Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (incorporated with limited liability by guarantee) (“HKICM”) CPD Code : CPD20200718V Organized by : Hong Kong Construction Association (SME Committee) ((HKCA (SME)) and Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (HKICM) Speaker : Ms. Michele Lui Deputy Project Manager, Hip Hing Construction Co. Ltd. Date : 18 July 2020 (Saturday) Time : 9:00 am - 11:00 am (Registration starts from 8:45 am) Assembly Point : Hong Kong Science & Technology Park, G/F of 2W Building (Bio-Informatics Centre), Science Park West Avenue (refer to next page) CPD Hours : This event carries 2 CPD hours Language : Cantonese supplemented by English InnoCell is the first permanent steel modular building in Hong Kong, it is a 17-storey tower with common area for co-working and co-living spaces, where 15-storey is constructed by Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) method. The project has also showcased usage of other smart technologies, such as DfMA, BIM , VR and AR Technology, 3D Scanning & Printing, Smart Helmet, QR Code E-inspection System, etc. Michele has joined Hip Hing Construction since 2012 as management trainee, and participated in several significant projects, such as CLP power substations, Xiqu Centre at West Kowloon Cultural District, Grade A office Tower and luxurious residential projects. She is currently in charge of two recent MiC Projects, namely HKSTP, InnoCell and Temporary Quarantine Facilities at Pat Heung for ArchSD, HKSAR. SITE VISIT for InnoCell at Hong Kong Science Park, using Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) About the Speaker: Project Highlights:

SITE VISIT - Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers

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CCPPDD CCooddee :: CPD20200718V
OOrrggaanniizzeedd bbyy :: Hong Kong Construction Association (SME Committee) ((HKCA (SME)) and Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (HKICM)
SSppeeaakkeerr :: Ms. Michele Lui Deputy Project Manager, Hip Hing Construction Co. Ltd.
DDaattee :: 18 July 2020 (Saturday)
TTiimmee :: 9:00 am - 11:00 am (Registration starts from 8:45 am)
AAsssseemmbbllyy PPooiinntt :: Hong Kong Science & Technology Park, G/F of 2W Building (Bio-Informatics Centre), Science Park West Avenue (refer to next page)
CCPPDD HHoouurrss :: This event carries 2 CPD hours
LLaanngguuaaggee :: Cantonese supplemented by English
InnoCell is the first permanent steel modular building in Hong Kong, it is a 17-storey tower with common area for co-working and co-living spaces, where 15-storey is constructed by Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) method.
The project has also showcased usage of other smart technologies, such as DfMA, BIM , VR and AR Technology, 3D Scanning & Printing, Smart Helmet, QR Code E-inspection System, etc.
Michele has joined Hip Hing Construction since 2012 as management trainee, and participated in several significant projects, such as CLP power substations, Xiqu Centre at West Kowloon Cultural District, Grade A office Tower and luxurious residential projects. She is currently in charge of two recent MiC Projects, namely HKSTP, InnoCell and Temporary Quarantine Facilities at Pat Heung for ArchSD, HKSAR.
SITE VISIT for InnoCell at Hong Kong Science Park,
using Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)
AAbboouutt tthhee SSppeeaakkeerr::
AAsssseemmbbllyy PPooiinntt::
Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (incorporated with limited liability by guarantee) (“HKICM”)
Participants please bring and wear their own Safety Shoes Helmets and Reflective Vest will be provided.
1. The site visit is free of charge.
2. Registration for the event is first-come, first-served for HKICM & HKCA SME members only.
3. CPD attendance certificate will be sent by e-mail to attendants after the site visit.
4. Deadline for registration is 16 July, 2020 (Thursday).
5. For on-line registration, please click here (confirmation e-mail will be sent to successful registrants
in due course)
6. In the event that the black rain-storm or typhoon signal no. 8 is hoisted, the visit will be postponed.
No refund will be entertained except in the circumstances mentioned above.
7. For enquiries, please contact HKICM Secretariat Office at Tel: (852) 2523 2081.
8. Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers has not arranged any insurance coverage for any
participants on any personal accident or virus infection arising from this event. Participants should
make their own insurance arrangements at their own expenses.
RReeggiissttrraattiioonn && EEnnqquuiirryy::
SSaaffeettyy RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss::
Registration Form
CPD Code : CPD20200718V
Event : Site Visit for InnoCell at Hong Kong Science Park, using Modular Integrated
Construction (MiC)
Time : 9:00 am – 11:00 am (Registration starts from 8:45 am)
Name : Membership No.:
Tel / Mobile : E-mail:
Confirmation e-mail will be sent to successful registrants in due course
Cheque No : Bank:
The Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers has not arranged any insurance coverage for any
participants on any personal accident or virus infection arising from this event. Participants should make their
own insurance arrangements at their own expenses.