SINGA-Easy: An Easy-to-Use Framework for MultiModal Analysis Naili Xing 1 , Sai Ho Yeung 1 , Cheng-Hao Cai 1,4 , Teck Khim Ng 1 , Wei Wang 1 , Kaiyuan Yang 1 , Nan Yang 1 , Meihui Zhang 2 , Gang Chen 3 , Beng Chin Ooi 1 1 National University of Singapore, Singapore 2 Beijing Institute of Technology, China 3 Zhejiang University, China 4 National University of Singapore (Suzhou) Research Institute, China {xingnl,yeungsh,caich,ngtk,yangky,yangn,ooibc}@comp.nus.edu.sg [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT Deep learning has achieved great success in a wide spectrum of multimedia applications such as image classification, natural lan- guage processing and multimodal data analysis. Recent years have seen the development of many deep learning frameworks that pro- vide a high-level programming interface for users to design models, conduct training and deploy inference. However, it remains chal- lenging to build an efficient end-to-end multimedia application with most existing frameworks. Specifically, in terms of usability, it is demanding for non-experts to implement deep learning models, obtain the right settings for the entire machine learning pipeline, manage models and datasets, and exploit external data sources all together. Further, in terms of adaptability, elastic computation solutions are much needed as the actual serving workload fluctu- ates constantly, and scaling the hardware resources to handle the fluctuating workload is typically infeasible. To address these chal- lenges, we introduce SINGA-Easy, a new deep learning framework that provides distributed hyper-parameter tuning at the training stage, dynamic computational cost control at the inference stage, and intuitive user interactions with multimedia contents facilitated by model explanation. Our experiments on the training and de- ployment of multi-modality data analysis applications show that the framework is both usable and adaptable to dynamic inference loads. We implement SINGA-Easy on top of Apache SINGA and demonstrate our system with the entire machine learning life cycle. CCS CONCEPTS Information systems Multimedia information systems; Computing methodologies Machine learning; Human- centered computing Systems and tools for interaction de- sign. KEYWORDS deep learning, data analytics, multimedia application, distributed training, dynamic inference ACM Reference Format: Naili Xing 1 , Sai Ho Yeung 1 , Cheng-Hao Cai 1,4 , Teck Khim Ng 1 , Wei Wang 1 , Kaiyuan Yang 1 ,, Nan Yang 1 , Meihui Zhang 2 , Gang Chen 3 , Beng Chin Ooi 1 . Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). MM ’21, October 20–24, 2021, Virtual Event, China © 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8651-7/21/10. https://doi.org/10.1145/3474085.3475176 2021. SINGA-Easy: An Easy-to-Use Framework for MultiModal Analysis. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM ’21), October 20–24, 2021, Virtual Event, China. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3474085.3475176 1 INTRODUCTION Deep learning has been successfully adopted in a variety of mul- timedia applications such as image classification, speech recog- nition and news recommendation. Driven by the increasing de- mand of real-world multimedia applications and an unprecedented growth of big data, many Deep Learning (DL) techniques and sys- tems [6, 44, 45] have been developed to facilitate the development of AI applications. Although human-level performance has been achieved in areas like computer vision [47], natural language pro- cessing [13] and speech processing [46], the mass adoption of AI applications remains elusive due to two major challenges. The first challenge is usability [37]. Many AutoML frameworks have been developed to improve usability. These include Auto- WEKA [22], H20 AutoML [24], Auto-Sklearn [11], Auto-Pytorch [49], and Auto-Keras [20]. Among these frameworks, some pro- vide functionalities for hyper-parameter tuning that can work with large datasets, and some support good user interaction and experience. However, most of them do not take into account both. Specifically, for hyper-parameters tuning, most DL model train- ing processes focus on searching for the best hyper-parameter configuration using a set of stochastic gradient descent based opti- mization algorithms [3, 4, 21]. Many AutoML systems [25, 28] use Bayesian Optimization (BO) [33, 40] to tune the hyper-parameters automatically. This is often time consuming as they need to eval- uate many different combinations of hyper-parameters to obtain the best configuration. To accelerate the searching process, AI-as- a-Service platforms such as Rafiki [43] tune the hyper-parameters of the SGD algorithms in a distributed manner, but it pays little attention to the model (or architecture) related hyper-parameters. In terms of user interaction and experience, DL systems typi- cally hide implementation details and appear like a black-box to users. To provide better interaction and user control, an easy-to- use APIs for managing the ML job in a finer-grained manner is required. In addition, a good model explanation solution [34, 36, 38] is also much needed in real-world applications, especially for those high-stakes applications. For example, in the X-ray based medical diagnosis [12, 30, 42], making a wrong decision may lead to cata- strophic consequences, and meanwhile, providing explainable AI solutions [14, 18, 41] can also engender user trust. Auto-WEKA and H20 AutoML provide graphical user interfaces for datasets, models and task management. In addition, H20 AutoML provides

SINGA-Easy: An Easy-to-Use Framework for MultiModal Analysis

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Page 1: SINGA-Easy: An Easy-to-Use Framework for MultiModal Analysis

SINGA-Easy: An Easy-to-Use Framework for MultiModalAnalysis

Naili Xing1, Sai Ho Yeung

1, Cheng-Hao Cai

1,4, Teck Khim Ng

1, Wei Wang

1, Kaiyuan Yang


Nan Yang1, Meihui Zhang

2, Gang Chen

3, Beng Chin Ooi


1National University of Singapore, Singapore

2Beijing Institute of Technology, China

3Zhejiang University, China

4National University of Singapore (Suzhou) Research Institute, China


[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACTDeep learning has achieved great success in a wide spectrum of

multimedia applications such as image classification, natural lan-

guage processing and multimodal data analysis. Recent years have

seen the development of many deep learning frameworks that pro-

vide a high-level programming interface for users to design models,

conduct training and deploy inference. However, it remains chal-

lenging to build an efficient end-to-end multimedia application

with most existing frameworks. Specifically, in terms of usability, it

is demanding for non-experts to implement deep learning models,

obtain the right settings for the entire machine learning pipeline,

manage models and datasets, and exploit external data sources

all together. Further, in terms of adaptability, elastic computation

solutions are much needed as the actual serving workload fluctu-

ates constantly, and scaling the hardware resources to handle the

fluctuating workload is typically infeasible. To address these chal-

lenges, we introduce SINGA-Easy, a new deep learning framework

that provides distributed hyper-parameter tuning at the training

stage, dynamic computational cost control at the inference stage,

and intuitive user interactions with multimedia contents facilitated

by model explanation. Our experiments on the training and de-

ployment of multi-modality data analysis applications show that

the framework is both usable and adaptable to dynamic inference

loads. We implement SINGA-Easy on top of Apache SINGA and

demonstrate our system with the entire machine learning life cycle.

CCS CONCEPTS• Information systems→Multimedia information systems;•Computingmethodologies→Machine learning; •Human-centered computing→ Systems and tools for interaction de-sign.

KEYWORDSdeep learning, data analytics, multimedia application, distributed

training, dynamic inference

ACM Reference Format:Naili Xing

1, Sai Ho Yeung

1, Cheng-Hao Cai

1,4, Teck Khim Ng

1, Wei Wang


Kaiyuan Yang1,, Nan Yang

1, Meihui Zhang

2, Gang Chen

3, Beng Chin Ooi


Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or

classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed

for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full

citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must

be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).

MM ’21, October 20–24, 2021, Virtual Event, China© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).

ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8651-7/21/10.


2021. SINGA-Easy: An Easy-to-Use Framework for MultiModal Analysis.

In Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM’21), October 20–24, 2021, Virtual Event, China. ACM, New York, NY, USA,

10 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3474085.3475176

1 INTRODUCTIONDeep learning has been successfully adopted in a variety of mul-

timedia applications such as image classification, speech recog-

nition and news recommendation. Driven by the increasing de-

mand of real-world multimedia applications and an unprecedented

growth of big data, many Deep Learning (DL) techniques and sys-

tems [6, 44, 45] have been developed to facilitate the development

of AI applications. Although human-level performance has been

achieved in areas like computer vision [47], natural language pro-

cessing [13] and speech processing [46], the mass adoption of AI

applications remains elusive due to two major challenges.

The first challenge is usability [37]. Many AutoML frameworks

have been developed to improve usability. These include Auto-

WEKA [22], H20 AutoML [24], Auto-Sklearn [11], Auto-Pytorch

[49], and Auto-Keras [20]. Among these frameworks, some pro-

vide functionalities for hyper-parameter tuning that can work

with large datasets, and some support good user interaction and

experience. However, most of them do not take into account both.

Specifically, for hyper-parameters tuning, most DL model train-

ing processes focus on searching for the best hyper-parameter

configuration using a set of stochastic gradient descent based opti-

mization algorithms [3, 4, 21]. Many AutoML systems [25, 28] use

Bayesian Optimization (BO) [33, 40] to tune the hyper-parameters

automatically. This is often time consuming as they need to eval-

uate many different combinations of hyper-parameters to obtain

the best configuration. To accelerate the searching process, AI-as-

a-Service platforms such as Rafiki [43] tune the hyper-parameters

of the SGD algorithms in a distributed manner, but it pays little

attention to the model (or architecture) related hyper-parameters.

In terms of user interaction and experience, DL systems typi-

cally hide implementation details and appear like a black-box to

users. To provide better interaction and user control, an easy-to-

use APIs for managing the ML job in a finer-grained manner is

required. In addition, a goodmodel explanation solution [34, 36, 38]

is also much needed in real-world applications, especially for those

high-stakes applications. For example, in the X-ray based medical

diagnosis [12, 30, 42], making a wrong decision may lead to cata-

strophic consequences, and meanwhile, providing explainable AI

solutions [14, 18, 41] can also engender user trust. Auto-WEKA

and H20 AutoML provide graphical user interfaces for datasets,

models and task management. In addition, H20 AutoML provides

Page 2: SINGA-Easy: An Easy-to-Use Framework for MultiModal Analysis

a number of model explanation functions based on variable impor-

tance and dependency. However, most of these existing systems

do not provide full support for automatic hyper-parameter tuning,

good user interaction and model explanation.

The second challenge is adaptability – inference services have

to support elastic computation control in real-time, as it is not

practical and often infeasible to scale the computational resources

of the system to handling peak workloads. In practice, the users

may want to obtain more prediction results within a stipulated

time and meanwhile can tolerate a slight decrease in accuracy. A

conventional static model takes a fixed amount of computation and

thus can not trade off accuracy and efficiency dynamically, which

therefore is unable to handle the fluctuating workload. Clipper [8]

focuses on the prediction serving by introducing a new framework

and explores several optimization techniques such as caching and

model selection to improve latency and accuracy. However, it sim-

ply drops the instances if they cannot be processed within the time

limit in the presence of high workloads. Model-Switching [48] - an

online scheduler on top of Clipper, can select and switch to a dif-

ferent serving model based on the budget dynamically, which can

achieve higher effective accuracy. Nevertheless, multiple models

need to be trained beforehand and loaded to memory to support

runtime model selection, which incurs additional overheads. No-

tably, the ability to efficiently and effectively adapting the serving

model size to the current workload and computational resources

available is still lacking in most systems.

To address these two challenges, namely the usability and adapt-

ability, an easy-to-use deep learning framework supporting auto-

matic hyper-parameter selection, distributed training, dataset and

model management, model explanation, and elastic computation

control is required. We design and implement such a system on

top of Apache SINGA [29]. The main contributions of this work

are summarized as follows:

• We present an end-to-end open-sourced DL framework

called SINGA-Easy, which is developed to facilitate the adop-

tion of DL algorithms and inference services by domain-

specific multimedia application users. SINGA-Easy can au-

tomatically tune training jobs for pre-built complex models

and adapt the model size when facing high inference work-

loads. It also provides an intuitive APIs to manage the whole

DL/ML life cycle and retrieve the inference result from var-

ious perspectives.

• At the training stage, we propose a new auto-tuning frame-

work combining both a distributed hyper-parameter tuning

policy and an adaptive regularization method, which reduce

the effort required for training an efficient and accurate

model. We also integrate to our system a novel technique

to adapt the serving model size dynamically.

• At the inference stage, we focus on the evaluation metric ef-fective accuracy and propose a new scheduling algorithm to

adapt the model size to the current workload in real-time for

achieving higher effective accuracy, and meanwhile satisfy

user-defined response time requirement under the available

computational resources. The algorithm also reduces man-

ual effort in the deployment, scaling andworkload balancing

of the service.


Predictor Inference Worker Advisor Training


Inference Deployment




Web UI (ReactJS)

DL Life Cycle Management

Metadata Store(PostgreSQL)

In-Memory Cache(Redis)

File System(NFS/HDFS)

Metadata & Log

Message queue(Kafka)

Examples Hyper-Parameter Tuning


Training Deployment


User’s Request


Figure 1: SINGA-Easy system architecture overview.

• To facilitate the adoption of multimedia applications, we

integrate commonly used algorithms and provide an easy-

to-use APIs. We also provide an option for users to evaluate

model performance from the model explanation perspective

provided by LIME [36] and Grad-CAM [38].

• We demonstrate the usability and adaptability of our SINGA-

Easy by conducting experiments on various real-world datasets

and showcasing several multimedia applications.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 in-

troduces the system architecture and the dataflow between the sys-

tem components. Section 3 introduces the dynamic model serving

framework. Section 4 presents system usability. Section 5 presents

the experimental study. We review the related work in Section 6

and conclude the paper in Section 7.

2 SYSTEM ARCHITECTUREThis section introduces the system architecture of SINGA-Easy.

The software stack is illustrated in Figure 1 and Figure 2 respec-

tively. The system consists of the frontend layer, the backend layer,and the storage layer. Specifically, the frontend layer provides differ-ent HTTP APIs to manage both data and tasks. Users can interact

with the framework via either Python SDK-Client orWeb UI. In the

following subsections, we will introduce the other layers in detail.

2.1 Backend LayerSINGA-Easy is built on top of the base architecture of Apache

SINGA. The backend of the overall system comprises five essen-

tial components: Admin, Training Worker, Advisor, Predictor andInference Worker.

Admin is the core component of the system’s control plane,

which exposes HTTP APIs for users to manage the whole ML

lifecycle. Upon receiving requests from users via RESTful APIs, it

deploys a number of workers for model training and serving, and

stores information of the user-defined tasks into a Metadata Store.When a worker is deployed, the worker pulls the information of

the task from the Metadata Store and starts the task.

Training Worker trains models by conducting trials proposed

by a corresponding Advisor Worker. The computational kernel

of Training Worker supports various DL libraries in addition to

Apache SINGA e.g., PyTorch [31], and TensorFlow [1]. Figure 2

Page 3: SINGA-Easy: An Easy-to-Use Framework for MultiModal Analysis

Apache SINGA



Autograd Layer Operator Opt

Tensor Operator Communicator

Device SocketSchedulerMemPool

CPU GPU Ethernet NVLink





Web UI


Predictor Storage (Metadata, Files)Advisor

Train Worker Inference Worker




Figure 2: SINGA-Easy software stack.

shows the stack diagram with Apache SINGA as the DL frame-

work, where the upper layers are constructed based on the lower

layers. For example, the component model is defined using Layer,Autograd, Opt and Operator, etc. Each of them is built on top of

the basic data structures of Apache SINGA such as Tensor andCommunicator. We introduce the technical details of the training

part in Section 2.4.

Advisor performs hyper-parameter tuning by conducting multi-

ple trials on a training job. In each trial, it proposes the training

configuration, i.e., knobs of the model and training algorithm, to

be used by Training Worker. For the implementation of the Advisor,

we adopt the Bayesian Optimization of Scikit-Optimize toolbox1.

Predictor is designed for ensemble modelling, which stands

between users and Inference Workers. Predictor receives requests,e.g., one or many images to be classified, from the users, then

forwards the requests to a number of Inference Workers and collectsthe prediction results. Inference Worker manages trained models

for the inference jobs, which receives the request forwarded by

the Predictor and performs prediction. The technical details of

inference are discussed in Section 3.

2.2 Storage LayerThe storage layer contains the following components for caching

and storage of data:

Metadata Store is a centralized and persistent database used to

store the metadata of the whole system such as user metadata,

job metadata, worker metadata and model templates. We adopt

PostgreSQL2in our system.

In-Memory Cache is an in-memory data structure store used for

fast asynchronous communication between Training Workers andAdvisor at the training stage. Redis3 is used as the in-memory data


Message Queue is a file-based data store used for supporting

asynchronous communication between Inference Workers and Pre-dictors for Inference Jobs. Apache Kafka4 is used in our system.

2.3 WorkflowSINGA-Easy allows users to manage the whole ML life cycle and

retrieve the prediction results from inference services. The user

firstly uploads the model, dataset, or annotation file to Admin,which will be stored into a distributed storage (NFS). The metadata

1Scikit-Optimize: https://scikit-optimize.github.io/stable

2PostgreSQL: https://www.postgresql.org/

3Redis: https://redis.io

4kafka: https://kafka.apache.org


Training WorkerSliced DL Model

GM Regularization

NFS / HDFS Storage

GM Regularization GM Regularization

Training Data

Params Group 1 Params Group 2 Params Group 3

Training WorkerSliced DL Model

Training WorkerSliced DL Model

Training Data Training Data

Figure 3: Training Worker: distributed model training.

will be stored into Metadata Store. When use send requests to

start training, Admin launches one Advisor and multiple TrainingWorkers. Advisor stores training configurations into In-MemoryCache, and Training Workers will conduct training accordingly.

In each iteration, Training Workers report the training accuracy

to In-Memory Cache, which is then used byAdvisor to generate newconfigurations for the next training iteration. After completing

a training job, one Predictor and multiple Inference Workers willbe created. The user can retrieve the Predictor inference service’sURL from Admin to use the model inference services. All these

components communicate with each other via a message queue.

2.4 Elastic InferenceModel slicing [5] is a general technique to enable deep learning

models to support elastic computation. Specifically, each layer of

the model is divided into equal-sized contiguous computational

groups. During both training and inference, there is a single param-

eter slice rate 𝑟 that dynamically controls the fraction of groups

involved in the computation for all the layers in the model, namely

the model width. In particular, these groups are trained dynami-

cally to build up representations residually. The first group learns

the base representation. Each subsequent group learns on top of

all its preceding groups. As a result, during inference, we can sup-

port accuracy-efficiency trade-offs by dynamically slicing a subnet

of a certain width, where only the parameters of the activated

groups are involved in computation. Theoretically, the number of

parameters and computation measured in FLOPs are both roughly

quadratic to the slice rate 𝑟 [5], e.g., a slice rate of 0.5 can achieve

up to four times speedup. Therefore, we can support elastic infer-

ence by introducing the model slicing technique to the training

stage. Specifically, we can train the model with multiple slice rates

beforehand. At the inference stage, the model can be switched to

different sub-models adaptively.

The overall training process is illustrated in Figure 3. We train

the model with model slicing to render the ability of elastic com-

putation. For efficiency, the system trains the sub-models in a

distributed manner by training these sub-model instances of differ-

ent slice rates in a pool of workers. After a few training iterations,

all workers merge their local copy of weights and update them

globally. SINGA-Easy reuses the distributed hyper-parameter tun-

ing component of Apache SINGA and adds an adaptive Gaussian

Mixture (GM) regularization technique [27] to further improve the

prediction performance of the model.

Page 4: SINGA-Easy: An Easy-to-Use Framework for MultiModal Analysis

Message Queuewith a single partition

Inference Worker

Elastic Model


Retrieve and divide

message: < instance, deadline constraint, task ID >

Task2 Task2 Task1 Task1 Task1 Task1

D2 D2 D1 D1 D1 D1

Ins1 Ins2 Ins3 Ins4 Ins5 Ins6


Mini-batch-list = [mb1,mb2…]


1. Instances to be processed2. User-defined deadline D

(a) Single model serving

Inference Worker


Inference Worker

Mini-batch of instances with D1 and task1

Mini-batch of instances with D1 and task1



Message Queuewith 3 partitions

Task2 Task2 Task2 Task1 Task1 Task1

D2 D2 D2 D1 D1 D1

Ins1 Ins2 Ins3 Ins4 Ins5 Ins6

Task2 Task2 Task1 Task1 Task1 Task1

D2 D2 D1 D1 D1 D1

Ins1 Ins2 Ins3 Ins4 Ins5 Ins6

(b) Multiple model serving

Figure 4: Inference stage: each message in the messagequeue contains one instance and the global deadline con-straint for this prediction task.

3 DYNAMIC MODEL SERVINGTo support dynamic model serving, we further propose a sched-

uling algorithm based on the elastic inference enabled via model

slicing. At the inference stage, the user can send multiple requests,

each of which corresponds to one prediction task. A prediction

task may contains multiple instances to be processed by the serv-

ing model. As shown in Figure 4(a), each Client sends instancesand a global deadline constraint 𝐷 to Predictor. The Predictor andInference Workers will then work cooperatively to produce the

inference result. The Predictor wrap each instance to be a message

in the form of 3-tuple < 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒, 𝐷,𝑇𝑎𝑠𝑘𝐼𝐷 >, it then pushes all

messages to a message queue as a producer. The Inference Workersread message of the same prediction task from the queue as con-

sumers, divide the instances into mini-batches, adjust the model

size according to the scheduling algorithm and then conduct the

inference. The mini-batch is the minimum scheduling unit, which

can contain one or more instances, e.g., one video for the video

objection detection task or several texts for the text classification

task. To fully utilize the GPU parallel computing capability, the

size of the mini-batch is typically set to the largest possible. The

algorithm is outlined in Algorithm 1. For ease of reference, we

summarize all the variables used in subsequent sections in Table 1.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed dynamic model

serving, we adopt the effective accuracy [48] as the evaluation met-

ric, which is fraction of correctly processed instances returned

before a predefined deadline. Specifically, denoting the prediction

accuracy of a given model as 𝑝 and the fraction of instances that

can be processed by the model before the deadline 𝐷 as 𝑓 𝑇 , ef-fective accuracy 𝑝𝑒 𝑓 𝑓 can then be computed by 𝑝𝑒 𝑓 𝑓 = 𝑝 ∗ 𝑓 𝑇 .Briefly, effective accuracy takes into account both the accuracy and

efficiency of the serving model, as 𝑝 represents the prediction accu-

racy. Given the deadline, 𝑓 𝑇 is determined by the efficiency of the

model inference. Notably, 𝑓 𝑇 can also be seen as the throughput

within the given time frame. The goal of the scheduling algorithm

is formally defined as follows.

Given the number of instances to be processed 𝑁 and a globaldeadline constraint 𝐷 , the scheduling algorithm is to maximize theeffective accuracy under the available computational resources in themodel serving system.

Table 1: Summary of variables.

Symbol Meaning

𝑚𝑖 The 𝑖-th sub-model

𝑟𝑖 Slice rate of𝑚𝑖𝑝𝑖 Accuracy of𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑖 Time for𝑚𝑖 to process a mini-batch

𝑝𝑒 𝑓 𝑓

𝑖Effective accuracy of𝑚𝑖

𝐾 Number of trained sub-models

𝑛𝑖 Number of mini-batches assigned to𝑚𝑖

𝑊𝑖 The maximum workload∗that𝑚𝑖 can handle

𝑁 Number of instances in one prediction task

𝑆𝑚𝑏 Number of instances in a mini-batch,

which is fixed on each prediction task.

𝑁𝑚𝑏 Number of mini-batch, 𝑁𝑚𝑏 = 𝑁 / 𝑆𝑚𝑏𝐷 User-defined deadline to process 𝑁 instances

𝑊𝑒𝑥𝑝 Expected workload of the system,𝑊𝑒𝑥𝑝 = 𝑁 / 𝐷𝑇𝑖 Time spent by𝑚𝑖 to process 𝑁 instances

𝑇𝑓 𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑇𝑖 of the fastest sub-model

𝑇𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑇𝑖 of the slowest sub-model

*Workload: the number of instances to be processed per second.

We develop two scheduling algorithms in two respective scenar-

ios, where the available computational resources can support either

only one model in Section 3.1 or multiple models in Section 3.2. In

what follows, we denote that sub-model𝑚𝑖 indexed by the slice

rate 𝑟𝑖 has a prediction accuracy 𝑝𝑖 and takes 𝑡𝑖 time on average to

process a mini-batch of a fixed number of instances. Typically, the

full model (i.e., 𝑟𝑖 = 1.0) has the highest accuracy while the low-

est efficiency. For both scenarios, there are 𝐾 sub-models trained

beforehand. The 𝑁 instances are divided into 𝑁𝑚𝑏 mini-batches

(each with𝑁𝑁𝑚𝑏

instances) by Inference Worker. The sub-model𝑚𝑖

takes 𝑇𝑖 to process all 𝑁𝑚𝑏 mini-batches. Formally, the scheduling

algorithms are to determine the best scheduling policy denoted

as [𝑛1 ...𝑛𝑚], where 𝑛𝑖 is the number of mini-batches assigned to

sub-model𝑚𝑖 .

3.1 Single Model ServingIn the first scenario where only one single model can be deployed

in the system, Algorithm 2 is adopted to dynamically adapt the

model size to meet the deadline requirement and to obtain the best

effective accuracy. The situations are summarized as follows:

• If 𝐷 ≤ 𝑇𝑓 𝑎𝑠𝑡 (see Figure 5 where 𝐷 ≤ 4), dropping mini-

batch will be unavoidable. In this case, the scheduler will

schedule all mini-batches to the fastest sub-model to mini-

mize the drop rate.

• If𝐷 ≥ 𝑇𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑤 (see Figure 5 where𝐷 ≥ 24), the scheduler will

schedule all mini-batches to the slowest but most accurate


• If𝑇𝑓 𝑎𝑠𝑡 < 𝐷 < 𝑇𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑤 (see Figure 5 where 4 < 𝐷 < 24), more

than one sub-model is needed to achieve the best effectiveaccuracy.

For a single sub-model𝑚𝑖 , it’s effective accuracy is defined as:

𝑝𝑒 𝑓 𝑓


{𝑝𝑖 , 𝑊𝑒𝑥𝑝 ≤𝑊𝑖

(𝑊𝑖 /𝑊𝑒𝑥𝑝 ) ∗ 𝑝𝑖 , 𝑊𝑒𝑥𝑝 >𝑊𝑖(1)

Page 5: SINGA-Easy: An Easy-to-Use Framework for MultiModal Analysis

Algorithm 1 Model Serving Predictor and Inference Worker

Input: ` = [𝑚1, . . . ,𝑚𝐾 ], 𝜌 = [𝑝1, . . . , 𝑝𝐾 ], 𝑆𝑚𝑏 , user’s requestsOutput: Prediction results

1: function Predictor

2: while True do3: Receive user’s request with instances, 𝐷

4: generate task ID for this prediction task

5: message: < 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒, 𝐷,𝑇𝑎𝑠𝑘𝐼𝐷 >← each instance

6: Send the messages to the message queue

7: end while8: end function9: function Inference Worker(`, 𝜌, 𝑆𝑚𝑏 )

10: Get 𝜏 = [𝑡1, . . . , 𝑡𝐾 ] according to 𝑆𝑚𝑏11: while True do12: Retrieve 𝑁 messages with the same ID from the queue

13: Retrieve instances and 𝐷 from message tuples

14: Divide the instances into 𝑁𝑚𝑏 mini-batches of size 𝑆𝑚𝑏15: Store the mini-batches as a list 𝛾

16: [, 𝑝𝑒 𝑓 𝑓 ([) ← Scheduler(𝜌, 𝜏, 𝐷, 𝑁𝑚𝑏 )17: for 𝑛𝑖 in [ do18: for j in [1, . . . , 𝑛𝑖 ] do19: 𝑅 ← ` [𝑖] .prediction(𝛾 .𝑝𝑜𝑝 ())20: Send 𝑅 as prediction results to the user

21: end for22: end for23: end while24: end function

When the expected workload𝑊𝑒𝑥𝑝 is higher than the maximal

workload that a single sub-model can handle, i.e.,𝑊𝑖 , the effec-tive accuracy decreases since the sub-model cannot process all

instances before the deadline. In this case, the effective accuracycan be improved using multiple sub-models. The optimization ob-

jective now becomes a combinatorial optimization problem that

maximizes the follows:

𝑝𝑒 𝑓 𝑓 ( [𝑛1, . . . , 𝑛𝐾 ]) =𝐾∑𝑖=1

( 𝑛𝑖𝑁𝑚𝑏

∗ 𝑝𝑖 ) (2)

Moreover, 𝑛𝑖 is the number of mini-batches assigned to the 𝑖-th

sub-model, and at most 𝑁𝑚𝑏 mini-batches can be scheduled, we

thus have the following bound functions:

𝑛𝑖 ≥ 0 (𝑖 = 1, 2...𝐾) (3)

𝑛𝑖 ∈ Z (𝑖 = 1, 2...𝐾) (4)

where Z is the set of integers. We also have:


𝑛𝑖 ≤ 𝑁𝑚𝑏 (5)

Additionally, the total time to process all of the scheduled mini-

batches is limited by 𝐷 :


(𝑛𝑖 ∗ 𝑡𝑖 ) ≤ 𝐷 (6)

The maximization of the objective function Eq. (2) with the

constraints of Eq. (3), (4), (4), (5) and (6) can be formulated as a





















0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Fastest sub model 4

Sub model 3

Sub model 2

Slowest sub model 1

Combination of sub models

Mini-batch 1Mini-batch 2Mini-batch 3Mini-batch 4

Deadline constraint D = 4Deadline constraint D = 8 Deadline constraint D = 24

Figure 5: The total Time required to process all four mini-batches using different sub-models.

Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem, which can be solved by

either the classical linear programming-based Branch-and-Bound(B&B) method or Dynamic Programming (DP). Although DP can

find the optimal solution in polynomial time, the solution may

not be precise as 𝐷 needs to be discretized, which forms a limited

number of sub-problems. Thus, the B&B method is used prior to

DP, which is shown in Algorithm 2. Specifically, the B&B method

takes the following steps: <s1> An initial linear programming

problem 𝑋0 is constructed by grouping Eq. (2), (5), (3) and (6).

Then 𝑋0 is pushed to the problem queue 𝜙 . <s2> Retrieve a linear

programming problem 𝑋 from 𝜙 and get its optimal solution 𝛽 by

applying linear programming method. <s3> If all elements in 𝛽 are

integers, then 𝛽 satisfies Eq. (4) and will be a feasible solution of

the ILP problem. If 𝛽 leads to a higher 𝑝𝑒 𝑓 𝑓 , then 𝛽 will be used to

update [. <s4> If 𝛽 contains non-integers, eg. 𝛽 [𝑖] is a float number,

then two new sub-problems are generated by merging the problem

𝑋 and two respective new constraints, namely 𝑛𝑖 ≥ 𝑖𝑛𝑡 (𝛽 [𝑖]) + 1and 𝑛𝑖 ≤ 𝑖𝑛𝑡 (𝛽 [𝑖]), which are then pushed into 𝜙 . Steps <s2>,

<s3> and <s4> are iterated until 𝜙 is empty. Finally, the optimal

[ can be obtained. If the B&B method fails to find the optimal [,

the ILP problem will be approximated as a classical 2-dimensional

unbounded knapsack problem and solved by DP.

Our experiments further confirm that the optimal solution of

Eq. (2) is also the best scheduling policy that achieves the highest

effective accuracy. For example, as shown in Figure 5, when the

user sets 𝐷 = 8, sub-model 1 can only serve one mini-batch within

the deadline. Sub-models 3 and 4 can meet the deadline but with

relatively low accuracy. The best scheduling policy is a combi-

nation of sub-models 2, 3 and 4 that will provide relatively high

accuracy and achieve a zero-drop rate. Specifically, mini-batch 1 is

assigned to sub-model 2. The model is then switched to sub-model

3 to process mini-batch 2 after processing mini-batch 1. Finally,

mini-batch 3 and 4 are processed using sub-model 4.

To further save the time spent on running the scheduling algo-

rithm, we precompute and store combinations of 𝐷 and 𝑁𝑚𝑏 in

In-Memory Cache to accelerate decision making.

3.2 Multiple Model ServingIn the second scenario where multiple models can be loaded to

the system, as shown in Figure 4(b), the Producer will partitioninstances to different queues. Each queue is served by a dedicated

Inference Worker. The models in other Inference Workers are repli-cated from the first Inference Worker. The model in each InferenceWorker is able to switch between sub-models. The global effectiveaccuracy is defined as the average of effective accuracy of each

Inference Worker. Suppose there are 𝑏 Inference Workers, the globaleffective accuracy= 1


∑𝑏𝑗=1 𝑝

𝑒 𝑓 𝑓

𝑗. The global best effective accuracy

is equal to the average of the local best effective accuracy. To get

Page 6: SINGA-Easy: An Easy-to-Use Framework for MultiModal Analysis

Algorithm 2 Scheduling Algorithm

Input: 𝜌 = [𝑝1, . . . , 𝑝𝐾 ], 𝜏 = [𝑡1, . . . , 𝑡𝐾 ], 𝐷 , 𝑁𝑚𝑏Output: [ = [𝑛1, . . . , 𝑛𝐾 ], theoretical 𝑝𝑒 𝑓 𝑓 ([)1: function Scheduler(𝜌, 𝜏, 𝐷, 𝑁𝑚𝑏 )

2: [ ← [0, . . . , 0]3: if 𝐷 ≤ 𝑁𝑚𝑏 × Min(𝜏) then [ [Argmin(𝜏)] ← 𝑁𝑚𝑏4: end if5: if 𝐷 ≥ 𝑁𝑚𝑏 × Max(𝜏) then [ [Argmax(𝜏)] ← 𝑁𝑚𝑏6: end if7: if 𝑁𝑚𝑏 × Min(𝜏) < 𝐷 < 𝑁𝑚𝑏 × Max(𝜏) then8: 𝜙 ← Queue( [{Eq.(2), (3), (5), (6)}])9: while 𝜙 ≠ [] do10: 𝑋 ← 𝜙.Pop11: 𝛽 ← Linear_Programming(𝑋 )12: if 𝑝𝑒 𝑓 𝑓 (𝛽) > 𝑝𝑒 𝑓 𝑓 ([) then13: if ∀𝑖 . 𝛽 [𝑖] ∈ Z then [ ← 𝛽

14: else select 𝑖 such that 𝛽 [𝑖] ∉ Z15: 𝜙.Push(𝑋 ∪ {𝑛𝑖 ≥ Int(𝛽 [𝑖]) + 1})16: 𝜙.Push(𝑋 ∪ {𝑛𝑖 ≤ Int(𝛽 [𝑖])})17: end if18: end if19: end while20: // If B&B fails to find a solution

21: if [ = [0, . . . , 0] then22: [ ← 2D_Unbounded_Knapsack_DP(𝜌, 𝜏, 𝐷, 𝑁𝑚𝑏 )23: end if24: end if25: return [, 𝑝𝑒 𝑓 𝑓 ([)26: end function

Figure 6: SINGA-Easy APIs for supporting X-ray image clas-sification.

the best local effective accuracy, each Inference Worker runs Algo-rithm 2 separately under the original deadline constraint 𝐷 and

the number of mini-batches 𝑁𝑚𝑏 in the corresponding queue.

4 SYSTEM USABILITYTo improve the usability of ML and DL models in multimedia appli-

cations such as medical image classification, food recognition, di-

etary management, question answering, and speech classification,

SINGA-Easy provides built-in models using third-party libraries

5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000Ingesting rate(#instances/second)








e tim

e pe

r min






Sub-model with ri = 1Sub-model with ri = 0.75Sub-model with ri = 0.5Sub-model with ri = 0.25

(a) Inference time of different sub-models.

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000Wexp =N/D (# instances / deadline constraint)












e ac



Sub-model with ri = 1, pi = 79.36Sub-model with ri = 0.75, pi = 71.88Sub-model with ri = 0.5, pi = 70.94Sub-model with ri = 0.25, pi = 65.12Combination of sub-models

(b) Illustration of the impact of the scheduling algorithm on EffectiveAccuracy (ResNet-50 trained with model slicing on NIH Chest X-rays).

Figure 7: Inference time and effective accuracy.based on PyTorch [31], TensorFlow [1] and Scikit-learn [32]. Table

2 lists representative models for six common multimedia tasks.

Figure 6 shows an example on the use of SINGA-Easy’s APIs

to quickly develop applications with the supported models. To

improve the reliability of inference, we have also implemented two

model explanation techniques, i.e., Grad-CAM [38] and LIME [36].

5 EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATIONTo evaluate the usability and adaptability of SINGA-Easy, we con-

duct experiments on different multi-media datasets using various

DL network architectures. SINGA-Easy is deployed on clusters

equipped with GTX1080Ti GPUs and two models of CPUs. The

CPU model deployed in Admin node is Intel Xeon CPU E5-2620

v4 @ 2.10GHz. The CPU model deployed in the other nodes is

Intel Xeon CPU E5-1650 v4 @ 3.60GHz. All nodes are connected

via Ethernet at 1 Gbit/s. We run all services in Docker and use

Kubernetes 1.6 as the cluster manager.

5.1 Experimental SetupIn this section, we introduce the training details, namely the datasets

adopted for the evaluation and the training results.

Page 7: SINGA-Easy: An Easy-to-Use Framework for MultiModal Analysis

5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000Ingesting rate(#instances/second)














es p





Sub-model with ri = 1Sub-model with ri = 0.75Sub-model with ri = 0.5Sub-model with ri = 0.25Combination of sub-modelsTheoretical value

(a) Throughput

5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000Ingesting rate(#instances/second)











Sub-model with ri = 1Sub-model with ri = 0.75Sub-model with ri = 0.5Sub-model with ri = 0.25Combination of sub-modelsTheoretical valueDeadline constrain=8s

(b) Tail latency

5000 10000 15000 20000 25000Ingesting rate(#instances/second)










# M




deadline constraint D=8s

Sub-model with ri = 1Sub-model with ri = 0.75Sub-model with ri = 0.5Sub-model with ri = 0.25

(c) Ingesting rate on scheduled sub-models.

Figure 8: Adaptability Experiments in SINGA-Easy

Table 2: Models for multimedia applications.

Model Scenario

VGG [39], ResNet [16] Image Classification

Mask RCNN [15] Object Detection

Deep Speech [2] Speech Recognition

BERT [10] Question and Answering

Random Forest [17] Tabular Classification

XGBoost [7] Tabular Regression

5.1.1 Datasets. We evaluate the training and inference efficiency

of SINGA-Easy using model ResNet-50 on three image classifica-

tion datasets, namely CIFAR [23], ILSVRC 2012 [9] and NIH Chest

X-rays dataset5. To demonstrate the general support of SINGA-

Easy for different applications, we train Inception-ResNet-v2 and

yoloV3 [35] on five food datasets for food image classification and

detection and visualize the results. We use 50,000 training images

and 10,000 test images from the CIFAR dataset. Each CIFAR image

is resized to 32 × 32. We use 1.2 million training images and 50,000

test images drawn from 1,000 classes in the ILSVRC 2012 dataset.

And resize them to 244 × 244. We also use 5,234 training images

and 634 test images from the NIH Chest X-rays dataset. Each image

of the X-rays dataset is classified as "healthy" or "unhealthy" and

is normalized from 1600 × 1125 to 244 × 244. We also use five

Singapore food datasets. The number of classes in each dataset is

55, 101, 172, 231 and 256, respectively. Each class contains 300 to

500 images of size 624 × 1024.

5.1.2 Training Results. ResNet-50 is trained on each dataset with

SGD. Specifically, we train 100/100/300 epochs onCIFAR-10/ILSVRC

2012/NIH X-arays with a batch size of 128/64/64, respectively. We

summarize the statistics of the trained models in Table 3.

5.2 Dynamic Model Serving EvaluationThe adaptability of SINGA-Easy is evaluated using ResNet-50

trained on dataset NIH Chest X-rays. In the following experiments,

we set the mini-batch size 𝑆𝑚𝑏 to 32 for the evaluation.

5NIH Chest X-rays: www.kaggle.com/nih-chest-xrays/data

Table 3: Accuracy and inference time of sliced ResNet-50.

Slice CIFAR-10 ImageNet12 X-RayRate Acc. 𝑇𝑎𝑣𝑒 Acc. 𝑇𝑎𝑣𝑒 Acc. 𝑇𝑎𝑣𝑒

1 91.13 12.48 75.09 49.40 79.37 45.12

0.75 88.41 9.92 73.74 38.08 71.88 34.56

0.5 85.19 6.41 71.09 22.95 70.94 22.72

0.25 79.71 3.24 63.91 17.82 65.12 15.68

*𝑇𝑎𝑣𝑒 : average inference time (ms) to process a mini-batch.

We first measure the inference time 𝑡𝑖 to process a single mini-

batch with different sub-models. Then we measure the effectiveaccuracy of SINGA-Easy under the first scenario where only one

single model can be loaded to the system.

To measure the actual inference time, we enable GPU warm-up

and GPU/CPU synchronization. We also use torch.cuda.Event tocapture the time before and after model inference. Specifically, we

record the inference time with different ingesting rates from 32 to

25,000 instances/second as shown in Figure 7(a). Then the inference

time is averaged to obtain the 𝑡𝑖 of sub-model𝑚𝑖 . Results in Table 3

show that both the accuracy and inference time decreases with a

smaller slice rate, which is consistent with the previous discussion.

To measure the effective accuracy of SINGA-Easy, we set the

deadline constraint to 𝐷 = 8𝑠 and gradually increase the number

of ingested instances 𝑁 from 32 to 30,000. As shown in Figure 7(b),

the model equipped with the scheduler can adapt to the workload

by switching between sub-models, which leads to higher effectiveaccuracy. Specifically, when𝑊𝑒𝑥𝑝 = 100, the serving model is the

full model (i.e., the slice rate 𝑟 = 1.0). When𝑊𝑒𝑥𝑝 = 10, 000, the

serving model is switched to the smaller model of a slice rate 0.5

to avoid dropping instances. When𝑊𝑒𝑥𝑝 = 18, 000, where even

the smallest sub-model of a slice rate 0.25 can not process all in-

stances within the time limit. In such scenarios, the serving model

is switched to the smallest sub-model to maximize the through-

put. As shown in Figure 8(a), the system dynamically adapt the

model size to increase the throughput until it reaches themaximum

throughput, which is the same as the fastest sub-model.

We also measure the latency of the system, which is shown in

Figure 8(b). Specifically, when the ingesting rate is low, since all

sub-models now can meet the deadline, the scheduler will adopt

Page 8: SINGA-Easy: An Easy-to-Use Framework for MultiModal Analysis

Ground truth

Ground truth

Classified to Unhealthy, explained with LIME

Classified to Unhealthy, explained with GradCam

Figure 9: Twomultimedia applications(X-ray based diagnosis and Food Detection) developed using SINGA-Easy. The correct-ness of X-ray explanation is confirmed by the overlap between the explanation map and the ground truth.

the sub-model of slice-rate 1.0 for higher accuracy. When the

ingesting rate reach around 10,000, both the sub-models of a slice-

rate 1.0 and 0.75 cannot process all instances before the deadline.

The combination of sub-models however, can meet the deadline

constraint until the ingesting rate reach 18,000, where the serving

model will entirely switch to the sub-model of a slice rate 0.25.

To better illustrates the combinations of the scheduled sub-

models under different instance ingesting rates, we present detailed

assignment of the mini-batches to the sub-models in Figure 8(c).

We can observer that when the ingesting rate is low, the model

assigns all mini-batches to the sub-model of a slice rate 1.0. Since

the sub-model of a slice rate 0.75 and 0.5 have similar accuracy,

while the sub-model of a slice rate 0.5 is much faster, the scheduling

algorithm tends to use the later sub-model for achieving higher

effective accuracy.For the second scenario, where multiple models can be loaded

to the system, SINGA-Easy can have multiple elastic models and

can generate multiple combinations of sub-models. In contrast,

Model-Switching can only have fixed combinations of models.

In conclusion, the experiments on effective accuracy, through-put, latency, and sub-model combinations confirm that the model

trained with the model slicing technique and our proposed sched-

uling algorithm support dynamic workloads via finer-grained elas-

tic computation control. It further illustrates the adaptability of


5.3 Multimedia ApplicationsWe further demonstrate the usability of SINGA-Easy on various

applications. Due to the space limit, we showcase representative

examples in Figure 9. The Singapore Food Detection component

has been used to develop FoodLG app6, which is customized for

healthcare applications such as pre-diabetes management and diet

recommendation. For the training dataset, we crowdsource to

knowledge users using CDAS[26] for labelling. Medical applica-

tions like X-ray-based diagnosis is shown in Figure 9, the GradCam

map highlights the unhealthy areas with warm colors (red and

purple). The LIME map circles the unhealthy areas with yellow

color. The explanation maps can assist clinicians in verifying the

correctness of the diagnosis, e.g., whether explanation maps match

is in line with their diagnosis.


6 RELATEDWORKIn this section, we review the related work of ML/DL systems and

framework. Their are highly accessible and could be used to extend

our SINGA-Easy.

PyTorch [31] can achieve automatedML using the Auto PyTorch

library [49], but it does not provide the system infrastructure for

ML life cycle management in multimedia applications. SINGA-Easy

can be used to facilitate the PyTorch models.

Microsoft NNI7is a ML framework supporting model compres-

sion. However, it does not provide elastic inference capabilities

to the models. While the slice-rate in SINGA-Easy is more under-


Hopswork [19] is a data science platform for the design and op-

eration of data analytics applications. The system applies HopsFS,

a highly scalable distributed file system, to improve its efficiency.

while our system focuses more on the usability to AI applications.

In summary, there are indeedmany data analytics systems devel-

oped in recent years. Our SINGA-Easy is designed to improve the

usability and adaptability in developing multimedia applications.

7 CONCLUSIONSIn this paper, we introduced SINGA-Easy - a learning system focus-

ing on usability and adaptability. SINGA-Easy was built on top of

Apache SINGA. It assists users in managing data and models, and

developing AI applications. We have used SINGA-Easy to develop

multi-media applications such as a chest X-ray image explanation

function and food detection system. We showed that SINGA-Easy

is highly extendable as it can be used with various third-party

machine learning models.

Moving forward, we note that there exist other bottlenecks in

data science such as data loading, visualization, cleaning, labeling,

and data transformation. Future extensions to SINGA-Easy may

include such data science supporting modules.

Acknowledgement:We thank the anonymous reviewers for

their constructive comments and NUS colleagues for their com-

ments and contributions. This research is supported by Singa-

pore Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 3 under

MOE’s official grant number MOE2017-T3-1-007. Meihui Zhang’s

work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of

China (62050099).

7Microsoft NNI: https://github.com/microsoft/nni

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