It’s an old story with a predictable plot line, but every year we’re a fool for April all over again. Her gentle little showers, her abrupt mood changes, her sudden sunny smiles. We walk around with flowers and foolishness on our minds, wandering through a haze of pollen and possibilities. Yes, we think, this is the year Cover copy by Nikki Hardin, art by Gayle Kabaker We’ll Plant a Garden, lose weight, go on a pilgrimage. Hope and pheromones are in the air, as if Mother Nature was drunk on an estrogen/ testosterone cocktail. Who cares whether our schemes come to fruition. There’s still rain to be walked in, tender winter skin to be bared, fern-furled woods to get lost in, love songs to be lived, the Holy Fool card to be played, life to be juiced. GET YOUR WOW! ON. “Every spring is the only spring—a perpetual astonishment.” Ellis Peters skirt!isfree! www.skirt.com Columbia/Augusta/Aiken APRIL

Skirt! April 2012 - Columbia, Augusta, Aiken

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The WOW Issue

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Page 1: Skirt! April 2012 - Columbia, Augusta, Aiken

It’s an old story with a predictable plot line, but every

year we’re a fool for April all over

again. Her gentle little showers, her

abrupt mood changes, her sudden

sunny smiles. We walk around with

flowers and foolishness on our minds,

wandering through a haze of pollen and

possibilities. Yes, we think, this is the year

A P R I LAugusta, Aiken & Columbia

Cover copy by Nikki Hardin, art by Gayle Kabaker

We’ll Plant a Garden,

lose weight, go on a pilgrimage. Hope

and pheromones are in the air, as if

Mother Nature was drunk on an estrogen/

testosterone cocktail. Who cares whether

our schemes come to fruition. There’s still

rain to be walked in, tender winter skin

to be bared, fern-furled woods to get

lost in, love songs to be lived, the Holy

Fool card to be played, life to be juiced.

Get your WoW! on.

“Every spring is the only spring—a perpetual astonishment.”

ellis Peters



Page 2: Skirt! April 2012 - Columbia, Augusta, Aiken

When Emma decided to have plastic surgery, she had justfinished 6 months of dedicated exercise and dieting. She wouldlook in the mirror and think….I feel strong and healthy but hersagging breasts and stretched skin would tell her otherwise.You see, she recently had her third child. A 9 pound healthyboy whom she breast fed just like the others. Something shedoesn’t regret, but her breasts are no longer full and shapely.Thoughts of wearing a sundress this coming spring…forgetabout it. And what about those 50-100 sit-ups a day…sure hermuscles were strong, but her stretched skin and those stretchmarks had to go.

Emma’s story is common and a growing number of womenhave opted for what is now called a mommy makeover. In fact,since 1997 according to the American Society of AestheticPlastic Surgery (ASAPS), breast augmentation and breast liftshave increased 265% and tummy tucks have increased 362%over that same time period.

Dr. Christopher Ewart is a Board Certified plastic surgeon inAugusta, GA and member of ASAPS who sees more and morewomen opting for this combined surgical procedure. “It is agreat procedure for those women who finished having childrenand want their old body back,” says Dr. Ewart. “There is somerecovery time needed but within about 2 weeks you are able todo most activities and in 6 weeks have no restrictions.”

Emma was of course anxious about undergoing surgery buther family was there with her before and after surgery at theAugusta Plastic Surgery Center. “I felt nervous at first, but thenurses were wonderful and made me feel comfortable andsafe.” The surgery lasted about 3 hours and after about 1 ½hours in the recovery room she was on her way home.

“Would I do it again? In a heartbeat,”said Emma.

Her recovery was uneventful and in a month she was outwalking the neighborhood with her friends. Her husband evengives a wry smile when asked whether or not it was worth it. He,of course, said she did not need the surgery but is wowed bythe results.

Q&A...with Augusta Plastic Surgery

Is a MommyMakeoverRight for You?

L to R: Christopher J. Ewart, M.D.,Randolph R. Smith,M.D. | Billy P. Lynn,M.D.

Mommy MakeOvers


Tummy Tucks

Face LiftsBotox/Fillers

www.augplastic.comAugusta Plastic Surgery • 1348 Walton Way, Suite 6300 • University Hospital Women’s Center • Augusta, GA 30901

Call 706.724.5611 today toschedule a quick, convenient appointment or

a complimentary consultation forcosmetic procedures.

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Page 4: Skirt! April 2012 - Columbia, Augusta, Aiken

Women make more than 80% of all purchasing


Women control 2/3

of the nation’s disposable income.

Women influence 80%of all car sales.

Women make more than 85% of all purchasing


Women control 2/3

of the nation’s disposable income.

Women influence 80%of all car sales.



The WOW Issue

Women spend almost 2 of every 3

healthcare dollars.

4 april 2012 www.skirt.com

skirt.comskirt! is published monthly and

distributed free throughout the greater Augusta/Aiken/

Columbia area. skirt! reserves the right to refuse to sell space for any advertisement the staff

deems inappropriate for the publication. Unsolicited manuscripts

must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

letters to the editor are welcome, but may be edited due to space limitations. press releases must

be received by the 1st of the month for the following month’s

issue. all content of this magazine, including without limitation the

design, advertisements, art, photos and editorial content, as well as the selection, coordination and

arrangement thereof, is Copyright © 2010, Morris publishing Group,

llC. all rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be copied or reprinted without the

express written permission of the publisher. SKirT!® is a registered

trademark of Morris publishing Group, llC.

skirt! is all about women...

their work, play, families,

creativity, style, health and

wealth, bodies and souls.

skirt! is an attitude...spirited,

independent, outspoken,

serious, playful and irreverent,

sometimes controversial,

always passionate.

sheMAILskirt! 127-A 7th Street Augusta, GA 30901 Sales: 706.823.3373Sales Toll-Free: 800.622.6358FAX: 706.823.6083


about skirt!Publisher

Nikki Hardin [email protected]

National Art Director Caitilin McPhillips

[email protected]

National EditorMargaret Pilarski

[email protected]

Market Manager


Kate Cooper Metts

[email protected]

Contributing Editor Columbia

Jenny Maxwell

[email protected]

Contributing Editor Augusta/Aiken

Gracie Shepherd

[email protected]

Sales Executives Libby Salvador

[email protected]

Susan Eaker [email protected]

Graphic Designer

Cher WheelerMeaghan Pafford

PhotographyMolly HarrellChris Thelen


Refrains In The Key Of G

Stacy Appel ..................................................................................... 9

Finding My Wow!

Cynthia Briggs ............................................................................... 10

Always Wonder

Jen Wittes ....................................................................................... 22


Letter from the Publisher ......................................................... 6

Letter from the Editor ............................................................... 6

Feel Good ...................................................................................... 14

He’s So Original .......................................................................... 32

Skirt of the Month..................................................................... 35

F-Word ............................................................................................. 36

Meet ................................................................................................... 31

Planet Nikki .................................................................................... 38

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A p r i l

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From the Publisher

Gracie Shepherd [email protected]

From the editor

Some people say they find their answers in the bottom of a wine glass, at the end of a long run or

after listing pros and cons. My epiphanies and aha! moments invariably come while traveling. I don’t

know what it is about the open road or a busy airport, but I have a list of decisions longer than my

arm that I have arrived at while in transit. Sometimes I wish they came in a more logical or scheduled

manner, but overall I’m content with the fact that I have to physically get away from a situation in order

to see clearly. Doesn’t it make sense that staring out an airplane window at boundless clouds gives

me confidence to get out of a blah relationship or finally say no to a bounds-overstepping friend? The

next time I’m in a decision limbo, I think I’ll just say “bon voyage” and come back with an answer in a

few days.

Nikki [email protected]


I’ve never done anything in my life on time. I got married way too early at

17, started college at 30, held my first professional job at 35, dropped out at

42 and started a business at 50. My timing sucked, or maybe it was just right

for me—I’m never quite sure. My life seemed to progress by fits and starts.

I’d make great leaps forward and then stagger sideways only to somehow

get back on track. I often longed for a more predictable trajectory for my

life: college, career, happy-ever-after. Forget the fact that barely anyone

I knew had that going on—I wanted normal! And if I couldn’t have that,

I thought that the passage of time would at least make me a “finished”

person, a grown-up who could rest on her laurels. Or maybe simply rest.

Turns out those new wall calendars I purchase every year have nothing

whatsoever to do with my internal clock. The one that runs on soul

power rather than batteries doesn’t know my “real”age; it thinks I’m

always just beginning. When I mutter “too late,” it chimes in with Never!.

When I try to hit Snooze, it wakes me up with an insistent new idea. It

might not be the standard timeline I longed for, but it’s reassuring to be

reminded that right now is the time of my life.

the united skirts oF AmericA

The United Skirts of

America was founded

on the blood, sweat

and estrogen of our

foremothers, who

won us the freedom

to choose...to break

The Rules, to wear

combat boots or high

heels, to run for office

or run a marathon,

to form our own

rock groups instead

of being groupies, to

shatter Glass Ceilings

and Glass Slippers, to

shoot hoops instead

of settling for hoop

skirts. The ones who

came before us made

it possible for our

daughters to dream

bigger, to have the

chance to grow up to

be President and turn

the Oval Office into

the Ovary Office. In

the United Skirts of

America, every day is

Independence Day!

cover Artist

Gayle Kabaker

Gayle calls herself a creative

spirit and is thrilled to be able

to design and illustrate from the

Berkshires of Western Mas-

sachusetts. From starting out

in San Francisco as a fashion

illustrator to recently promot-

ing concerts in the Pioneer

Valley, she says she’s been lucky

to explore many passions and

is happy to share them with

whoever asks! What gets Gayle

most excited is coming up with

solutions to all types of chal-

lenges—reworking a website,

promoting a project, directing a

film or just brainstorming ways

to get more business. Her work

is used in lots of different ways:

marketing collateral, editorial,

animation, web design, logo and

brand development and more.


Visit us on sKirt.com

The WOW Issue

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Page 7: Skirt! April 2012 - Columbia, Augusta, Aiken

Columbia Museum of Art GalaFriday, April 27, 2012

Tickets and information at columbiamuseum.org/gala

Platinum SponsorsGold Sponsors

Designed by Warren McArthur (1885-1961). Manufactured by Warren McArthur Corporation, Rome, New York. Sling Seat Lounge Chair (ghosted), c. 1935. Anodized aluminum, rubber, upholstery. 31 ¾” x 22” x 31”. Photo by Michael Korytaand Andrew Van Styn, Director of Acquisitions, Conservation and Photography. Designed and manufactured by John Henry Belter (1804-1863), New York, New York. Slipper Chair (ghosted), c. 1860. Laminated and carved rosewood, oak, silk

damask reproduction upholstery (original foundation). 44 ¼” x 18 ½” x 20”. Photo by Michael Koryta and Andrew Van Styn, Director of Acquisitions, Conservation and Photography.

The Art of Seating: 200 Years of American Design

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Morris Museum of Art

1 Tenth St. I Augusta, GA 30901 I 706-724-7501 I www.themorris.org

The Morris Museum is FREE every Sunday!The Morris Museum of Art is closed Easter Sunday, April 8.

LeRoy Neiman, Tiger in theWoods, 2006. Oil and enamel on panel. Image courtesy of the artist.

On Display through April 15, 2012

Page 13: Skirt! April 2012 - Columbia, Augusta, Aiken

Paintings by Lulie Wallaceluliewallace.com

Birds & Butterflies117 Laurens St. NW Aiken 803.649.7999

Hay Hill Garden Market1625 Bluff Rd. Columbia 803.834.6652

wesley cadle, inc.1419 Monte Sano Ave. Augusta 706.737.3590

Garden Variety

www.skirt.com april 2012 13

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14 april 2012 www.skirt.com

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“Nothing makes a woman more beautiful, than the belief that she is beautiful.”

We are dedicated to providing quality services to

women worldwide who suffer from mild to severe

hair loss. At Mirror Image we offer the most in-

novative advancements in hair replacement. We

can make you back to a better you, with our dis-

creet purchases for your hair care needs.

We realize that there are many

medical diseases that are common factors

contributed to hair loss: Age, Allergies, Alopecia,

Chemotherapy, Chemical Burns, Thyroid Disease,

Female Pattern Baldness and Medications.

“Lace Wigs”, “Cranial Hair Prosthetic”, or “Hair

System “, are hair extensions that create the

illusion that hair is growing out of one’s scalp,

and therefore is one of the most natural looking

extensions on the market.

A fine lace material is used as the base where

individual hairs are meticulously hand tied through

the lace. Two types for lace; Swiss- Lace is very

fine and delicate and is the most undetectable

choice. Though French lace is not as undetectable

(but is also a suitable choice), the advantage is

that it is more durable over time.

We also offer Frontals or Closures for those with

hair thinning or mild hair loss. The Lace Wigs

are the best hair replacement solution because

they create a hairline, making a more natural hair

line allowing you to wear styles such as: up dos,

ponytails and other styles that expose one’s nape

areas. Traditional wigs usually preclude these

styling options.

Hair textures we also use are:

• Chinese Remy (virgin hair)

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• Russian Remy (virgin hair)

• Malaysian Remy (virgin hair)

• European Remy (virgin hair)

Our goal at Mirror Image Hair Replacement and

Transformation is to offer solutions to a perfect

you and to look your best at every age! We are

a trained staff, energetic and educated on the

services that we provide.

Mirror ImageHair Replacement and Transformation, LLC

Please contact Wanda James to schedule your Consultation at

(843) 206-8606 or email at [email protected]


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18 april 2012 www.skirt.com

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Augusta, GA 30907 • 706-550-0227Mon-Sat 8 to 8 • Sun 10 to 8

Bringing the farm to you!

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go toour website

for class details.

After Spring Break, Head Back to Class

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Laugh Run

Race begins at 8 a.m.

Or visit: girlsontherunofthecsra.org/2012-spring-5kto register & get more details about Girls on the Run of the CSRA

Thank you to our sponsors:



joyful, healthy a



g afun, e

xperienced-based curriculum which integrates running.

This event will provide scholarships for girls 3rd - 8th gradewho want to participate in the GOTR of the CSRA program.

Keep up with us via:Facebook, Twitter& girlsontherunofthecsra.org

26 april 2012 www.skirt.com

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CORPORATE COACHCorporate Coaching involvesdevelopmental services to align staffwith the overall vision, mission, andculture of the Organization.

AREAS OF EXPERTISE:• Customized Seminars• Team and Organizational Assessments• Team Building• Leadership DevelopmentLIFE STRATEGISTLife Strategists assist individuals inobtaining their goals and partners withclients to design attainable strategiesthat create balance and ease as theywork through transition.

Next Event:“Imperative Endings”Putting an end to what hasn’t worked for a long timeMay 12, 2012 – 4-7pmAugusta Hilton1065 Stevens Creek Road, Augusta, GAVisit the website for detail information orcall 888-458-7995 ext 207

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More Information:Phone: 888-458-7995Fax: [email protected]

28 april 2012 www.skirt.com

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talksaboutheavyperiodsandtheir treatment.

• Does your period affect your quality of life?• Are your periods heavy or do they last a long time?• Would your quality of life improve if you could decrease or

potentially eliminate your heavy periods?• Do your heavy periods affect your social, athletic or sexual

activities or cause you to miss work?• Do you change protection frequently or carry large quantities

of feminine products and/or a change of clothes?• Do your heavy periods cause anxiety, PMS, or pain?

If you are absolutely sure that you never want to have any children in the future, and would like to stop your heavy periodand restart your life, NovaSure® Endometrial Ablation may be right for you.

NovaSure® Endometrial Ablation is a simple procedure trusted by over one million women -without hormones or hysterectomy.

• It can be done in a doctor’s office or as an outpatient in the hospital• The entire procedure typically takes less than 5minutes• It is performed without any incisions• Most women report little or no pain, and return to their regular activities within a day

2258Wrightsboro Rd. Suite 400 (next to Trinity Hospital)New patients mention this ad and get a free copy of Dr.Eaker’s new book “Healthy Habits for a Fit Family”

For more information or to see if an endometrial ablation is right for you call

Dr. Eaker at 706-733-4427.

O F A U G U S T A2258Wrightsbo Rd. Suite 400 ( t to Trinity Hospital)

O F A U G U S T A������s ������

One in fivewomen livewith very heavy periods. Periods that get in theway of everyday life. Periodsthat keep you from the people you love and the things you enjoy. NovaSure® is a one-time, 5-minuteprocedure that can lighten - or end your heavy period -without on-going pills andwithout hormonal

side effects. For over 90%ofwomen,menstrual bleeding is dramatically reduced or stopped.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be a candi-date for a uterine ablation.

Do you havePolycystic Ovarian Syndrome

(PCOS) and are tryingto conceive?

The University of South Carolina isrecruiting overweight women for a 6-monthweight loss study to examine improvementsin fertility. Participants will receive freeovulation test kits and pregnancy tests.Participants will be randomized toreceive comprehensive information ona low calorie diet or vegan diet.For more information, go to

www.PCOSs tudy. com

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craft . bar . happy . hour

Calling crafters of all ages! Join us for great snacks, refreshing beverages

and the best of crafter camaraderie to get your juices flowing in the Museum’s

unconventional craft haven. Bring your own craft project or pick one up that night.

Tuesday, April 246:00 - 9:00 pm

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803.799.2810 or columbiamuseum.org

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Tour ı0 beautifully designed homes

Tickets $10 $15 at the door on

event days

Proceeds benefit the Child Advocacy Center

of Aiken County

Smith, Massey, Brodie, Guynn & Mayes, p.a.


www.skirt.com april 2012 33

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Book yourappointments



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Our goal is to provide a superior experience for every client;with brilliant color services, distinguished cutting techniques,

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34 april 2012 www.skirt.com

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i Dab


is a

n ill








r in



, WA

. See



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ed t






in Colu

mbia & Augusta.

Wedges from Shoes at Surrey on Highland A

ve. in Augusta.

Earrings from threads on Laurens St. SW in A


Skirt fro

m Just the T

hing in Colum


www.skirt.com april 2012 35

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f-word[ Feminism Free-For-All ]


We love Georgia Representative Yasmin Neal. Fed up with the

government trying to legislate women’s reproductive rights, she

introduced a bill into the general assembly in February that would

ban Georgia men from having vasectomies. It might be extreme,

but Neal’s bill was intended to protest anti-abortion legislation

that attempts to interfere with a woman’s reproductive health. “It

is patently unfair that men can avoid unwanted fatherhood by pre-

suming that their judgment over such matters is more valid than

the judgment of the General Assembly, while women’s ability to

decide is constantly up for debate throughout the United States.”

“Women are not making it to the top of any profession anywhere in the world. The numbers tell the story quite clearly. One hundred and ninety heads of state; nine are women. Of all the people in parliament in the world, 13% are women. In the corporate sector, women at the top, C-level jobs, board seats—tops out at 15-16%. The numbers have not moved since 2002 and are going in the wrong direction.” Sheryl Sandberg, COO & highest paid employee of Facebook.


A new report from the Women’s Media Center shows that women have made few inroads in leadership roles in media despite the fact that they are entering journalism school in record numbers. And not surprisingly, stories about women in the news are rare as well. The report shows that just 21.7 percent of guests on Sunday morning news talk shows were women in 2011, while just 24 percent of news stories worldwide were about women.


In March, the Texas Health and Human Services Commis-

sion ruled to exclude Planned Parenthood from partipating

in the Women’s Health Program, a federally funded program

that delivers $9 from the feds for every $1 spent by the

state on women’s health. When Texas decided to exclude

Planned Parenthood, Medicaid informed HHSC that it

would be violating the guidelines of the program and would

be ineligible to receive federal funding, thus effectively end-

ing a program that provides services to about 130,000

Texas women. Ironically, the ruling doesn’t affect clinics that

provide abortions but only those providing contraception

and cancer screenings.

FBomb TheFBomb.org is a blog/com-

munity created by and for

teenage girls who care about

their rights as women and

want to be heard. All young

feminists who are just a little

bit pissed off and very outspo-

ken are welcome. Started by

Julie Zeilinger when she was

in high school, the blog today

reaches 30,000 readers around

the world every month. Julie’s

book, A Little F’d Up: Why

Feminism Is Not a Dirty Word,

will be published in May. Buy

a copy for a budding young

feminist in your life.

36 april 2012 www.skirt.com

Page 37: Skirt! April 2012 - Columbia, Augusta, Aiken

StorkBites presents:

CSRA Baby & More ExpoMay 5th 9-6pm

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www.skirt.com april 2012 37

Page 38: Skirt! April 2012 - Columbia, Augusta, Aiken

Nikki Hardin is the founder and publisher of skirt! magazine. She blogs at fridaville.com.

planetnikki[ a v i s u a l j o u r n a l ]

Taking an oil painting class with local artist Leslie Pratt-Thomas transported me to a realm where the only reality was the smell of the paints, the colors on the palette, time put on pause. pratt-thomasstudio.com

I’m fascinated by tarot cards right now, especially the Fool, which Wikipedia says, “...is the spirit in search of experience. He represents the mystical cleverness bereft of reason within us, the childlike ability to tune into the inner workings of the world.” I need me some of that.

I love piñatas, papel picado banners and tissue-paper flower garlands. I’m adding Caitlin Holcomb’s handmade Forever banner to my collection—it fits right in. Sending her a giant hug in her recovery from illness and hoping she feels better FOREVER. nice.etsy.com

On Constant Replay: Jeff Beck’s version of “Elegy for Dunkirk” (from Atonement) feels like it’s being played on your heart strings instead of guitar strings. It’s music for a rainy night spent thinking of loss and love.

“Aprille” was the month his characters went on

I’ve loved—Hawaii, London, Mendocino —

pilgrimage, and in spring, I too yearn to go

In Chaucer’s world,

Croatia, Moorea, Australia, the Wild West.

and places I’d love to see for the first time—

Conventional wisdom says you can’t change

somewhere else, be someone exotic

and adventurous. I dream of places

your life by moving or traveling,

what if you can?

but I say,

38 april 2012 www.skirt.com

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Page 40: Skirt! April 2012 - Columbia, Augusta, Aiken