Shabbos Yth Proams 9:00am - end of Main Shul services | SKIP, girls ages 18 months - grade 5; boys ages 18 months - grade 2, ECD Wing 9:00 - 11:30am | Mommy & Me for Moms with children 2 years old and younger, ECD Wing, Ruach Rainbows Classroom 9:15am | TEEN Minyan for boys and girls grades 5 - 12, led by Rabbi Shalom Yosef Horowitz, CR 9 - 10:30am | BJ Game Room for boys in grades 3 - 5, BR 10:30am | Bnei BJ for boys in grades 2 - 5, BR between Mincha and Maariv | Middle School Boys’ Shalosh Seudos, Youth Lounge between Mincha & Maariv | NCSY Shalosh Seudos for High Schoolers, led by Rabbi Chaim Neiditch, CS 7:20-8:20pm | Avos U’Banim Father/Son Learning, Motzei Shabbos, K Shabbos Classes 8:00am | Shabbos Morning Chumash Shiur Rabbi Ilan D. Feldman, Heritage Hall (M/W) 10:30am | Intro to Jewish Thought & Practice Josh Bains and Rabbi Yakov Daniels, CS, for men and women. 10:45am | Shabbos Shiur for Men Rabbi Doniel Pransky 10:45am, K one hour before Mincha | Daf Yomi Rabbi Reuven Stein, K one hour before Mincha | Daf Yomi Rabbi Dovid Kapenstein, K Ongƣng Weekday Classes SUNDAY 9:15 - 11am | Yesodei HaTorah, K (M) 9:15 - 10:15am | Sefer Shemos Rabbi Hiller, K (M) 10 - 11am | Shira Smiles Class, BJ Office (W) 10:15 - 11:15am | Tefillah Mrs. Sarah Bayla Gross, BR (W) 7:00pm | Vayikra Rabbi Pransky is on break and will resume Jan. 15 MONDAY 9 - 9:15am | Cafe BJ Rabbi Feldman, Rabbi’s office (M/W) 12 - 1pm | Haftarah Rabbi Stein is on break and will resume Jan. 9 TUESDAY 7:30 - 8:30pm | Tehillim Rabbi Goldberger, CS (M) 8 - 9pm | In-Depth Sefer Shemos Rabbi Hiller, K (M) 9:30pm | Tehillim Teleconference Sarah Bayla Gross (W) WEDNESDAY 12:00pm | Jewish Potpourri BJ Rabbis, FR (M/W) 8:00pm | Melachim Rabbi Pransky, FR (W) THURSDAY 8:00pm | Laws of Basar B’Chalav (Milk & Meat) Rabbi Yosef Alt , K (M) FRIDAY 12:30pm | Halachic Dilemmas in Parsha Rabbi Goldberger (M/W) MON - FRI 1:20 - 1:30pm | Mussar Teleconference Rabbi or Mrs. Pransky (W) Erev Shabbos FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30 Early Mincha, DM...................3:00pm Mincha, HH.............................5:20pm Candlelighting.........................5:21pm Earliest Shema*.......................6:19pm (*repeat Shema after this time) Shabbos DECEMBER 31 Shacharis Main Minyan, HH....................8:30am Teen Minyan, CR......................9:15am Latest Shema...........................10:11am Mincha Early Mincha, DM...................4:00pm Mincha, HH.............................5:00pm Maariv Shabbos ends/Maariv, MS......6:15pm Late Maariv, K.........................6:24pm Weekday WEEK OF JANUARY 1 - 6 Shacharis Sunday..................7:00/8:00/9:00am Learners Minyan, K.................7:50am Mon, DM..............6:50/8:00/9:00am Thurs, DM......................6:50/8:00am Tues, Wed & Fri, DM.....7:00/8:00am Mon - Fri, K.............................7:30am Mincha Sun, K.......................................1:10pm Mon - Thurs, K........................2:30pm Sun - Thurs, DM......................5:25pm Maariv Sun - Thurs, DM......following Mincha Sun - Thurs, K.........................7:40pm Sun - Thurs, DM.....................9:00pm Sun - Thurs, K.........................9:45pm Nt Shabbos FRIDAY, JANUARY 6 Mincha, HH...................................5:25pm Candlelighting................................5:26pm (BR) Board Room, (CS) Carson Room, (CR) Conference Room, (DM) Daily Minyan, (FR) Franco Room, (HH) Heritage Hall, (K) Kollel Ilan D. Feldman, Rabbi | Dr. Emanuel Feldman, Rabbi Emeritus Binyomin Sloviter, Rabbinic Fellow Larry Beck, President | Josh Joel, Vice President Rabbi Yitzchok Tendler, Executive Director | Carol Epstein, Preschool Director Jodi Wittenberg & Tzippy Teller, Sisterhood Co-Presidents | Eli Gray, Men’s Club President This Shabbos flyer is brought to you in loving memory of Marlene Mendel, z”l. !mely zay Gꝏd Shabbos & Welce! PARSHAS MIKEITZ SHABBOS CHANUKAH KEHILLAH SHABBOS DECEMBER 31, 2016 2 TEVES 5777 Torah Reading: page 222 Maftir: page 770 Haftarah: page 1210 1855 Lavista Road, Atlanta, GA 30329 | 404.633.0551 | www.bethjacobatlanta.org | [email protected] | Facebook.com/bethjacobatlanta Parents and kids alike having a wonderful time at the Feldman’s Chanukah PJ Party!

SKIP FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30 !mely zay · 7:00pm | Vayikra Rabbi Pransky is on break and will resume Jan. 15 MONDAY 9 - 9:15am | Cafe BJ Rabbi Feldman, Rabbi’s office (M/W) 12 - 1pm

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Page 1: SKIP FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30 !mely zay · 7:00pm | Vayikra Rabbi Pransky is on break and will resume Jan. 15 MONDAY 9 - 9:15am | Cafe BJ Rabbi Feldman, Rabbi’s office (M/W) 12 - 1pm

Shabbos Youth Programs• 9:00am - end of Main Shul services | SKIP, girls ages 18 months - grade 5; boys ages 18 months - grade 2, ECD Wing • 9:00 - 11:30am | Mommy & Me for Moms with children 2 years old and younger, ECD Wing, Ruach Rainbows Classroom • 9:15am | TEEN Minyan for boys and girls grades 5 - 12, led by Rabbi Shalom Yosef Horowitz, CR• 9 - 10:30am | BJ Game Room for boys in grades 3 - 5, BR• 10:30am | Bnei BJ for boys in grades 2 - 5, BR • between Mincha and Maariv | Middle School Boys’ Shalosh Seudos, Youth Lounge• between Mincha & Maariv | NCSY Shalosh Seudos for High Schoolers, led by Rabbi Chaim Neiditch, CS • 7:20-8:20pm | Avos U’Banim Father/Son Learning, Motzei Shabbos, K

Shabbos Classes• 8:00am | Shabbos Morning Chumash Shiur Rabbi Ilan D. Feldman, Heritage Hall (M/W)• 10:30am | Intro to Jewish Thought & Practice Josh Bains and Rabbi Yakov Daniels, CS, for men and women.• 10:45am | Shabbos Shiur for Men Rabbi Doniel Pransky 10:45am, K • one hour before Mincha | Daf Yomi Rabbi Reuven Stein, K• one hour before Mincha | Daf Yomi Rabbi Dovid Kapenstein, K

Ongoing Weekday Classes

SUNDAY9:15 - 11am | Yesodei HaTorah, K (M)9:15 - 10:15am | Sefer Shemos Rabbi Hiller, K (M)10 - 11am | Shira Smiles Class, BJ Office (W)10:15 - 11:15am | Tefillah Mrs. Sarah Bayla Gross, BR (W)7:00pm | Vayikra Rabbi Pransky is on break and will resume Jan. 15

MONDAY9 - 9:15am | Cafe BJ Rabbi Feldman, Rabbi’s office (M/W) 12 - 1pm | Haftarah Rabbi Stein is on break and will resume Jan. 9

TUESDAY7:30 - 8:30pm | Tehillim Rabbi Goldberger, CS (M) 8 - 9pm | In-Depth Sefer Shemos Rabbi Hiller, K (M)9:30pm | Tehillim Teleconference Sarah Bayla Gross (W)

WEDNESDAY12:00pm | Jewish Potpourri BJ Rabbis, FR (M/W)8:00pm | Melachim Rabbi Pransky, FR (W)

THURSDAY8:00pm | Laws of Basar B’Chalav (Milk & Meat) Rabbi Yosef Alt, K (M)

FRIDAY12:30pm | Halachic Dilemmas in Parsha Rabbi Goldberger (M/W)

MON - FRI 1:20 - 1:30pm | Mussar Teleconference Rabbi or Mrs. Pransky (W)

Erev ShabbosFRIDAY, DECEMBER 30Early Mincha, DM...................3:00pm Mincha, HH.............................5:20pm Candlelighting.........................5:21pm Earliest Shema*.......................6:19pm (*repeat Shema after this time)

ShabbosDECEMBER 31Shacharis Main Minyan, HH....................8:30am Teen Minyan, CR......................9:15am Latest Shema...........................10:11am

MinchaEarly Mincha, DM...................4:00pm Mincha, HH.............................5:00pmMaarivShabbos ends/Maariv, MS......6:15pmLate Maariv, K.........................6:24pm

Weekday WEEK OF JANUARY 1 - 6

Shacharis Sunday..................7:00/8:00/9:00am Learners Minyan, K.................7:50am Mon, DM..............6:50/8:00/9:00am Thurs, DM......................6:50/8:00am Tues, Wed & Fri, DM.....7:00/8:00am Mon - Fri, K.............................7:30am

Mincha Sun, K.......................................1:10pmMon - Thurs, K........................2:30pm

Sun - Thurs, DM......................5:25pm

MaarivSun - Thurs, DM......following Mincha Sun - Thurs, K.........................7:40pmSun - Thurs, DM.....................9:00pmSun - Thurs, K.........................9:45pm

Next ShabbosFRIDAY, JANUARY 6 Mincha, HH...................................5:25pm Candlelighting................................5:26pm

(BR) Board Room, (CS) Carson Room, (CR) Conference Room, (DM) Daily Minyan,

(FR) Franco Room, (HH) Heritage Hall, (K) Kollel

Ilan D. Feldman, Rabbi | Dr. Emanuel Feldman, Rabbi EmeritusBinyomin Sloviter, Rabbinic Fellow

Larry Beck, President | Josh Joel, Vice PresidentRabbi Yitzchok Tendler, Executive Director | Carol Epstein, Preschool Director

Jodi Wittenberg & Tzippy Teller, Sisterhood Co-Presidents | Eli Gray, Men’s Club President

This Shabbos flyer is brought to you in loving memory of Marlene Mendel, z”l.

!mely zayGood Shabbos & Welcome!

Parshas Mikeitz • shabbos Chanukahkehillah shabbos

DeCeMber 31, 2016 • 2 teves 5777Torah Reading: page 222 Maftir: page 770 Haftarah: page 1210

1855 Lavista Road, Atlanta, GA 30329 | 404.633.0551 | www.bethjacobatlanta.org | [email protected] | Facebook.com/bethjacobatlanta

Parents and kids alike having a wonderful time at the Feldman’s Chanukah PJ Party!

Page 2: SKIP FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30 !mely zay · 7:00pm | Vayikra Rabbi Pransky is on break and will resume Jan. 15 MONDAY 9 - 9:15am | Cafe BJ Rabbi Feldman, Rabbi’s office (M/W) 12 - 1pm

Parshas Mikeitz • DeCeMber 31 • 2 teves 5777

Kids’ Birthdays this Week • Happy Birthday to... Shayna Fischer | Zev Gopin | Chaim Kahn | Leah Malka Linder | Efrayim

Pransky | Rivka Stewart

News You Can Use • On Motzei Shabbos, December 31, Chanukah candles should be lit after the emergence of three

stars, which is at 6:19pm. • In a shul, the custom is to light the menorah before saying Havdalah on Motzei Shabbos. At

home, there are two equally accepted customs: Some recite havdalah first, and others light the menorah first. If you do not have an established custom, you should first recite Havdalah, and then light the menorah. (See Chanukah Laws booklet on our website for comprehensive laws, or pick up a copy from our flyer rack.)

• Monday, January 2 there will be an additional Shacharis minyan at 9am in the Daily Minyan.

Mazel Tov!• Allan & Roberta Scher on the birth of a grandson, born to Rabbi Yitzchak (Mitchell) & Aliza Scher

in Silver Spring, MD. • Rabbi Mayer & Rivka Neuberger on the birth of a grandson, born to Shoshana & Michoel

Schwartz.• Rabbi Yakov & Rachel Daniels on the birth of a baby girl. • Rabbi Ariel & Michele Asa on the engagement of their son Tzvi Yehudah to Chana Glasser,

daughter of Bentzion & Esther Glasser of Brooklyn, NY.• Rabbi David & Julie Silverman on the birth of a granddaughter, born to Shua & Shira Wealcatch.

Thank you to our SponsorsSPECIAL DEDICATIONS • Rabbi’s Sermon by Raya Zalik, David, Helen, Daniella, Adrianna, Sophia Zalik and

Annalisa Conte in loving memory of Daniel Zalik, z”l.• Rabbi’s Sermon by Jake Aronov in memory of his mother, Margie Aronov, z”l. NORMAN RAAB KIDDUSH FUND• Jo Katz Worley wishing her son Frank, Yosef Leib ben Yocheved Miriam, a healthy new year.• Abe & Faye Esral in memory of their daughter-in-law, Naomi Esral, z”l.• David Garfunkel in memory of his father, Baruch Mordechai Garfunkel, z”l.

Upcoming Events • This Sunday: Communicating with Your

Creator on Chanukah Part II, Mrs. Sarah Bayla Gross, 10:15am, BR, for women. This special class will be devoted to the prayers of Chanukah (Hallel, Al Hanisim). All who wish to learn and/or review these prayers are welcome to join.

• Monday Night Class Series: Turning Points of the 20th Century - Mechitza Controversy, Rabbi Ilan Feldman, Monday, January 9, 8:00pm, Conference Room, for men and women. Registration link in Sunday email.

• Building Blocks of Emunah Part II Mrs. Miriam Feldman, Tuesday, January 10, 8:15 - 9:15pm, Conference Room. Part II continues January 17, 24 & 31. Participation at all classes is recommended, as each class builds on the previous one.

• Next Shabbos: Friday & Shabbos, January 6 & 7 Eric Robbins, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, will spend Shabbos in the Toco Hills neighborhood. Mr. Robbins will spend time both at Young Israel and Beth Jacob.

• BENA/BJ Elevation of Communication: Uniting to generate merit for those who are ill in the community, Motzei Shabbos, January 7, 8 - 9pm, Conference Room, for women. A one-time gathering to introduce a practical, bite-size initiative for careful speech. For more information, speak to Leah Lewis or Raizie Shkarofsky.

• Men’s Club 2nd Annual Ski Trip, Sunday, January 29. Enjoy an outdoor adventure in North Carolina with skiing, snowboarding, optional lessons, breakfast and lunch. See link in Sunday email for registration and pricing options. Registration deadline is January 15.

• Beth Jacob Annual Meeting, Tuesday January 31, 7:00pm, Heritage Hall. Agenda includes a financial report from 2016, a look ahead at 2017 budget, board member presentations, and election of officers for 2017 - 2018. All members welcome.

Upcoming Youth Program • Beth Jacob Aishes Chayil Class Bas Mitzvah Class for girls turning twelve in 2017! Learn about

the importance of this milestone in your life. Starting Sunday, January 15, 8 – 9pm, Goldberger home at 1725 N. Holly Lane. For more information or to register, please contact Randee Goldberger. Link in Sunday email.

Sisterhood All Fired up for Chanukah