Singularity - The Gate Way to Golden Age and Truth Emerging

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  • 8/6/2019 Singularity - The Gate Way to Golden Age and Truth Emerging




    Gate Way to Golden Age - The

    Coming of TruthBy John Paily Grace New Age Research

  • 8/6/2019 Singularity - The Gate Way to Golden Age and Truth Emerging




    There is lot of talk and apprehension about the coming of singularity. Institutes

    [Singularity Institute] and the Universities [Singularity University] have come up todeal with it, with the support of distinguished business houses such as Google and

    Government agencies such as NASA. I am tempted write this as I happened to go

    through some videos on this subject led Ray Kurzweil and others, specially the one

    in which he spoke about The Six Epochs of Evolution From . [Ref-1A]. It some how it brought to my mind to the

    six day creation written in the Bible and it seem to bridge with the Truth of Nature

    and Life revealed to me. This article probably is best understood as continuation of

    my small book Information and Black Hole -The Truth of Origin and

    Existence of the Universe in Time. It is also advised that reader/enquirer

    should read a four page article Truth of Earths Climate Change A Must read

    Article to Survive. This article brings forth some simple realities of nature and

    energy/time cycle in which we live that can help us survive and evolve to



    Singularity is real. By virtue of second law of thermodynamics it is inevitable. Inthe absence ofTruth it creates fear. In thermodynamics it emerged as heat death

    of the universe. In General Relativity it emerged as the point to which all the

    matter collapses in time to take new birth [Big bang]. In modern world it is the

    black hole into which all the information collapses. From the point of biology and

    evolutionist it becomes the point where machines grow to beat the potentiality of

    Human mind and makes him slave. All this potentially fearful evolution emerges,

    from our basic vision and assumption that universe is material. These fears vanish

    and hope emerges the moment you switch your fundamental assumption that

    universe is material and think it as living conscious and intelligent being. Then

    all the conceptual thinking ofsingularity becomes valid as Living Science,

    centered on one Super Soul and Mind that Creates and controls everything. Our

    present Evolution of the universe becomes a journey of the Creator in time to

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    awaken human consciousness and intelligence to meet the Mind of God or the

    Creator, such that we humans beat death and gain life. We are approaching the

    gate of singularity and Truth is the Key to open the door to Golden Age or

    Kingdom of God. We are in the edge of death and destruction, the more we delay

    comprehending the Truth greater will be the destruction. Universe needs to be

    understood as Consciousness and intelligence [Information] unfolding and

    enfolding eternally sustaining the universe in time.

    Singularity and Truth

    Singularity is an enigma that has been daunting scientific community. It has

    emerged in every conceptual development in science and its extensions and has

    created fear in humanity. It is a reality to which our scientific quest has drawn us

    repeatedly but our minds have failed to comprehend it sensibly. To me it is a

    journey back to our root and the Golden Era where peace and order and

    Justice and Truth predominate. It is transformation form type 0 to type 1

    civilization facilitated by the Creator Himself.

    The enigma and fear of singularity probably first arose in scientific community when

    the second law of thermodynamics was discovered. It concluded that the universe

    would end in singularity or heat death. Death is the basal terrifying fact which

    motivates humanity to enquire. Scientist put the second law of thermodynamics

    under carpet by speaking Probability Theory and assumed singularity as a very very

    very rare possibility in the universal scale.

    When Einstein invented his General Theory of Relativity to save Newton and his

    predictable mechanistic world, singularity emerged as a Ghost. The great thinker

    probably knew before hand that his theory extended in time would end in

    nonsensical end, in which the whole system collapses into indefinable small point.

    Einstein was aware of the incompleteness of His Theory, thus he tried to introduce

    anti-gravity, cosmological constant and so on. He introduced it and retracted it,

    probably fearing a second defeat as in Copenhagen. This great thinker and

    philosopher trying to comprehend nature wrote that Humanity is going to need

    a substantial new way of thinking, if it is to survive. This was a call to

    humanity to review the very foundation of science and its thinking.

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    The incomprehensible, illusionary Big Bang Theory was later developed out of

    Einsteins work. Stephen Hawking then discovered black hole that eats up light

    and information and the universe eventually going into non existence. He was

    opposed by another group led by Prof. Leonard Susskind who proved other wise.

    [Ref- 2] But, Hawking introduced the existence of concept of second universe

    where black hole does not exist. Following it the world has come around discovering

    mathematically Parallel Universes and Multiple Universes [Ref -3] each with

    its own laws of physics!!!!. To be honest, I do not understand the mathematical

    approach that led Susskind to oppose Hawking and Hawking to visualize a second

    universe and the discovery of Parallel Universes and Multiple Universes etc. I am

    not a physicist and I do not belong to any of these schools. But I can comprehend

    these conceptual developments from the point of simple Principle and Design andthe Living Universe Theory that revealed to me.

    Today humanity exists confused by different and contradicting conceptual visions

    developed on complex mathematical language by different schools of thoughts.

    Within this bizarre complexity and contradictions the simple Truth of Nature and

    Life, that is essential for order is getting increasingly distanced form common man

    and he is turning restless. There is a comparable scenario in the spiritual world

    where multitudes of religions are ruling humanity with many of pictures of Gods

    being fed to them. The world faces one of the biggest threats from the fanatics

    existing in religions. Science came into existence to liberate humanity from the

    clutches of religions, which has turned lifeless and become slave to money and

    matter. However, today it is caught in complexity, not able to lead humanity to

    Truth and take control of his life and abode. It is failing miserably to unite

    Relativity Theory [The science of the external world], with quantum mechanics that

    that emerged when humanity began to peep into the internal world of atoms


    The quantum people brought mind and consciousness of humanity into picture as

    determining character of the universe and its reality.[Ref-4, 5, 6]. Quantum science

    in fact broke the foundation of science opened its gate to the participation of all;

    the biologist, spiritualist, the metaphysics and so on in the race for knowing the

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    Reality of Nature. Following, these developments non linear science and biology

    began to take center stage. This led to computational and information era. The

    computational capacity and the speed of information exchange, is reaching an

    enormous state. It is growing in an exponential way. It is said that the knowledge

    that humanity accumulated till 1950, doubled in the next forty years. This then

    doubled in the next 10 years, since then the information and knowledge is doubling

    in shorter and shorter period and the world is shrinking and leading to a Singularity.

    Knowledge is Life, but some where along science and temples of science became a

    weapon building factory and slave to conquering and destructive force. We have

    come to a point where we are paying a huge price for our ignorance ofTruth of

    Nature and our negative thinking. As of now we stand on the edge of black hole

    of our own creation. The earth below us is sinking and space around us tearing andour survival now exist in developing a new thinking to know Truth and bow to Truth

    to survive.

    Ray Kurzweil and other propagators of modern day singularity perceive this growth

    of human material quest, eventually leading to a point where machine beats man

    and takes over him. The thinking creates fear, because then humanity

    becomes a total salve to machines. Will this ever happen? Will we end in

    developing conscious and intelligent machines? Will we advance developing clean

    energy technologies that are nature compatible and help humanity sustain itself on

    Earth? Will we advance from type zero civilization to type one civilization? ---

    The argument and the thinking of Ray Kurzweil, Michio Kaku and other intellectuals

    are undisputable. But these techies of the modern west with a powerful analytical

    mind, propose optimistic future and present wonderful technological ideas. But if

    one follows their talk carefully, one notes that their proposal is peppered

    with fear, a fear that is associated with a mind that is not grounded in

    Truth. I salute these intellectual giants, but it is important that we should know

    Truth of Nature its oneness and functioning before we take any step forward. We

    are on the edge of transition; we need to support humanity and earth in

    this transformation process first. Truth is the only way for the

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    transformation and survival. The technologies should come next as


    The blue print for most of the technologies forecast by these intellectual group,

    such as artificial intelligence, gene manipulation, fusion technologies, emerged inmy own quest to understand the secret of nature and life or the Truth. As

    biotechnologist, a nature lover, I know future exist in biology. But we need to know

    the Fundamental Principle of Design on which it works. If you stand back to

    observe nature and life as a whole system, we note there are many simple

    alternates to complex approach we take to deal with life, in every field of human

    interest; health/medicine, food/agriculture, energy and its utilization and so on.

    History speaks that advanced civilization did exist in the past that possibly had

    knowledge that are much more advanced. Their approach was holistic when

    compared to modern man who studies life by killing it first and dismantles it into its

    parts. In the process he not only fails to understand life, but fails to restore life. If I

    am to put it in the word of Michio Kaku, we are type zero civilization that lives on

    energy of dead biological mass, we need to evolve.

    I have strived to speak the simple Truth not the technologies. For with out Truth all

    partial Knowledges and technologies gets associated with possibilities of getting

    misused, leading to self destruction. History speaks it. The modern west lives with

    eternal fear of their own inventions landing in the hands of enemy. Thus it

    becomes important that we review the very purpose of our search and

    quest. Human quest is relentless struggle to find knowledge to pursue life. It is

    driven by motives to conquer uncertainties, to fight death forces and lead a life of

    peace, order, happiness and enhance life. It is continuous struggle to control once

    own life and its destiny.

    Let us sit back and review and look at nature around us and as ask a question, are

    we moving towards life or death? The world around us is growing increasingly

    disordered and destructive and going out of control; the climate is changing

    violently creating huge destructions. The mind of individuals, community, and

    nations are restless. Nations are living in fear of their own inventions. Very clearly

    we are edging to self destruction. Knowledge we gained from the analytical power

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    of our mind and its extensions connecting to the external world is failing to bring

    order. This points to a fact that the foundation of knowledge on which we exist is

    principally wrong in some fundamental way. Way back 1985/86, I could perceive,

    fallacies in the foundation on which I as biotechnologist existed and the destructive

    end to which humanity is leading. It disturbed me and I quit the Chair of Science at

    the mouth of he cave to seek Truth in freedom.

    We need to retreat and review and change the very foundation of our thinking as

    the great scientist Einstein called out to humanity. We need to know Truth before

    we exploit the partial knowledge we accumulated recklessly to advance once own

    self. The mind that directed to the out side world sees the uncertainties and

    death coming to him from the opposite. Thus his mind works eternally to

    conquer and destroy the opposite. The Truth is that the opposite are one.

    The uncertainties and death comes from within. The enemy exists inside. The

    spiritualist of the ancient world knew the secret thousands of year back and thus

    preached the art retreating by silencing the mind to know Truth. They preached

    the art of meeting singularity and gaining life out of it.

    All the spiritual scriptures of the ancient univocally say that Truth is the only way to

    survive. Bible says Seek Truth and Truth will set you Free Our mind is

    captivated by the material world and is not free to enquire Truth. The Truth exists

    not in the outer material world but exist in the inner world of life. One has to break

    the event horizon to enter the realm of consciousness and intelligence that exist

    within that give life and perpetuates life. We need to understand universe as Living

    being in order to survive. The universe needs to be understood as consciousness

    and intelligence unfolding and enfolding. I have written this aspect in detail in the

    book Information and Black Hole - Truth of Origin and Existence of the

    Universe in Time. We must admit that there exists a Creator and Controller to

    the universe. The singularity is a state approaching us it is the Golden Age

    of humanity where Truth and Justice prevails. Here information unfolds to its

    maximum any further unfolding is impossible. In the singularity we will develop

    fusions technologies, probably increase our life expectancy and so on. History

    speaks of a time when humans lived for several hundreds of years. But the eternal

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    life in the manifested body is impossible. This is denied by the second law of

    thermodynamics. We individuals are universes by it self. We get born and die out

    into the one Universe of which we are all part. Singularity is not an eternal state,

    for the negative side of humanity is bound to surface, forcing the Creator and

    controller to enfold the consciousness and information, driving humanity down the

    scale of time.

    The world is in the transition zone moving from death to life. We are being

    stressed to awaken to our consciousness and intelligence to take guard of

    earth and our life. We are called to retreat to our root. It is time temples of

    science and its occupants come out of their narrow thinking and explore new ideas

    that fundamentally change our perception of nature. Every school of thought must

    show courage to break their boundaries to unite with singularity. We need develop

    the courage to transform our fundamental thinking in order to survive. The big

    temples of science should accommodate, new realm of thinking. I say that the

    very foundation of Science, which assumes universe as material is

    absolutely wrong The universe is Living and Conscious and intelligent as

    the ancient spiritualist thought. We are coming one circle back into it. As I am

    writing this article a friend on the net sent me a video by Nassim Haramein, which

    states that earth is not circling around sun but is spiraling around it and is evolving

    to some point [Ref -7]. It appears nonsensical to a trained mind in modern day

    education system. But it is true. I am reminded of a night, way back in 1990, when

    I woke with flash and a lead to answer paradox of wave-particle duality. Just

    introduce the moving and changing time into the revolving picture of the solar

    system to comprehend the idea that Nassim Haramein is trying to convey to world.

    The world needs to salute him and embrace his idea. Look back on to nature, life

    and its designs. Every thing has a print of spirality in it. Science it self evolved,

    from linear thinking of Newton to curved thinking of Einstein. Why should we fear in

    changing it to spiral one that incorporates both linear and curved one and has the

    possibility of shrinking to a point and expanding form it?

    I have saved all my energy to share Truth revealed to me than the technologies. I

    believe only Truth can save humanity and help him evolve and transcend time.

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    However, as a small farmer in a third world country, my repeated attempts to reach

    out to the big minds in great temples of science failed and I had to resort to write

    and keep my ideas and Truth reveled to me on the net. I approached Truth from a

    point of freedom from Platos Chair of Science at the mouth of the cave. I was not

    part of any school of thoughts; I let my mind flow free in nature and allowed it to

    wander every branch and roots of the Living Tree. I let my mind rest outside me

    and observe my self and my thoughts. I knew from deep within nature holds all

    secrets. But however much I exercised the Truth was eluding me. Eventually, I

    surrendered my mind unconditionally and accepted death in higher mind or the

    Master of Nature, it is here like a flash Truth revealed in all simplicity and all the

    information that my mind collected and brooded collapsed into order.

    Consciousness is a force that sustains the whole world. It is the foundation

    on which everything exists. There is a mind and intelligence behind this

    consciousness that perceives and controls the whole being called universe.

    We are heading towards awakening to Christ Consciousness. I am not supporting

    an organized religion called Christianity, but speaking a great Truth of Creation

    and restoration or conquering of time and time initialization. This is very much in

    line with Vedas. Yajurveda Vs 30-31 which writes that Universe was created

    through the self sacrifice of the Creator. The Vedas goes ahead to divide the

    universal time cycle into four quantum phases, where Truth and Justice deteriorates

    in certain quantum proportions. The secret how the universal system conquers time

    and initializes it self in time emerges form understanding Christ and his philosophy

    as a science of higher order. There is huge depth in ancient philosophies and

    cultures; it is a matter of unearthing them with good intent. This calls us to retreat

    and Awaken to Truth.

    I as a biologist lack the knowledge to express my thoughts and ideas in

    mathematical language. I doubt whether mathematics can ever explain Truth and

    Life. Kurt Godel, a famous mathematician, did speak of limitation of mathematics to

    explain everything. I feel that if there is a mathematical language that than can

    explain Truth, it appears to be Sacred Geometry that deals with ratios. I have tried

    to bring out the Truth in a very simple sensible way such that all can understand it,

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    not few scientists. As a small farmer in a third world country, with very limited

    resources and lacking the modern day communication skills, my work and thoughts

    lies latent to be rediscovered by some one and be brought to the lime light of the

    world. I am confident that the world would Awaken to Truth and my work will get

    notified; the question is how much more price humanity has to pay?

    Singularity is our door way to Golden Age and Truth is its key


    1]Truth of Earths Climate Change A Must read Article to Survive

    2] Information and Black Hole -The Truth of Origin and Existence of theUniverse in Time -

    Reference Videos

    1] A: Six Epochs of Evolution Singularity is Near

    B: Ray Kurzweil Explains Coming Singularity

    C: Ray Kurzweil -How Technology is Accelerating us

    2] Hawking Paradox or Information Paradox

    y 25A] y 25B] y 25C] y 25D] y 25E]

    3] By BBC on Parallel Universes

    y 17A] y 17B]

  • 8/6/2019 Singularity - The Gate Way to Golden Age and Truth Emerging



    y 17C] y 17D] y 17E]

    4] Talks by Dr Amit Goswami On consciousness

    y A] y B] y C]

    5] Talks by Dr. John Hagelin On Consciousness

    y A] y B]

    6] Surviving Singularity

    7] Earth Is Not Orbiting the Sun Nassim Haramein