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  • 7/28/2019 siderealastrology-1



    WHAT INCREASES OR DECREASES WITH PLANETS ANGULARITY: Vitality, sense of identity & purpose (direction),

    directed application, leadership abilities.

    WHAT IS COLORED WHEN THE PLANET IS ASPECTED: Sense of identity, personality; attitudes toward

    authoritative persons or institutions; vitality.

    HOW A PLANET IT ASPECTS IS AFFECTED: Energizes (vitalizes) the planet. Identifies ego with it makes its

    qualities central to ones nature.


    WHAT INCREASES OR DECREASES WITH PLANETS ANGULARITY: Adaptability, immediacy of ones feelings,


    WHAT IS COLORED WHEN THE PLANET IS ASPECTED: Outer mask, persona;emotional responsiveness;

    relations with mother figures or public.

    HOW A PLANET IT ASPECTS IS AFFECTED:Respondsfreely to the planets energies; permits its easy expression;

    employs it for adaptation.


    WHAT INCREASES OR DECREASES WITH PLANETS ANGULARITY: Nervous sensitivity, perceptiveness; desire for

    knowledge; manual/mechanical talents; commerce.

    WHAT IS COLORED WHEN THE PLANET IS ASPECTED: Personal communication & expression style; cognitivestyle.

    HOW A PLANET IT ASPECTS IS AFFECTED: Adds intellect, calculation, perception, voice. (Mercurys nature is easily



    WHAT INCREASES OR DECREASES WITH PLANETS ANGULARITY: Need to give love, need for harmony &

    pleasure; naturalness.

    WHAT IS COLORED WHEN THE PLANET IS ASPECTED: Love nature, romantic, & pleasure style, social urges;

    awareness of beauty & harmony; femininity.

    HOW A PLANET IT ASPECTS IS AFFECTED: Soothes, harmonizes; gives pleasure through the planets nature.


    WHAT INCREASES OR DECREASES WITH PLANETS ANGULARITY: Aggression, need for physical expression,

    personal feeling of strength. Competitiveness.

    WHAT IS COLORED WHEN THE PLANET IS ASPECTED: Energy level, aggressive tendencies, masculinity,


    HOW A PLANET IT ASPECTS IS AFFECTED: Whatever urge the other planet represents is pursued aggressively.

    Energizes, inflames, coarsens.


    WHAT INCREASES OR DECREASES WITH PLANETS ANGULARITY: Need for highest & best, to better oneself, to

    be liked & included; compliance, role-playing.

    WHAT IS COLORED WHEN THE PLANET IS ASPECTED: Socialization, response to social expectations; need to be

    included; style of gregarious expression. Need for the highest & best.

    HOW A PLANET IT ASPECTS IS AFFECTED: Enhances, qualifies, instills confidence (can over inflate). Planetsarena is source of self-valuation.


    WHAT INCREASES OR DECREASES WITH PLANETS ANGULARITY: Need for self-reliance, emotional distance,

    material security; self-protective urge; caution; willingness to accept responsibility.

    WHAT IS COLORED WHEN THE PLANET IS ASPECTED: Way of facing lifes struggles, areas of insecurity, feelings of

    inadequacy, personal autonomy needs.

    HOW A PLANET IT ASPECTS IS AFFECTED: Structures, formats, inhibits, frustrates. Sense of inadequacy, thus

    often of over-compensation.

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    WHAT INCREASES OR DECREASES WITH PLANETS ANGULARITY: Need for freedom, individuality, independence;

    openness to naked reality; desire for variation, freedom from format.

    WHAT IS COLORED WHEN THE PLANET IS ASPECTED: Individualistic concept of self; avenues of excitement (and

    how it is pursued).HOW A PLANET IT ASPECTS IS AFFECTED: Impersonalises; unshackles, awakens, stimulates, adds freedom from

    structure or inhibition.


    WHAT INCREASES OR DECREASES WITH PLANETS ANGULARITY: Need to clutch, attach, depend; sensitivity;

    vulnerability; self-contained reality.

    WHAT IS COLORED WHEN THE PLANET IS ASPECTED: Imagination & fantasy, mode of reality fabrication; sensual

    indulgence, response to temptation.

    HOW A PLANET IT ASPECTS IS AFFECTED: Exaggerates, diffuses, confuses, distorts; infuses with fantasy;

    hypersensitizes; atrophies, withers.


    WHAT INCREASES OR DECREASES WITH PLANETS ANGULARITY: Disaffinity with rules, categories, structures;desire to relate without imposed qualification; need for immunity from outside pressure.

    WHAT IS COLORED WHEN THE PLANET IS ASPECTED: Get away from it all urge; need to be independent of

    cultural trappings & labels; search for existential meaning.

    HOW A PLANET IT ASPECTS IS AFFECTED: All or nothing: strongly intensifies or thoroughly diminishes; strains.

    Creates powerful need that planets expression be free of others arbitrary limitations.


    SUN. "What you are," the core of your identity. The Sun relates to all forms of authority, power, and eminence.

    Bestows the essence of life and vitality. The Sun's constellation is one of the most important character

    determinants in the chart.

    MOON. The casual side of personality, including the mannerisms, personal idiosyncrasies, and tastes which set

    one apart from those about him. The Moon represents the side of one's being which he reveals most easily, that

    which adapts to the environment in which it is placed and absorbs conditions around it. It relates to the feelings in

    general and desire nature in particular.

    MERCURY. Gathering, storing, interpreting, and sharing information. It represents mental faculties and

    communication, and also strongly influences business skills. It dominates a chart when the theme is

    transportation. Mercury relates to life through the nervous system.

    VENUS. Goddess of Love, hence indicates your appreciation of the pleasant and your ability to give love in any

    form. This includes romance and other social interaction. Gentle, aesthetic, receptive, but very literal, search for

    meaning in life.

    MARS. Aggression and physical expression. Mars is particularly competitive (athletics, business, etc.), enjoying a

    battle on any front. Sexual aggressions and strong energy reserves, along with moral conviction to defend insights

    and beliefs.

    JUPITER. Most fortunate of planets, bestowing expansive qualities and leading to optimism, enthusiasm, and

    generosity. Jupiter compares and improves everything he touches. Desire to gain endearment of others, often

    accomplished through benevolent acts which gain gratitude. Religious, propitiatory, striving for superiority.

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    SATURN. Inhibiting, withdrawn. Marks the self-preservation instinct, including the drive to work hard and guard

    what is one's own. Guilt-conscious (including conscience) and can lead to self-imposed trials. Saturn limits and

    restrains what it touches. An element of conservatism and frugality.

    URANUS. Where Saturn imposes restrictions, Uranus shatters inhibitions and limitations. Freedom is the key

    theme, including intellectual freedom, and there is a love of constant novelty and stimulation. Realistic in a

    pragmatic, even if outlandish, fashion, Uranus deals withvisible realities. Seeks that which is thrilling, exciting,stimulating, unexpected, and colorful.

    NEPTUNE. Neptune sponsors the tendency to over-dramatize and blow things out of proportion. Sensitivity in all

    ways is pronounced. This nebulous, unrealistic planet relates to all that is vague and mysterious. It represents a

    need for security, to attach oneself to others. Strong fear of betrayal. Point of little or no resistance where one

    usually yields to temptation. Metaphysical, interested in mysteries, fond of pretense, over-rationalizing, lack of

    physical assertion, diffusing.

    PLUTO. The exception to every rule, that which is singled out from the norm. Desire to be oneself, unhampered by

    others. Eccentric, extreme, separating, disruptive. Dislikes labels and categorization. Isolative.

    Jim Eshelman

    [Anna-Kria King and I have had a book on the back burner for a little while - a primer in Qabalistic basics aimed at

    beginning occultists. While the use of astrological symbols in some other framework (Qabalah, alchemy, mythology,

    etc.) shouldn't be confused with actual astrological meanings, in this particular work we have tried to express planets

    in Qabalah in a way that is both true to that frameworkandastrologically true. In the course of doing this, I found

    some expressions of planetary ideas that had never occurred to me before, and I rather like several of them. - So,

    with that preamble, here is the current draft of those particular planetary expressions.]


    Qabalistic: Self-conscious ego-center the gold in each of us. The King. Archetypal Masculinity expressed as The


    Psychological: Sense of identity and purpose (direction). What you are at the core of your identity. All forms of

    authority, power, eminence, leadership.

    Physiological: Vitality. The essence of life.


    Qabalistic: Subconsciousness. Instincts. Adaptation. The Queen. Archetypal Femininity expressed as surrounding,

    embracing, receiving.

    Psychological: Receptivity, adaptability, sensitivity, appetite, imagination, immediacy of feelings. Personality

    (mannerisms, idiosyncrasies, tastes). That which we reveal most easily, which adapts to the environment in which

    it is placed and absorbs conditions around it.

    Physiological: The substance of life. All fluids.


    Qabalistic: Intellect. Motion. Androgyne.

    Psychological: Curiosity, perceptiveness. Gathering, storing, interpreting, and sharing information. Mental faculties,communication. Nervous sensitivity.

    Physiological: Nervous system, including brain and spinal tissues.


    Qabalistic: Desire. Love. Biological Femininity.

    Psychological: Giving/receiving love. Harmony, pleasure. Gentle, esthetic, receptive, but natural, guileless,

    searching for meaning.

    Physiological: Hormonal system in general.

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    Qabalistic: Volition. Energy. Biological Masculinity.

    Psychological: Aggression, competition, need for physical expression. Sexual aggression, courage, strength.

    Effort, struggle, pain.

    Physiological: Muscle system. Anything that surges adrenaline.


    Qabalistic: Memory. Bounty. The layered forms draping fundamental reality. Worship. Nobility.

    Psychological: Need for highest and best, to better oneself, to be liked and included. Fortune. Optimism,

    enthusiasm, generosity. Religious, striving for superiority.

    Physiological: Alimentary system. Building up, assimilation. Relaxation of musculature.


    Qabalistic: Intuition; but, at the personality level, this is usually hidden under realism, seeing things for what they

    are. Especially the power of form-giving, restriction, and definition.

    Psychological: Self-preservation, survival. Need for self-reliance, emotional distance, material security. Inhibiting,

    withdrawn; trials. Limits, restrains, restricts, defines.

    Physiological: Skeletal system bones. Elimination.Jim Eshelman


    [Since the foregoing had only the seven classical planets, this morning I threw together similarly conceived sections

    for the outer three.]


    Principle: Freedom, discovery/disclosure, revelation, liberation. The Idealderived from experience of the Actual.

    The Individual distinct from the collective; delivery, release. The simple.

    Psychological: Need for independence and freedom (physical, intellectual, etc.); disperses or dismisses

    limitations. Responds strongly to the new, sudden, unexpected, thrilling, exciting, colorful, stimulating. Disclosure

    of the unknown, choosing revelation over mystery. Pragmatic realism anchored by "naked truth."

    Physiological: The orienting response. Possibly also the autonomic (especially sympathetic) nervous system.


    Principle: Selective reality-formation (viaselective perception): Experience of the Actualderived from the Ideal. The

    individual submerged within the Collective; connection, absorption. The complex.

    Psychological: Need for attachment and connection (dependency and betrayal themes). Profound sensitivity,

    vulnerability. Emotional drama, exaggeration, distortion. Dwelling within the unknown, choosing mystery over

    revelation; at home with the nebulous, vague, unrealistic, inauthentic, fanciful. Surrender to temptation.

    Physiological: Weakness, wasting, atrophy.


    Principle: Uncompromisable seed-essence of being. The "Hidden One" (what we inherently are aside from all

    conditioning and selection) buried in our inmost depths. The miraculous.Psychological: Desire to be oneself, unhampered by others. Isolative, distinguishing. Dislikes labels, categorization,

    and arbitrary expectations. Eccentric, extreme, separating, disruptive. The exception singled out from the norm.

    Physiological: Impact on physiology seems more rooted in profound psychological impact. Symbolically related to

    conception, and therefore may be connected to cellular growth and regeneration in general, and thus with healing.
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    8.10% of population (1/12)

    SUN IN SCORPIO, the Scorpion (KEY: Transformation)

    Tireless, dynamic, energetic, persevering.

    Creates best "effects" through novel approaches and surprising intensity. ("Damn the torpedoes...")

    Loves danger, risk; impulsively or fearlessly tackles any difficult situation. - They "expect the

    protection of the Gods" (Firmicus).


    Barnstorming BOLDNESS & MORAL COURAGE. Abhors apathy in society.

    Keen sense of humor.

    Iconoclastic in theory but usually more conservative in behavior.

    FREEDOM MOTIF dominates them. Claustrophobic.

    Hates forced schedules - rarely comfortable in a "9 to 5" routine.

    Little interest in theory unless it is immediately practical. Believes in ACTION, not idle dreams.

    (STATS: Low for Gauquelin scientists.)

    Finds strategy more difficult than actual execution of a plan.

    Pragmatic, if not iconoclastic, in religion. Conscious of the relevance and natural unity of all

    Creation, without getting lost in the clouds.

    PROMETHEAN: Able to reduce abstract truths, music, philosophical themes into terms

    understandable to the common person. (Talented teachers.)

    Seldom one-track minds. (Integrates several things.)

    Keen analytical ability - hidden motives rarely escape their notice. Commonly astute judges ofcharacter.

    Masterfully thorough.

    Won't bother to say things without a specific reason, thus "low profile." ("Mr. Ed syndrome.") Slow

    to reveal own WEAKNESSES, but collects others' weaknesses.

    Corked volcanoes. Ever in a state of "wanna." If immediate expression is denied them, they push

    tension under the surface where it builds, needing eventual release (and making them irritable).

    PHALLIC awareness. Not squeamish in sexual matters.

    Scorpio girls are generally tomboys.

    In a relationship, expects of you what he personally can give (but is willing to give freely -


    GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Powerful, innovator, minute, kind, not generous, not sentimental,

    not sociable.

    MUSIC: Significantly high for 4,698 composers, 2,616 musicians, and 1,115 jazz musicians.

    OTHER STUDIES: Low among Gauquelin painters sample.

    OTHER STATISTICS (of various qualities):

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    SIGNIFICANTLY HIGH: 77 nursing home patients. 33 Indianapolis 500 drivers (all drivers for one particular year).

    SIGNIFICANTLY LOW: 5,111 librarians. 5,047 businessmen (from Who's Who), 4,004 women of achievement, 94

    explorers, medical doctors, soldiers.

    U.S. PRESIDENTS: Martin Van Buren, Zacary Taylor, Franklin Pierce, James A. Garfield [2 of these died in office,

    2 were generals]

    scoprio sun,Moon in LEO

    Pres. Franklin Pierce

    Jodie Foster

    Kenneth Branagh

    Winston Churchill

    George Moscone

    Frances Power cobbe

    Frederick Engels

    Jacques Hadamard

    Moon in Leo

    Emotions intertwined with pride. Innate recognition of self-importance. "Don't tarnish the brass"


    Visible strength. Natural assumption of leadership duties. Dominating, command-oriented (military),

    decisive, industrious, courageous. POTENT, EFFECTIVE, INDOMITABLE.

    Pervasive regal power. Nobel manner, self-assured, impermeable. Statuesque.

    Dominates others emotionally (inadvertent steam-roller).

    Grasping reality is the key to Leo's power.

    Stubborn conservatism. Quiet, cool, reserved (high pain threshold?).

    Calmly intellectual, curious, with razor-sharp minds. Powers of retention sometimes astounding.


    Deeply philosophical. (Uncommon among satirists.)

    In teaching (which can be in a conversation on the street!), will interrupt to explain something in

    agonizing detail for your own goodbecause he is certain you can't perceive what he really means

    without so full an explanation.

    Practical, methodical, precise. Critical of all he handles (demanding). Discriminating.

    Deep moral nature - shuns profanity - luxury-loving. (Bradley)

    Highly dramatic, but seldom pretentious. Mellow-tempered, generally easy-going.

    Gregarious. Attracts many friends and admirers (Leo's "court").

    Loves to have visitors (not unannounced!), or be ringmaster of an evening's entertainment.

    In romance, highly discriminating in choice of partner.

    Needs a warm, affectionate interaction, but may have trouble dropping the cool, unaffected mask.

    Self-orientation can interfere with mutual understanding.
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    May place a great emphasis on the business aspects of a relationship, to the detriment of the more

    sentimental side.


    Gauquelin: Statistically high for character traits "sensitive, witty, traveler." Low for PAINTERS.

    Other stats: High for professional basketball players (Bradley), bus drivers (Paige). Longer life-span (Bradley).

    Men have daughters (Bradley).

    Observation: Particular emphasis in my files on people in music and public appearance.

    U.S. PRESIDENTS: William Henry Harrison, Franklin Pierce, William Howard Taft, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B.


    (All but Harrison and Taft were Democrats. Two died in office.)

    MOON IN LEO, the Lion (KEY: Potent)

    Self-assured, cool, with a discriminating outlook, those born with the Moon in the Suns own sign are not too

    different from those born during a New Moon (Sun-Moon conjunction). Both reveal the regal power inherent in

    the lion that symbolizes this sign. The emotions are intertwined with the personal sense of pride.

    The power within these individuals is only rarely to be doubted. Their very gait and manner breath a special

    nobility in their self-assurance which at times seems to say, Dont touch me, or, Dont tarnish the brass.They are impermeable. Calmly intellectual, with razor-sharp minds and a stubborn conservatism, these practical

    people can also be the most methodical. Their powers of retention are sometimes astounding.

    Demonstrating the domination and natural sense of command of this Moon placement is the number of military

    leaders and politicians born under this heading. Lord Horatio Nelson was among the finest seamen in British

    history, winning his fame in the Battle of Trafalgar. King Louis XV of France, while indulgent and lascivious, also

    earned great military merits in his day. Japans Emperor Hirohito led his country to nearly unparalleled military

    power for a while, though Melvin Laird was to serve as Secretary of Defense to President Nixon in the closing

    years of the Vietnam action. Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, John F. Kennedy, Edward Kennedy, Lyndon B.

    Johnson, Everett Dirksen, Willy Brandt, Cicero, Franz Josef, George Wallace, King Hassan II of Morocco, Oliver

    Cromwell, and Nikita Khrushchev joined all of the above in the list of eminent men with Leo Moons.

    These people have an innate recognition of self-importance, or their Divine Right to lead and the natural

    assumption of leadership duties. Dramatic but seldom pretentious, the lunar Leo is precise, industrious,

    frequently demanding, and critical of all he handles. His grasp on reality is the key to his power.

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    In love, he is equally discriminating in his choice of a partner. Yet perhaps his own self-orientation interferes

    with mutual understanding, and he places too great an emphasis on the business aspects of marriage to the

    detriment of the more sentimental side. He loves to have people visit (but not unannounced!) or to be the

    ringmaster of an evenings entertainment. Mellow-tempered, though curious and expressive, Leo attracts many

    friends and admirers in his time.

    Moon in Leo cyril fagan

    1. Strength and dynamic force of personality. Overawe and "cow" wherever they go; others make way for

    them. When they talk, others listen and make obeisance.

    2. Centers of attention (which they demand and immediately get).

    3. Fully self-contained.

    4. Seldom can they be pushed aside.

    5. Appear to talk as from a rostrum, striking terror into listeners' hearts with their sweeping statements and

    tendency to generalize. Judge prematurely, condemn, exaggerate, castigate; pronounced prejudice.

    6. Rarely can they be soft or sybaritic.

    7. One is always conscious of a "bigness" about them.

    8. WOMEN: Queenly figures, erect postures, inwardly despising a display of weakness & lack of self-reliance

    in others. Never "clinging vine" type. Independent, soon cut out a line in life for themselves.

    9. Rarely seek sympathy or complain about their health, and have a contempt for those that do. Always

    appear healthy and happy, strong and capable, but with a horror of illness and old age, and a dread of

    doctors and hospitals.

    10. Hot-tempered and impetuous, but seldom violent.

    11. Graceful in speech, action, and movement only rarely.

    12. Never like to be taken advantage of or put in embarrassing situations. Pride is fierce!

    13. Not gregarious, keep much to themselves, a tendency to be "snobs."

    14. In married life, a dread of scandal and exposure.

    15. Not given much to sentiment, though they adore their children, identifying themselves with them,
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    sacrificing all for the progeny's worldly success.

    16. Dislike visitors who walk in unexpectedly and find them unprepared.

    17. Unless they can "put on a show," they seldom entertain or go visiting, especially if their means are


    18. In love: ardent, passionate, impulsive, forthright. Devoid of coyness and other feminine artifices, they do

    not seek to charm or entice, but without preamble declare themselves overtly. Superb sex appeal and

    magnificent womanhood.

    19. Vulnerable to flattery, which is sometimes their undoing.


    John F. Kennedy, Sir Winston Churchill, Pope Alexander VI (Borgia), Roger Casement, Francisco Cenci,

    Charles X, Cicero, Lord Craigowan, Thomas Cranmer, Grace Darling, Marquis de Sade, Benjamin Disreaeli, Don

    Pedro I of Portugal, Madame du Barry, Edward II, Abbas Effendi, Flammarion, Emperor Franz Josef, "Cheiro,"

    Robert Graves, Emperor Hirohito, Baron Houghton, Sarah Jennings, Lord Kitchener, Leopols II, Louis XV,

    Ludwig I, Mohammed, Emperor Nero, Sir Lawrence Olivier, Ovid, Pius X, Pius XI, Steve Reeves, vivian Robson,

    Guiseppe Sarto, Schopenauer, Robert Schumann, Stalin, Leo Tolstoy, Harry Tracy, Paul Verlain, Vespasian,

    Whistler, Walt Whitman

    [From intervening years, add: Lyndon B. Johnson]

    Mars in LibraCHARACTER TRAITS:

    Significantly high: Authority, Precise

    Significantly low: Mystic

    Notebook #93 observations: One significant (but minority) sub-set of this group has poor impulse control and

    sharp ego swings, strong on self-justification, sometimes slow to ask for help.


    Significantly high:

    Significantly low: Military, (Aviators)

    8.91% of population (1/11)

    U.S. PRESIDENTS: Martin Van Buren, Zachary Taylor, Abraham Lincoln, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield,

    William McKinley, Warren G. Harding

    (2nd highest for U.S. Presidents 7 out of 41, where 3-4 would be expected. This includes 5 of the 8 Presidents

    who died in office. Six of the 7 were Republicans or, in Taylor's case, a Whig.)
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    NOTE: Low for 100 murderers (Davis data). Very high among activist lesbian feminists (King-Eshelman data)

    Venus in Sagittarius

    Notebook #93 observations: Many show a passionate idealism and commitment to ideals of the group. In group

    dynamics, those with Sagittarian Venus seem most likely to remain the group if they feel this type of passion for

    the particular direction or other elements of the group.


    Gauquelin: High for AVIATORS. Very high for traits "idealist, imaginative." High for traits "nervous, dreamer,

    impassioned, tenacious." Low for traits "devoted, kind."

    Other Stats:Quite low for 91 heads of states. Quite low (next to Virgo, tied wit Leo) for 59 Sidereal astrologers

    but highest for 54 Tropical astrologers.

    NOTES: Acceptance by others is very important, and they work to gather many friends. Great need to be

    liked. Need much appreciation.

    Friendship is especially important to them. They put much reliance on the bonds of friendship and

    expect to be able to rely on a friend when they need to. [STATS: High for "tenacious," low for


    HOSPITALITY. Warm, generous, friendly to those they encounter, with a knack for making someone

    feel welcomed.


    Family-oriented (having one of their own, usually).

    Need affections or interest in them to be openly declared because they don't like to play guessing


    Jupter in Pisces (home)


    Significantly high: Active, idealist, passionate

    Significantly low: Kind, witty


    Significantly high: Military Musicians

    Significantly low:

    U.S. PRESIDENTS: Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson

    (Justice David Souter. VP candidate Gov. Sarah Palin.)

    Saturn in Scorpio

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    Significantly high:Poet, idealist, active, sentimental

    Significantly low:Reserved, hardworking, sympathetic, kind, cold

    U.S. PRESIDENTS: James Madison, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson

    (Pope Benedict XVI. Judicial candidate Robert Bork.)


    ("Fixed, Kerubic, Solid, Foundation" - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)

    Law unto themselves. Not easily influenced by public opinion, dogma, or the dicta of others. Must study it


    Traditions must be put to the test before accepted. Most revolutionary, hence most dangerous. (Contrast

    the 'imprinting' motif.)

    Powers of endurance, application, and concentration seemingly exhaustless.

    Originators of the world's great schools of thought. Their thoughts and deeds have permanence.

    High frustration tolerance (Hub Moon 'saves' Rim Sun).

    Characteristric massiveness in their writings or compositions.

    Usually starts early in life on course of independent life (Hall). Precocious.

    Power of dispassionate judgment.

    Double Hubs, when under pressure or distraught, need to be (and can be) led like a child - about the only

    condition in which they can be.

    Strongly attuned to the relevance of everything, thus able to maintain a high spirit-titre (Jourard). Probably

    reason for longevity found here.

    Able to appreciate everything around them - including themselves - for its own worth.

    Sexual affairs must include emotional commitment.

    Tendency to form more profound personal relationships. "Polygamous society."

    "Knowing" is rapidity of calculation from absence of doubts of their ability to judge.

    Parental bias implanted strongly.

    Sense of meaning, awareness of unity in the universe.

    No wonder they're so healthy - they refuse to stay in a line of work (or situation) which is uncomfortable (see

    stats below - little regimentaiton in work).


    MOON (+): Long lives, Nobel physicists, Indianapolis 500 drivers, actors, chess players, heads of state

    SUN (+): Indianapolis 500 drivers, actors, chess players, clergymen

    SUN (-): Medical doctors, heads of state, military leaders


    The three double-Hub U.S. Presidents - Franklin Pierce, John Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson - were all Democrats (and, in

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    fact, all had Leo Moons). Four of the seven Presidents who died in office had Hub Suns (Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield, Kennedy).

    OTOH 4 of the 9 Presidents whoinherited the office had Hub Moons (Fillmore, Johnson, Johnson, Ford).

    Mercury in Scorpio

    Notebook #93 observations: Outspoken, opinionated.

    1. Needs INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM. Mentally claustrophobic.2. Mind alert. Native is infatuated with current problems. Mind forceful, dynamic, rapid. Strategic.

    3. Extreme curiosity - a new idea which is unusual is seen as an adventure and is fascinating, rather than threatening.

    4. Sharp analytical abilities. Mechanical ability.

    5. Enjoys mental/verbal competition (arguments or humor). "Endurance and perseverance in the pursuit of difficult

    problems" (Ebertin).

    6. Verbal daredevils. Speech impulsive and blunt. Speaks directly rather than "beating around the bush." Doesn't waste

    words. (At the very least, they are habitually candid.)

    7. Irritability, fault-finding, obstinacy, opinionation.

    8. Tendency to overlook small details. Very possibly, Mercury in Scorpio has an "impressionistic" or "hysterical" perception


    9. Both physical and mental responses are fast. Person probably quite active. (STATS: Low for trait "energetic.")

    10. May draw heavily on nervous system - much NERVOUS ENERGY expended. Excessive nervous irritation. (cf. alcoholics).

    11. Can certainly earn a dollar well! 12. "A test of strength of power carried through calculatingly." 13. Good singing voice.


    Gauquelin: Low for POLITICIANS. Very high for traits "witty, nice, kind." High for trait "secret." Low for traits

    "sentimental, traveler, energetic, devoted, generous."

    Other Stats: Alcoholics (Bradley). - 9.10% of population (1/11)


    Refreshed & updated articulation for a workshop (May 2009):

    A specie of genius (intellectually rebellious, roving, curious, investigative) is bursting to express itself not wholly

    comfortable accepting outside guidance, often wondering why others dont recognize its nature. Inquisitive, original,

    futuristic, seeking novelty & needing variety (will try anything twice). Free-spirited: psychologically lives outside of

    convention; but subject to tensions and stiffness from emotional stress.
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    Notebook #93 observations: They all have an intellectually rebellious streak, curious, investigative, but many are not

    comfortable accepting someone else's direction or guidance.

    GARTH ALLEN wrote:Freedom From Boredom is the dispensation of Moon-Uranus, the roving-spirit combination in

    astrology. Easily impressed and persuaded at one moment and just as easily neutralized and dissuaded the next, the

    Moon-Uranus native is apt to enmesh himself in endless trivia and indefiniteness, often changing hobbies or so

    dispersing his talents as to give the impression of aimlessness in life. Gadgets and new ideas fascinate him no end and

    his thoughts are cloudlike in that no two are exactly alike, yet all are airy. As for appetites and sensations, he'll try

    anything once just because it's something to try.

    REPRESENTATIVE EXAMPLES: Ann-Margaret, Jim Bailey, Kathy Bates, James Earl Jones, Richard Carpenter, Van Morrison,

    Justin Bieber, Justice Antonin Scalia, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Oscar Wilde.


    The Moon responds freely to, and permits easy expression to, and employs for adaptation ones individualistic concept of

    self and avenues of excitement (and how it is pursued).

    Uranus impersonalizes, unshackles, awakens, stimulates, and adds freedom from structure or inhibition to ones outer

    mask, persona, emotional responsiveness, and relations with mother figures or public.


    TRI/SEX: John Adams, William Henry Harrison, William McKinley, George W. Bush

    STATISTICS wrote:Among astrologers, somewhat more likely to be Siderealist than Tropicalist (Eshelman)

    Ebertin found it indicative ofschizophrenic symptoms. (NOTE: If MMPI Scale 8 peaked, this just means an abruptdissociation from conventional reality.)

    Common in the maps ofviolent criminals (Carter)

    In employment start charts a good sign - Not disruptive to environment. Ingenious. Tended to be rated high as

    employees. (Quellas)

    Ascendant in Virgo


    Significantly high:Mystic, traveller, devoted, methodical

    Significantly low:Witty, charming, kind

    (Italicized traits also showed for a Gemini Midheaven.)

    U.S. PRESIDENTS: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Johnson, James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Woodrow Wilson,

    Harry S Truman, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton

    Midheaven in Gemini


    Significantly high:Mystic, traveller, devoted, methodical

    Significantly low:Witty

    (Italicized traits also showed for Ascendant in Virgo.)
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    U.S. PRESIDENTS: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Johnson, James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Woodrow Wilson,

    Harry S Truman, Bill Clinton


    These people are highly sensitive, which is sometimes good and sometimes bad. They seem to be emotionally

    over-responsive, tuning into others too acutely and not always clearly. On the positive side, this adds sympathy,

    compassion, and even psychic talents. On the other extreme, they exaggerate conditions in their minds and remain in a

    state of emotional insecurity. Neptune people want to be sure of situations before exposing themselves, because they are

    quite sensitive to rejection and afraid of betrayal. The Neptune person needs intense feelings around him at all times

    because he thrives on the emotional vitality around him. This generally makes him emotionally dependent on others. He

    dislikes change or surprise, disregarding new information which tends to contradict what he already "knows" to be true.

    Neptune lives in an idealistic world of hoped-for perfection which does not always materialize. He needs to channel his

    dreams and creative imagination in a practical direction. (ADD: Self-dramatization. "Merger Self.")

    NEPTUNE FOREGROUND(in preparation for revision of the above text)

    Highly sensitive - which is sometimes good and sometimes bad!

    Emotionally over-responsive, tuning into others too acutely and not always clearly.

    On the positive side: sympathy, compassion, empathy, psychic talents

    On the negative side: They exaggerate conditions in their minds and remain in a state of emotional insecurity.

    Self-dramatization. Quite sensitive to rejection and afraid of betrayal (or generally feeling exposed and


    Wants to be sure of situations before exposing themselves.

    Needs intense feelings around him at all times. Thrives on ambient emotional vitality.

    Emotionally dependent on others. "Merger Self" (contrast Uranus).

    Misoneistic. Uncomfortable with change or surprise, disregarding new information which tends to contradict

    what is already "known" to be true.

    Lives in an idealistic world of hoped-for perfection. (Neptune is the function ofselective perception and

    selective vision, with all the good and bad inherent in these.)

    Benefits from channeling dreams and creative imagination toward the practical.

    (Consider & incorporate Ebertin trait lists where found accurate:) (+) Receptivity, fantasy or imagination,sensitivity, contemplation, sympathetic understanding or compassionate sensitivity, a dreamy nature, an

    inclination to mysticism, mediumism. (-) Impressionability, sensitiveness, vagueness or lack of clarity, confusion,

    fanciful notions, deception, a lack of planning ability, a lie or a fraud.

    (Incorporate Bradley statistical findings as appropriate:) High for murderers

    (Incorporate other listed findings below where confirmed.)

    EBERTIN (compilation of useful theories)

    POS: Receptivity, fantasy or imagination ,sensitivity, contemplation, sympathetic understanding or compassionate

    sensitivity, a dreamy nature, an inclination to mysticism, mediumism.

    NEG: Impressionability, sensitiveness, vagueness or lack of clarity, confusion, fanciful notions, deception, a lack of planning

    ability, a lie or a fraud.

    STATS: High for murderers (Bradley).

    OBSERVATIONS: Frequent among school teachers (Eshelman notebooks).


    ASC: Bill Clinton

    MC: John Adams, Martin Van Buren, Abraham Lincoln

    IC: James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Gerald Ford

    DSC: Benjamin Harrison, Ronald Reagan

    OTHER: Theodore Roosevelt

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    Charming, attractive, popular. Friendly, amiable, congenial, pleasing. Gracious, well-mannered, considerate.

    Even the men have a gracious gentleness, and often a softness, about them.

    Flirtatious, highly affectionate. - More naturally sexually receptive than aggressive.

    Very loving, care-taking. May have a "mothering" attitude toward friends in need of help. [OBSERVATION: Many


    Pleasurable stimulation of their senses, and exposure to beauty in general, are very high priorities in their lives.

    Self-indulgent. (Likes travel.)

    Kind, benevolent. Oriented away from cruelty, harm, and the infliction of pain (except when it is part of their

    eros, by mutual consent). [STATS: Quite scarce in horoscopes of murderers.]

    Require harmony in their lives - circumstances which to them are easy and harmonious, and which reduce their

    stress and friction. (They are willing to increase others' stress levels, if necessary, to get and retain this.)

    Perception ofjustice (personal or social) is basic to their sense of the rightness of their worlds. Can be stubborn

    and fierce in the face of perceived injustice, being treated unfairly, etc.

    Their sense of justice permitting, they gravitate toward the beautiful, not the coarse; the pleasurable, not the

    painful; and the peaceful and tranquil, not the violent and turbulent. (Absence a perception of injustice,

    generally not known as angry or bad-tempered.)

    Overall orientation to LIFE. Grand affinity with Mother Nature and the natural processes which perpetuate


    STATS: Scarce for murderers (Bradley). Large representation of teachers (Eshelman notebooks).

    GAUQUELIN CHARACTER TRAITS: Charming, amiable, loved, gracious, kind, benevolent, comical, elegant, looks young,

    poet, successful, likes travel. Lesser level of significance: To please, good manners, considerate. Significantly low:

    Aggressive, choleric, excessive, lively, quarrelsome.


    ASC: James Garfield, Bill Clinton

    MC: William Henry Harrison, James Polk, Grover ClevelandIC:

    DSC: Theodore Roosevelt