Sivan 5779 ~ Av 5779 July & August 2019

Sivan 5779 ~ Av 5779 July & August 2019 - Temple …...4 Going away to overnight Jewish camp has been recognized as a great way to inculcate Jewish values and strong identities in

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Sivan 5779 ~ Av 5779 July & August 2019

Megillah Table of Contents

Circle of Honor / July & August Schedules….....….………………………3

Rabbi’s Bulletin……………………………………………...………….....4

Brotherhood Article………………………………………………………..5

Sisterhood Article…………………………………………………………..6

Message from Membership………………………………………………...7-8

Meet The Malka Family...…………………………………………………9

Arza Article……………………………………………………………….10

August Mazelgram ……………………………………………………….11

Mazelgram Message……………………………………………………….12

September Mazelgram……………………………………………………..13

School Supply Drive……………………………………………………….14

Sisterhood Pechanga Trip………………………………………………….15

Open House Schedule……………………………………………………..16

Under the Stars Shabbat Schedule…………………………………………17

Dine-Out Delight @Hof’s Hut……………………………………………..18


Taste of Beth David…………………………………………………………20

Save the Date………………………………………………………………..21

Don Schwart Lecture Series..……………………………………………….22



Beth David Advertising…...…………………..……………………….......26


Monthly Calendar…….................................................................................28-29

Beth David Donation Form…..…………………………………………….30



“Please consider remembering Beth David in your will or trust.”

July Shabbat Schedule

Friday 5 7:00pm Family Shabbat Service

Saturday 6 9:00am Lay Led Minyan

Friday 12 7:30pm Choir Shabbat Service

Saturday 13 9:00am Lay Led Minyan

Friday 19 7:30pm Shabbat Alive Service

Saturday 20 9:00am Lay Led Minyan

Friday 26 7:30pm Torah Shabbat Service

Saturday 27 9:00am Lay Led Minyan

GOLD Robert Altman & Michelle Sandler


Beverly August Jan Klein Deborah & Daniel Lelchuk Dan & Patti Levin Michelle & David Twissel-mann

August Shabbat Schedule

Friday 2 7:00pm Disney Under the Stars Shabbat

Saturday 3 9:00am Lay Led Minyan

Friday 9 7:30pm Under the Stars Choir Shabbat

Saturday 10 9:00am Torah Study

Friday 16 7:30pm Beatles Under the Stars Shabbat

Saturday 17 9:00am Body, Mind, & Spirit Shabbat

Friday 23 7:30pm Torah Shabbat Service

Saturday 24 9:00am Lay Led Minyan

Friday 30 7:30pm Shabbat Service

Saturday 31 9:00am Lay Led Minyan


Going away to overnight Jewish camp has been recognized as a great way to inculcate Jewish values and strong

identities in youth. On ReformJudaism.org, it’s written, “Jewish summer camps fuse the activities, friendships, and

communal life of traditional camps with the Jewish values, role models and culture our shared heritage. This uniquely

immersive experience provides a confidence-building opportunity in which campers experience joy and discovery in a

communal Jewish setting.”

We have some youth from our congregation going away to camp and others will be having some unique Jewish ex-

periences. These are the ones I know of. Hoping your child will get to do Jewish next summer!

Camp Newman: Ar i & Kai Fitzer , Jessa Kleinman, and Elizabeth Halbreich are spending two weeks at our

URJ leadership camp in Northern CA at the Cal State Maritime campus.

● Kai writes, “Thank you, Temple Beth David, for helping us to be able to go to an overnight Jewish camp to

connect with our religion, and make friends and memories that will last a lifetime.”

● Ari writes, “I hope to get back the same enjoyment I got the first time I went there.”

● Jessa writes, “This will be my fourth summer going to Camp Newman. I look forward to it throughout the

entire year.”

● Elizabeth writes, “I had an ever better time last year than the year before and I am ecstatic to return this year

to all of my friends.”

● Rabbi Myers: I continue to be impressed with the excitement of our youth in being at camp and learning

about Judaism. (I’ll be there the first two week in July)

6-points Sci Tech: Jacob Cantus is returning to our URJ camp in LA this summer .

● Jacob writes, “I want to go to overnight Jewish summer camp because it’s really fun. I liked the Erev Big

Bang. This was a science experience very night. I had so much fun and can’t wait to go back again!”

Camp Gilboa Habonim: McKenzie Pantel will be going for a whole month!

● She writes, “First of all, it’s a great way to learn about Judaism…the bonds at camp are unlike any other


Israel: Shane Prunty is going on the month long NFTY in Israel tr ip.

● He writes, “I am looking forward to exploring the culture of Israeli Jews and learning more about my Jewish

identity through it.”

Maccabi games: Vivian Halbreich is going to Detroit in August to compete in softball. Hayden Nguyen will be

playing soccer in Atlanta.

● Vivian explained to me that she is looking forward to having new Jewish experiences especially while doing

something she loves.

● Hayden is excited to play soccer with other Jewish girls from around the world in an Olympic like experi-

ence. She is hoping to learn soccer skills from players from other countries that she can then teach her


I’m looking forward, as I’m sure you are, to hearing about our youth’s experiences this summer.

Youth are doing Jewish this Summer

Rabbi Myers July/August 2019

The Mother's Day Brunch was a hit once again. The Junior Choir still continues to charm the audience with

their music and dialogues. This year Sharon Matalon stepped in to lead her former charges and write their dialogues,

because Cantor Linder was out of town. Bob Altman accompanied on the piano.

The food and mimosas were good and plentiful. It was Lee Netzer's last brunch as Culinary Director. Thanks

to him for four years of hard work and good food. Helping with the brunch were Ted Cohen, Steve Loken, and Scott

Telford, who gave a brief history of Mother's Day. Eileen Tobey brought the bagels. Thanks to all.

On Sunday, May 19th, Brotherhood hosted the Final Day of Jewish School Barbeque for about 50 students,

parents, staff and teachers. Lee Netzer and Steve Loken prepared and offered hot dogs, hamburgers, vegiburgers, and

provided snacks and drinks. Sisterhood provided ice cream.

During July Brotherhood has no social events planned. Our members can enjoy their own summer plans.

Mark your calendar. On the afternoon of Sunday, August 25th, Brotherhood will hold our annual Member-

ship Barbeque to kickoff our membership drive. Planning for the barbeque is still preliminary, but again this year we

will welcome all Chavurah members. The meal is complimrntary. Brotherhood is planning to serve the drinks and

main dishes, probably burgers, hotdogs, vegiburgers, or similar... We will ask attendees to provide other dishes on a

pot luck basis, such as salads and desserts. This is just an outline, so check Shavua Tov for the flier and details

Every Man a Member!

Charlie Niederman, President

Lee Netzer Jr. Choir, Sharon Matalon and Bob Altman


Beth David Brotherhood

By Charlie Niederman July/August 2019



By Laurie Schneider, Sisterhood President


July/August 2019

SISTERHOOD MATTERS… Sisterhood’s Donor and Volunteer Recognition Brunch was held in June, thanks to the efforts of chairs Deb

Lelchuk and Kelley Halbreich and committee members Cookie Ruby, Gayle Chait, and Cathy Katz. It was a

lovely event, with beautiful decorations, delicious food, great entertainment, and many prizes.

Congratulations to 2019 Woman of Merit Rachelle Wilson!

We thank you for your service and dedication

to Beth David Sisterhood.

Coming soon: Trip to Pechanga, Tuesday, July 30

Always a day of fun! Please see Shavuah Tov for details and reservation

information. Hope to see you there!


Laurie Schneider


A huge thank you to the wonderful Beth David membership

committee that made the Congregation Meeting/Membership

Celebration dinner so incredibly successful, once again!!!!

Rita Woods

Richard Woods

Marlene Wedner

Eileen Tobey

Charlie Niederman

Edie Mino

Cantor Nancy Linder

Mulu Harrison

Scott Whiteside

Crystal Bushinsky

Bob Altman

I am so-o-o-o grateful to each and every one of them!

Shalom and love, Florence Florence Sudakow

Co-VP Membership

Message from Membership Chair


Growing into new changes, takes a little time, practice and patience. It does not happen over-night, and takes on different meaning for each person. The first time I attended services at Beth David, and having come from a more conservative background, I was caught by surprise by all of the liveliness and camaraderie that was going on before services were to begin, especially in this Synagogue. There were so many conversations going on around me that my first thought was, 'How is anyone here preparing for services to start or much less hear anything, when they're not even in their seats' ?! Just when I was having my thoughts , Rabbi Nancy Myers walked in, stood on the Bimah, and in her private moment, recited the Berakhah /Bracha for the Tallis, and then moved right in to starting our service... and just like that, it was truly magical! Greetings and Welcomes were made, and just then I could immediately feel a shift of calm and peace settle upon the sanctuary and its congregants. Seconds later, voices simmered down to a low roar, then whispers, then silence and rapt attention. Fast forward... Now, I too am one of those lively people that talk and laugh before services start.

Shalom and love, Crystal Crystal Bushinsky

Co-VP Membership

Message from Membership Chair


The Malka Family Las Vegas comes to Westminster...thanks to Barrie, Angela,

Toby and Eddie Malka. We are so glad they are here...and

there’s no cover charge! The Malka family is the newest

addition to the Beth David family.

Papa Barrie is a sabra! Yes, he was born in Israel, as were his parents, and he still has relatives

living there. Barrie came to the United States when he was two years old, and with his family,

settled in Las Vegas. He has received his education in this country, but is a fluent Hebrew

speaker. When he came of bar mitzvah age, Barrie returned to Israel to visit family and to

become a bar mitzvah at the Wall. He returned home to Las Vegas to complete his education

and to meet the love of his life, his high school sweetheart, Angela. They married after high

school. Barrie worked as a delivery driver until the family took off for new a new desert home,

Southern California. Deserts seem to be in Barrie’s genes!

Mama Angela is home grown, right here in Cypress, California. As fate would have it, Angela’s

family moved to Las Vegas when she was eleven years old. And of course, you know what is

coming...Angela and Barrie met while in high school and their love has continued to this day.

They were married in January of 2006...in Las Vegas. Two spirited little boys followed; Toby,

who is now a seventh grader, and Eddie, who is finishing first grade. Angela worked there as an

aesthetician until she received an offer to work at Disneyland….the Malka family packed up and

headed west.

While Angela is working, Barrie and the boys enjoy visiting Knott’s Berry Farm, and of course,

taking in the joys of Disneyland. They can be found at Tempe Beth David for many a Friday

shabbat, and when Angela has time off, she joins them. Barrie says the family immediately felt

at home at Beth David – appreciated the warm welcome. The boys are enrolled in Jewish

School, and Barrie is the newest Choir member.

From Temple Beth David to the Malka family….welcome!

Have you Met……………...


In June all efforts by Prime Minister

Netanyahu to form a new government fell apart.

Israelis went to the polls in April expecting to elect

the next government. The incumbent Prime Minister,

Benjamin Netanyahu, seemed to be in position to

form a majority coalition out of the 120 seat

allocations determined by the voters. The 21st

Knesset was sworn in on April 30. Based on the

election results, President Rivlin asked Prime

Minister Netanyahu to form a new government.

The Prime Minister failed to attract enough

coalition partners on the right. So, to prevent the

center-left Blue and White party, headed by his rival

former military Chief of Staff Benny Gantz, from

being allowed the opportunity to form a new center

left government, the Prime Minister moved to

dissolve the newly elected parliament. On May 30,

he succeeded as the Knesset voted to dissolve itself,

thus requiring a new election, scheduled for

September 17. The Knesset had lasted only 51 days

and managed to pass one piece of legislation: the bill

to dissolve itself. This marked two firsts in Israel's

71 years, the failure to form a government, and the

Knesset acting to disolve itself.

The Knesset is still in charge, but it has gone

from a post election Knesset in April to a pre

election, interim government. There is a Supreme

Court decision that limits interim Knessets from

making drastic changes, thus it is unable to start

negotiating a new budget for 2020, will not be able to

make any decisions about economic reform. The new

status has allowed Prime Minister Netanyahu to

reshape his cabinet by removing incumbents from

their ministerial cabinet posts. Most important was

political enemy Neftali Bennet, the former Education

Minister, who had remained as Eduation Minister.

Bennet was not reelected to the Knessset, although he

could have continued in the cabinet. The Prime

Minister now has an oppprtunity to change his

cabinet, and to build new alliances. On a less

promising note for him, he is trying by political

maneuvering to avoid indictment by the Attorney

General on three separate corruption charges.

As for the peace proposal, an outline of the

economic portion of the US administrations,

"ultimate deal", was posted last Saturday, June 22, on

the White House website. It was presented to a

workshop of friendly Gulf States in Bahrain to

explain the $50 billion the plan requires from Gulf

States. The workshop is being attended by some mid-

level government officials, and a small continget of

Israeli business resentatives allowed to enter the

country. The release of the entire plan, including the

political portion, will probably happen in November,

after Israel's September election.

The partial plan’s 40 pages enthusiastically

endorse expressions of Palestinian identity, from

Palestinian food to universities, and it hints at

political outcomes. Not mentioned, however, is

Palestinian statehood. The plan could upset Israeli

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, especially after

an expected win in the September election, as he tries

to forge a coalition with those to the right of his

Likud party.

The plans outcomes would put Netanyahu in

a tough squeeze: He has been unremitting in his

embrace of President Trump, for recognizing

Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, recognizing Israeli

sovereignty over the Golan Heights, pulling out of the

Iran nuclear deal that Netanyahu detests, and for

defunding the Palestinians. Trump effectively

campaigned for Netanyahu in April’s election.

Elements of the plan portend security

compromises that Netanyahu might be loath to make.

Chief among them is a $5 billion transportation

project that would link the Gaza Strip and the West

Bank. The link, must inevitably cross Israeli

territory, and allow Palestinian farmers greater access

to water and arable land. The plan proposes a vast

expansion of border crossings, which will incur costs

for Israel to secure and staff the crossings. There are

also proposals to register Palestinian ownership of

land, which is important but fraught with problems.

Kushner offered skeptics his position that

what the administration "is hoping to do is create a

framework where we can change the discussion and

get people to look at these problems differently and in

moredetail, and hopefully in a way that can lead to

some breakthroughs." The plan should pose

interesting and important issues, so stay tuned. We

should be exploring the plan and its impact, before

the end of the year.

This article is taken in part from JTA, The Times of

Israel, and the Wall Street Journal.

Charlie Niederman

ARZA By Charlie Niederman

Association of Reform Zionists of America

Charlie Niederman, VP, Planning & Development July/August 2019

WAFTY and Jr. WAFTY is the Beth David teen and pre teen youth programs, they were created

to get our Beth David teens to come together and have fun with their Jewish community. Jr.

WAFTY is our youth program for the 6th-8th graders. In Jr. WAFTY most of our events will be fo-

cused on getting to know each other and having fun. WAFTY is the youth group at Beth David

for 9th-12th graders. The teen youth group includes our own WAFTY events and regional NFTY

camp events. WAFTY is so excited to start this new year with a brand new board and a bunch

more events. Our new board members are Leah Schiffer and Daniella Chait as our Co-Presidents,

Shane Prunty as our Programming Vice President, Fredrich Zeller as our Religious and Cultural

Vice President, and Sarah Gamarnik as our Membership Vice President. This year will be provid-

ing lots of fun hands on temple events, like our WAFTY LOCK-IN, as well as offsite activities, like

going to Knott’s Berry Farm. This year is going to be a lot of fun so we hope everyone will want to

get involved!

For more information about Jr. WAFTY and WAFTY, please contact our Youth Group Advisor

Amy Crowley at [email protected].


September Birthdays

September Anniversaries

Circle as many names as you wish and send this page together with 75¢ per greeting to:

Renée Dorfman —13380 El Dorado Dr., #195-G Seal Beach, CA 90740

Did we forget someone you know? Any corrections or suggestions, please contact

Renée (562) 598-9317 or [email protected]

PLEASE DO NOT MAIL TO THE TEMPLE OFFICE This must be mailed to my home address…. THANK YOU

MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN August 25, 2019 Send this greeting from: ___________________________________________________

No. of greetings: ______ @ 75¢ each $________Enclosed

** Please make checks payable to TBD Sisterhood **

Sisterhood will send a Birthday or Anniversary greeting in your name

10 Jackie (Front) Cohen

10 Laura Reingold

11 Melanie Alkov

11 Leslie Kern

11 Elaine Rehman

12 Carl Kramer

13 Barrie Malka

14 Marcia Oppenheim

15 Jackie Hewitt

15 Steve Kahn

2 Kay Licht

2 Sally Mann

4 Jane Bogomolny

4 Faith Pantel

6 Norman Huniu

6 Jan Klein

6 Jonathan Zubkoff

8 Angela Malka

9 Joyce Palbaum

20 Barbara Becker

20 David Thibault

21 Gayle Chait

21 Kam Kalish

21 Terry Krieger

21 Cassandra Prado

21 Katy Rothschild

21 Stella Loeb Ungar

21 Jennifer Zubkoff

2 Elliot & Eve Fein

10 Adina Metz & Adam Korobkin

12 Jackie Caplan Wiggins & Doug Wiggins

21 Scott Telford & Thea Weintraub

24 Paul & Diana Greenberg

22 Ruth Anisman

23 Lance Pinkham

25 Jeffrey Roth

25 Michael Tebrich

26 Gary Brendzel

27 Irina Mirskaya

28 Laurie Cantus

28 Lisa Sandoval

As you know, the Megillah is now bi/monthly. It will be

going out in July, September, November, etc.

As a result, August and September are published in this

issue. Please note the due dates remain the same. You have

the option of sending me each month separately or

combining the 2 months and writing 1 check for both.

The choice is yours.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at

(562) 598-9317 or [email protected].

On behalf of Sisterhood, “Thank You”. We sincerely

appreciate your support of the Mazelgram Program.

Shalom, Renée


August Birthdays

August Anniversaries

Circle as many names as you wish and send this page together with 75¢ per greeting to:

Renée Dorfman —13380 El Dorado Dr., #195-G Seal Beach, CA 90740

Did we forget someone you know? Any corrections or suggestions, please contact

Renée (562) 598-9317 or [email protected]

PLEASE DO NOT MAIL TO THE TEMPLE OFFICE This must be mailed to my home address…. THANK YOU

MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN July 25, 2019 Send this greeting from: ___________________________________________________

No. of greetings: ______ @ 75¢ each $________Enclosed

** Please make checks payable to TBD Sisterhood **

Sisterhood will send a Birthday or Anniversary greeting in your name

9 Jane Schiffer

10 Frieda Rapoport Caplan

10 Dan Levin

10 April Serlin

11 Hallie Berman

13 Robbie Brendzel

15 Karen Frankenberg

15 Irina Litvak

1 Joshua Bushinsky

3 Charles Greenberg

4 David Kalish

5 Howard Fitzer

5 Patti Levin

8 Sandy Sobolew‑Shubin

9 Stan Abrams

9 Adina Metz

7 Milton & Ro Jelinowicz

7 Jonathan & Elizabeth Kleinman

7 Michael & Jennifer Sheets

9 Jonathan & Jennifer Zubkoff

10 Larry & Jenny Davidoff

12 Stephen & Bich‑Thuy Groner

16 Helen Pickus

17 Jon Alban

17 David Baroway

17 Debra Cohen‑True

19 Stephen Baldwin

19 Carrie Pinkwasser

20 Debbie Lux

21 Pam Farber

13 Robert Altman & Michelle Sandler

13 Rudolph & Guadalupe Gamarnik

14 Michelle & David Twisselmann

18 Marc & April Serlin

20 Jay & Marcia Oppenheim

20 Howard & Candy Fox Tobey

23 David Delshad

23 Mercedes Neves‑


25 Edward Lindell

26 Ian McCall

27 Annabelle Sandler

28 Sharon Fetterman

28 Jeff Seitelman

29 Susan Abraham

21 Lois & Herb Abrams

22 Mitchell & Kelley Halbreich

23 Rita & Richard Woods

23 Lee & Marcie Zeller

25 Larry & Sharon D. Matalon

26 Phillip & Kathy Palmquist

31 Eric & Karen Frankenberg



Leave TBD parking lot at 9:00 am - Return approximately 5:00 pm

You MUST bring your driver's license or a photo ID.


Snacks will be served on the bus.

Friends and family are welcome.

Please make your check payable to: TEMPLE BETH DAVID SISTERHOOD

Complete the form below and mail by JULY 20th 2019 to:

NAME(S): ___________________________________ DL# or Pechanga Club #_______________

ADDRESS:___________________________________ CITY:____________________________

PHONE NO.________________ NO. OF RESERVATIONS: _____

Enclosed is $_______________ for _________________adults.



TUESDAY, JULY 30th,2019

Upon arrival at the Casino you will receive $5.00 in cash play on your Player’s Card!!!


1640 Glenview Rd. 76E

Seal Beach, Beach, 90740

For more information please contact:

Ruth Kramer (562) 240-5287 or (714) 345-6700

Come home to Beth David

Rabbi Nancy Myers Cantor Nancy Linder

Renowned Choir Saturday Morning Minyan

Tot Shabbats Programs/Classes for members of all ages

Open Houses on 8/16 Beatles Under the Stars Shabbat Service

9/20 Shabbat ALIVE Service 10/18 Sukkot

(Temple Shabbat services begin at 7:30pm)



JULY 5, 12, 19, 26




P.O. BOX 5151







TEMPLE FUNDS Building Fund Barbara Zenk in memory of Fred Saran General Fund Marina Indich in memory of Inna Berson Linda Palitz in memory of David Stolack In memory of Willard Bowers Beverly Strauss in memory of Anna Forgatsh In memory of Paul Strauss Jeannie Keleman in memory of Mel Keleman In memory of Joyce Mae Coleman In memory of Phil Silverman Jane Schiffer in memory of Barry Hahn In memory of Elizabeth Germaine The Lelchuk Family in memory of Mariann Moore in memory of Norman Rodd Vida Delshad in memory of Amin Delshad Jane Bogomolny in memory of Mikahil Baytman The Bushinsky Family in memory of Clara Bushinsky Jane Schiffer in memory of Arthur Argoff in memory of Lorenzo Montemorra Jeannie Keleman in memory of Hyman Danovitz In memory of Edgar Danny Brotherhood Fund Jeff & Sue LeBoff in memory of Jack LeBoff Sisterhood Fund Arlene & Michael Filkoff in memory of Phyllis Postman Shirley Ross in memory of Phyllis Postman Chai Life Chavurah in memory of Phyllis Postman Barbara Schwartz in memory of Phyllis Postman Jean Keleman in memory of Phyllis Postman The Helfman Family in memory of Phyllis Postman Marla & Scott Weiss oneg sponsor Beverly & Bennet Strauss in memory of Phyllis Postman Leslie & Aaron Kern in memory of Phyllis Postman Sue & Jeff LeBoff in memory of Phyllis Postman Michelle Postman in appreciation of the Mitzvah Crew Rachelle Wilson in memory of Gertrude Margolis Ron Nadel in memory of Mildred “Millie” Vogel Mickey Lewin donation Deb Lelchuk donation Claire Schecter donation Jan Klein donation Carole Blum donation Daivd & Joan Fisher donation Marcia Rosenzweig in memory of Ida Bloom Stella Ungar in memory of Helen & Fred Peterson Charlie & Cathy Niederman oneg sponsor Kam Kalish donation Christine Taxier donation Mickey & Mel Lewin in memory of Sidney Mendelvitz Prayer Book Fund The Weintraub-Telford Family

in memory of Fannie Weintraub

ECLC Fundraising Phyllis Henkin

in honor of Barrie Pink & Michael Nguyen for a lovely Passover

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund The Cohen Family in memory of Phyllis Postman In memory of Joyce Mae Coleman Michelle Postman

in appreciation of the Rabbi for the lovely service Wendy Gary in memory of Phil Palbaum Wayne Palbaum in memory of Phil Palbaum Deborah Lelchuk in memory of Phil Palbaum Allan Ratman in memory of Sam Ratman The Minow Family in memory of Rose Minow In memory of Irene Jacobs In memory of Joseph Minow The Bleiweiss Family in memory of Jack Bleiweiss The Roth Family in honor of Madelyn Roth’s Bat Mitzvah Cantor’s Discretionary Fund Michelle Postman

in appreciation of the Cantor for the lovely service The Roth Family in honor of Madelyn Roth’s Bat Mitzvah Cantor Harry & Fay Newman Memorial Choir Fund The Roth Family in honor of Madelyn Roth’s Bat Mitzvah

FOUNDATION FUNDS Caplan Family Outreach Fund Susan Abraham in memory of Joel Brusiloff The Laham Family in memory of Isaac Laham In memory of Gertrude Laham

In memory of Anita Laham In memory of Jeanette Laham Shapiro In memory of Herman Laham In memory of Maurice Laham

Frieda Rapoport Caplan in memory of Soloman Rapoport Dr. Leonard & Marjorie Brotchner Memorial Campership Fund Charles Brotchner in memory of Harry Brotchner Lynn Front Memorial URJ Campership Fund Linda Palitz in memory of Frieda Stolack The Niederman Family in memory of Molly Adelman Rabbi Henri E. Front Memorial Scholar-in-Residence Fund The Wellington Family in memory of Ben Kafka In memory of Ruth Wellington Goss Wendy Schekman Memorial Library Fund Shirley Fishke in memory of Marilyn Joshua Arlene & Michael Filkoff in memory of Caroline Haut


TEMPLE FUNDS Irma Moskowitz Fund for Lifelong Learning Shirley Fishke in memory of Joyce Mae Coleman Irwin Greenfield in memory of Bertha Greenfield Susanne Wolff in memory of Fred M Wolff, Ellen Bunger, Margot Segal, & Rose Wolff Michael & Arlene Filkoff in memory of Herbert Filkoff The Sheila Joseph Memorial Fund David & Julia Metz in memory of Kate Metz The Morton Wedner Memorial Special Projects Fund Ruth Kramer in memory of Phyllis Postman Stan & Phyllis Abrams in memory of Blanche Abrams Marlene Wedner in memory of Celia Wedner Stan & Phyllis Abrams in memory of Adele Pascal The Sandoval Family in memory of Clarita Kohen Klieman Marlene Wedner in memory of Sarah Elorie in memory of Bernie Beskind Maureen Broscow Memorial Fund Susan Gelfand Abraham in memory of Ben Gelfand In memory of Audre Fisher Phyllis & Stan Abrams in memory of Jack Pascal Eugene Broscow in memory of Joe Zusman Betsy-Ann Toffler in memory of Bertha Blum Bob & Carole Blum & Betsy Toffler

in memory of Bebe Blum Lasting Legacies Endowment Fund Elliot & Eve Fein in memory of Sherwood Fein


The Beth David Office Staff Thanks…

Gloria Schwartz for ongoing office support & preparation for Shabbat services



The temple office buys a lot of office supplies.

If you have any office supply store coupons, dis-count cards, or e-mail sales advertisements, please share them with our office to help cut


Thank you to all who have donated! We appreci-ate your support!!!

*Please make sure they are valid dates and not expired*

If you have any unused envelopes, the office would appreciate them.

Please drop off any time!!! Thank you!!!

* Our Religious School /

Youth Program is funded, in part,

by the Annual Community

Campaign of the Jewish

Federation of Greater Long

Beach & West Orange County

Rabbi Nancy R. Myers

Cantorial Soloist, Nancy Linder

Director of Education, Sarah Gipoor

ECLC Director, Brooke Birdsall

Office Manager, Edie Mino

B’nei Mitzvah Educator, Larry Matalon

Temple Secretary, Charlie Do

Kitchen Supervisor, Mulu Skinner-White

Maintenance Supervisor, Scott Whiteside

Educator Emeritus, Irma Moskowitz, R.J.E.

Piano Accompanist, Rob Woyshner


Vice President of Operations, STEVE KAHN

Vice President of Ways & Means, FAITH PANTEL & EILEEN TOBEY

Vice President of Finance, ALAN JARRICK

Vice President of Membership, FLORENCE SUDAKOW

Vice President of Education, ADAM BERNSTEIN

Vice President of Religious Practices, ROBIN HARRISON

Vice President of Planning & Development NEIL KORNSWIET

Past President, AARON KERN


Treasurer, MARC SERLIN

Building & Grounds, DAVID BAROWAY

Social Action Trustee, DEBBIE LELCHUK

Adult EducationTrustee, IRMA MOSKOWITZ



Programming Trustee, GAYLE CHAIT

Brotherhood President, CHARLIE NIEDERMAN

Sisterhood President, LAURIE SCHNEIDER


FREE WIFI Beth David Wireless

Password: Shalom6100




2018 - 2019



Contact the

Office to place

your ad here

(714)892-6623 [email protected]

Contact the

Temple Office

to place

your ad here

(714)892-6623 [email protected]

If you are having challenges

with your children (of any age),

contact member Marv Marshall

for free advice. First visit



1 Dine-Out Delight @ Macaroni Grill

2 3

4 5 7:00pm Family Shabbat

6 9:00am Lay Led Minyan




10 6:30pm Sisterhood Board Meeting 7:30pm Foundation Meeting


12 7:30pm Choir Shabbat Service

13 9:00am Lay Led Minyan






19 7:30pm Shabbat Alive Service

20 9:00am Lay Led Minyan

21 22


24 7:30pm Beth David Board Meeting

25 7:30pm Brotherhood Meeting

26 7:30pm Torah Shabbat Service

27 9:00am Lay Led Minyan



30 9:00am Pechanga Trip




1 2 7:00pm Family Shabbat

3 9:00am Lay Led Minyan



6 7

8 12:00pm Lunch & Learn with Rabbi

9 7:30pm Choir Shabbat Service

10 9:00am Torah Study

11 Tish B’Av



14 6:30pm Sisterhood Board Meeting


16 7:30pm Shabbat Alive Service

17 9:00am Body, Mind, & Spirit Shabbat





22 7:30pm Brotherhood Meeting

23 7:30pm Torah Shabbat Service

24 9:00am Lay Led Minyan 7:00pm Movie NIght

25 3:00pm Brotherhood Member BBQ


27 28 7:30pm Beth David Board Meeting


30 7:30pm Shabbat Service

31 9:00am Lay Led Minyan



Check to see if your company offers Matching Gift Contributions to employee donations. Perhaps they can double or triple the match.

I would like to be contacted for information about my Will & Estate Planning, no obligations.

Barbara Shanks Memorial Educational Enrichment Fund Religious school materials & scholarships for needy students

Dr. Leonard & Marjorie Brotchner Memorial

Campership Fund Sending children to local Jewish residential camps

Rabbi Henri E. Front Memorial Scholar-In-Residence

Fund Funding for guest speakers and other programs

Irma Moskowitz Fund for Lifelong Learning Supplementing the educational experiences & programs at TBD

Roselle & Herbert Sommer Youth Enrichment Fund Providing funding for approved TBD youth projects & activities

Maureen Broscow Memorial Fund Providing support for TBD’s Early Childhood Learning Center

Caplan Family Outreach Fund Programs to attract intermarried couples to Jewish life

Lynn Front Memorial URJ Campership Fund Camperships for TBD students to URJ camps

Wendy Schekman Memorial Library Fund Maintaining and purchasing books for the Temple library

Jarrick Family Scholarship Fund Scholarships for TBD educational programs for our children

The Sheila Joseph Memorial Fund Enhancing quality of life for seniors

The Morton Wedner Memorial Special Projects Fund Providing funding for approved TBD special projects

The Regina B. Front Mitzvah Fund General fund to provide mitzvot large and small for the Temple

Building Fund Torah Fund Cantor’s Discretionary Fund

General Fund ECLC Fundraising Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

Prayer book Fund Brotherhood Fund Cantor Harry & Fay Newman Memorial Choir Fund

Sisterhood Fund

If you are interested in sponsoring a Shabbat Oneg, the Shabbat Alive! Band, or a Synaplex in honor of your special occasion,

please complete this form below and return it to the synagogue. If you have any questions, please call the Temple office.

I am interested in sponsoring the following on this Date: ____________________________ ____ SHABBAT ONEG $300 ____ SYNAPLEX $180

____ 1/2 ONEG $150

____ Shabbat ALIVE! Band $72

In Memory In Honor : ____________________________________________________________________________

By: _____________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________

Check Enclosed Charge my card: _______________________________________Exp.___________ CCV________

Amount $___________ Signature Authorization: _____________________________________________________

Send Acknowledgement to: _____________________________________________________________________________


6100 Hefley Street Westminster, CA 92683 Phone 714-892-6623 FAX 714-897-5306

TEMPLE FUNDS Please Make Checks Payable to Temple Beth David or you can donate on line: www.templebethdavid.org/tzedakah/donate/

FOUNDATION FUNDS Please Make Checks Payable to Temple Beth David Foundation

LASTING LEGACIES ENDOWMENT FUND Please Make Checks Payable to Temple Beth David

Benefitting Temple Beth David