Sip ‘n go

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IA.HISTORY* Coffee was first brought to the Philippines by

a Franciscan friar in 1749 and grew into a thriving industry. The coffee rust disease decimated crops at the end of the nineteenth century. Toward the end of the era of Spanish colonization the Philippines was a top coffee exporter but the coffee trade languished due to lack of support from the government, urbanization and other factors including previous global declines in coffee prices.

* The current high worldwide prices for coffee are helping to incentivize increased coffee production in the Philippines. In 1989 around 130,000 hectares in the country were being cultivated in coffee but by 2006 the acreage was just 75,000 hectares. Today coffee is a very popular beverage among the Filipino population.

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*Cookie-like hard wafers have existed for as long as baking is documented, in part because they deal with travel very well, but they were usually not sweet enough to be considered cookies by modern standards.

* Cookies appear to have their origins in 7th century Persia, shortly after the use of sugar became relatively common in the region. They spread to Europe through the Muslim conquest of Spain. By the 14th century, they were common in all levels of society, throughout Europe, from royal cuisine to street vendors.

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* Cookies came to America in the early English settlement (the 17th century), although the name "koekje" arrived with the Dutch. This became Anglicized to "cookie" or cooky.

* Among the popular early American cookies were the macaroon, gingerbread cookies, and of course jumbles of various types. The most common modern cookie, given its style by the creaming of butter and sugar, was not common until the 18th century.

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IB. CURRENT CONDITION * The production and export of coffee was once a major industry in the Philippines, which 200 years ago was the fourth largest coffee producing nation. Today, however, the Philippines produce only .012% of the world's coffee supply. Efforts are being undertaken to revive the industry however, with the majority of coffee produced in the mountain areas of Batangas, Bukidnon, Benguet, Cavite, Kalinga, Apayao, Davao, and Claveria.

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*With longer shelf-lifes and better availability, they find it more convenient to purchase packaged/industrial breads, pastries and cakes. The increase in number of affordable and healthier alternatives also assisted in persuading consumers to purchase packaged products.

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CONCEPT* The proponents would want to offer a product which in line to the trends in food industry and making innovation on iced coffee/choco with cookies for it is abundantly available in the Philippines. Sip N’ Go is an innovative concept of cookies and iced choco/iced coffee in one cup outlet that serves delicious variety flavors of pastries, healthy, crisp, and ready to go. Sip N’ Go offer cookies with a ginger flavor with chocolate chips and oatmeal. We also offer variety of cookies’ design to attract kids that cannot eat ginger. They would want to satisfy customer’s taste and food preference that are convenient to carry and a healthy treat for consumers.

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Overall Objective

*To be the first stall in the Philippines serving drinks and cookies conveniently.

*To meet the consumer’s demands, wants and needs in the product that we offer.

*To gain potential buyers and customers in different areas near our business site.

General Objectives

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Specific Objectives

*To earn profit in a short term of operation

*To maximize our production and customer satisfaction.

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*CHAPTER 2Market


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I. Overall Market

“SIP ‘N GO ” is a unique food stall providing iced coffee and iced choco drinks combined with cookies in one cup. This concept is like the existing idea of “Kerrimo” where fries and juice are combined. With regards to our idea, the innovation of iced coffee and iced choco drink and cookies will be served delicious, conveniently and ready to go. Iced coffee has different flavors that customers will surely enjoy. Cookies are place on top of the cup and drinks of different flavors can be chosen by the customer.

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Filipino loves coffee, they have it anywhere. In Philippines, cities are littered with dozens of convenient coffee shops and stands. Convenient coffee is extremely popular and now it is a great time to have your coffee stand business. With the right location, prices, products and customer service, your coffee food stall business can be a success. With the combination of cookies (ginger cookies), these will help to attract customers. The concept of combining these beverages and cookies will bring convenience to customer.

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Keys to SuccessThe keys to success are:

*Will be the first business of its kind in the city of Tanauan.

*Business will be located near schools.

*Product quality will include a different flavor of iced coffees and cookies.

*Business has the potential for expansion into a wide number of franchising stores.

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II. Locations and Facilities

*SIP ‘N GO will be known for providing a different way to enjoy iced cold coffee/ choco drinks with varieties of pastries in one cup / cookies.

*SIP ‘N GO will be located in Tanauan City.

*Small space will be needed which will also include a small sitting area.

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III. Products

*Products are iced coffee, chocolate drinks and cookies. The drinks come with different flavors with regular size. Other products such as pastries will also be in variety.

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A. Product Description

*The major products that in the business will be iced coffee and chocolate drinks. Different flavors will be sold including the following:

*Iced Coffee, Cappuccino, Iced Mocha and Coffee Creamy Latte. Other product will include cookies which has a flavor of ginger and oats.

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IV. Market Influence

*Sip ‘n Go is situated at Tanauan, City. This location will serve a great opportunity for the business to meet more customers and eventually penetrate the market.

*Sip ‘n Go is an ideal business for Tanauan City given both potential market segment and location. Utilizing average price units will be 35 php for iced coffee/choco and cookies and other products to be sold.

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V. Market Segmentation

*SIP N’ GO will target all segments of school's population: children, teenagers, and adults

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Target Market Segment Strategy

*SIP N’ GO will target the low- to mid-income consumers who want to have a high quality drinks and snacks for moderate prices. SIP N’ GO will also meet the taste preference of the customers.

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VI. Industry Analysis

One of the successes food stall business is Kerrimo. The potential success for selling is attributed to the following:

*Compared to other food stall products, SIP N’ GO will be a relatively simple business to operate.

*SIP N’ GO has a low food cost, easy to prepare, conveniently and ready to go.

*SIP N’ GO is an ideal product for the entire coffee/choco lover.

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VI. Competitive Factors*The SIP N’ GO business will be new to Tanauan City,Batangas. Competitors in this type of business primarily sell iced coffee /choco and cookies and do not focus on the coffee market. One major competitor is the Dunkin Donuts. SIP N’ GO sells iced coffee/choco through medium size.

*The keys to success will definitely focus on selling iced coffee/choco and cookies and not only coffee made with coarse iced and selling high quality choco flavors. Prices will also be competitive with those of the competition.

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Strengths Weakness

1.The concept of our product

is new because of the

innovative combination of

Coffee/Chocolate drinks and


2. The product is easy to

make and can be produce at

a short period of time.

3. The packaging is quite

simple yet attractive.


1. It is not convenient to carry

always because it is not totally

sealed so it might spill out.

2. There must be problems to be

encounter in the production

process regarding the pastries if

its quality of taste can be

maintain for the customer


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Opportunities Threats

1. There are no existing products

that is a combination of

Coffee/Chocolate drinks and

pastries so it will be attractive to


2. The product will be offer at a

less cost.

3. The place that the product will

be sold is appropriate to earn

high revenue because it is near

the school and outside market

people who usually passed by.

1. The product might not be like by

the children because some of them

did not drink coffee or otherwise

might not like the taste of the


2. There must be conflict regarding

how the price of the product will be

attain by the customers considering

there are some products that are in

less cost like floats and others.

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*Main Competitor

Main competitors are the Dunkin Donut and Mister Donut.

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VII. Marketing Strategy

*Overall marketing strategy will create an image of offering high quality of iced coffee/choco drinks and pastries. The business will be located in Tanauan City, Batangas. One of our marketing strategies is giving fliers.

1. Promotion Strategy

2. Distribution Strategy

3. Positioning Statement

4. Pricing Strategy

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1. Promotion Strategy

Sip ‘N Go will promote iced coffee/choco and pastries in one cup to customers by:

*Flier distribution to consumers.

*Promoting products for an introductory price.

*Promoting products through internet.

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2. Distribution Strategy

Major marketing will be conducted through local flier distribution during the first week of operation.

3. Positioning Statement

Distribution of iced coffee will be through the business facility only. It is anticipated that our product could be sold through a large number of people in Tanauan City, Batangas.

4. Pricing Strategy

Iced coffee/choco drinks with cookies will be offered with the selling price of 35.00 php.

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VIII. Management

*SIP N’ GO will hire an employee to assist with the business. SIP N’ GO will require minimum daily supervision after it has been established since this product is fairly easy to make.

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*Thank You!