The council, in partnership with DHL Envirosolutions, have provided 10 WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) banks.

Residents can take along small electronic and electrical items such as hairdryers, radios, toasters, kettles and mobile phones; in fact any electrical item that can fit inside the bin will be accepted, recycled and turned into something new.

Remember though if it is still in working order, someone else may be able to make use of it, so why not try your local charity shop first.

Executive Board Member for Street Scene Cllr Colin Evans (pictured) said: “It is important that we recycle as much of our waste as possible and reduce what is sent to landfill. Everyone knows that you can recycle paper, cans and glass

for example, but few people realise that old electrical items such as toasters and power tools can also be recycled.

“We are working hard to improve recycling rates and these new banks will make it much easier for people to recycle and help us to achieve our targets.”

The WEEE banks are not able to accept large electrical items such as televisions or fridges. Residents can either take these items to their nearest Household Waste

Recycling Centre or arrange for a bulky waste collection for a small charge.

The new WEEE banks are located at:

• Morrisons, Carmarthen• Tumble car park

(Darren Las)• Newcastle Emlyn car

park• Llanybydder car park• Pendine car park• Llandeilo Industrial

Estate• Llandovery car park• Co-op, Kidwelly• Morrisons, Llanelli• Co-op, Cross Hands

by Carmarthenshire County CouncilNEW recycling banks for broken small electrical appliances have been introduced in Carmarthenshire.

New Recycling Banks for Small Electricals

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Visit www.carmarthenshire.gov.uk/recycling or call Carmarthenshire Direct on 01267 234567

Ymwelwch â www.sirgar.gov.uk/ailgylchu neu cysylltwch â Gofal Sir Gâr ar (18001) 01267 234567

gan Gyngor Sir GârCyflwynwyd cyfleusterau ailgylchu newydd yn Sir Gâr, ar gyfer nwyddau trydanol sydd wedi torri.

Cyfleusterau ailgylchu ar gyfer nwyddau trydanol

Cyflwynwyd cyfleusterau ailgylchu newydd yn Sir Gâr, ar gyfer nwyddau trydanol sydd wedi torri.

Mae’r Cyngor, mewn partneriaeth â DHL Envirosolutions, wedi darparu 10 blwch Ailgylchu Nwyddau Trydanol.

Gall trigolion fynd â nwyddau electronig a thrydanol bach megis sychwyr gwallt, radio, tostiwr, tegell, ffon symudol, neu unrhyw eitemau sy’n medru mynd i’r blwch, i’w hailgylchu, er mwyn creu rhywbeth o’r newydd.

Cofiwch, os yw’r eitem dal i weithio, efallai gall rhywun arall wneud defnydd ohono, felly, beth am gynnig yr eitem i siop elusen yn gyntaf.

Nododd y Cynghorydd Colin Evans (yn y llun), Aelod Bwrdd Gweithredol Gwasanaethau Stryd: “Mae’n hanfodol ein bod ni’n ailgylchu cymaint o’n gwastraff ag sy’n bosib, gan leihau ar y tirlenwi.

Mae pawb yn gwybod ein bod ni’n medru ailgylchu papur, caniau a gwydr, ond rhaid cofio bod modd i ni ailgylchu nwyddau trydanol megis y tostiwr neu’r erfyn pŵer.

“Rydym yn gweithio’n galed er mwyn gwella cyfraddau ailgylchu a bydd y blychau newydd yn ei gwneud hi’n haws i bobl ailgylchu a’n helpu ni i gyrraedd ein targedau.”

Nid yw’r Blychau Ailgylchu Nwyddau Trydanol yn medru derbyn eitemau mawr megis teledu neu oergelloedd ond gallwch fynd ag eitemau mwy i’r Ganolfan Ailgylchu Gwastraff y Cartref agosaf neu drefnu casgliad gwastraff swmpus am ffi fechan.

Mae’r blychau newydd wedi’u lleol yn:

• Morrisons, Caerfyrddin

• Maes parcio’r Tymbl (Darren Las)

• Maes parcio Castellnewydd Emlyn

• Maes parcio Llanybydder

• Maes parcio Pendine • Ystâd ddiwydiannol

Llandeilo• Maes parcio

Llanymddyfri • Co-op, Cydweli • Morrissons, Llanelli • Co-op, Cross Hands

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New Build, Renovations and Extensions for Residential, Industrial and Commercial.

Planning and Building Regulation Submissions

For further details: Text Darren Upton on:

Mobile (SMS): 07734 865284

Email: [email protected] • Website: www.drudesign.co.uk

Deaf Friendly is a consultancy and training provider based in the UK which focuses on Deaf Awareness and British Sign Language.

Deaf Friendly is able to provide excellent services in:

• Training courses to suit your needs• Communication strategies• Registered translation services• Other specialist services

Contact Sarah Lawrence - [email protected]

Page 19: SL First - Issue 4 - Autumn 2012

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by Catherine DewA former senior nurse who became deaf.

Will My Tinnitus... EvER Go AWAY?

Tinnitus is the medical name for the perception of noise in one ear, both ears or in the head. The noise comes from inside the body rather than an outside source.

People with tinnitus can experience different types of sounds. Most people describe it as a ringing sound, but other sounds may include:

• buzzing,• humming,• whistling, or• music

Sometimes, the noise associated with tinnitus beats in time with a person’s pulse. This is known as pulsatile tinnitus.

Tinnitus is often worse at quiet times, such as when you are trying to get to sleep. This is because there is less background noise to mask or distract you from the sounds associated with tinnitus. Tinnitus may also be more noticeable when you are tired.

Tinnitus is a symptom rather than a condition in itself. The sounds are usually only heard by the person who has tinnitus, although in a few, rare cases they can also be heard by other people.

Temporary tinnitus can be caused by a cold, prolonged exposure to loud noise, such as at a music concert, or following a blow to the head.

The first thing you need to see is your GP. They will check that your ears are free from wax and infection and may refer you to the ear, nose and throat (ENT) department at your local hospital.

I have recently gotten over a cold but I seem to be left with a constant buzzing in my ears which is particularly noticeable at night when I am trying to sleep. My doctor says it is Tinnitus - what is that?

For further information visit the British Tinnitus Association website at www.tinnitus.org.uk


Page 20: SL First - Issue 4 - Autumn 2012