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SJ-5112 Perancangan Geometrik Jalan

PendahuluanSemester I /2010-2011

Sony Sulaksono Wibowo, Ph.D

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o Prinsip Perancangan Geometrik Jalan AntarKota

o Geometrik Persimpangan dan Jalan Dalam Kota

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Daftar Pustaka Wajib

o American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (2001) A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, Washington DC, ISBN 1-56051-156-7

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Waktu dan Tempat

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o Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS)

o Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS)

o Tugas Besar

o Kuis dan tugas-tugas kuliah

o Tidak ada ujian perbaikan, ujian khusus, atau tugastambahan yang bersifat menaikan nilai secara sepihak

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Peraturan Perkuliahan dan Ujian

o Tidak merokok di dalam kelas

o Tidak melakukan kegiatan yang mengganggu orang lain

o Selama di dalam kelas (kuliah dan ujian), tidak diperkenankan menggunakantelepon gengam dan alat komunikasi lain

o Perkuliahan adalah bentuk diskusi aktif

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Kontak dan Diskusi

o Dapat dilakukan setiap saat dalam kuliah ataudapat dilakukan secara terbatas selama jam kerjayang ditetapkan oleh ITB.

o Alamat kontak:KK Rekayasa TransportasiLantai 2 Labtek 1Telp./Fax.: 022 2502350/2512395Email: [email protected] id: sonysswFacebook: Sony S Wibowo

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Geometrik Jalan

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Table of Contents

o Introduction History of Road Standards and Regulations Highway Function

o Design Control and Criteria Highway Design Components Design Vehicle, Driver Characteristics, and Speed Traffic Characteristics, Highway Capacity, and Level of

Service Environmental Issues and Energy Concern Safety and Cost Consideration

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Table of Contents

o Element of Design Sight Distance

Horizontal Alignment

Vertical Alignment

Cross Section

o Safety Issues on Geometric Designo Road Locationo Urban Road and Interchange

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Introduction: History of Road

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History of Road

o 4000 BC defined pathways used to travel and transport goods Already using higher ground for transport to reduce

flooding of track

o 3000 BC wheel invented Using carts and wagons Vehicle widths of 2 m and gauge of 1.4m

o 2000 BC road builders began Considering width, grades, materials, curves Rock proved a durable road surface

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History of Road

o 312 BC Appian Way was built The most important ancient Roman road Called as "the queen road“ It connected Rome to Brindisi, Apulia in southeast Italy -

50 km long, good materials and drainage

o 16th century the term of road began appear from verb “ride”

o 1585 Guido Toglietta, an Italian engineer published ideas on the use of small broken stone to construct new roads

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Via Appian Map

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Via Appian Road

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Pompeii Street

Pompeii City was vanished on 79 AD

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History of Road

o Modern’ road construction began in the late Eighteenth Century 1764 paving rocks and small stones (France)

1820 Telford made improvements in design with drainage

1822 McAdam better compaction of subgrade and binded surface

1854 Hooley adapted McAdams technique to use tar as sealant (hence be named as Tarmac)

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History of Road

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History of Road

o 1908 Long Island Motor Parkway – 10 km long and used superelevation

o Dual carriage way terminology originated from the use of horse drawn carriages Driving on left hand side of road – vehicles with one

line of horses driver used right hand for reins and whip – favored passing on left (England)

Driving on right hand side – more than one line of horses driver driver tended to sit to left – firearm used favored moving to right – also gave forward vision

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History of Road

o Car speeds rarely exceeded 15 km/hr 15-25 m of radius curves were ok

o By 1900 a minimum of 50 m radius requiredo Native asphalt was naturally occuringo Today’s Roads are design by

Safety Cost Efficiency Driver behavior Environment impacts

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Road Planning in Indonesia

Jalan dan Jembatan Kelok Sembilan, Payakumbuh

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Toll Road

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Introduction:Standards and Regulations

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Regulations for Indonesia Roads

UU No. 13/1980 tentang Jalan

o UU No. 38/2004 tentang Jalano PP No. 34/2006 tentang Jalano PerMen PU tentang Persyaratan Teknis Jalan

(direncanakan terbit tahun 2009)

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Norma, Standar, Pedoman, Manual

o Norma (N) aturan normatif dan bersifatkualitatif

o Standar (S) aspek normatif yang dibuat secarakuantitatif dan dispesifikasi besarannya

o Pedoman (P) mengatur mekanismeimplementasi

o Manual (M) step-by-step yang cukup detail

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'Standar' Perencanaan

o Spesifikasi Standar untuk PerencanaanGeometrik Jalan Luar Kota (Rancangan Akhir), Desember 1990

o Tata Cara Perencanaan Geometrik Jalan AntarKota, No. 038/TBM/1997, September 1997

Recently, no NSPM exist !!

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American Standardsfor Geometric Design

o 1940 - Policy on Highway Types (Geometric)o 1941, 1945 - A Policy on Design Standardso 1954 - A Policy on Geometric Design of Rural

Highwayso 1965 - A Policy on Geometric Design of Rural

Highways o 1973 - A Policy on Design of Urban Highways

and Arterial Streetso 1984 - A Policy on Geometric Design of

Highways and Streets

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American Standardsfor Geometric Design

o 1990 - A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets

o 1994 - A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets

o 2001 - A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets

o 2004 - A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets

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Other Standards (sometimes used in Indonesia)

o British Standard http://www.bsi-global.com/en/Standards-and-Publications/

o Japan Road Standard http://www.mlit.go.jp/road/road_e/contents.html

o Australian Standard (AUSTROADS) http://www.austroads.com.au/ Queensland: http://www.mainroads.qld.gov.au New Zealand Standard:


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Introduction:Highway Function

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Highway Function

Mobility & Accessibility

• Mobility: The ability to move goods and passengers to their destination (in a reasonable time)

• Accessibility: the ability to reach desired destination,

Hierarchy of Movements

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Highway Function

o The first step in the design process is to define the function that the facility is to serve.

o The level of service required to fulfill this function for the anticipated volume and composition of traffic provides a rational and cost-effective basis for the selection of design speed and geometric criteria within the range of values available to the designer (for the specified functional classification).

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Highway Function

• The use of functional classification as a design type should appropriately integrate the highway planning and design process.

ArterialsHigher degrees of MobilityLow degree of access

CollectorsBalance between Arterials and Collectors

LocalsLower degrees of mobilityHigh degree of access

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Functional System Services Provided

Arterial Provides the highest level of service at the greatest speed for the longest uninterrupted distance, with some degree of access control.

Collector Provides a less highly developed level of service at a lower speed for shorter distances by collecting traffic from local roads and connecting them with arterials.

Local Consists of all roads not defined as arterials or collectors; primarily provides access to land with little or no through movement.

Highway Function

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National Highway System (United States)

Blue lines –Interstate Highway

Red lines – State Highway

Highway Function – US System

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Representative freewayI476/U.S Rt. 1 Interchange, Montgomery County, PA)

Representative urban arterial(Windsor, CT)

Highway Function – US System

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Representative rural arterial(Taconic State Parkway, NY)

Representative Collectors and Local(Rt. 58, CT)

Highway Function – US System

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Representative collector in a residential area(Lambertville, NJ) (Greenbelt, MD)

Representative collector in a urban area

Highway Function – US System

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Representative collector in a rural area Representative local street(Easton, CT) (Montgomery Co., MD)

Highway Function – US System

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Highway Function – why?

What will happen if your design speed is 50 km/hrfor this highway?

or 110 km/hrfor this?

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Highway Function – Indonesia

o UU no. 38/2004: Jalan Khusus

Jalan Umum Sistem Jaringan – Primer dan Sekunder

Fungsi – Arteri, Kolektor, Lokal, dan Lingkungan

Status – Nasional, Provinsi, Kabupaten/Kota, dan Desa

Kelas – Bebas Hambatan, Jalan Raya, Jalan Sedang, danJalan Kecil

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Pertimbangan Dalam Penetapan Fungsi dan Status Jalan

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Prinsip Klasifikasi Fungsi JalanPERAN MOBILITAS



















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Pentingnya Penentuan Fungsi Jalan

o Keselamatan Pemanfaatan jalan sesuai dengan klasifikasi fungsi jalan,

memberikan kemudahan dalam pengelolaan keselamatan jalan

o Ekonomi Investasi prasarana jalan

optimalkan investasi jalan secara tepat guna

Lalu lintas kelancaran dalam distribusi barang yang mendukung pertumbuhan


o Stabilitas dan sosial Penyediaan mobilitas dan aksesibilitas jalan yang merata ke

seluruh wilayah akan memberikan dampak positif bagi stabilitas dan pemerataan sosial

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Payung Hukum Jalan

UU No. 13/1980 tentang Jalan

PP No.26/1985 tentang Jalan

o UU No. 38/2004 tentang Jalan PP No. 34/2006 tentang Jalan

PerMen PU tentang Persyaratan Teknis Jalan (direncanakanterbit tahun 2009)

PP No. 15/2005 tentang Jalan Tol

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Klasifikasi Jalan di IndonesiaPasal 6 - 10 UU No. 38/2004 tentang Jalan

o Jalan Umum Diperuntukkan bagi lalulintas umum (termasuk jalan tol)

o Jalan Khusus Tidak diperuntukkan bagi lalu lintas umum, dalam rangka

distribusi barang dan jasa yang dibutuhkan secara khusus jalan di dalam kawasan pelabuhan jalan kehutanan jalan perkebunan jalan inspeksi pengairan jalan di kawasan industri, dan jalan di kawasan permukiman yang belum diserahkan kepada


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Klasifikasi Jalan di IndonesiaPasal 6 - 10 UU No. 38/2004 tentang Jalan

o Jalan umum dikelompokkan menurut: SISTEM JARINGAN, yang terdiri atas:

Sistem jaringan jalan primer (antar kota)

Sistem jaringan jalan sekunder (kawasan perkotaan)

FUNGSI JALAN, yang dikelompokkan menjadi: Jalan arteri

Jalan kolektor

Jalan lokal

Jalan lingkungan

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Klasifikasi Jalan di IndonesiaPasal 6 - 10 UU No. 38/2004 tentang Jalan

o Jalan umum dikelompokkan.. lanjutan: STATUS JALAN, yang dikelompokkan menjadi:

Jalan Nasional Jalan Provinsi Jalan Kabupaten Jalan Kota Jalan Desa

KELAS JALAN, yang dikelompokan menjadi: jalan bebas hambatan jalan raya jalan sedang jalan kecil

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Klasifikasi Jalan di IndonesiaPasal 7 dan 8 UU No. 38/2004 tentang Jalan

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Klasifikasi Jalan di IndonesiaPasal 9 dan 10 UU No. 38/2004 tentang Jalan

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Kriteria Teknis Jalan PrimerPasal 13 dan 16 UU No. 38/2004 tentang Jalan

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Kriteria Teknis Jalan SekunderPasal 17 dan 20 UU No. 38/2004 tentang Jalan

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Hirarki Fungsi JalanPada Sistem Jaringan Jalan Primer

Keterangan:PKN : Pusat Kegiatan NasionalPKW : Pusat Kegiatan WilayahPKL : Pusat Kegiatan LokalPKLing : Pusat Kegiatan Lingkungan

Pasal 10 PP No. 34/2006 tentang Jalan

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Sistem Jaringan Jalan Primer UU 38/2004 dan PP 34/2006

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Hirarki Fungsi JalanPada Sistem Jaringan Jalan Sekunder

Pasal 11 PP No. 34/2006 tentang Jalan

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Sistem Jaringan Jalan Sekunder UU 38/2004 dan PP 34/2006

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Penampang JalanPenjelasan Pasal 33 PP No. 34/2006 tentang Jalan

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