Our group specializes in the field of geophysical signal analysis. We have been working on implementaon of novel signal analysis techniques such as wavelet transform, mulfractal and empirical mode decomposion analyses to a variety of geophysical signals of diverse origins. These techniques help unravel the hidden informaon from the signals that cannot in general be possible to obtain with convenonal signal analysis tools. The group maintains a library of all the soware indigenously developed in Matlab, C, C++ and C# languages for the above techniques. They also have developed a GUI for mulfractal analysis of non-linear geophysical data. While wavelet analysis was applied to geophysical well-log data to delineate the depths to the oil/gas zones in the subsurface (Fig. 1), empirical mode decomposion analysis (EMDA) (Figs. 2a, 2b) and mulfractal detrended fluctuaon analysis (MFDFA) (Fig. 2c) techniques were applied to well-log data sets to quanfy the degree of heterogeneity in the subsurface, vis-à-vis their oil/gas potenal. Besides applying these techniques to signals originang from within the Earth, our group has also applied them to geophysical signals of extra-terrestrial origin, such as geomagnec field variaons and ionospheric total electron content (TEC) data. In their recent study, they have characterized the TEC data at regional scales, corresponding to different solar acvity periods using MFDFA (Fig. 3). Currently this group is acvely pursuing: SIGNAL PROCESSING IN EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES: NEW PERSPECTIVES 1. Development of machine learning techniques, such as Convoluonal Neural Networks (ConvNets or CNNs) for predicve mulfractal modelling of TEC data and seismological data at global and/or regional scales to characterize subsurface heterogeneity, as a part of the big-data iniave. 2. Development of wavelet-based approaches for mulfractal analysis, such as wavelet leaders (WL) for effecve characterizaon of nonlinear geophysical signals. The goal is to establish a state-of-the-art geophysical signal analysis lab at Dept. of Earth Sciences, IIT Bombay. Prof. Chandrasekhar welcomes joint collaboraons from various naonal and Internaonal research instutes and universies towards achieving these goals. Fig. 1: Wavelet analysis of (a) gamma-ray and (b) velocity well-logs of western offshore basin of India, depicng the clear delineaon of subsurface oil/gas zones (hp://link.springer.com/arcle/10.1007/s11004-012-9423-4) Fig. 2: (a, b) Heterogeneity analysis of the subsurface carried out by empirical mode decomposion analysis (EMDA) and (c) mulfractal singularity spectra obtained by mulfractal detrended fluctuaon analysis (MFDFA) of oil/gas zones of geophysical well-logs of western offshore basin, India. The smaller value of the slope (b) coupled with larger width of mulfractal spectrum width (c) indicate Well C to be more heterogeneous than Well B (hp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2015.10.103). Fig. 3: Mulfractal behaviour of ionospheric total electron content (TEC) at different latudesduring solar minimum (2008) and solar maximum (2014) years, studied using mulfractal detrended fluctuaon analysis (MFDFA) ( ). hp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2016.09.007 Prof. E. Chandrasekhar, Department of Earth Sciences, [email protected]

SIGNAL PROCESSING IN EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES: NEW · PDF fileindigenously developed in Matlab, C, ... SIGNAL PROCESSING IN EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES: ... of-the-art geophysical signal analysis

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Page 1: SIGNAL PROCESSING IN EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES: NEW · PDF fileindigenously developed in Matlab, C, ... SIGNAL PROCESSING IN EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES: ... of-the-art geophysical signal analysis

Our group specializes in the field of geophysical signal analysis. We have been working on implementa�on of novel signal analysis techniques such as wavelet transform, mul�fractal and empirical mode decomposi�on analyses to a variety of geophysical signals of diverse origins. These techniques help unravel the hidden informa�on from the signals that cannot in general be possible to obtain with conven�onal signal analysis tools. The group maintains a library of all the so�ware indigenously developed in Matlab, C, C++ and C# languages for the above techniques. They also have developed a GUI for mul�fractal analysis of non-linear geophysical data. While wavelet analysis was applied to geophysical well-log data to delineate the depths to the oil/gas zones in the subsurface (Fig. 1), empirical mode decomposi�on analysis (EMDA) (Figs. 2a, 2b) and mul�fractal detrended fluctua�on analysis (MFDFA) (Fig. 2c) techniques were applied to well-log data sets to quan�fy the degree of heterogeneity in the subsurface, vis-à-vis their oil/gas poten�al. Besides applying these techniques to signals origina�ng from within the Earth, our group has also applied them to geophysical signals of extra-terrestrial origin, such as geomagne�c field varia�ons and ionospheric total electron content (TEC) data. In their recent study, they have characterized the TEC data at regional scales, corresponding to different solar ac�vity periods using MFDFA (Fig. 3). Currently this group is ac�vely pursuing:


1. Development of machine learning techniques, such as Convolu�onal Neural Networks (ConvNets or CNNs) for predic�ve mul�fractal modelling of TEC data and seismological data at global and/or regional scales to characterize subsurface heterogeneity, as a part of the big-data ini�a�ve.

2. Development of wavelet-based approaches for mul�fractal analysis, such as wavelet leaders (WL) for effec�ve characteriza�on of nonlinear geophysical signals.

The goal is to establish a state-of-the-art geophysical signal analysis lab at Dept. of Earth Sciences, IIT Bombay. Prof. Chandrasekhar welcomes joint collabora�ons from various na�onal and Interna�onal research ins�tutes and universi�es towards achieving these goals.

Fig. 1: Wavelet analysis of (a) gamma-ray and (b) velocity well-logs of western offshore basin of India, depic�ng the clear delinea�on of subsurface oil/gas zones (h�p://link.springer.com/ar�cle/10.1007/s11004-012-9423-4)

Fig. 2: (a, b) Heterogeneity analysis of the subsurface carried out by empirical mode decomposi�on analysis (EMDA) and (c) mul�fractal singularity spectra obtained by mul�fractal detrended fluctua�on analysis (MFDFA) of oil/gas zones of geophysical well-logs of western offshore basin, India. The smaller value of the slope (b) coupled with larger width of mul�fractal spectrum width (c) indicate Well C to be more heterogeneous than Well B (h�p://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2015.10.103).

Fig. 3: Mul�fractal behaviour of ionospheric total electron content (TEC) at different la�tudesduring solar minimum (2008) and solar maximum (2014) years, studied using mul�fractal detrended fluctua�on analysis (MFDFA)( ).h�p://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2016.09.007

Prof. E. Chandrasekhar, Department of Earth Sciences, [email protected]