Sir Gawain Reading Packet

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  • 8/4/2019 Sir Gawain Reading Packet


    Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

    Read the excerpt in your textbook on pages 229-237. This is Part IV of the poem. Read the

    summaries of Parts 1-3 that I provided for you on the Introduction Handout so that you

    understand the plot leading up to this section.

    1. Close Reading for Description

    Read the opening lines (1-25) on pages 229-230. In the box below, draw the scene

    that the poet has described. Clearly label at least five of those images.

    2. Imagery

    What images make the setting of the confrontation seem demonic? Do you think there is any symbolism in

    the setting?

    3. Alliteration

  • 8/4/2019 Sir Gawain Reading Packet


    One common literary device throughout this translation is alliteration. Remember that alliteration occurs

    when a series of words in a row (or close to a row) have the same first consonant sound. For example, She

    sells sea-shells down by the sea-shore or Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers are alliterations.

    Find at least TEN alliterative phrases. Write down the words that make up the alliteration, as well as the line

    numbers on which each can be found.

    Alliteration Example Line #(s)

    4. Tone

    Tone is the writers attitude toward the material and/or readers. Tone may be playful, formal, intimate, angry, serious,

    ironic, outraged, baffled, tender, serene, depressed, etc.

    Look at the following quotes from the story. Write a paragraph for each one describing the tone and using key

    words from the quote to support your response.

    A. For look how you flinch in fear before anythings felt! / I never heard tell that Sir Gawain was ever acoward! (113-14).








  • 8/4/2019 Sir Gawain Reading Packet


    B. The Green Knight remained where he stood, relaxing on his ax - / He said merrily, with a mighty voice /Here, dont be such an ogre on your ground (172, 177, 179).









    5. Characterization

    A. Lines 91-99 show something significant about Sir Gawains character. Find at least two key words or phrases that

    reveal the emotions Gawain is at this point in the story. In at least one complete paragraph, describe Sir Gawains

    character at that moment. Be sure to include at least the two quotes you identified.








    B. Lines 210-228 show something significant about Sir Gawains character. Find at least two key words or phrases

    that reveal the emotions Gawain is experiencing after the Green Knight tells him he knows of his past with his wife.

    In at least one completeparagraph, describe Sir Gawains character at that moment. Be sure to include at least the

    two quotes you identified.









  • 8/4/2019 Sir Gawain Reading Packet


    C. Lines 180-198 show something significant about the Green Knights character. Find at least three key words or

    phrases that reveal the emotions of the Green Knight. What kind of person is he? Does he uphold the Code of

    Chivalry with Sir Gawain? In at least one completeparagraph, describe the Green Knights character at that moment.

    Be sure to include at least the two quotes you identified.









    7. Elements of Romance

    In the back of your book on page 1429, the definition of ROMANCE is presented. Review this definition. Then write a

    paragraph describing how this particular excerpt from Sir Gawain and the Green Knightconstitutes a romance. In

    what ways is Gawain a superhuman romance hero? In what ways is he weak or flawed, just as an ordinary person

    might be? Cite details from the poem to support your response. Consider the quest, the love of someone, loyalty,

    courtly love, chivalry, and anything else you deem relevant to this response.









    8. Comprehension Questions:

    1. Who or what is Gringolet?

    2. In which type of building does the Green Knight live?

    3. What is the Green Knight doing when Gawain arrives?

  • 8/4/2019 Sir Gawain Reading Packet


    4. How many times does the Green Knight prepare to cut off Sir Gawains head?

    5. Who does the Green Knight turn out to be?

    6. What happens after the Green Knights brings down the ax on Gawains neck the first time?

    7. What happens after the Green Knights brings down the ax on Gawains neck the second time?

    8.What happens after the Green Knights brings down the ax on Gawains neck the third time?