SI,-I l I MC360 / 1 Time: 07:40 CDT, 09 / 12:40 GMT 8 1 5 1 7 " _ PAO This is Sky ab Control at 12 hours 41 minutes Greenwich mean time. We're standing by for communications with Skylab through the Honeysuckle, Australia station. CC Skylab, Houston, through Honeysuckle 8-1 / 2 minutes. SPT Okay. CC And CDR, Houston, I've got one item for your ER P PREP this morning. CDR Go ahead, Hank. CC Okay, when y u get in your prep there sometime we would like to get the rate gyro six pack powered down. Turn all six of the gy o switches off there on the little control panel and then get the u ility power off. That'll help us on our powez situation during the EREP. CDR Okay. S T Hank, the EREP was a good opportunity to get some more data on the voltage that come out of that six pack during Y-axis aneuvers. Apparently you'd rather get the pwer off. CC That' s affirmative. And G&S is real happy with the data we got the other day; it looked real good. SPT Do they think that' s adequate about all axes? CC Owen they're real happy with their data. They say they don't want any more testing. And incidentally we won't be turning these gyros back on for a while. This is a one time turn off. SPT Okay. CC And SPT, Houston, we'd like for you to hold off on your scheduled ATM work that's coming up shortly We've got a discussion going on here now. We are considering some troubleshooting on the ATM with regard to the electrical problem we had the other day. SPT Roger. SPT I understood yesterday, }lank that the ATM work today was all scrubbed until further comment from the ground, so I hadn't planned to do any CC Roger, that's good. CC Skylab, Houston. One minute to LOS. Hawaii at 02. SPT Okay, Hank. CDR Hey, Hank if you could check with t e flight planners ot tomorrow but the day aft r tomorrow and see if we c n set aside about i hour where all three of us are together where we take that - those three deactivation

Skylab 3 PAO Mission Commentary 2 of 6

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