1 Tape No.4 – 13/10/2010 – Mr. Harischandra Wijetunga REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY MR. HARISCHANDRA WIJETUNGA (I will commence) my evidence giving a short description regarding two clocks that had been discovered during this war time (you can see these two clocks), and I would like to (show you) if you had not seen this at close quarters like this. Now two clocks were discovered during the war period on the last few months – this was discovered in April last year – and you will see two very well known figures – one is the Leader of the Opposition Mr. Ranil Wickremasinghe; the other person is Prabakaran the leader of the terrorists – and there is a writing in that if you see that carefully. The writing is “The Peacemakers”. It says “Peacemakers” and it is the same wording you find in both clocks. And one is a time piece clock like this and the other is a clock that can be carried when you travel about. And I will start with this. Of course when the clocks were discovered after they destroyed the house where Prabakaran was living the Army people discovered this and this photograph shows an Army man behind the clock - he is keeping it in his hand – and this clock and the other clock – two clocks – were discovered. And of course during that time naturally the journalists who discovered this – it came to the hands of the journalists – and they said we have discovered two clocks and it has this writing. And very few people understood what is meant by “The Peacemakers”. Naturally, especially the journalists, they thought this means - verbatim they took it - this means people who bring about peace. And up to that time people were discussing a problem called peace, and there is no peace, we have to bring peace, and that type of thing was the thing that was being discussed. And of course ... I saw something quite different. The meaning of these few words “The Peacemakers” is, I said, not that you are trying to bring peace. I said in the first instance it means Almighty God. “Peacemakers” it is in the plural because there are two persons who are shown in the photograph. So “Peacemakers” means the people who bring peace sorry the Gods who bring peace. But under this Abrahamic system of religion you can’t have two Gods; there is only one God. But there are two men here and it is labeled “Peacemakers”. So either both these people are Almighty Gods – which is impossible – or they represent one God, just like they have the Trinity. So there are two Gods here or it is two Gods in one or one God in two apparitions I will say. So I explained this. What is this? And I would like to say that this wording is found in a book that has been printed and published a long time ago. This is the most important thing. And the title of that book is “Peacemaker” – that is the name of the book - “Peacemaker”. And here I have brought that book – this is the “Peacemaker”. This is the title of the complete book – “The Peacemaker”. Now this is a booklet that has been written by a person called Udni Hay Japam in 1842 printed in Nouveau Illinois, America, and this is printed by Joseph Smith the printer. And Joseph Smith is the founder of a new religion. It was started only in the last century – 19 th century – by Joseph Smith, and this particular book has been printed in his printing press. And this Joseph Smith is a person who created this new religion – what is called Mormonism, and I have brought the book on Mormonism. This is the book on Mormonism. It looks like the Bible but this is not the Bible. Now all of you ladies and gentlemen you know what is called the Bible. There is the Catholic Bible, there is the other Protestant Bible; there are several other Bibles, but it is not that. This is a totally different thing. And in fact on the face of it, it says “The Book of Mormon – another Testament of Jesus Christ”. There is the Old Testament; there is the New Testament; and there is

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by harischandra wijethunga

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Tape No.4 – 13/10/2010 – Mr. Harischandra Wijetunga


(I will commence) my evidence giving a short description regarding two clocks that had been

discovered during this war time (you can see these two clocks), and I would like to (show you) if

you had not seen this at close quarters like this. Now two clocks were discovered during the war

period on the last few months – this was discovered in April last year – and you will see two very

well known figures – one is the Leader of the Opposition Mr. Ranil Wickremasinghe; the other

person is Prabakaran the leader of the terrorists – and there is a writing in that if you see that

carefully. The writing is “The Peacemakers”. It says “Peacemakers” and it is the same wording

you find in both clocks. And one is a time piece clock like this and the other is a clock that can

be carried when you travel about. And I will start with this.

Of course when the clocks were discovered after they destroyed the house where Prabakaran was

living the Army people discovered this and this photograph shows an Army man behind the clock

- he is keeping it in his hand – and this clock and the other clock – two clocks – were discovered.

And of course during that time naturally the journalists who discovered this – it came to the hands

of the journalists – and they said we have discovered two clocks and it has this writing. And

very few people understood what is meant by “The Peacemakers”. Naturally, especially the

journalists, they thought this means - verbatim they took it - this means people who bring about

peace. And up to that time people were discussing a problem called peace, and there is no peace,

we have to bring peace, and that type of thing was the thing that was being discussed.

And of course ... I saw something quite different. The meaning of these few words “The

Peacemakers” is, I said, not that you are trying to bring peace. I said in the first instance it means

Almighty God. “Peacemakers” it is in the plural because there are two persons who are shown in

the photograph. So “Peacemakers” means the people who bring peace sorry the Gods who bring

peace. But under this Abrahamic system of religion you can’t have two Gods; there is only one

God. But there are two men here and it is labeled “Peacemakers”. So either both these people are

Almighty Gods – which is impossible – or they represent one God, just like they have the Trinity.

So there are two Gods here or it is two Gods in one or one God in two apparitions I will say. So I

explained this. What is this? And I would like to say that this wording is found in a book that

has been printed and published a long time ago. This is the most important thing. And the title of

that book is “Peacemaker” – that is the name of the book - “Peacemaker”. And here I have

brought that book – this is the “Peacemaker”. This is the title of the complete book – “The


Now this is a booklet that has been written by a person called Udni Hay Japam in 1842 printed in

Nouveau Illinois, America, and this is printed by Joseph Smith the printer. And Joseph Smith is

the founder of a new religion. It was started only in the last century – 19th century – by Joseph

Smith, and this particular book has been printed in his printing press. And this Joseph Smith is a

person who created this new religion – what is called Mormonism, and I have brought the book

on Mormonism. This is the book on Mormonism. It looks like the Bible but this is not the Bible.

Now all of you ladies and gentlemen you know what is called the Bible. There is the Catholic

Bible, there is the other Protestant Bible; there are several other Bibles, but it is not that. This is a

totally different thing. And in fact on the face of it, it says “The Book of Mormon – another

Testament of Jesus Christ”. There is the Old Testament; there is the New Testament; and there is

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a third Testament. This is the third Testament. So this is a message coming direct from Almighty

God. So even if other testaments and Koran and all that is to vanish, yet there is a third testament

- this is the true wording verbatim as given by God Himself to Mr. Joseph Smith. And it is

Joseph Smith in collaboration with Udni that is mentioned in the book that I gave you who wrote

that pamphlet, and this pamphlet says the whole idea is that the message of God, Almighty God to

the world, to humanity, is that you must have polygamy – polygamy is to have several wives -

unlike now we have only one wife and one husband. But Almighty God’s religion the message is

to have polygamy, have several wives – not 2 or 3 any number – and it is to emphasize that, to

explain that, to propagate that, this book was written.

Then I come to the second aspect of it. Immediately after this war in Puthumathalan came to an

end, or it is coming to an end, the last few weeks, a large number of girls – Tamil girls – crossed

over to the other side – to our side, the side of the Government – and they counted the number of

girls who came. And you would have seen in the TV, in news items those days, 3500 small girls

– young girls – crossed over – 3500! And all these girls were mothers of several children - some

girls had 4-5 children – and their ages is less than 19 years. And when the editor of “Madras

Times” came to Sri Lanka and he met the Hon. President Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa, the President

told this editor of the “Madras Times” – I have the very wording that has been reported. I don’t

like to change a single sentence in that. He said “Now look at this girl” President says, “look at

this girl. She is 19 years old. She has 7 children but no father”. And the newspaper journalist

who reported this from that battle field, he said there is a large number of girls who are pregnant

or with several children. There are no fathers of these children and it is impossible to explain


But there was a vast number of NGOs, INGOs, and all kinds of other organizations in Jaffna area

– northern area, I will put it that way – in northern area, they were mixing with the people of that

area but none of these people seem to have seen a large number of girls with several children with

no father.

So how to explain this? Hon. President says it is impossible to explain this and the journalist who

was at the site where this clock was collected and these girls were seen, they also say it is

impossible to explain this. So now you are all mature persons; you know a large number of girls

will never become pregnant unless there is some male intervention at some place. There should

be some male somewhere; otherwise it is only long, long ago that only one person who was born

without a father as reported in the Bible not otherwise. But here there are 3500 girls with several

children! How to explain this? And they are all Tamil girls and coming from that war area. But

all the NGOs, INGOs and all kinds of other organizations, they never saw this, and not a single

girl has abandoned the child! Not a single girl or girl’s mother has opposed or done something to

whoever that man who came and impregnated her daughter! No complaints. No complaints at

the Magistrates Courts, no maintenance cases, no small child has been strangulated, squeezed the

neck or cut the neck and thrown away. That type of thing has never happened.

And all these girls, especially that girl that was shown by the President, he said there are 6 girls -

6 children. 19 year old girl having 6 children and the seventh one is in the womb. How to

explain this? And that girl is all hale and hearty. After 30 years war they were not (you see) just

skin and bones; they have been well fed and the children are also fed. Who fed them?

So there must be some kind of explanation for this. And I had read these books on Mormonism

and I had read the booklet that I have shown you. There it is clearly shown, clearly stated,

definitely stated, that what Almighty God has given as the order for peace is to have polygamy,

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have several wives. But you know the Tamil community, according to what we know, Tamil

community is a very peaceful community like the Sinhala community, and at the moment we

believe in what is called monogamy – one wife one husband. Tamils are also that. But here there

is a large number of Tamil girls with several children. There should be several fathers also.

There is no such thing. No complaints. So that everybody has taken this as the natural thing –

some girls to get pregnant and give birth to children. Of course then at the same time

background-wise you will find that there was a story that pregnant girls are not recruited to the

terrorist army – pregnant girls are not recruited to the terrorist army. So that means the girl’s

mother and the father - if at all there is a father - girl’s mother will say “yes, you become

pregnant; you will not be absorbed into the army”.

So this is a very good way of escaping becoming a member of the army – you become pregnant.

And it has been all organized in such a way a large number of girls had been collected and they

were made to be pregnant, and all children who came out – who were given birth – they were

looked after; mothers were looked after; and who did all this?

So my theory is that as this Mormonism started in America only in the 19th century and there is a

vast number of Mormons now and their religion is called Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day

Saints – Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints – this is not Christianity as such. The known

Christianity that is known to us, it is not that. This is a totally different variety of Christianity.

So their theory is that girls are simply slaves and they are meant only for giving birth to children –

that is their only business. They have no rights at all. The word “rights” is all wrong – that is

what the book says. There is nothing called “rights” for the girls. But husband has all the rights –

all the rights are with the husband. So if husband has to decide and girls they are simply

machines giving birth to children.

And when this is combined for the terrorist army, this is a very fine way of creating children – I

will use that word: children – who can just raise a gun or throw a bomb or something like that, so

that they are living weapons. All the tiny children when they are about 10 years of age, it is a

mobile weapon. They are not children any more - they are mobile weapons. It is immaterial

whether they are boys or girls.

And their theory – the Mormon theory – is that it is correct thing to grab from the Government.

The Government is illegal thing. Government is an illegal thing you take as much as possible

from the Government. You plunder from the Government so that whatever Government gives

don’t wait till it is given you plunder it. And there were the NGOs in the other parts of the

country doing a very big propaganda that people in Jaffna – or that northern area – they are

starving; no food for them and all that. But now we see photographs from Africa where starving

children all the bones and all that you can see. They are unable to raise their head; just fallen

people. But in Jaffna although there had been – according to propaganda – there was so much of

starvation but no skin and bones people. Instead you find children – large number of children.

3500 mothers at the rate of average 5 children will give at least 15,000 other children and within

about 10-15 years that will run to a mighty army.

So my position is that this new theory – this Mormonism – which is not Christianity, which is not

Islam, not Catholicism, not any other variety of Christianity; totally different Christianity. And

they created some background where Tamil girls were collected and they were brainwashed and

they were made to give birth to children, because their theory is women are there only to create

children. They say that very openly – wives have no rights at all. And they go to the Bible and

all that and they quote that book says all that and women they don’t have any rights; simply they

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have to give birth to children and children belong to the church, not to the parents, and the main

word that is used is polygamy. And for feeding these children and the mothers they use a term –

what is called “milking the beast”.

Beast is the Government. So “milking the beast” is actually grabbing from the Government. So

the Government here sends a lorry load – not one lorry load, several lorry loads – of foodstuff we

say north, and just pass the Vavuniya area the lorry is stopped and they run away with these

materials and of course to Colombo it is reported that the terrorists came and took away all our

stuff. It is not really a case of running away they are happily accepting it because you have to

take it – that is their theory. The theory is that you have to extract from the Government. And

going further on that, they say not only stealing and robbing from the Government, all false things

are correct they say. There is nothing called blasphemy. They can come out with anything like

that because that prophet who could always communicate with Almighty God and he has got

several communications – running to almost 300 communications – and Almighty God has said

what is the correct thing that the God has given the message of peace is polygamy. That is one

thing. And the other message is that you have to plunder from the Government – take it from the


And of course I will come to another aspect of it, but the so called ... Now, we have an idea of

what is good, what is bad, what is right, what is wrong, what is correct and all that has been

reversed in this religion – it is all reversed. What we say good is bad for them; what we say bad

is good for them; so that a new system of philosophy – I will put it that way – has come about.

Now under this new system, this new religion, everything that we think of as good and bad (the

Sinhala word pow/ping) all that is reversed so that this new religion is actually against all the

accepted religions including the present day Christianity and Catholicism and Islam – it is against

all these things. But this is a thing that is being propagated worldwide, and in America itself you

find several million of these Latter Day Saints. They are all saints.

So that what I say is that the Americans came to our northern areas and not only they

manufactured or taught how to manufacture bombs, submarines, aeroplanes and all that, they also

taught our young girls how to give a large number of children to their terrorist army. So this is a

thing that has to be ...

I hope learned gentlemen and lady in this Commission will understand what I am trying to

express. And this is a very very mighty threat to all the countries in the world not only to us.

Fortunately we have somehow won the situation and it is no more a big threat, but it will be a

threat for all the other countries in the world.

And if we could go deep into this because there was a case – what is called the Lafferty case.

Lafferty case is: there was a father, one Mr. Lafferty, with several children. They are all

Lafferty’s. The eldest brother and the second brother – they are all Mormons following this

religion – and they also started getting messages from Almighty God, and Almighty God said

their own sister and sister’s child has to be killed by cutting the neck. This is a message from

God so what can we do. And these 2 brothers consulted and they said we will consult Almighty

God and why not shoot them – shoot and kill them. So they consulted Almighty God and God

said “no, cut their neck”. So that was the ... and that is mentioned in this book. All that is here -

“Under the Banner of Heaven”. This is a book about the actual activities of these Mormons.

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And one day the 2 brothers decided that we will go and cut the neck as instructed by God. So

they went together with another 2 people; they went to the brother’s house. The brother is a man

who lays tiles on the floor and he had gone 80 miles away. Only the wife was there and the small

child in the cot was there. So they went and cut the child’s neck, sorry, then the sister-in-laws

neck, the 2 fell down there and they went away. And of course very next day it was discovered

that there had been 2 murders and after all inquiries and all that the 2 brothers were discovered as

the murderers and there was one case. Ultimately after lot of ... halfway between in that litigation

there were two cases against the 2 brothers. And the funny thing sir is this: the judge asked as

usual, just like in our courts, “are you guilty of this murder”? What was the answer? The answer

was “yes I killed them but I am not guilty of murder because Almighty God asked me to do it and

I did it. If I didn’t do it then I would go to eternal hell”. Now eternal hell you understand it is

eternal - never coming back. Once you go to eternal hell there is no way of coming back.

Now in our belief even if you go for eons into hell one fine day you will come back - after several

koties of years you will be coming back. But eternal hell is eternal there is no coming back. So

he openly said “yes I killed; I cut the neck but I am not guilty of murder”; and of course that

particular man was sentenced to death and he was asked what do you prefer: to be shot or to get a

lethal injection. He said “I did what God wanted and if God wants my life I would like to get

shot”. So he was given that and he died – he was killed.

Then the other brother: there was a discussion among the jury and he is at the moment in jail after

getting a life sentence. And there the 2 brothers said we were on our way to kill these 2 people

and we didn’t but Almighty God has asked us to kill 2 other people and we were on our way to

kill the other 2 people, and on the way we went to the third man’s place the third man has left the

house and gone somewhere so we could not kill him. We went to the fourth man’s place but we

made a blunder by turning at a wrong point – at a traffic junction they turned at a wrong point and

went to some other place then they decided we will come some other day. So fortunately those

people are still living. And all this happened in 1985. As late as that 1985.

(from this point on tape not very clear – too much disturbance)

And their theory is that God pin point and said go and kill that particular man. And this is being

used as “regicide” – the killing of leaders, killing of kings. If God Almighty says go and kill that

king, go and kill that minister, go and kill that lord, whoever he is. This in a sense a murderer - I

use that word in the absence of another word – the innocent murderer will go and kill that person.

But if he does not kill then he is doing a crime by not killing. Not killing is a crime and he will

go to eternal hell.

So this is a very serious situation sir, very serious situation, and this is the philosophy that is

being propagated all over and even in our country we find this church. And in Jaffna area or the

northern area this was put into practice – this is my theory. This was put into practice and at least

3500 girls have been discovered who are mothers of several children – each girl having 4-5

children. How to explain this. This is only the President’s explanation.

Although the NGOs never told because they are part and parcel of that activity, INGOs they are

part and parcel of that activity, the so called social organizations they are part and parcel of that

activity. They were all silent; they were aware of it but they all kept silent. They kept mum.

They did not want to come out with it.

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So that this is a grand opportunity for this learned Commission to tell the whole world there is a

danger like this. They resort even to “regicide” – killing of kings. Murder is also accepted. That

is the correct thing they say. They have to do it. If Almighty God says go and murder so and so

it has to be done. This is a very serious situation. This is not ordinary Christianity; far beyond

Christianity. And this is not Islam because Islam also tells us ... I have large number of

documents here.

For your information I will tell you. This particular religion was started in 1844 by Joseph Smith

and he had, for your information, 40 wives and he died at the age of 38. Then after his death the

third prophet is known as John Taylor, who also got this same inspiration from God; God gave

that message to him that polygamy is the correct thing. And the last Mormon prophet is there at

the moment Warren Guest. He has a large number of wives again and he has taken all these

people. According to their theory it is correct even if you marry your own wife’s daughter, your

own wife’s daughter; you have your wife as well and she has a daughter from another husband –

the former husband – step daughter - husband takes her and your own sister you marry her also.

There is plenty of evidence in this book all authenticated in this book. So this is one of the most

dangerous religions that has come to the world and it has come to our country also and it has been

put into practice and tested here. This is my theory regarding all this aspect of it.

And unfortunately I would like to say last year when there was an independence day, that is 4th of

February, Government owned newspaper “Daily News” had one editorial in two parts; the

editorial on the 4th

of February and next day 5th of February the second part of the editorial. So

one editorial in two parts on the independence day. So on behalf of independence for this worthy

cause they are quoting a particular person – editor is quoting: quote for the day – true

independence and freedom can only exist in doing what is right. So true independence is doing

what is right. So there we come to what is right and what is wrong. Who decides what is right

and who decides what is wrong and who is the person who has been quoted: Brigham Young.

Have you ever heard of a person called Brigham Young in this Buddhist country? It is not

Dutugemunu not even Elara. Who is Brigham Young to be quoted in this Government newspaper

on the occasion of our independence.

So again gentlemen I say Brigham Young is the second prophet after Joseph Smith. The second

Joseph Smith was assassinated and Brigham Young came to that position. And he is the

chairman of the ... and he is the Governor of the Utah Province – very big man Governor of the

Utah Province – and he has 20 wives some 57 children and he has 1877 children and that man is

quoted in the Government newspaper editorial as a person from whom we have to get our idea

about freedom, we who have a history of 2500 years the Government is now telling us go and

consult Brigham Young with all his wives and children more than 1800 children and so all these

things are interconnected. We say Brigham Young must be a very mighty man; he is a Governor

of a particular area. But in America you find a vast number of these people.

My appeal to you is to highlight these things in your report sir and say this is a mighty menace for

the whole world, not only for us, to the whole world.

Mr. M.P.Paranagama

Mr. Wijesinghe there is one point I want to clarify at this moment. Now you say that this

photograph is ... and there it is said peacemaker. Then you also have this book as Peacemaker.

Then how do you link these two together to say that north followed this new religion. How do

you link those two together? You have found this book and the photograph independently. It

may happen that you have found the photograph and the book at some moment related to each

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other. So now how do you link these two together to say that this religion was made to follow in

the north. What is the link; how do you agree there is a connection?

Mr. Wijetunga

Peacemaker has several meanings and one meaning is Almighty God as I started saying and the

other meaning is that .. this particular booklet – Peacemaker booklet.

Mr. Paranagama

What I say is how did you come to this decision? If it is a common thing it may be a similar

thing, but this is independent to each other?

Mr. Wijetunga

A similar thing multiplied by 3500 will not be an ordinary element. When it is multiplied by a

minimum of 3500 young girls. If you take the number of children of the 3500 girls it comes to

about 15,000 children. So when it is repeated 15,000 times we have to take cognizance of that.

Mr. Paranagama

So that nearly 3000 young girls have been pregnant or produced children, that is the event that

you are using to come to this conclusion?

Mr. Wijetunga

That is one aspect. During the last couple of weeks of the war one day the TV came out with

another ... There Protestants and Anglicans who were with the Army they crossed over to the

other side and that was given in the newspapers and we find that on the TV and all that and we

find that news items also have given this large number of Christian and ... sorry that was not the

wording they used ... Protestant and Pentecostal, that is what they said, they came out of that area

into the Army controlled area. But no poosaris, no kurukkals, no fathers, we should expect when

the people who are coming out from the other side. We should expect that type of things also.

But poosaris are not there; fathers are not there. But Protestants are there and Anglicans are

there; and Pentecostals are there. And the news item says ...


Mr. Wijesinghe you see we are possessed of your point that you are trying to make that LTTE

saw to it that the women were impregnated for the purpose of building their Army so that they

will finally become soldiers fighting for their cause. But beyond that all these matters may not be

relevant to the mandate that has been given to us by His Excellency the President. We are

possessed of your point that the Tigers that you are trying to make that the Tigers got these

women impregnated so that finally they will give birth to children and that will contribute

towards the LTTE army. Beyond that of course these are matters which may not be strictly

relevant to our mandate. So I am appealing to you to stick to the mandate because you are aware

of the mandate that has been given to us and we find we are outside our mandate.

Mr. Wijetunga

Only Tamil persons belonging to this particular religion that I mentioned was found coming out

from the other side. No foreigners were discovered. What has happened to the foreigners nobody

knows. Whether foreigners were actually participating in these things I am not in a position to

say because no foreigners were discovered. They have vanished somewhere.

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Mr. Paranagama

The fact that nobody attacked them when they crossed; the fact that no NGOs were present when

they crossed over, then it is both facts together can you say one and only conclusion we can come

to is that they have followed this religion? Can you say one and only conclusion we can come to

is that this religion was practiced there?

Mr. Wijetunga

If we take the evidence together, the religion was practiced there, that is my conclusion.

The other aspect ... I contested for the Presidency. I am a leader of a political party of the country

and I have discovered lot of things. Then I participated in the ...


As long as it is relevant to our warrant - reconciliation or the accord certainly - but if it is not

relevant ...

Mr. Wijetunga

There are a lot of shortcomings in our constitution – republican constitution – and the election

law and because of that our constitution has to be amended – it was amended the other day - but

still it has not been completely amended or a new constitution has been promulgated. And

constitution actually should reflect what the people need – people of the country - but the present

constitution does not reflect what the people of the country need but it reflects some other things

in the sense that they have not identified what is meant by people. They all, when you discuss,

especially when we talk in English, they all discuss about majority minority Tamil and they these

are the common words that we use. The whole concept is wrong. There is no majority there is

no minority and there is no Tamils like that. Especially when we speak of Tamil we say in

Sinhala we say Demala Jathiya. All our newspapers and all our learned gentlemen including our

lawyers and judges they say Demala Jathiya. There is no Demala Jathiya. Why can’t they use

that Tamil race as a term not Tamil nation because Tamil nation is a word used by Mr.

Chelvanayagam and others the LTTE. They said there is a Tamil nation and that Tamil nation

must have rights of existing as a separate nation. The whole thing is based on that. So because of

that you find the Tamils they become conscious of a thing called nation versus the Sinhala people

we are also consist of a nation. So there are two nations there and I think that is the thing that is

still going on. And it becomes worse when we come to Muslims. They say Muslim Jathiya.

Muslim jathiya is all wrong; 100% wrong. It is not a jathiya; it is aagama; Muslim aagama.

Muslims are not a nation.

Mr. M.I.M.Bafiq

Muslim is not an aagama. Islam is the aagama.

Mr. Wijetunga

I accept your correction – Islam is the aagama. But there is a Muslim jathiya in the country; there

is no muslim jathiya. There are Islamic people who follow Islam and there may be several races.

Is that correct? So that Muslim jathiya is wrong. So like that. Then they all speak about the

minority rights. We have given a definition - a wrong definition - of what is democracy. Wrong

definition of democracy is given in the form of democracy is the recognition of the rights of the

minorities. Democracy is the recognition of the other man’s rights. So democracy is not only

something that I have to give I have to get also from it. It is mutual. What about my rights what

about the rights of the majority. Democracy is that.

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So we come to the next point is that all our problems are due to lack of integration. There should

be racial, national, caste or there must be integration. So our constitution must be based for that,

for integration of nation. Nation is that. There must be integration. So separate areas for

separate races or for separate religions is all wrong. If we start dividing our country on the lines

of races and all that we will never have one single nation in this country. And because of that

what has happened is now it has become the fashion to talk about not unitary state but united

state. They think ... (end of tape)

Side B

... united state because there is disunity it must be united state it is the correct thing and to get a

united state you have to break the country and then unite it. And break what? It is already there.

It has been united and unitary for the last several thousand years. So that this is causing more and

more displeasure among our people

I will speak of the Jaffna people. Jaffna people come to Colombo. They come in large numbers.

Naturally you can’t stop because Colombo is at the moment the capital. They come in thousands

and thousands settle down here – almost an invasion. And they learn Sinhala; mix with the

Sinhala people here; converse with Sinhala people; do their business with the Sinhala people; put

up their mighty mansions among the Sinhala people; and they do very well. And ultimately some

of these people are in the Cabinet now. They have gone up to that. There are Cabinet Ministers

who are Tamils. So there is no discrimination.

But when it comes to the ordinary man in the Jaffna area or eastern area – ordinary, ordinary

Tamil man – and the Government is trying to teach them Sinhala they vehemently oppose it. No,

no don’t teach Sinhala to our children. But they themselves come to Colombo, learn Sinhala and

become Ministers. So how can there be peace when there is such a situation.

In all our schools Sinhala has to be taught – that is the official language for the last several

thousand years.

Q: What about Sinhala students in ...

Sinhala people also have to learn Tamil and not only Tamil the other languages also, but that is a

separate matter, just like why children should learn we will say Latin, or Pali, Sanskrit like that

but Tamil should not be a compulsory language. But it will automatically become compulsory

for them to come and do their work in Jaffna area. If I have to go and work in Jaffna area then

naturally I have to learn Tamil. But that is for a few people, not for the whole country. And these

are things that we have been fighting for the last several years this issue. But it has been all made

for the convenience of this minorities.

Our people in Colombo who were ruling the rulers they always did everything possible to

somehow palaver and somehow get round the minority vote – not the minority but the minority

vote. So everything is based on vote – we have to get the vote somehow. How to get the vote?

So minority asking something when they ask one we give two to get their votes. So that type of

mentality has to be ... we have to get rid of that mentality.

For this election-wise I said there is a big flaw in the election law the whole of election law is

based on provinces and districts. It is all wrong sir. Provinces and districts has to be again ...

there has to be re-demarcation of this. And now what has happened is we speak about the north

and south. All wrong definitions. We don’t know what is north and what is south. People

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discuss about we go to north or what is happening in the north; and where is north. What is

north? What is meant by north? This is all that has been given to us; taught to us; the wrong

definition by the British. The (?) is also a wrong definition that has been put into our head. For

the last 2500 years north was and at the moment also north is north of Anuradhapura. Matale is

in the north. Kandy is north. Sorry I made a mistake. North of Anuradhapura is the uthura –

uthura rata – and south of Anuradhapura is the dakunu palatha (dakunu pradeshiya) and so that

Matale is dakuna; Kandy is dakuna. It is not only Ambalangoda, Galle, Matara area. And that is

the boundary of dakuna – the boundary of south.

So wrong definitions have been given to us and our heads are full of all these wrong definitions

so that a new constitution has to be promulgated on the lines of the thinking of our people and we

are given this (?) constitution and we have to follow it and because of that you find that it

impossible to bring about any conciliation among the people. For instance, we are not in a

position to go and purchase land in Jaffna and establish our business there. But people in Jaffna

are free to come and purchase land here, establish business, and we give them all the protection


Now at the moment there are a few hundred people in the Jaffna railway station who are Sinhala

people who have been there for the last several decades but they have not got land so far. They

are not getting it. So that idea of north/south, Sinhala/Tamil all that has to be forgotten. (?) Why

not teach about the people of the country or the waters of the country? Why call them Tamils?

Why call them Muslims? Why call them Sinhala? Mistake lies there.

In all our work we have to speak of either citizens of the country, people of the country; and for

instance, we are all discussing about what happened to some particular group and if that becomes

worse in the present – I don’t know whether I am going out of this mandate that is given. The

constitution that has been promulgated the other day when some person must be appointed to

certain committees and the word race has come into that also. You can’t appoint a person without

knowing to what race that particular person belongs. So all the people in the Parliament must

declare his race first, otherwise President can’t appoint a particular person. So when a Muslim is

appointed under this clause of race a Muslim is appointed Tamil will oppose it. A Tamil person

will say no he is not Tamil he is some other race they will say. So that the Muslims and the

Tamils will be fighting. So we will be again continuing this fighting for a long time.

What I say is not particular clauses what I say is a new constitution is needed and the constitution

is .. My position is this constitution must be drafted by the people of the country, the original

autocronous people, the original bhoomiputra people of the country. Others, outsiders who have

come here, they can wait, there is no problem. And this same problem came up the other day in

Australia for instance. Last year there was in Australia - what is going on at the moment

worldwide - the Muslims wanted some special rights. The former Prime Minister there said no,

we never invited Muslims and you get out. That was the word he used, I have the document here

– you get out, you clear out they said. They say Australia is a country for the Australians. It is up

to you to adapt they say, not for the Australians to adapt but the newcomers must adapt.

Q: Who are the Bhoomiputras?

Bhoomiputras are the people who have been in this country and who have given a language,

culture, boundary for this country and at the moment they are called Sinhala Buddhists.

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Q: What about the Tamils?

They are not Bhoomiputras. They are citizens but not Bhoomiputras. Muslims are not

Bhoomiputras. They can become Bhoomiputras.

Q: How do they become Bhoomiputras?

By identifying themselves with the Sinhala people. The moment this minority people identify

themselves with the majority like what Kandasamy did. Kandasamy did that and he became the

king. There is no difficulty in that. And what Thondaman did is that. And what the Muslims are

doing is that. They identified with the Sinhala people. They are part and parcel of the Sinhala


Q: How did the word Bhoomiputra come up?

Bhoomiputra are autocronous people fundamental original inhabitants here, and you find that in

Malaysia. That very same word is being used in Malaysia – bhoomiputra. And Malaysian

bhoomiputras are the Muslims there not the others. And they are given special privileges like

university entrance. The Bhoomiputras are given first preference otherwise clashes will be going

on and there will be new groups who are asking for what are called rights. There are no rights

like that. Rights for the people. You have to look at the whole country as one unit. The moment

you look at it as a broken group then you have to speak about eksath united.

Only the other day if I remember correct ...

Q: ... and the other people are citizens?

Yes sir, you are perfectly correct. Citizen is a wrong word that has been introduced to us by the

said United Nations at that time. There are no citizens; there are no cities; there are no citizens;

there is ratavesiya that is all.


No sir. A person who is residing in this country is not a Bhoomiputra. A person who has resided

in this country for at least 130,000 years minimum ...

Q: 130,000 years?

Yes sir, we have that history. And who has given the culture for the country; a language for the

country; boundaries for the country; identity for the country; they are the Bhoomiputras. And you

find the same definition in Malaysia. Unless you are a Malaysian and a Muslim you are not a

Bhoomiputra. That is Mahathir Mohamed’s definition. And Bhoomiputra is a Sinhala word.

There is no contradiction in that. So that when we make a constitution, a new constitution is

made, it must be done by the Bhoomiputras for the benefit of the Bhoomiputras. And if the

constitution is made for taking away something out of us then we lose that – whatever is taken out

of us we lose it.


So according to you only the Sinhalese people can make a constitution?

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Mr. Wijetunga

That is right sir. Not the Sinhala people, the Sinhala Buddhist. Sinhala Buddhist can make the

constitution. They are the Bhoomiputras; they are the people of the country; autocronous people

original inhabitants of the country. Others can wait in this country, live in this country; do their

jobs in the country; maintain their culture also in the country. They can do all that but the country

belongs to the original owners of the country. And if I quote from ...


We are running out of time so if you can conclude your ...

Mr. Wijetunga

If I quote what the former Prime Minister of Australia said in this I think this is very revealing.

Prime Minister John Howard speaks on immigration dated 31st October 2007. And he says:

Immigrants not Australians must adapt – take it or leave it: Prime Minister of Australia says. And

he says this idea of Australia being a multi cultural community has served only to dilute our

sovereignty and our national identity and as Australians we have our own culture, our own

society, our own language, and our own life style. This culture has been prevalent over two

centuries. (In our case it is 25 centuries sir, minimum of 25 centuries). 2 centuries of struggles,

trials and victories by millions of men and women who have ... we speak many languages –

English, not Spanish, Arabic, Lebanese, Chinese, Japanese, Russian or any other language.

Therefore if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language – and learn the language

in what came in that what is called that Nehru-Kotalawela agreement, and I have brought a copy

of that agreement between India and Sri Lanka. It has been ratified by India, ratified here, it is an

international agreement - Nehru-Kotalawela agreement. And there Mr. Nehru and Prime Minister

Mr. Kotalawela they agreed that the Indians who are in Sri Lanka must learn the language of the

area – that is the word that was used: language of the area. So that the Indian Tamils who are in

we say Nuwara Eliya must learn the language of the area.

So that is exactly what the present Prime Minister of Australia says: you must learn the language

of the area and you have to learn the culture of that country. Of course you can have your own

culture but don’t disturb us. Openly he says that.

So I think no other person came and gave this type of evidence. I am of course the leader of the

Bhoomiputra Party – Sinhale Maha Sammatha Bhoomiputra Pakshaya. Maha Sammatha

Bhoomiputra is Maha Sammatha means great consensus. It is the highest form of democracy

where 100% of the people agree – consensus is that. It is not democracy where the only ideas of

51% of the people is accepted. This is the highest form of democracy and Bhoomiputra is as I

said previously autocronous or original inhabitants.


Mr. Wijetunga, you will have to ...

Mr. Wijetunga

I know, yes. Then thank you very much sir. If there are other things I have to say I wonder

whether I could come another day and give ...


Or you can send to us in writing – your written submissions.

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Mr. Wijetunga

My written submissions - that I will do. Thank you very much.


Thank you very much.