Site address - Lambeth - Clarenc… · Site address Land At Clarence Avenue Poynders Road Atkins Road King's Avenue New Park Road And Streatham Place Including Clapham Park Estate

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Page 1: Site address - Lambeth - Clarenc… · Site address Land At Clarence Avenue Poynders Road Atkins Road King's Avenue New Park Road And Streatham Place Including Clapham Park Estate
Page 2: Site address - Lambeth - Clarenc… · Site address Land At Clarence Avenue Poynders Road Atkins Road King's Avenue New Park Road And Streatham Place Including Clapham Park Estate

Site address Land At Clarence Avenue Poynders Road Atkins Road King's Avenue New Park Road And Streatham Place Including Clapham Park Estate Adjacent Land And Agnes Riley Gardens

Ward Thornton

Proposal Application for the approval of reserved matters with respect to Appearance, Landscaping (for the south and east parts of the site not covered by buildings only),, Layout and Scale for Precinct B2, the demolition of existing structure and construction of a part 4/part 5 storey building providing 37 residential units (class C3), above ground floor nursery (class D1), with secure external play area, landscaping and car parking pursuant to Condition 10 of outline planning permission 06/03680/OUT (Residential-led mixed use regeneration scheme of approximately 36 hectares of land comprising the demolition of buildings; the refurbishment of retained housing stock and the construction of new residential buildings; an elderly extra care facility and ancillary community and commercial buildings for uses falling within Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, D1, D2, and sui generis uses. Car, motorcycle and bicycle parking; the provision of a Local Parks and public open space, landscaping, public realm improvements; a bus pick-up and set-down area and bus driver facility; Energy services accesses and highways improvements) as granted on 11/09/2008.

Application type

Reserved Matters

Application ref(s) 13/04887/REM

Validation date 11.10.2013

Case officer details Name: Helen Miles Tel: 020 7926 1138 Email: [email protected]

Applicant Clapham Park Homes

Agent Mr Philip Allard, Wildstone Planning

Considerations/constraints Major Development Opportunity Tree Preservation Order

Approved plans AA1666/2.1/501, 001, 002, 003, 004, 010 050C, 051B, 052B, 053B, 054B, 055, 502A, 060, 061, 062, 063, 2.3/101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 207, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, Daylight and Sunlight Assessment dated 19 December 2013, Design Statement dated October 2013, Arboricultural Survey Report relating to precinct B2 dated October 2013, Planning Statement, Highways Statement dated 18-10-2013, Energy Statement dated 17 October 2013, Submission of information pursuant to discharging conditions 79 and 80 pertaining to the construction of Precinct B2 dated 8 October 2013, Preliminary Investigation Report dated October 2013, Sustainability Statement dated 17 October 2013

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For advice on how to make further written submissions or to register to speak on this item, please contact Governance & Democracy by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 020 7926 2170. Information is also available on the Lambeth website www.lambeth.gov.uk/democracy

Recommendation(s) Approve Reserved Matters


Department(s) or Organisation(s) Consulted? (y/n)

Date response received

Comments summarised in report? (y/n)


Planning Policy Y

Conservation and Design Y 25/10/13 Y

Enforcement Y

Streetcare Y 3/12/13 Y

Landscape Architects Y

Regulatory Services - Noise Pollution Y

Housing Y 2/12/13 Y

Arboricultural Officer Y 18/15/13 Y

Parks and Open Spaces Y

Crime Prevention Unit Y

Implementation Team Y

Regeneration Partnership Officer Y

Early Years Childcare Y 20/11/13 Y

Transport and Highways Y 25/11/13 Y


Climate Consulting Y

TFL Road Network Development Y 15/11/13 Y

English Heritage – Archaeology Y 4/11/13 Y

Environment Agency Y 19/11/13 Y

LFCD Authority Y

Southern Gas Networks Y 5/12/13 Y

Natural England Y 31/10/13 Y

Highways Agency Y

Clapham Society Y

Friends of Clapham Common Y

Clapham Common Management Advisory Committee


Brixton Society Y

Bonneville and Deauville Residents Association


Arlington Lodge Residents Association Y

Blenheim Gardens TMO Y

Friends of Rush Common Y

Holmewood Neighbourhood Association Y

Renton Close Tenants Association Y

Sulina/Morrish/Brixton Residents Association


Bedford Acre Hetherington Action Group Y

Notre Dame Tenants Association Y

Page 4: Site address - Lambeth - Clarenc… · Site address Land At Clarence Avenue Poynders Road Atkins Road King's Avenue New Park Road And Streatham Place Including Clapham Park Estate

For advice on how to make further written submissions or to register to speak on this item, please contact Governance & Democracy by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 020 7926 2170. Information is also available on the Lambeth website www.lambeth.gov.uk/democracy

Ferndale Residents Association Y

Brighton Terrace Tenants Association Y

Central Brixton Housing Forum Y

Pulross Area Playground Association Y

Robsart Estate Tenants Association Y

Ruskin on the Hill Residents Association Y

St Lukes Avenue Residents Association Y

The Friendly Almshouses Y

Trinity Gardens Residents Association Y

Friends of Windrush Square Y

Tulse Hill Estates Tenants and Residents Association


Water Lane Residents Association Y

Water Lane Society Y

Friends of Windmill Gardens Y

Streatham Society Y

Telford Park Residents Tenants Association


Telferscot Radbourne Community Group Y

Streatham Action Y

Friends of Unigate Woods Y

Telford Court Residents Tenants Association


Thames Water – Sewers Y

Clapham Park New Deal for Communities Y

Clapham Park West Tenants and Residents Association


Households Y

Background documents Case File (this can be accessed via the Planning Advice Desk, Telephone 020 7926 1180)

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1 Summary of Main Issues


This recommendation is contingent on Planning Applications Committee positive resolution for application 13/05157/VOC.

1.2 The main issues involved in this application are:

• Land Use

• Layout

• Scale

• Appearance

• Landscaping (for the part of the site fronting the public highway only)

2 Site Description

2.1 The application has been submitted as Reserved Matters pursuant to Condition 10 of the outline planning permission dated 11 November 2008 (06/03680/OUT) and relates to a 4 storey block known as Precinct B2 within the Clapham Park Estate.

2.2 The application site lies to the north west of the Clapham Park masterplan . The majority of the site is currently occupied by part of the 2 storey properties at 90-104 Helby Road with a landscaped area of public space fronting Kings Avenue.

2.3 The site adjoins the northern boundary of the area where outline planning permission has been granted. Directly to the north is the grade II listed residential property at 84 Kings Avenue. To the east are 3 storey residential properties at 113-109 Kings Avenue with the 4 storey Thorncliffe Court beyond. To the south (beyond the 2 storey properties at 90-104 Helby Road) is Helby Road with the residential block at 35-74 Muller Road beyond, although this adjoining area is scheduled for demolition as part of the masterplan and proposed to be replaced with the 5 storey block B4 (reserved matters application currently under consideration). Finally, to the west are the 4 storey properties at 140-154 Clarence Crescent, also schedule for demolition as part of the wider masterplan. The 6 storey precinct B5 (which is substantially completed) is to the south-west.

2.4 The plan below shows the layout of the permission which was approved in 2008 (ref: 06/03680/OUT) and has been partially implemented. Kings Avenue dissects the masterplan site north-south and precinct B2 is located adjacent to Kings Avenue at the north (top) of the masterplan area.

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3 Planning History

3.1 In February 2000, the Clapham Park area was selected as a ‘New Deal for

Communities’ (NDC) neighbourhood, a Government initiative to regenerate deprived areas. The Clapham Park Project (CPP) was set up to bring forward proposals for the regeneration of this area. The NDC designation covers an area of 61.4ha and lies between Balham, Brixton, Clapham and Streatham. The area for which outline permission has been granted covers a lesser area of 35ha.

3.2 The NDC area has an estimated population of 7,300 residents in approximately 3,400 households. The western edge of the area is formed by Clarence Avenue, Agnes Riley Gardens and Thornton Road and the site extends to Brixton Hill in the east. The

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Kingswood Road housing area defines the north-eastern limits and the Kirkstall Gardens neighbourhood forms the southern edge. The area encompasses a mix of housing tenures, types and sizes. The majority of the residential accommodation is social-rented (72%), with the remaining 28% leasehold and freehold properties purchased by residents under the right to buy regulations.

3.3 The proposal to regenerate the Clapham Park estate was granted outline planning permission in June 2006. The permission authorised the means of access, redesign of the South Circular gyratory, siting/typology of internal road network, and the principle/quantum of development and was considered with regard to an Environmental Impact Assessment. However, during the consideration of the application, a number of amendments were required to satisfy officers of the acceptability of the proposals. As a result, the overall number of units eventually granted planning permission were reduced. The reduction in housing units impacted detrimentally on the viability of the proposed scheme.

3.4 In November 2006, a revised application was made to recover the lost units. The application sought an overall increase in units (118) by way of proposed increases in heights of a number of precincts including C2, B7, C3 and E2. The inclusion of Zone N, the Clifton House site, would account for 100 of the additional units. Other changes to the extant outline permission generally related to the relocation of floorspace for associated commercial uses within the application site, and the retention and refurbishment of Perry House. The application was granted in September 2008, subject to 112 conditions, plus informatives and a Section 106 legal agreement

3.5 The approved outline planning permission identified the scale of development for Precinct B2 and confirmed the proposed location, form and maximum and minimum heights, lengths and widths of the proposed buildings.

3.6 The following blocks have been approved and implemented: • Precinct B5 for 85 residential units. Granted on 2 January 2008; • Precinct N1 for 50 residential units, an extra care facility (Use Class C2) and a

community hub (sui generis). Granted on 2 January 2008; • Precinct M2/M3 for 113 residential units and 264 sqm of active ground floor

uses (Use Classes A1, A2, A3 A4 and A5). Granted on 3 December 2008; • Precinct H4 and H5 for 70 residential units and 808 sqm of retail (Use Class A1)

in Building H5. Granted on 3 December 2008; and • Precinct C2 for 120 Residential Units. Granted on 3 March 2010. Reserved Matters for block B6 have been approved for 91 residential units, but this permission has not been implemented. The following blocks are currently under consideration; • A current application for precinct B4 for 73 residential units, • A current full planning application for block J3 (Thorold House) for 21 residential

units • A current application for block M5 for 16 townhouses Also, refurbishment works have been undertaken at Tilson, Morley, Picton, Rigg, and Whiteley House. Details have been discharged for refurbishment works at Pearce, Sandon and Watson House although these works have not yet commenced.

3.7 In September 2011, planning applications committee approved a deed of variation to the 2008 S106 agreement which included amended requirements for the provision of the nursery to provide a fully fitted out, 750sqm new Maytree Nursery, and also to insert

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a clause which had been missed from the original drafting to ensure that the S106 could not be enforced against individual mortgagees, (ref: 11/01835/S106) (known as The ‘Maytree Variation’). This is awaiting final agreement and signatures.

3.8 A further deed of variation was approved at the planning applications committee on 15th October 2013 (the ‘first deed of variation’), which included the following provisions: • Transfer of school site at phase 1 • Provision of library specification at phase 2 • Park Phase 1 to be brought forward to phase 1 • Details of interim bus exchange to be submitted at phase 2 • Change from requirement for ‘Ecohomes Very Good’ to ‘Code for Sustainable

Homes level 3’ • Deletion of provision of Magic Minds nursery • Amendments to number of units/habitable rooms to be provided at phase 1, 3

and 4. • Updated mortgagee exclusion clause and added personal exemption clause • Correction to application reference number

(ref: 13/03250/S106). This is awaiting final agreement and signatures.

3.9 A second deed of variation was approved at the planning applications committee on 11th December, which sought permission to make changes to the timing of submission of information to and the completion of certain agreements with the LPA, many of which should have been done prior to implementation. This is awaiting final agreement and signatures (Ref: 13/04574/S106).

3.10 The Council also have a current application for variation of condition 5 of the original consent, which would increase the scale parameters related to blocks B2 and B4. Essentially, this seeks permission for an increase in height of B2 by a maximum of 750mm and B4 by a maximum of 1900mm (ref: 13/05157/VOC). This application is reported the same committee meeting as this reserved matters application.

3.11 The applicant has entered into a PPA, and has been working with officers to deliver the project and reach an acceptable solution for the changes that are sought. The scheme has also been presented at a technical briefing. The applicant has responded positively for all requests for information, and the detailed pre application discussions and negotiations during the application have lead to the application which is recommended for approval here.

4 Proposal

4.1 This application seeks determination of the following reserved matters for precinct B2 of the masterplan: (a) Land use (b) Layout of buildings (c) Scale of buildings (including floorspace, height, massing, internal planning and

refuse storage and disposal facilities) (d) Appearance of buildings; and (e) Landscaping of the site. Pursuant to condition 10 of the original outline consent.

4.2 The application has been made in substantial accordance with the outline permission with respect to the uses, quantum of development, building footprint, block location and

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number of storeys. However, the height proposed is greater than the maximum height approved in 2008. As set out above, this is covered by an application to vary condition 5, which has been recommended for approval by officers. If officers recommendation is followed, then it is accepted that the principal of this increase in height would be appropriate, and the proposed detailed design stays within these parameters.

4.3 This Precinct would be in the form of and ‘L shaped’ building, with open space to the rear (north) and along eastern boundary in the north east corner (this would be for the use of the ground floor nursery). The buildings are designed with white stone cladding and full height windows at ground floor and warm grey brick above. The proposal comprises two blocks of four and five storeys connected at ground floor level by a one storey podium.

4.4 There would be a total of 37 social rented units, with a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bed units. Each unit would have access to private amenity space.

4.5 A 824sqm nursery is proposed at ground floor level, including nursery/teaching floorspace and related ancillary floorspace (such as a staff room, offices, store) The nursery has access to 1015sqm external space

4.6 Car parking is proposed in the south east corner of the site, with space for 4 vehicles (including 1 disabled parking space) and on street parking is proposed to the south of the site with 6 spaces proposed in this location. Internal cycle stores are proposed for the residential units and 7 Sheffield Stands are proposed externally for the nursery and visitors.

4.7 Details of landscaping are submitted for the public areas to the east and south of the proposed building only. This consists of paving to the road, car parking spaces, external visitor cycle stands and underground bin storage receptacles. The landscaping for the nursery play space would be covered by conditions 14 and 19, which require details of landscaping to be submitted.

5 Consultations and Responses

5.1 A total of 430 neighbouring addresses have been consulted.

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5.2 A site notice was displayed on 15th November 2013 and a press notice was published

on 15th November 2013.

Internal consultation

5.3 The Council’s Housing Officer do not raise any objection subject to the number of affordable housing units being in line with the outline planning permission.

5.4 The Council’s Highways and Transportation officer comments that subject to the provision of a disabled car parking space, and full details of the cycling provision for the nursery, they would raise no objection.

5.5 The Council’s Streetcare Team comment that they are satisfied with the nursery refuse and the underground collection units.

5.6 The Council’s Conservation Officer comments that this scheme has a carefully considered layout and will make a positive contribution to masterplan area

5.7 The Council’s Arboricultural Officer does not raise any objections.

5.8 The Council’s Early Years team comment that they have been involved with design workshops and are comfortable with the overall layout subject to detailed design. Detailed comments are discussed in the body of the report.

External consultation

5.9 Natural England do not raise any objection.

5.10 English Heritage Archaeology confirm that they are satisfied with the information submitted.

5.11 Transport for London do not make any comment.

5.12 The Crime Prevention Officer comments that the designs are acceptable in principal, subject to being secure by design compliant for doors and windows, lighting etc.

5.13 The Environment Agency raises no objection, provided the submitted details do not prejudice the implementation of the flood risk assessment and the drainage strategy.


Southern Gas networks have provided information about the mains records in the area.

5.15 No letters of objection from local residents or interest groups have been received following the consultation process and no letters of support have been received.

6 Planning Policy Considerations

National Guidance

6.1 The NPPF came into effect on 27th March 2012 and is a material planning

consideration. The most relevant sections are:-

• Achieving Sustainable Development; The presumption in favour of sustainable development, and Core planning principles

• Chapter 4: Promoting sustainable transport

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• Chapter 6: Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes

• Chapter 7: Requiring good design

• Chapter 8: Promoting healthy communities

The London Plan 2011

6.2 The London Plan was published in July 2011 and replaces the previous versions which were adopted in February 2004 and updated in February 2008. The London Plan is the Mayor’s development strategy for Greater London and provides strategic planning guidance for development and use of land and buildings within the London region.

6.3 The London Plan is the overall strategic plan for London, and it sets out a fully integrated economic, environmental, transport and social framework for the development of the capital over the next 20-25 years. It forms part of the development plan for Greater London. All Borough plan policies are required to be in general conformity with the London Plan policies

6.4 The key policies of the plan considered relevant in this case are:

• Policy 3.3 – Increasing Housing Supply

• Policy 3.4 – Optimising Housing Potential

• Policy 3.5 – Quality and Design of Housing Developments

• Policy 3.6 – Children’s and Young People’s Play and Informal Recreation Facilities

• Policy 3.7 – Large Residential Developments

• Policy 3.8 – Housing Choice

• Policy 3.9 – Mixed and Balanced Communities

• Policy 3.11 – Affordable Housing Targets

• Policy 3.12 – Negotiating Affordable Housing on Individual Private Residential and Mixed Use Schemes

• Policy 3.13 – Affordable Housing Thresholds

• Policy 3.14 – Existing Housing

• Policy 3.16 – Protection and Enhancement of Social Infrastructure

• Policy 3.18 – Educational Facilities

• Policy 5.3 – Sustainable Design and Construction

• Policy 6.3 – Assessing Effects of Development on Transport Capacity

• Policy 6.9 – Cycling

• Policy 6.10 – Walking

• Policy 6.13 – Parking

• Policy 7.3 – Designing Out Crime

• Policy 7.4 – Local Character

• Policy 7.5 – Public Realm

• Policy 7.6 – Architecture

Core Strategy (2011)

6.5 The following policies are considered to be of relevance to the assessment of this application:

• Policy S1 – Delivering the Vision and Objectives

• Policy S2 – Housing

• Policy S4 – Transport

• Policy S5 – Open Space

• Policy S7 – Sustainable Design and Construction

• Policy S8 – Sustainable Waste Management

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• Policy S9 – Quality of the Built Environment

London Borough of Lambeth Unitary Development Plan (2007): ‘Policies saved beyond 5 August 2010 and not superseded by the LDF Core Strategy January 2011’

6.6 The following policies are considered to be of relevance to the assessment of this application:

• Policy 7 – Protection of Residential Amenity

• Policy 9 – Transport Impact

• Policy 14 – Parking and Traffic Restraint

• Policy 15 – Additional Housing

• Policy 16 – Affordable Housing

• Policy 26 – Community Facilities

• Policy 31 – Streets Character and Layout

• Policy 32 – Community Safety/Designing Out Crime

• Policy 33 – Building Scale and Design

• Policy 35 – Sustainable Design and Construction

• Policy 39 – Streetscape, Landscape and Public Realm Design

• Policy 66 – Clapham Park

7 Land Use

7.1 The application proposes a nursery at ground floor and residential units above, which is in line with the outline consent.


7.2 The breakdown of the proposed sizes of the residential units are as follows:

Social rented

1 bedroom 7

2 bedroom 15

3 bedroom 12

4 bedroom 3


All units would be for social rent, and this mix provides 122 habitable rooms. Block B2 falls within the updated ‘Phase 1’ of the outline consent and the deed of variation to the S106 agreement that has been agreed requires that across phase 1 a maximum of 275 market housing units are provided (with a maximum of 850 habitable rooms) and a minimum of 1,096 habitable rooms are provided for affordable housing. Whilst the original tenure plan identified this block for a mix of tenures (AWA107REVJ) the provision of 100% social rented units here does not conflict with the S106 requirements.


7.3 The majority of the ground floor is proposed as a 842sqm nursery. This exceeds the 750sqm requirement of the S106 agreement. 1015sqm of amenity space is proposed, which also exceeds the 1000sqm requirement included in the S106.

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7.4 Three mutli purpose classrooms are proposed with flexible floorplans, opening onto the amenity space to the rear, with ancillary facilities such as staff room, storage, kitchen, offices also proposed internally.

7.5 Colleagues in Early Years have confirmed that they are generally satisfied with the provision; however they do have concerns about the detail of the landscaping (including external storage). In response the applicant has withdrawn this element from consideration, and therefore this would be determined as a separate details application at a later stage which would allow these concerns to be addressed. Issues have been raised about the internal layout (in terms or providing access from the multipurpose rooms to external space) however, the details of the internal layout would be for the applicants to agree at a later stage. Colleagues in CYPS have also requested that the floor to ceiling heights are increased above 3m, however given the sensitivity around the height of this building (which has already been increased above the original scale parameters schedule) and the potential for further impacts on daylight and sunlight, officers are not recommending that the application should be refused on the basis of this issue.

7.6 The remainder of the site would be used for access routes and landscaping to the streets.

8 Layout

8.1 The footprint of the block is generally in accordance with the outline consent, The layout of blocks within precinct B2 also complies with the indicative layout of the approved masterplan and as such is acceptable. The building line of the King’s Avenue block aligns with the building line of precinct B4 and B6, creating continuous building line and a clearly defined edge to King’s Avenue.

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8.2 The submitted daylight and sunlight report has been independently assessed (by BRE) and the assessor’s findings are that generally the loss of light would be small and not significant. They do raise a few areas of concern, 4 windows at Victoria Lodge (directly to the north) would not achieve the VSC guidelines and 14 windows at the rear of 140-145 Clarence Crescent do not meet the VSC guidelines as a result of this building, however 9 of these would only fail marginally (by a maximum of 0.7 compared with a guideline of 0.8) leaving 5 windows with a value of between 0.6 and 0.7. One window at Victoria Lodge would also only receive 4% of winter probable sunlight hours (compared to a target of 5%) Overall our independent assessors have classified this impact as moderate.

8.3 In terms of the light to the proposed units, BRE identify 3 kitchens in block B2 where there may be low levels of daylight. These windows are units with separate living rooms which achieve satisfactory light levels and all other rooms within these units would achieve reasonable levels of light. Therefore given the limited number of transgressions, it is not recommended that permission is withheld on this basis. There are also 24 living rooms which would not achieve the standard for annual sunlight hours, although all would achieve the winter sunlight hours requirement. However in the vast majority of cases, the rooms that do not meet the recommendations have windows below balcony or walkway areas for the floors above. It is recognised that the provision of balconies would result in a compromise between the benefit of external amenity space for future occupiers, and the loss of some daylight. On balance, the provision of external amenity space is considered to hold greater weight and therefore this arrangement would be satisfactory.

8.4 In terms of the overshadowing to the nursery playground, the area to the east would have 100% of its area receiving 2 or more hours of sunlight on 21st March, although the area to the west would only have 3.1% of the area meeting these guidelines, which means that there would be limited light available to part of the nursery play space. However, it should be noted that these standards would improve during the summer months when the playspace would be in greater demand, that part of the play space receives very good levels of light and that the application sits within the footprint and storey height approved at outline stage, therefore officers have not raised an objection on this basis.

8.5 Access to the residential units is proposed via two main entrances, one to the south and one to the east.

8.6 The secure by design officer has been involved with pre application discussions and does not raise any specific concerns in relation to this application. Therefore it is considered that the proposals would be acceptable with regard to safety and security.

8.7 All of the units would meet London Plan design guide size standards and all would have access to private amenity space, mainly as balconies, although the majority are below the 10sqm which would usually be expected. There are also 2 units at ground floor who only have front garden areas which do not provide high quality amenity space, however these spaces have been designed to be ‘usable’ deep balconies/terraces and additionally the scheme as a whole is reproviding significant areas of public open space (including a 2 ha park immediately to the south of block B6). Therefore, overall it is considered that the amenity space proposed is acceptable.

8.8 The design of the units has been proposed to ensure that there is minimal overlooking to the nursery play space to the rear. As such the internal layout has been arranged so that only bedrooms to 3-bedroom family units have views onto this space. This has resulted in a number of units that are single aspect. However, given the site specific justification for the arrangement of these units, this is considered to be acceptable in

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this instance. All units are designed to lifetime homes standards and 1 ground floor unit is capable of being adapted to a wheelchair accessible unit. The scheme avoids north facing single aspect units and where single aspect units are proposed they are east or south facing. All family sized units have dual or triple aspect which is supported.

9 Scale

9.1 The proposal is for a part four and part five storey building with L-shaped plan. The proposal comprises two blocks; four and five storeys connected at ground floor level by a one storey podium. The four storey element fronts King’s Avenue and turns the corner along the new local street. The four storey block steps up to five storey along the southern elevation separated by a 4m gap between blocks.

9.2 The outline plan permits a four and five storey development, and the proposed scheme is in accordance with this. Having said this, the overall height of the proposed blocks does exceed the maximum height set out in the scale parameter schedule. However, this is considered as part of the related variation of condition application, which is recommended for approval by officers. Subject to the approval of the variation of condition by PAC, there would not be any objection to this increase in height as part of this reserved matters application.

10 Appearance

10.1 The proposal is influenced by the materiality, proportions, rhythms and detailing of existing building within the area both traditional vernacular and the emerging character of this part of the masterplan (e.g. blocks C2, B5 and B6). This results in a contemporary building which is simple, robust with crisp detailing and an appropriate level of adornment.

10.2 The scheme will be clad in brick which is considered to fit in with the existing and emerging character of the area. The brick which will be used in this development will be scrutinised carefully as officers want to ensure quality, preferably with a colour and texture that is not the same as the bricks used in blocks C2, B5 and B6. It is important that precinct B2 remains somewhat visually independent to ensure that there is not standardized approach or homogenous appearance to this part of the masterplan. The stone effect base references a traditional rusticated base clearly defining the different uses within the building and helping to break up the mass of the building.

10.3 The applicant has been advised that the entrance to the four storey block to the east should be given greater presence in this façade. No amendments have been forthcoming, so officers will seek to control this through the submission of materials pursuant to conditions. Notwithstanding this, there is general support for the design of the facades.

10.4 Officers are therefore satisfied with this aspect of the proposals.

11 Landscaping

11.1 The landscaping to the street is mainly paved, and incorporates 5 street trees. 4 receptacles for under ground waste storage are also situated along the road. A paved car parking area is proposed in the SE corner of the site, and would be in materials to match those to the street. This is not shown to be gated.

11.2 Details of the nursery play space have been withdrawn from the consideration of this application, and the applicant is advised via informative, that these details will be required to be submitted prior to the commencement of development of this precinct.

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11.3 The applicant calculates the total amenity space as being 352.8sqm of private amenity

space – marginally missing the requirement for private amenity space of 370sqm for these 37 units. However, as noted above, the scheme as a whole is reproviding significant areas of public open space (including a 2 ha park) and this precinct provides over 1000sqm of amenity space for the nursery use, therefore overall it is considered that the amenity space proposed is acceptable.

11.4 The application proposes the loss of 5 trees, compared with the 4 trees proposed to be removed at the outline stage. The additional tree to be removed is due to its deteriorating condition since the details of the outline consent were reviewed, and the tree is now required to be removed on safety grounds. 5 new street trees are proposed to be planted around the boundary of the site and the arborciutlural officer has not raised any objections to these proposals, therefore they are considered to be acceptable.

12 Other Issues

12.1 The access arrangements were agreed at outline stage, and the roads continue to retain this layout. In terms of the parking provision, the proposed 10 parking spaces for the 37 dwellings meet the standards agreed under the outline permission. The proposed layout of the bays is appropriate and the provision of a disabled bay is supported. The Sheffield standards proposed for visitor cycle storage for both the residential units and the nursery are considered acceptable.

12.2 The energy strategy for the whole development has been approved pursuant to condition, which will install gas fired combined heat and power (CHP) station with back up from gas boilers (and these are required to be completed as part of phase 1 through the S106 agreement). These proposals would mean that the block would achieve code for sustainable homes level 3 (the minimum policy requirement). It is considered to be acceptable in this case, however future blocks at a less developed design stage will be required to achieve level 4.

12.3 Full details of archaeological investigation are required to be submitted via condition, however the applicant has provided an archaeological report to accompany this application. English Heritage have confirmed that they are satisfied with the material provided, however, the work detailed in any approved documents is required to be completed before the condition can be fully satisfied.

An internal bin store is proposed for the nursery uses, and colleagues in Streetcare have confirmed that this is sufficient. A total of four underground refuse storage units would be provided on the street for the residential uses and an area is identified for the storage of bulky waste, and colleagues in Streetcare are satisfied with this arrangement.

13 Conclusion

13.1 The layout and land use remain as approved at outline stage and would be acceptable. Assuming officers recommendations for the increase in height of the blocks are accepted, the height and scale would also be in accordance with the (revised) outline consent. The proposed units would result in an acceptable standard of accommodation for future occupiers and would not unacceptably compromise the amenity of neighbouring properties and the design proposed is considered to be acceptable in terms of the building itself and the surrounding context.

14 Recommendation

Page 17: Site address - Lambeth - Clarenc… · Site address Land At Clarence Avenue Poynders Road Atkins Road King's Avenue New Park Road And Streatham Place Including Clapham Park Estate

14.1 Grant approval of reserved matters

15 Summary of the Reasons

15.1 In deciding to approve the reserved matters, the Council has had regard to the relevant

policies of the Development Plan and all other relevant material considerations. Having weighed the merits of the proposal in the context of these issues, it is considered that the reserved matters should be approved subject to the conditions listed below. In reaching this decision the following policies were relevant:

15.2 London Plan (2011) Policy 3.3 – Increasing Housing Supply Policy 3.4 – Optimising Housing Potential Policy 3.5 – Quality and Design of Housing Developments Policy 3.6 – Children’s and Young People’s Play and Informal Recreation Facilities Policy 3.7 – Large Residential Developments Policy 3.8 – Housing Choice Policy 3.9 – Mixed and Balanced Communities Policy 3.11 – Affordable Housing Targets Policy 3.12 – Negotiating Affordable Housing on Individual Private Residential and

Mixed Use Schemes Policy 3.13 – Affordable Housing Thresholds Policy 3.14 – Existing Housing Policy 3.16 – Protection and Enhancement of Social Infrastructure Policy 3.18 – Educational Facilities Policy 5.3 – Sustainable Design and Construction Policy 6.3 – Assessing Effects of Development on Transport Capacity Policy 6.9 – Cycling Policy 6.10 – Walking Policy 6.13 – Parking Policy 7.3 – Designing Out Crime Policy 7.4 – Local Character Policy 7.5 – Public Realm Policy 7.6 – Architecture Core Strategy (2011) Policy S1 – Delivering the Vision and Objectives Policy S2 – Housing Policy S4 – Transport Policy S5 – Open Space Policy S7 – Sustainable Design and Construction Policy S8 – Sustainable Waste Management Policy S9 – Quality of the Built Environment UDP (2007) Policy 7 – Protection of Residential Amenity Policy 9 – Transport Impact Policy 14 – Parking and Traffic Restraint Policy 15 – Additional Housing Policy 16 – Affordable Housing Policy 26 – Community Facilities Policy 31 – Streets Character and Layout Policy 32 – Community Safety/Designing Out Crime Policy 33 – Building Scale and Design Policy 35 – Sustainable Design and Construction

Page 18: Site address - Lambeth - Clarenc… · Site address Land At Clarence Avenue Poynders Road Atkins Road King's Avenue New Park Road And Streatham Place Including Clapham Park Estate

Policy 39 – Streetscape, Landscape and Public Realm Design Policy 66 – Clapham Park

16 Informatives

16.1 The applicant is reminded of the need to comply with all requirements in the S106 agreement and all conditions of the original outline consent (Ref 06/03680/OUT)

16.2 Landscaping is only approved for the area within the blue line shown on plan ref: AA1666_2.1_502A. Details of the nursery play space will be required to be submitted prior to the commencement of development of this precinct pursuant to conditions 14 and 19 of the original outline consent (ref 06/03680/OUT)..
