Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez School for Professional Studies Florida Campuses Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo FINA 670-FINA 720 RISK AND INSURANCE RIESGO Y SEGUROS © Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, 2007 Derechos Reservados. © Ana G. Méndez University System, 2007. All rights reserved

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez School for ... 670 FI… · FINA 670-FINA 720 RISK AND INSURANCE 5 Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA 2. El curso es conducido en formato acelerado,

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Page 1: Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez School for ... 670 FI… · FINA 670-FINA 720 RISK AND INSURANCE 5 Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA 2. El curso es conducido en formato acelerado,

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Un iversidad del Turabo

FINA 670-FINA 720


© Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, 2007 Derechos Reservados.

© Ana G. Méndez University System, 2007. All rights reserved

Page 2: Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez School for ... 670 FI… · FINA 670-FINA 720 RISK AND INSURANCE 5 Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA 2. El curso es conducido en formato acelerado,


Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA



Prontuario ........................................ .................................................................... 3

Study Guide ....................................... .................................................................. 9

Workshop One ...................................... ............................................................ 14

Taller Dos ........................................ .................................................................. 22

Workshop Three .................................... ............................................................ 29

Taller Cuatro ..................................... ................................................................. 34

Workshop Five/Taller Cinco ........................ ..................................................... 38

Anejo A/Appendix A ................................ ......................................................... 41

Anejo B/Appendix B ................................ ......................................................... 42

Anejo C/Appendix C ................................ ......................................................... 43

Anejo D/Appendix D ................................ ......................................................... 44

Anejo E/Appendix E ................................ .......................................................... 45

Anejo F/Appendix F ................................ .......................................................... 46

Anejo G/Appendix G ................................ ......................................................... 47

Anejo H/Appendix H ................................ ......................................................... 48

Anejo I/Appendix I ................................ ............................................................. 49

Anejo J/Appendix J ................................ ........................................................... 50

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA


Título del Curso: FINA 670-FINA 720

Codificación: Riesgo y Seguro

Duración: Cinco semanas



Este curso presenta los principios de administración del riesgo desde su nuevo

concepto de administración del riego empresarial (Enterprise risk). El curso

ayudara al estudiante a identificar y analizar todos los tipos de riesgo y a utilizar

los seguros y otras herramientas financieras para la administración de los

mismos. El estudiante podrá apreciar que los riesgos pueden ser administrados

si son identificados antes de que estos causen perdidas y que los seguros son

un elemento muy importante – pero no el único – en este proceso. Antes de

entrar de lleno en los conceptos de seguros, se discutirá las fuentes de perdidas

potenciales para los negocios y las personas en su relación con el proceso

general de administración de riesgos y los diversos instrumentos de

administración de riesgos incluyendo el control de perdidas, retención del riesgo

y la transferencia del riesgo.


Trieschmann, J. S., Hoyt, R. and Sommer, D. (2004). Risk Management and

Insurance (12th ed.). Mason: Thomson South-Western.

Para accesar los recursos de estudio del texto pued en visitar:



Evaluación: Puntos Peso

Trabajo de investigación (en grupo) 100 puntos 17%

Preguntas antes del taller (Individual) 100 puntos 17%

Asignaciones de problemas y casos (en grupo) 150 puntos 25%

Asistencia y participación en clase 125 puntos 21%

Portafolio 100 puntos 17%

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Presentación oral de artículo o noticia (Individual) 25 puntos 4%

Total 600 puntos 100%

Descripción de la evaluación


A: 100-90

B: 80-89

C: 70-79

D: 60-69

F: 59 o menos

Otros: Ninguno

Descripción de las normas del curso

1. Este curso sigue el programa “Discipline-Based Dual Language

Immersion Model ®” del Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, el mismo

esta diseñado para promover el desarrollo de cada estudiante como un

profesional bilingüe. Cada taller será facilitado en inglés y español,

utilizando el modelo 50/50. Esto significa que cada taller deberá ser

conducido enteramente en el lenguaje especificado. Los lenguajes serán

alternados en cada taller para asegurar que el curso se ofrece 50% en

inglés y 50% en español. Para mantener un balance, el módulo debe

especificar que se utilizarán ambos idiomas en el quinto taller, dividiendo

el tiempo y las actividades equitativamente entre ambos idiomas. Si un

estudiante tiene dificultad en hacer una pregunta en el idioma

especificado, bien puede escoger el idioma de preferencia para hacer la

pregunta. Sin embargo, el facilitador deberá contestar la misma en el

idioma designado para ese taller. Esto deberá ser una excepción a las

reglas pues es importante que los estudiantes utilicen el idioma

designado. Esto no aplica a los cursos de lenguaje que deben ser

desarrollados en el idioma propio todo en inglés o todo en español según


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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

2. El curso es conducido en formato acelerado, eso requiere que los

estudiantes se preparen antes de cada taller de acuerdo al módulo. Cada

taller requiere un promedio de diez (10) horas de preparación y en

ocasiones requiere más.

3. La asistencia a todos los talleres es obligatoria. El estudiante que se

ausente al taller deberá presentar una excusa razonable al facilitador. El

facilitador evaluará si la ausencia es justificada y decidirá como el

estudiante repondrá el trabajo perdido, de ser necesario. El facilitador

decidirá uno de los siguientes: permitirle al estudiante reponer el trabajo o

asignarle trabajo adicional en adición al trabajo a ser repuesto.

Toda tarea a ser completada antes del taller deberá ser entregada en la

fecha asignada. El facilitador ajustará la nota de las tareas repuestas.

4. Si un estudiante se ausenta a más de un taller el facilitador tendrá las

siguientes opciones:

a. Si es a dos talleres, el facilitador reducirá una nota por debajo

basado en la nota existente.

b. Si el estudiante se ausenta a tres talleres, el facilitador reducirá la

nota a dos por debajo de la nota existente.

5. La asistencia y participación en clase de actividades y presentaciones

orales es extremadamente importante pues no se pueden reponer. Si el

estudiante provee una excusa válida y verificable, el facilitador

determinará una actividad equivalente a evaluar que sustituya la misma.

Esta actividad deberá incluir el mismo contenido y componentes del

lenguaje como la presentación oral o actividad a ser repuesta.

6. En actividades de grupo el grupo será evaluado por su trabajo final. Sin

embargo, cada miembro de grupo deberá participar y cooperar para lograr

un trabajo de excelencia, pero recibirán una calificación individual.

7. Se espera que todo trabajo escrito sea de la autoría de cada estudiante y

no plagiado. Se debe entender que todo trabajo sometido esta citado

apropiadamente o parafraseado y citado dando atención al autor. Todo

estudiante debe ser el autor de su propio trabajo. Todo trabajo que sea

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

plagiado, copiado o presente trazos de otro será calificado con cero (vea

la política de honestidad académica).

8. Si el facilitador hace cambios al módulo o guía de estudio, deberá

discutirlos y entregar copia a los estudiantes por escrito al principio del

primer taller.

9. El facilitador establecerá los medios para contactar a los estudiantes

proveyendo su correo electrónico, teléfonos, y el horario disponibles.

10. EL uso de celulares esta prohibido durante las sesiones de clase; de

haber una necesidad, deberá permanecer en vibración o en silencio.

11. La visita de niños y familiares no registrados en el curso no está permitida

en el salón de clases.

12. Todo estudiante esta sujeto a las políticas y normas de conducta y

comportamiento que rigen al SUAGM y el curso.

Nota: Si por alguna razón no puede acceder las dire cciones electrónicas

ofrecidas en el módulo, no se limite a ellas. Exis ten otros motores de

búsqueda y sitios Web que podrá utilizar para la bú squeda de la

información deseada. Entre ellas están:

• www.google.com

• www.altavista.com

• www.ask.com

• www.excite.com

• www.pregunta.com

• www.findarticles.com

• www.telemundo.yahoo.com

• www.bibliotecavirtualut.suagm.edu

• www.eric.ed.gov/

• www.flelibrary.org/

El/la facilitador(a) puede realizar cambios a las d irecciones electrónicas y/o

añadir algunas de ser necesario.

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Filosofía y Metodología Educativa

Este curso está basado en la teoría educativa del Constructivismo.

Constructivismo es una filosofía de aprendizaje fundamentada en la premisa, de

que, reflexionando a través de nuestras experiencias, podemos construir nuestro

propio conocimiento sobre el mundo en el que vivimos.

Cada uno de nosotros genera nuestras propias “reglas “y “métodos

mentales” que utilizamos para darle sentido a nuestras experiencias. Aprender,

por lo tanto, es simplemente el proceso de ajustar nuestros modelos mentales

para poder acomodar nuevas experiencias. Como facilitadores, nuestro enfoque

es el mantener una conexión entre los hechos y fomentar un nuevo

entendimiento en los estudiantes. También, intentamos adaptar nuestras

estrategias de enseñanza a las respuestas de nuestros estudiantes y motivar a

los mismos a analizar, interpretar y predecir información.

Existen varios principios para el constructivismo, entre los cuales están:

1. El aprendizaje es una búsqueda de significados. Por lo tanto, el aprendizaje

debe comenzar con situaciones en las cuales los estudiantes estén buscando

activamente construir un significado.

2. Significado requiere comprender todas las partes. Y, las partes deben

entenderse en el contexto del todo. Por lo tanto, el proceso de aprendizaje

se enfoca en los conceptos primarios, no en hechos aislados.

3. Para enseñar bien, debemos entender los modelos mentales que los

estudiantes utilizan para percibir el mundo y las presunciones que ellos

hacen para apoyar dichos modelos.

4. El propósito del aprendizaje, es para un individuo, el construir su propio

significado, no sólo memorizar las contestaciones “correctas” y repetir el

significado de otra persona. Como la educación es intrínsicamente

interdisciplinaria, la única forma válida para asegurar el aprendizaje es hacer

del avalúo parte esencial de dicho proceso, asegurando que el mismo

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

provea a los estudiantes con la información sobre la calidad de su


5. La evaluación debe servir como una herramienta de auto-análisis.

6. Proveer herramientas y ambientes que ayuden a los estudiantes a interpretar

las múltiples perspectivas que existen en el mundo.

7. El aprendizaje debe ser controlado internamente y analizado por el


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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA


Course Title: Risks and Insurance

Code: FINA 670-FINA 720

Time Length: Five weeks



This course presents the principles of risk administration from its new concept of

administration of enterprise risk integration -Enterprise risk. The course assists

the student with the identification and analysis of all types of risk and in the use

of insurances and other financial tools in the administration of such. The student

will be able to comprehend that risks can be administered if they are identified

before these cause lost, and that the insurances are a very important element in

risks management process - but not the only one. Before entering completely into

the concepts of insurance, the course discusses the sources of loss potential for

businesses and the people themselves and associates them to the general

process of risks administration and the diverse instruments used by risks

management, including loss control, risk retention and the transfer of risk.


Trieschmann, J. S., Hoyt, R. and Sommer, D. (2004). Risk Management and

Insurance (12th ed.). Mason: Thomson South-Western.

For Students Resources and Study Aids visit:



Evaluation: Puntos Peso

Research Study Project (Teamwork) 100 points 17%

Module Workshop Questions (Individual) 100 points 17%

Problems and Cases (Teamwork) 150 points 25%

Attendance and Class Participation 125 points 21%

Portfolio 100 points 17%

Oral Presentation of Article or News (Individual) 25 points 4%

Total 600 points 100%

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Evaluation’s description:


A: 100-90

B: 80-89

C: 70-79

D: 60-69

F: 59 OR less

Other: NONE

Description of course policies

1. This course follows the Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Discipline-

Based Dual Language Immersion Model® designed to promote each

student’s development as a Dual Language Professional. Workshops will be

facilitated in English and Spanish, strictly using the 50/50 model. This means

that each workshop will be conducted entirely in the language specified. The

language used in the workshops will alternate to insure that 50% of the

course will be conducted in English and 50% in Spanish. To maintain this

balance, the course module may specify that both languages will be used

during the fifth workshop, dividing that workshop’s time and activities between

the two languages. If students have difficulty with asking a question in the

target language in which the activity is being conducted, students may choose

to use their preferred language for that particular question. However, the

facilitator must answer in the language assigned for that particular day. This

should only be an exception as it is important for students to use the assigned

language. The 50/50 model does not apply to language courses where the

delivery of instruction must be conducted in the language taught (Spanish or

English only).

2. The course is conducted in an accelerated format and requires that students

prepare in advance for each workshop according to the course module. Each

workshop requires an average ten hours of preparation but could require


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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

3. Attendance at all class sessions is mandatory. A student that is absent to a

workshop must present the facilitator a reasonable excuse. The facilitator will

evaluate if the absence is justified and decide how the student will make up

the missing work, if applicable. The facilitator will decide on the following:

allow the student to make up the work, or allow the student to make up the

work and assign extra work to compensate for the missing class time.

Assignments required prior to the workshop must be completed and turned in

on the assigned date. The facilitator may decide to adjust the grade given for

late assignments and make-up work.

4. If a student is absent to more than one workshop the facilitator will have the

following options:

a. If a student misses two workshops, the facilitator may lower one grade

based on the students existing grade.

b. If the student misses three workshops, the facilitator may lower two

grades based on the students existing grade.

5. Student attendance and participation in oral presentations and special class

activities are extremely important as it is not possible to assure that they can

be made up. If the student provides a valid and verifiable excuse, the

facilitator may determine a substitute evaluation activity if he/she understands

that an equivalent activity is possible. This activity must include the same

content and language components as the oral presentation or special activity

that was missed.

6. In cooperative activities the group will be assessed for their final work.

However, each member will have to collaborate to assure the success of the

group and the assessment will be done collectively as well as individually.

7. It is expected that all written work will be solely that of the student and should

not be plagiarized. That is, the student must be the author of all work

submitted. All quoted or paraphrased material must be properly cited, with

credit given to its author or publisher. It should be noted that plagiarized

writings are easily detectable and students should not risk losing credit for

material that is clearly not their own (see Academic Honesty Policy).

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

8. If the Facilitator makes changes to the study guide, such changes should be

discussed with and given to students in writing at the beginning of the first


9. The facilitator will establish a means of contacting students by providing an

email address, phone number, hours to be contacted and days.

10. The use of cellular phones is prohibited during sessions; if there is a need to

have one, it must be on vibrate or silent mode during class session.

11. Children or family members that are not registered in the course are not

allowed to the classrooms.

12. All students are subject to the policies regarding behavior in the university

community established by the institution and in this course.

Note: If for any reason you cannot access the URL’s presented in the

module, do not stop your investigation. There are many search engines

and other links you can use to search for informati on. These are some


• www.google.com

• www.altavista.com

• www.ask.com

• www.excite.com

• www.pregunta.com

• www.findarticles.com

• www.telemundo.yahoo.com

• www.bibliotecavirtualut.suagm.edu

• www.eric.ed.gov/

• www.flelibrary.org/

The facilitator may make changes or add additional web resources if

deemed necessary.

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Teaching Philosophy and Methodology

This course is grounded in the learning theory of Constructivism.

Constructivism is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by

reflecting on our experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world in

which we live.

Each of us generates our own “rules” and “mental models,” which we use to

make sense of our experiences. Learning, therefore, is simply the process of

adjusting our mental models to accommodate new experiences. As teachers,

our focus is on making connections between facts and fostering new

understanding in students. We will also attempt to tailor our teaching strategies

to student responses and encourage students to analyze, interpret and predict


There are several guiding principles of constructivism:

1. Learning is a search for meaning. Therefore, learning must start with the

issues around which students are actively trying to construct meaning.

2. Meaning requires understanding wholes as well as parts. And parts must be

understood in the context of wholes. Therefore, the learning process focuses

on primary concepts, not isolated facts.

3. In order to teach well, we must understand the mental models that students

use to perceive the world and the assumptions they make to support those


4. The purpose of learning is for an individual to construct his or her own

meaning, not just memorize the "right" answers and regurgitate someone

else's meaning. Since education is inherently interdisciplinary, the only

valuable way to measure learning is to make the assessment part of the

learning process, ensuring it provides students with information on the quality

of their learning.

5. Evaluation should serve as a self-analysis tool.

6. Provide tools and environments that help learners interpret the multiple

perspectives of the world.

7. Learning should be internally controlled and mediated by the learner.

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Workshop One

Specific Objectives

1. State the four major exclusions of the Personal Automobile Policy.

2. Explain how no-fault auto insurance operates and how it may reduce auto

insurance costs.

3. Explain the trade-of among benefit levels, the right to sue, and automobile

insurance costs.

4. Explain the basic coverage in a homeowners’ policy and the limits of

liability for each.

5. Describe how additional living expense losses are determined and how

the loss settlement clause in the homeowner’s policy operates.

6. Explain the doctrine of concurrent causation and its role in property

insurance policies.

7. Identify the perils insured in homeowner’s policies.

8. Explain the coverage in the comprehensive personal liability (CPL) section

of the homeowner’s policy and identify its major exclusions.

9. Determine the appropriate insurance coverage for a personal risk

management program.

Language Objectives

Students will be able to:

1. Use cooperative learning strategies to analyze and discuss a topic.

2. Use the reading process effectively.

3. Write a self reflection using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and style

after class.

Electronic Links (URLs):

Obtain premium quotation for auto insurance


Find auto theft prevention measures


Vehicles safety ratings


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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Stolen vehicles recovery system



Major automobile issues by state


Home Insurance Forum



Facts and figures on property insurance topics




Resources available to homeowners following disasters


Assignments before Workshop One

1. Find information and articles related to the workshop subjects: Risk

Management for Auto Owners and Risk Management for Homeowners.

2. Answer the following questions:

(VALUE: 50 points)

a. Under automobile rating methods, what factors reduce a person’s rates

and what factors contribute to rate increases?

b. Discuss the basic reason for the exclusion in the PAP of injury to

employees of the insured.

c. How can no-fault insurance reduce automobile insurance rates?

d. What are the advantages of a verbal threshold rather than a dollar

threshold under no-fault insurance?

e. Does the H0-2 form differ from the H0-3 and H0-6?

f. How should individuals create their own risk management plans?

g. What endorsements to the homeowners’ policy often needed to provide

the proper coverage?

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

h. Explain why individuals need to purchase a personal umbrella policy and

how such a policy operates.

i. What advantages and disadvantages are there for average homeowner

under the homeowners’ program that covers multiple-peril risks?

j. Under what circumstances should an insured raise deductible on a

homeowners’ policy?

3. Watch the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSj3FLO3IXA

What do you think about this situation? What do you think about car

insurance? Is it necessary? Write a one page essay about this topic. If the

video does not work, look for information about car insurance and make a

three pages summary (see Appendix F).

4. Visit three websites of car insurers (Allstate, Geico, Statefarm, Progressive,

Esurance, etc). Make a quote for your auto on each site and print them.

5. Visit three home insurers. Make a quote for your home on each site and print

them. Bring all quotes to the class.


1. The facilitator introduces himself/herself to the group and leads the

presentation of each of the students, developing rapport within the group and

establishing the foundation for an effective critical thinking discussion


2. The facilitator introduces the course general objectives and reviews the

module with the students emphasizing the course requirements and the

student’s performance evaluation rubrics and criteria. The instructor

establishes the rules of communication and the delivery of individual and

teamwork assignments.

3. The facilitator discusses the research study project that will have a 100

points value . Students will be organized in teams of three students. Each

team will submit a request for topic authorization to the facilitator that will

include: (1) the research title, (2) a research statement describing the issue or

problem to be investigated and its relevance to risks management and

insurance, and (3) five preliminary references to be used in the research

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

process. Each request for topic authorization must be emailed to the facilitator

on or before Workshop Two. The facilitator will return the request with an

approval or with recommendations for modification or change of the topic.

Each team will insure that their research topic is approved or on before

Workshop Two. Failure to submit an appropriate research topic on time will

be subject to a point penalty per day of delay. Fifty percent of the research

project evaluation will be credited to the written part of the presentation and

the other 50% will be credited the individual oral presentation and defense of

the study made by each team member. In other words, the grade of the

written part will be the same for each member of the team but the oral part will

be an individual grade for each student based on each team member

presentation of his/her part and participation in answering the questions from

the audience.

4. Students will discuss the assigned questions.

5. Students will meet in groups to discuss and compare their quotes. Each

group will select the best quote and will share them with the rest of the class.

6. The facilitator will talk about the criteria to consider when selecting auto and

home insurance.

7. The facilitator schedules the student’s individual presentations of current

news or articles related to the insurance industry (one per student) throughout

the next three workshops. The facilitator will assign or authorize proposed

news to be presented by the students.

8. The facilitator transitions to the workshop learning objectives and activities

and lead the students to summarize the assigned chapters and reading

materials. The facilitator assist the students’ discussion of the Workshop

questions clarifying doubts, reinforcing concepts and leading them to

associate the material to current situations and examples. The facilitator will

entice debate by challenging student’s ideas.

9. The students will form in equal size teams (minimum 3 per group) to work

problems and study cases to be turned-in in Workshop 2. The chosen

problems and cases will have a value of 50 point . The facilitator will handle

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

the problems and cases for teams to work. The facilitator may choose within

of the following cases and problems.

(1) Because Y’s car is broken down, Y borrows his son’s car to run an

errand. The son, who lives with Y in the same household, does not have his

car insured. If Y had an accident, would his PAP cover him? Explain why or

why not.

(2) G’s daughter gives permission for a neighbor to borrow her fathers’

car, thinking it will be all right because the neighbor is a good friend of her

family. Under the terms of the PAP, will the neighbor be covered while driving

G’s car? Why or why not?

(3) S pulls a large house trailer behind his vehicle each year on a winter

vacation that lasts four months.

a. Assuming limits of $10,000 property damage, what coverage is

granted to S under the PAP if the trailer sideswipes another car,

causing a $1,000 loss to the trailer and a $2,000 loss to the other car?

b. Would your answer be different if the trailer had been a small

two-wheel camping trailer with sleeping accommodations for two? Why

or why not?

(4) Josephine has a $100 deductible for collision on her car, whereas

Ellen caches a $200 deductible. If Josephine borrows Ellen’s car and has

a collision in which $200 damage is done, which policy must respond and

in what amount? Why?

(5) The case of Farm Bureau Mutual Automobile Insurance Company v

Boecher (48 N.E. 2d 895), the insured was involved in an accident while

driving a car made available to employees by his employer, an auto

dealer. The insured, which had never driven this particular vehicle before,

applied for coverage under his private automobile policy and was denied

protection on the grounds that the policy excluded coverage on non-

owned cars. With reference to the provisions of the PAR discuss the

correctness or incorrectness of the position taken by the insurer.

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

(6) A person owns a residence and insures it for $135,000 on an H0-3

policy. Show the extent to which the following losses would be covered,

and give your reasons in each case:

a. Smoke damage from a fireplace necessitates a $250 repainting

job in the living room.

b. A valuable wooden table worth $1,000 is accidentally damaged

by heat when it is placed too near a hot air register

c. A grass fire threatens B’s house. For safety, B removes all the

contents and places them in three warehouses, as follows: warehouse

X, $7,000 worth; warehouse Y, $4,000; and ware- house Z, $4,000.

Water damages the goods at warehouse Z and causes a $2,000 loss

two days after the goods had been stored there. Also, $500 worth of

goods is stolen from warehouse Y.

d. A neighbor’s house burns. Firefighters’ trucks gouge deep holes

in B’s yard.

e. Three teenage boys “halve it in” for B and cause $250 worth of

damage to the house by spraying painting on it.

(7) Ms. Ventura owns an $180,000 house insured under an H0-3 policy

with a face value of $170,000. From the following data, determine how

much she could recover under the H0-3 policy for additional living

expenses and rental value after a fire: She rents an apartment for $450 a

month, which includes utilities; her normal utilities bill is $100 a month. It

now costs her $300 a month for food; her normal cost is $200 a month.

Cleaning and transportation costs are $150 a month where normally she

would pay $50 a month for these. Restoration takes five months.

(8) Mr. Vera’s 12-year-old son intentionally throws several rocks through

the local middle school’s windows and causes $ l,000 worth of damage.

How will Mr. Vera’s CPL respond? If his son were 15 years olds would

your answer be different?

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(9) C, on a business trip, rents an outboard motorboat for some pleasure

fishing. Due to careless handling, the boat runs into a swimmer, causing

severe injuries. Will the CPL pay the claim? Why or why not?

(10) Which of the following claims, if any, would be defended under the

CPL (give your reasons in each case)

a. A child riding a bicycle amuck and injured a pedestrian. The

child’s parents were sued.

b. A child, Connie, struck another child, Bob, and threw him down

embankments breaking his leg. The court found Connie’s parents liable

because of their knowledge of her vicious propensities.

c. Two hunters, firing at the same time at a quail, injured a third

hunter, who obtained a $10,000 judgment from each.

d. The insured was sued when a guest tripped on steep stairs

leading to the beach from an oceanfront cabin that the insured maintained

as a second residence.

e. The insured’s dog bit a “trespasser” who turned out to be the

meter reader.

f. The insured’s dog, an attack-trained Rottweiler, killed a smaller

dog in a fight.

(11) Mr. Marquez leases a building from Ms. Valdez, and he causes a

$10,000 fire loss. Ms. Valdez tells him not to worry, because she has

homeowners’ insurance and the insurance company will pay the loss.

Should Mr. Marquez worry?

(12) In California, a series of losses has occurred due to the slow

movement of earth that becomes loosened when water used for lawns

seeps down and causes the shale to slip. When a large crack in the

foundation of his house appeared, Underman submitted a claim. The

insurer paid the loss and immediately cancelled the policy. A month later,

Underman’s house fell into the bay when the en- tire cliff gave way.

Underpin made a claim for loss, but the insurer rejected the claim, arguing

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

that the loss occurred after the policy was can- celled. Discuss the rights

of the parties.

(13) Tom, a married college student, visited his mother-in-law’s house. A

fire in the house destroyed his personal belongings. He filed a claim under

his mother’s homeowners’ policy. At the time of the loss, Tom was going

to college and was entirely supported by his mother, whose address ~vas

on all his legal documents. Tom had never held a job. Under what

circumstances can he collect under his mother’s homeowners’ policy?

10. The facilitator will request the students’ to verbally summarize their

learning from Workshop One.


Student’s Reflexive Diary –Appendix B

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Taller Dos

Objetivos Específicos

1. Describir las características principales de la póliza de vida a término

(Term Life), póliza de vida completa (Whole Life), póliza de vida universal

(Universal Life), póliza de vida variable (Variable Life) y establecer la

aplicación apropiada para cada una de ellas.

2. Explicar la responsabilidad contributiva federal aplicable a el pago de

prima de seguros de vida, beneficios de fallecimiento y los pagos del

efectivo acumulado (cash value) en las pólizas de vida.

3. Explicar las características principales de la organización de servicios de

salud (Health Maintenance Organizations or HMOs) y como se diferencia

de los planes de servicio (Point of Service Plan or POS) y organizaciones

de proveedores preferidos (Preferred Provider Organizations or PPOs).

4. Distinguir entre los tipos básicos de pólizas de seguros de salud y

explicar las tres formas para proveer cobertura para gastos médicos

mayores (major medical insurance).

5. Identificar los factores a considerar en la contratación de pólizas de

servicio de salud a largo plazo e ingreso por incapacidad (long-term care

and disability insurance).

6. Explicar los elementos básicos de una anualidad.

7. Identificar situaciones en las cuales es recomendable utiliza anualidades

como herramienta para mitigar el riesgo financiero personal.

8. Explicar las tres formas para pagar contratos de anualidad.

9. Identificar y explicar los factores a considerar para determinar la cantidad

de beneficios a pagarse en una anualidad individual y conjunta (Joint and

Survivor annuity).

Objetivos del Lenguaje

1. Proponer verbalmente soluciones a problemas relacionados con el tema

discutido utilizando una variedad de vocabulario, incluyendo una jerga

técnica de una manera apropiada.

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

2. El estudiante resumirá las ideas principales utilizando el uso correcto de

la gramática, deletreo y puntuación correctamente en español.

3. El estudiante buscará información, la leerá y la discutirá en clase.

Enlaces Electrónicos

Consiga la descripción de las pólizas de vida más comunes y asuntos



Determine la cobertura de seguro de vida que usted necesita


Seleccione la cobertura de seguro de vida y el asegurador que mas le conviene


Revise los criterios de análisis (underwriting) utilizados por algunas

aseguradoras de vida por clasificaciones


Obtenga legislación reciente asociada a seguros de salud


Compare beneficios y precios para sus necesidades de seguro de salud en

diferentes pólizas disponibles


Obtenga los cambios recientes en las pólizas de Medicare y Medicaid


Información sobre planes de retiro individual y corporativo


Información sobre anualidades



Asignaciones antes del Taller Dos

1. Buscar información y artículos relacionados a los temas a discutirse en el

taller: Seguro de perdida de vida (Loss of Life), seguro de pérdida de

salud (Loss of Health), Planes de Retiro y Anualidades (Retirement

Planning and Annuities).

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

2. Contestar las siguientes preguntas para entregar en el Taller 2 (Valor de

50 puntos )

a. Describa las características principales de un seguro de vida a termino

(term life), seguro de vida completo (whole life) y el seguro de vida

universal (universal life).

b. Defina los siguientes términos utilizado en las pólizas de seguros de


a. Renovable (Renewable Term Insurance)

b. Convertible (Convertible Term Insurance)

c. Nivelado (Level term contract)

c. Diferencie entre las dos versiones de póliza de vida universal.

d. Explique los siguientes términos:

a. Beneficiario Revocable

b. Beneficiario Irrevocable

c. Beneficiario Contingente

d. Cláusula de Desastre Común (Common Dissaster Clause)

e. Describa las siguientes opciones de pago de beneficios de seguros de


a. Suma total (Lump-Sum)

b. Periodo fijo (Fixed-period)

c. Cantidad fija (Fixed-amount)

d. Intereses (Interest option)

e. Ingreso de por vida (Life income option)

f. Explique la aplicación de contribuciones federales a las primas de

seguro de vida y a los beneficios que se reciben.

g. Mencione las características que describen a los: HMO-grupo, HMO-

staff model, HMO-practica individual. Como se diferencian los HMOs

de los PPOs.

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

h. ¿Que tipo de gastos son generalmente cubiertos bajo la forma

comprensiva de una póliza de cubierta medica mayor (major medical


i. Distinga entre las definiciones de incapacidad: “ocupación propia”

(own occupation) y “cualquier ocupación para la cual este

razonablemente capacitado”.

j. Mencione las características principales de cada una de las siguientes


a. Solo pago (Singe-premium)

b. Prima flexible ( Flexible-premium)

c. Anualidad cierta (Annuity certain)

d. De por vida (Straight life)

e. Conjunto y sobreviviente (Joint and Survivor)

f. Ajustada al mercado (Market-value adjusted)

g. Variable

3. Los estudiantes asignados prepararan presentaciones orales de

noticias o artículos de actualidad relacionada con la industria del


4. Trabajar con problemas y casos asignados en el Taller Uno para

trabajo en grupo.

5. Solicitud de aprobación del tema del proyecto de investigación.


1. El facilitador resumirá los temas cubiertos en el taller anterior y hace la

transición hacia los objetivos de aprendizaje y actividades a realizarse

en el taller de hoy.

2. El facilitador recogerá las los trabajos asignados – preguntas

individuales del módulo para el taller 2 y los problemas y casos de

grupo asignados en el taller 1 para entrega en el taller 2.

3. El facilitador confirmará los temas de investigación aprobados para el

proyecto de estudio. Los grupos que no hayan logrado la aprobación

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de sus temas para este día comenzarán a perder un punto diario hasta

que logren la aprobación.

4. El facilitador explicará el trabajo a ser completado para el Taller 3.

5. Los estudiantes asignados harán sus presentaciones orales de las

noticias o temas actuales relacionados a la industria del seguro. La

presentación tendrá un valor de 25 puntos .

6. El facilitador dirige a los estudiantes en el resumen del material y

lecturas asignadas para el taller, así como en la discusión de las

preguntas asignadas.

7. El facilitador entrega los casos y problemas a ser trabajados en equipo

y a ser entregados – en grupos- en el taller próximo (Taller 3). Estos

casos y problemas tendrán un valor de 50 puntos . El facilitador

podrá escoger entre los siguientes casos y problemas para su


(1) Un hombre de 30 anos de edad que a sabiendas de conocer que sufre

un defecto congénitos del corazón, llena una solicitud de seguro de vida

declarando que es una mujer de 27 anos en perfecta condición de salud.

¿Como usted piensa que la compañía de seguros tratara una reclamación

de beneficios de muerte tres anos después si el contrato incluye una

cláusula de incontestabilidad (inconstability clause) de dos años y de

errores en edad y sexo?

(2) La Sra. Brown muere con una póliza de seguro de vida a favor de su

esposo como beneficiario principal. ¿Cual de las opciones de pago usted

recomienda para Sr. Brown quien es un inversionista exitoso? ¿Como

cambiaria su contestación si el Sr. Brown sufriera de Alzheimer?

(3) John Smith tiene una póliza de seguro de salud con un deducible de

$1,000 por año calendario y 80% de co aseguro con un tope de $5,000.

Determine la cantidad que la compañía aseguradora pagaría, asumiendo

que todos los cargos están cubiertos y que estos son razonables y


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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

a. 1ro de enero: se fracturo un brazo, incurriendo en $750.00 de

gastos médicos.

b. 17 de abril: Dolor de pecho requiere servicios de cardiólogo a un

costo de $375.00

c. 1ro de junio: Hospitalización por dolor de pecho costo $2,750.00

d. 30 de julio: Hospitalización por ataque al corazón costo $3,100.

e. 2 de noviembre: Dos semanas de hospitalización y operación de

corazón abierto costo $42,500.

(4) Bajo la situación anterior, cuanto pago la aseguradora por cada una de

las incidencias si la póliza hubiese tenido un deducible de $250.00 por

causa, un 80% de co aseguro y un tope de $5,000 a ser asumido por el


(5) Elizabeth es abogado, soltera, con un ingreso anual de $200,000.

Actualmente no tiene póliza de seguro medico pero esta considerando

tomar alguna cubierta. ¿Qué riesgos usted considera que ella podría

retener? ¿Qué riesgos usted considera que ella debería transferir a una

compañía de seguros de salud? Discuta su razonamiento.

(6) Carl se ha comunicado con varios agentes de seguro solicitando

cotizaciones para una póliza de incapacidad total a largo plazo, pero no

ha logrado obtener una cotización que el pueda pagar. Carl ha limitado su

búsqueda a pólizas con periodo de pago de por vida, definiendo la

incapacidad como “own occupation”, un periodo de eliminación de 30 días

y un beneficio parejo (level) equivalente al 75% de las ganancias

anteriores mas ajuste por el costo de vida. Discuta por lo menos cuatro

maneras para ajustar los requerimientos de Carl para que el costo del

seguro sea mas bajo.

(7) Para cada una de las siguientes situaciones sugiera el tipo de

anualidad que pudiera ser apropiada a la situación:

a. Donna, una viuda de 50 años sin niños, esta considerando

comprar una anualidad para proveer para su retiro. Ella trabaja

como un corredor de inversiones por lo cual sus ingresos por

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

comisiones tienen gran variación. Ella planifica retirarse en 15 años

y actualmente cuenta con muy pocos ahorros.

b. George, un maestro de escuela casado de 55 años de edad con

tres hijos mayores de edad, esta considerando comprar una

anualidad con $200,000 que heredo de su padre recientemente. El

interesa usar el dinero para solventar su retiro que ocurrirá en 5

años. La esposa de George no trabaja fuera del hogar.

c. Mary, una mujer soltera de 59.5 años de edad sin niños, recibió

$300,000 de la distribución del plan de distribución de ganancias

de su compañía. Ella interesa usar una porción de los fondos para

comprar una anualidad para solventar sus viajes de placer durante

los próximos 10 años. Ella planifica tomar vacaciones anuales de

30 días para lo cual necesita $10,000 al año.

6. Los estudiantes se organizarán en equipos (mínimo de 3 por equipo

procurando tener el mismo número de personas en cada grupo). Los grupos

procederán a discutir y a presentar los problemas y casos de estudio

asignados en el taller anterior. El facilitador promoverá el pensamiento crítico

y creativo de los estudiantes al mismo tiempo que relaciona los temas a

situaciones actuales y experiencias en la industria.

7. Los estudiantes verbalizarán el resumen de lo aprendido en el taller a

instancias del facilitador.

8. El facilitador devolverá a sus estudiantes las preguntas evaluadas del

módulo para el primer taller.


Diario Reflexivo del Estudiante – Anejo B

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Workshop Three

Specific Objectives

1. Explain the overall approach used to provide Social Security survivor and

disability insurance.

2. Describe the factors in determining Social Security retirement benefits and

explain the implication of the Social Security retirement test for retirees.

3. Distinguish between thrift plan and 401 (K) plans and explain the tax

advantages associated with each of them.

4. Describe the special purpose for which SIMPLE, Keogh, and 403 (b) plans

were designed.

5. Explain the basic pension qualification rules regarding eligibility, retirement

ages, form of payment, maximum benefits, maximum contributions and


6. Explain the differences between the goals of financial planning and estate


7. Describe the nature of death taxes and explain the basic approach for

computing federal estate taxes.

8. List the basic elements of a trust and explain how trusts can be used in

estate planning.

9. Explain the important factors in selecting an insurer, an insurance policy,

and appropriate ways to compare the cost of different policies.

Language Objectives

1. Read, analyze and write a description of how to use different web sites in

the classroom using correct punctuation, syntax, work choice and

grammatical structures.

2. Express themselves using correct use of grammar, syntax and verb


3. Fluently express ideas in English orally and in writing.

Electronic Links (URLs)

Social Security Web Site


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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Find benefits under COBRA


Web page for employers


Find your Social Security benefit pay when you retire


Estimate Federal Estate Taxes for routine situations


Calculate how much you need to save to become a millionaire by certain age


Life Insurance Needs Analyzer


Find the underwriting criteria for life insurance policies


Estimate the amount of individual savings needed to supplement the amount

expected from social security and the employer’s plans at retirement.


Insurance needs analyzer


Assignments before Workshop Three

1. Read chapters and articles related to the workshop subjects: Employee

Benefits: Life and Health, Retirement Plans; Financial and Estate Planning.

2. Answer the following questions for turn-in in Workshop 3. (VALUE: 50


a. Differentiate between a traditional defined benefit pension plan, a defined

contribution pension plan, and a cash balance plan. Explain the concept of

a qualified retirement plan and discuss the significance of this concept for

employees and employers.

b. What is permitted disparity? What is vesting? Is awareness of these terms

important for employees?

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

c. What is the maximum amount that an unmarried individual may contribute

annually to an IRA? Under what general conditions is this amount

deductible from taxable income?

d. What is the difference between a thrift plan and a 401(k) plan? Which is

more favorable for employees? Why?

e. What types of employers are eligible to establish Section 403(b) plans?

f. What is a Keogh plan? Who is eligible to establish such a plan?

g. What factors do you think are important in deciding whether to establish a

traditional versus a Roth IRA? Why?

h. What are four specific objectives of estate planning?

i. Describe the features and purpose of a credit shelter trust.

j. What is the surrender cost index, and how is it computed?

3. Scheduled students will prepare their oral presentations of current news or

articles related to the insurance industry (Value: 25 points ).

4. Create a concept map about life insurance. Bring it to class.

5. You should be working with your portfolio.


1. The facilitator starts the class with a short review.

2. The facilitator explains the work to be completed before workshop four.

3. Scheduled students will make their oral presentations of current news and

situations associated with the insurance industry. Each presentation will have

a 25 points value .

4. The facilitator summarizes previous class learning and guides the group

transition to the workshop learning objectives and activities.

5. The facilitator leads the students in summarizing the assigned materials and

in the discussion of the answers to the Workshop Three Questions.

6. Students will meet in groups of three to share their concept maps. The group

will select a map and will verbally present it to the class.

7. The facilitator handles the cases and problems to be worked in teams for

return in Workshop 4. These cases and problems will have a 50 points

value . The facilitator may choose within of the following cases and problems.

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

(1) [f a friend was considering participation in a contributory death benefit

program and asked your advice about whether you felt participation was

advisable, what factors would you urge your friend to consider?

(2) Jim and Peg Carmichael are married and have two young children.

Jim’s employer provides a contributory health expense plan for both Jim

and his dependents. Peg is currently looking for a new job. One firm that

has offered her a job has noncontributory group health plan for

employees, but dependents are added on a contributory basis. If Peg

accepts this job offer, which employer plan(s) should the Carmichaels

select for cover- age of their fancily? What are the relevant factors they

should consider in making this decision? Explain.

(3) Compute the estate tax liability in each of the following situations for a

death in 2004. Assume that each estate includes no debt, incurs $6,000 in

funeral and burial expenses, and has $4,000 in estate administration


a. Barbara Jolly dies with an estate of $2,010,000 that she leaves

entirely to her favorite son-in-law.

b. John Weber dies with an estate of $2,010,000. He gives $600,000

to his grandmother and the remainder to his wife.

c. Holly Hirsch dies with an estate composed entirely of cash in the

amount of exactly $1,500,001 that she bequeaths to her three

children equally.

(4) What is the surrender cost index, and how is it computed?

(5) Under current law it is generally permissible to convey property to a

trust with the same person serving as donor, trustee, and beneficiary, as

long as a legitimate and Iegal purpose for the creation of the trust exists.

Suppose Allen conveys all of his property to a trust that contains the

following terms:

a. AlIen is the sole beneficiary of the trust until his death, at which time

the trust is to eliminate and pay all benefits to his wife.

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

b. Allen is the trustee of the trust unless he becomes disabled, at which

time his wife becomes trustee.

c. Allen retains complete power to amend or revoke the trust at any time.

d. Identify and briefly discuss two legitimate proposes of the trust. Do you

believe that the assets held in this trust should be subject to estate

tax? Why? Do you feel that these assets should be safe from

legitimate claims of creditors? Why?

(6) How might Tim and/or Gwen use a testamentary trust to avoid the

possibility of problems associated with transferring real or business

property to a minor? Discuss some of the terms that aright be included in

tills trust.

(7) Tombs’ financial planner, whom you know to be very competent, has

recommended the purchase of at least $50,000 in life insurance after

performing a very involved analysis to determine how much insurance Joe

needs. If you are Joe’s insurance agent and he approaches you to

purchase a $50,000 policy, what factors would you consider before

recommending a specific life insurance policy? Why?

7. The students will form in their teams (minimum 3 per group in equal size

groups) to discuss the assigned problems and cases. The facilitator will entice

critical thinking by challenging student’s ideas and relating the material to

current events and past experiences.

8. Students’ will verbally summarize their learning throughout the workshop –

at the request of the facilitator.

9. The facilitator returns the students graded assignments for Workshops 1

and 2.


Student’s Reflexive Diary –Appendix B

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Taller Cuatro

Objetivos Específicos

1. Describir las semejanzas y diferencias entre las asociaciones los

aseguradores comerciales, la tradicional “cruz azul” y las nuevas

organizaciones “Blues” con fines de lucro.

2. Distinguir entre las formas básicas de seguros de salud y describa tres de las

formas de seguro médico más importantes.

3. Mencionar tres características que diferencian a los seguros grupales de los

seguros individuales y describa las características de un grupo que sería

deseable desde una perspectiva de análisis y estructuración (underwriting)

de un seguro grupal.

4. Distinguir entre los diversos tipos de seguro de vida grupal utilizados en los

planes de seguro de muerte prematura.

5. Describir la naturaleza global de la administración de riesgos y la industria de


6. Demostrar como se calcula y se ajusta las primas de seguro.

Objetivos del Lenguaje

1. El estudiante resumirá las ideas principales usando adecuadamente la

gramática y la ortografía después de leer una amplia variedad de recursos


2. El estudiante utilizará estrategias efectivas para llevar a cabo discusiones

formales e informales incluyendo actividades de reflexión y análisis,

respetando los diversos puntos de vista.

3. El estudiante escribirá un resumen de un artículo usando gramática,

vocabulario y estilo adecuados después de analizar e interpretar la


Enlaces Electrónicos

Compare los beneficios con las cuotas mensuales de seguro


Obtenga los cambios en los programas de Medicare y Medicaid


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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Calcule la prima de una póliza


Criterios para estructurar y evaluar pólizas de vida


Portal de patronos para comparar pólizas


Listado de aseguradores más importantes


Obtenga la clasificación de Fortaleza financiera de loas aseguradores


Obtenga información sobre productos de aseguramiento


Asignaciones antes del Taller Cuatro

1. Busque información y artículos relacionados a los temas a discutirse en el


2. Conteste las siguientes preguntas para entregar en el Taller 4 (Valor de 50

puntos ).

a. Identifique y describa brevemente los diversos tipos de

proveedores de seguros de salud.

b. Mencione las características que distinguen a las siguientes

prácticas como se diferencian de los planes POS:

(a) Grupo (Group practice) HMO

(b) Grupo de trabajadores (staff model) HMO

(c) HMO individual (individual HMOs)

c. Enumere ejemplos de concesiones que un auspiciador de un PPO

puede hacer a un proveedor de servicios de salud a cambio de una

reducción en honorarios. ¿Que puntos importantes deben

considerarse antes de comprar una póliza de seguro medico de

largo plazo?

d. Mencione y describa brevemente las cuatro ventajas contributivas

que se atribuyen a los beneficios de empleados.

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

e. Defina cada uno de los siguientes tipos de planes de beneficios de

ingreso por incapacidad:

(a) Plan de ausencia por enfermedad (sick leave plan)

(b) Planes de continuidad salarial (Salary continuation plans)

(c) Planes de incapacidad de corto plazo (Short-term

disability income plans)

(d) Planes de incapacidad a largo plazo (Long-term disability

income plans)

f. Diferencie entre los conceptos de distribución directa y distribución

indirecta en la industria de los seguros. De ejemplos de cada uno.

g. Explique el método de distribución de respuesta directa. Cual usted

cree que es la mayor limitación de este método desde el punto de

vista del asegurador.

h. Distinga entre los conceptos de tasa y prima de seguro.

i. Distinga entre grado (rating) de experiencia y el grado (rating)

retrospectivo. Discuta cual de ellos aplica mejor a las empresas


j. Explique lo que se entiende por conflicto entre análisis-

restructuración (underwriting) y la producción en la industria de


3. Problemas y casos asignados en el Taller 3 a ser presentados por equipos

de trabajo en el Taller 4 (Valor 25 puntos ). Utilice PowerPoint para presentar

los resultados de los mismos.

4. Prepare un análisis por escrito de artículos o temas asignados por equipos

de trabajo o individualmente (según sea la complejidad) a ser presentados en

el Taller 4 (Valor 25 puntos ).


1. El facilitador repasará los objetivos de aprendizaje del Taller anterior hace la

transición hacia los objetivos de aprendizaje y actividades a realizarse en el

taller de hoy.

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

2. El facilitador recogerá las los trabajos asignados - preguntas, problemas,

casos para estudio y el examen del taller anterior.

3. El facilitador explicará el trabajo a ser completado para el Taller 5.

4. Los estudiantes se organizarán en equipos (mínimo de 3 por equipo

procurando tener el mismo número de personas en cada grupo). Los grupos

procederán a discutir y a presentar los problemas y casos de estudio

asignados. El facilitador promoverá la discusión activa de las opiniones entre

los estudiantes utilizando el método Socrático y el cuestionamiento de las

opiniones vertidas.

5. Los equipos o estudiantes individuales (según sea la complejidad) harán sus

presentaciones orales de artículos o temas asignados.

6. El facilitador entregará el tercer examen parcial para ser entregado en el

Taller 5.

7. Los estudiantes verbalizarán el resumen de lo aprendido en el taller a

instancias del facilitador.

8. El facilitador aclarará las dudas relacionadas con las asignaciones del

próximo taller.


Diario Reflexivo del Estudiante – Anejo B

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Workshop Five/Taller Cinco

NOTA: Este taller es bilingüe. Tanto,

el Facilitador como los estudiantes,

deberán utilizar el idioma asignado

para cada tarea y actividad.

NOTE: This is a bilingual workshop.

Both the facilitator and student

should use the language assigned

for each homework and activity.

Specific Objectives

1. Explain why insurance needs to be regulated.

2. Identify what aspects of insurance are regulated.

3. State the pros and cons of state versus federal regulation

Language Objectives

1. Summarize the main ideas using correct grammar and spelling in English

after reading a selection.

2. Use cooperative learning strategies to analyze and discuss a topic.

3. Develop ideas to solve problems in an effective way.

4. Write a reflective journal using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and style.

Electronic Links (URLs):

National Insurance Commissioner


Your State Insurance Commissioner


American Insurance Association (AIA)


Assignments before Workshop Five

1. Search for information, articles and material related to the workshop’s topics.

2. Answer the following questions in English:

a. Does the experience to date with state insurer guaranty funds

suggest that these funds are needed? Discuss.

b. Differentiate between a retaliatory law and a reciprocal law.

c. What is the main purpose of tort reform Legislation?

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

d. What criteria are usually specified in state laws regarding insurance


3. Prepare the oral and written presentation of a research project on a subject

authorized by the facilitator - by teams (English or Spanish).

4. Prepare assigned problems and cases for turn-in in workshop 5 (Spanish).

5. Give the final touches to your portfolio.


1. The facilitator summarizes previous class and helps the group transition to

the workshop learning objectives and activities (in English).

2. The facilitator picks up the homework assigned – questions, problems study

cases, research project and test.

3. The students will form in their teams (minimum 3 per group in equal size

groups) to do the problems assigned and to present the assigned study

cases). The facilitator will promote debate by challenging student’s ideas.

4. Presentation of research project by teams.

5. A questions and answers section will follow each presentation.

6. The facilitator will discuss additional material.

7. Students’ will verbally summary of their learning throughout the course – at

the request of the facilitator.

8. Students will have a few minutes to finish their portfolio.

9. Closing activity: to be determined by the facilitator.


Student’s Course Evaluations – Class Representative

Student’s Reflexive Diaries

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA


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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Anejo A/Appendix A

Rubric for Homework Evaluations

Name: ____________________________ Date: ________________________

Workshop: _________________

Criteria Assigned Points

Points Obtained

Punctuality : delivery of works on the assigned date 10

Organization : must follow a coherent format 10

Development: Easy flow and consistency of ideas,

well transitioned, allowing easy, fast reading and



Content : covers all concepts and subjects required or



Redaction : without grammatical and syntaxes errors 15

Critical thinking : presents analysis and synthesis in

support of the author postulates, theories, and



Management of information : proper notation and

quotes of used sources.


Total points 100

Remarks : __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Anejo B/Appendix B

Reflexive Diary Name: _____________________________ Date: _________________

Class: _________________________________

Instructions : Provide brief answers to the following questions and return your

form to your facilitator after completion:

1. What is the most important thing you learned today?







2. What question remained unanswered during the class?







3. In what situation would you be able to apply the concepts learned








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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Anejo C/Appendix C


NOMBRE: _________________________ FECHA:___________________

0-No Cumplió 1-Deficiente 2-Regular 3-Bueno 4- Muy Bueno 5 -Excelente N/A-No Aplica

CRITERIOS 0 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

1. Participa activamente de todas las actividades de la clase.

2. Demuestra iniciativa y creatividad en las actividades de clase.

3. Demuestra interés en las discusiones presentadas en la clase.

4. Viene preparado/a a clase. 5. Contribuye a la clase con material e

información adicional.

6. Demuestra atención y apertura a los puntos y argumentos de sus compañeros.

7. Respeta las preguntas y planteamientos de sus compañeros.

LENGUAJE 8. Contribuye frecuentemente a las

discusiones en clase utilizando el idioma del taller.

9. Contesta preguntas del facilitador y sus compañeros utilizando el idioma del taller.

10. Formula preguntas pertinentes al tema de la clase utilizando el idioma del taller.

Comentarios :






Firma Facilitador:_________________________________

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Anejo D/Appendix D

Rubric for the Evaluation of Oral Presentations Student Name: __________________________ Date:___________________

Criteria Value Points Total Score


The speaker provides a variety of types of content appropriate for the task, such as generalizations, details, examples and various forms of evidence.


The speaker takes into account the specific knowledge and experience of the listener


The speaker uses arguments which are adapted to the values and motivations of the specific listener.


The speaker uses delivery to emphasize and enhance the meaning of the message.


The speaker delivers the message in a lively, enthusiastic fashion.


The volume varies to add emphasis and interest.


Pronunciation and enunciation are very clear. The speaker exhibits very few disfluencies, such as "ahs," "uhms," or "you knows."



Student pronounces words in a clear and correct manner so as to make language understood to others


Correct use of grammar and verb conjugation


Use of correct use of vocabulary words to express message


Total Points 100 (70% of content and 30% of language)

Student’s Total Score:


Student’s Signature: _________________ Facilitator’s Signature: ___________

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA


Student Name: ______________________ Date: _______________

Criteria Value Points Student Score


The paper is clear, focused and interesting. Identifies purpose, objectives and principal ideas included in the paper


Presentation of ideas is organized, coherent and can be easily followed


The paper properly explains content.


The presentation of ideas and arguments are based in sources presented, consulted or discussed in class.


The paper demonstrates substance, logic and originality.


The author presents his point of view in a clear, convincing and well based manner.


Contains well-constructed sentences and paragraphs that facilitate lecture and comprehension.


Language Demonstrate a command of standard English (vocabulary used, syntax and flow of ideas).


Uses grammar appropriately and correctly.


Manages and uses verbs appropriately and correctly.


Total Points 100 (70% content and 30% language)

Student’s total Score: _______

Student’s Signature: _______________ Facilitator’s Signature:_____________

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Anejo F/Appendix F

Essay Rubric

Student Name: ______________________ Date: _______________

Criteria Value Points Student Score


Introductory statement is clear and well stated


Major or relevant details are exposed in essay


Present a thesis, supporting it in a persuasive and sophisticated way, providing precise and relevant examples.


Sentences are cohesive and ideas flow as the essay is read


Establish a writer's relationship with the subject, providing a clear perspective on the subject matter and engaging the audience's attention.


Draw conclusions that reflect the relationships or significant outcomes of the discussion.


Demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of significant ideas, using them appropriately to reach a higher level of understanding in an organized manner.


Language Demonstrate a command of standard English (vocabulary used, syntax and flow of ideas)


Uses grammar appropriately and correctly


Manages and uses verbs appropriately and correctly


Total Points 100 (70% content and 30% language)

Student’s total Score: _______

Student’s Signature: __________________________

Facilitator’s Signature: _________________________

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Anejo G/Appendix G

Checklist for Portfolio Assessment

Has the student set academic goals?

Does the portfolio include enough entries in each area to make

valid judgments?

Does the portfolio include evidence of complex learning in realistic


Does the portfolio provide evidence of various types of student


Does the portfolio include students’ self-evaluations and

reflections on what was learned?

Does the portfolio enable one to determine learning progress and

current level of learning?

Does the portfolio provide clear evidence of learning to users of

the portfolio?

Does the portfolio provide for student participation and


Does the portfolio present entries in a well-organized and useful


Does the portfolio include assessments based on clearly stated

criteria of successful performance?

Does the portfolio provide for greater interaction between

instruction and assessment?

Adapted from: Gronlund, N. E. (2003). Assessment of student achievement. 7th ed. Boston:

Pearson Education, Inc.

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Anejo H/Appendix H

Portfolio Assessment Feedback Template Strengths Weaknesses Improvement Ideas Facilitator’s comments

Student’s response and comments

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Anejo I/Appendix I

Use and Return of Portfolio

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Un iversidad del Turabo

I, ____________________________________, grant permission to the office of

Assessment and Placement of the Ana G. Méndez University System, to keep in

their records a copy of my portfolio. I understand that the portfolio is going to be

used for accreditation or educational purposes only, and that is not going to be

disclosed without my consent.

By signing this document I authorize the office of Assessment and Placement to

keep a copy of my portfolio for six months and return it to me at the end of this

period of time.

_______________________________ ___________

Student’s Name (print) Date

_______________________________ ___________

Student’s Signature Date

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Prep. 06-10-08 J. Ángel Banchs, MBA

Anejo J/Appendix J

Use and Discard of Portfolio

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Un iversidad del Turabo

I, ____________________________________, grant permission to the office of

Assessment and Placement of the Ana G. Méndez University System to keep in

their records a copy of my portfolio. I understand that the portfolio is going to be

used for accreditation or educational purposes only, and that is not going to be

disclosed without my consent.

By signing this document I authorize the Office of Placement and Assessment to

keep a copy of my portfolio for six months and discard it at the end of this period

of time.


_______________________________ ___________

Student’s Name (print) Date

_______________________________ ___________

Student’s Signature Date