basho Not a talk about installing Riak. Thats too easy s/easy/boring/g What is this talk about. Tuesday, 12 March 13

Simonvc basho-nosql-in-a-continuous-delivery-world

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Not a talk about installing Riak.

Thats too easy


What is this talk about.

Tuesday, 12 March 13


Not a talk about doing continuous delivery to my robot.Also

Come talk to me after :-)Tuesday, 12 March 13



etc..But we have those, talk to me after if you want to talk about

that stuff.

Also Not About

Tuesday, 12 March 13


I’d love to debate you guys about:

Imperative tools (Fabric) vs Declarative tools (Puppet/Chef) and what they mean when dealing with non-idempotent stuff

like databases.

Come talk to me afterwards.


Tuesday, 12 March 13


I do devops@basho.

I am not a DBABefore Basho

Tuesday, 12 March 13


This talk is actually about...

Do NoSQL databases fit into a Continuous Delivery World.

(Hint: They do.)

Tuesday, 12 March 13


Schemas are the layout of the data: its ShapeAs well as the relationship between parts of the dataAnd the constraints about the content of that data.

NoSQL should really be called Schema-less.

Schemas are really a type of “business logic”

Tuesday, 12 March 13


Edsger W. DijkstraThings that don't need to be connected, shouldn’t be.

Separation of Concerns

Loosely coupled

Tuesday, 12 March 13


Sure, but Storing the data and manipulating the data are different concerns, surely?

Databases.System of Record?

Single Point of Truth?Authoritative Source?

Tuesday, 12 March 13


The code has to change. (probably)The shape changes.

Sometimes you’re changing the organization of the data to speed up access (de-normalization).

Does reality change?

What does it really mean to “change a schema?”

Tuesday, 12 March 13


Embrace Suckiness (automation.)If it hurts, do it more often.

“DevOPS is like violence, if its not working you’re not using enough of it.”


Avoid Suckiness

Schema migrations suck.Options:

Tuesday, 12 March 13



But be able to rollback.

“all automation should be idempotent”

Embrace Suckiness

Tuesday, 12 March 13


This means:Roll Forward

Roll BackRoll Forward again.

Every time.

(congratulations you’re now in the software business)

Idempotent Automation

Tuesday, 12 March 13


DBDeployActive Record

LiquidibasePerconas online schema change toolkit

Hire expensive good DBA’s who like working nights

Tools. We love Tools right?!

Tuesday, 12 March 13


A/B testing is hard when you’ve got a tight coupling between code and schema.

Apparently ‘materialized views’ is the answer.

Just roll those in, and out, and in again just like your schema.

Still going to suck.

Tuesday, 12 March 13


Dramatic 15 second pause while we consider whether ignite format is actually an improvement or just a compensation for

people raised in the MTV generation.


Tuesday, 12 March 13


No Schema = No Schema Migrations!

Schemaless DB = NoSQL DB

Keep business logic out of the DB

Tuesday, 12 March 13


Looser coupling between code and data.

We have better tools for code changes:GIT

Jar/War filesRsync

Change confined to Code

Tuesday, 12 March 13


Giving up Referential integrity.No nice SQL language for re-organizing data.

Eventual consistency != ACID

Not every organization can/will be able to do this.

Scary Stuff

Tuesday, 12 March 13



Come chat at the @basho booth.We’re hiring devops people.

Still totally worth it.

Tuesday, 12 March 13