Sintered Sm

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  • 8/1/2019 Sintered Sm






    Sintered Sm2

    Co1 7

    -Based Magnets With Small Additions of Indium

    Alexander M. Gabay 1 , Melania Marinescu 2 , JinFang Liu 2 , and George C. Hadjipanayis 1

    Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 USA

    Electron Energy Corporation, Landisville, PA 17538 USA

    In an attempt to develop anisotropic high-temperature permanent magnets consisting of Sm2 (

    Co,Fe) 1 7

    grains separated by thinlayers of a nonmagnetic phase, small amounts of Ag, C, Ga, In, and Sn were added to the Sm2

    Co1 7

    -based alloys and sintered magnets.Grain-boundary phase(s) with the melting temperature of 9851070 C was obtained by adding 0.51.5 at. % In to SmCo, SmCoFe,and SmCoMn alloys with the Sm content slightly enriched compared to the 2 : 17 stoichiometry. Iron, manganese and, apparently,oxygen tend to decrease the melting temperature of the grain-boundary phase(s). Due to this low-melting-temperature phase, sinteringof the milled Sm


    Co1 7

    -based alloys becomes possible at temperatures as low as 10251075 C. This phase is also believed to be respon-sible for the coercivity of 68 kOe observed in the SmCoFeMnIn alloys. The coercivity was found to be critically sensitive to thepostsintering heat treatment: it dramatically deteriorates when the magnets are annealed below the melting temperature of the grainboundary phase(s).

    Index TermsCoercive force, indium, permanent magnets, samarium alloys.


    IN the best currently used high-temperature SmCo perma-nent magnets, the coercivity is developed in the bulk state

    through a multiphase cellular nanostructure. To assure this,

    some excess of Sm and 710 at. % of Cu and Zr must be added

    to the alloy, which then decreases the amount of high-mag-

    netization Sm Co,Fe phase. The earlier attempts to obtain

    pure 2 : 17 magnets were not very successful [1], [2], although

    a maximum energy product of 28 MGOe has been reported for

    magnets containing Mn [3]. Coercivity of magnets fabricated

    via sintering of anisotropic micron-size powders critically de-

    pends on the state of their grain boundaries. In particular, the

    high performance of sintered NdFeB magnets is assured by

    the Nd-rich phase, which magnetically insulates the Nd Fe Bgrains and inhibits nucleation of reversed magnetic domains

    [4], [5]. Due to its low melting temperature, this phase also

    serves as a sintering aid. In the ternary SmCoFe system, the

    Sm Co,Fe phase is in equilibrium with other ferromagnetic

    phases [6]; the desired insulating phase may, therefore, be in-

    duced only via doping.

    In our efforts to induce insulating grain-boundary phases in

    the Sm Co , Sm Co,Fe , and Sm Co,Fe,Mn alloys, we

    explored small additions of Ag, C, Ga, In, Sn, and some of their

    combinations. Additions of indium were found to be promising

    for both the powder metallurgy and hard magnetic properties of

    the Sm Co -based alloys. This paper gives a detailed account

    of our experiments with In-added alloys and sintered magnets;

    it also briefly summarizes the results obtained for the other ele-



    The Sm Co Fe Mn M alloys with M Ag,

    C, Ga, In, Sn, Ag C , Ag Sn , ,

    , , and were prepared by

    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2008.2001540

    arc-melting in argon from pure elements and a CoC master

    alloy. The ingots were remelted at least four times to assure their

    homogeneity; appropriate excesses of Sm and Mn were addedto compensate evaporation losses of these elements during arc-

    melting. Some of the ingots were additionally homogenized

    at 900 C. For sintering, the ingots were crushed to less than

    0.3 mm and ball-milled with a rotary mill for 15 h in toluene.

    After drying, the powders were pressed in a magnetic field of

    17 kOe. The obtained green compacts were degassed by step

    heating in vacuum to 650 C and then sintered in argon for

    1 h at 9751075 C. After sintering, the samples were pulled

    out of the furnace (still under argon) for air cooling. Addi-

    tional postsintering heat treatment consisted of a one-hour an-

    nealing under argon at 9001050 C followed by quenching

    in water. The ingots and sintered magnets were characterized

    by: 1) powder x-ray diffraction (XRD) with a Philips diffrac-

    tometer operating at the Cu-K radiation, 2) scanning elec-

    tron microscopy (SEM) with a JEOL JSM-6335F instrument,

    3) energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) with an IXRF Sys-

    tems instrument and software, and 4) differential thermal anal-

    ysis (DTA) with a PerkinElmer Pyris Diamond TG/DTA instru-

    ment. Magnetic properties were measured on cube-shaped spec-

    imens with a vibrating sample magnetometer. Densities of the

    ingots and sintered magnets were measured by a water immer-

    sion technique or, in the case of too porous specimens, derived

    from their outer dimensions.


    A. Small Additions of Silver, Carbon, Gallium and Tin

    In the Sm Co and Sm Co,Fe alloys with small addi-

    tions of Ag, C, Ga, and Sn, the grain-boundary phases were

    observed for Ag, C, and Sn, whereas Ga was found to be

    dissolved by the magnetic SmCo phases. The Sm Ag

    phase in the SmCoAg alloys, though nonmagnetic and with

    the melting temperature of 935 C, was found not to wet the

    Sm Co grains. The grain-boundary phases in SmCoSn and

    SmCoAgSn alloys were found to have high melting tem-

    peratures. Grain boundaries in the alloys with carbon featured

    eutectic mixture of the carbide phase and the ferromagnetic

    0018-9464/$25.00 2008 IEEE

  • 8/1/2019 Sintered Sm






    Fig.1. Heating DTA curvesof ingotsandsinteredmagnets: 1Sm Co ,2Sm Co In , 3Sm ( Co Fe Mn ) In ,4Sm ( Co Fe Mn ) . T and T indicate the Curietemperature and solidus temperature, respectively.

    SmCo phase, which do not make these boundaries magnetic


    B. Effect of Indium Addition on Microstructure

    SEM and EDS examination of the Sm Co In alloys

    with and revealed a phase en-

    riched with samarium and indium. The approximate composi-

    tion of this phase was found to be Sm Co In . Inclusions

    of this indium-rich phase, as well as those of the minor SmCo

    phase, which contained only traces of indium, stretched along

    the boundaries of the indium-free Sm Co grains. The DTAscan shown in Fig. 1 (curve 2) indicates the appearance of a

    liquid phase at 1070 C in the alloy with indium, in contrast with

    the single-phase Sm Co alloy (curve 1). The Fe substitution

    for Co (not shown in Fig. 1) and the combined (Fe, Mn) substi-

    tution (curve 3) decrease the solidus temperature; the same ef-

    fect is also caused by sintering (curve 3 ). The most likely way

    the milling/sintering could influence the phase equilibrium is

    by introducing oxides. The presence of indium, however, is still

    necessary for the low-melting-temperature phase(s): the solidus

    temperature of the indium-free sintered magnet exceeds 1150

    C (Fig. 1, curve 4).

    The XRD data shown in Fig. 2 confirm that millingand sintering had modified the phase structure of the

    Sm Co,Fe,Mn In alloy: the minor SmCo phase of

    the as-cast alloy is now replaced by Sm O . The XRD analysis,

    however, does not reveal the indium-rich phase: the scans

    for sintered magnets with and without indium are virtually


    The In-rich and oxide phases can be clearly seen in the SEM

    image of a fractured surface shown in Fig. 3(a); in the backscat-

    tered electrons (BSE) mode, these two phases appear bright.

    Comparing the SEM image with the EDS elemental maps for

    indium and oxygen presented in Fig. 3(b) and (c), one can see

    that the indium-rich grains and the oxide grains of similar size

    0.51.3 m are located next to each other along the boundariesof the larger Sm Fe,Co,Mn grains. It seems quite probable

    Fig. 2. Powder XRD scans of (a) as-cast Sm ( Co Fe Mn ) Inalloy, (b) sintered Sm ( Co Fe Mn ) In magnet, and (c) sinteredSm ( Co Fe Mn ) magnet. 2 : 17 and 1: 5 denote reflections ofTh Zh -type and CaCu -type structures, respectively.

    Fig. 3. (a) BSE SEM image of a fractured surface of Sm ( Co Fe Mn ) In magnet sintered at 1075 C and (b)indium and (c) oxygen elemental maps for the selected area.

    that the indium-rich and oxide phases crystallized from a liquid

    grain-boundary phase via a eutectic reaction.

    C. Effect of Indium Addition on Densification

    As it might be expected, the liquid grain-boundary phase dra-

    matically facilitates sintering. Fig. 4(a) presents densities of the

    indium-added sintered magnets. The magnet with only 0.5 at.%

    In exhibits a density of 0.98 times that of the ingot after sin-

    tering at 1075 C, which is more than 100 lower than the

    usual sintering temperature of the 2 : 17 magnets. Moreover, the

    density data for the different sintering temperatures shown inthe inset suggest that the critical temperature for densification

  • 8/1/2019 Sintered Sm






    Fig. 4. Effect of indium content on relative density and intrinsiccoercivity of Sm ( Co Fe Mn ) In (a) andSm ( Co Fe Mn ) In (b) magnets sintered at1075 C and annealed at 10001050 C. Inset shows density ofSm ( Co Fe Mn ) In magnets sintered at different tempera-tures.

    is around 1000 C, just above the solidus temperature revealed

    in this magnet by DTA (see curve 3 in Fig. 1).

    D. Effect of Indium Addition on Coercivity

    The addition of indium also led to a significant increase in

    the intrinsic coercivity . Fig. 4(b) presents the highestvalues for as-sintered and heat-treated samples (typically, the

    coercivity of the magnets sintered at 1075 C slightly improved

    after the postsintering annealing at 10001025 C). Fig. 5 shows

    the coercivity as a function of Sm and Mn concentrations. Al-

    thoughthe results for the Smeffect ofon are not veryconclu-

    sive, they may suggest that there exists an optimum samarium

    concentration. Such optimum concentrations of both indium and

    samarium may have a simple explanation: at a given indium

    content, the grain-boundary phase can accommodate only cer-

    tain amount of samarium, and vise versa. As for the Mn, it had

    been added to the Sm Co,Fe matrix phase in the very be-

    ginning of this study in order to enhance its magnetocrystalline

    anisotropy [3], [7]. As one can see in Fig. 5(b), the magnets

    with the Sm Co,Fe matrix do not develop any significant

    coercivity even though they also had reached the density of


    E. Effect of Postsintering Annealing

    Postsintering annealing below certain temperature dramat-

    ically decreases of the sintered SmCoFeMnIn mag-

    nets. Fig. 6 shows that the temperature critical for coin-

    cides with the solidus temperature of the sintered magnet. It is

    reasonable to assume that the more chemically homogeneous

    grain-boundary phase achieved by freezing the liquid phase is

    a better magnetic insulator than multiple phases produced by aeutectic crystallization. Indeed, the grain-boundary regions of

    Fig. 5. Effects of Sm and Mn contents on intrinsic coer-civity of (a) Sm ( Co Fe Mn ) In and (b)Sm ( Co Fe Mn ) In magnets sintered at 1075 C andannealed at 10001050 C.

    Fig. 6. Heating DTA curve of Sm ( Co Fe Mn ) In magnetsintered at 1075 C and coercivity of this magnet versus temperature of postsin-tering annealing. T indicates the Curie temperature.

    the high-coercivity sample quenched from 1000 C, which is

    shown in Fig. 7(a), appear to be more uniform than those of the

    low-coercivity sample quenched from 950 C [Fig. 7(b)]. The

    black spots in Fig. 7 correspond to a CoFeMn phase. This

    soft magnetic phase might appear as a result of inhomogeneous

    oxidation during milling and/or sintering and it is not neces-

    sarily involved in the above grain-boundary transformation. In

    any case, this phase must be harmful for the coercivity.


    Permanent magnets with high-temperature capabilities and

    room-temperature energy product greater than 50 MGOe

    promised by the intrinsic properties of the Sm Co,Fe

    compound [2] still remain an attractive target. During the last

    decade, the pure 2 : 17 magnets were mostly sought via

    nonequilibrium techniques such as mechanical alloying [8], [9]

    and melt-spinning [10][12].

    This work shows that even the old-fashioned powder

    sintering, which has the undeniable advantage of delivering

    anisotropic massive magnets, may not yet run out of options.

    We are still far away from the ultimate goal: the coercivity of the

    magnets we report is hardly sufficient even for room-tempera-ture applications, and their remanence[AU: Remanence

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    Fig.7. BSE SEM imagesof Sm ( Co Fe Mn ) In magnetsin-tered at 1075 C and annealed at (a) 1000 C and (b) 950 C.

    correct word?], which typically does not exceed 9 kG,is disappointingly low. Nevertheless, the idea that motivated

    this study appears to be working: magnetic insulation can be

    induced in the single-magnetic-phase Sm Co,Fe magnets

    (we assume that the indium-rich grain boundary phase is

    nonmagnetic) and it leads to the magnetic hardness.

    The fact that the considerable coercivity was achieved only

    for the Mn-substituted magnets might suggest that there exists a

    threshold anisotropy field for obtaining a magnetic hysteresis in

    fine 2 : 17 grains. However, the 2 : 17 magnets with the cellular

    structure demonstrate that the cell-interior Sm Co,Fe phase

    containing 20and moreat. % Fe can exhibit veryhigh values

    if the cell size is sufficiently small [13], [14]. Therefore, the fur-

    ther development of the proposed 2 : 17 magnets with the in-

    dium-rich grain-boundary phase may be sought in improvementof the comminuting technique to obtain finer particles with more

    uniform size distribution (fortunately, the low sintering temper-

    atures made possible by the indium additions are favorable for

    the grain size control). Eventually, these efforts may allow us to

    increase the remanence by avoiding the Mn substitution and/or

    increasing that of Fe. Alignment of the milled powders with a

    pulsed field will almost certainly provide the better texture and

    the higher remanence, and, of course, the effect of oxygen that

    is strongly suggested by some of our results requires a more fo-

    cused study to figure out how it might be optimized.

    In conclusion, the small indium additions greatly facilitate

    sintering of the pure 2 : 17 magnets, but more effort is neededto obtain a high magnetic performance.


    This work was supported by Air Force under STTR contract



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    Manuscript received March 3, 2008. Current version published (e-mail:[email protected]).
