10x Genomics gene expression workflow Takara ICELL8 3’/ 5’ gene expression Full-Length gene expression Takara plate based SMART-Seq Abstract Single cell gene expression solutions at MedGenome Validation of 10x gene expression workflow Single Cell ATAC Sequencing Identifies Cell Types by Chromatin Accessibility Mapping Conclusions and future directions Full Length Gene Expression Analysis of Single Cells Using SMART-Seq Single cell genomic approaches can provide valuable insights into the complexity and heterogeneity of the cell types in the context of a tissue or tumor. However, challenges with the preparation of single cell suspensions, good cell viability and efficiently capturing diverse cell types in a mix via appropriate cell capture methods can override the utility of the approaches. We provide validation and application data generated from a range of single cell input types (number of starting cells, viability, and research question) and diverse commercially available platforms (the 10x Genomics Chromium and the FACS based SMART-Seq (Takara Bio). We demonstrate the utility of using the appropriate single cell genomics approach to get relevant information. Recent studies have shown that capturing additional information on cellular phenotypes or features can provide valuable information on cell identities otherwise missed and additional heterogeneity, which in turn facilitates discovery of meaningful biomarkers and understanding of molecular mechanisms of development and disease. To enable for such discovery, we have validated the sC-ATAC seq and CITE-Seq approaches and present data on the utility of those approaches and will present data to highlight the capabilities at MedGenome. Figure 3 : Validation of single cell gene expression workflow using the 10x platform: A,) Example of Tape Station plot of a final gene expression library. B&C) Shows quantification of the final library profile. D) Bright-field image taken of a sample PBMC where we see an ideal sample with cell size 8-10 μM. F) Bright-field image of hepatocytes (40-50 μM) which is not ideal for processing with 10X Genomics platform and might lead to lower yield of final cells being processed into libraries. As part of our workflow, we evaluate the samples and process, and provide our recommendations on how to analyze the downstream data obtained from the sequencing. F) Example table with cell viability measurements after thawing the fresh frozen samples and post wash and clean up viability. The viability is determined using Trypan blue staining. Before proceeding with processing cells through the 10X Genomics chromium controller, we remove the dead cells using the EasySep™ ( Stem Cell Technologies ) dead cell removal kit. Figure 6 : Single cell ATAC seq profiling to identify cellular heterogeneity and epigenetic regulation of T-cell activation : A) Shows experimental workflow for single cell ATAC sequencing performed using nuclei isolated from PBMCs (unstimulated) and stimulated with a CEF pool of peptides. The nuclei are transposed in bulk and then single nuclei are encapsulated into GEMs using the 10x Genomics Chromium controller. Illumina sequencing libraries are then generated and sequenced on the NovaSeq platform. Analysis of data was performed using Cell Ranger ATAC pipeline from 10x Genomics and secondary analysis was further performed using Loupe Browser. B-G) Transcription factor binding analysis shows the top transcription factor binding motifs that are identified in the open chromatin regions. Taken together, this analysis can be utilized to identify cellular heterogeneity using chromatin accessibility features at a single cell resolution. H-M) Chromatin accessibility profiles of samples identifies cell types with accessible chromatin. Sub-cluster analysis shows chromatin accessibility at promoters of markers of sub-populations of T-cells within the CD8 positive T cells that are effector cells. Figure 4: Application of single cell gene expression coupled to TCR repertoire : A) Graphic shows the workflow of an in-vitro neoantigen vaccine screening assay, with a read-out of CD8 T cell activation from PBMCs treated with the peptides. Functional CD8 T cell response is quantitated by IFN-γ production on a flow cytometer. TCR repertoire sequencing and single cell gene expression is then analyzed. B) Single cell TCR repertoire analysis of PBMCs (with positive responses to the peptide, assayed by IFNγ production) identified over 4000 TCR clonotypes, with t-SNE plots showing the top 3 clonotypes and the frequencies are listed below. C) Single cell gene expression of the amplified T cells reveal that there is varying levels of IFNγ in T-cells that are clonally expanded and this information can provide insights on the functional state of the expanded T-cell clones. The single cell TCR and gene expression experiment was performed using the 10x Genomics Immune profiling solution and sequencing was performed using the Illumina Novaseq 6000. 10x Cell Ranger analysis was performed downstream. D) Shows single cell plots from CD8 T cell activation assays. There are different T cell transition states post vaccine stimulation including CD8 native, CD4, CD8 effector and CD8 exhausted. E) shows clustering of the marker genes in the subpopulations identified from the gene expression data. Figure 5: Schematic workflow of the experimental set up for plate-based SMART-Seq for full length single cell RNA-seq : Full length single cell RNA-seq: A) Single cell suspensions were generated using healthy donor PBMCS as per manufacturer’s protocols and live cells were gated to be sorted into a 96-well plate with 1X Reaction buffer dispensed into a 96 well plate. The SMART-Seq cDNA synthesis and the Nextera Library preparation were performed at quarter volume. Quality control measurements were performed for individual libraries, and individual libraries were pooled and sequenced using the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 with the PE100 configuration. Each library was sequenced at a depth of 200,000 reads. The data generated was analyzed in-house using standard pipelines. Alignment was performed using STAR (2.4.1) aligner and reads mapping to ribosomal and mitochondrial genome were removed before performing alignment. The raw read counts were estimated using HTSeq-0.6.1. Read counts were then normalized using DESeq2 to get the normalized counts. Additionally, the aligned reads were used for estimating expression of the genes using cufflinks (version:2.2.1). Gene body coverage and splicing analysis was performed on the data (shown in E&F) and then (G&H) clustering analysis was performed to understand the relationship of cells and identify cellular heterogeneity in the sample. Gene expression analysis identify the cell type and cellular heterogeneity in the sample. B) Shows a screenshot of a summary table of the mapping metrics from the sequencing obtained from the libraries. Overall, majority of the samples show percentage of reads aligning to the human genome as 80% and a very low % of ribosomal or mitochondrial reads. C&D) Shows distribution of the number of genes identified with FPKM>1 and above and the distribution of expression for protein coding genes and other transcripts. E & F) Shows the distribution of splice sites identified in each of the cells. G)Shows hierarchical clustering dendrogram of the relationships of the individual cells based on the overall gene expression in individual cells. Based on the gene expression, three major clusters were identified and the top genes in each cluster are listed on the right. F) t-SNE plot shows the cell types within the clusters that were identified from 155 cells. Immune cells such as B cells, CD8 and CD4 T cells and macrophages were identified using this approach. Workflow of All Services for MedGenome Figure 2 : Overview of single cell solutions at MedGenome: Depending on the type of sample, storage conditions (which affects the viability of the cells and quality of RNA obtained) and the number of cells available, a suitable workflow for library preparation is selected. In general, for fresh frozen tissues, upon optimization of tissue dissociation and freeze thaw conditions by the end user, frozen cell suspensions are further processed through either the 10X Genomics Chromium gene expression solution or the Takara SMART-Seq workflow. In addition to fresh frozen cells, methanol fixed cells can also be processed using the chromium gene expression workflow. For samples with less than a few thousand viable cells, (due to the final recovery of loss of 30% of cells in the processing of cells), we recommend dissociating cells and sorting into plates before the SMART-seq workflow. In addition to the low numbers of cells, if samples include cell types that are not pliable to freeze thaw cycles or have sizes over 40 μM, we recommend proceeding with SMART-seq. We present a platform agnostic and flexible approach to utilize single cell profiling of gene expression depending on the research question and the number of cells available. We present single cell epigenomic profiling data on immune cells using single cell ATAC seq and show that examining chromatin accessibility can identify cellular identities and mechanisms of response to stimuli. We conclude the multi-omic approaches have been validated at MedGenome and can offer it as a service Ankita Das 1 , Kayla Lee 1 , Derek Vargas 1 , Gavin Washburn 1 , Niyati Thosani 1 , Vasumathi Kode 1 , Nitin Mandloi 2 , Jing Wang 1 , Amit Chaudhuri 1,2 and Papia Chakraborty 1 1) MedGenome Inc, Foster City, CA, 2) MedGenome Labs, Bangalore, India; corresponding author : [email protected] 10X Chromium controller for GEM creation Tissues or sample type Mapping Analysis Gene expression Identification of cellular heterogeneity and cell types Single cell FACS sorting 10,000 or move variable starting cells Few hundreds of starting cells 3’/5’ gene expression/ TCR CITE seq Full-length gene expression Single cell sorting SMART Seq ATAC seq A B C D E F G H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 T-Cells Hepatocytes B C 25 50 100 200 300 400 500 700 1000 1500 Size (bp) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Lower 429 Upper A Size [bp] 25 429 1500 Calibrated Conc. [pg/μl] 409 5600 250 Assigned Conc. [pg/μl] - - 250 Peak Molarity [pmol/l] 25200 20300 256 % Integrated Area - 100.00 - Peak Comment Observations Lower Marker - Upper Marker Well B1 Conc. [pg/μl] 5660 Sample Description 1 GEX Alert Observations D F Library QC Single cell suspension of PBMCs RNA-Seq Total Reads Read Count After Adapter Trimming Read Count After Contamination Removal rRNA (%) MT (%) Overall % Data Loss Reads Aligned Align- ment (%) P1A10C1 184,840 184,586 173,406 2.67 3.29 6.19 142,728 82.31 P1A12C1 135,528 135,308 126,440 3.45 3.02 6.71 100,628 79.59 P1A1C10 141,428 141,420 134,334 1.39 3.54 5.02 119,578 89.02 P1A2C5 134,006 133,970 124,946 4.38 2.27 6.76 105,990 84.83 P1A3C1 124,624 124,346 119,760 1.64 1.92 3.90 97,278 81.23 P1A4C1 115,506 115,412 109,180 1.74 3.61 5.48 94,492 86.55 P1A5C1 131,352 131,334 117,388 7.25 3.18 10.63 96,514 82.22 P1A6C1 126,692 126,450 121,432 1.59 2.24 4.15 99,568 81.99 P1A7C1 140,676 140,506 135,948 0.00 0.00 3.36 116,164 85.45 P1A8C1 94,362 94,262 89,408 0.00 0.00 5.25 76,310 85.35 P1A9C1 126,368 126,184 118,948 2.05 3.57 5.87 97,208 81.72 P1B10C1 150,404 150,154 144,420 1.83 1.91 3.98 120,456 83.41 P1B11C1 143,432 143,372 135,698 2.37 2.92 5.39 119,192 87.84 P1B12C1 169,114 168,880 156,592 2.80 4.40 7.40 128,644 82.15 P1B1C10 178,114 178,108 170,364 1.12 3.20 4.35 144,974 85.10 P1B2C5 177,758 177,732 172,310 1.35 1.67 3.06 118,326 68.67 P1B3C1 202,732 202,622 196,308 1.45 1.56 3.17 125,106 63.73 P1B4C1 152,622 152,608 137,726 6.17 3.41 9.76 118,918 86.34 P1B5C1 178,660 178,608 172,582 1.33 1.66 3.40 144,084 83.49 P1B6C1 153,508 153,206 140,578 5.55 2.43 8.42 90,968 64.71 P1B7C1 184,964 184,698 177,392 0.00 0.00 4.09 144,402 81.40 P1B8C1 122,762 122,532 117,050 2.25 2.11 4.65 96,804 82.70 P1B9C1 132,408 132,314 123,160 3.17 3.67 6.98 103,596 84.11 A B C E F D Expression distribution for all genes Expression distribution for protien coding genes Experimental overview PBMCS Single nuclei isolation Single nuclei GEM isolation ATAC seq library construction Sequencing Cell ranger analysis Data QC report Secondary analysis Accessibility plots & TF binding peaks Identification of cell types with features Transposition of nuclei in bulk Untreated CEF peptides stimulated A FPKM FPKM H E Cell types Fresh frozen/ methanol fixed Cell viability Number of genes detected PBMCs-10X Data Not reported Not reported 1,297 PBMCs-Source 1 Fresh frozen 99% 1,539 PBMCs-Source 2 Fresh 87% 889 PBMCs-Source 3 Fresh frozen 89% 733 Primary hepatocytes Fresh frozen 80% 6,380 Mouse thymus dissociated tissue Fresh frozen 60% 851 Primary colon cells Fresh frozen 92% 4,127 Cancer cell lines treated with antibodies Methanol fixed Tumor cell: 92% T cells: 57% (before fixation) 6,485 T Cells-Sources 1 Fresh 95% 2,850 T Cells-Sources 2 Methanol fixed 95% 2,841 Sequencing Secondary Analysis SMART Seq G UPGMA Cluster Dendrogram Figure 1: Schematic representation of the different single cell workflows at MedGenome: Starting with single cell suspensions from fresh or frozen dissociated tissues, primary cells, cell lines and FACS sorted cells, cell viability and counting assessments are performed. Depending on the downstream application, cell processing steps are performed. For single cell gene expression, depending on the input cell type or the research question, single cells can be loaded onto the 10x Genomics Chromium controller and library preparation and sequencing can be performed. Single cells can also be sorted into plates with Lysis buffer for the SMARTSeq approach. To perform single cell ATAC seq, nuclei isolation is performed from single cell suspensions and after transposition of the nuclei in bulk, the 10x Chromium controller can be used to generate single nuclei libraries and be sequenced on the Illumina platform. To process cells for characterization of cell surface markers to identify subtypes of cells with CITE-Seq, single cell suspensions can be labeled with antibodies against the cell surface markers. Downstream labeling with feature barcode libraries along with gene expression libraries or single cell TCR repertoire libraries can be generated using the 10x Immune profiling chemistries. A combination multi-omic approach with single cell genomics can enable discovery of additional cellular heterogeneity and characterize biomarkers. Nuclei isolation Dead cell removal & final cell count Tissues dissociated cells Primary or cells lines Sorted cells Single cell viability inspection Total Seq antibody labeling Fresh frozen dissociated cells/ cells in methanol fix (any cell types less< 40uM) Fresh / Frozen dissociated cells (any cell type) n=56 (1.5%) Identification of T cell functional response and novel biomarkers of T cell subpopulations using the 10x platform OncoPeptSCRN & OncoPeptTCR PBMC stimulation with peptides Peptide and cytokine addition DC/TC minigene platform Synthetic APC platform Patient PBMC D0 D1 D4 D6 D7 D10 D14 D17 D21 Flow-cytometry readout Non-immunogenic Immunogenic TCR repertoire sequencing Single cell gene expression D1 D2 D3 Dn V1 V2 V3 Vn J1 J2 J3 Jn CDR-H3 IFN IFN IFN CD8 0.025% IFN CD8 0.71% CD3+/CD8+/IFN-γ+ 10 7 10 6 10 6 10 5 10 4 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 0 10 6 10 4 10 2 10 0 10 7 10 6 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 . . . Clone 2 Clone 3 A n=124 (3.2%) E F G B C D CD8 T cells B cells Total T Cell Population (4000 clonotypes) Expanded Clone Clone 1 n=283 (7.4%) B 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Fold over average Clone 1 Clone 2 Clone 3 C IFNG expression in Top 3 clonotypes 1) Single cell genomics assays at MedGenome can identify cell types and biomarkers from immune cells in a sensitive manner 2) Recent feature barcoding (CITE-Seq) and epigenomic single cell profiling technologies are currently being validated and will be offered as an end to end solution at MedGenome Multiple Platforms for Single Cell Genomics to Enable Biomarker Discovery in Immunotherapy D E H I J K L M CD8A-IFNG+ CD8A+IFNG+ CD8A promoter CD8A+>1 (314) CD8A>1+IFNG (172) CD8A-IFNG>1 (41) CELL TYPES CELL TYPES tsne1 tsne2 All B Cells Both B+Macrophage cells Both T+B Cells Macrophage Cells T Cells IDs 4- 0- -4- -8- -4 -2 0 2 4 CD4 T cells Monocytes Cytotoxic, NK 6000- 4000- 2000- 0- 6000- 4000- 2000- 0- No of Genes No of Genes >1 >10 >20 >50 >100 >1 >10 >20 >50 >100

Single Cell V8...10x Genomics gene expression workflow Takara ICELL8 3’/ 5’ gene expression Full-Length gene expression Takara plate based SMART-Seq Abstract Single cell gene

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Page 1: Single Cell V8...10x Genomics gene expression workflow Takara ICELL8 3’/ 5’ gene expression Full-Length gene expression Takara plate based SMART-Seq Abstract Single cell gene

10x Genomics geneexpression workflow

Takara ICELL8

3’/ 5’ geneexpression

Full-Length geneexpression Takara plate based SMART-Seq

Abstract Single cell gene expression solutions at MedGenome

Validation of 10x gene expression workflow

Single Cell ATAC Sequencing Identifies Cell Typesby Chromatin Accessibility Mapping

Conclusions and future directions

Full Length Gene Expression Analysisof Single Cells Using SMART-Seq

Single cell genomic approaches can provide valuable insights into the complexity and heterogeneity of the cell types in the context of a tissue or tumor. However, challenges with the preparation of single cell suspensions, good cell viability and efficiently capturing diverse cell types in a mix via appropriate cell capture methods can override the utility of the approaches. We provide validation and application data generated from a range of single cell input types (number of starting cells, viability, and research question) and diverse commercially available platforms (the 10x Genomics Chromium and the FACS based SMART-Seq (Takara Bio). We demonstrate the utility of using the appropriate single cell genomics approach to get relevant information. Recent studies have shown that capturing additional information on cellular phenotypes or features can provide valuable information on cell identities otherwise missed and additional heterogeneity, which in turn facilitates discovery of meaningful biomarkers and understanding of molecular mechanisms of development and disease. To enable for such discovery, we have validated the sC-ATAC seq and CITE-Seq approaches and present data on the utility of those approaches and will present data to highlight the capabilities at MedGenome.

Figure 3 : Validation of single cell gene expression workflow using the 10x platform: A,) Example of Tape Station plot of a final gene expression library. B&C) Shows quantification of the final library profile. D) Bright-field image taken of a sample PBMC where we see an ideal sample with cell size 8-10 μM. F) Bright-field image of hepatocytes (40-50 μM) which is not ideal for processing with 10X Genomics platform and might lead to lower yield of final cells being processed into libraries. As part of our workflow, we evaluate the samples and process, and provide our recommendations on how to analyze the downstream data obtained from the sequencing. F) Example table with cell viability measurements after thawing the fresh frozen samples and post wash and clean up viability. The viability is determined using Trypan blue staining. Before proceeding with processing cells through the 10X Genomics chromium controller, we remove the dead cells using the EasySep™ ( Stem Cell Technologies ) dead cell removal kit.

Figure 6 : Single cell ATAC seq profiling to identify cellular heterogeneity and epigenetic regulation of T-cell activation : A) Shows experimental workflow for single cell ATAC sequencing performed using nuclei isolated from PBMCs (unstimulated) and stimulated with a CEF pool of peptides. The nuclei are transposed in bulk and then single nuclei are encapsulated into GEMs using the 10x Genomics Chromium controller. Illumina sequencing libraries are then generated and sequenced on the NovaSeq platform. Analysis of data was performed using Cell Ranger ATAC pipeline from 10x Genomics and secondary analysis was further performed using Loupe Browser. B-G) Transcription factor binding analysis shows the top transcription factor binding motifs that are identified in the open chromatin regions. Taken together, this analysis can be utilized to identify cellular heterogeneity using chromatin accessibility features at a single cell resolution. H-M) Chromatin accessibility profiles of samples identifies cell types with accessible chromatin. Sub-cluster analysis shows chromatin accessibility at promoters of markers of sub-populations of T-cells within the CD8 positive T cells that are effector cells.

Figure 4: Application of single cell gene expression coupled to TCR repertoire : A)Graphic shows the workflow of an in-vitro neoantigen vaccine screening assay, with a read-out of CD8 T cell activation from PBMCs treated with the peptides. Functional CD8 T cell response is quantitated by IFN-γ production on a flow cytometer. TCR repertoire sequencing and single cell gene expression is then analyzed. B) Single cell TCR repertoire analysis of PBMCs (with positive responses to the peptide, assayed by IFNγ production) identified over 4000 TCR clonotypes, with t-SNE plots showing the top 3 clonotypes and the frequencies are listed below. C) Single cell gene expression of the amplified T cells reveal that there is varying levels of IFNγ in T-cells that are clonally expanded and this information can provide insights on the functional state of the expanded T-cell clones. The single cell TCR and gene expression experiment was performed using the 10x Genomics Immune profiling solution and sequencing was performed using the Illumina Novaseq 6000. 10x Cell Ranger analysis was performed downstream. D) Shows single cell plots from CD8 T cell activation assays. There are different T cell transition states post vaccine stimulation including CD8 native, CD4, CD8 effector and CD8 exhausted. E) shows clustering of the marker genes in the subpopulations identified from the gene expression data.

Figure 5: Schematic workflow of the experimental set up for plate-based SMART-Seqfor full length single cell RNA-seq : Full length single cell RNA-seq: A) Single cell suspensions were generated using healthy donor PBMCS as per manufacturer’s protocols and live cells were gated to be sorted into a 96-well plate with 1X Reaction buffer dispensed into a 96 well plate. The SMART-Seq cDNA synthesis and the Nextera Library preparation were performed at quarter volume. Quality control measurements were performed for individual libraries, and individual libraries were pooled and sequenced using the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 with the PE100 configuration. Each library was sequenced at a depth of 200,000 reads. The data generated was analyzed in-house using standard pipelines. Alignment was performed using STAR (2.4.1) aligner and reads mapping to ribosomal and mitochondrial genome were removed before performing alignment. The raw read counts were estimated using HTSeq-0.6.1. Read counts were then normalized using DESeq2 to get the normalized counts. Additionally, the aligned reads were used for estimating expression of the genes using cufflinks (version:2.2.1). Gene body coverage and splicing analysis was performed on the data (shown in E&F) and then (G&H) clustering analysis was performed to understand the relationship of cells and identify cellular heterogeneity in the sample. Gene expression analysis identify the cell type and cellular heterogeneity in the sample. B) Shows a screenshot of a summary table of the mapping metrics from the sequencing obtained from the libraries. Overall, majority of the samples show percentage of reads aligning to the human genome as 80% and a very low % of ribosomal or mitochondrial reads. C&D) Shows distribution of the number of genes identified with FPKM>1 and above and the distribution of expression for protein coding genes and other transcripts. E & F) Shows the distribution of splice sites identified in each of the cells. G)Shows hierarchical clustering dendrogram of the relationships of the individual cells based on the overall gene expression in individual cells. Based on the gene expression, three major clusters were identified and the top genes in each cluster are listed on the right. F) t-SNE plot shows the cell types within the clusters that were identified from 155 cells. Immune cells such as B cells, CD8 and CD4 T cells and macrophages were identified using this approach.

Workflow of All Services for MedGenome

Figure 2 : Overview of single cell solutions at MedGenome: Depending on the type of sample, storage conditions (which affects the viability of the cells and quality of RNA obtained) and the number of cells available, a suitable workflow for library preparation is selected. In general, for fresh frozen tissues, upon optimization of tissue dissociation and freeze thaw conditions by the end user, frozen cell suspensions are further processed through either the 10X Genomics Chromium gene expression solution or the Takara SMART-Seq workflow. In addition to fresh frozen cells, methanol fixed cells can also be processed using the chromium gene expression workflow. For samples with less than a few thousand viable cells, (due to the final recovery of loss of 30% of cells in the processing of cells), we recommend dissociating cells and sorting into plates before the SMART-seq workflow. In addition to the low numbers of cells, if samples include cell types that are not pliable to freeze thaw cycles or have sizes over 40 μM, we recommend proceeding with SMART-seq.

We present a platform agnostic and flexible approach to utilize single cell profiling of gene expression depending on the research question and the number of cells available.

We present single cell epigenomic profiling data on immune cells using single cell ATAC seq and show that examining chromatin accessibility can identify cellular identities and mechanisms of response to stimuli.

We conclude the multi-omic approaches have been validated at MedGenome and can offer it as a service

Ankita Das1, Kayla Lee1, Derek Vargas1, Gavin Washburn1, Niyati Thosani1, Vasumathi Kode1, NitinMandloi2, Jing Wang1, Amit Chaudhuri1,2 and Papia Chakraborty1

1) MedGenome Inc, Foster City, CA, 2) MedGenome Labs, Bangalore, India; corresponding author : [email protected]

10X Chromium controller for GEM creation

Tissues or sample type

Mapping Analysis

Gene expression Identification of cellularheterogeneity and cell types

Single cell FACS sorting

10,000 or move variable starting cells Few hundreds of starting cells

3’/5’ geneexpression/ TCR CITE seq

Full-length geneexpression

Single cellsorting


ATAC seq









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

T-Cells HepatocytesB C


















00 Size











Size [bp]




Calibrated Conc. [pg/μl]




Assigned Conc. [pg/μl]




Peak Molarity [pmol/l]




% Integrated Area




Peak Comment


Lower Marker


Upper Marker



Conc. [pg/μl]


Sample Description


Alert ObservationsD


Library QC

Single cell suspensionof PBMCs

RNA-Seq Total Reads

Read Count After Adapter Trimming

Read Count After Contamination Removal

rRNA (%)

MT (%) Overall % Data Loss

Reads Aligned

Align-ment (%)

P1A10C1 184,840 184,586 173,406 2.67 3.29 6.19 142,728 82.31

P1A12C1 135,528 135,308 126,440 3.45 3.02 6.71 100,628 79.59

P1A1C10 141,428 141,420 134,334 1.39 3.54 5.02 119,578 89.02

P1A2C5 134,006 133,970 124,946 4.38 2.27 6.76 105,990 84.83

P1A3C1 124,624 124,346 119,760 1.64 1.92 3.90 97,278 81.23

P1A4C1 115,506 115,412 109,180 1.74 3.61 5.48 94,492 86.55

P1A5C1 131,352 131,334 117,388 7.25 3.18 10.63 96,514 82.22

P1A6C1 126,692 126,450 121,432 1.59 2.24 4.15 99,568 81.99

P1A7C1 140,676 140,506 135,948 0.00 0.00 3.36 116,164 85.45

P1A8C1 94,362 94,262 89,408 0.00 0.00 5.25 76,310 85.35

P1A9C1 126,368 126,184 118,948 2.05 3.57 5.87 97,208 81.72

P1B10C1 150,404 150,154 144,420 1.83 1.91 3.98 120,456 83.41

P1B11C1 143,432 143,372 135,698 2.37 2.92 5.39 119,192 87.84

P1B12C1 169,114 168,880 156,592 2.80 4.40 7.40 128,644 82.15

P1B1C10 178,114 178,108 170,364 1.12 3.20 4.35 144,974 85.10

P1B2C5 177,758 177,732 172,310 1.35 1.67 3.06 118,326 68.67

P1B3C1 202,732 202,622 196,308 1.45 1.56 3.17 125,106 63.73

P1B4C1 152,622 152,608 137,726 6.17 3.41 9.76 118,918 86.34

P1B5C1 178,660 178,608 172,582 1.33 1.66 3.40 144,084 83.49

P1B6C1 153,508 153,206 140,578 5.55 2.43 8.42 90,968 64.71

P1B7C1 184,964 184,698 177,392 0.00 0.00 4.09 144,402 81.40

P1B8C1 122,762 122,532 117,050 2.25 2.11 4.65 96,804 82.70

P1B9C1 132,408 132,314 123,160 3.17 3.67 6.98 103,596 84.11



DExpression distribution for all genes Expression distribution for protien coding genes

Experimental overview

PBMCS Single nucleiisolation

Single nucleiGEM isolation

ATAC seq libraryconstruction

SequencingCell ranger analysis

Data QC report

Secondary analysis

Accessibility plots& TF binding peaks

Identification of celltypes with features

Transpositionof nuclei in bulk


CEF peptidesstimulated



E Cell types Fresh frozen/methanol fixed Cell viability Number of

genes detected

PBMCs-10X Data Not reported Not reported 1,297

PBMCs-Source 1 Fresh frozen 99% 1,539

PBMCs-Source 2 Fresh 87% 889

PBMCs-Source 3 Fresh frozen 89% 733

Primary hepatocytes Fresh frozen 80% 6,380

Mouse thymusdissociated tissue Fresh frozen 60% 851

Primary colon cells Fresh frozen 92% 4,127

Cancer cell linestreated withantibodies

Methanol fixedTumor cell: 92%

T cells: 57%(before fixation)


T Cells-Sources 1 Fresh 95% 2,850

T Cells-Sources 2 Methanol fixed 95% 2,841


Secondary Analysis


G UPGMA Cluster Dendrogram

Figure 1: Schematic representation of the different single cell workflows at MedGenome: Starting with single cell suspensions from fresh or frozen dissociated tissues, primary cells, cell lines and FACS sorted cells, cell viability and counting assessments are performed. Depending on the downstream application, cell processing steps are performed. For single cell gene expression, depending on the input cell type or the research question, single cells can be loaded onto the 10x Genomics Chromium controller and library preparation and sequencing can be performed. Single cells can also be sorted into plates with Lysis buffer for the SMARTSeq approach. To perform single cell ATAC seq, nuclei isolation is performed from single cell suspensions and after transposition of the nuclei in bulk, the 10x Chromium controller can be used to generate single nuclei libraries and be sequenced on the Illumina platform. To process cells for characterization of cell surface markers to identify subtypes of cells with CITE-Seq, single cell suspensions can be labeled with antibodies against the cell surface markers. Downstream labeling with feature barcode libraries along with gene expression libraries or single cell TCR repertoire libraries can be generated using the 10x Immune profiling chemistries. A combination multi-omic approach with single cell genomics can enable discovery of additional cellular heterogeneity and characterize biomarkers.

Nuclei isolation

Dead cell removal & final cell count

Tissues dissociated cells Primary or cells lines Sorted cells

Single cell viability inspection

Total Seq antibody labeling

Fresh frozen dissociated cells/ cells in methanol fix

(any cell types less< 40uM)

Fresh / Frozen dissociated cells(any cell type)

n=56 (1.5%)

Identification of T cell functional response and novel biomarkers of T cell subpopulations using

the 10x platform

OncoPeptSCRN & OncoPeptTCR

PBMC stimulation with peptides

Peptide and cytokine addition

DC/TC minigene platform

Synthetic APC platform


nt P


D0 D1 D4 D6 D7 D10 D14 D17 D21 D22

Flow-cytometry readout

Non-immunogenic Immunogenic

TCR repertoire sequencingSingle cell gene expression









IFN CD80.025%

IFN CD80.71%
















100 106104102100










Clone 2 Clone 3


n=124 (3.2%)





CD8 T cells B cells

CD4 T cells Monocytes Cytotoxic, NK

Total T Cell Population (4000 clonotypes) Expanded Clone

Clone 1

n=283 (7.4%)





r av



Clone 1 Clone 2 Clone 3

C IFNG expression in Top 3 clonotypes

1) Single cell genomics assays at MedGenome can identify cell types and biomarkers from immune cells in a sensitive manner 2) Recent feature barcoding (CITE-Seq) and epigenomic single cell profiling technologies are currently being validated and will be offered as an end to end solution at MedGenome

Multiple Platforms for Single Cell Genomics to Enable Biomarker Discovery in Immunotherapy

















CD8A+>1 (314)CD8A>1+IFNG (172)

CD8A-IFNG>1 (41)






AllB CellsBoth B+Macrophage cellsBoth T+B CellsMacrophage CellsT Cells




-8--4 -2 0 2 4

CD8 T cells B cells

CD4 T cells Monocytes Cytotoxic, NK










of G



of G


> 1 > 1 0 > 2 0 > 5 0 > 1 0 0 > 1 > 1 0 > 2 0 > 5 0 > 1 0 0