Skills Book Section I Answer Key Language Conventions Modifier Key 1. monthly 2. at the corner of First and Main 3. which is near the door 4. almost 5. bike 6. store 7. sale 8. bought 9. hard rock section

Skills Book Section I Answer Key - Oak Park · PDF fileSkills Book Section I Answer Key Language Conventions ... B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B ... allowed to stay because the U.S. gov't took

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Skills Book Section I Answer Key

Language Conventions

Modifier Key 1. monthly 2. at the corner of First and Main 3. which is near the door 4. almost 5. bike 6. store 7. sale 8. bought 9. hard rock section

Active/Passive Voice Key

1. passive 2. active 3. passive 4. active 5. passive 6. passive

7. active 8. passive 9. passive 10. active (answers can vary) 11. The teacher checked Tom's hall pass. 12. I pressed the button for the third floor. 13. We ate pizza and birthday cake on Sunday. 14. I reported on the project's success.

Infinitives and Participles Key

1. to sail 2. to walk 3. to worry 4. to open 5. to study 6. simmering 7. steamed 8. crackling; spitting 9. having 10. flying 11. to open 12. to annoy 13. to freeze 14. to read

15. to tire 16. dancing 17. cleaning 18. opening 19. remembering 20. steering 21. answers will vary

Pronoun Key 1. they 2. those 3. who 4. mine 5. herself 6. who Third person object: him, it First person subject: I, we Interrogative: which, what Indefinite: nobody

Parts of Speech Key

1. tiger 2. ate 3. and 4. near 5. cardinal; gold 6. we 7. adverb 8. conjunction 9. adjective 10. pronoun 11. verb

12. preposition 13. noun 14. interjection

Sentences Key 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B Answers will vary 6. A. After swimming, Wim Lu goes out for ice cream B. complex 7. A. When the weather is nice, my friend and I like to jog through the park. B. complex 8. A. Mom takes a karate class. B. simple 9. A. Shaniqua hopes to find another job. B. simple 10. A. As the sun sets, the street lights go on. B. complex 11. A. The girls rode the rollercoaster and they walked home. B. compound

Mechanics of Writing Key

1. G 2. C 3. F 4. A 5. If you asked, I would say Denver, Los Angeles, and Santa Fe are my favorite cities.

6. Rosa said, "Don't you think it's time to go, Stephie?" 7. Although it is a holiday, a few teachers will be at school. 8. It was a cold, wet, dreary day in April.

Hyphens, Dashes, Brackets, and Semicolons Key

1. trade-in, hyphen 2. [page 58] bracket 3. things- CD, radios- in dash 4. Friday- can dash 5. one-month hyphen 6. irresponsible; for semicolon 7. skyscrapers; villas, attached; or semicolon 8. today-I dash 9. high-ranking hyphen


1. Because of her lingering cold, Keesha went to see Dr. Knowles. 2. Jack's father fought in Kuwait during the Gulf War. 3. We are getting together to study for the test on the book Where the Red Fern Grows.

4. On Wednesday, Mayor Novak will meet in Chicago with the mayors of other cities. 5. The East was home to the Iroquois tribe, while the Yurok lived in the West. 6. 3 7. 1 8. 4 9. 2 10. 3

Spelling Key 1. batting 2. imaginary 3. companies 4. clueless 5. carried 6. 2 7. 4 8. 3 9. 2 10. 3 11. 4 12. 2 13. 1 14. 1 15. 2 16. 4              



1A Finding Meanings

1. (c-a) If you infuriate someone, you make that person very angry. 2. (d-a) A sham is something that is not genuine. 3. (c-a) An epidemic is a disease that spreads rapidly. 4. (b-d) An irrelevant comment is one that is off the subject. 5. (a-d) An agent is something that produces a result. 6. (c-a) An industrious person is one who works hard. 7. (b-c) Authorities are people who enforce the law. 8. (c-b) Something that is acknowledged is generally accepted. 9. (b-a) Devastation is a state of destruction. 10. (a-c) An authority is an expert source of information.

1B Just the Right Word

1. The people had no right to be there, so they were evicted from the house. 2. The governor has the authority to appoint judges to state courts. 3. Those called for jury duty are expected to be impartial.

4. The parts of the jigsaw puzzle must be cut with precision if they are to fit together properly. 5. In a special ceremony, the town acknowledged the heroic act of the firefighter. 6. To succeed in the movie business, you need a good agent. 7. The carpenter will estimate the cost of building a deck. 8. We waited for the heavy traffic to abate before we left the city. 9. Yesterday's tornado in eastern Kansas devastated a trailer park. 10. We trekked across the desert for three days.

1C Applying Meanings

1. Which can be shammed? a. concern, b. honesty, c. sleep, d. interest 2. Which can be estimated? a. cost of repairs, b. height of a hill, c. population of a town 3. Which would be irrelevant in judging student's writing? b. name, c. width of margins, d. color of ink used 4. Which might result in being evicted from a house? a. failing to pay rent, b. using it for illegal purposes, c. causing damage 5. Which can abate? a. anger, b. high winds, d. applause 6. Which are precise amounts? a. 2,145, c. half a dozen 7. Which might be considered a trek? c. walk across Canada 8. Which would be devastating to a town? b. an earthquake

1D Word Relationships 1. authority, expert 2. admit, acknowledge 3. calculation, estimate 4. fair, impartial 5. fake, sham 6. devastate, destroy 7. abate, increase 8. infuriate, soothe 9. inaccurate, precise 10. industrious, lazy

1E Narrative

1. It was an epidemic. 2. It is estimated that more than half of the population died. 3. No, the theft of their land continued unabated. 4. An agent is "a person who acts for another." 5. The treaty was a sham because those who signed it had no right to act for the entire Cherokee nation.

6. We know they were an industrious people. 7. No, this fact was brushed aside as irrelevant. 8. Acknowledged is used to mean "admitting the existence of." 9. President Jackson was infuriated by the chief justice's opinion because he didn't support the opinion of the president. 10. Authority is used to mean "the right to make decisions of take action. 11. When the Cherokees tried to evict illegal settlers they were allowed to stay because the U.S. gov't took the settlers' side. 12. The gov't should have been impartial. 13. The trekked more than 900 miles. 14. No, it is not a precise figure. 15. It has a devastating effect on them.


2A Finding Meanings

1. (b-d) To scavenge is to search for something usable. 2. (a-d) Plumage is a bird's feathers. 3. (c-a) A mythical creature is one that isn't real.

4. (b-c) A delicacy is a choice item of food. 5. (a-d) Authenticity is the quality of being genuine. 6. (d-c) A figment is something that is imagined. 7. (a-b) A prior commitment is one made earlier. 8. (b-d) A vulnerable person is one who is easily hurt. 9. (a-c) Slaughter is killing on a large scale. 10. (d-c) A predatory person is one who robs others.

2B Just the Right Word

1. People who are astute are unlikely to be fooled easily.

2. The slaughter of the American bison almost led to its extinction.

3. While Carlotta was at camp, she devoured the letters from


4. Scavengers are not allowed at the town dump.

5. It's obvious that this coin marked 55 B.C. is not authentic.

6. There is some unfinished business left over from a prior meeting.

7. I felt very ungainly when called upon to dance in public.

8. People who like solitude make good lighthouse keepers.

9. I try to ignore statements that are derogatory.

10. The counselor asked questions about the student's family with delicacy.

2C Applying Meanings

1. Which might be vulnerable? a. young child, b. wounded animal, c. undefended city, d. trusting person 2. Where might you find solitude? c. log cabin in Alaska, d. uninhabited island 3. Which can be astute? a. reply, b. person, c. a solution, d. advertisement 4. Which occurred prior to 1990? c. 1984 Olympics 5. Which are mythical creatures? a. mermaids, b. unicorns, c. dragons 6. Which are predators? a. wolves, c. spiders, d. sharks 7. Which might be devoured? a. important news, b. an interesting novel, c. cookies 8. Which is a derogatory remark? a. "you're stupid"

2D Word Study 1. authentic, fake (A) 2. mythical, real (A) 3. astute, stupid (A) 4. killing, slaughter (S)

5. prior, earlier (S) 6. NIBBLE : DEVOUR:: d. annoy : infuriate 7. PREDATOR : PREDATORY:: b. victim : vulnerable 8. DELICACY : EAT:: b. beverage : drink 9. PLUMAGE : BIRD:: d. scales : reptile 10. GRACEFUL : UNGAINLY:: b. flattering : derogatory

2E Narrative

1. Its years of solitude came to an end. 2. Prior means "coming earlier in time." 3. Its trusting nature made it vulnerable. 4. It was too fat and ungainly to run fast enough to get away. 5. Derogatory names of birds when applied to humans are chicken, turkey, "silly" goose, dodo. 6. Dodo's existence was authenticated when the bones were found in Mauntius. 7. The Portuguese did not think the dodo was very astute. 8. Delicacy is used to mean "a choice item of food." 9. Its plumage was gray over most of its body and white on its breast.

10. Devoured is used to mean "ate up hungrily." 11. People believed the dodo to be a figment of an artist's imagination because no living dodo had been seen since 1681. 12. They thought of it as a mythical creature. 13. The meaning of slaughtered is "killed in order to obtain meat." 14. The meaning of predatory is "living by killing and eating other animals." 15. The dogs were scavengers.


3A Finding Meanings

1. (b-c) A mortal wound is one that causes death. 2. (d-a) A benefactor is someone who helps with gifts of money. 3. (d-a) An unwitting insult is one that is unintended. 4. (d-b) A devious path is one that twists and turns. 5. (c-b) To be aghast is to be shocked. 6. (a-d) To subside is to sink to a lower level 7. (a-d) To be wrathful is to be very angry.

8. (d-a) To pioneer is to open the way for others. 9. (a-d) To admonish someone is to criticize that person.

10. (c-a) To be heedless of something is to fail to pay attention to it.

3B Just the Right Word

1. "Lord, what fools these mortals be," says Shakespeare's Puck.

2. Drug-related violence is a plague that began to spread rapidly

in the 1970s.

3. Homestead Air Force Base in Florida was almost annihilated in

1992 by Hurricane Andrew.

4. Elizabeth Blackwell was a pioneer in the field of medical

education for women.

5. Anyone tempted to smoke should heed the warnings printed on

cigarette packages.

6. I avoid doing business with him because I think he is devious.

7. As far as we know, Mars is totally devoid of life.

8. In ancient times, people believed that a volcano's eruption was

caused by the wrath of the gods

9. Two children are easier to care for than one, he mused.

10. We obeyed the park ranger's admonition to be careful with

matches while in the woods.

3C Applying Meanings

1. Which can subside? a. an epidemic, c. storm, d. flames 2. Which might a wrathful person do? a. seek revenge, c. make derogatory remarks, d. speak in a loud voice 3. Which can you heed? a.advice, b. a suggestion, c. a warning 4. Which might plague a person? b. doubts, c. worries, d. fears 5. Which might make you aghast? b. hearing of a terrible accident 6. Which can be mortal? a. terror, b. wounds, c. enemies 7. Which can be described as devious? a. a winding path, c. a person who lies and cheats 8. Which might a benefactor do? a. pay your college tuition, b. support your local theatre, d. give you good advice

3D Word Relationships

1. To admonish someone is to warn that person. The word comes from the Latin monere, meaning to warn. 2. Solitude is the state of being alone. The word comes from the

Latin solus, meaning alone. 3. To be vulnerable is to be easily hurt. The word comes from the Latin vulnus, meaning a wound. 4. To annihilate something is to destroy it completely. The word comes from the Latin nihil, meaning nothing. 5. An impartial judge will hear both arguments completely. The word comes from the Latin pars, meaning side. 6. To infuriate someone is to make him extremely angry. The word comes from the Latin furor, meaning rage. 7. A devious person is one who is not direct and straightforward. The word comes from the Latin via, meaning way. 8. To subside is to fall to a lower level. The word comes from the Latin sidere, meaning to settle. 9. A mortal wound is one that causes death. The word comes from the Latin mors, meaning death. 10. A benefactor is a person who tries to make things better for others. The word comes from the Latin facere, meaning to make.

3E Narrative

1. Prometheus bestowed the gift of fire on humankind. 2. Subsiding is used to mean "becoming less active." 3. No, Pandora was Zeus' unwitting helper. 4. Pandora is not a benefactor of humankind because she brough

evil into the world. 5. Devious is used to mean "sneaky." 6. Zeus admonished Pandora not to open the box 7. Yes, he heeded the order and created the first woman. 8. Pandora kept musing about the contents of the box. 9. Plague means "to cause suffering" in the narrative. 10. No, Zeus was devoid of pity when he punished Prometheus. 11. Curie was a pioneer in the study of uranium. 12. Mortal is used to mean "a human being, especially as contrasted with a god." 13. Both Prometheus and the human race suffered because of Zeus' wrath. 14. Her research led to the development of the bomb with its power to annihilate humankind. 15. She probably would have been aghast.