MARLESTON DAILY NlîWS, O. It. OATnOAlVr. Ko ITO it OATBOART, MoMILLAN & MORTON, PHOPIUETOIIS. No. IB HAYNE STREET. CITY PRINTER8 TERMS GASH. SUBSCRIPTION PA I LY- TWELVE MOHTII8.§10.0« L/ULY-SIX MONTHS. 0.00 PA ILY-TIIREB MONTHS. ».BO SINGLE COPIES.«.» «cn«» TO NEWS DEALERS.-.3 cent» NEWS SUMMARY. Tho Pittsburg glaaa works sro thirty-live In number, with a capital of $11,800,000. There oro every year io Russia I brou hundred and eighty bono fairs, at which tho number of aiiimab' .«old is estimated at 263,000. Minister CAUPBBLL'S bearer of diapatchos to JUA- nrz has porforniod his miaaiou and returned to Galveston, lie waa woll received, and was proba¬ bly aucccsaful. A mau baa Just died in London, who, for tho last BO ven teen y cars, had followed tho profess on of frog-catcher for tho sorponte in tho zoological gardon. Aa a specimen of WILTON'S oloquouco, ho re¬ marked in a speech at Atlanta tho other day, " Your Governor bas got a maggot in bia hoad about tho Buprcmo Court." It la stated that tho tobacco rocoivod at I'etera- Ltu-g, Va., this season, is ot a rory poor quality. 'Tho heavy raina during cutting timo, vs ashed out tho oil, audcovored tho leavca with dirt. Besides it hus been wretchedly handled. St. John's Episcopal Church, Wilmington, N. C., was consecrated on Friday by Bishop ATKIN¬ SON, assisted by tho clerical delegates to tho Con¬ vention, all iu surplices. Tho Convention of that Diocese waa in aosaion lu Wilmington last week. lu a recont number or tho Mew York Christian Adcocale, t'.o loading organ or tho M. E. Church, North, BROWNLOW is held up to Methodist admi¬ ration and imitation aa "a.ChrlBtian gentle ni nu." Comment ia unnecessary. BoNrTEE hS3 recommenced hla old stylo of Ledger advertising." The Now York Tribune of tho 9th contains a pago of what tho prose s ays of BONNET* and bia ontorpilee. At that dato BONNE» olaimod to havo eold 350,000 copies of tho Lodgor contain¬ ing tho first ahaptora of BEZonxn'a story. A party of West Virginia sportsmen recontly spent a day in fox hunting, sud at night left tho doga still running. Thoy ron into a Hock of snoop and killed eighty of them. Tho owners of tho doga handed over air. hundred dollars and received the carcasses of tho ahoap. Tho' Bich mond Examiner propoaea Judgo TJN- ntowoob, of Virginia, aa a candidate for President in 1868, and BRN. BUTLITR for Vico-Proeidcnt, as uniting all tito rascally elements of the country. Either of thom could fill tho bill of vioo woll enough. Tbo first cotton mill built in tho United States waa at Beverly, Moss., in 1787 ; tho first in Maine, at Brunswick lu 1809 ; tho first in Now Hampshire, At Now Ipswich in 1801. Each of theso milla had £00 spindles. Tho number now lu tho Uuitod HtatcB is estimated at over ri,000,000. Tho Now Orleans Picayune of Wuduosday, oays: C: doctor Ki:i.r<ouo) bas announced hie intention of appointing negroes to several vacancies which havo occurred in tho inspector's department. Tho appoint mo-ii a woro to havo boon modo yesterday. There will probably bo only two or three appoint¬ ments made for tho present. A lotter writer speaking of tho wonders of tho Paris Exposition taya : EinÜNUEL, tho great Lon¬ don jeweller, displays a diamond brooch ; with a largo yellow diamond in tho centro, all tho stones of which are BO set aa to movo with a perpetual ti emulous motion, and s ein tila to Uko tho stars of & glorious constellation. "* Tho Lynchburg > Virginian of Friday Bays : "'Yesterday waa the heaviest day in tobacco of the season'.' i Thc salea were rory heavy, and mostly of shipping, and tho pricoa wore woll austainod, died. Tho brakes woro completed'at only two warehouses, owing to tho quantity of tobacco in market." It appears by tho hut filo received of Rocky "Mountain newspapers-April lat to April 6th-that tho month of Marou waa fearfully cold, all the way through, in all parta of Montana. In many por¬ tions of tho territory tho thermometer marked 40 to 45 below zero and many men froze to death. Horses and cattlo wore frozen to death in largo numbera. Among tho arti ol os sent by a firm of London Jowolry manufacturers to Paris is a monogram N. E. tn rubles, sapphires and diamonds, being tho monogram of tho Emperor of tho French, tho H tones forming the tricolor of Franco, surmounted hy tho imperial crown, and tho locket containing two beautifully oxen ted portraits of their majesties tho Emperor and Empresa. The'Now Chicana Picayune of tho 14th has a ling and carefully written oditorial hoaded, "Cau¬ tion to Emigrante," in which lt earnestly dissuades plantera, and others from tho Southern States, from emigrating to Brazil or British Honduras, «howing by irrefutable arguments that they can¬ not better themselves or their condition in thoso countries, but, on tho contrary, that thoy [are Hoing better hero. At. an Bngliah jeweller's stall at tho Parla Expo¬ sition are aomo rare diamonds BO finely out that by moro presaure tho air ia excluded from tho sur¬ face of tho alónos in contact with tho glosa, and in thia way they cdhere to tho undor side of the glass in the show, although thoy seem to bo lying outside. A gaily dressed French woman was caught tho othor day covering them with her handkerchief and .trying to sweep them away. Tho eclobrated Dragon-tree of Oratova, in tho Canary Islands, which has boen known and used ss a landmark by soamon of all notions, exists no longer. Tho hurricano of tho Bth ult,, which caused considerable damage in thoso islands, up¬ rooted it. Tho tree had a very peculiar simpe, and was universally known as tho Drago do Ora¬ teva. Its ago was estimated at ovor 1000 yoars. The 'account of it waa given by tho Franciscan friar, (leta Antonio, who visite d tho Canaries in 3257. At ono o'clock on the morning of the nth, nays the New York Herald of tho 15th, during the pro- valence of tho rain storm, the telegraph wire load¬ ing Into Ibo New Jersey Centrai Railroad Com¬ pany's depot, at Plainfield, was struck by light¬ ning. Tho electrie current passed down the wiro into the building, Belting the telegraph ofhco on Uro, and resulting in the complote destruction of tho depot, which was one of the largest on tho lino of thia company's road. Tbo looa la estimated at about10,000. This la tho second depot belong¬ ing to thia company'which has been destroyed by fire during the present month. ... An aged negro appeared at tho Court of Assize, at Ottawa, a few days ago, as a witness in a case. Ho ls 101 years of age, and waa formerly a slave In Upper. Canada, before the abolition of slavery lu the British possessions. Ho fought through the American war in 1812 oh tim aldo of the British ; was at the battles of Chippewa and Bondy's Lano, rand was wounded at Hackett's Harbor. Ho ia in full possession of all his fa mltiea. Ho was born du Now York State In 1760, and waa the slave of a TL E. loyalist, who brought him ovor to Canada. "Ho wea taken to Ottawa to provo tho death of a person in 1803, and another in 1814. Some 'days ago we had a telegraphic dispatch from Selma, Ala., announcing tho removal, by or¬ der of Oen. Fora, of tho Mayor and Aldormon of that city, and tho appointment of others In their atoad. A Selma paper says "Tho new officers aro -well known citizens of Selma. With, we believe, only one or .twp exceptions, thoy aro ante-bellum joel tl on ts of this place, Tho moat of thom ore men of proper ty, and all of them aro identified with the interests of tho city. We do not think tho ff am a number of Radicals of equal respectability could be found in any other Southern city; and so far wo havo cana o' of public gratulttion-accepting a change aa Inevitable,'* Alluding to tho ertcmBIvo swindling that baa been carried on tho present touton by deal ora In damaged corn, it being shipped Southward aa aonnd gram, while tho purono sara have been fre¬ quently xitoldshed at the oxton t of tho "sale," nnd havo looked B aspic lonely at the railroads, Loping to find Homo cause for laying tho blame on these much, abused Ins ti tn lions, tho Naahvillo Harmer says that managers of tho railroads cen¬ tering at that point, are now using an iron Instru¬ ment, by.whloh ahandrél of corn may tie candy TC m ove d' from. " tho centro of a sack without Injur¬ ing tho receptado, add no corn now passer, tho a»ndi tioTi of which lt hot thu« tea te a. Several hundred car-load a of thia damaged oom has been ehippod Routh on the Louisville and Naahvula and' Ofiattenooma rnjlroads during the season, .fl'Vi. .. '.. il. "?./?;>:..£ >'..'/..^1>/;., v.-:?-'. :U'ti, ;,.'..... - -^.iiI.JJMJJ.-ia.J'LM.JiLU.lt! Ii A nu EST Oii.öUr«ATio».~>fAe DAILT NEWB publishes Ike Oßcial Litt of Let¬ ter» remaining in the Postoffice at tht\enà of tneh meek, agreeably to the following section of the New Postoffice Law, at thc ncwsjiapcr having thc largest circulation tn the Oily oj Charleston: Sacrions. And bo lt farther cn acted, That Ulta ot lüt¬ ten remaining uncalled for lu any Poa to(lice tn any city, town or Tillage whore a nowapeper shall bo printed, shall hereafter be published once only in tho nowapspcr which, being published wookly or oftener, shall bare ibo largest circulation wilbla nogo of delivery of tho said omce. SST* Ad communications intended for publication in this journal must bo addressed to the Edttor of the Dally Netos, Ko. 18 llayne-slrcet, Charleston, S. C. Husíncss Communications lo Publisfier of Daily JWUJS. .Vecannof undertake to return rejected communica¬ tions. Advertisements outsit'* of the city must be accompa¬ nied reith the cash. CHARLESTON. MONDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 18C7. Jon WOBK.-Wo Lave now completed our office HO 0i> to ozecuto, in Ibo shortest possihlo limo, ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK, nuil wo most respectfully ask tbo patronage of our friends. THli COLORED VOTE. WK HATE recoived tbo following letter, wlilcb we publish, bocauec ¡tie accompanied by a cer¬ tificate from tho Collector of Beaufort that its writor is a pitiion of respectability and influ¬ ence, and because il is the first direct' commu¬ nication to us from that class of voter» whom its writor olniniB to represent: IIILTO* HEAD, S. G., I Moy 18tb, 1867. \ lb Ute Editor oj thc Daily AVio* BIB :-I not« your artiolo on " Registration " in your yesterday's issuo, and om; willing to strike Itatr&l on it, but must observo : Tl comporta but ill with your contemptuous mention of tho Union Convention. If in good faith and from conviction you accept tho platform of equal rights for f II,- irrodpeotivo of race, color, or provlous condition ; why tboso unoora and expressions of halo to¬ wards tho Radicals, tho oulightenod of said "platform?"I Those dlBcropanoios on your part, end tho uu- diBgtuBod bit U>rno3H of tho Mercury, Et hoe genus omne, aro forcing us into tho arms, (or nell, rath-, cr) of doubtful oharnotors from tho North, who now infest tho 8oulh and aook to swallow up everything, whito or black in their insatioto tunwd-thoy eit upon tho fonoo, and haring no principle, savo that of making monoy, oro roody tr» jump to ono sido or tho other, according to tho prospects of spoil. If you aro really in carnoat, li you can only convinco na (and wo aro very suspi¬ cious) that you nocopt the Potorsbnrg Platform in good faith, wo will gladly Join our efforts with yours to enforco it on tho North, (nomo will bit¬ terly say "commend tho poisoned chalice to their own lips f bul wo will any, eauco, good for tho .Southern gooso, munt bo equally good for the Northern gander), and to procuro Southern qffioe for Southern men, tbo only prac¬ tical issues ; for of all horror» and abominations, tho most horriblo and abominable to us, is that un¬ natural roptilo, tho Northern copperhead. Lot mo not bo misunderstood, I spoik of local offices only ; for tho prosont GEORGE OURTIB, Prosidont Ethiopian Union Republican Association, HUtonHtad,and Cbariman Provisional Commit too. Our first suggestion to our correspondent would be to chango tho nomo of tho associa¬ tion over which he presides, "Tho Ethiopian Union Republican Association" is entirely too suggestive of "Ethiopian Seronaders," who, wo all know, aro white men with blackened faces, whose trado it is for money to imituto negro customs and exaggerate negro' peculiarities. Several bands of such performers have recent¬ ly made their appearance on tho political stage, beating the Radical banjo, and singing- "Din nlggor is do cbilo What can read, writ o and cipher." It is high time, we. think, for the colored selves, and to repudiate the sympathy which is as dirty and slippery as the lamp-blaok and oil with whioh the performers Radicalizo and Afrlcanito themselves. It is, therefore, because the certificate which accompanies this letter justifies us in believing that tho writer really represents himself and his peoplo that wo proceed to answer the questions ho puta us. Wo must say, however, by woy of proface, thal tho writer is mistaken in supposing that tho "Mercury et hoc omne genus" manifest any "undisguised bitterness" as to tho new privi¬ leges of tho freedmen. Tho Mercury, and the1 very largo and [respectable body of citiicns whom it respresents, think universal suffrago a very dangerous experiment, and do not re¬ cognize the constitutionality of the law by whioh it waa enacted. Dut the Mercury, and every other representative press in (his State, have recognized tho fact thal universal suffrage is now established, and that it is the part of justice and wisdom to adapt ourselves to this now condition, and to work together with the colored votera for the good of tho whole Slate. And when all this morely political agitation begins to subBido and the Radical party having uBcd tho colorod vote for its own purpose, leaves the negro to the labor of his daily life, tho President of the Ethiopcan Union Associa¬ tion will find that -hie education and intelli¬ gence will separato him muoh further from tho mass of ignorant and unintelligent negroes than it does from bia white fellow-citizens. Tho principie of Ibo editorial to whioh ho refers and upon which he professes his readi¬ ness "to strike hands" is simply this : That to all citizonB, (he honors, thc privileges, tho Julies of citizenship, are alike common, and that the question whether a man shall dis¬ charge a duty, enjoy n privilege, or wear an honor, is nol whether he is black, or white, but whclhor ho is a citizen and fit for the position. Upon that principle we aro willing to stand, but if a citizen I oannot bo excluded from his privilege because ho'iiblack, he' cannot claim an office because he in blnok, and tho man who appeals to the oitlzens of this Slate to roto for a man becauso ho ia blaok is violating this prin¬ cipio just as much as one who calls upon his follow-oitizens to vote ngainst a man because ho is blaok. In other words, hereafter in all political questions the element of raoe and color is to be entirely disregarded. While we hold this in common with every thinking man in the South, "in good faith and from conviction, " we protest against the course of the Radical party because they aro acting in direot contradiction to it. They aro not ap¬ pealing to tho voters of tho South aa oitixens, they aro appealing to them aa blacks. Thoy are deliberately ezoiling prejudices whioh, if exoitcd, must and will devolope Into angry and bitter passion. They call upon the blaok voto of tho State (o join them against the white vote, and that upon Ute ground of their former slavery. Let us tako an illustration from tho section of country in whioh. the writor of this letter himself lives. In St. liol en a Parish before tho WOP we will suppose there were five thousand slaves (o two hundred, owners. For tho establishment of this slavery the owners were, in no wiso respon¬ sible, and their energies and capital were ex¬ pended lo develop by this labor tho lands, whioh they owned. Ju doing this, we think aïl intel¬ ligent colored men will admit that, as a general rule, their conduct was humane and that the oondition of their laborers ai laborers wos su¬ perior to any other popnlátlon In the world doing the sam« work: Now, tho, CrrtaMbJp Ja jheeo si av ea Las been abolished, the exclusiva political power belonging to tho formér owners hus h bon abrogated. The five thousand si »veil ate to-day; ts free as their former masters, They are en* tilled to vote on all questions and for all offices ind to hold th cao latter If elected thereto. No¬ body disputos this right, whatever:may be .bought of the .'i-dom of granting lt,.'. No ob- itnclo is put In the way of Hs exercise. Now, f t hes o voters uro left fairly to th om.elves; If hov are.free to Judgo whether (heir labor ls ?rv,-i.,.-.i..;, V.'.-;.-JI^-»rv¡tS ; -;» T ~ hooeellv reriRnUd, wliolher tl;clr rljjM» af poféoli nh.I properly are tespcutcd, wheluer the expenditure among I li cm of tho capu: .' which they hare not gol, bul which their for¬ mer owners hare, is to (heir ed ran tage, whether they or tholr former ovrnors understand best tho legislation which will protect all inter¬ ests-does any one doubt tho result T lint are they left to tliemselTCs ? Is not tho object of tho Ethiopian Association, of tho Union Convention, of thc inflammatory itinerant leo- tarers, who nre travelling tho conlry, lo inter¬ fere directly with their decision, lo induce them to trust not to themselves nor to their white follow-cltizcns, but to tho Radical party t Tho Radical party to-day has no platform, nor doos it avow any prinoiplo which is neces¬ sary to tho existence or protection of the col¬ ored volo of tho Stalo. Thc question« which do intnrest both black and whito in this State, arc questions purely of it domestic oharaoter. Our Stato taxation, or system of general education, tho organiza¬ tion of our Courts, tho relief of Hie suffering, which extends everywhere. Wo object, in tho interest of black and white alike, to any politi¬ cal agitation which turns our attention from these subjects to discussions which aro entirely unprofitable, or if profitable aro profitable alono to tho thousand and ono political adven¬ turers who aro striving to servo personal end under the pretence of puplio spirit. Whenever tho writer of this letter, und men who, like bim, havo inlluenao among their peoplo, find any unwillingness among their whito folio wei ti lens ta do juBlico in these mut- tors,'they may distrust them, but, not until then. 'Wo bolong to those who believo 'that the great' bulk of tho colored,voto.of this State, unless intentionally and mischievously misled, will .volo cordially with tho white citizens. Their relations aro too close, and their inter-, cuts too idonlical to bo.separated, oxcopt by persistent and unresisted misrepresentation. Hut Lhere will naturally bo a small class bf in¬ telligent and ambitious freedmen who will de¬ sire to assort themselves and tholr intluonco, and through whom agitators will endeavor to UCL To these wo feel no unkindness. We do not disputo their superiority to most of their race, nor db wo resent their ambition. We imagine that our correspondent is ono of thom. Il is worth while for Buch men lo think how fur un antagonism to the whito man can servo any useful purpose. They may represent their race in color, but they will find that their very superiority will be a cause of jealousy and a source of weakness. A lillie practical expe¬ rience, and they will Sud that they must stake their fortunes with those whom thoy wish to join; not with those whom they wish lo leave, nnd that they, have before them a most useful and honorable career, if they will use theil influence and ability ns tho means of explaining und reconciling to each other those chunos in the Slate whom bad men aro trying to separate for thoir own selfish purposes. ~WÂWTS, WANTED, A 0,1'ALIFIKD WASHER, whito or colored. Apply thia day, at No. 13 JU¬ DITH BTREET, south aldo. May 30 ANT INFORMATION REGARDING THE whereabouts of ono "J. Y. BUHNS," late Major Om Georgia Cavalry, of Oonfodorsto army, will be gr.te- fully rocolved through ibo columna of tho CH AHLEH- ?1 ON DALLY NEWS by a friand, who baa been lou* ab- sent._8 _ May 17 K TT ANTED-A SITUATION AS CLERK IN VV 9.-Ml. GOOD BUSINESS HOUSE. Can keep I act of booka, coll set, and make himself generally usofuL Tile first city recamnioudaUons will be given. Address PRRSEVERANCH. Dally Nowa Omeo. May 17 WANTED, AN ELDERLY WOMAN AS Cook Tor Quito a small family. Ono who Is will¬ ing to makebersoll generally usenil, la dril and agree¬ able in manners, can apply at No. 60 Calhoun street April M_??__;_ WANTED, A COMPETENT AV ASH Ii lt AND IRONER, at No. 45 CANNON HTIu.fr, third door o -st of Smith. ._May lt WISHES SOMETHING TO DO. A LADY that eau cut and maka men and boy's clothes, ladlee' and children's drosses, can koop bouse, and mako herself generally useful In tito house, kitchen and aify'fmo Jfi^^Çj^lWlïb^^tâiiA*"-" " "O. W." BOX 81. April 7____Yanoa'a Ferry, 8. O. WANTED, A SITUATION AB DECEIVING and Delivering Clerk, by one who ls competent, and can lumiah the best of references Address "PUNCTUALITY," May IT _At Thia Office. AN Y PERSON HAVING A GOOD BUGGY BOBBE which they wish to place In careful and re¬ sponsible nanda, for the summer months, will apply a thia office._J_ slay 18 WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED NUR8B. Apply at No. 9 LEGABE HTUEET. 3 May IS WANTED, A RESPECTABLE WHITE WOMAN, to Cook and Wash for a amati family. None newt apply without good recommendations. Apply at No. fl YANDEBH0B8I STREET._May IS ÜT1 T'iB GENUINE BARTLETT HEW< UDsaOa INO MACHINE, 83i,~Wanl»d-AgonU, HM per month and all oxpenses paid, to sell the Genuine bartlett Sewing Machine. This Machine will do all the work that can be done on any high-priced machine, and la fully patented, licensed and warranted for five yean. Wo pay tho above wages, or a commission, from which twlco that amount can bo mada. For Circulara and terms address ll. HALL A CO.. No. 734 Chestnut etreet, Philadelphia, Pa. 30 April 10 TO RENT. TO RENT, RESIDENCE NO. SO BEAU. PAIN 6TBKET, near Ku Hodge, 7 square rooms, 3 at¬ tica, and commodious outbuildings. H. M. MA UM il AI,L si BBO. Beal Estate Agents, No. S3 Broad ?tract May 30 1 rpo RENT, RESIDENCE No. SSO MEETING A STREET, near John street; alz square rooms, cis¬ tern, ftc ILM. Mammary ¿. u i0., May 31 1 Baal Katata Agents. No. 33 Broad st HANDSOME MANSION TO RENT_THAT siegant and desirably located RESIDENCE In Hanipatoad, No. 1 Bay, bc tween Reid and Amherst streets, containing ten square looma, with dressing rooms, and all modern conveniences. Large lot and garden, with outbuildings in complot* order; commands a fine view of tho harbor, and la ons of the moat pieaeant residences in the oily. Apply to CLIFFORD Sc MATHEWES, Beal Estste Agent«, No. M Dread street nsf! May 30 fpo RENT, A HOUSE IN ISLINGTON, X Cannonsboro'. Tula House baa four square rooms, dressing and pantry, doubla r'""*. a cistern and kitch¬ en with four nre-placua, on a largo lot Apply at No. 83 WASHINGTON STREET. ratha Msy 20 TO RENT-ROOMS IN THAT DELIGHT. PUL RESIDENCE No, 1 SOUTH BATTERY. May 30 " ' mwl3 TO RENT, TWO SMALL HOUSES, NOS. 0 and ll Smith's Lane. For terms apply to GEO. H. INGRAllAM, No. 10 Validerhora fa Wharf. May if nn3 TO RENT, A NEW AND WELL FIN¬ ISHED two and a half story BRICK HOÜ8K, alt. tuted Lu TnunboPlsoe, near the corner of Broad and Rutledge street-, containing 4 square rooms, two large wcdl finished attica, two dressing rooms, pantry, cistern, and all the necessary outbuildings. Inquire next door, to a a TBUtfBO. mwf March 33 BOOMS TO RENT, IN A PLEASANT LO¬ CATION, with nae or cistern and kitchen. En- quire at thia office, wfms May18 TO RENT, A-PINE RESIDENCE. NO. 74 Haas] airest, formerly owned by Dr. CHISOLM. Apply No. 137 CALHOUN STREBT. May 18 mo RBNTr-THAT DESIRABLE REMI* X DENCE, No. 88 Cannon airest, near Rutledge Av. onuo. containing six upright and two attic rooms, with gas throughout, cistern, wall, and ample kitchen acoom- modatlona. To an approved tenant, terms moderate ; possession given immediately. Enquire at WILKINSON * GILCHRIST'S LAW OFFICE, No. 48 Broad street April 39 ?_roth rpO RENT, HALF OP THE HOUSE NO. Oft X KINO STREET, with usa of a fine cittem. For further particulars, apply on the promises. April 17 BRICK STABLE TO RBNTr-A COMMO¬ DIOUS BRICK KTAHLE, with accommodations for horse» and vehicles, can bo lured, If applied for soon. For particular» apply on premises, No. 89 CHU HO H STREET, west sida, near Tradd. April ll rpo HUNT, OVER A STORE IN TUB CE N- X Tits of King street THREE GOOD ROOMS, Toan approrod tenant without children they will bs ranted low. Address TENANT, Kay box No. 31, Charleston Poatofflce.' a .. ?' . Moy 18 T- ? RENT, A TWO-STORY HOUSE. WITH four rooms and double piaría; two-story Kitchen; Urse Lot, with orange and fl« tree»; grap» arbor; a Ana weu of water and other co nv om onces. To an approved tenant tho rvnfwlU bo 830 per month. Apply st MAC¬ KEY fir UAKKU'S FURNITURE STORE, corner King and Market streets. ? May is JOHN IZABD MIJ)DLÎ;T0N, SHIPPING AND «ISM MERCHANT NO« 7 H OUT H STIIKET, BAL T I M_0_R E, Md. PART.'OULAR ATTENTION TO HALE OF COTTON, Bio» and Southern Produre, and Purchiaa dr Grain Guano and Plantation tapplies., Liberal advances mada sro consignments. ,,..../,* Ot Raaraiiajrrjxi-Messrs. lambert o,tiing» fe Co., balti- mar«; Porch er A Henry, Charleston ; Cobon, Harictal fe Co., Charleston ; J. D. Aiken k Oct., Charleston ; Goor- cthxy Valthlrsasri A Co., Savannah j Duvant fe Weples, Ss* varnish BteVail A Edmona ton. Augusta; Fisher fe LOTT- raaos, Columbia, a a ; Kayes & Martin, Newberry, a U. Jamo* llagan, Esq., Cheater, ac. .. PaihrnsTjio; . Q / »cfi ft rathSmo ., hkVí'XfmCE. .:r; rpUE UNDKRÜIGNKD ARB ABOOOIATBD A3 PART- >./<-+> I i'.V«!^ .UaV.yj. I .-'Oiif .e.. \ :> Crab./ _MEETINGS. H*\ AÑBBMW'g LODGE, NOÍ Q A. F. M. AA li KO ULAH COMMUNICATION OF THE ABO VK , aLo??î' WL1 Í! hcM TktiSMnmg, at half put 7 SSS îî » 510 "»"^»ndltUl«» for Degree. iro T- lu coted lo attend. By order VT. E. M,.~, , E. N. JEANNERET!, "»720 '_BocrcUry. HOPE ritlt ENGINE CUMPANVt rLi?^,UI£R MONTHLY MEETIMQ WILL BE hold TAÍ» Evening, ot 8 o'clock. AMUSEMENTST^^ PICNIC OF THR GERMAN FIRES ENGINE COMPANT. Î7ILN PIO NIO DER DEUTBOHEN BPRITZEN GESELL- li BC HAFT rrlrd aUttilndori ont dom Schotten plsti, ua Mltlwocb, den 22tcn Uti, wojru olio Freunde onto- bonit eingeladen »ind. Dis S.O. It. II., wird un S Uhr Morgón, und 1 Uhr Mittags von Ann et. sbgehon. May 20 3_DAB COMMITTEE. YACHT RACE. IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE OWNERS AND BATIK¬ ING Master of tho Yacht MAQOIE MITCHELL, in Lbs lalo race, not being inrormod that Mo boats ahould .all around tho Light Ship, Ibo MAGGIE MITCHELL «viii sail another Yacht TUco for Ono Hundred Dollar., tho MAGGIE MITCHELL giving tho Yacht HOSE, If oho ac copia thia challongo, 10 minute, statt. The winner to gtvo tho money of Ine lato race to some charitable Insti¬ tution. Money to bo deposited on or before Wodnoaday, tho 23d day of May instant Tho day or starting lo bo advertised thrco dsya before saning. Th« monoj to be Jopo Blted with Capt A. O. STONE, rai ., SLACK A STODDARD, May 20 1 Owners. BOARDING. PRIVATE) BOARDING.-DELIGHTFUL,, apodo ua southwest rooms, can bo obtained at tho "KING MANSION," corner Mooting and George .trocís, ifappllod for immodlnt'ly. Di MK li (lil N. Ii,-A few DAY BOARDERS can bo accommodated aa above'. ? mw2 _ May 20 EXCELLENT BOARD. AT VBRY LOW ratos, In tho most central business part of tho city, without lodging, In a prívalo house, eau new bo had. For particulars addre.. "X. L," Po.toin.ce. May 18 FOUND. KEV EOUNO.-THE LOSER OF A HEH- RINO A CO. SAFE KEY can obtain tho samo by uppiying at tho DAILY NEWS OFFICE, and paying for Ute advertisement. i IQ Ul» "r May 80 LOST. LOBT OR STRAYED ON SUNDAY, " young blaok and tanTERRIEll PUP, The finder (or any Information leadluj to Ila recovery) will bo sui (.- ably rewarded by applying at this otuto, or at Ne. 131 8 f. PlilLIp STREET. May 20 TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD._ Lost, a SINGLE SET DIAMOND BREAST PIN, plainly munn tod. Tho eboTo reward wlU be paid if loft at this office. s klay 20 LOST-A BULL. TE ll llltílt, VELLO W AND white.'« numboi' of nears on taco, answering lo the name ol Jack. '- A' toward ol 810 will be'paid tu' tho1 p»r- aon rotumlug thia dog to .Maj. Gea.'ll.'E. HICK LES. May ll FOR SALE. 17IOR M ALF.:, A FOUIi-HOIlSE PORTABLE * ENGINE and HOI LE li. Can bo aron at-, thu Work- abóps of Mosars. Taylor A Co., foot of Uaaol atrooL For terms apply to GEO. IL INGRAHAM, .No. 10 Yander- durhoraOo Wharf. 'wfmB_' J May 16 ITtOR SALIS, A CARRYALL, WITH TWO ' Seals, polo and abaft Alto, . «et Of double and singlo HAHN ESS. «ll la good order. Cen bo aeon and bargained for «ash or s ilma not« at thirty, days, at No. 21 Lynch street. May 17 UPHOLSTERY, ETC. TH0M1S E. DALWICK, NO. 671 KING STREET. CABINET MAKER, UNDERTAKER, AND . UPHOLSTERER, WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO H TB friends «nd tho publia generally, that he keep* on hand FURNITURE AND DfcJ>DING Of all dascription a. Furnish na Funerala with Mahogany, Walnut, Cedar and Metallic Co(tina. Also, with Ono Hearses and First-class Carriages. WU! attend to diainlerring bodies «nd tran«, porting tho aaron. Personal artsndasoe will be given «I all hour«. 'llY >.»< CARRIAGES for Railroad sod Steamboat accommoda¬ tion, «nd FURNITURE CARTU, will bo furnlahod at »nj time, by applying at my LlVkBY STABLE, No. 6 Can¬ non .trout, utiar King. Thankful for pail lavara, and hope, by strict sttontion ta business, lo merit . continuance of tho «ame. March 3»_? , y, ¡u wfinio. WINDOW SHADES. HARBISON BARNET. MANUFACTURER AND TM¬ PCRTKB. of WINDOW SHADES, OOHS ICES, llanda, Pins, Tassels, Gimpa, Loo po, Oarda, Ac: White and Huff Hollands: No. Ila WILLIAM STREET, lietween Fulton and John atreeta, Naw York. December 24 mwfemo QIOTHIMB. ClRHiRT, WHITFORD & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS FINE, MEDTOM, AND '/ I COARSE CLOTHING, AMERICAN EXPRESS BUILDING, NOS. 88, ST, 68 and 61, Hudson street, near Duane, Now York. T. F. GABHART. W. H. WHITFORD. J. a VAN WAGEN EN. December 10 Gmo . T. HAMILTON. CHEAP CJLOTfflNG. SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING. PIERSON ft GO., No. 26 MAYNE STREET, OFFER THE BALANCE OF THEIR STOCK .OF READY-MADE CLOTHING at Wholesale or Bétail, at very low prices, to City and Country TradV compris¬ ing every variety of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. April 27 Imo. A. S. HULL, Ág/t., ' MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS REMOVED TO «0.70 BROAD 6TREEÍ; HORTII SIDE. BETWEEN MEE1TNO AND OHURCHT where ho will bo glad to .oe bis old friend« «nd custom- BS *5LLr*i « »toro « full assortment of CLOTHS COATI No, c ASS IM1: ft ES and VR&TDXGS of erer/rt rlety. which he will make up to order at as low mióos a. any similar establishment «MO, ": .?,.' A ETJJ,^ ASSORTMENT OF FURNIA HING GOODS FOR GENTLEMEK'3 WEAR. . M. JNO. T. FLYNN (formarly of C. D. Carr k Co.., SH ?nP°ï1oteO'l «h» Tailoring Department as "T.i. sud . :-.:v;n n&}<i xmni rr M»y ll __tm GREAT ATTRtCTION't- BREAT ATTRACTION Í A1WTI0N PARRfíTS ! ATTNTIONPABENTS! II TE HAVE rater RECEIVED OUR STOCK or YT YOUTH'S, BOYS', AND CHTLDBKN'8 CLOTH- NO, of fine and m«diam rjnsijusi, to which tr«' invite our attention. 0*11 «nd «ramln«. Wa will take plassure 9 ahow and adi them. . _ ,rt .-. » \ ty REMEMBER THE STORE. JEOILTTTLE & co. . .- .ilÏ ¿JO i ii'..'' 'i Bl No. 213 King street, Lr MTDLLR OF THE BLOCS, ; April M imo - Known ViOtOrU Hotel Bang«. JAMES MCCORMICK, MERCHANT TAlT-iOR; ? WHOUU-LS uro ajrrsXL scnfjai rt ¡ WM ' IUSSIMK.RES A.\D". VESTINGS, GENT»' FOHNISIIIflG QOOÖS, .jr sro. ÔoY-'l^bÂT>,' ÔTRE1M;' January 23 tao. CHABLK8TON, s. 0. Í I INA W Ol AL ¡ft) be Loaned. ny jr. UUAÏUIJI ron». FOUR mOUBANDTO SIX THOUSAND DOLLAH8. on Brat mortgago of Heal Kilato In charlestoo. Apply ?* NO. 40 BROAD 8THEET. BONDS, STOCK, &c. BONDS, STOCK AND SECITRTTIES OF ALL KINDS. AUK), DANK DILLS bought at highest prlco. br ANDREW M. Molt ELAND, Broker, April wfrnimo No. 8 Droad atreot. SEWING MACHINES. $20. AGENTS WANTED, $20. $75 to 8300 por month-male, .na females-to .oil tba ONLYOENUINE COMMON H KN HE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Manufactured. It «rill hem, fell, alltcb, tuck, bind, braid, quilt and embroider beautifully. Price, ordySX), including Darnum', self.tower and .elf-turning hem¬ mer. Folly warranted for Oro yean. 0AUTION.-Beware Of thoao eclllng worthies, cart- iron macblnea, under Ino «ame naroo as ours. For clr- cutsr» and toi mi. address C. BOWETtS A CO., No. 2S5 S. tlfth Bareet. Philadelphia Pa. lm May 20 THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT IN SEWING MACHINES Is Fullea- & Illinium's OT-CREASER AND SELF-SEWER COM III N BD. rruns ATTACHMENT IS AUTOMATIO, AND MEAB- X USES, croaaea, and «tichoa lucks st ono operation, without guiding with tho hands. Also for salo. SEWING MACHINES OF APPROVED PATTERNS, nt low price«; SCISSORS SHARPENERS, NEEDLE THREADERS' NEEDLES (aU kind«); OIL, TOOLS AND FITTINGS. REPAIRING AND IMPROVING ATTENDE» TO Ab USUAL. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY FILLED. D. D. HASELTON. No. 331 Klug »tract, corner Liberty. April! mwfimo. DRY POOPS, ET0. SILKCLOAKS AHD LACE SHAWLS. TUST OPENED A VERY EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT tl of SILK and LACE COVERINGS of latest atylca and of recent Importation, rory reasonable at LOUIS COHEN, No. 248 KING STREET. DRESS~G00DS. In this lino will bo ff und tho latest Noroluea in Cold, and Black SILKS, GREVADINE3, POPLINS, LENOS 0 RALLIES, POUT DiOHKVRES, Plain and Figured BABEOES and MALANGBS for traveling. ALEXANDER'S KID GLOVES. A full aaecrimant tn Shades and Number, of tho GENUINE ALEXANDER'S KIO GLOVES, together with m^"°Sr10irJ>0.Pu1** makes, very reaaonablo, ALEXAN¬ DER'S BIRT KID FTNISHÜD SILK GLOVES and Lisle Thread for Ladle«, Ocuts and Children, also an eiUji aire assortment or LACE MITTS. WHITE GOODS. JACONETS, COTTON CAMBRICS, MULL, NAIN BOOKS, French and Swiss MUSLINS, In plain, atripod and plaided, together with a splendid aasortment of naort Cambric and Swiss Edging and Inserting?, Thread Valanclon, u nip uro Linon and Cluny Laces In Edging and inserting. LINEN GOODS, 1,000 dosen L. O. HANDKEROHIFS. good quality at ii H cents and upwards, full Uno. ot the morl popular makes of nus ll LINENS, In (routing, I>UlowCaring 8-4, 0-4,10-4 and 11-4 Bhoetlnga, and an oroclieut aaaortment of WhJto and Cold TABLE DAMASK, Ac, ko, MEN'S WEAK, In Ibis Un» will be found a full .upolr of best French and English CLOTHS, CASSI UKHES, DOESKINS. MELTON CLOTHS, TWE.IDB, JEANS, VESTINGS, and UNDERSHIRTS. ¡ DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. In the Do mend o Department will be found a complete stock, of Prtnta, LoDgclotha, Shirtings, Sheetings and PIRow Casing, Scotch and Domes lio ÜlngharnsTBrown ShlrtiM, Corset Jeana acd Drills, all of which wlU be io ld at price, that will defy compétition. «srAa early call la respectfully solicited. LOUIS COHEN, Bo »4*1 KIRQ ST UK KT, ._ Betwwen Hasel and Market afreets. April 1 _nwt am o JUST RECEIVED FER STEAMERS MANHATTAN AMD E. ll. SOUDER, i Ll VILLE DE PARIS, no. aw KINO ST., con. WENTWORTH NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ISTETW OOODS Dress Goods in Great Variety : M0ZAMBIQUE8 FROM 200. PER YARD. UPWARDS Grenadine« from 25c, per yard to 8L25 Printed Ian from 30o. Mourning Dress Goods: BLACK CRAPE MARET/. SSC PER YARD Black and White Lanes, at SOO. * Black and White RUE Mixed Foplins at Sec Mourning Crape da Esparage at 89c Os es Prints from 13Kc to 20c Unbleached Homespuns from 10c upwards Longcloths 12Ko., USc, 18c, 20c and24c SiteMatUng ."reducedprice. 1 case Knitting Cotton, x Bl. packages. BLOCK & LOYNS, 1 COB. KING AND WENTWORTH BTHKET8. May 19 ahamS J. & P. COATS' BEST SIX-CORD CABLED THREAD. ) .. :- .' JOHN & HUGH AUCHINCLOSS, SOUS A O KN TS TM MtW YIIHK, Maroh 6 WÖnSO .There oomoih glad tidings ofjoy to all. To young and to old, to great ead to small; The beauty which ono. waa ro precious and rare. Ir free for all, and ail may be lair.- Bjr the use ot* CHASTELLAR'S WHITE LIQUID ; ! ENAMEL, For Improving and Baautlfymg the Complexion .The mort valuable and perfect preparation in use. for Riving the akin a beautiful poarl-llke tint, that ls ónly found In youth. It <iu Ickly ramcr»ea Tan, Freck leo. Pim¬ ple«, Hotofiar, Moth Pitchea, Sallowness. lexrrpUons. and all lmpurfUe. of the akin, kindly healLng the «aun» baring the akin white and clear ar alabaster. Its ute otnnolbs delected by VM cloacal «crutiny, and beintr a r.geUWo preparadon ii perfectly tamaleas. Il Ulha WT article of the kind used by tho French, and ls oon- tutered by tho Parisian aa. lndUpsnsable ta a perinot tofl.1. Upward« of 80,000 bottier were sold during the past ye&r, a sufficient goju-anloe of it» efficacy. Price joly TS cents.. Beni by maR, post-paid, on receipt of an ardor, by BEBOEll, SHOTTS A GO., Chemists, E. M. wmTmov CORONER AND MAGISTRATE. rrÁs nF}fovRt*niH OFFICE FROM OHALHRBS JTL atreet to Nc 83 CHURCH STREET, one doer lotrn ot Kroa/i fuggl. ¡ Auarnsi S. A. LAMBERT, t , PRODUCE 30MMISSI0I^MERCltANT. CUrn ERN AMD NORTHERN OEDKEB TILLED OM OOMMTBSI0N. y Office of John F. Neirklrk, Vu 137 EKADK-ÜTUKET, CORNER HODSON, .'' , NÄW YORK. ,' K3T Agency tear EXTON'fl PREMIUM TRENTON [RACKERS. All orden tant «rm ba promptly attended a. ; ... V .-? (too». '- TW»tnb»»lH BOOK-KEEPING, '. .'MMEEPIKG, BOOK-KEEPING. I : ftBA SUMMER WOMTHB/jaMD OEMSBAIJ_¿i I MESS attbir st^aou ofter inanemmU to Tow*tV v laafdr^ study cr BOOE-KroiNG. WIUTINO.IZP J O^TIIand AIUTHMimO, vllhosl loa. of Um. frOrrJi al thea duties. Tho« wishing inttructioa -tal tba abof-t pi Ijlñ QbtA^kmiotxtóti&BttÍDt. 5oad ^gg « y WÍILIÁM fl. GÎLLILAKD. á SOC PEHTItTUVi IEDUCTÍON Oí" DENTAL PIIH IM TO BOIT TUE TIkl KS. DR. J. K DAER AT, DENTIST, IB NOW PREPARED to completo the tniorlloo of whole tipper or lower ell of ARTTFICAII TEETH, upou tho lt ott spproved nciiiod, «nd with tho. brit ui»UrrLÎ-, ot S20 per set. Par¬ lai sela lo proportion. Durability, natur*! appearance, wrfoct nt, anti neatness ot flnlab, guaranteed. All other opontlona upon the Teeth performed lu a Wilful and warrantable manner. Otrico at bia rcaldenco NO. 6 LIBERTY STREET, May30 mwf Charleston, 8. 0. COPARTNERSHIPS. OISSOLi l ION OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE COPARTNERSHIP EXISTINO UNDER THE name and stylo of J. k W. KNOX will bo ill »aol v od 17 mutual oonaent on the lat proximo. JOHN KNOX. WILLIAM KNOX. NOTICE. OP COPAIlTNEItSIIIP. 'PUK UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED A I Oopartnarahip under tho narnu and stylo of CAMP- DELL, KNOX lc Co., for tho pnrposo of carrying on fio i EN EU AL AUCTION and COMMISSION DUUNK3S, at .ho premiaos No. M llASELL STREET, formerly occu¬ pied by tho lato firm ul McKay k Campbell, aald Copart- lorahlp to taxe offoct on Juno lat noxt cnaulng. JAMES T. CAMPBELL, (or tbs late Ann of McKay k Campboll), JOHN KNOX. WILLIAM KNOX. Charleston, B. 0., »lay 17, 1M7. May 30 m Oil EDUCATIONAL. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. LEXINGTON, Vt. A RR A NO EMEN" m ARE IN PROORESS TO ACCOM- /V MOUATE Ono Hundred additional CadeU In Ibis Institution. Ita well established character for Ita sys¬ tem of disciplino, and coursa of Instruction, commends lt to tho support of those who doslro a praciloal educa- lion. Information will bo auppllod by application to the andenügncd. FRANOIS ll. HM n u, May 30 mieowO Superintendent. INSURANCE. ARLINGTON MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF -vii^GrinsriA.. J. E EDWARDS, President. W. B. A ACS, Vlca-Preoldcnt D. J. HABBSOOK, Boorotary. CHAS. N. SMITH, Mod. Examiner. A Reliable Southern Company. RATES AS LOW AS ANY OTHER COMPANY, AND, when doored, premiums mado payablo montbly, quarterly or semi-annually, or half of tho annual pre¬ mium in eaab, and Ibo remainder by note at twelve months, thereby bringing lt wit ¿lu tho roach of all. BEVEN-EIOHTHS OF ALL THE SURPLUS FUNDS, after paying oxpenses, divided evory yoar among policy holden entitled to profit. Call and gat a circular and road Um advantages to be derived from insuring In the "ARLINGTON." J. L. ll OM) UK, Agent, May 16 wfm Imo_NO. 9 PROAD BTBEET. QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. CAPITAL..10,000,000 IN «OLD, APPLY TO GIBBES & CO., Agente, NO. 10 ADQER'B BOOTH WHARF. Dooember 7_mwflyr FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. MACEETE & RAVENEL Corner East Bay and Exchango St., NEXT OLD POSTOFFICE. RISKS TAKEN LN THE FOLLOWING RELIABLE F01T-OLABS COMPANIES : CAPITAL AND ASSETS SIX MILLION DOLLARS! LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND Paid in Charleston. MARYLAND INSURANCE COMPANY, of Ballimore, axaryiana. MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS' INSURANCE COM PANY, of Baltimore, Maryland. ASSOCIATED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY of Baltimore, Maryland. HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, of Baltimore. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, of i altimore. STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. YONKERS AND NEW YORK INSURANCE COMPANY, New York. ¿," INSURANCE COMPANY VALLEY OP VLUQINLA, Winchester, Virginia, OULF STATE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Tallahassee, Florida. ORIENT MUTUAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPA¬ NY, Of New Zork. J. 1UYENEL HAOB VTII..D. RAVENEL, Jr. AprfllO ld»». wnn3xno STATEMENT OF THE TOTAL RISKS AND ABSBTS op THE NEW YORK UPE TORANCE COMPANIES, FROM THE ANNUAL RESORT OF TBS SUPERIN¬ TENDENT OF THE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, (WM, BARNES.) FOB THE YEAR ENDINO ll DECEMBER 31, IBAS. EaUUlabod. Total Risks. Total Assets. 1B4Z Mutual.....;....»84,667.OOO $14,838,000 IS*:S. N. YORK 1.1 WK.40,401,000 0,018,000 IBM. Manhattan.137.2*3,000 3,619.000 IBM. United States. 13,306,000 1.609,000 18SS. KmcAerbooker. 11,133,000 863,000 1818. Equllabla.'............... 37,619.000 1.686,000 IB59. Guardian;-...1(1,968,000 613,000 1840. Germania...14.676,000 809,000 Um Home..1J,0H7,000 600,000 I860. Washington.... 6,930,000 630,000 I86Î. Security,... 7.869,000 4x6,000 1861 North America. 10,887,000 706,000 1864. Globe. 8616,000 463,000 1864. Mot, Life and Tray....... 6,066,000 183,000 1864. Widow» and Orphans.-... 8,333,000 806,000 1864. Brooklyn..... 0,1 »3,000 918,000 I860, Universal. 3,000,000 243,000 THOMAS FROST, AQKNT FOB 8. C., NO. 66 BROAD BTBEET, May 17 imo NEW YORK LIFE. WILLIAM BR00HBANKS, vTKAJl GAH PTTTBR AND PLUMBER, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL OAS FIXTURES, OAS FITTTNU AND PLUMBING PBOMFTLY AT- EN PKU TO. No. 116 KINO STREET, August 91 Rrtweeo Hroad and Uno*l> «trerts. ;«0.- CHITTENDEN, General Commission Merchant, Manufacturer of Paner, OF YABIOÛ8 KINDS, HO. IDT READE STREET, Oomor Hudson Street, Kew York. |TyKALEB IN PAPER AND IN MATERIALS OF I J erBTToVafylptlon tor Ita manufactura. December 18 6TDQ A WORD TO TEE WISE. I ITS, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVINO BEOURED THE W AOXHOY for tba Mat** of South Carolina, Ocor- la, Alshama and Florina, fa.- tho sal* of Uta oaUbrated "English Metallic Rooting Paint, tia pleasure tn announcing I a the uiUsons or Charles- is] that wa ar» preyarad to REPAIL' AND PAINT uaw r oid COPPER, TI», KINO OB IBO. I ROOFS, ta . cub. tajttuti manner* This Paint will protaot Metallic Er* fi fram oorroslon. nd WARANT OUR WORK FOB fIX YEARS, Aa we wm, remain in this city tats sion lima, wa ronld urta those dart ring to aval tbs benefit of our ?ort to sand in their orders aa tarty **? poatibW. Our Mr. JOHHBJN will canvass lia city for th« pur- ase of soHraUna ordara ead etfrcttai contract«. Orders .*ft with GEORGS Wi V/TLLIAM8 fe ob., to hom wo rsfsr to*. particulars respecting th* meits caf ^Patnt, ot at tba Pavilion HolcX will rotaive prompt : ;; JOHNSON & F OYLES. M*yl>- ??? .. ;' -.'.li*: FUSS FOR ALLS bocroism by a aro» boura' practica. makin« a world of IWir* .u'liW-'oSiLH-V-''-'^*- Wi«.ll». flKOCÈrjy AND MI8CEiU^0ÜS» COHN ! HAY! BRAN! 4-000 n0!i?ïn;:,'s PUIME WU1TE <:O«N .*\J\S\J ROO bales Pnino Raiten, and N. Ii. U»y 2000 bullioh, Drau. l'RRSH OROUNl' 0IU6TAND llKAL. síu« i.. ,'N.A«*«MEKkoa, May 30 Market »Ir.ct, u|.|>oilto HUto atrcot. FLOUR! FLOUR!! JUST RECE1VKD. t A/a BARRELS STRON'I BAKERS' F I .Ol, It _L,UU 100 barróla Family Flour 100 barTola Extra and Family do. io tacks. For salo cheap for cash at GEO. W. (tl,MIK A CO'&. May 20 0 Corner Fiat Day and Cumberland «trocla. SOAP. rf\í\ BOXES SOAP VARIOOS QUALITIES AND t)UU l'rtcca at GEO. W. OLAIlK A CO'S.. May 20 0 Comer East Uay and Cuaiberlaud »treels. EASTERN HAY. O/llri BALES SUPERIOR ¡¿ASTERN HAY, FOR pjUU salo from Union whirf, In lois to suit pur- cluirrs. GEO. A. LOCKE A CO. Msy 20 NEW BUTTER, ENGLISH AND FACTORY CIIHEmc J ANDINO FROM STEAMEn MONERA, and for salt. Mtv 20 , MULLER A NIMITZ. M>y 70 I_NOMBI East Bay. SELF-RAISING FLOUR. (?(\ BARRELS IMPROVED PREPARED FLODH OU manufactured by J. E. Urulth A Co, AtLmUo Mills, just rocolred. For salo by A "anua ", _ RAVEN EL A CO.. May 20 3. East Bay and Yaadarhorst's Wharf. HAY ANÏ) CORN. A AA BALES PRIME UAY. tUU 1000 Busluls Whllo Corn. Per Btcsmor J. W. Brennan. For salo by " "_ II. F. BAKER A CO.. M»y _Ko. 20 Cumberland Ht FLOUR ! FLOUR ! JUST RECEIVED, DIRECT AND FRESH FROM MILLS 100 FLOUR 8TONE MILLa aTKA FAMILY 100 bbls Eaglo Milla Super Extra Flour. For salo by JOHN A THEO. GETTY. M»y H_3_No. 4R East Bay. CORN, HAY, MOLASSES. ^AAA »U9HELS. PRIME WHITE CORN 0\J\J\J 100 Bales Esitom Hay 10 Hods. Grocery Bugara 30 Tlercos Muscovado Motliest BO Hbds. Clayod Molasses. For aalsby RIHLEY A CREIQHTON Corner East Bay and Accommodation Wharf Blay 17 CORN. 900fi güßHELS PRIME WHITE CORN, v V." F0r bjr SCHEVEN lt NISBET, SB 16_Accommodation Wharf. TO FARMERS AND SHIPPERS OF VEGETABLES. THE 80BSCRLBERS ARK PREPARED TO TAKE OR- DERS FOR CRATES mano expressly for shipping VogoUblea. Tho Orates aro mado of uniform ste« an3 can be supplied in any quantity, at ihort noUco. KINSMAN A HOWELL, M>7 18_No. 1S3 East Bay. PRIME WESTERN BACON. Af\ HOGSHEADS PRIME WESTERN RIB SIDES ±\J 35 hoiisbcads I"rimo Western Clear Hideo 40 boKilicadj Primo Western Shoulder«, landing ox-Btcamor "Sea Qull" and for sale by M*' _2_HENRY COÜIA lt OO. FITCH'S HAMS. L)t? TIERCES OF J. FITCH A BON'S CELEBRATED A f ) WESTPHALIA HAMB, Just received and for sala by HENRY COBLA A CO. May IB_8_ CORN, BACON, BAGS, &o. I 5000 B°dHSLS OHOICE WHrrE CORN In bulk 4000 pounds Bacon, Shoulders and Bide« 10,000 two and three boiboi O rain Bags IBO bales Hay For salo low at corner fl lato and Cumberland streets by May 18_2_F. W. CLAUBSKN. I TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON, RICE AND NAVAL STOHES. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES WILL BE MADE ON shipments of UPLAND AND SEA IbLAND COT- TON, RICE, ROSIN, and TURPENTINE, conihrned to our frion..!s in LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK, or any of tho Northern Cities. J. A. EN3LOW A OO.. May 13 mtuf No. 141 Eut Bay. r\ AHDNER'S AND PLANTER'S POTA. J" TOES and other vegetables, pnrcbasbed in any quantity at highest Cash market rates, by I HOPKINS, MCPHERSON A CO., May 9_thmlmo_North AtlanUo Wharf. LIME AND HAY. 1 r AA HABBELS FRESH EASTERN LIME _lOUU 200 bárrela superior White Lime, for wfclto- waining 200 bales Primo Entera Hay ' 50,000 Laths. Landing from achr. Dexter Washburn. For salo by OLNEY & CO., NOB. 9, ll, AND 13 VENDUE BAN OE. May 17 REMOVAL. |T0B1(I?0 ! TOBACCO ! TOBACCO ! IP. ^TTLIC-AJ: HAS BEHOVED HIS TOBACCO BUSINESS FROM HA¬ BEL STREET TO No. 136 MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE PAVILION HOTEL. NOW IN STORE, AND ON THE WAT, O AA BOXES AND CADDIES TOBACCO. VARIOUS ÖUU BRANDS AND QUALITY Tobi ceo In caddios and half boxes, 2So. per poundj Tobacco, extra half pound, in boxes, 35c pei pound Tobacco, Mc, 60c., Boc, coe, 70c, 75c, Bte., 90c, and 11.26 per pound. SO0O POUNDS SMOKING TOBACCO, OOM m.>m?< a or: SPANISH MIXED, Ji pound papers, at ll per doren Climax. In 1 pound pipers, at 2Sc. per pound Bello Boyd, in 1 pound! pipers, at 30c per pound Hiawatha. I aughorne, Hat-hint brands, Tory fina Vir¬ ginia Tobacco, B pound packages, 30c. per pound îriiiiHTii.'V Tobacco, In 10 pound packagea, 60c par pound Quel lilla Club, >; sod X pound packagea, BBc per pound Bird's Eye Tobacco, 110 per gross Indianola Tobacco, lo K pound pack«gos. Me. par pound J. BL Greta'* genuino Dorham Smoking Tobacco, in bags, now telling at Boo. per pound Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, Scotch Snuff, Ac, Ac Plasters, Factors and Dotier«, can buy meir Tobacco TEN TO FIFTEEN PER CENT. BELOW CUSTOMARY BATES._* _May 18 LEA & PERRINS* CELEBRATED WORCBainiflBG Min:. PRONOUNCED EXTRACT BYV7 of a letter from a jiiunujL.!»i.i-...:_ kt! MEDICAL GENTLEMAN OOKNOISSEUBfl ll al Madras, to bte TO BX in« oxr.r dwBErm Brother at iSÂJIwOROEBTEH, May. Good Sauce ESES18"' ii -h isuitTununi pp-«irr RLNH tut theJr «AUCH ~, JiJurE'l' í« highly esteemed In tai ?'" liSrjSrJ dla, ind lt, In my opln 'Tu, EVEIlY VAlUETíg^i Z'L^^iJZ OP DISH. Usfa."8*110* " Thesueceuof this mott delicious and um-iraltel con, dunest haring caused many unprinupted darlera to KC apply the name to Jjxiriouj Oompomdt, Ute P-jarjo ja ntptct/uBj and earncttly requested to tee that th* DMBA 11 of LXA k Panama are upon the WRAPPER, LABEL, STOPPER and B0TTU2. Mtnnlaetnred by LEA & PERRINS, Wore .?«.?>.' .. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, NEW "S"OKK, AOENT8 FOB THE UNITED STATES. OctobT 19_rmwlyr Gili, as a Remedial Agent. GH*. ASA HEHKDIAL AGENT, HAS BEEN IN »A- VOR with ma prolotaion for a rory long parted, bal owing to the cUfflcufiy of obtaining t pure aruclaTit hat Ulan Into disuse In many tooticns of the country, moah itiaJ to the regret of medical men, who consider lt almost a j f5^r7oln.TßI7tt*n' d1«"*«. For all casts of Or*vd, ., Eaw_?i£,.íí »Änilnistered under profeaalonal rudanea, wifl certainly work a core; and if tricen at a prtrintlTB, acting, aa lt doe«, on th» tenOUre mimbranea, lldeanaea the parte so aa to remore all pottiblÄ sediment. Admin- Utered in tie tams w»y, lt will prerent tba formation of Calculi, and do away with tbote terri bte operation., <\ m thcrelbre, to neceaaary for their permanaut remora* h.; i Ota it of incalculable bentot to females la thott ditease* io paeuUar to the sex, and from itt tome, atwell aa tts ". i anodyne propertiet, lt lt frequonUy tuperlor to Ires,., A .'. btrk. OT tren the eltctiieal remedlet. In oattt of a pott- S tire tendancy to Pklkint, ar OonsumpHon, Ota, ta proper " quin li tl nt, by rappljlDR or flliingnp thn oonrtxrii dylDg out of the natani Ure of Uta tyrtem, will often entirely ward off that owful dlten^, which carries nfT mn ttäuk* Uíia of UM population of ins United States anuuaUy. Poa i ii} Ola has this peculiar adrantige eyes- other diffusible ttlmuli, thit lt Bihlliralat wlthont creailng anj thlrtt of an unhealthy character, lt soothe* white if ateo «HUT «KT and te . powerful ntrrtee ll w til sn icura tonic "niiilAIGKR'S OLD IXINDON DOCK OIN ' potttm all th* qnahtit* thal caa bt dtalred ter tat high- itt ind noblest tue of all wini* er Uqnore. Itt IQCTB- dltnu art the dUUTted joice* of carefuiTr "tectsd areKi nftde deUMtalj pungent iud Jaycrroua witb Un aroroauó tincture of th, inSpar Berry. A^b^rnillc^^Jl ""iT-Sjf1^?* a1T1 au exquiiite mrltlnft . S a smooth, olly body-and an airtcat ffarai odor to th*,, -, Uquor, which reedert ll delicioui to tho SSE of «aten and testa allic whO* tte sp^tilr^ Ucni'd purity iky to " i»o«^fr^^«T*todíwir¿r. ^ '^n>0 V^?. mu^ »«uark thal Mettra. A. M. Bnmraaa Kl Oo, mer!! the IgH ot th* entire medical profs*>V.t>rf .don, a* wen a* Ho v-.ld it Urge for harina tetroduotd aiUualactrfiurkmieiccpUoaibUrmntyinduneqtuT*. ,, fllnoww, both sta preyeaUro md ouritire agent, ari * Itii tai

SILKCLOAKS LACE SHAWLS. · Jon WOBK.-Wo Lave now completed our office HO 0i> to ozecuto, in Ibo shortest possihlo limo, ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK, nuil wo most respectfully ask tbo patronage

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Page 1: SILKCLOAKS LACE SHAWLS. · Jon WOBK.-Wo Lave now completed our office HO 0i> to ozecuto, in Ibo shortest possihlo limo, ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK, nuil wo most respectfully ask tbo patronage








Tho Pittsburg glaaa works sro thirty-live Innumber, with a capital of $11,800,000.There oro every year io Russia I brou hundred

and eighty bono fairs, at which tho number ofaiiimab' .«old is estimated at 263,000.Minister CAUPBBLL'S bearer of diapatchos to JUA-

nrz has porforniod his miaaiou and returned toGalveston, lie waa woll received, and was proba¬bly aucccsaful.A mau baa Just died in London, who, for tho

last BO ven teen y cars, had followed tho profess on offrog-catcher for tho sorponte in tho zoologicalgardon.Aa a specimen of WILTON'S oloquouco, ho re¬

marked in a speech at Atlanta tho other day," Your Governor bas got a maggot in bia hoadabout tho Buprcmo Court."

It la stated that tho tobacco rocoivod at I'etera-Ltu-g, Va., this season, is ot a rory poor quality.'Tho heavy raina during cutting timo, vs ashed outtho oil, audcovored tho leavca with dirt. Besidesit hus been wretchedly handled.

St. John's Episcopal Church, Wilmington, N.C., was consecrated on Friday by Bishop ATKIN¬SON, assisted by tho clerical delegates to tho Con¬vention, all iu surplices. Tho Convention of thatDiocese waa in aosaion lu Wilmington last week.lu a recont number or tho Mew York Christian

Adcocale, t'.o loading organ or tho M. E. Church,North, BROWNLOW is held up to Methodist admi¬ration and imitation aa "a.ChrlBtian gentle ni nu."Comment ia unnecessary.BoNrTEE hS3 recommenced hla old stylo of Ledger

advertising." The Now York Tribune of tho 9thcontains a pago of what tho prose s ays of BONNET*and bia ontorpilee. At that dato BONNE» olaimodto havo eold 350,000 copies of tho Lodgor contain¬ing tho first ahaptora of BEZonxn'a story.A party of West Virginia sportsmen recontly

spent a day in fox hunting, sud at night left thodoga still running. Thoy ron into a Hock of snoopand killed eighty of them. Tho owners of tho dogahanded over air. hundred dollars and received thecarcasses of tho ahoap.Tho' Bichmond Examiner propoaea Judgo TJN-

ntowoob, of Virginia, aa a candidate for Presidentin 1868, and BRN. BUTLITR for Vico-Proeidcnt, as

uniting all tito rascally elements of the country.Either of thom could fill tho bill of vioo wollenough.Tbo first cotton mill built in tho United States

waa at Beverly, Moss., in 1787 ; tho first in Maine,at Brunswick lu 1809 ; tho first in Now Hampshire,At Now Ipswich in 1801. Each of theso milla had£00 spindles. Tho number now lu tho UuitodHtatcB is estimated at over ri,000,000.Tho Now Orleans Picayune of Wuduosday, oays:

C: doctor Ki:i.r<ouo) bas announced hie intention ofappointing negroes to several vacancies whichhavo occurred in tho inspector's department. Thoappoint mo-ii a woro to havo boon modo yesterday.There will probably bo only two or three appoint¬ments made for tho present.A lotter writer speaking of tho wonders of tho

Paris Exposition taya : EinÜNUEL, tho great Lon¬don jeweller, displays a diamond brooch ; with a

largo yellow diamond in tho centro, all tho stonesof which are BO set aa to movo with a perpetualtiemulous motion, and s ein tila to Uko tho stars of& glorious constellation. "*

Tho Lynchburg > Virginian of Friday Bays :

"'Yesterday waa the heaviest day in tobacco of theseason'.' i Thc salea were rory heavy, and mostlyof shipping, and tho pricoa wore woll austainod,died. Tho brakes woro completed'at only twowarehouses, owing to tho quantity of tobacco inmarket."

It appears by tho hut filo received of Rocky"Mountain newspapers-April lat to April 6th-thattho month of Marou waa fearfully cold, all the waythrough, in all parta of Montana. In many por¬tions of tho territory tho thermometer marked 40to 45 below zero and many men froze to death.Horses and cattlo wore frozen to death in largonumbera.Among tho arti olos sent by a firm of London

Jowolry manufacturers to Paris is a monogram N.E. tn rubles, sapphires and diamonds, being thomonogram of tho Emperor of tho French, thoH tones forming the tricolor of Franco, surmountedhy tho imperial crown, and tho locket containingtwo beautifully oxen ted portraits of their majestiestho Emperor and Empresa.The'Now Chicana Picayune of tho 14th has aling and carefully written oditorial hoaded, "Cau¬tion to Emigrante," in which lt earnestly dissuadesplantera, and others from tho Southern States,from emigrating to Brazil or British Honduras,«howing by irrefutable arguments that they can¬not better themselves or their condition in thosocountries, but, on tho contrary, that thoy [areHoing better hero.

At. an Bngliah jeweller's stall at tho Parla Expo¬sition are aomo rare diamonds BO finely out thatby moro presaure tho air ia excluded from tho sur¬face of tho alónos in contact with tho glosa, andin thia way they cdhere to tho undor side of theglass in the show, although thoy seem to bo lyingoutside. A gaily dressed French woman wascaught tho othor day covering them with herhandkerchief and .trying to sweep them away.Tho eclobrated Dragon-tree of Oratova, in tho

Canary Islands, which has boen known and usedss a landmark by soamon of all notions, exists nolonger. Tho hurricano of tho Bth ult,, whichcaused considerable damage in thoso islands, up¬rooted it. Tho tree had a very peculiar simpe,and was universally known as tho Drago do Ora¬teva. Its ago was estimated at ovor 1000 yoars.The 'account of it waa given by tho Franciscanfriar, (leta Antonio, who visite d tho Canaries in3257.At ono o'clock on the morning of the nth, nays

the New York Herald of tho 15th, during the pro-valence of tho rain storm, the telegraph wire load¬ing Into Ibo New Jersey Centrai Railroad Com¬pany's depot, at Plainfield, was struck by light¬ning. Tho electrie current passed down the wirointo the building, Belting the telegraph ofhco onUro, and resulting in the complote destruction oftho depot, which was one of the largest on tholino of thia company's road. Tbo looa la estimatedat about10,000. This la tho second depot belong¬ing to thia company'which has been destroyed byfire during the present month. ...

An aged negro appeared at tho Court of Assize,at Ottawa, a few days ago, as a witness in a case.Ho ls 101 years of age, and waa formerly a slave InUpper. Canada, before the abolition of slavery luthe British possessions. Ho fought through theAmerican war in 1812 oh tim aldo of the British ;was at the battles of Chippewa and Bondy's Lano,rand was wounded at Hackett's Harbor. Ho ia infull possession of all his famltiea. Ho was borndu Now York State In 1760, and waa the slave of aTL E. loyalist, who brought him ovor to Canada."Ho wea taken to Ottawa to provo tho death of aperson in 1803, and another in 1814.Some 'days ago we had a telegraphic dispatch

from Selma, Ala., announcing tho removal, by or¬der of Oen. Fora, of tho Mayor and Aldormon ofthat city, and tho appointment of others In theiratoad. A Selma paper says "Tho new officers aro-well known citizens of Selma. With, we believe,only one or .twp exceptions, thoy aro ante-bellumjoel tl on ts of this place, Tho moat of thom oremen of proper ty, and all of them aro identified withthe interests of tho city. We do not think thoffama number of Radicals of equal respectabilitycould be found in any other Southern city; and sofar wo havo cana o' of public gratulttion-acceptinga change aa Inevitable,'*

Alluding to tho ertcmBIvo swindling that baabeen carried on tho present touton by dealora Indamaged corn, it being shipped Southward aaaonnd gram, while tho purono sara havebeen fre¬quently xitoldshed at the oxton t of tho "sale,"nnd havo looked Baspiclonely at the railroads,Loping to find Homo cause for laying tho blame onthese much, abused Ins ti tn lions, tho NaahvilloHarmer says that managers of tho railroads cen¬tering at that point, are now using an iron Instru¬ment, by.whloh ahandrél of corn may tie candyTCmove d' from. " tho centro of a sack without Injur¬ing tho receptado, add no corn now passer, thoa»ndi tioTi of which lt hot thu« tea te a. Severalhundred car-load a of thia damaged oom has beenehippod Routh on the Louisville and Naahvula and'Ofiattenooma rnjlroads during the season,

.fl'Vi. .. '.. il."?./?;>:..£ >'..'/..^1>/;., v.-:?-'. :U'ti, ;,.'.....

- -^.iiI.JJMJJ.-ia.J'LM.JiLU.lt!Ii A nu EST Oii.öUr«ATio».~>fAe DAILT

NEWB publishes Ike Oßcial Litt of Let¬ter» remaining in the Postoffice at tht\enàof tneh meek, agreeably to the followingsection of the New Postoffice Law, at thcncwsjiapcr having thc largest circulation tn

the Oily oj Charleston:Sacrions. And bo lt farther cn acted, That Ulta ot lüt¬

ten remaining uncalled for lu any Poato(lice tn any city,town or Tillage whore a nowapeper shall bo printed,shall hereafter be published once only in tho nowapspcrwhich, being published wookly or oftener, shall bare ibolargest circulation wilbla nogo of delivery of tho saidomce.

SST* Ad communications intended for publication inthis journal must bo addressed to the Edttor oftheDally Netos, Ko. 18 llayne-slrcet, Charleston, S. C.Husíncss Communications lo Publisfier of DailyJWUJS.

.Vecannof undertake to return rejected communica¬tions.Advertisements outsit'* ofthe city must be accompa¬nied reith the cash.


Jon WOBK.-Wo Lave now completed ouroffice HO 0i> to ozecuto, in Ibo shortest possihlolimo, ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK, nuil wo

most respectfully ask tbo patronage of ourfriends.


WK HATE recoived tbo following letter, wlilcbwe publish, bocauec ¡tie accompanied by a cer¬

tificate from tho Collector of Beaufort that itswritor is a pitiion of respectability and influ¬ence, and because il is the first direct' commu¬nication to us from that class of voter» whomits writor olniniB to represent:

IIILTO* HEAD, S. G., IMoy 18tb, 1867. \

lb Ute Editor oj thc Daily AVio*BIB :-I not« your artiolo on " Registration "

in your yesterday's issuo, and om; willing to strikeItatr&l on it, but must observo : Tl comporta butill with your contemptuous mention of tho UnionConvention. If in good faith and from convictionyou accept tho platform of equal rights for f II,-irrodpeotivo of race, color, or provlous condition ;why tboso unoora and expressions of halo to¬wards tho Radicals, tho oulightenod of said"platform?"IThose dlBcropanoios on your part, end tho uu-

diBgtuBod bit U>rno3H of tho Mercury, Et hoe genusomne, aro forcing us into tho arms, (or nell, rath-,cr) of doubtful oharnotors from tho North, whonow infest tho 8oulh and aook to swallow upeverything, whito or black in their insatiototunwd-thoy eit upon tho fonoo, and haring no

principle, savo that of making monoy, oro roodytr» jump to ono sido or tho other, according to thoprospects of spoil. If you aro really in carnoat, liyou can only convinco na (and wo aro very suspi¬cious) that you nocopt the Potorsbnrg Platform ingood faith, wo will gladly Join our efforts withyours to enforco it on tho North, (nomo will bit¬terly say "commend tho poisoned chalice totheir own lips f bul wo will any, eauco, good fortho .Southern gooso, munt bo equally goodfor the Northern gander), and to procuroSouthern qffioe for Southern men, tbo only prac¬tical issues ; for of all horror» and abominations,tho most horriblo and abominable to us, is that un¬natural roptilo, tho Northern copperhead.Lot mo not bo misunderstood, I spoik of local

offices only ; for tho prosontGEORGE OURTIB,

Prosidont Ethiopian Union RepublicanAssociation, HUtonHtad,andCbariman Provisional Commit too.

Our first suggestion to our correspondentwould be to chango tho nomo of tho associa¬tion over which he presides, "Tho EthiopianUnion Republican Association" is entirely too

suggestive of "Ethiopian Seronaders," who, woall know, aro white men with blackened faces,whose trado it is for money to imituto negrocustoms and exaggerate negro' peculiarities.Several bands of such performers have recent¬ly made their appearance on tho politicalstage, beating the Radical banjo, and singing-

"Din nlggor is do cbiloWhat can read, writ o and cipher."

It is high time, we. think, for the colored

selves, and to repudiate the sympathy which isas dirty and slippery as the lamp-blaok and oilwith whioh the performers Radicalizo andAfrlcanito themselves.

It is, therefore, because the certificate whichaccompanies this letter justifies us in believingthat tho writer really represents himself andhis peoplo that wo proceed to answer thequestions ho puta us.Wo must say, however, by woy of proface,

thal tho writer is mistaken in supposing thattho "Mercury et hoc omne genus" manifest any"undisguised bitterness" as to tho new privi¬leges of tho freedmen. Tho Mercury, and the1very largo and [respectable body of citiicnswhom it respresents, think universal suffragoa very dangerous experiment, and do not re¬

cognize the constitutionality of the law bywhioh it waa enacted. Dut the Mercury, andevery other representative press in (his State,have recognized tho fact thal universal suffrageis now established, and that it is the part ofjustice and wisdom to adapt ourselves to thisnow condition, and to work together with thecolored votera for the good of tho whole Slate.And when all this morely political agitation

begins to subBido and the Radical party havinguBcd tho colorod vote for its own purpose,leaves the negro to the labor of his daily life,tho President of the Ethiopcan Union Associa¬tion will find that -hie education and intelli¬gence will separato him muoh further from thomass of ignorant and unintelligent negroesthan it does from bia white fellow-citizens.Tho principie of Ibo editorial to whioh ho

refers and upon which he professes his readi¬ness "to strike hands" is simply this : Thatto all citizonB, (he honors, thc privileges, thoJulies of citizenship, are alike common, andthat the question whether a man shall dis¬charge a duty, enjoy n privilege, or wear anhonor, is nol whether he is black, or white, butwhclhor ho is a citizen and fit for the position.Upon that principle we aro willing to stand,but if a citizen I oannot bo excluded from hisprivilege because ho'iiblack, he' cannot claiman office because he in blnok, and tho man whoappeals to the oitlzens of this Slate to roto fora man becauso ho ia blaok is violating this prin¬cipio just as much as one who calls upon hisfollow-oitizens to vote ngainst a man becauseho is blaok. In other words, hereafter inall political questions the element of raoe andcolor is to be entirely disregarded.While we hold this in common with everythinking man in the South, "in good faith and

from conviction, " we protest against the courseof the Radical party because they aro actingin direot contradiction to it. They aro not ap¬pealing to tho voters of tho South aa oitixens,they aro appealing to them aa blacks. Thoyare deliberately ezoiling prejudices whioh, ifexoitcd, must and will devolope Into angry andbitter passion. They call upon the blaok votoof tho State (o join them against the whitevote, and that upon Ute ground of their formerslavery. Let us tako an illustration from thosection of country in whioh. the writor of thisletter himself lives.In St. liol en a Parish before tho WOP we will

suppose there were five thousand slaves (o twohundred, owners. For tho establishment ofthis slavery the owners were, in no wiso respon¬sible, and their energies and capital were ex¬pended lo develop by this labor tho lands,whiohthey owned. Ju doing this, we think aïl intel¬ligent colored men will admit that, as a generalrule, their conduct was humane and that theoondition of their laborers ai laborers wos su¬perior to any other popnlátlon In the world doingthe sam« work: Now, tho, CrrtaMbJpJa jheeosi av ea Las been abolished, the exclusiva politicalpower belonging to tho formér owners hus h bonabrogated. The five thousand si»veil ate to-day;ts free as their former masters, They are en*tilled to vote on all questions and for all officesind to hold th cao latter If elected thereto. No¬body disputos this right, whatever:may be.bought of the .'i-dom of granting lt,.'. No ob-itnclo is put In the way of Hs exercise. Now,f t hes o voters uro left fairly to th om.elves; Ifhov are.free to Judgo whether (heir labor ls

?rv,-i.,.-.i..;, V.'.-;.-JI^-»rv¡tS ; -;» T ~

hooeellv reriRnUd, wliolher tl;clr rljjM» afpoféoli nh.I properly are tespcutcd, wheluerthe expenditure among I licm of tho capu: .'which they hare not gol, bul which their for¬mer owners hare, is to (heir ed ran tage, whetherthey or tholr former ovrnors understand besttho legislation which will protect all inter¬ests-does any one doubt tho result T lintare they left to tliemselTCs ? Is not tho objectof tho Ethiopian Association, of tho UnionConvention, of thc inflammatory itinerant leo-tarers, who nre travelling tho conlry, lo inter¬fere directly with their decision, lo inducethem to trust not to themselves nor to theirwhite follow-cltizcns, but to tho Radical party tTho Radical party to-day has no platform,

nor doos it avow any prinoiplo which is neces¬

sary to tho existence or protection of the col¬ored volo of tho Stalo.Thc question« which do intnrest both black

and whito in this State, arc questions purelyof it domestic oharaoter. Our Stato taxation,or system of general education, tho organiza¬tion of our Courts, tho relief of Hie suffering,which extends everywhere. Wo object, in thointerest of black and white alike, to any politi¬cal agitation which turns our attention fromthese subjects to discussions which aro entirelyunprofitable, or if profitable aro profitablealono to tho thousand and ono political adven¬turers who aro striving to servo personal endunder the pretence of puplio spirit.Whenever tho writer of this letter, und men

who, like bim, havo inlluenao among theirpeoplo, find any unwillingness among theirwhito foliowei ti lens ta do juBlico in these mut-tors,'they may distrust them, but, not untilthen.'Wo bolong to those who believo 'that the

great' bulk of tho colored,voto.of this State,unless intentionally and mischievously misled,will .volo cordially with tho white citizens.Their relations aro too close, and their inter-,cuts too idonlical to bo.separated, oxcopt bypersistent and unresisted misrepresentation.Hut Lhere will naturally bo a small class bf in¬telligent and ambitious freedmen who will de¬sire to assort themselves and tholr intluonco,and through whom agitators will endeavor toUCL To these wo feel no unkindness. We donot disputo their superiority to most of theirrace, nor db wo resent their ambition. Weimagine that our correspondent is ono of thom.Il is worth while for Buch men lo think howfur un antagonism to the whito man can servo

any useful purpose. They may represent theirrace in color, but they will find that their verysuperiority will be a cause of jealousy and asource of weakness. A lillie practical expe¬rience, and they will Sud that they must staketheir fortunes with those whom thoy wish tojoin; not with those whom they wish lo leave,nnd that they, have before them a most usefuland honorable career, if they will use theilinfluence and ability ns tho means of explainingund reconciling to each other those chunos inthe Slate whom bad men aro trying to separatefor thoir own selfish purposes.


whito or colored. Apply thia day, at No. 13 JU¬DITH BTREET, south aldo. May 30

ANT INFORMATION REGARDING THEwhereabouts of ono "J. Y. BUHNS," late Major

Om Georgia Cavalry, of Oonfodorsto army, will be gr.te-fully rocolved through ibo columna of tho CHAHLEH-?1ON DALLY NEWS by a friand, who baa been lou* ab-sent._8 _

May 17KTTANTED-A SITUATION AS CLERK INVV 9.-Ml. GOOD BUSINESS HOUSE. Can keep Iact of booka, coll set, and make himself generally usofuLTile first city recamnioudaUons will be given. AddressPRRSEVERANCH. Dally Nowa Omeo. May 17

WANTED, AN ELDERLY WOMAN ASCook Tor Quito a small family. Ono who Is will¬

ing to makebersoll generally usenil, la dril and agree¬able in manners, can apply at No. 60 Calhoun streetApril M_??__;_WANTED, A COMPETENT AVASH Ii lt

AND IRONER, at No. 45 CANNON HTIu.fr,third door o -st of Smith. ._May lt

WISHES SOMETHING TO DO. A LADYthat eau cut and maka men and boy's clothes,ladlee' and children's drosses, can koop bouse, and mako

herself generally useful In tito house, kitchen andaify'fmo Jfi^^Çj^lWlïb^^tâiiA*"-"

" "O. W." BOX 81.April 7____Yanoa'a Ferry, 8. O.

WANTED, A SITUATION AB DECEIVINGand Delivering Clerk, by one who ls competent,and can lumiah the best of references Address"PUNCTUALITY,"May IT _At Thia Office.

ANY PERSON HAVING A GOOD BUGGYBOBBE which they wish to place In careful and re¬sponsible nanda, for the summer months, will apply athiaoffice._J_slay 18


WANTED, A RESPECTABLE WHITEWOMAN, to Cook and Wash for a amati family.None newt apply without good recommendations. Applyat No. fl YANDEBH0B8I STREET._May ISÜT1 T'iB GENUINE BARTLETT HEW<UDsaOa INO MACHINE, 83i,~Wanl»d-AgonU, HMper month and all oxpenses paid, to sell the Genuinebartlett Sewing Machine. This Machine will do all thework that can be done on any high-priced machine, andla fully patented, licensedand warranted for five yean.Wo pay tho above wages, or a commission, from whichtwlco that amount can bo mada. For Circulara andterms address ll. HALL A CO.. No. 734 Chestnut etreet,Philadelphia, Pa. 30April 10

TO RENT.TO RENT, RESIDENCE NO. SO BEAU.PAIN 6TBKET, near Ku Hodge, 7 square rooms, 3 at¬tica, and commodious outbuildings.

H. M. MA UM il AI,L si BBO.Beal Estate Agents, No. S3 Broad ?tractMay 30 1rpo RENT, RESIDENCE No. SSO MEETINGA STREET, near John street; alz square rooms, cis¬tern, ftc ILM. Mammary ¿. u i0.,May 31 1 Baal Katata Agents. No. 33 Broad st

HANDSOME MANSION TO RENT_THATsiegant and desirably located RESIDENCE InHanipatoad, No. 1 Bay, bc tween Reid and Amherst streets,containing ten square looma, with dressing rooms, andall modern conveniences. Large lot and garden, withoutbuildings in complot* order; commands a fine viewof tho harbor, and la ons of the moat pieaeant residencesin the oily. Apply to CLIFFORD Sc MATHEWES, BealEstste Agent«, No. M Dread street nsf! May 30

fpo RENT, A HOUSE IN ISLINGTON,X Cannonsboro'. Tula House baa four square rooms,dressing and pantry, doubla r'""*. a cistern and kitch¬en with four nre-placua, on a largo lot Apply at No. 83WASHINGTON STREET. ratha Msy 20



TO RENT, TWO SMALL HOUSES, NOS.0 and ll Smith's Lane. For terms apply to GEO.H. INGRAllAM, No. 10 Validerhora fa Wharf.May if nn3

TO RENT, A NEW AND WELL FIN¬ISHED two and a half story BRICK HOÜ8K, alt.tuted Lu TnunboPlsoe, near the corner of Broad andRutledge street-, containing 4 square rooms, two largewcdl finished attica, two dressing rooms, pantry, cistern,and all the necessary outbuildings. Inquire next door,to a a TBUtfBO. mwf March 33

BOOMS TO RENT, IN A PLEASANT LO¬CATION, with nae or cistern and kitchen. En-quire at thia office, wfmsMay18

TO RENT, A-PINE RESIDENCE. NO. 74Haas] airest, formerly owned by Dr. CHISOLM.Apply No. 137 CALHOUN STREBT. a» May 18mo RBNTr-THAT DESIRABLE REMI*X DENCE, No. 88 Cannon airest, near Rutledge Av.onuo. containing six upright and two attic rooms, withgas throughout, cistern, wall, and ample kitchen acoom-modatlona. To an approved tenant, terms moderate ;possession given immediately. Enquire at WILKINSON* GILCHRIST'S LAW OFFICE, No. 48 Broad streetApril 39 ?_rothrpO RENT, HALF OP THE HOUSE NO. OftX KINO STREET, with usa of a fine cittem. Forfurther particulars, apply on the promises.April 17

BRICK STABLE TO RBNTr-A COMMO¬DIOUS BRICK KTAHLE, with accommodationsfor horse» and vehicles, can bo lured, If applied for soon.For particular» apply on premises, No. 89 CHUHOHSTREET, west sida, near Tradd. April llrpo HUNT, OVER A STORE IN TUB CE N-X Tits of King street THREE GOODROOMS, Toanapprorod tenant without children they will bs rantedlow. Address TENANT, Kay box No. 31, CharlestonPoatofflce.' a .. ?'

. Moy 18

T-? RENT,A TWO-STORY HOUSE. WITHfour rooms and double piaría; two-story Kitchen;Urse Lot, with orange and fl« tree»; grap» arbor; a Anaweu of water and other co nvom onces. To an approvedtenant tho rvnfwlU bo 830 per month. Apply st MAC¬KEY fir UAKKU'S FURNITURE STORE, corner King andMarket streets. ?

May is



BAL T I M_0_R E, Md.PART.'OULAR ATTENTION TO HALE OF COTTON,Bio» and Southern Produre, and Purchiaa dr GrainGuano and Plantation tapplies., Liberal advances madasro consignments. ,,..../,*Ot Raaraiiajrrjxi-Messrs. lambert o,tiing» fe Co., bal ti-mar«; Porch erA Henry, Charleston ; Cobon, Harictal feCo., Charleston ; J. D. Aiken k Oct., Charleston ; Goor-cthxy Valthlrsasri A Co., Savannah j Duvant fe Weples, Ss*varnish BteVail A Edmona ton. Augusta; Fisher fe LOTT-raaos, Columbia, a a ; Kayes & Martin, Newberry, aU. Jamo* llagan, Esq., Cheater, ac. ..

PaihrnsTjio; . Q / »cfi ft rathSmo .,


>./<-+> I i'.V«!^ .UaV.yj.I .-'Oiif .e.. \ :> Crab./


AA li KO ULAH COMMUNICATION OF THE ABO VK, aLo??î' WL1 Í! hcM TktiSMnmg, at half put 7SSS îî » 510 "»"^»ndltUl«» for Degree. iro T-

lu coted lo attend. By order VT. E.M,.~, ,


rLi?^,UI£R MONTHLY MEETIMQ WILL BEhold TAÍ» Evening, ot 8 o'clock.



Î7ILN PIO NIO DER DEUTBOHEN BPRITZEN GESELL-li BCHAFT rrlrd aUttilndori ont dom Schotten plsti,ua Mltlwocb, den 22tcn Uti, wojru olio Freunde onto-bonit eingeladen »ind. Dis S.O. It. II., wird un S UhrMorgón, und 1 Uhr Mittags von Ann et. sbgehon.May 20 3_DAB COMMITTEE.

YACHT RACE.IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE OWNERS AND BATIK¬ING Master of tho Yacht MAQOIE MITCHELL, inLbs lalo race, not being inrormod that Mo boats ahould.all around tho Light Ship, Ibo MAGGIE MITCHELL«viii sail another Yacht TUco for Ono Hundred Dollar.,tho MAGGIE MITCHELL giving tho Yacht HOSE, If ohoaccopia thia challongo, 10 minute, statt. The winner togtvo tho money of Ine lato race to some charitable Insti¬tution. Money to bo deposited on or before Wodnoaday,tho 23d day of May instant Tho day or starting lo boadvertised thrco dsya before saning. Th« monoj to beJopoBlted with Capt A. O. STONE,rai ., SLACK A STODDARD,May 20 1 Owners.

BOARDING.PRIVATE) BOARDING.-DELIGHTFUL,,apodoua southwest rooms, can bo obtained at tho"KING MANSION," corner Mooting and George .trocís,ifappllod for immodlnt'ly. Di MK li (lilN. Ii,-A few DAY BOARDERS can bo accommodatedaa above'. ? mw2

_May 20

EXCELLENT BOARD. AT VBRY LOWratos, In thomost central business part of tho city,without lodging, In a prívalo house, eau new bo had.For particulars addre.. "X. L," Po.toin.ce. May 18

FOUND.KEV EOUNO.-THE LOSER OF A HEH-RINO A CO. SAFE KEY can obtain tho samo byuppiying at tho DAILY NEWS OFFICE, and paying forUte advertisement. i IQ Ul» "r May 80


young blaok and tanTERRIEll PUP, The finder(or any Information leadluj to Ila recovery) will bo sui (.-ably rewarded by applying at this otuto, or at Ne. 131 8 f.PlilLIp STREET. I»May 20

TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD._Lost, a SINGLE SET DIAMOND BREAST PIN,plainly munn tod. Tho eboTo reward wlU be paid if loftat this office. s klay 20

LOST-A BULL. TE ll llltílt,VELLOW ANDwhite.'« numboi' of nears on taco, answering lo thename ol Jack. '- A' toward ol 810 will be'paid tu' tho1 p»r-aon rotumlug thia dog to .Maj. Gea.'ll.'E. HICKLES.May ll


ENGINE and HOI LE li. Can bo aron at-, thu Work-abóps of Mosars. Taylor A Co., foot of Uaaol atrooL Forterms apply to GEO. IL INGRAHAM, .No. 10 Yander-durhoraOo Wharf. 'wfmB_' J May 16


Seals, polo and abaft Alto, . «et Of double andsinglo HAHN ESS. «ll la good order. Cen bo aeon andbargained for «ash or s ilma not« at thirty, days, at No.21 Lynch street. May 17





friends «nd tho publia generally, that he keep* onhand FURNITURE AND DfcJ>DING Of all dascription a.Furnish na Funerala with Mahogany, Walnut, Cedar andMetallic Co(tina. Also, with Ono Hearses and First-classCarriages. WU! attend to diainlerring bodies «nd tran«,porting tho aaron. Personal artsndasoe will be given «Iall hour«. 'llY >.»<CARRIAGES for Railroad sod Steamboat accommoda¬

tion, «nd FURNITURE CARTU, will bo furnlahod at »njtime, by applying at my LlVkBY STABLE, No. 6 Can¬non .trout, utiar King.Thankful for pail lavara, and hope, by strict sttontion

ta business, lo merit . continuance of tho «ame.March3»_? , y, ¡u wfinio.


PCRTKB. of WINDOW SHADES, OOHSICES,llanda, Pins, Tassels, Gimpa, Loopo, Oarda, Ac: Whiteand Huff Hollands: No. Ila WILLIAM STREET, lietweenFulton and John atreeta, Naw York.December 24 mwfemo




COARSE CLOTHING,AMERICAN EXPRESS BUILDING, NOS. 88, ST, 68and 61, Hudson street, near Duane, Now York.



PIERSON ft GO.,No. 26 MAYNE STREET,OFFER THE BALANCE OF THEIR STOCK .OFREADY-MADE CLOTHING at Wholesale or Bétail,at very low prices, to City and Country TradV compris¬ing every variety of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS.April 27 Imo.

A. S. HULL, Ág/t., '

MERCHANT TAILOR,HASREMOVED TO «0.70 BROAD 6TREEÍ;HORTIISIDE. BETWEEN MEE1TNO AND OHURCHTwhere ho will bo glad to .oe bis old friend« «nd custom-BS *5LLr*i « »toro « full assortment of CLOTHSCOATINo, cASSIM1: ftES and VR&TDXGS of erer/rtrlety. which he will make up to order at as low mióos a.any similar establishment


M. JNO. T. FLYNN (formarly of C. D. Carr k Co..,SH ?nP°ï1oteO'l «h» Tailoring Department as "T.i. sud

. :-.:v;n n&}<i xmni rr

M»y ll __tmGREAT ATTRtCTION't-


ATTNTIONPABENTS!II TE HAVE rater RECEIVED OUR STOCK orYT YOUTH'S, BOYS', AND CHTLDBKN'8 CLOTH-NO, of fine and m«diam rjnsijusi, to which tr«' inviteour attention. 0*11 «nd «ramln«. Wa will take plassure9 ahow and adi them. .

_ ,rt .-. » \ ty


.- .ilÏ ¿JO i ii'..'' 'i BlNo. 213 King street,Lr MTDLLR OF THE BLOCS, ;AprilM imo -Known a« ViOtOrU HotelBang«.


WHOUU-LS uro ajrrsXL scnfjai rt ¡



sro. ÔoY-'l^bÂT>,' ÔTRE1M;'January 23 tao. CHABLK8TON, s. 0. Í

I INA W Ol AL¡ft) be Loaned.


on Brat mortgago of Heal Kilato In charlestoo. Apply?* NO. 40 BROAD 8THEET.


AUK),DANK DILLS bought at highest prlco. br

ANDREW M. MoltELAND, Broker,April lï wfrnimo No. 8 Droad atreot.


$75 to 8300 por month-male, .na females-to .oil tbaONLYOENUINE COMMON H KN HE

FAMILY SEWING MACHINEManufactured. It «rill hem, fell, alltcb, tuck, bind,braid, quilt and embroider beautifully. Price, ordySX),including Darnum', self.tower and .elf-turning hem¬mer. Folly warranted for Oro yean.0AUTION.-Beware Of thoao eclllng worthies, cart-

iron macblnea, under Ino «ame naroo as ours. For clr-cutsr» and toi mi. address C. BOWETtS A CO., No. 2S5 S.tlfth Bareet. Philadelphia Pa. lmMay 20


Is Fullea- & Illinium's


rruns ATTACHMENT IS AUTOMATIO, AND MEAB-X USES, croaaea, and «tichoa lucks st ono operation,without guiding with tho hands. Also for salo. SEWINGMACHINES OF APPROVED PATTERNS, nt low price«;SCISSORS SHARPENERS, NEEDLE THREADERS'NEEDLES (aU kind«); OIL, TOOLS AND FITTINGS.REPAIRING AND IMPROVING ATTENDE» TO AbUSUAL. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY FILLED.D. D. HASELTON.No. 331 Klug »tract, corner Liberty.April! mwfimo.



LACE SHAWLS.TUST OPENED A VERY EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENTtl of SILK and LACE COVERINGS of latest atylca andof recent Importation, rory reasonable at


DRESS~G00DS.In this lino will bo ff und tho latest Noroluea in Cold,


ALEXANDER'S KID GLOVES.A full aaecrimant tn Shades and Number, of thoGENUINE ALEXANDER'S KIO GLOVES, together with

m^"°Sr10irJ>0.Pu1** makes, very reaaonablo, ALEXAN¬DER'S BIRT KID FTNISHÜD SILK GLOVES and LisleThread for Ladle«, Ocuts and Children, also an eiUjiaire assortment or LACE MITTS.


BOOKS, French and Swiss MUSLINS, In plain, atripodand plaided, together with a splendid aasortment ofnaort Cambric and Swiss Edging and Inserting?, ThreadValanclon, u nip uro Linon and Cluny Laces In Edgingand inserting.

LINEN GOODS,1,000 dosen L. O. HANDKEROHIFS. good quality at

iiH cents and upwards, full Uno. ot the morl popularmakes of nus ll LINENS, In (routing, I>UlowCaring 8-4,0-4,10-4 and 11-4 Bhoetlnga, and an oroclieut aaaortmentof WhJto and Cold TABLE DAMASK, Ac, ko,

MEN'S WEAK,In Ibis Un» will be found a full .upolr of best Frenchand English CLOTHS, CASSIUKHES, DOESKINS.MELTON CLOTHS, TWE.IDB, JEANS, VESTINGS, and


DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT.In the Domend o Department will be found a completestock, of Prtnta, LoDgclotha, Shirtings, Sheetings andPIRow Casing, Scotch and Domes lio ÜlngharnsTBrownShlrtiM, Corset Jeana acd Drills, all of which wlU be

io ld at price, that will defy compétition.«srAa early call la respectfully solicited.


._Betwwen Hasel and Market afreets.April 1 _nwtam o




Dress Goods in Great Variety :

M0ZAMBIQUE8 FROM 200. PER YARD. UPWARDSGrenadine« from 25c, per yard to 8L25Printed Ian from 30o.

Mourning Dress Goods:BLACK CRAPE MARET/. SSC PER YARDBlack and White Lanes, at SOO. *

Black and White RUE Mixed Foplins at SecMourning Crape da Esparage at 89cOs es Prints from 13Kc to 20cUnbleached Homespuns from 10c upwardsLongcloths 12Ko., USc, 18c, 20c and24cSiteMatUng ."reducedprice.1 case Knitting Cotton, x Bl. packages.



THREAD.) .. :- .'


.There oomoih glad tidings ofjoy to all.To young and to old, to great ead to small;The beauty which ono. waa ro precious and rare.Ir free for all, and ail may be lair.-Bjr the use ot*


; ! ENAMEL,For Improving and Baautlfymg the Complexion.The mort valuable and perfect preparation in use. forRiving the akin a beautiful poarl-llke tint, that ls ónlyfound In youth. It <iu Ickly ramcr»ea Tan, Freck leo. Pim¬ple«, Hotofiar, Moth Pitchea, Sallowness. lexrrpUons.and all lmpurfUe. of the akin, kindly healLng the «aun»baring the akin white and clear ar alabaster. Its uteotnnolbs delected by VM cloacal «crutiny, and beintr ar.geUWo preparadon ii perfectly tamaleas. Il UlhaWT article of the kind used by tho French, and ls oon-tutered by tho Parisian aa. lndUpsnsable ta a perinottofl.1. Upward« of 80,000 bottier were sold during thepast ye&r, a sufficient goju-anloe of it» efficacy. Pricejoly TS cents.. Beni by maR, post-paid, on receipt of anardor, by

BEBOEll, SHOTTS A GO., Chemists,

E. M. wmTmovCORONER AND MAGISTRATE.rrÁs nF}fovRt*niH OFFICE FROM OHALHRBSJTL atreet to Nc 83 CHURCH STREET, one doerlotrn ot Kroa/i fuggl. ¡ Auarnsi a»



OOMMTBSI0N.y Office of John F. Neirklrk,Vu 137 EKADK-ÜTUKET, CORNER HODSON,.''


,' K3T Agency tear EXTON'fl PREMIUM TRENTON[RACKERS. All orden tant «rm ba promptly attendeda. ; ... V .-? (too». '- TW»tnb»»lH

BOOK-KEEPING, '..'MMEEPIKG, BOOK-KEEPING. I :ftBA SUMMER WOMTHB/jaMD OEMSBAIJ_¿iI MESS attbir st^aou ofter inanemmU to Tow*tV vlaafdr^ study cr BOOE-KroiNG. WIUTINO.IZP JO^TIIand AIUTHMimO, vllhosl loa. of Um. frOrrJi althea duties. Tho« wishing inttructioa -tal tba abof-t pi

Ijlñ QbtA^kmiotxtóti&BttÍDt. 5oad^gg « y




DR. J. K DAERAT, DENTIST, IB NOW PREPAREDto completo the tniorlloo of whole tipper or lowerell of ARTTFICAII TEETH, upou tho lt ott spprovednciiiod, «nd with tho. brit ui»UrrLÎ-, ot S20 per set. Par¬lai sela lo proportion. Durability, natur*! appearance,wrfoct nt, anti neatness ot flnlab, guaranteed.All other opontlona upon the Teeth performed lu aWilful and warrantable manner.Otrico at bia rcaldenco NO. 6 LIBERTY STREET,May30mwf Charleston, 8. 0.


THE COPARTNERSHIP EXISTINO UNDER THEname and stylo of J. k W. KNOX will bo ill »aol v od17 mutual oonaent on the lat proximo.


NOTICE. OP COPAIlTNEItSIIIP.'PUK UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED AI Oopartnarahip under tho narnu and stylo of CAMP-DELL, KNOX lc Co., for tho pnrposo of carrying on fioi EN EUAL AUCTION and COMMISSION DUUNK3S, at.ho premiaos No. M llASELL STREET, formerly occu¬pied by tho lato firm ul McKay k Campbell, aald Copart-lorahlp to taxe offoct on Juno lat noxt cnaulng.

JAMES T. CAMPBELL,(or tbs late Ann of McKay k Campboll),JOHN KNOX.WILLIAM KNOX.

Charleston, B. 0., »lay 17, 1M7.May 30 m Oil


LEXINGTON, Vt.A RR A NO EMEN"m ARE IN PROORESS TO ACCOM-/V MOUATE Ono Hundred additional CadeU In IbisInstitution. Ita well established character for Ita sys¬tem of disciplino, and coursa of Instruction, commendslt to tho support of those who doslro a praciloal educa-lion. Information will bo auppllod by application to theandenügncd. FRANOIS ll. HM n u,May 30 mieowO Superintendent.



J. E EDWARDS, President.W. B. Iß A ACS, Vlca-PreoldcntD. J. HABBSOOK, Boorotary.CHAS. N. SMITH, Mod. Examiner.

A Reliable Southern Company.RATES AS LOW AS ANY OTHER COMPANY, AND,when doored, premiums mado payablo montbly,quarterly or semi-annually, or half of tho annual pre¬mium in eaab, and Ibo remainder by note at twelvemonths, thereby bringing lt wit ¿lu tho roach of all.BEVEN-EIOHTHS OF ALL THE SURPLUS FUNDS,after paying oxpenses, divided evory yoar among policyholden entitled to profit.Call and gat a circular and road Um advantages to bederived from insuring In the "ARLINGTON."

J. L. llOM) UK, Agent,May 16 wfmImo_NO. 9 PROAD BTBEET.





Dooember 7_mwflyrFIRE AND MARINE


Corner East Bay and Exchango St.,NEXT OLD POSTOFFICE.







NY, OfNew Zork.J.1UYENELHAOB VTII..D.RAVENEL, Jr.AprfllO ld»». wnn3xno


op THE



ll DECEMBER 31, IBAS.EaUUlabod. Total Risks. Total Assets.1B4Z Mutual.....;....»84,667.OOO $14,838,000IS*:S. N. YORK 1.1 WK.40,401,000 0,018,000IBM. Manhattan.137.2*3,000 3,619.000IBM. United States. 13,306,000 1.609,00018SS. KmcAerbooker. 11,133,000 863,0001818. Equllabla.'............... 37,619.000 1.686,000IB59. Guardian;-...1(1,968,000 613,0001840. Germania...14.676,000 809,000Um Home..1J,0H7,000 600,000I860. Washington.... 6,930,000 630,000I86Î. Security,... 7.869,000 4x6,0001861 North America. 10,887,000 706,0001864. Globe. 8616,000 463,0001864. Mot, Life and Tray....... 6,066,000 183,0001864. Widow» and Orphans.-... 8,333,000 806,0001864. Brooklyn..... 0,1 »3,000 918,000I860, Universal. 3,000,000 243,000


May 17 imo NEW YORK LIFE.



;«0.- CHITTENDEN,General Commission Merchant,Manufacturer of Paner,


Oomor Hudson Street, Kew York.|TyKALEB IN PAPER AND IN MATERIALS OFI J erBTToVafylptlon tor Ita manufactura.December 18 6TDQ

A WORD TO TEE WISE.I ITS, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVINO BEOURED THEW AOXHOY for tba Mat** of South Carolina, Ocor-la, Alshama and Florina, fa.- tho sal* of Uta oaUbrated

"English Metallic Rooting Paint,tia pleasure tn announcing I a the uiUsons or Charles-is] that wa ar» preyarad to REPAIL' AND PAINT uawr oid COPPER, TI», KINO OB IBO. I ROOFS, ta . cub.tajttuti manner*This Paint will protaot Metallic Er* fi fram oorroslon.nd w» WARANT OUR WORK FOB fIXYEARS,Aa we wm, remain in this city tats sion lima, waronld urta those dartring to aval tbs benefit of our?ort to sand in their orders aa tarty **?poatibW.Our Mr. JOHHBJN will canvass lia city for th« pur-ase of soHraUna ordara ead etfrcttai contract«.Orders .*ft with GEORGS Wi V/TLLIAM8 fe ob., tohom wo rsfsr to*. particulars respecting th* meits caf^Patnt, ot at tba Pavilion HolcX will rotaive prompt

: ;; JOHNSON & FOYLES.M*yl>- ??? .. ;' -.'.li*:

FUSS FOR ALLSbocroism by a aro» boura' practica. makin« a world of

IWir* .u'liW-'oSiLH-V-''-'^*- Wi«.ll».


4-000 n0!i?ïn;:,'s PUIME WU1TE <:O«N.*\J\S\J ROO bales Pnino Raiten, and N. Ii. U»y2000 bullioh, Drau.l'RRSH OROUNl' 0IU6TAND llKAL.

síu« i.. ,'N.A«*«MEKkoa,May 30

Market »Ir.ct, u|.|>oilto HUto atrcot.


t A/a BARRELS STRON'I BAKERS' F I .Ol, It_L,UU 100 barróla Family Flour100 barTola Extra and Family do. io tacks.For salo cheap for cash at

GEO. W. (tl,MIK A CO'&.May 20 0 Corner Fiat Day and Cumberland «trocla.

SOAP.rf\í\ BOXES SOAP VARIOOS QUALITIES ANDt)UU l'rtcca at GEO. W. OLAIlK A CO'S..May 20 0 Comer East Uay and Cuaiberlaud »treels.

EASTERN HAY.O/llri BALES SUPERIOR ¡¿ASTERN HAY, FORpjUU salo from Union whirf, In lois to suit pur-cluirrs. GEO. A. LOCKE A CO.Msy 20



SELF-RAISING FLOUR.(?(\ BARRELS IMPROVED PREPARED FLODHOU manufactured by J. E. Urulth A Co, AtLmUoMills, just rocolred. For salo by

A "anua

",_RAVENEL A CO..May 20 3. East Bay and Yaadarhorst's Wharf.

HAY ANÏ) CORN.A AA BALES PRIME UAY.tUU 1000 Busluls Whllo Corn.Per Btcsmor J. W. Brennan. For salo by" "_

II. F. BAKER A CO..M»y _Ko. 20 Cumberland Ht




100 bbls Eaglo Milla Super Extra Flour.For salo by JOHN A THEO. GETTY.M»yH_3_No. 4R East Bay.


10 Hods. Grocery Bugara30 Tlercos Muscovado MotliestBO Hbds. Clayod Molasses.For aalsby RIHLEY A CREIQHTONCorner East Bay and Accommodation WharfBlay 17

CORN.900fi güßHELS PRIME WHITE CORN,v V." F0r bjr SCHEVEN lt NISBET,SB 16_Accommodation Wharf.


THE 80BSCRLBERS ARK PREPARED TO TAKE OR-DERS FOR CRATES mano expressly for shippingVogoUblea. Tho Orates aro mado of uniform ste« an3can be supplied in any quantity, at ihort noUco.KINSMAN A HOWELL,M>7 18_No. 1S3 East Bay.


40 boKilicadj Primo Western Shoulder«,landing ox-Btcamor "Sea Qull" and for sale byM*'_2_HENRY COÜIA lt OO.



4000 pounds Bacon, Shoulders and Bide«10,000 two and three boiboi Orain BagsIBO bales HayFor salo low at corner fl lato and Cumberland streets byMay18_2_F. W. CLAUBSKN.I TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON, RICE


LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES WILL BE MADE ONshipments of UPLAND AND SEA IbLAND COT-TON, RICE, ROSIN, and TURPENTINE, conihrned toour frion..!s in LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK, or any of thoNorthern Cities. J. A. EN3LOW A OO..May13 mtuf No. 141 Eut Bay.r\ AHDNER'S AND PLANTER'S POTA.J" TOES and other vegetables, pnrcbasbed in anyquantity at highest Cash market rates, byI HOPKINS, MCPHERSON A CO.,May 9_thmlmo_North AtlanUo Wharf.

LIME AND HAY.1 rAA HABBELS FRESH EASTERN LIME_lOUU 200 bárrela superior White Lime, for wfclto-waining

200 bales Primo Entera Hay '50,000 Laths.Landing from achr. Dexter Washburn.

For salo by


May 17






OAA BOXES AND CADDIES TOBACCO. VARIOUSÖUU BRANDS AND QUALITYTobiceo In caddios and halfboxes, 2So. per poundjTobacco, extra half pound, in boxes, 35c pei poundTobacco, Mc, 60c., Boc, coe, 70c, 75c, Bte., 90c, and11.26 per pound.SO0O POUNDS SMOKING TOBACCO,

OOMm.>m?<a or:SPANISH MIXED, Ji pound papers, at ll per dorenClimax. In 1 pound pipers, at 2Sc. per poundBello Boyd, in 1 pound! pipers, at 30c per poundHiawatha. I aughorne, Hat-hint brands, Tory fina Vir¬ginia Tobacco, B pound packages, 30c. per poundîriiiiHTii.'V Tobacco, In 10 pound packagea, 60c parpoundQuel lilla Club, >; sod X pound packagea, BBc perpoundBird's Eye Tobacco, 110 per grossIndianola Tobacco, lo K pound pack«gos. Me. parpoundJ. BL Greta'* genuino Dorham Smoking Tobacco, inbags, now telling at Boo. per poundFine Cut Chewing Tobacco, Scotch Snuff, Ac, AcPlasters, Factors and Dotier«, can buy meir TobaccoTEN TO FIFTEEN PER CENT. BELOW CUSTOMARYBATES._*_May 18



BYV7 of a letter from ajiiunujL.!»i.i-...:_ kt! MEDICALGENTLEMANOOKNOISSEUBfl ll al Madras, to bteTO BX in« oxr.r dwBErm Brother at

iSÂJIwOROEBTEH, May.Good Sauce ESES18"' ii -h

isuitTununi pp-«irr RLNH tut theJr «AUCH~, JiJurE'l' í« highly esteemed In tai ?'"

liSrjSrJ dla, ind lt, In my opln 'Tu,EVEIlY VAlUETíg^i Sä Z'L^^iJZ

OP DISH. Usfa."8*110* "

Thesueceuof this mott delicious and um-iraltel con,dunest haring caused many unprinupted darlera to KCapply the name to Jjxiriouj Oompomdt, Ute P-jarjo jantptct/uBj and earncttly requested to tee that th* DMBA


of LXA k Panama are upon the WRAPPER, LABEL,STOPPER and B0TTU2.Mtnnlaetnred byLEA & PERRINS, Wore .?«.?>.' ..


Gili, as a Remedial Agent.GH*. ASA HEHKDIAL AGENT, HAS BEEN IN »A-VOR with ma prolotaion for a rory long parted, balowing to the cUfflcufiy of obtaining t pure aruclaTit hatUlan Into disuse In many tooticns of the country, moah itiaJto the regret of medical men, who consider lt almost a j

f5^r7oln.TßI7tt*n' d1«"*«. For all casts of Or*vd, .,Eaw_?i£,.íí »Änilnistered under profeaalonal rudanea,wifl certainly work a core; and if tricen at a prtrintlTB,acting, aa lt doe«, on th» tenOUre mimbranea, lldeanaeathe parte so aa to remore all pottiblÄ sediment. Admin-Utered in tie tams w»y, lt will prerent tba formation ofCalculi, and do away with tbote terri bte operation., <\ mthcrelbre, to neceaaary for their permanaut remora* h.; iOta it of incalculable bentot to females la thott ditease*io paeuUar to the sex, and from itt tome, atwell aa tts ". ianodyne propertiet, lt lt frequonUy tuperlor to Ires,., A .'.btrk. OT tren the eltctiieal remedlet. In oattt of a pott- Stire tendancy to Pklkint, ar OonsumpHon, Ota, ta proper "

quin li tl nt, by rappljlDR or flliingnp thn oonrtxrii dylDgout of the natani Ure of Uta tyrtem, will often entirelyward off that owful dlten^, which carries nfT mn ttäuk* Uíiaof UM population of ins United States anuuaUy. Poa i ii}Ola has this peculiar adrantige eyes- other diffusiblettlmuli, thit lt Bihlliralat wlthont creailng anj thlrtt ofan unhealthy character, lt soothe* white if ateo «HUT «KTand te . powerful ntrrtee ll w til a« sn icura tonic"niiilAIGKR'S OLD IXINDON DOCK OIN '

potttm all th* qnahtit* thal caa bt dtalred ter tat high-itt ind noblest tue of all wini* er Uqnore. Itt IQCTB-dltnu art the dUUTted joice* of carefuiTr "tectsd areKinftde deUMtalj pungent iud Jaycrroua witb Un aroroauótincture of th, inSpar Berry. A^b^rnillc^^Jl""iT-Sjf1^?* a1T1 au exquiiite mrltlnft .

Sa smooth, olly body-and an airtcat ffarai odor to th*,, -,Uquor, which reedert ll delicioui to tho SSE of «atenand testa allic whO* tte sp^tilr^ Ucni'd purity iky to "i»o«^fr^^«T*todíwir¿r>ù .

^ '^n>0V^?. mu^ »«uark thal Mettra. A. M. Bnmraaa Kll¡ Oo, mer!! theIgH ot th* entire medical profs*>V.t>rf.don, a* wen a* Ho v-.ld itUrge for harina tetroduotdaiUualactrfiurkmieiccpUoaibUrmntyinduneqtuT*. ,,

fllnoww, both sta preyeaUro md ouritire agent, ari * Itii tai