si til let Ml. Vol. XV. -- No. 22. HONOLULU, II. L, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUAHY 27, 1801. r... n i. a t , ASSASSINS IE ' DAILY BflUITW" IS PUBLISHED Every Afternoon Except Sundays At the Ollioe, Qin;en street, Honolulu, 11. 1. ARTHUR JOHNSTfPJE Editor & Manager, KOU the DAILY BULLETIN PUSUSHINS COMPANY, tunnled.) This Space is Reserved -- P'Olt night, a of a suburb three mile away discovered in the dnishwood on the side of to road the corpse of a woman, whose bead was so nearly severed from tne body that, only a strip of flesh kept it attached to the trunk. The skull was fractured, and there were several bruises aliout t tie 'breast. An hour Liter, in a field still more dis- tant, a gypsy found the body of an Infant, and between tne two points whee these victims of violence were discovered a po- liceman came acro3 a imby carriage con- taining a wooieu rug anil some linen satu- rated with blood. The woman was identi- fied by marks upon her clothing as Mrs. lioL'g, and the Scotland Yard detectives twelve hours afterward arrested Kleanor fierey. Her apartments looliecl fiKe a slaughter house. Tnere must have been a frightful struggle, tor walls, ceiling and f uniitiire were spattered wit-- gore, while the poker was covered with blood und matted hair. In addition to all these frightful evidences of guilt the murderess furnished another one herself, for when arretted she wore too wedding ring of her victim. While in jail she confessed, gave the awful details of the killing of Mrs. Hogg, ami told how siie haddouoied up the body, placed it in the baby carriage and removed it to tiie spot where it was found. Re- turning home she had strangled the infant, and in the same vehicle conveyed it to the neighborhood of a gypsy camp. The de- fense was insanity, but this the jury re- fused to entertain. Seutence of death fol- lowed, and both the home secretary and tho queen have declined to interfere with its execution. Sensational crimes have been no novelty of late years in the city of Chicago. Mis- guided rage may account for the Haymar-ke- t bomb throwing or the killing of Dr. Cronin, but absolutely no excuse appears for the deed committed by Mamie Starr, and for which she is now under sentence of life imprisonment. This girl, not yet 18 year of age, had drifted from a country home to the slums of tho city. So far as known her only efforts at decent living in- cluded a brief period as a domestic servant and a still briefer engagement on the CASTLE & COOKE. Liie, Fire & Marine Insurance Agents AGENTS VOll New England Mutual Life ins, Co.. OK BOSTON, Etna Fire las. Co. of Hartford, USilON Insurance Company. fiir ll.-.rl- OI" SAX KHANCISCO, CALIKOliNI A. -1-- dl LIFE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Assets, $5,288,000. Anglo-Neva- Assur. Corporation, (Fire & Marine), ' Capital, paid up, $2,000,000. Thames &. Mersey Marine Ins. Co., (Limited;, POrULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 10-- Fort Strict, Honolulu. 1U1 Telephones, No. 175.- - -- OFFER AT BED IALIFORXIA HAY, OAT'S, BRAN, OIL CAKE MEAL, LINSEED MEAL, BARLEY, ROLLED 15ARLEY, MIDDLING OROLND 15ARLEY, WHEAT AND CORN FLOUR. FLO UK CF Altii, Golden (S ' t Sa!hins-&- a FLOUR J .4 Four Young Women with Rec- ords of Demons. ALL WERE FAIR BUT FIENDISH. One la Cbarsod with Infanticide, and the Throe Others Have Beeu Convicted of Double Murders Crimes Apparently Without a Shadow of Excuse. ICopyricht by American Press Association.! Here are the stories of four women, all of whom aro young and three of whom are still in their teens. These four women have within a com- paratively recent period commit ted or been accessory to murders, the most atrocious and uncalled tor in the anuais of modern - m MINNIE MAY MAUBITT. crime. For two of them no possible exense can bo advanced except that of insanity; the other two were the victims of their own shameful and unbridled passions. The most culpable of the four would ap- pear to be the only one in the group here presented who is not an actual murderess, but who is now under arrest charged with consenting to the destruction of her own child. She is an Indiana fe'irl, by uam Minnie May Mabbitt. Twelve month! ago a neighbor's son won her affections, but failed' to keep his promise of marriage. A few weeks since a child was born to her. She was stopping in a town some distance from her home and living under an as- sumed name. Her only confidants were her two brothers. As soon as she was able to be moved they procured a carriage, and started with their sister and her babe for the family home, a score of miles away. Their good old par- ents had not even a suspicion of their daughter's disgrace, and the terrible ques- tion arose en route as to what should be done. Should they continue the jour- ney homeward and reveal all, or should they conceal the girl's shame by com- mitting a crime? From the evidence now in the hands of the public prose MARY ELEANOIt FIKRCT. cutor it would appear that they resolved upon the latter course, not, however, with- out some objection-fro- the unfortunate mother, who naturally felt some sparks of maternal love for the little infant that twined its tiny arms about her neck. But the brothers 'overruled any scruples she might have felt, and taking the baby from her arms carried it to a creek near tho roadway, strangled it to death, and threw the corpse in the iey stream. Then they continued their nomewnrd journey, and were warmly welcomed by their parents, who thought they had been on a visit to friends. They considered themselves s::fe. If the mother mourned she mourned in seen-t- , and as for Hie brothers, they rejoiced in the belief that the blot on I heir siMer's honor would never become know n. Hut, Hie turbulent little eieei, gave up its dead, the otlh-er- s of the law iiistaule.i an iiiipury; Mi-- by step the terrible details were traeed out, and now tin- - bp it . and tin, snl l' bu in jail i halVeil H il h llilaiilh idn. I'.wii in t ruit it is said tho lo)uaiu tie ii tvmniii lin in r rum Mil r, and illiiaiai mil rial that He y UoiiiiiiiiUii ll.e ei line w ilii.nit lor fcUMMl 11 '). I ! . u. irwiii a tiiiii pun v, OKKKH FOR SALE PARAFriNE PAINT CO.'S COMPOUNDS and ROOFING, K..ED 5 PATENT Felt Steam Pips Covering, all bizts. FERTILIZERS: WOOL iir.-T- , inXK MKAI-- , FISH uUANO, A I. SO BUCK & OHLANDT 3 igh Grada Cliafflicd! CdLe Mmura. GRASS SHEDS : COCKSFOOT, RYE GRASS And CLOVERS. Refined Sugars, Fairbank Canning Co.'s Coined Beef, 1 and 2 11). tins. SALMON IN BARRELS. BalQwiii Lfjcwr.es. The undersigned having been appointed sole agents for the Hawaiian Islands Fjt the Celtbr ited Trom the work- - of Buitum, Pary, Williams & Co., riiiimlelplilii. renn.. Are now prepared to eive esliiiiitte- - and receive orders lor these engines, of any size and style. The Baldwin I.ocqmotivk Woiiks are now inantifacturiiig a style of Loco- motive particularly ad ipted ' For Plaolation Purposes, A number of which have recently been received Ihcse Islands, and we will have pleasure in plantation nj;eiits tin I managers with part'ciilars of same. The superior. ty of these Locomotives overall other makes i. not only known here but is acknowledged the I'uited States. Win. (1. Hi WIN & Co., LM, Sole Agents for Hawiiiiiin Llands. Wffl G. ifiwm & CO., ii.iiiriLii.) Win. G. ivwin. .Pie-i.l- . iit iV Manager flail- - SprccM'ls '.alter M. (otfaid S. erelar) A '1 tr Then. l'.n iei Amli.oi M (j i: I'.viroKii AM) Commission Agents. A. if M S OK iiu; Mm Mi:ii:ii!!ll C.iiiii',, til Killi I I .'l- - i U $C:gL v 1 iii I, A 1 ! ,Vj,i-ti- .... ; I h i. S i Mi Ii'. M I 1 1 MMil. .' P. O. Box 11"). JjC2&3r Telephone No. 92. H, E. HVIclKTYi; & BSO., IMl'UR i'KUS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. New Goods received by every packet from Eastern Slates and Europe, Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 ill mi u scii'Mox Daii.v Hui.i.kti.v, 1 your on " (i months 3 00 . per mouth (de- livered). 50 WKKKLY liULLUTIN SUMMARY, 1 00 yea' foreign G 00 4 Until (.!.",.. "t ft-i- Addre-- s nil business coinmuniea-tiou- s Bulletin." CiftrAddress all matter for publica- tion "Editor Daily Ulllkvim." I. . Box Hit. II rill ill II MI. II. I. BRODIE & FURRY, DRS. Physicians. Otllce: 81 Bcre-tan- ia street, Honolulu, 11. 1 i'l A THURSTON, IORRIN at L inv. Olliee: Over Bishop's Bauk, Honolulu, 11. I. JM. MONSARRA.T, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Merchant street, Honolulu. 'Jl Alfred Magoon, T . Attorney at Law and Notary Public. No. '.Merchant, street, Hono- lulu, oi DAYTON (Kewiki) DAVID be in his private olliee from 12:30 to 1:30 l M. Ulliee: 01 Kin street, (upstairs). SCHMIDT & SONS, HW Importers & Commission Mer- chants. Kurt street, Honolulu. & CO., HHACKFEL-- Commission Agents. L)or,,er Fort and Que. n streets, Hono- lulu, u. i. m MACFARLANE & CO., GW. Importers and Connuis-do- Merehants. Queen street, Honolulu, 11. I. IjM & CO., GONSALVES Grocers and Wine Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu, 11. 1. oi T. WATERTIOUSE JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise. Queeii street, Honolulu, II. I. ol & COOKE, CASTLE and Commission Importers and Dealers in Gen- eral Merchandise. No. SO King street, Honolulu. tf Wilder & Co., ? Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails. Salt and Building; Materials of every kind. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. EWERS & COOKE, 1 J Importers and Dealers in Lum- ber and all kinds of Building Materials. Fort street, Honolulu. C. BREWER &. CO., (MUITO). General Mercantile AND Commission Agenta LIST til1' ! P. 1'. Jones, Jr.... President A Manager J. O. t 'artei Treasurer A Secretary luiiiii "rolls: lion. l I!, S. C, Allen, II, Whici linu-- c, CASTLE & COOKt. I in ttii i' i ii , Htxtdwurv, Shipping i,'UliIHlttil)) fttlll (')(' llU 11 Mil l O jO'ii.il rut i.imUi- -; t I'i ,u't.'u J,f J I 4 M " hK I ''. Ii II V'I III Ml n j ... i ' li ) i Mil 'iii I i I m i it i ii it Telephones, No. 119.- - THE -- Cor. Edinburg & Queen Sts ROCK l'RICES- - -- P. O. Box 372. ier P. O. Box JH7. Ill Fort Strt ot, n Ml Ml ' Ii!! Chas. Hustacc, King Street. Havini; leased the stores in. the brick liuildinir known as the "Lincoiu Block," nearly opposite the old stand, and having of that portion of my "slock damaged by the laic lire, and being in receipt of New Goods per last steamer, and more on Hie way, I inn prepared to till all orders as before. 'Thanking the public for the liberal patronage bestowed on me for the past seven your-- , I hope by prompt aUcniioii to all orders to lueiil a continuance of the same. At the new stand shall he plear-i- to see all my old cus- tomers, and as many new ones as may lind il. lo I heir advantage to call. orders "solicit, d and faithfully executed. Mil CHAS. IIUST.U'E. MAUT MKTZIiOFT. variety stage of an unsavory theatre. Friendless, homeless and in rags, she was taken in charge by tiie good Samaritans of a missiou. They fed and clothed ber, and she professed penitence ami a desire for reformation. The sympathies of Mrs. F. W. Xewland were aroused, and she re- ceived the girl into her employ. Not three hours after entering this hos- pitable refuge Mamie Starr procured some money from a mdiiber of the family on the plea that she was suffering from the tooth- ache and desired to purchase a remedy. Instead she bought poison, which she mixed with corn and placed on the table among other eatables prepared for the evening meal. The entire family, with tiie exception of herself, partook of the dish. All were taken violently iii, and Mr. and Mrs. Newland died. The Starr girl fled, but noon fell into tho hands of the police, and thereupon made confession. As stated above, tho jury, with that le- niency so often shown hymen to women, has decided that life imprisonment and not execution will be suflicieut punish- ment, for her terrible crime. Another young murderess is Mary Metz-rol- now in jail at Baltimore. She is but la years of ago, yet only last August she dosed the family coffee with arsenic, and thereby killed her brother and a female boarder. When arrested she said she "did it for tun, and did not intend to injure uny one," and when brought lip for trial sue promptly entered a plea of guilty, say-iu- "I would be telling a lie if 1 said I didn't do ii. 1 suppose the devil must have been around mat morning." Under her plea of guilty it would be necessary to seiitem e her to deat h, but a feeling exists thai she is not mentally responsible, ami tortiiat reason she is to Ini given a new trial, wuich will probably result in ber im-p- i ioiihi.-- for lite. All I nce caws present remarkable feat- ures won hy lie ai teauoii of a student of Inn, i, in i.U i rai loin. i'o a e ruuu txtut tiie Alaliinit woiii,iu' de d, or rather con-- iiI Hi can U: uacriln-i- to a denira to avoid Iilei.,11,4 ill 'raee, I'm' IVrry wool III, I.) ,i r OWIl ai ' olllit, Willi- llllbeil to u v.lid pa.ioit of j. iioii , b at I i.o tu U o ii.' ."I arr an I d f'( fciru i an I'M pril. up ai p , - i.,iin i ,im lliat of in iini), or Hi .1 ..iiit ol i ii a ,10114 ha'H I...WH. 'I II. I' .1 .11 d.j. thai tuy tttui IV t'n-- I') Ii' .1. nl " I I I'llAi PH VS I !.iK O.oll I III! IN tllMUl ilt, l .i .. I . .1 .I i, Il l iMitd 1 . . i ' . , 00 4 I l " 1 M i! ,i i.i t iai m af I, .. I. a in I I I I .. I .1 . ,.l la i n ' Assets, $6,124,057. New York Life Insurance Co., Assets, $105,053,600.96. C.O.BERGER, HOXOLULU. General Agent for Hawaiian Islands. NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $105,053,600.96 'Facts aro Siuhboro Things.' , Al every age, on every premium itthlo, and in every year, the AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policiet-o- the New York Life Insurance Co. have been LARGER than those OF ANY OTHER COMPANY issuiii" similar policies. 0T" For particulars apply to Hi'ti'l Agent llawiiiai, Isbinils. Mis Assises Gcmpaiiy or i.oiov H. W SCHMIDT & SONS, (ients lor flic llawaiiiin riY i Kit t s ii mill in i I '. i 1 1 I! ' ' J, III ,1 I O. I . ., ' . 'I, I - k A ,1 II ... I V I I i ! -- c Mil H i tu mi inn n i 1 I (,l I i i i i. iti i i is ' l " I Mil)! h ) Telephone lilO.- - -- -J LEWIS & CO., iniNni.u.r, ii i , laipoiters, Wholesale & Mail Driers ia Groceries & Pruvh'.oiis, ,4y . ... It 'I ; 'w4 Hy i in It ti.oiof Mo II. S. Cn. li.'iii I i! i in b t'll.fiiiia Ii !! II III It I , 1 lo.i II I IN "Ii .Old I' I It I a ill. I lilt I I .III., I Ii, I. tie V I..M. ,i,., I,- 1. 1.- I,... 1 i.if-- i A HI o I.nn. II r A .1 I M Hoi, r ai. ,it A . .11 l U a'tt .N ill i.ali. I A I o, )i,. HolOilii In Ii ho .1 In I . .1. al, . I p., II it M. .! ai. d H Mb '. . in, .1 I I mil., L A t M i'o. - lliaiel I HO tl H .1... an, I i N. .i,..i, l .i. ..! ''l ,, Li , an I I I. .Oil S I., .tl i . . .1) I'lo I. ,i I . I ... I. Ilia .. I I' i H II I : .11. .ink I' t ' " I II' I !' o , ...I ll.le. d I 'I mmmmmmm 3ARGAIN I ! BMlCtMM I SI, I I-- I I 1 lll'ir ;! 'i ii i i I''ill'I'UlA i.,7,1', ;Ci),( I,M, i iti i 1


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Page 1: sitillet · 2015. 5. 30. · OIL CAKE MEAL, LINSEED MEAL, BARLEY, ROLLED 15ARLEY, MIDDLING OROLND 15ARLEY, WHEAT AND CORN FLOUR. FLO UK CF Altii, Golden (S ' t Sa!hins-&-a FLOUR J.4

si til letMl.


r... n i. a t ,



Every Afternoon Except Sundays

At the Ollioe, Qin;en street, Honolulu,11. 1.

ARTHUR JOHNSTfPJE Editor & Manager,



This Space is Reserved-- P'Olt

night, a of a suburb three mileaway discovered in the dnishwood onthe side of to road the corpse of awoman, whose bead was so nearly severedfrom tne body that, only a strip of flesh

kept it attached to the trunk. The skullwas fractured, and there were severalbruises aliout t tie 'breast.

An hour Liter, in a field still more dis-

tant, a gypsy found the body of an Infant,and between tne two points whee thesevictims of violence were discovered a po-

liceman came acro3 a imby carriage con-

taining a wooieu rug anil some linen satu-rated with blood. The woman was identi-fied by marks upon her clothing as Mrs.lioL'g, and the Scotland Yard detectivestwelve hours afterward arrested Kleanorfierey. Her apartments looliecl fiKe aslaughter house. Tnere must have been afrightful struggle, tor walls, ceiling andf uniitiire were spattered wit-- gore, whilethe poker was covered with blood undmatted hair. In addition to all thesefrightful evidences of guilt the murderessfurnished another one herself, for whenarretted she wore too wedding ring of hervictim.

While in jail she confessed, gave theawful details of the killing of Mrs. Hogg,ami told how siie haddouoied up the body,placed it in the baby carriage and removedit to tiie spot where it was found. Re-

turning home she had strangled the infant,and in the same vehicle conveyed it to theneighborhood of a gypsy camp. The de-

fense was insanity, but this the jury re-

fused to entertain. Seutence of death fol-

lowed, and both the home secretary andtho queen have declined to interfere withits execution.

Sensational crimes have been no noveltyof late years in the city of Chicago. Mis-

guided rage may account for the Haymar-ke- tbomb throwing or the killing of Dr.

Cronin, but absolutely no excuse appearsfor the deed committed by Mamie Starr,and for which she is now under sentenceof life imprisonment. This girl, not yet18 year of age, had drifted from a countryhome to the slums of tho city. So far asknown her only efforts at decent living in-

cluded a brief period as a domestic servantand a still briefer engagement on the


Liie, Fire & Marine

Insurance AgentsAGENTS VOll

New England Mutual Life ins, Co..


Etna Fire las. Co. of Hartford,


Insurance Company.fiir ll.-.rl-






Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

Assets, $5,288,000.Anglo-Neva- Assur. Corporation,

(Fire & Marine),

' Capital, paid up, $2,000,000.

Thames &. Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited;,


10-- Fort Strict, Honolulu.


Telephones, No. 175.- -






FLO UK CF Altii, Golden (S ' t Sa!hins-&- a FLOUR


Four Young Women with Rec-

ords of Demons.


One la Cbarsod with Infanticide, andthe Throe Others Have Beeu Convictedof Double Murders Crimes ApparentlyWithout a Shadow of Excuse.

ICopyricht by American Press Association.!

Here are the stories of four women, allof whom aro young and three of whom arestill in their teens.

These four women have within a com-

paratively recent period commit ted or beenaccessory to murders, the most atrociousand uncalled tor in the anuais of modern

- m


crime. For two of them no possible exensecan bo advanced except that of insanity;the other two were the victims of their ownshameful and unbridled passions.

The most culpable of the four would ap-

pear to be the only one in the group herepresented who is not an actual murderess,but who is now under arrest charged withconsenting to the destruction of her own

child. She is an Indiana fe'irl, by uamMinnie May Mabbitt. Twelve month!ago a neighbor's son won her affections,but failed' to keep his promise of marriage.A few weeks since a child was born to her.She was stopping in a town some distancefrom her home and living under an as-

sumed name. Her only confidants wereher two brothers.

As soon as she was able to be moved theyprocured a carriage, and started with theirsister and her babe for the family home, ascore of miles away. Their good old par-

ents had not even a suspicion of theirdaughter's disgrace, and the terrible ques-tion arose en route as to what should bedone. Should they continue the jour-ney homeward and reveal all, or shouldthey conceal the girl's shame by com-

mitting a crime? From the evidencenow in the hands of the public prose


cutor it would appear that they resolvedupon the latter course, not, however, with-out some objection-fro- the unfortunatemother, who naturally felt some sparks ofmaternal love for the little infant thattwined its tiny arms about her neck. Butthe brothers 'overruled any scruples shemight have felt, and taking the baby fromher arms carried it to a creek near thoroadway, strangled it to death, and threwthe corpse in the iey stream.

Then they continued their nomewnrdjourney, and were warmly welcomed bytheir parents, who thought they had beenon a visit to friends. They consideredthemselves s::fe. If the mother mournedshe mourned in seen-t- , and as for Hiebrothers, they rejoiced in the belief thatthe blot on I heir siMer's honor would neverbecome know n. Hut, Hie turbulent littleeieei, gave up its dead, the otlh-er- s of thelaw iiistaule.i an iiiipury; Mi-- by step theterrible details were traeed out, and nowtin- - bp it . and tin, snl l' bu in jaili halVeil H il h llilaiilh idn.

I'.wii in t ruit it is said tholo)uaiu tie ii tvmniii lin in rrum Mil r, and illiiaiai mil rial that He y

UoiiiiiiiiUii ll.e ei line w ilii.nit lor fcUMMl

11 '). I


. u. irwiii a tiiiii pun v,





Felt Steam Pips Covering, all bizts.


inXK MKAI-- ,




igh Grada Cliafflicd! CdLe Mmura.




Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'s Coined

Beef, 1 and 2 11). tins.


BalQwiii Lfjcwr.es.

The undersigned having been appointedsole agents for the Hawaiian


Fjt the Celtbr ited

Trom the work- - of

Buitum, Pary, Williams & Co.,

riiiimlelplilii. renn..Are now prepared to eive esliiiiitte- - andreceive orders lor these engines, of anysize and style.

The Baldwin I.ocqmotivk Woiiksare now inantifacturiiig a style of Loco-motive particularly ad ipted

' For Plaolation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived Ihcse Islands, and we willhave pleasure in plantationnj;eiits tin I managers with part'ciilarsof same.

The superior. ty of these Locomotivesoverall other makes i. not only knownhere but is acknowledgedthe I'uited States.

Win. (1. Hi WIN & Co., LM,Sole Agents for Hawiiiiiin Llands.

Wffl G.ifiwm & CO.,


Win. G. ivwin. .Pie-i.l- . iit iV Managerflail- - SprccM'ls'.alter M. (otfaid

S. erelar) A '1 tr

Then. l'.n iei Amli.oi

M (j i: I'.viroKiiAM)

Commission Agents.A. if M S OK iiu;

Mm Mi:ii:ii!!ll C.iiiii',,til Killi I I .'l- - i U

$C:gL v 1

iiiI, A 1 !

,Vj,i-ti- .... ; I h i.

S i Mi Ii'. M I

1 1 MMil. .'

P. O. Box 11"). JjC2&3r Telephone No. 92.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every packet from Eastern Slates and Europe,Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attendedto and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. orderssolicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 ill

mi u scii'MoxDaii.v Hui.i.kti.v, 1 your on

" (i months 3 00. per mouth (de-

livered). 50



foreign G 00

4 Until (.!.",.. "t

ft-i- Addre-- s nil business coinmuniea-tiou- s

Bulletin."CiftrAddress all matter for publica-

tion "Editor Daily Ulllkvim."

I. . Box Hit. II rill ill II MI. II. I.

BRODIE & FURRY,DRS. Physicians. Otllce: 81 Bcre-tan- ia

street, Honolulu, 11. 1 i'l

A THURSTON,IORRIN at L inv. Olliee: OverBishop's Bauk, Honolulu, 11. I.

JM. MONSARRA.T,Attorney at Law and Notary

Public. Merchant street, Honolulu. 'Jl

Alfred Magoon,T . Attorney at Law and NotaryPublic. No. '.Merchant, street, Hono-lulu, oi

DAYTON (Kewiki)DAVID be in his private olliee from12:30 to 1:30 l M. Ulliee: 01 Kinstreet, (upstairs).

SCHMIDT & SONS,HW Importers & Commission Mer-

chants. Kurt street, Honolulu.

& CO.,HHACKFEL-- Commission Agents.L)or,,er Fort and Que. n streets, Hono-lulu, u. i. m

MACFARLANE & CO.,GW. Importers and Connuis-do-

Merehants. Queen street, Honolulu,11. I. IjM

& CO.,GONSALVES Grocers and WineMerchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu,11. 1. oi

T. WATERTIOUSEJOHNImporter and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise. Queeii street, Honolulu,II. I. ol

& COOKE,CASTLE and CommissionImporters and Dealers in Gen-

eral Merchandise. No. SO King street,Honolulu. tf

Wilder & Co.,? Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails. Salt and Building; Materialsof every kind. Corner Fort and Queenstreets, Honolulu.

EWERS & COOKE,1J Importers and Dealers in Lum-

ber and all kinds of Building Materials.Fort street, Honolulu.


General MercantileAND

Commission AgentaLIST til1' !

P. 1'. Jones, Jr.... President A ManagerJ. O. t 'artei Treasurer A Secretary

luiiiii "rolls:

lion. l I!, S. C, Allen,II, Whici linu-- c,

CASTLE & COOKt.I in ttii i' i ii ,

Htxtdwurv, Shipping

i,'UliIHlttil)) fttlll (')(' llU

11 Mil l

O jO'ii.il rut i.imUi- -; t

I'i ,u't.'uJ,f J I 4 M " hK

I ''.Ii II V'I III Ml

n j

... i ' li ) i

Mil 'iii I i I m i

it i ii it

Telephones, No. 119.- -


-- Cor. Edinburg & Queen Sts


-- P. O. Box 372.

ier P. O. Box JH7.

Ill Fort Strt ot,

n Ml Ml '


Chas. Hustacc, King Street.

Havini; leased the stores in. the brick liuildinir known as the"Lincoiu Block," nearly opposite the old stand, and havingof that portion of my "slock damaged by the laic lire, and beingin receipt of New Goods per last steamer, and more on Hie way, I

inn prepared to till all orders as before. 'Thanking the public for

the liberal patronage bestowed on me for the past seven your-- , I

hope by prompt aUcniioii to all orders to lueiil a continuance of thesame. At the new stand shall he plear-i- to see all my old cus-

tomers, and as many new ones as may lind il. lo I heir advantage to

call. orders "solicit, d and faithfully executed.Mil CHAS. IIUST.U'E.


variety stage of an unsavory theatre.Friendless, homeless and in rags, she wastaken in charge by tiie good Samaritans ofa missiou. They fed and clothed ber, andshe professed penitence ami a desire forreformation. The sympathies of Mrs. F.W. Xewland were aroused, and she re-

ceived the girl into her employ.Not three hours after entering this hos-

pitable refuge Mamie Starr procured somemoney from a mdiiber of the family on theplea that she was suffering from the tooth-ache and desired to purchase a remedy.Instead she bought poison, which shemixed with corn and placed on the tableamong other eatables prepared for theevening meal. The entire family, withtiie exception of herself, partook of thedish. All were taken violently iii, and Mr.and Mrs. Newland died. The Starr girlfled, but noon fell into tho hands of thepolice, and thereupon made confession.As stated above, tho jury, with that le-

niency so often shown hymen to women,has decided that life imprisonment andnot execution will be suflicieut punish-ment, for her terrible crime.

Another young murderess is Mary Metz-rol-

now in jail at Baltimore. She is butla years of ago, yet only last August shedosed the family coffee with arsenic, andthereby killed her brother and a femaleboarder. When arrested she said she "didit for tun, and did not intend to injureuny one," and when brought lip for trialsue promptly entered a plea of guilty, say-iu-

"I would be telling a lie if 1 said Ididn't do ii. 1 suppose the devil musthave been around mat morning." Underher plea of guilty it would be necessary toseiitem e her to deat h, but a feeling existsthai she is not mentally responsible, amitortiiat reason she is to Ini given a newtrial, wuich will probably result in ber im-p- i

ioiihi.-- for lite.All I nce caws present remarkable feat-

ures won hy lie ai teauoii of a student ofInn, i, in i.U i rai loin. i'o a e ruuu txtuttiie Alaliinit woiii,iu' de d, or rather con--

iiI Hi can U: uacriln-i- to a denira toavoid Iilei.,11,4 ill 'raee, I'm' IVrry woolIII, I.) ,i r OWIl ai ' olllit, Willi- llllbeil to u

v.lid pa.ioit of j. iioii , b at I i.o tu U oii.' ."I arr an I d f'( fciru i an I'M pril.

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I...WH. 'I II. I' .1 .11 d.j. thai tuy tttuiIV t'n-- I') Ii' .1. nl "

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.. I .1 . ,.l lai



Assets, $6,124,057.

New York Life Insurance Co.,

Assets, $105,053,600.96.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $105,053,600.96

'Facts aro Siuhboro Things.'

, Al every age, on every premiumitthlo, and in every year, the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policiet-o-

the New York Life Insurance Co.

have been LARGER than those OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuiii"similar policies.

0T" For particulars apply to

Hi'ti'l Agent llawiiiai, Isbinils.

Mis Assises Gcmpaiiy

or i.oiovH. W SCHMIDT & SONS,

(ients lor flic llawaiiiin

riY i Kit

t s ii mill in i

I '. i 1 1 I ! '

' J, III ,1 I O. I . ., ' . 'I, I - k A

,1 II ... I V I I i ! -- c

Mil H i tu mi inn n i

1 I (,l I


i i i.

iti i

i is ' l "I Mil)! h )

Telephone lilO.- - ---J

LEWIS & CO.,iniNni.u.r, ii i ,

laipoiters, Wholesale & Mail Driers ia Groceries & Pruvh'.oiis,

,4y . ... It 'I ; 'w4Hy i in It ti.oiof Mo II. S. Cn. li.'iii I i! i in b t'll.fiiiia Ii !!

II III It I , 1 lo.i II I IN "Ii .Old I' I It I a ill. I lilt I I .III., I Ii, I. tie V I..M.

,i,., I,- 1. 1.- I,... 1 i.if-- i A HI o I.nn. II r A .1 I M Hoi, r ai. ,it

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I''ill'I'UlA i.,7,1', ;Ci),( I,M,

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Page 2: sitillet · 2015. 5. 30. · OIL CAKE MEAL, LINSEED MEAL, BARLEY, ROLLED 15ARLEY, MIDDLING OROLND 15ARLEY, WHEAT AND CORN FLOUR. FLO UK CF Altii, Golden (S ' t Sa!hins-&-a FLOUR J.4


fflptitto Pillars! the mm life insurance cow"w.I'ri'HiiltM.t t.

Issues Evtiiy Desirable Form of Policy I

It has paid its members since its organization TWO HUNDRED AND NINF.TY MILLIONS OF DOLURS.Its Xew Distribution Policy is the most liberal ever offered by any Insurance Company,

teaf For full particulars apply to

ness being indulged in by certainparties, I wish to enter my protest, a?a sugaT man, against the whole pro-

cedure. Such utterances neither re-

present the planting interests of Ha-

waii nor do they d u anygood abroad. We, who have beenthe recipients of favors from theUnited States for years past, shouldnot at this day allow personal piqueor national prejudice to lie so putforth as to possibly interfere withour commercial future, which willmore likely be safer iu the baud! ofAmeiica than in the hand of anynation in Europe.


General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.


I !)l ,l




'.---. .V ! Sill

V- - :IH - SOAP, ETC., ETC., ETC.



I' A C 1 FIU

Of Han KranolHi'o.

These Fertilizers after actual tiial

on many of the principal plantations

hive given most satisfactory

under all circumstances.

tQy Several hundred tons of different

graded me kept in stock in our new

warehouse. We invite scrutiny and

sell only under a dis inet guarantee that

our Fertilizers will hold fully up to the

agreed formula.

For further paitieulars or for

orders address


Sole Agents for the Ifawaiian sliinds.

15 tf-- 3 tf


KorfiNfiin Oil' ALOJIA."




PLATES, fgr: - "'- - --"'.- -



Groceries, Feed Stuffs, Hardware, Cutlery, Crccksry k Glassware,

FERTILIZERS:- - Ohlendoif'g 1'issolved Peruvian Guano, Ohlendorf's fspecl.il ('tine Jlanine.LO N DON PU R "LK - Effectual destroyer of Potato, Cotton & t anker Worms. Elf.SCRUB FXTEMiNAI OR: destroys all Noxious Weeds & Scruhs.BAGS: Sugar, Jlice, Paddy. ' oal. TWINE, HEMP CANVAS, NAVY OAKUM.FILTEFi PREbS CLOTHS & BAGS: Embracing the latest Improvements in material and texture.

i;i!vaiizel Wafer Pip", C on ugatd Iron, Fence Who, Pipe Fittings, Etc , Etc.


ness and explained to the public why

the Bulletin was bold enough to saythere were ground for the com-

plaints in question, h) would be im-

mediately discharged !

Our morning contemporary is, asusual, cantering along in the rear ofevents. Yisterday it publishedthe statement that "Emin Pasha has

been recalhd by Major von Wise-

man" (presumably Major Wissmau.)It the Advertiser would only take thepains to read the news already re-

ceived, it would not be guilty ofprinting editorial twaddle out of dateweeks ago. After reprinting a para-

graph of stale news the Advertisercloses willi the following commentand then deliberately goes to sleepagaiu: "It seems strange now thatEmin Pasha is discredited, and Ma-

jor von Wiseman in command, as it

U l ot long ago that the former was

the hero of the day, and the latterunder a cloud."

Weil, it does seem sort of strange"that F.niiu Pasha is discredited"and Major Wissmau "in command,"especially after reading tkie followingdispatches received last mail :

Loudon. January 8. T he dispatchfrom Berlin is confirmed by otlieialmws that Euiiu l'asha is to be Gov-

ernor of the lake region of the Ger-

man Last African possessions aspointed out in the dispatch. Wiss-man- 's

attempted recall of F.min wasprompted by a jealous fear that lvninwould get the place Wisstuan wanted.

Kudu has nut it, and Wisstuan,who for some time ha- - been in dis-

favor and tolerated only tor pastservices, will probably be recalled.

Rerhn, January 1). The Tagblatty publishes a dispatch from

Zananarjistating that Kmin l'asha hadfounded and fortified a station atRukobo, on the shore of the VictoriaNyanza, and that he is now return-ing to the coast.


KlUTOIi Ill'I.I.K'l in :

I was very much interested in theviews made public through the Bui.-i.eti- n

last Saturday by Mr. Alexan-der Young. Although I am not aplai.ler personally I am directly in-

terested in "sugar" financially and,as it is a popular belief that theopinions of sugar men are influencedby the money they have invested in

plantations, I think I have a right tosho1-,-' that the popular belief is truein my case.

It is, perhaps, unnecessary for meto state that Mr. A. Young, in hisinterview published in the Bii.i.ktix,shows somewhat too much of preju-

dice against the United Slates to re-

present my sugar interest, and I be-

lieve from enquiries made anion! su-

gar .nen. that his views do not fairlyrepresent a majority of Hawaiianplanters.

Tue planters of Hawaii do not, inother words, as a class, express per-sonal views so severely tinged withprejudice against the United States,which has for the last fifteen yearsgiven us commercial beiielks of sucha pronounced character as to placeus in an independent positionfinancially. We at least feel some-

what of gratitude for past fa-

vors and are not disposed to viewour benefactions from either the'might or right," standpoint or fromthat which stands upon self interestand assumes a sneering tone.

If Mr. Young was an Americancitizen, we would be willing to allowhim that exuberance of criticism in-

dulged in by all Americans; but heis not ; therefore, I am somewhatmore modest than Mr. Young, andin the interest of sugar men gener-a'l- y

I wish to enquire as to the senseand policy of some of the statementsmade by the Iron King.

For example, Mr. Young states :

"A much more dillicullpp'scnts lf to me, and that

is, how to gel the money back afterUncle Sam has taken the duly off-- tiLliir, and our Rccipineilv Treatystands on one lcr, and that legUncle Sam's. (ui is to be aiiipu-tat- i

il . but that w n't III er heseil"s. wlnn 'n,i'hl Is nub!,' and a

iiinvi I'sal bi llet pi i i aih in theIII V.'il of till' I'll ie-- l.

' ' '

In whit iii, ,i,i ii Mr, Voui'g le- -

lei r I iocs l.c 'toi i, m,,, iiies I. ti,l i, hi in

Genuine k

J. L. M V. Y K l ,

House and. Decorative Painter.Taper Hanging a Fiiecially.

130 Fort'st., - - 5 !! 11 1 it.

dec-24- J (Opposite Club Stables). 1890


flie' & Works, : : : Alakea, near Queen St.


I herewith appoint MU. AI. (JOLDHKIIO, Agent for the sale of myGenuine .Sanitary UmlereloLhing in the Hawaiian Islands.

Signed, J PROF. 1)11. G. JAUGElt.Stuttgart, the lilth of Sepleniher, 1800.

' ''!() .'V

Mr. C. F. Horner has this day beenappointed Chairman of tin.' LahaiuaItond Board, Maui, vice W. Y. Homer.Jr., resigned.

Tbe Board ii'w consinU 114 follnWi:C. F. HORNER, Chairman;A. HANNKIUMtO,


Minister "f the Interior.Interior Otlice, Jan. 20, Ls'Jl.

21 .'it


Will lit- received at the office of theDepartment, of the Interior untilMONDAY, the IKltb day of March,18i)l, for furnishing to the HawaiianGovernment a Die Iging l'lant com-

plete in Honolulu llajlmr, ami in

order for immediate lor thepurpose of di'i dging the Harbor barat Honolulu.

All required in Um niation can be

obtained upon application at theollicc of the isiipennlendciit of PublicWorks.

The Minister of Interior does notbind himself to accept the lowest or

any bid.All bids must be distinctly endorsed

"Tender for Dredging l'lant for Hono-

lulu."C N. ISPKXCKU,

Minister of the Interiur.Interior Office. Jan. 20, lb'Jl.

21 (it


Ho.souu-- , U. I., Jan. 23, "Jl.(

The following scale of fees for test-

ing Kerosene Oil is hereby estab-

lished in accordance with the powers

vested in me by Section 5 of an Actto Regulate and Provide fur the Test-

ing, etc., of Kerosene Oil, being Chap-

ter fi8 of the Laws of 1M(.

On importations of from 100 to 2000

cases,On importations of from 2000 to

10,000 cases, if 10.

On importations of from 10,000 to20,000 eases, . 1.1.

On importations of over 20,000cases, 20.

GODFREY BROWN,20 tf Minister of Finance.

Notice is hereby given that, from

and after this date all drafts on theTreasury for the payment of salariesof employees of the Government mustbe signed by the head of the Depart-

ment or Bureau under which theyserve. GODFREY BROWN.

31 inislcr of Finance.Honolulu, 11. 1., Jan. 1, I8U1.

2 lm

Irrigation fictice.

HoNou'i.r, H. I., Aug. !), 18'JO.

Holders of Water Privileges orthose paying Water Kates, uj'e herebynotilied that the hours for usingwater for irrigating purpose are from6 to 8 o'clock A. m., and 4 to ti o'clockP. M.

C1IAS. V,. WJlON,Supt. llono. Water Works.

Approved :

C. X.M nosier of the Interior.

l'c7 if

U i I f r h it

Hut ( stabitthf d ttr :hr i,ut'.

11 J.M).U, JAN. :'7, l:.'1 he i'lit i ot Kin cior W .i ii

ii liciliy II I) c. i ;i , I loila In milii l mall t etnleiii I it. J n ul S

J ri ci.l i I be I ul ii,, ,n Kiepo c

toi u lllnl IK' v III I " t lie i

lit i'l Sum t in n. andI, ii i In , ,, i, i,. i I. ., p

- ii ,11, i .J' h t .1 ,. i mil

'I hi ' I 'I '"II I.V ., I' '.'I

II. ' I I I II..

.(,,.. ,, I. ,1 tilll. , !, ,,

Ii i


I. ...






0" Original to he seen in my

Doors, Sash,1 '"V: mM.

I certify herewith that, I have given to W.M. BKXTKRS SONS, Slutt-gai- t,

the sole aiuhority for the manufacture ot Sanitary IJndci clothingafter my system Imth at home and aliroad. I iecngnize, as tH'iiiiine, onlythe Sanitary Underclothing made hy the original appointees which arestamped in blue vitlt the truifu ui'iil: ' II';. llr.ntj rn ,$on "Utf m; "'--

dire unth-ri'-t 'ith. Beware of imilat ion I

pSiymd, PROF. DR. G. JAKGER.

icuon sale oi Horses

1 hav received instructions to sell at1 llllllC tlllCUUll, HI, lll llje&itj, ill, uucilstreet,

Oh S TUK1) VV, .Fan. :Ust,AT 14 IICI.IKii (OV.


Being well-bre- d yoima slock from theku'iloa Kanch; all broken to harness.

r H" The Horses can he seen at a'ylime after Wedne day, .Ian. isih, at thestithies rear ot the Metropolitan MeatMarket, King street.

J.VS. V. 3IOi:(JA v,:!1 r.t Auctioneer.

A rt r.ti An ( in H is nrMiTx smm u Ul UIUU1Y

Oil 310!AY, IVb. 'iii'l,AT U O'CLOCK NOON,

At my Salesroom, tjiieen street, I willsell at I'uhbe Auction,

25 Shares Paia 3u2.tr Co.'sStock,

Par Value $101) Each;

100 Sh'.res Hiwaiiva SugarCo.'s Stock,

I 'ar Value 8100 Each 10 pershare paid up.

TF.SC tI 'AN11.

JAS. P. MOiUG XX,21 (11 Auetinneer.

For Hongkong Direct!

Tlie , I Hleaiie lwi

v's; S. ' Af3$GO,"BRUHN. Commander,

Will leave Honolulu for the ahoveport vi or ahuut

January 25. 1 89 1 .

.7" For parliciilai's regardingfreight and jiassage, apply to

Wm. G IRWIN & Co.. LM ,

74 Id Agents.

SO; H i:.

I.L p, are lierehy fnrlildilen totrespass or to shout on my land,

Kalianui. and on those 1 am iu chargeul. v z: .lakakiii:iiaiki. Kupakua,

Kalainaiila. Naia, I'alaail andKiiluaiUi, without written consent ofthe owners or myself

11. W. 11EYFH.21 Kal ie, Molnkai.

"'Ks Susan liirtelniann of Pilaa.' Kiiiuii. w ill u.'t he iesious:lile forany Ml s except eonl riieti d hy In r or liyher w r I en order, and heii aller allUioiiies due i lie eslnie of .Mr. C. llerlel- -11111' n are t he paid to her or her nltenoilier. ,Imi, JiOS-- ,Atioi-ne- 'iii-fa- et for Mr. ( '. ,V Mrs.

S. licit in i . 'J I lm

Mi l it) ii i ijm-,i:s- .

I ii .il'n r nil In i.:l,t (.,r I. I P -

lUlMllli: Will he l.il.l u hy Mr., no r

"l.il.. 1,1.' ." No ni',),- will In

l.,h ii Li In K in. in ' Ii 'i' ,ih, av i,II. I'l l. !S ,s. IS (II

.1 ii. it), h'.'l 17 it

NO I .

l I. ,1 till "1 I III' II,,, hit,- -' Mil .

I ii ,n ,n,, I i,,,i ,,. lo I . I,i i

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Vk BH'Al!!.' VP ITIOVt'TiV




-to thin trade.

Blinds, Screens,E,t.. I .'to.

II 1 1 mi m ,

'lii. k ,1

A full assortment just,

15 lm

Shortly expected ntine line of

1 ii '

Merchant-stree- t window, "fea

received anil f r sale at

C'irner Fort & Merchant, streets.

ii d

'. ( . .0 !


1 ,I





1 ii mi r

I'l, 11V v.UW ill.

i i 11

I i, 1 1 1 1 I . . 1 . ,' I ' I 1 I I t t t I

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CRYSTAL g .DA WORKS,HARE 4 CO., P.opfhii. : h, 81 Ki;i; Eiitt

sou: mam i ci i i;i:i:s op i iik

;i;. r itumj) im i;i n.u.siHSAPAEILLri 6': mOil WA'B!

G I T ( ..: ii A L H .

S;l Kl) II iliil, l,lll't, Ill ill. I l'!-,l- , ;, I tt;l,.;l;,,.l ( l , f Ii-.-

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gV A I.I. ,vi:i!A i I v. v ni;- - im'ai. v.s i iid I li;!'. j 3

Miilu.il ) - ! J 1'il.n i lie I .".) i,

Mou 'dings. Turned 6l Sawed Work.Having fieiireil the n'lvii'in of Mil. C, II. Jtll'LKV, Architect Hlnl

lluiiiiiii, Mipi iiiiii ii'l. ni, I am iiiov pn pureit lo liiinish ili'i-inn- fur everyI i i 11 ul IiiiiIiIiiik ami will ciiili.n l niniiii'iiuli liil the tiilisll lliiiiiil ofllie 1, mi' ,

gi.: I'li'iire l ull 11ml 1 ,ilnilie il. .iyiin hi'f.'li placing J'ulll ulili'l i le.Will ie, I'lnllipl iilleiitliiu In (ill mill l llee

v'AMI.K (OOKK.I Wl'i ! I I .K,

'I' ,ir in iclii ,ci1... Mr ,aiiij

it,., U i l. I'l It'U

I'i.nii i


,i. ("i ii

m h i,mnm Merchants.

II S 1 ii. I -

gtf I I I'h l pioliiplly all

l il I II I IN.

whites mmI i . I 1 I1 fin in 11 ,.1 ',.i M 11

V. y .ii m I


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I "I

Page 3: sitillet · 2015. 5. 30. · OIL CAKE MEAL, LINSEED MEAL, BARLEY, ROLLED 15ARLEY, MIDDLING OROLND 15ARLEY, WHEAT AND CORN FLOUR. FLO UK CF Altii, Golden (S ' t Sa!hins-&-a FLOUR J.4




Government, diplomatic u d con-

sular flags are Hying y in honorof the thirty-secon- birthday of Em-peror William II. of (lei many. TheRoyal Hawaiian Band gave a eon-ce- rt

of German patriotic music infront of the German Imperial Con-sulate (in Messrs. H. Hackfeld &Co. '8 offices) from 11 to 12 o'clock.Another concert in honor of the im-

perial anniversary will be given bythe hand at the Hawaiian Hotel thisevening. At noon Mr. J. F. Hack-feld, acting German Consul, enter-tained the diplomatic and consularcorps, leading business men, thestaff of Messrs. II. Hackfeld & Co.,and representatives of the press, atthe Consulate. A delicious collationwas served, and, wishing .Mr. Hack-feld many happy returns of the day,the guests quaffed the choicest cham-pagne wine to the health of theyoung Emperor.


The crew of the schooner Lukafound in the Kinau dock this morn-ing the body of anewborn, female infant. It waswrapped in a piece of cotton and en

The I'mpri.'inrs of the nb.ive enti-rpris.'- I.ep to inform their ali"ns,that in accordance with tbe spirit oi the times, and 10 un i t, the rei'piiremenUof thi ir increa. iiij; biisiiies.- - lln-- have enlarg. d am! improved tba jireiniocnow oeeujiu d by them and placed in

New Machinery of Improved "attsrn !

And are now enabled to undertake all kinds and descriptions of millwork.


i'i ifff f






Inlands will meet with prompt, attention.21 If


This department is uu ler the inaiiiinemi'iit .f M:;. Hl.Vti A'Y. wlinsepractical knowledge and experience is

ill mil me a? umm ?mu m.


Many fashionable folks who are inthe habit of giving several social en-

tertainments during the season findit dillicult to provide amusementfor their guests. Hecenily theyhave called upon the varietystage for assistance, and theresult is satisfactory on both sides.The society folks are treated tosomething novel, at least to them,and the variety artists are well paidfor their services.

Society leaders now vie with eachother in procuring queer entertain-ers, and the more unique the attrac-tion the greater the social successwhich results,

Mrs. Willie K. Vanderbilt hasbeen prominent in securing queerentertainers for her delightful recep-tions, says the New York. MorningJournal. A few nights ago she sur-

prised and pleased her guest9 by in-

troducing the "Whistling Coon," acoal-blac- k negro who has been well-knew- c

for years to patrons of theNorth River ferry-boat-

The negro whistled everything heknew for Mrs. Vanderbilt's guests,and was handsomely rewarded.

Abratn S. Hewitt hasbad the popular dancer Cartnencitaat more than one reception at bishouse. Invitations were eagerlysought for when it was known thatCi.rmencita would be the attractionand she danced with even more thanher usual spirit.

Marshall 1'. Wilder is a welcomevisitor to the house of Mrs. WilliamC. Whitney, whose entertainmentsare always distinguished by the in-

troduction of some novelty. WhenWilder was leaving lifter a recententertainment, he turned to

of tne Navy Whitney and re-

marked: "You won't see so much ofme after this."

"Why not?" asked Mr. Whitneyin surprise.

"Because I've lost a tooth," re-

plied the humorist, opening his capa-cious mouth and showing a molarmissing

Wilder is also in demand when-ever Chauncey M. Depew gives anentertainment and the rival humor-ists then swap new stories.

James M. Waterbury and his wifeprefer circus performers to any otherclass of entertainer?. Mr. Water-bur- y

was the originator of the famousamateur circus, which was held athis country residence, on which oc-

casion swell youths were attired asclowns and charming society budssold peanuts and lemonade whilecostumed in short, skirts.

The Waterbnrys have athletes andcontortionists al their receptions,and the handsome parlors take onthe air of the sawdust ring. Con-tortionists tie themselves into knotson the carpet and tumblers turn som-ersaults over the piano, to the aston-ishment of the guests.

A Madison avenue host, who isfond of a joke, surprised his guestsby introducing to the parlor a Bow-ery Italian, armed with a hand-orga- n

which ground out all the popularairs. The guests were delighted,and took turns in turning the crank.

Hungarian bands are always indemand as entertainers, and they arefrequently engaged to play by Mrs.Paran Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. RobertGoelet and other well-know- n people.

The manager of a Hungarian bandsaid yesterday: "I have noticed ateven the most fashionable entertain-ments that the guests do not carefor classical music. They wouldrather hear the sweet strains of'Annie Rooney' or 'Down Went Me-Giut-

than the finest composition ofWagner or Liszt. I always makemy band play popular airs, and Ihave heard all the guests at the homeof a ten-tim- millionaire join heartilyin singing 'Throw Him Down

"Lew Dockstadter is a favorite par-

lor entertainer, his repertory bringso extensive that he can talk forhours in the most laughable manner.His jokes t;ko well with the FourHundred, who have never been to aminstrel show and to whom theoldest of chestnuts are new.

At a Fifth-avenu- e reception held


in. l.r in ni;




Can be I't'epared at sle u l. notice by a local architect ni considerable know-ledge and experience.

Its) Estimates j;iven. and as all contracts an I work are under the per-sonal supervision of the firm, satisfaei ii.n is gimrauli i d in every instance.

.TrsTicE Pot. .li at chambers thiswick.

A Oer.vas girl is wanted to dohousework. Apply at this ollicu.

Thb town was in (tai kness last nighttill about 10 o'clock, owing to tliobursting of a. water pipo above thelighting station.

Mkkkkh. II. W. Sclntiidt & Sonshave Giiiidlach's, faniotis t'laiets, )iort,sherry, Madeira mid other wines fursale in cases and kegs.

A 8PKCIAI. meeting of the Board ofKepre vii tut i vt'r. of the llonolulu FireDepartment, is culled fur tlii- - eveningat the usual lime and place.

Mr. Thos. VVkioht went out prac-tising at the rifle range the other dayand made the creditable score of 42 inten shots at 200 yards, via., 4 4 4 4 5

4 4 4 5 4.

The trustees of St. Andrew's Cathe-dral began their annual session yes-terday evening und will continue itthis evening. Ten trustees and theBishop were present.

A coMl'LAiNf is made of the condi-tion of the tramway switch at Kingand Maunakea streets. The rails aretwo or Ih'ce inches above the streetlevel and consequently dangerous tocarriages.

THE remaining divorco cases at thepresent term of the Supreme Courtwill be heaid in the upstairs courtroom of Aliiolani Hale on Thursday,the 2U;h instant, by ilis Honor the

hie! Justice.

Chief Clerk llassinger today sold atauction the liases of two tiacls of

Government land in North Kuh,.la,amounting to an area of 720 aires.Mr. K. it. Hind was the 'buyer at 70cents, same as the upset price.

The l'alace gate arch bears the in-

scription, "E hoi e uoho i ko nohokalaunu" (Return to sit on thythrone). A gilt crown surmounts thearch and the pillars are draped indiagonal stripes of red, white andblue.

As electric lamp has been placed atthe southwest corner of Fort and Mer-

chant streets, and the one formerlyon the Police Station has been placedon a pole at the foot of Uethel strict.Merchant and Bethel streets will bebelter lighted by these changes.

Marshal Hopkins has asked lead-ing Chinese to hold a meeting anilformulate their desires as to conces-sions on Chioese New Year's. Whentheir report is received the Marshalwill issue special orders to govern theusual suspension of the regulationsagainst fire crackers.

An athletic entertainment for thebenefit of Jimmie Barrington, who isabout leaving the city, will be givenat the Commercial rooms Saturdayevening. There will be Japanesewrestling and five other events, allof them lirst-clas- It is promised tobe the best show of the kind evergiven here.

Dkr Westen, a German paper ofChicago, in its issue of Jan. 1 bus aparagraph stating that King Kala-kau- a,

having taken a liking to Lieut.Fillette, who was here on the U. S. S.Nipsic, has instructed Minister Carterto use his influence with PresidentHarrison in order to secure the ap-

pointment of the lieutenant, as Com-missioner for Polynesia at the World'sFair, who, under such a commission,should visit the Pacific group to col-

lect objects relating to the botany, min-eralogy, and ethnology of the islands.


Monday, Jan. 26.

before m'cully, j.

llawai an Hotel Stables vs. Eliza-beth K. Cummins. Trespass. Triedby a mixed jury, who return a ver-dict for plaintiff, $200 damages forcarriaire smashed. Carter for plain-tiff ; Hatch for defendant.

Tuesday, Jan. 2(5.

Kumakunhtiu (w.) vs. How C'lioy,assignee in bankruptcy, Uepleviii.On trial by mixed jury. Davidsonfor plaintiff; C. W. Ashford lor


.Mummy, Juii, 2i.

in i iuth: .11 on. r. .1.

Ill re i.mtu of ll.llii.e I'uiiiihiltllni n loliiil, I ) dill, ill I l Iim il,I.'.lulc, I in.-.'.-

. IHUi UI.I..I .I i.e. j

.'ui.1,1, 11 bill,; lor II." ...r I KM.

i. ... i ... .i .i . . ..'' MI'l, Willi Mil 111.1111 a Mf'lllltill l ull I nlll.l lil l, ill- -, I II ,(l lilt

li,lt, 1(1 ,,' I .,1 l,l tl1. 1 it Ht i iplil, l In tin- V, ill,

f M I ' oi " i" I lii in,

All orders from the other

Wt Natural Mineral


Minister Spencer's YUt to tne


Important Change of RoutDetermined.

A Gia in Economy riid in v.iiiabinLands for Development.

His Excellency C. N. Spencer,Minister of the Interior, returned onthe steniuer W. G. Hall last weekfrom a visit to the Volcano road anilother public works on Hawaii. ABulletin reporter called on Mr.Spencer at the Interior Ollice to as-

certain the results of his trip, andalthough busy the Minister cordiallyrendered all the information desired.

"I landed at Ililo on the llth,"said Mr. Spencer. "I left the follow-

ing morning for the Volcano road,and slept that night in a tent in thewoods.

"Next day I went out and followedMr. Lvdgate's survey from wherethe road is finished to the volcano.After careful consideration of t!icwhole matter I decided to put theroad through the woods instead ofgoing on the pahoehoe. thus shorten-ing the distance two and a quartermiles.

"No; that is not Lydgate's route.Mr. Uruner is surveying the newroad through the woods and will beoccupied the next four weeks.

"On an estimate I think that thecost of powder for blasting rocks onthe pahoehoe would more than ab-

sorb the appropriation."Auother consideration is that we

are opening up a tine tract of land,on which the natives are plantingtaro, awa, and bananas.

"When open it will be one of thefinest drives in the kingdom, goingthrough the forest with its wealth ofbeautiful ferns.

"Hemming to Ililo I perfected ar-

rangements for the water system, ofwhich we have the material on hand,visiting the springs forming thesource of supply. The woik will becompleted without unnecessary de-la- y.

"I also visited Waiakea for thepurpose of layin" out lots for sale ;

viewed the proposed site of awharf, also the site for a hospital.No; the harbor improvements arenot decided on as yet.

"I went over the Volcano roadagain the following Friday and sleptat the Volcano House. On Saturdaywent to Kau and traversed the routeof the proposed new road, or con-tinuation, and decided to go on withthe work, putting a small gang onit.

"I left on the W. G. Hall Thurs-day morning, and going ashore alIlookena went over the new road,which I look upon as the finest roadin the Hawaiian Islands. It wasmadeunder the supervision of Kala-nipoo. It goes through a coffee beltand the natives are planting coffeealong the route. One had 50 acres,another 30 acres in coffee. Whenwe reached Kailua it was dark, andI had uot time to inspect the newroad there."

"When do you expect the newVolcano road to be open?"

"That is impossible to say. Wehave to get the surveyor's report onthe new route before anything elsecan be done. That part, will not behard to build. There is a stratum ofalluvium three feet deep, which willbe very suitable for the trial grade,ami the convenient deposits of aa orscoria' will furnish good road uietal.The gradient is equable no abruptrises or falls.

" The great thing is that il is giv-

ing Hie natives up there a chance tomake money, (toe native has,a two-Iml'-

team curiy ing stuff to amifrom Ililo. I lie road besides goesthrough it giiod coffee bell thellin st in lint wui Id pci haps."


.M'iSIUV, Jail, '.'li.

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I'lnlip I'm. hi. Inn 'I J.l.,'0 furnil M . .J"I"J.

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IMU.MiLi UMlrm Hr,P(

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TUESDAY, JAN. 27, 18!" 1.



To T,iif Kll.'et October SJB. IH

A.M. A.M. P.M. P M.

Lflane Mono'ulu... .0 : 1T 8:45 1 :45 4:3ltArrive Honouliuli... 7 :2C :49 2:41 6:35fLeave Honouliuli... 7:30 10:M 8:51 5 :4itArrive Honolulu.. .. 8:115 11:55 4:55 G:50f

Sundays excelled.Saturdays only.


Sclir Kawailani from Koolau,Iun 27

Sohr Alika from Kona


Slmr illaiiiline for Maui al 5 p mStnir Mikahala for Kauai at 5 p inMtnr V It Hall for Maui and Hawaii at

10 111

Stuir Waialcalo for Kukuihaelc and aa

Am bli Ceylon, Calhoun, for San Fran-cisco


AinbkCl) Bryant, Jiieubscn, for SanKraucisco

Stun- Likelike for raauhau and Laupa- -liu.'lioc. at 2 p "

Stmr Kahnilo.i for Nawiliwili and llana- -uiaulii at 5 p in

Sehr Liholilio for Kauai at 2 p m


Sclir K.iwa'lani 5(H) bags rice.Sclir Mi ll! Moiris 4"U bag rice.


For Maul and Hawaii, per stnr W OHall, ian 27 Mrs 8 Nowlein and ser-

vant, Mrs Kapela Holmes, 1 Lee andwife, 01. Bi ito. h Fat. Mis Kalanipoo,Mr Willis, Rev Davis, Mr ,1 Doney, MrHitehhVlil, Mr Taylor and 40 deck.


H ii M S Nymphe, Turner, from a cruiseUS S Mohican, Micpiird, from a cruiseAm bk i) I) Bryant, .lacobseii. from San

FranciscoAm bark Eleetra, Anderson, from San

FranciscoAm bark 'oryphene, David, from Xana-ini- o

Am bktno Geo C Perkins, Dieb, fromort Tow nsenil

Sclir Ke.se Sparks, Brandt, from SouthSea Islands

Ship J C i'orter, from Departure Bay


Bktue John Smith for Honolulu "1

Bk VV'oollalira for llonoluluBk Andrew Welch for HonoluluBk Isle of Kriu for llonoluluBk Jean l'ierre for Honolulu nMaw bk Mauna Ala for HonoluluSehr Exporter for HonoluluSclir Harvester for Honolulu jII 11 M War.spite from British

o'umliiaU S S Flag-ibi- Charleston from San

FranciscoE M 8 S Alameda, Morse, from the Col-

oniesOSS Gaelic, from San Francisco e.u

route tor llnngk'nig and YokohamaSS Zculnniliu, Oi terendorp, from San

FranciscoS S Australia, lloiid ctte, from San Frau-eise- o

S S China from San Francisco eu routefor llouiikoiu and Yokohama

S S Farallon. S Bouilield. from SanFrancisco and San Diego

Am sclir Hubert Sudden from Sydney,for Kaliului

Am sclir W in Kenton from Sydney furKaliului

Am sclir Anna from San Francisco forKaliului

Am bg John 1) Spreckels from San Fran-cisco

Am bktue Maty Winkeluiauu from SanKr.uicisco

Am bk A bleu Besse from Xanaimo forKaliului

Am sclir Dora ' luliiii from San Fran-cisco for Ililo

Am lik F S Thompson, for Kaliuluifrom Xaiiuiino. due Jan 1st.

Am sclir Vine, Burns, from San Fran-cisco

Am sclir Golden Shower from Sydney,N S W

Am bk llcsper from Newcastle, X S WAm bktue Skagit from 1'iigei SoundAm bk Miiuuiia from Suhiey, X ? WBr lik Onii lotie. liolindorf,' from Liver-

pool, Sepl 2, due JailI.v.l I.

Bk C t) Wliiiiimn', Ward, from New- -casil.', due Jan 15. nii

Bk Filcliiiv. .Inn Held, lion Liverpool(.ailed epi ;;, iluc Feb L'i-- I'.'!

Bk ll.ii vetir limn Sail 1' raiiciKi'o lorIlilo

Ilk S t ' A I' ll from Sail Flaui ix iiHit in' vine ia llolil I 'oil Llukelyliuliii' 11 .i iioiii au I o in i i . ii i k I lit' J I ale Iioiii i.iiii'I.ioI.l' lit. N.llU.ipi llulu New Vrnk, uilii

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closed in a gunny sack. The bodywas taken to the l'olice Station,where it was examined by Dr. Peter-son, prison physician. Appearanceswere that it had been in the waterseveral days, as the true skin wasnearly all peeled off and the bodvlimber. It is either white, half-cas- te

or Chinese. The body meas-ures 19 inches in length and haslarge chest development. There areno marks of violence on the body,but it had not received the usual at-

tention at birth if alive. MarshalHopkins as coroner has summoned anative jury, to report for an inquestwhen called.


Today being the 32d anniversaryof the birth of Emperor William II.of Germany, the Royal HawaiianMilitary Band, under the directionof Prof. Berger, will give a concertat the Hawaiian Hotel in honor ofthe event, this evening, commencingat 7 :30 o'clock. Follow ing is the pro-gram :

1'AltT I.

The Watch on the Khinc.March Kmperor's Birtlidav UcruerKantasia-Kiiiper- ur's licvlew. .EilenbeigWaltz (ierman Hearts .. StransMed ey German Memories Trenkier

uaut ii.Fantasia Recollection of ihe War. SaroMedley (ierman Marches MeidcnglanzGalop Viva; I Inch Zikoff

The Watch on the Khinc.Hawaii l'onoi.





Birthday of Emperor William II.



Hawaiian Hotel

On Tuesday Evening, Jan. 27th.

21 2t


C larat Pert Stay,MADEIRA WINE. Etc.

Ill l,'lll-4'-K V Kl-ff- I

KOIt sai.i: HV

II. W. KCmilllT & SONS.lw

ASSI(i.Ni:i;S NOT! (.V.

HAS IMi been iippiiinliil A

III Ilil' l ,1. H i, lie. lit U ,ll- -

liiku, M ini, all pi Ii u inr , ;, ii,i. iln-- l tliU i -- l;ili' :iii' i.iii-.ir- i,,n .

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IO ort N(rt,

New Goods !



Fa in. ii.. Hi in I Activ. A ;..M. ii itvii


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ItMi5' StoreOF

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flew Goods !

Oookiiiii Ranuo:a


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5l 4

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one night last eek two soug and- -

dunce aitiMs, whose names tun I feelare familiar to East Side nii'licnees,furnished the eiilei'laiiiiii.'iit. Tlieymade a deeiilnl hit, Ulnl their htingaWelt! ui't it'll lit Hell received.

Misii Anna liloVer, Ihe lulelitedilaiiril, who can i levute hi r lightlout in high Hi the ordinal)' l imn- -

ililur, is Iniii li in i.ipH'sl, Kit. I nltcliappeal III ll.e pal l.il ol I lie n Ii

A p., pin, ir I in. hi ( bib iiiiin, wliog:tW mi i lil .'I iiiiiin'1,1 ul In. lunulall"l ,,l I Ulli I , i llli Hie M.,of tvtn I jjlil M. 11. pli'lll-- l , 1. nil. II .iI. 1. fiU A I llliilU l I" t.M III

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Wrought Steol

3- -



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iI r

Page 4: sitillet · 2015. 5. 30. · OIL CAKE MEAL, LINSEED MEAL, BARLEY, ROLLED 15ARLEY, MIDDLING OROLND 15ARLEY, WHEAT AND CORN FLOUR. FLO UK CF Altii, Golden (S ' t Sa!hins-&-a FLOUR J.4

S. LEVY.S. EHKLICH. mmsi v a

Wlif'S Mi! CO.1



& nil mI. Tt R C B 'V M

V f LB CkS& d K i Tg wis

J. N. 8. WILLIAMS,R. MoRE, : :

Engineers &Office & Works.



I 13 v2

Week I uly !


Washington, "January 10.- - 1 bereport of the Committee on ForeignRelations on the Nicaragua Canalbill, which was presented by Sher-

man this morning, recites the im-

portance of the canal project andtreats in detail of the history or pastnegotiations on the subject.

The report says that, the work ofthe private corporation on the canalhas advanced with great rapidity;that the total est of the project willbe but one third more than the Wel-lan- d

Canal, mid that it v. ill be com-

pleted within six years. The fullcost of the work is set down at$100,000,000. The committee be-

lieves it to lie the part of economy,de from considerations of national

policy, for the I'nitcd Slates toguarantee the bonds of the companyto the amount of SIOO.000,000, so

that they may he sold at par. In thepi esent form the bill meets the ob-

jections raised by President Cleve-

land to the treaty negotiated in 18S4,as it does not commit the UnitedSuites to the defcn-- e of the terri-torial integrity of the Central Amer

m a vv v ci' it it i :it orSugar Ma bin 'ty, Irrigaliiig Macbuu iy, SP am Eng:' "

Steam Boilers, Juice Tanks, Coolers, Molasse ' gar Cars,Cane Cars, Elevators, Conveyors, Furnace Pipings,

Wrought & Cast Iron Work for House Builders,Water Wheels & Gearing, Bar Iron, Etc., Etc, Etc.

Diffusion Machinery iu all its Branches.


em ii am &aie i

Begins Monday Next, Jan, 28ih.


Calico, Ginghams, Zephirs, Wool & White Dress Goods.

Hamburg & Swiss Embroideries. Torchon Laces,

Oriental" Pointed Laces, Ilibhons, Etc., Etc.


taT Our entire stock will be sold at very low pi ices during the sale.

S. Klii.i.K ii & CO..


For San Francisoo.Australia Feb 7Alamida Feb 12Australia Mar 3Mariposa .Mar 12

From SanAustralia Feb 2

Zealandiaf Feb 12Australia Feb 21

Alanicdaf Mar 12

From the Colonic.f For the Colonics.

Australian Ihil & rvice !

The New and Fine A I Si eel

Of the Oceanic Steamship '"oinpany willbe due at Honolulu Irotn .Sydney

a d Aiicnlaud on or abeiii

F b t2, Ib9l.And will leave for the above pori wiili

mails and pas engers on oiabout that date

Sfcif For fn ight or passage, havingSB; eri'ir uccoii'inndalioii-- , ai p y to

Wm ti. LLV. Hi CO., I'd,Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland I

The New and Fine Al St el Steamship

"Zealand,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company ill

be due at Honolulu ,1rom MmFrancisco on or aboul

Feb. 12, 1S I.And will have prompt dispatch with

mails and forthe above ports.

13T For freight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

Q. J.RVLN & 00.. L''Agents.

1 HNr Mi iU

Kole .Ail- - iiIn lliuriian Isliimls tor !!.



This Space h.FOR

IfSiitf Strcol

This Space isFOR -

n i

NOW is I

lie fcooiiasilo Li

ST&SR. "KiNAU,'LORENZEN, Commar.iinr,

Will Wave Honolulu at 2 o'clock i'. m

to. lit Lahaina, Maa'ani Jk'.v

u ml Xlakouil the eanio day ; Mahu-k..n-

Kawaihue and Laiipnhoehoe theMWwiug day, arriving at lido titmidnight.


'1 ucsday . . . " 20th

Friday. . . .. "

Tuesday . . .Feb. l(thFriday . . . . " 20i Ii

'1 uesilav . . ..Mar. 3d

Friday!. . .. " RiihTuesday . . . . " 24th


Wi dnesday ... " 2Sih-' lui'lay ...Feb. 7lliWednesday .. " 11 h

' 2St liit unlay ..V'.'rdii! iy ..Mar. IHic itiimav. . . " 21si

Wednesday April l- -i

fF No Freight will be receiveda.l.'r 12 ii. urn of day of sailing.


Will leave Honolulu every Tuesdayat 5 o'clock r. m., touching at Kiihu-lu- i,

Huclo, liana, Hainoa and Kipa-bul-

Returning will arrive nt Hono-

lulu everv Sunday morning.flgr So Freight will be received

utter 1 P. M. on (lay of cuiliiiH- -

Consignees must be at the landingsto receive their freight, as we will notli, ,R1 ourselves responsible, after suchfi eight Ills been landed While theC.nnpaiiv will use due diligence inhandling live stock, we decline to as-

sume any responsibility in ease of theloss oft. , and will not be responsiblefor mom y or jewcliy unless placed in

the care of Pursers.W. (I. WILIiKIt, I'rcsident.S. 1!. EOS 10, I'cr.'lary.

CAI'T. .1. A. KINO, I'orl Supt.

WSTPiC-r...-.: '

i a i cs i

3STO. a.The licmlitavy blond poison of

rrnf .iln. rluvclons in the delicate tissues'jf the brain, mental wciKncstfs anunfirmillcs. idiocv nr. 1 insanity. It en-

UrL'fls the L'liimlsof the th oat. impairsthe sense of smell and tus'o or breaksinto ronsuinimr ulce s on the neck. Itlcslrovs the lungs, cr tills them Wltl)

tulierculmis scerctioDS I, eits away

he coatim: of the stomach, mia'gesthR livor. V Iol'S the kidnevs. cre. tcsconstipation and inrt"rcs piles. . ioiiuman ngoncy can so spe di!y,

and eeonoiaienHy cleans) theft ood or serotinous i"i-n- en-a- r uieonmnlRxion and skin, seal" and bloodas Renler'n jr5 2 thegreat blood punter,

Renter's Healing Soap

TTco it nlwavs if von w'sh for a fair.clear skin, a soft, e ippb skin. Gives

a natnrd tint, nip. 'is lr slines, removes blotched, picveuU eruptions.


1 Distributing Agents. Im


n A V Sl'I'l'E of Three Nicelyf"i?$m Furnished Rooms, twof.V. i, bedrooms and parlor, onl'linehhowl sinet near Pal ice Walk:suitable for two single gentlemenApplV toliiit rf U V. IIKIU'. KI.

I'.aled Rice Mr w. suitable foriPKSH or paeki'iir. ill h les of 1'.''

to p'.ll lbs each: h'ls ol bale-o- r .s,laeli, over 5 bah s, 7") i en s e.ieh j

A lv loSim iioTi.i, sr.Md.K-;- .

i o li s

'I'lIK hog'- - know I

Kdinku liaiieh. Kim,L ..yJ-'- P lluwad. wi h all il- - b...n--V- df

w'-- . I h h ie. b c nliiinsI s I ,n "I ael r I lli'l e - on

ll.e I!. OH ll il n J'' 'Old l.ilualil.' I H I

oi h...i and l.ini i, I mi Ini iher n.uii-- ,

ul -, upplt I" K VIII Mi Iv.oi. II mail,

I be I i l 1 i . i 1 1 .1 c t'ii.' s .n i

. n, i n.'

...I i, l




Iron Founders,Erploitsde, Honolulu.

biiicry done t mi Mumble rute and090 tf


Steamr Jcb Pniii

oi'i'ici:This oflice having added a large variety

of the latest styles of

Elegant Type !

To Its J,b Printing Room

Is better prepared than ever to executeall orders in that line, comprising:

Socks, Pamphlets,Bill Heads,

Business Cards,Law Blanks,

Letter Heads,Circulars, Invitations.

Plantation Blanks.Banking Forms.

Wedding Card's,C idling Cards,

Pcittrs, Handbills, Dodgers,

Prograo mes, tie, Etc.,


256-B0- TH TEIEFHONES-2- 56

tiS" Address

"Daily Bblhtip Offi.-e,- "

Honol nlu.

r I i,ni Kid I" FUNiJ-- MILL, f

g t ili.ni. 1 tt Jll- - k. M. EI !l 1 tU:e . ...V.


Ciinlrm'toi'. v ltnOi.'rsBrick, tout! and Wooden liuildiugs;estiinates given. Johhing preinptlv at-tended to. 70 King street, liell Tele-phone No. 2. 1'. O. l ox 42:i. ap-5--

GEORGE LUCAS,Cor,'r;clor & Bui'der.


1'loe lulu team l'l 'iiing Mills, Espla- -nade, Honolulu.

Maiiuf.H'luies all kinds of Vouldhigs,Iruikets, W indow Frames, i lin.ls.Sashes, Doors, mid all kinds of wuod- -woi k llnisli 'I'm niiiL', .M rnll and HandSawing. All kinds of hawing andI'laiibiit. Moiileiug and 'IVuiiiiliug,

j . Oidi is proinplh Hllende I lo andwmk giiiinilili eil (lidul's Iioiii th

j other loU Kiillcited.


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ican States. The l. S. Senate haspassed a resolution ordering 1000

copies of a map of the route to beprinted.


Intellectual Boston, being some-

what wearied of lirowning, Ihsen andclassical concerts, is now devotingitself to the solution of a scientificproblem that used to worry our pre-

historic forefathers. This is the rid-

dle:"I see a monkey up a tree; he

sees me and gets behind the trunk ofthe tree. 1 start to go around himand he keeps going around as I do,keeping the trunk of the tree be-

tween him and me. 1 reached 'heplace I started from with the mon-

key still opposite me on the tree.Now, 1 have been around the tree;have I been around the monkey?"

Why will Hoston thus waste itsbrain energy? If a monkey up a treesaw a native of the Hub, the monkeywill climb right down and sav: "Aw,howdy?"

EDMUND AOKItIK,Wailukii, Maui.

General Accounts, t & Susines?-Agent-

Collections and other bnsiie promptlyattended to on the Island id Maui.

jf Oflh'ewith 'ohn Richardson.20 2w


110 King St eel near Alakea street, oppo.California Fruit Mai kef.

Ce .gna!1 and M jnu 'aolrtr of

ART FURNITURE.Furniture e'eg.uit cover-


First-cla- ss Iteihling Made, and OldIteilding e,

Fren.j:i Polishing15y a I'nst-ehi- man,


Yindow Piiles, Gcnilces and

DTPii'VES,fiesigued and made in the highest s y'eof art. (Sample in ty be seen in heLegislative llalij.

Deal w ith the workman, and - :ciniddleiiian's prolit r if

Tin- - V I leiiiii.li'p

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liltUIIV, Can. ii r.'

Will Lav.. II lulu f... . .n.

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Society cf th United St&tes,Are now selling their Bonds, and up..n easy terms. The additional fea-

ture of Insurance goes with every Bond.

The following tin a few of the many attractive forms offered by

and progressive Company:




The Company is equitable, its payments prompt ami certain, and it

popularity unbounded.

r Fort IH-t-- i firf'M




pw.'nMfc !


ie Assurance

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T Rejinirs of all kii ds of Aireat snort notice.

Jewelry, f ilveiw- - iv,.MAN l' FACT!.' It Kl BY

IliliElillfit k FIELD

us wiTTy.it it.Ann t'runeiNeo. i i l'alilii'nl..

Christmas Novelties:Diamonds, Watches.

Silverware. Silver Jewelry,Silver Mounted anes,

Silvur Mounted Umbrellas,Oi.yx Mantel locks.

Gold Pens & Pencils,

Jh'ino I ii I lx-- r Guod,Reliable Gooc's at Reasonable


tt Catalogue m nt lo any address fieeon request.

t"'"1' II orders promptly and care-fully executed.

l''' Diamonds and Precious Stonesmounted in the latest styles.

may ly

Ni w II (M Liiiidi Hi

;,'' All iKlK !

GkntlI'.mkn :

Having lit', d up the upper floor ofour premises as lirst-clas- s lunchroom, we arc pr. pared to furnishMU ..1.- - oi the la st the market affords;cooked to suit your taste. After thenext, steamer, De ember I2lh, wea ill have e.insi.anily on band FiozeuOysieis, tiai.ie, Etc., Etc., in theirsea.-o- u.

ija?" Kn'r. n e by step, niiiuka ofmai'i cut alice.

iioping that, you will give us acall we are res pert u 11 v yours.

7:2 lm

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The Best Lunoh ir Tc-- .

Tea and Oo3ef .i Ms

The Kitni-- l ihands of

loi.:,! b'' ii. ....- - .

Alwu on llim.1.I ,t ' l I '! t I !' I

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U UA '4. KiiiftSt

Importers of

P. ones nd uritunt:Moved V hh ( are.

h!i;ltbg and Gmp-t- iA ,

Fine UpiioUeJng k mmA Spuhiity.

CI I AIti!'i' KSOA'l',


Rob 3rtscn HHclicoclr,


Ml tmli'i for ea; ,.( p..n ' y I litu. I' u i. nl'.r ei i ii

paid lo the

1 ' : v; Cc '?;ii(?I I .. .. I n i il.-l- . In he Itll.el lids

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(Fr, ' AV-- York- s,.. mm.)

Tlu' l.aiie-- J r..;s.!"ss i i v ;ii;M"-t'- t b a Assur-ance (V.:i! u .

The m-- business of the Kip.ii' tor Lib Assurance Society of New

first of the is rt polled to exceed KimYork for the quail cr pre-e- nl ye--

Million Dollaus. This is at the u ' hu,.,fl "'- - "l ",,; for il" !"--

, and is unprecedented in ttic ai.nals of life assurance.

Karluforiiiaiion cbeerfidly form h. d lo an, who di nl. to or al

Upon the Ull'lel ,!gnei lit I.I- - ollice.

A I. CX. J. l.3TV!CKT,Gellclal A' till f.'l Ibe IboMUial, I I'.'U ahie life .Ml- -

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