Side Events and Exhibits Brochure AWG-KP 13/AWG-LCA 11 2 6 August 2010 Bonn, Germany

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Side Events and Exhibits Brochure

AWG-KP 13/AWG-LCA 11 2 � 6 August 2010 Bonn, Germany

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Table of Contents

Overall information .................................................... 3 Special Announcements .................................................................................................. 4 Observer Organizations Liaison Team............................................................................. 5

Side Events ................................................................. 6 UNFCCC and related events ........................................................................................... 6 Overall Side Event schedule............................................................................................ 7

Exhibits ..................................................................... 13 List of Exhibits................................................................................................................ 13 Climate Change Kiosk ................................................................................................... 16 Climate Change Publications Counter ........................................................................... 16

Floor Plans................................................................ 17 Hotel Maritim Exhibit Area ............................................................................................. 17 Hotel Maritim and surroundings ..................................................................................... 18 Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (Ground Floor) ................................... 19 Ministry of the Environment (Ground Floor) ................................................................... 20 Ministry of the Environment (First Floor) ........................................................................ 21 Ministry of Transport (Ground Floor).............................................................................. 22

Observer Organizations........................................... 23 NGO constituencies ....................................................................................................... 23 Offices and contact information...................................................................................... 23 Constituency Meetings................................................................................................... 25

Room booking and Logistics .................................. 25 Meeting Room Assignment (MRA)................................................................................. 25 Press briefings ............................................................................................................... 25 Consignment.................................................................................................................. 25 Catering ......................................................................................................................... 26

Notices ...................................................................... 27

This publication is only available online and can be downloaded from the UNFCCC website.

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Overall information Registration: Presenters and other participants at Side Events and/or Exhibits must be registered through a Party or an observer organization and in possession of a conference badge in order to access the conference venue. Locations: Side Events are held at the Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Transport and the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices at Robert-Schuman-Platz, a three-minute walk from the Hotel Maritim.

• Ministry of the Environment (MoE): Rooms SOLAR and WIND • Ministry of Transport (MoT): Room METRO • Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (FIDMED): Rooms AIR and WATER

Exhibits are located in the foyer and the corridor between Saal Maritim and Saal Beethoven on the ground floor of the Hotel Maritim. Please consult the floor plan on page 16 for the exact locations of Exhibit booths. Meeting schedule: For details on individual meetings, venues and other activities please consult the UNFCCC website, the Daily Programme, the CCTV monitors or the notice boards opposite the Information Counter in the foyer of the Hotel Maritim. Last minute changes can only be shown on the CCTV. Daily Programme: The Daily Programme is available at the Documents Counter located in the foyer of the Hotel Maritim and on the UNFCCC website. The Daily Programme provides detailed information on all scheduled meetings of the Convention bodies, meetings of other groups, Side Events, and announcements relevant to the conference. In addition to the Daily Programme, all official documents and the list of participants are available at the Documents Counter. UNFCCC documents are also available in the �documents section� on the UNFCCC website. Pigeonholes: Pigeonholes for Parties and intergovernmental organizations are located next to the Documents Counter in the foyer of the Hotel Maritim. Invitations or leaflets that are clearly attributed to a Party or an admitted observer organization can be authorized for distribution. Please contact the Observer Organizations Liaison Office Team located in the office of Conference Affairs Services in La Marée.

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Special Announcements


Monday, 2 August 2010 at 19:00

A reception by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Protection and Reactor Safety and

the City of Bonn will take place at the "Konferenzzentrum Bonn" World Conference Center Bonn

Platz der Vereinten Nationen 2 (previously Görresstraße 15); 53113 Bonn-Gronau (Underground station: Heussallee/Museumsmeile)

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Observer Organizations Liaison Team

The Observer Organizations Liaison team will be located at the office of the Conference Affairs Services in La Marée:

Ms. Megumi Endo

Observer Organizations Liaison Officer TEL: +49 151 27 74 18 33

[email protected]

Ms. Nathalie Sneider Nominations and interventions

TEL: +49 151 27 74 18 54 [email protected]

Ms. Linda Carrington

Nominations and interventions TEL: +49 151 27 74 18 27

[email protected]

Ms. Diah Yulianti Side Events and Exhibits TEL: +49 151 27 74 18 61

[email protected]

Mr. Warren Waetford Additional activities, Side Events and Exhibits and the Climate Change Publications Counter

Tel: +49 151 27 74 18 56 [email protected]

The Observer Organizations Liaison Team looks forward to meeting you.

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Side Events The Side Event programme for the AWG-KP 13/AWG-LCA 11 contains 32 events focused on major issues in the Convention process. Side Events will take place at the following locations:

• Ministry of the Environment (MoE): Rooms SOLAR and WIND • Ministry of Transport (MoT): Room METRO • Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (FIDMED): Rooms AIR and WATER

For a breakdown of the Side Events, please see our web schedule which allows sorting by theme categories as well as organizer groups.

Make your presentations available to a global audience

An upload facility is available for all Side Event organizers in the online registration system, which is accessible through the personal account. Draft agendas may be posted in advance to inform potential participants. In order to share your presentation files with participants after your Side Event, you may upload the files using this facility and inform your participants to refer to this. Changes can be made by replacing or deleting the existing files. Please note that individual files should not exceed 4 MB, but you may upload as many slides as needed.

UNFCCC and related events


Hotel Maritim (first floor)

Time/Room Organizer Title / Theme

Monday, 02 August

13:00�14:30 Koch (Hotel


Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Ms. Tshering Sherpa [email protected] +49 228 8151620

Presentation of recently submitted non-Annex I second national communications Up to four non-Annex I Parties will give presentation on their experience with preparation of their second national communications, highlighting key findings, gaps and constraints in methodologies, lessons learnt and recommendations for preparation of third national communications.

Tuesday, 03 August

18:00�19:30 Koch (Hotel


Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Mr. Marcelo Jordan [email protected] +49 228 151145

Climate Finance Portal Presentations by UNFCCC secretariat and World Bank/UNDP on progress in development of tools to provide comprehensive information on climate finance that can be used to support the intergovernmental process and provide guidance on financial options available for climate action in developing countries.

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Overall Side Event schedule

Locations MoE (Ministry of the Environment, first floor) MoT (Ministry of Transport, ground floor)

FIDMED (Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, ground floor)

Time/Room Organizer Title / Theme

Monday, 02 August

13:00�14:30 Solar (MoE)

Third World Network (TWN) Ms. Yvonne Miller [email protected] +41 22 9083550

Towards a science-based and equitable outcome in Cancun The event will provide perspectives from civil society and developing country negotiators on their analysis of the latest AWG-LCA text; what needs to happen in the AWG-KP track and what key proposals need to be advanced to enable an outcome which is both science-based and equitable for developing countries.

Monday, 02 August

13:00�14:30 Wind (MoE)

United Nations University (UNU) Ms. Koko Warner [email protected] +49 228 8150226

Migration and displacement: policy options for Para 4(f) in the AWG-LCA text (UNU and partners) Experts and delegates discuss options for human migration and displacement in context of adaptation and vulnerability reduction. Reference to para 4(f) of the AWG-LCA text. Parties reflect on regions of concern, experts discuss findings on current and potential migration processes, governance, and adaptation.

Monday, 02 August

13:00�14:30 Water


Climate Action Network Canada (CAN-Rac) Mr. Chris Henschel [email protected] +1 613 2655380

Close the LULUCF loopholes! Climate Action Network will present a clear solution that could be agreed to at this session to close the emission loopholes in LULUCF.

Monday, 02 August

13:00�14:30 Air (FIDMED)

CANCELLED by the organizer

Japan Mr. Tomohiro Shimada [email protected] +81 3 55018493

CANCELLED by the organizer Japan�s policy on climate change Progress of MRV in Asia-Pacific region, International cooperation of promotion on energy efficiency, etc.

Monday, 02 August

13:00�14:30 Koch (Hotel


Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Ms. Tshering Sherpa [email protected] +49 228 8151620

Presentation of recently submitted non-Annex I second national communications Up to four non-Annex I Parties will give presentation on their experience with preparation of their second national communications, highlighting key findings, gaps and constraints in methodologies, lessons learnt and recommendations for preparation of third national communications.

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Time/Room Organizer Title / Theme

Tuesday, 03 August

13:00�14:30 Air (FIDMED)

Tebtebba Foundation Mr. Raymond de Chavez [email protected] +63 74 4447703

Learnings of indigenous peoples on traditional forest management and REDD plus Indigenous peoples' representatives from Africa, Asia and Latin America will share their communities' experiences on how they are preparing for REDD+ by using and strengthening their traditional forest management practices.

Tuesday, 03 August

13:00�14:30 Water


Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC) Mr. Satoshi Iemoto [email protected] +81 3 54720144

Cooperative drawing of a NAMAs/MRV technical framework The 19th Asia-Pacific Seminar on Climate Change was organized in Japan on 20-22 July,2010. Experts of climate change had informative exposition about National Appropriate Mitigation Actions(NAMAs)/Measureable, Reportable and Verifiable(MRV) from a technical perspective.

Tuesday, 03 August

13:00�14:30 Solar (MoE)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Ms. Veronique Lozano [email protected] +1 212 9065724

Capacity building and climate change: experiences and lessons learned This event will focus on practical experiences and lessons from implementing capacity building activities at global and national levels. Panelists will address challenges and opportunities for assessing impacts, developing indicators for measurement and ensuring sustainability of efforts.

Tuesday, 03 August

18:00�19:30 Solar (MoE)

CANCELLED by the organizer

climatepolicy.net e.V. Mr. Niklas Hoehne [email protected] +49 162 1013420

CANCELLED by the organizer Climate Action Tracker � on a path towards 2°C or lower? Ecofys, Climate Analytics and PIK will present their latest results of the Climate Action Tracker (www.climateactiontracker.org), which monitors emission reduction pledges of all countries and their adequacy to limit global temperature increase to 2°C or lower.

Tuesday, 03 August

18:00�19:30 Wind (MoE)

ClimateNet Mr. Axel Michaelowa [email protected] +41 44 8204208

Preventing paper tigers - identifying and overcoming barriers for low carbon development strategies LCDS are a cornerstone of the post-2012 regime. Many countries have submitted ambitious strategies but how can they be realized? Case studies from advanced developing countries will be presented, focusing on use of industrialized country finance and political acumen required to remove barriers.

Tuesday, 03 August

18:00�19:30 Air (FIDMED)

Wetlands International Ms. Susanna Tol [email protected] +31 318 660933

Challenges and perspectives of wetland management This session presents the challenges of monitoring and accounting for the activity wetlands management under the Kyoto Protocol as well as the economic perspectives of wetland restoration. The event is illustrated by examples of wetland restoration projects.

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Time/Room Organizer Title / Theme

Tuesday, 03 August

18:00�19:30 Water


CANCELLED by the organizer

International Air Transport Association (IATA) Mr. Haldane Dodd [email protected] +41 22 7702981

CANCELLED by the organizer Aviation bunker fuels The global aviation industry has agreed on a common set of targets for reducing emissions from bunker fuels. Join a discussion with industry representatives on how these targets can be achieved, with an update of information from the industry ahead of the ICAO General Assembly 2010.

Tuesday, 03 August

18:00�19:30 Koch (Hotel


Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Mr. Marcelo Jordan [email protected] +49 228 151145

Climate Finance Portal Presentations by UNFCCC secretariat and World Bank/UNDP on progress in development of tools to provide comprehensive information on climate finance that can be used to support the intergovernmental process and provide guidance on financial options available for climate action in developing countries.

Wednesday, 04 August

13:00�14:30 Wind (MoE)

CANCELLED by the organizer

Ukraine Ms. Natalie Kushko [email protected] +380 50 3761069

CANCELLED by the organizer The surplus AAUs: status and way forward International experts and government representatives will discuss the status and projections on carry-over of AAUs and present the current initiatives on the implementation of Green Investment Schemes (GIS).

Wednesday, 04 August

13:00�14:30 Solar (MoE)

Climate Action Network International (CAN International) Mr. David Turnbull [email protected] +1 202 6216309

Climate Action Network - International Climate Action Network - International presents its views on closing the gap between the science and ambition, with a view towards Cancun.

Wednesday, 04 August

13:00�14:30 Air (FIDMED)

World Resources Institute (WRI) Ms. Raquel Gonzalez [email protected] +1 202 7297847

Meeting in the middle: reconciling top down and bottom up approaches to MRV WRI will explore ways to engage policy-makers (�top-down�) as well as the private sector and civil society (�bottom-up�) in national stakeholder groups to understand national needs and inform the design of national systems.

Wednesday, 04 August

18:00�19:30 Metro (MoT)

Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) Ms. Heleen de Coninck [email protected] +31 20 564316

Low emission development strategies: a reality check Low emission development strategies (LEDS) can be a valuable approach for countries to align their climate and development agendas, but remain an abstract concept. In this Side Event, we focus on what LEDSs can and cannot achieve and what would be a sensible approach for making it more concrete.

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Time/Room Organizer Title / Theme

Wednesday, 04 August

18:00�19:30 Wind (MoE)

Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) Ms. Koko Warner [email protected] +49 228 8150226

Climate risk management and insurance: Design options for paragraphs 4e and 8 of AWG-LCA draft text Explores Party questions on climate risk management and insurance for adaptation, with reference to paragraphs 4e and 8 of the AWG-LCA draft text. Delegates and experts discuss options for institutional arrangements and implementation strategies to help vulnerable countries and people. Features new MCII policy brief.

Wednesday, 04 August

18:00�19:30 Solar (MoE)

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Mr. Carlos Busquets [email protected] +33 1 49532916

ICC Side Event on technology The availability of options to address climate change will depend on the development and widespread dissemination of existing and new technologies. This event will explore vital enabling frameworks needed for business to successfully develop and deploy technology to combat climate change.

Wednesday, 04 August

18:00�19:30 Air (FIDMED)

Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future Ms. Hannah Stoddart [email protected] +44 207 5806912

Water and climate - Where next for UNFCCC? The Water and Climate Coalition will present proposals on how water and climate can be integrated under the UNFCCC, with a focus on the LCA �Adaptation Framework�, the review of the Nairobi Work Programme, and the review of the Adaptation Fund. The event will promote dialogue on the way forward.

Thursday, 05 August

13:00�14:30 Solar (MoE)

CANCELLED by the organizer

ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) Mr. Yunus Arikan [email protected] +49 228 97629920

CANCELLED by the organizer Local government climate agenda towards COP16 and beyond Local Government Climate Roadmap from Bali to Copenhagen resulted in enhanced local-national-international dialogues and collaborations. Cities, local governments and negotiators will share their efforts to raise this momentum, including 21 November 2010 Mexico City World Climate Summit of Mayors.

Thursday, 05 August

13:00�14:30 Wind (MoE)

SustainUS Mr. Kyle Gracey [email protected] +1 814 6592405

Earth Summit 2012: how it can help with a global climate deal Earth Summit 2012 or Rio+20 will be a forum for leaders to sign an ambitious post-2012 climate agreement and demonstrate actions for low carbon sustainable development. The Summit will address the underlying drivers of climate change and stimulate discussion on integration of the 3 Rio Conventions.

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Time/Room Organizer Title / Theme

Thursday, 05 August

13:00�14:30 Water


International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) Mr. Robert Jordan [email protected] +49 228 9265019

Agriculture - people before commodities (including carbon) 1 billion people are already hungry due to dysfunctional policies. UNFCCC must not accelerate the problem. Featuring the groundbreaking IAASTD report the event will call for policies that support not weaken the small farmers who produce 70% of our food and gather learnings for agriculture from REDD.

Thursday, 05 August

13:00�14:30 Air (FIDMED)

World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Ms. Estelle Geisinger [email protected] +41 22 8393191

Addressing the urgency and need for action: a business perspective Mitigation and adaptation actions will require technology solutions from the private sector. Private sector finance will be instrumental in realizing investments into clean energy technologies. How can business better support the international process to achieve our global goals?

Thursday, 05 August

18:00�19:30 Air (FIDMED)

BirdLife International (BL) Mr. John Lanchbery [email protected] +44 1767 680551

BirdLife work on forests and ecosystem adaptation The BirdLife Partnership has a host of projects that aim to conserve forests and other ecosystems throughout the World. The side event describes some of these, highlighting the necessity for working closely with local and indigenous peoples.

Thursday, 05 August

18:00�19:30 Metro (MoT)

Finnish Institute of International Affairs (UPI-FIIA) Mr. Andrew Jones [email protected] +358 206 111734

Beyond AAUs: climate finance opportunities within the EU A panel of international experts will look into new venues and opportunities for green investment in the new EU member states, including domestic offsets and possibilities for continuing existing frameworks of Green Investment Schemes (GIS) after 2012 without the use of AAUs.

Thursday, 05 August

18:00�19:30 Wind (MoE)

Germany Ms. Ulrike Wachsmann [email protected] +49 340 21032951

Decarbonising the EU power sector by 2050 - possibilities and critical preconditions The event will focus on presenting the possibilities for a major shift towards renewable energies in Germany and the EU and on the benefits that can be reaped by working together within the EU and beyond.

Thursday, 05 August

18:00�19:30 Water


International Maritime Organization (IMO) Ms. Lucy Essuman [email protected] +44 207 4634210

IMO works on control of GHG emission from international shipping IMO will present the progress made on mandatory technical and operational reduction measures expected to enter into force globally in 2013. Also the work on market-based measures to complement the technical/operational, their reduction potential and possible generation of funds, will be presented.

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Time/Room Organizer Title / Theme

Thursday, 05 August

18:00�19:30 Solar (MoE)

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Ms. Julie Greenwalt [email protected] +254 725 528175

Investing in good governance for REDD+: seeking common ground Convened by UN-REDD, this event will take stock of specific governance elements necessary for the success of REDD+ and facilitate a dialogue about country ownership for REDD+ governance, and the distinction and linkages between the monitoring of governance at the domestic and international levels.

Friday, 06 August

13:00�14:30 Solar (MoE)

European Union Ms. Agnieszka Cyndecka [email protected] +32 229 67240

Analysing options to move beyond 20% greenhouse gas emission reductions in the EU Presentation of the European Commission's analysis of options to move beyond 20% greenhouse gas reductions in the EU and an assessment of the risk of carbon leakage taking into account recent developments such as the economic crisis and targets and actions pledged under the Copenhagen Accord.

Friday, 06 August

13:00�14:30 Water


Global Witness Limited Mr. Davyth Stewart [email protected] +44 7879 764643

Reviewing UNFCCC definition of "forest" Ecosystems Climate Alliance reviews definitions of �forest� and �forests in exhaustion�. Existing and proposed definitions would undermine REDD and create perverse incentives to convert natural forest/peatsoils to plantations, resulting in significant biodiversity loss.

Friday, 06 August

13:00�14:30 Wind (MoE)

ECONEXUS Ms. Helena Paul [email protected] +44 207 4314357

Agriculture, soil and carbon markets Should agriculture and soils be included in REDD, CDM and carbon markets? Presentations discuss who is likely to gain or lose - indigenous peoples and small farmers or industrial monocultures and plantations? GM crops, agrofuels and biochar or sustainable food production and biodiversity?

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Exhibits The exhibition area includes 24 exhibits on various matters relating to the Convention. All exhibits will be located in the Maritim Hotel Bonn and will take place throughout the conference. For the exact location of exhibit booths, please review the floor plan on page 16.

List of Exhibits

Organizer Theme Scheduled

Climate Action Network Canada (CAN-Rac) Mr. Chris Henschel [email protected] +1 613 2655380

This exhibit will display the effect of emission loopholes in LULUCF and promote a clear solution that could be agreed to at this session.

Stand 3

Climate Action Network International (CAN International) Mr. David Turnbull [email protected] +1 202 6216309

Climate Action Network - International presents materials and activities of its 500 member organizations from 80 countries.

Stand 1

ClimateNet Mr. Axel Michaelowa [email protected] +41 44 8204208

Presentation of research publications on CDM and new market mechanisms as well as the political economy of climate finance.

Stand 2

Ecology Center Mme Lucia Fernandez [email protected] +33 68 5952330

The informal sector and green jobs creation: wastepickers and financing decentralized solutions. The informal sector contributes greatly to mitigation, and could expand its impact with financial support. But current financial mechanisms support false solutions such as waste-to-energy.

Stand 12

ECONEXUS Ms. Helena Paul [email protected] +44 207 4314357

Should agriculture and soil be included in carbon markets? Information on no-till, biochar, GM crops, agrofuels, livestock intensification and land issues; the impacts on agricultural biodiversity, small farmers, indigenous peoples and some real solutions.

Stand 10

Global Canopy Programme (GCP) Mr. Charlie Parker [email protected] +44 1865 724555

The Little REDD Desk: The Global Canopy Programme and partners present information on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation.

Stand 8

Global Witness Limited Mr. Davyth Stewart [email protected] +44 7879 764643

Ecosystems Climate Alliance will provide information on the implementation of necessary safeguards in REDD and LULUCF, and the monitoring of those safeguards.

Stand 5

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Green Cross International (GCI) Ms. Michelle Laug [email protected] +41 22 7890817

Exhibiting the work of Green Cross in the area of climate change, including the impact on water and projects to help local communities adapt to the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation. GCI focuses its activities on the nexus of security, poverty and the environment.

Stand 9

ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) Mr. Yunus Arikan [email protected] +49 228 97629920

Cities and local governments have a significant role in both mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. The exhibit will cover updated achievements of global local climate action with a specific focus on the preparations of the World Climate Summit of Mayors on 21 November 2010 in Mexico City.

Stand 14

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Mr. Carlos Busquets [email protected] +33 1 49532916

Exhibit will showcase a range of business views and expertise to deal with climate change. Stand 13

International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) Mr. Cedric Ammann [email protected] +41 22 7370500

International Emissions Trading Association: Display of publications and position papers from IETA. Stand 17

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) Mr. Robert Jordan [email protected] +49 228 9265019

High sequestration, low emission, food secure farming. IFOAM will provide info on effective, affordable, locally appropriate mitigation and adaptation practices and their integration into action plans and policies. Experts will be available to discuss the multiple benefits of organic agriculture.

Stand 11

Mexico Mr. Sergio Garza [email protected]+11 52 5519214766

Visas for delegates and admitted observers as well as information on participation in COP 16/CMP 6 is available at the Mexico stand located in the foyer of the Hotel Maritim. Service hours: 9:00 to 13:00 hours and 14:00 to 17:00 hours.


Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) Ms. Koko Warner [email protected] +49 228 8150226

Publications addresses Party questions on design and implementation of climate risk mgt and insurance tools for adaptation. Examples of institutional set-ups, cost considerations, implementation strategies to help vulnerable countries and people to adapt and reduce risk featured in new MCII policy brief.

Stand 19

Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC) Mr. Satoshi Iemoto [email protected] +81 3 54720144

This exhibit will provide outcomes of The Nineteenth Asia-Pacific Seminar on Climate Change (AP Seminar), "Toward Low Carbon and Climate Change-resilient Asia-Pacific: From Copenhagen to Cancun". The 19th AP Seminar have been held from 20 to 22 July 2010 in Kitakyushu, Japan.

Stand 18

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Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Ms. Susan Gitau [email protected] +49 228 8151660

Projects under CDM are stimulating sustainable development and reducing GHG emissions in 68 countries. The Changing Lives booth showcases striking images and captivating video clips - submitted to the UNFCCC/CDM photo and video contest - that illustrate how the CDM is changing lives for the better.


Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Mr. Warren Waetford [email protected] +49 228 8151276

Publications and other information materials from various admitted observer organizations are available and displayed.


Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Ms. Katya Arapnakova [email protected] +49 228 8152864

UNCCD Exhibition and display of information and publication materials on desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management.

Stand 21

Third World Network (TWN) Ms. Yvonne Miller [email protected] +41 22 9083550

Present updates and briefing papers on the ongoing negotiations. Stand 15

Transport Research Foundation (TRF) Mr. Holger Dalkmann [email protected] +44 1344 770279

This exhibit will disseminate material on transport and climate change from TRF and other transport organisations (including GTZ, UITP, ITDP) where ideas on actions to kick-start and support low-carbon sustainable transport will be provided from several experts.

Stand 16

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Ms. Veronique Lozano [email protected] +1 212 9065724

Distributing information on UNDP�s climate change programmes. Stand 22

United Nations University (UNU) Ms. Koko Warner [email protected] +49 228 8150226

Documentation and multimedia work from UNU´s work related to climate change state-of-the-art understanding of climate adaptation and human mobility, indigenous peoples, REDD and mitigation, and the contribution of higher education and research to practical action and policy.

Stand 20

Wetlands International Ms. Susanna Tol [email protected] +31 318 660933

Reducing emissions from wetlands under a new climate agreement. Stand 6

Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy Mr. Wolfgang Sterk [email protected] +49 202 2492149

The Wuppertal Institute provides information material on a wide range of issues such as equity considerations in the UNFCCC process and post-2012 policy options, the Kyoto mechanisms and the EU emissions trading scheme.

Stand 7

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Climate Change Kiosk

Where do I find information on the process and the secretariat?

The central point for information on climate change, the secretariat and its work is available at the Climate Change Kiosk, located in the foyer of the Hotel Maritim. Information is available in hard copy and electronic form.

Contact information Mr. Humphrey Asaah

Tel: +49 151 27 74 18 62 [email protected]

Climate Change Publications Counter

Publications clearly attributed to a Party or an admitted observer organization can be distributed and displayed at the Climate Change Publication Counter after approval. The counter is located on the ground floor in the central foyer of the Hotel Maritim. Please provide a sample to the Observer Organizations Liaison Team, located at the office of the Conference Affairs Services in La Marée. The counter cannot manage large volumes, but will assist in changing the range of documents. Organizers of exhibits are requested to display and distribute documents at their exhibit booths. Side Event advertisements and invitations can be posted on the notice boards located opposite of the Information Counter.

Documents deposited elsewhere or not attributed will be removed.

Contact information Mr. Warren Waetford

Tel: +49 151 27 74 18 56 [email protected]

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Floor Plans Hotel Maritim Exhibit Area


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Hotel Maritim and surroundings


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Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (Ground Floor)


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Ministry of the Environment (Ground Floor)

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Ministry of the Environment (First Floor)

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Ministry of Transport (Ground Floor)


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Observer Organizations NGO constituencies

The nine major groups identified as stakeholders in Agenda 21, the comprehensive plan of action for the Rio Declaration, are recognized as constituencies in the UNFCCC negotiation process. Plenary interventions, time permitting, are made per constituency, and their focal points interact with the secretariat as channels of communication with large groups of constituents. These are: the business and industry non-governmental organizations (BINGO); the environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGO); the indigenous peoples organizations (IPO); the farmers non-governmental organizations (Farmers)*; the local government and municipal authorities (LGMA); the research and independent non-governmental organizations (RINGO); the trade unions non-governmental organizations (TUNGO*); the women and gender non-governmental organizations (Women and Gender)* and the youth non-governmental organizations (YOUNGO)*.

Offices and contact information The business and industry non-governmental organizations (BINGO) and the environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGO) constituencies have offices located on the ground floor of the Ministry of the Environment. Constituency daily meetings are also announced in the Daily Programme and on the CCTV. For further information on the work of the constituencies, please contact:

BINGO Mr. Carlos Busquets

International Chamber of Commerce Tel.: +33 1 49 53 29 75

[email protected]

ENGO Mr. David Turnbull

Climate Action Network International Tel.: +1 202 60 99 846

[email protected]

Farmers* Mr. Valerio Lucchesi

International Federation of Agricultural Producers Tel.:+33 1 45260553

[email protected]

At AWG-KP 13/AWG-LCA 11 in Bonn: Ms. Annette Engelund Friis

[email protected]

Mr. Greg Northey [email protected]

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IPO Mr. Max Ooft

International Alliance of the Indigenous-Tribal Peoples of the Tropical Forests Tel.: +597 88 58 921

[email protected]; [email protected]

Mr. Benjamin Powless Tel.: +1 613 614 4219 [email protected]


Mr. Yunus Arikan ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

Tel.: +49 228 97 62 99 20 [email protected]


Ms. Monica Alessi Centre for European Policy Studies

Mobile: +32 472 72 18 68 mailto:[email protected]; [email protected]


Ms. Anabella Rosemberg International Trade Union Confederation

Tel.: +33 1 55 37 37 37 [email protected]

At AWG-KP 13/AWG-LCA 11 in Bonn: Mr. Thierry Dedieu

CFDT - France Tel.: +33 6 84 64 18 07

[email protected]

Women and Gender* Ms. Gotelind Alber

genderCC - Women for Climate Justice Mobile: +49 151 15 24 08 02

[email protected]

YOUNGO* Mr. Sébastien Duyck

Mobile: +49 15229085251 [email protected]

Mr. Rishikesh Ram Bhandary

Mobile: +977 1 42 42 021 [email protected]

At AWG-KP 13/AWG-LCA 11 in Bonn (only on 5 and 6 August):

Mr. Sebastian Power Tel.: +447886543863

[email protected]* Provisional constituency

The three groups with an asterisk are recognized as constituencies on a provisional basis pending

a final decision on their status before COP 17.

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Constituency Meetings

BINGO 09.00�10.00 a.m. Room SOLAR, Ministry of the Environment

Farmers* 09.00�10.00 a.m. Room WATER, Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (on 2, 3, 5 and 6 August)

10.00�11.00 a.m. Room AIR, Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (on 4 August)

IPO 09.00�10.00 a.m. Room WIND, Ministry of the Environment

LGMA 08.30�09.00 a.m. ICLEI - World Secretariat Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 7, 53113 Bonn

Women and Gender* 08.30�09.00 a.m. Room WIND, Ministry of the Environment

YOUNGO* 09.00�10.00 a.m. Room AIR, Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices

Room booking and Logistics Meeting Room Assignment (MRA)

Room booking for a closed meeting is possible on site during the sessions, availability permitting. To book a meeting room, please complete the MRA form and submit to [email protected] or to the MRA counter on-site. The MRA form can be downloaded at this <http://unfccc.int/meetings/items/2654.php>. Room assignment will be confirmed one evening before the meeting date. Rooms are booked free of charge for a maximum of one hour per organization per day. Please vacate the rooms on time as meetings are booked back to back.

Press briefings A press briefing room is available for observer organizations that wish to book a thirty-minute slot for a press briefing. Additional general information is available at: <http://unfccc.int/press/items/4862.php>

Ms. Carrie Assheuer Tel: +49 151 27 74 18 63

[email protected]

Consignment For consignment pick-up please contact the shipment focal points at the Information Counter in the foyer of the Hotel Maritim.


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Catering If you wish to order catering for your Side Event, please directly liaise with the catering company servicing the venue of your event.

Ministry of the Environment Rooms SOLAR and WIND

Mr. Alfons Esser [email protected]

Ministry of Transport Rooms METRO

Ms. Monika Nipps +49 228 300 8691 [email protected]

Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices Rooms AIR and WATER

Mr. Alfons Esser [email protected]

The organizer must coordinate with the caterer to ensure that all food and drinks are served after Side Events and are set up outside the rooms. It is the responsibility of the organizer to ensure that side event rooms and their surrounding areas are left in an appropriate state for the next meeting. 

Food and drinks are not permitted in the side event rooms!

Thank you for your cooperation.

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Notices The conference venue is a non-smoking environment. Smokers are encouraged to enjoy the fresh air outside the conference venue. Food and drinks are not permitted in any of the meeting rooms. Your support is appreciated to keep the meeting rooms in an uncluttered and clean state for subsequent meetings. Please do not change the layout of the meeting rooms.

Sessions and deadlines

AWG-KP 14/AWG-LCA 12 Monday, 4 October to Saturday, 9 October 2010

Tianjin, China

COP 16/CMP 6 Monday, 29 November to Friday, 10 December 2010

Cancún, Mexico

Online application period for Side Events and Exhibits

AWG-KP 14/AWG-LCA 12 Tuesday, 24 August at 11:00 a.m. (Central European Time) to Friday, 27 August, 2010 at

5:00 p.m. (Central European Time)

Application for admission of new observer organizations

Admittance in time for COP 17 1 March 2011

Please check our website regularly for the deadlines for applications for Side Events

and Exhibits at other UNFCCC sessions.


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