Skagen white label

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catalogo 2012

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Page 1: Skagen white label

2 0 1 2 A u t u m n / W i n t e r W A t C H i n n O V A t i O n S

Page 2: Skagen white label

T h e e l e m e n t S o f D a n i s h D e s i g n

Page 3: Skagen white label

s K a g e n i n s P i R e D

The nor thern coasta l town of Skagen, Denmark cont inual l y ser ves as the muse

in the deve lopment o f our co l lec t ions and of fe rs mot iva t ional components to the

cons t ruc t ion o f our brand. From the shimmer o f the Skagen coast to our cr ys ta l l ine

b lue sk ies and the smooth shi f t o f wind -b lown sands; a l l that resides in Skagen

comes to l i fe through fo rm, co lor and func t ion.

These e lements that have inspired the creat ion o f our produc t l ines now f ind

themse lves shining in a l i fe o f contemporar y s t y l ing, qual i t y design, subt le co lor

combinat ions and durab le, high -qual i t y mater ia ls.

Page 4: Skagen white label

s i g n a T u R e s K a g e n

The beaches o f Skagen are unl ike any p lace e lse in the wor ld. The l ight here is

b r ighter, the waters co ld and cr isp, and the f ine sand creates shi f t ing is lands in the

sur rounding grass lands that seem to disappear the ver y nex t day.

A day spent a t the beach of Skagen is the per fec t day fo r the Jo rs t family, creators

o f the Skagen Denmark brand. Hand in hand, Henr ik and Char lo t te walk down

the beach with both o f their daughters r ight behind, enjoying a per fec t a f te rnoon

together among the sun and sea.

This wondrous p lace is the core inspira t ion fo r many o f the signature e lements that

have created the Skagen Denmark brand.

Fine grains o f the cons tant l y shi f t ing sands were the inspira t ion behind our pressed

mesh and s t re tch mesh bands; l ight as a feather and as s t rong and re l iab le as s tee l.

Our si l ver, go ld and rose go ld hues take their cues f rom the pr ism of l ight f i l te r ing

through our c lear, cr ys ta l l ine air. Final l y, many o f our s t y les in this co l lec t ion come

adorned with SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS cr ys ta ls and faceted glass top r ings, re f lec t ive

o f the t reasures found hidden beneath the sands. Together, these co l lec t ions embody

the many magical e lements that are Skagen.


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Material: Steel Case: Shiny

strap: Stretch Mesh Case Width: 18.7mm

Case Thickness: 5.9mm Movement: 2-Hand Japanese

Dial: Sunray Silver

821Xsss1Material: Steel

Case: Shiny Gold strap: Gold Stretch Mesh

Case Width: 18.7mm Case Thickness: 5.9mm

Movement: 2-Hand Japanese Dial: Sunray Champagne

821Xsgg1Material: Steel

Case: Shiny Grey strap: Grey Stretch Mesh

Case Width: 18.7mm Case Thickness: 5.9mm

Movement: 2-Hand Japanese Dial: Sunray Grey


Material: Steel Case: Shiny strap: Mesh

Case Width: 20mm Case Thickness: 6.5mm

Movement: 2-Hand Japanese Dial: White Mother-of-Pearl

887sssMaterial: Steel

Case: Shiny Gold strap: Gold Stretch Mesh

Case Width: 20mm Case Thickness: 6.5mm

Movement: 2-Hand Japanese Dial: White Mother-of-Pearl

887sggMaterial: Steel

Case: Shiny Rose Gold strap: Rose Gold Mesh

Case Width: 20mm Case Thickness: 6.5mm

Movement: 2-Hand Japanese Dial: White Mother-of-Pearl


a u T u M n / W i n T e R 2 0 1 2 i n n O V A t i O n S

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7s K a g e n — I N N O V A T I O N S

T h e e l e m e n t S o f D a n i s h D e s i g n

Material: Steel Case: Shiny Gold

strap: Silver & Gold Mesh Case Width: 25mm

Case Thickness: 6.6mmMovement: 2-Hand Japanese

Dial: Brushed Champagne

456sgs1Material: Steel

Case: Shiny Rose Gold strap: Silver and Rose Gold Mesh

Case Width: 25mm Case Thickness: 6.6mm

Movement: 2-Hand Japanese Dial: Brushed Silver


Material: Steel Case: Shiny Gold

strap: Silver & Gold Mesh Case Width: 21.6mm

Case Thickness: 6.6mmMovement: 2-Hand Japanese

Dial: Champagne Sunray

384XsgsgMaterial: Steel

Case: Shiny Rose Gold strap: Silver and Rose Gold Mesh

Case Width: 21.6mm Case Thickness: 6.6mm

Movement: 2-Hand Japanese Dial: Silver Sunray


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a u T u M n / W i n T e R 2 0 1 2 i n n O V A t i O n S

Material: Steel Case: Shiny

strap: Silver Mesh Case Width: 37mm

Case Thickness: 8.2mmMovement: Multifunction Japanese

Dial: Matte Silver

357XLsssMaterial: Steel

Case: Shiny Gold strap: Gold Mesh

Case Width: 37mm Case Thickness: 8.2mm

Movement: Multifunction Japanese Dial: Matte Champagne

357XLggMaterial: Steel

Case: Shiny Grey strap: Grey Mesh

Case Width: 37mm Case Thickness: 8.2mm

Movement: Multifunction Japanese Dial: Matte Grey


Material: Steel Case: Shiny

strap: Silver Link Case Width: 34mm

Case Thickness: 8.7mmMovement: Multifunction Japanese

Dial: Brushed Silver

344LsXsMaterial: Steel

Case: Shiny Gold strap: Gold Link

Case Width: 34mm Case Thickness: 8.7mm

Movement: Multifunction Japanese Dial: Brushed Champagne


Material: Steel Case: Shiny Grey

strap: Grey Link Case Width: 34mm

Case Thickness: 8.7mmMovement: Multifunction Japanese

Dial: Brushed Grey


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9s K a g e n — I N N O V A T I O N S

T h e e l e m e n t S o f D a n i s h D e s i g n

Material: Steel Case: Shiny

strap: Matte and Shiny Link Case Width: 27mm

Case Thickness: 7.4mmMovement: 3-Hand Japanese

Dial: Matte Black

h02LsXB1Material: Steel

Case: Shiny Black strap: Matte and Shiny Link

Case Width: 27mm Case Thickness: 7.4mm

Movement: 3-Hand Japanese Dial: Matte Black


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i M P R e s s i o n s o f s K a g e n

Ar t is as cent ra l to the his to r y o f Skagen as the ver y nature that sur rounds our shores.

A his to r ical sojourn f rom the cradle o f the Impressionis t movement in Par is, France

brought a co l lec t ion o f ar t is t s to the coast s o f Skagen, Denmark in the la te 1800’s

fo r the land’s unique se t t ing and br i l l iant co lo rs.

Skagen Denmark owner and designer Char lo t te Jo rs t wi l l never fo rget the f i rs t t ime

she saw the iconic pain t ing, “Summer Evening on Skagen’s Southern Beach,” by

Impressionis t ar t is t, P.S. K røyer, when she was 10 years o ld and walk ing through the

gal le r y a t the Skagen Museum with her mother. She was s t ruck by the simple beaut y

o f the work and loved the unique uses o f co lor.

When designing pieces fo r this Col lec t ion, Char lo t te wanted to evoke the same

simple beaut y found within the work o f K røyer and the o ther Skagen Ar t is t s wi th the

pain te r’s use o f muted, ye t r ich tones in brown and grey, with cont ras t s o f b lacks,

s t r ik ing whi tes, and exp losions o f deep b lue. Genuine leather s t raps are the canvas

that she applied the brushs t rokes o f s tain less s tee l cases, c lean, moderns and a

myr iad of smal l ar t is t ic embel l ishments to.


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a u T u M n / W i n T e R 2 0 1 2 i n n O V A t i O n S

Material: Steel Case: Shiny

strap: White Leather Case Width: 20mm

Case Thickness: 5.8mmMovement: 2-Hand Japanese

Dial: Shiny White

h01ssLWMaterial: Steel

Case: Shiny Rose Gold strap: Brown Leather Case Width: 20mm

Case Thickness: 5.8mmMovement: 2-Hand Japanese

Dial: Brown Mother-of-Pearl

h01sRLDMaterial: Steel

Case: Shiny strap: Black Leather Case Width: 34mm

Case Thickness: 6.6mmMovement: 3-Hand w/ Date Japanese

Dial: Shiny Black

h04LsLB - unisex

Material: Steel Case: Shiny

strap: Black Leather Case Width: 33.5mm

Case Thickness: 8.4mmMovement: Multifunction Japanese

Dial: Vertical Brushed Silver

656LsLBMaterial: Steel

Case: Shiny strap: Brown Leather

Case Width: 33.5mm Case Thickness: 8.4mm

Movement: Multifunction Japanese Dial: Vertical Brushed Brown


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13s K a g e n — I N N O V A T I O N S

T h e e l e m e n t S o f D a n i s h D e s i g n

Material: Steel Case: Shiny

strap: Brown Leather Case Width: 24mm

Case Thickness: 6.5mmMovement: 3-Hand Japanese

Dial: Sunray Silver

691ssLg - BasicsMaterial: Steel

Case: Shiny strap: Brown Leather Case Width: 24mm

Case Thickness: 6.45mmMovement: 3-Hand Japanese

Dial: Sunray Silver

691ssLR - Basics

Material: Steel Case: Brushed

strap: White Leather Case Width: 38mm

Case Thickness: 7.7mmMovement: 3-Hand w/ Date Japanese Dial: Vertical Brushed and Matte Grey

233XXLsLW - BasicsMaterial: Steel Case: Brushed

strap: Orange Leather Case Width: 38mm

Case Thickness: 7.7mmMovement: 3-Hand w/ Date Japanese Dial: Vertical Brushed and Matte Grey

233XXLsLo - Basics

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a u T u M n / W i n T e R 2 0 1 2 i n n O V A t i O n S

Material: Steel Case: Shiny and Matte

strap: Brown Leather Case Width: 40.5mm

Case Thickness: 7.1mmMovement: 3-Hand w/ Day-Date Japanese

Dial: Gradient Brown

890XLsLDMaterial: Steel

Case: Shiny and Matte strap: Black Leather

Case Width: 40.5mm Case Thickness: 7.1mm

Movement: 3-Hand w/ Day-Date Japanese Dial: Gradient Grey


Material: Steel Case: Shiny and Brushed

strap: Brown Leather Case Width: 32.5mm

Case Thickness: 6.4mmMovement: 2-Hand Japanese

Dial: Brushed Brown

857LsLDMaterial: Steel

Case: Shiny and Brushed strap: Black Leather

Case Width: 32.5mm Case Thickness: 6.4mm

Movement: 2-Hand Japanese Dial: Shiny Black


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15s K a g e n — I N N O V A T I O N S

T h e e l e m e n t S o f D a n i s h D e s i g n

Material: Steel Case: Brushed

strap: Brown Leather Case Width: 40mm

Case Thickness: 9.1mmMovement: 3-Hand w/ Day-Date Japanese

Dial: Brushed Brown

989XLsLDMaterial: Steel Case: Brushed

strap: Black Leather Case Width: 40mm

Case Thickness: 9.1mmMovement: 3-Hand w/ Day-Date Japanese

Dial: Brushed Black


Material: Steel Case: Brushed Grey strap: Grey Silicone Case Width: 40mm

Case Thickness: 6.8mmMovement: 3-Hand w/ Date Japanese

Dial: Sunray and Sandblasted Grey

955XLsMRMMaterial: Steel Case: Brushed

strap: Black Silicone Case Width: 40mm

Case Thickness: 6.8mmMovement: 3-Hand w/ Date Japanese

Dial: Sunray and Sandblasted Blue


Page 16: Skagen white label

n a T u R a L s T R e n g T h

Mild and beaut i f u l summers give way to power fu l win te rs in our nat ive Denmark.

Beaut i f u l in their fu r y, the seas sur rounding Skagen rage in the co ld winte r

months especial l y a t the sandy t ip o f Grenen where the Skager rak and Kat tegat seas

c lash together.

Ever y day, r ight before sunse t, our owners Henr ik and Char lo t te Jo rs t make the t r ip

f rom their apar tment in Skagen to the Grenen peninsu la to watch these seas come

together l ike a show put on by nature i t se l f. As is t radi t ion, they venture out in to

the co ld waters and ver y care fu l l y pu t a foot in to each o f the two seas, fee l ing

the cur rent pu l l ing at their fee t and once again being reminded of the ver y power

o f nature.

While summers in Skagen have their p lace in the design o f our l ines, i t is our winte rs

that lay their heav y hands on the creat ion o f our Ti tanium l ine. Simple and mascu l ine

designs featur ing dark mat te cases with bo ld accents o f co lo r; a hin t o f f ie r y red on

a second hand or an exp losion o f deep b lue on the dial, mir ro r expression that can’t

be contained. S t rong s t y les inspired by s t rong seasons.


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a u T u M n / W i n T e R 2 0 1 2 i n n O V A t i O n S

Material: Titanium Case: Brushed and Shiny

strap: Grey Mesh Case Width: 39mm

Case Thickness: 6.8mmMovement: 3-Hand w/ Date Japanese

Dial: Sunray Blue

956XLTTnMaterial: Titanium

Case: Brushed and Shiny strap: Black Mesh

Case Width: 39mm Case Thickness: 6.8mm

Movement: 3-Hand w/ Date Japanese Dial: Sandblasted Black


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Page 20: Skagen white label

h e R i T a g e C o L L e C T i o n

J us t over a decade ago we designed a watch that, a t f i r s t, seemed simple and

modest. Bu t we were conf ident in i t s potent ia l. We knew i t s greatness only needed

t ime to deve lop. Near ly 10 years la te r, the 233 design has come to embody the

spir i t o f the Skagen Denmark brand as our f lagship model. I t s ex t remely thin pro f i le

and e legant l y layered dial are the per fec t embodiment o f the e lements o f Danish

Design fo r which the Skagen Denmark brand has been recognized fo r over 20 years.

To ce lebrate a success fu l decade of innovat ive design, we have taken our s ignature

u l t ra s l im case and cas t i t in a glossy ceramic to give the watch the appearance of

being car ved f rom a single s lab of marb le or ony x as a tes tament to i t s t ime lessness.

The designers o f the 233, Henr ik and Char lo t te Jo rs t, have taken a great deal o f

p r ide in the endur ing s t y le o f their 233 re f lec t ing on i t much l ike the foundat ion upon

which their b rand was bui l t ; l ike a t iny grain o f sand that over t ime becomes a par t

o f a great dune.


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a u T u M n / W i n T e R 2 0 1 2 i n n O V A t i O n S

Material: Ceramic Case: White Case

strap: White Leather Case Width: 24mm

Case Thickness: 6.7mmMovement: 3-Hand Japanese

Dial: Shiny White

233XsCLWMaterial: Ceramic Case: Black Case

strap: Black Leather Case Width: 24mm

Case Thickness: 6.7mmMovement: 3-Hand Japanese

Dial: Shiny Black


Material: Ceramic Case: White Case

strap: White Leather Case Width: 38mm

Case Thickness: 7.8mmMovement: 3-Hand w/ Date Japanese

Dial: Matte White

233XLCLWMaterial: Ceramic Case: Black Case

strap: Black Leather Case Width: 38mm

Case Thickness: 7.8mmMovement: 3-Hand w/ Date Japanese

Dial: Matte Black



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Page 24: Skagen white label

s K a g e n — F I x T u R E S


Cuff-WL-BCK4.0 x 4.0 x 4.2 cm

1.6 x 1.6 x 1.7 inches

Wa-CuBesingLe_14.0 x 4.0 x 4.2 cm

1.6 x 1.6 x 1.7 inches WSL


8.6 x 16.5 x 16.5 cm3.4 x 6.5 x 6.5 inches


8.6 x 16.5 x 16.5 cm3.4 x 6.5 x 6.5 inches


18.0 x 10.5 x 10.8 cm7.1 x 4.1 x 4.25 inches


18.0 x 10.5 x 10.8 cm7.1 x 4.1 x 4.25 inches



F i x t u r e S , p A C k A g i n g & F u r n i t u r e

17.4 x 26.3 x 11.6 cm6.9 x 10.9 x 4.6 inches

17.4 x 26.3 x 11.6 cm6.9 x 10.9 x 4.6 inches


22.8 x 16.5 x 16.7 cm9.0 x 6.5 x 6.6 inches

55.1 x 23.4 x 18.2 cm21.7 x 9.2 x 7.2 inches

Wa-in5RaMP_1 Wa-in5RaMP1 Wa-in7_1 Wa-in16_1

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F i x t u r e S , p A C k A g i n g & F u r n i t u r e

40.0 x 31.0 x 18.7 cm15.7 x 12.2 x 7.4 inches


14.0 x 23.5 x 1.5 cm5.5 x 9.2 x 0.6 inches


89.0 x 40.0 x 18.2 cm35.0 x 15.7 x 7.2 inches


89.0 x 40.0 x 18.2 cm35.0 x 15.7 x 7.2 inches



22.8 x 6.3 x 25.0 cm9.0 x 2.5 x 9.8 inches


30.0 x 6.3 x 30.0 cm11.8 x 2.5 x 11.8 inches


30.0 x 6.0 x 37.3 cm11.8 x 2.5 x 14.7 inches


61.0 x 8.0 x 37.3 cm24.0 x 3.1 x 14.7 inches


61.0 x 8.0 x 37.3 cm24.0 x 3.1 x 14.7 inches


Wa-in30BaCKDRoP-sM61.0 x 8.0 x 49.3 cm

24.0 x 3.1 19.4 inches

Wa-in30-BCKMD_161.0 x 8.0 x 49.3 cm

24.0 x 3.1 19.4 inches WSL

Wa-in30BaCKDRoP-MeD5.4 x 8.7 x 8.7 cm

2.1 x 3.4 x 3.4 inches


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7.6 x 9.7 x 7.6 cm3.0 x 3.8 x 3.0 inches


7.0 x 8.3 cm2.75 x 3.25 inches


12.7 x 12.7 cm5.0 x 5.0 inches


12.7 x 17.8 cm5.0 x 7.0 inches


21.7 x 28.5 cm8.5 x 11.2 inches

ins8hLDR27.5 x 20.6 cm

10.8 x 8.1 inches

PResenTaTion PaD12.0 x 2.0 x 6.0 cm4.7 x 8 x 2.4 inches

Wa-LogoBLoCK-CuRVe12.0 x 2.0 x 6.0 cm4.7 x 8 x 2.4 inches


40.0 x 11.4 x 48.1 cm15.7 x 4.5 x 19.0 inches





s K a g e n — F I x T u R E S

F i x t u r e S , p A C k A g i n g & F u r n i t u r e

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37.0 x 29.0 x 55.0 cm14.57 x 11.42 x 21.65 inches


Wa-ToC euRo

32.4 x 31.8 x 71.1 cm12.8 x 12.5 x 28 inches


35.6 x 39.4 x 71.1 cm11.0 x 11.0 x 28.0 inches


31.8 x 31.8 x 71.1 cm12.5 x 12.5 x 28 inches


50.0 x 50.0 x 39.0 cm19.7 x 19.7 x 15.4 inches


32.4 x 31.8 x 71.1 cm12.8 x 12.5 x 28 inches


120.0 x 60.0 x 120.0 cm47.2 x 23.6 x 47.2 inches


120.0 x 60.0 x 120.0 cm47.2 x 23.6 x 47.2 inches


F i x t u r e S , p A C k A g i n g & F u r n i t u r e

Skagen owns regis te red design pa ten t s and unregis te red t rade dres s r igh t s in many o f i t s watch designs.Skagen owns design r igh t s in ce r ta in disp lay mate r ia l s inc luding regis te red design and t rademark r igh t s in t he design o f i t s beach tower disp lay uni t.The marks ‘Skagen’, ‘Skagen Denmark ’, t he ‘e lement s o f Danish design’, t he ` logo and o the r marks t ha t may be used he re in are regis te red t rademarks o f Skagen Designs, L td.Skagen owns a u t i l i t y pa ten t on i t s doub le - lock ing c lasp mechanism, uSP 5,870,803.SWAROVSK I ® is a regis te red t rademark.

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SKAGEN AMERICAS + 1.800.791.6784 · T + 1.775.850.5500 · F + 1.775.850.5530 · E [email protected]

SKAGEN EuROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFR ICA T + 45.4588.3460 · F + 45.4588.5690 · E [email protected]

SKAGEN ASIA PACIFIC T + 852.3568.8769 · F + 852.3568.0877 · E [email protected]


