
 · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary

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Page 1:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary


Page 2:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary








     Monday – July 6, 2020 8:00 AM – +Janina Karbowiak 12:00 PM (Noon) – Mass in English 7:00 PM- Mass in Polish Tuesday – July 7, 2020 8:00 AM – +Thomas and Rosalie Anastos 12:00 PM (Noon) - Mass in English 7:00 PM- Mass in Polish Wednesday- July 8, 2020 8:00 AM –Mass in English 12:00 PM (Noon) – Mass in English 7:00 PM- Mass in Polish Thursday – July 9, 2020 8:00 AM – +Marcelina Lacap 12:00 PM (Noon) –Mass in English 7:00 PM- Mass in Polish Friday – July 10, 2020 8:00 AM – +MaryAnn Wegrzyn Trenker 12:00 PM (Noon) – + Marcelina Lacap Ann. of her death 7:00 PM- Mass in Polish Saturday – July 11, 2020 7:00AM- Mass in Polish 8:00AM – B-day blessings for Yolanda Duran rq. Vilma Duran 12:00 Noon – Wedding Mass 5:00 PM - B-day blessings for Yolanda Duran rq. Vilma Duran Sunday – July 12, 2020 7:00 AM – +Janina Borek 8:30 AM – +Jessica Michel 10:15 AM – o Boże błogosławieństwo oraz opiekę Matki Najświętszej dla członków Kół Żywego Różańca, ich rodzin oraz ks. kapelana oraz zmarych członków Kół Żywego Różańca z naszej parafii, a szczególnie zmarłych w ostatnim roku: Melanię Nowak, ks. Romana Rataja 12:30 PM – +Susan Kaleta 3:00 PM - Mass in Polish 5:00 PM- +Abp. Zygmunt Zimowski 7:00PM – Mass in Polish

Page Two 14th Ordinary Sunday July 5, 2020

MASS INTENTIONS The sanctuary lamps this week are lit for:

Marriage Banns

MASS INTENTIONS If you would like to have a Mass said for someone, please contact the Parish Office 773-622-5900 ex. 225. We will help you with the dates and times which are available. The stipend or offering given, signifies the sacrificial nature of giving of something of yourself to associate more intimately with Christ who offers himself in the Eucharist.

MASS CARDS Mass Cards also known as Mass offering card, memorial card or a remembrance card, is a greeting card given to someone to let them know that they, or a deceased loved-one, will be remembered and prayed for in the intentions at a Mass. The card-giver can now obtain the card at by

calling the parish office by giving a free offering (a donation) and the Mass will be offered for his or her intention.

SANCTUARY LIGHTS For ages, the Catholic faithful follow the custom of lighting candles at churches and shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary Lights lit for yourself, a loved one or in a special intention for a week. Please call the Parish Office or stop by the sacristy.

Eric Tytco and Veronica Padharia

+Rose, Anthony & Ann Coco

Page 3:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary

Remember in Prayer As members of the parish faith community, it is our responsibility to remember both in concrete and spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate with us each week because they are ill. Those who are sick in turn, remember all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings.

July 5, 2020 14th Ordinary Sunday Page Three

Our Stewardship of Treasure

Geraldine Mack

Agnes Coco

Laverne Greco

Anna DeBold

Frances Skrabacz

George Keehn

Maureen Keith

Dolly Aloisio

Michael Spano

Jadwiga Glowacz

Jack Fahey

Jany Aloisio

Helen Szostak

Betty Hotcaveg

Mary Lynn Remijan

Wiliam Remijan

Arlette Prasteher

Stefan Wiśniewski

John Brown

Elaine M. Budzisz

Scott Paterson

Nick Arnold

Barbara McFarlin

Aleksandra Donohue

Laura Naggo

Frances Planthaber

Nevile Steiser

Stanley Podgorny

Anna & Timothy McFarlin

Teri & Fred Bauer

Barbara Alderson

Veronica Segopva

Barbara Alterson

Julia Swanson

Jessica Jurczykowski

Violet Del Vechio

Magdalena Gruber

Marcey Iwanski

Dcn. Irvin Hotcaveg

Benjamin Martinez Lopez

Brianna Jurczykowski

Abraham Contreres Jr.

Stanisława Straczek

Twyla Khayat


SA Andrew Rios


If you have a loved one serving in the military, please contact the rectory office to give us the name of the soldier,

so the whole parish can pray for your loved one .   

Thank you for sharing your „TREASURE” with St. Ferdinand Parish




Prayer to protect against the coronavirus

Our Father, we trustingly pray to you, asking that the coronavirus may do no more harm,

that the epidemic may be swiftly gotten under control, and that you restore the health of those affected and peace to

the places where the virus has arrived.

Welcome into your kingdom the people who have died from this illness, and comfort their families.

Sustain and protect the healthcare personnel who are fighting it, and inspire and bless those working to control it.

Lord Jesus, doctor of our bodies and souls,

we feel impotent in the face of this international health emergency, but we trust in You.

Give us peace and health. Mother Mary, protect us and continue to take care of us,

and lead us through your love to your Son, Jesus.


As we strive to meet the needs of our Parish community during these uncertain times, your continued financial support is

greatly appreciated. Donations can be made by mailing your

envelope to the church or you can drop off your weekly offering in the mail slot at the

parish office or online: www.stferdinand.com or


Page 4:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary

July 5, 2020 14th Ordinary Sunday Page Four

Please join us for our Holy Masses

According to new regula ons this week we have to obey a

limit of 192 a endees with no excep ons.

Those interested in

attending Mass must

register on our parish




or call:

Beata at 773/758-2123 or

Sophie at 708/ 369-0680

You can sign up for only one Mass during en re weekend. Give others a chance to praise

God too.

Wearing masks is mandatory at all mes during all services. Don't forget yours - save lives !

Please be advised that our

personnel is obliged to take the a endance.

Please read the reopening

guides before you come to


Be respec ul to each other

and church staff.

We have a chance to increase

a endance limits in the next

weeks to come only if we

maintain high culture


Page 5:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary

Our parish has received a permission to hold public Holy Masses.

Masses are offered in the usual weekend order:

Saturday 5 PM English,

Sunday 8:30AM, 12:30 PM, and 5:00 PM.

There will be no 10:00 AM Chapel Mass until the complete opening

of the church.

Weekeday Masses are at 8.00AM and 12.00 noon and Saturday at 8.00AM only

Staying Connected to Serve You We’re publishing our bulle n every week – please see what’s happening across our parish family and what we’re planning once we can all gather again at our website at www.s erdinadchurch.com, Though our church building is temporarily closed, our parish office is s ll available to assist you. Give us a call at 773/ 622-5900 if you need assistance or support during this difficult me or send an email to zmazurek@sain erdinad.org To speak to one of the priests please call 773/ 622-8208 and dial the following extension: Pastor Fr. Zdzisław Jason Torba - 231 Fr. Pawel Zazuniak – 235 Fr. Lukasz Pyka - 236 Br. James - 247 Please consider giving online at www.s erdinandchurch.com and clicking donate bu on, here you can make a weekly offertory contribu on to our St. Ferdinand Parish family and keep the vital ministries and services we provide going. If you prefer to make an offertory dona on through cash or check, you can mail your dona ons to our parish office at St. Ferdinand Church 5900 W. Barry Ave, Chicago, IL 60634 Receiving the Sacraments

For scheduling Bap sm, Weddings and Funerals please call Parish Office 773 622 5900 or email to zmazurek@sain erdinand.org

See our parish website the at www.s erdinadchurch.com or Archdiocese of Chicago website at www.archchicago.org for more informa on or you can please call us if you have ques ons.

Page Five 14th Ordinary Sunday July 5, 2020

Page 6:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary

Page Six 14th Ordinary Sunday July 5, 2020


TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Rejoice hear ly, O Jerusalem! For see, your savior comes (Zechariah 9:9-10). Psalm — I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God (Psalm 145). Second Reading — The one who raised Christ from death will give life to your mortal bodies also (Romans 8:9, 11-13). Gospel — Come, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest (Ma hew 11:25-30). The English transla on of the Psalm Responses from Lec onary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Interna onal Commission on English in the Liturgy Corpora on. All

rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-9; Mt 9:18-26 Tuesday: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Ps 105:2-7; Mt 10:1-7 Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8e-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16; Mt 10:7-15 Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17; Mt 10:16-23 Saturday: Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33 Sunday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 65:10-14; Rom 8:18-23; Mt 13:1-23 [1-9]

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Maria Gore Thursday: St. Augus ne Zhao Rong and Companions Saturday: St. Benedict

T he sacrament of Reconcilia on gives us the right to whatever actual graces we may need, and as we need them, in order that we may make atonement for our past sins

and may conquer our future tempta ons. This is the special “sacramental grace” of Pen-ance; it for fies us against a relapse into sin. It is a spiritual medicine which strengthens as well as heals. That is why a person intent upon leading a good life will make it a prac-

ce to receive the sacrament of Reconcilia on o en. Frequent confession is one of the best guarantees against falling into grave sin. All these results of the sacrament of Rec-oncilia on—restora on or increase of sanc fying grace, forgiveness of sins, remission of punishment, restora on of merit, grace to conquer tempta on—all these are possible only because of the infinite merits of Jesus Christ, which the sacrament of Reconcilia on applies to our souls. Jesus on the cross already has “done our work for us”. In the sacrament of Reconcilia on we simply give God a chance to share with us the infinite merits of his Son.


Page 7:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary

July 5, 2020 14th Ordinary Sunday Page Seven

Page 8:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary

HOW DOES A CHRISTIAN RESPOND IN TIME OF SOCIAL CRISIS? by Fr. Blake Bri on June 25, 2020 www.wordonfire.org

July 5, 2020 14th Ordinary Sunday Page Eight

(...) The current poli cal, moral, societal and economic environment appears for some to be a barren wasteland. Things we used to take for granted-faith, marriage, family, morality, truth-appear to be relics of the past. Even within the Church we constantly hear about the crisis of voca ons, the growing number of unaffiliated Catholics and the general lull in people who are prac cing the faith. Much like the forest of pines decimated by pes lence on my family’s property, every cultural founda on is seemingly crumbling around us, devoured by the plague of rela vism, irra onality, egoism and superficiality. The Church is standing alone in the field of the world while various structures of civiliza on deconstruct around her. What is the role of the Church amidst such erosion? What is our task in a world torn by violence, hedonism and strife? In the Gospel of John, chapter 15, we hear Jesus’ keen metaphor about the vine and the branches: “I am the vine, you are the branches” (Jn. 15:5). There are many wonderful commentaries on this par cular verse of scripture. However, if we examine the en rety of Jesus’ homily on the vine and the branches, specifically in light of the first two verses, we will no ce another profound insight about the basic a tude of the Chris an life. The Lord opens his reflec on by sta ng, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. He takes away every branch that does not bear fruit and everyone that does he prunes so as to produce more fruit” (Jn. 15:1-2). Reading this line in tandem with verse 5 reveals three key characters in the analogy, each with a specific role: The Father (vinedresser), the Son (vine) and the individual Chris an (branch). It is important to note that the primary actor is the Father. He is the vinedresser, the one entrusted to harvest the plant. Herein lies a vital point. We cannot care for and prune ourselves. A person who tries to manifest their own des ny or live according to their own designs will always go awry. The branch is essen ally a recep ve en ty, it is the part of the plant that receives. It becomes apparent, therefore, that the metaphor employed by Christ in John 15 is intended not only to instruct us on our place in rela on to Himself and the Father, but also the basic a tude and modus operandi of our Chris an lives. There is a tempta on in mes of crisis to imprudently react or needlessly despair. We allow the circumstances of the world to dictate our responses to it. As a result, the residue of secular mentali es seep into Catholic spirituality blinding us to God’s presence. We are the branches. A branch has only one job: to be nourished. In so doing, it naturally produces fruit under the watchful eye of the gardener. “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (Jn. 16:33). In mes of upheaval, our first responsibility is not poli cal ac vism or societal revolu on. These are not how Chris ans respond to evil or injus ce. The uniqueness of Chris an ac on lies in its ability to rise above the chaos which surrounds it by acknowledging the freedom wrought for us through the Risen Lord. This is accompanied by a sagacious foresight which allows the Church to see beyond immediate troubles and short-term solu ons.

Throughout history, the Church has always been able to play the long game. She acknowledges the trials of the day with the wisdom of the morrow. She never allows herself to get caught up in the frenzy and shortsightedness of the moment. That is why she is constantly able to address the concerns of her children with prophe c clarity when the rest of the world is seduced by its own passing ideals. One such example is when St. Paul VI prac cally stood alone in his renuncia on of contracep on while other religious and poli cal leaders were lauding it as a great innova on. He did not succumb to popular pressure. The saint prayed, fasted and listened. He was s ll when civiliza on was thrashing. As a result, he recognized a danger long before many others could. “Be s ll and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10). Prayerful s llness and recogni on of God’s sovereignty is the founda ons of Chris an ac on. I am well aware of the anger, fear, anxiety and confusion that is consuming the hearts of so many people. Yet, Catholics must be vigilant and wise in how we respond to what is before us as well as where we may best invest our energies. Now is a me for prayer and forma on. Like St. Benedict a er the Fall of Rome, our genera on of Chris ans will be entrusted with the re-humaniza on of culture. As such, we cannot fall vic m to the whims and emo ons of the age. We must govern our passions with reason and discern how Christ desires us to act for the greatest good. On the night He was betrayed, Jesus did not command His apostles to violence or protest. His command was simple: “Watch and pray” (Ma . 26:41). We must keep our eyes on Christ…not our television set or social media accounts. Jesus must be our premier social commentator and influencer. If not, we will make the fatal mistake of thinking our own ideas are the solu ons to society’s problems. Only with Christ can we develop authen c reforms and programs which ensure true jus ce and freedom for all. In the face of the above-wri en reflec on, some may recall Jesus’ cleansing of the temple (Ma . 21:12-17) or His confronta on with the Pharisees during the Feast of Booths (Jn. 8:48-59). But, we must always read Sacred Scripture in the context of the whole. Our Lord spend 40 days in the desert and three years of prayer and fas ng with the Father before se ng these events in mo on. With a heart both pure and sacred, Christ opposed the wrongs of His day, but always in dialogue with Father. He was not reac onary. He was always ac ng in obedience and mercy. Many of us have yet to arrive at such a purity of intent in our own hearts which can only be achieved by following our Lord’s example of “frequently withdrawing into the wilderness to pray” (Lk. 5:16). The field around Mother Church seems barren and desolate. But, a great spring me awaits us. It is not hopeless. There is a forest of grace wai ng to bloom. All we have to do – and it is hard enough for most of us — is faithfully abide and be rooted in Christ. The Father will ensure the blossoming of the pasture; the birth of a civiliza on of love. The Lord can take the mustard seed of our faith and transform it into “the largest of plants where even the birds come to nest within its branches” (Ma . 13:32)

Page 9:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary

July 5, 2020 14th Ordinary Sunday Page Nine

Catholic Chari es Meals on Wheels Drivers Needed Are you interested in helping seniors in your community? Catholic

Chari es partners with Meals on Wheels America to provide a noon me meal for those who are homebound or unable to prepare their own food due to physical or mental difficul es. Many of our Meals-on-Wheels clients see only one person per day—our volunteers. Many of them would be unable to live independently without home-delivered meals. Volunteers are needed throughout Lake County, but the need is greatest right now in Fox Lake, Wauconda, and Mundelein. This is a great role for a group or individual who has a few hours once a week or once a month. Subs tute and seasonal volunteers are needed as well! For more informa on, please visit www.volunterbridge.com or contact Sue Fowler at (847) 782-4126 or sfowler@catholicchari es.net Catholic Chari es Legal Assistance Department Catholic Chari es Legal Assistance Department has a orneys and volunteer a orneys available to provide advice in numerous areas of law. If you are unsure about your legal rights or lost in the legal system, let us help you. Services include in-depth advice and possible direct representa on on many issues, including landlord/tenant issues, family law, consumer and debtor rights, foreclosure, employment issues, orders of protec on, power of a orney, and more. CCLA provides free to low-cost legal services to eligible low-income individuals. For help and more informa on, contact the legal advice line at (312) 948-6821. Catholic Chari es Maternity & Adop on Services Pregnant? There are op ons. What do I do? Who should I tell? It’s scary. You can turn to us. Catholic Chari es Maternity & Adop on Services has resources to serve teens, single women, and couples facing unplanned pregnancies. We are here to help, without pressuring you. We can talk about your op ons as you plan for your child’s future. We can help you whether you decide to parent your child or make a plan of adop on. If you are not sure what to do, our 24-hour hotline has caring and professional counselors available to help you. Our services are free and confiden al. Call 1 (800) CARE-002 or (312) 454-1717. For more informa on, visit www.catholicchari es.net/adop onservices. Catholic Chari es Volunteer Opportuni es Are you looking for an opportunity to volunteer? Catholic Chari es of the Archdiocese of Chicago is looking for volunteers to serve throughout our more than 150 loca ons helping improve the lives of the people we serve. For more informa on, visit us at www.volunteerbridge.com, email volunteer@catholicchari es.net or call the Volunteer Rela ons department at (312) 655-7322.

HURTING FROM ABORTION? There are people who understand and can help. Are you hurting emotionally and spiritually after an abortion? There is hope for your future! If you're suffer-ing because of an abortion, you may feel alone. But you are not. Call 1-888-

456-HOPE. www.hopeafterabortion.com One-on-one lay counseling, referrals to trained priests and understanding professionals. HOTLINES If you or someone you know needs help, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799 SAFE (7233) - National Dating Abuse Helpline (for teens) 1-866-331-9474. In Chicago for counseling/support, call Between Friends 24-hour Crisis Hotline: 1-800-603-HELP (4357).

Page 10:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary

Page Ten 14th Ordinary Sunday July 5, 2020

OFIARA MSZY ŚWIĘTYCH Czy warto ofiarować w czyjejś intencji Mszę Św.? Otóż

modlitwa za innych jest najbardziej uniwersalnym darem, jakiego mogą udzielać sobie chrześcijanie. I choć dzisiejszy świat, w którym liczy się to, co materialne, nie potrafi jej docenić, to jednak wielu głęboko wierzącym nie raz dane było doświadczyć niezwykłej mocy

zanoszonych przez nich modlitw. A Msza Święta jest szczególnym rodzajem modlitwy, bo jak w żadnej innej obecność Boga jest wręcz namacalna. Dzięki tej bliskości, dzięki czystości naszego serca i łasce możemy wypraszać potrzebne nam i naszym bliskim dary. Pan Bóg sam będzie wiedział, jak obdarować tych, za których odprawiana jest Mszą Święta. Istnieje wiele potwierdzonych świadectw o cudownej sile Eucharystii. Dlaczego więc nie skorzystać z takiej możliwości, którą przecież mamy dzięki samemu Chrystusowi. Polecamy szczególnej uwadze możliwość zamawiania Mszy św. za zmarłych lub w innych wybranych intencjach. Intencje Mszalne można zamawiać w zakrystii lub DZWONIĄC do biura parafialnego (773) 622-5900 x. 225.

OZDOBNE KARTKI INTENCJALNE z wizerunkiem naszego kościoła oraz św. Ferdynanda upamiętniające osobę, za którą została zamówiona intencja są do nabycia w biurze parafialnym za dodatkowa ofiarą.

SAKRAMENT POKUTY I POJEDNANIA Ci, którzy przystępują do sakramentu pokuty, otrzymują

od miłosierdzia Bożego przebaczenie zniewagi

wyrządzonej Bogu i równocześnie dostępują pojednania z

Kościołem, któremu grzesząc, zadali ranę, a który

przyczynia się do ich nawrócenia miłością, przykładem i


Spowiedź święta – jest szczególnym sakramentem

Miłosierdzia Bożego – sakramentem nawrócenia, pokuty,

przebaczenia i pojednania. Człowiek wierzący korzysta z

dobrodziejstwa sakramentu pojednania godnie i możliwie

często, a bezzwłocznie w przypadku popełnienia

grzechów. W sakramencie tym doświadczamy radości jako

owocu spotkania z Bogiem. Jednak wiele zależy ode mnie

samego i od mojej dyspozycji, czyli odpowiedniego

przygotowania do odbycia spowiedzi św. i mojego

podejścia do sakramentu pojednania i pokuty.





MSZA ŚW. ZA OJCZYZNĘ — PIĄTEK—10 LIPCA Serdecznie zapraszamy na Mszę św. za Ojczyznę, w piątek, 10 lipca o godz 7:00 wieczorem, podczas której modlimy się za naszą Ojczyznę Polskę.

Wizerunek Jana Pawła II na monecie watykańskiej

W związku z setną rocznicą urodzin Karola Wojtyły watykański Urząd Numizmatyczny wydał monetę o nominale 2 euro przedstawiającą Jana Pawła II. Jak podkreśla Mauro Olivieri, dyrektor Mennicy Watykańskiej, najważniejsze rocznice są upamiętniane właśnie przez monety o nominale 2 euro. Moneta z okazji urodzin św. Jana Pawła II została wybita w ilości 70 tys. sztuk. Może być używana wszędzie, w przeciwieństwie do monet ze srebra czy złota, które są uznawane jedynie w Watykanie. Moneta już została wprowadzona do obiegu. Urząd watykański powierzył wykonanie projektu monety artystce rzeźbiarce Gabrelli Tito o. Przedstawia ona Jana Pawła II na tle fasady bazyliki w Wadowicach oraz domu rodzinnego. Jest także ośmioramienna gwiazda, która przedstawia Najświętszą Maryję Pannę. Pod wizerunkiem papieża znajdują się także gałązki laurowe, symbolizujące chwałę świętych. Państwo Watykan posiada swoje euro. Co roku wybija monety o różnych nominałach: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 centów oraz 1 i 2 euro.

Wybijane zostają również monety ze srebra i ze złota o wartości: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 i 200 euro. Każdego roku emitowane są

również monety specjalne dla upamiętnienia szczególnych wydarzeń (np. zgromadzenie Synodu Biskupów) i monety

rocznicowe przypominające o życiu papieży i świętych.

Page 11:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary

July 5, 2020 14th Ordinary Sunday Page Eleven

Nasza parafia otrzymała pozwolenie na publiczne odprawianie Mszy Świętej.

Msze św. w j. polskim są odprawiane w zwyczajnym porządku weekendowym

godz. 7:00 rano, 10:15, 3:00 po poludniu i 7:00 wieczorem. Codziennie o godz. 7:00 wieczorem

Pozostajemy w kontakcie, aby Wam służyć pomocą: Co tydzień publikujemy nasz biuletyn, który jest dostępny na naszej stronie parafialnej: www.s erdinadchurch.com Kościół pozostaje w dalszym ciągu zamknięty, po informacje, zamówienie intencji Mszy Św. prosimy kontaktować się z nami dzwoniąc na numer biura parafialngo 773/622-5900 lub przesyłając e-mail pod adres: zmazurek@sain erdinad.org Jeżeli chcecie połączyć się z księżmi prosimy dzwonić na numer 773/622-8208 i następnie wybrać numer wewnętrzny: Z ks. proboszczem Zdzisławem Torbą – 231 Z ks. Pawłem Zazuniakiem – 235 Z ks. Łukaszem Pyką – 263 Z Br. James- 247

Uczestnictwo w sakramentach Po ustalenie daty sakramentu Chrztu Świętego, Sakramentu Ślubu oraz Pogrzebu proszę dzwonić na numer biura parafialnego

773 622 5900 lub kontaktować się drogą elektroniczną zmazurek@sain erdinand.org

SPOWIEDŹ ŚW. ODBYWA SIĘ ODZIENNIE OD PONIEDZIAŁKU DO SOBOTY OD GODZ. 6 –7 WIECZOREM. WASZA POMOC JEST NIEZBĘDNA— Wielu z parafian pyta o możliwość wsparcia naszej parafii pomimo, że w tej chwili nie możemy w pełni Wam służyć. Z serca dziękujemy za Waszą troskę. Jak wiecie, ofiary z niedzielnej tacy służą jako podstawa utrzymania kościoła. To z nich utrzymywana jest zarówno świątynia jak i całe jej otoczenie, stąd też zdajemy sobie doskonale sprawę, że w tej chwili jest to trudny czas dla Was również, dla tych którzy chcieliby wesprzeć naszą parafię dobrowolną ofiarą, poniżej podajemy sposoby jak można to uczynić: - drogą pocztową na adres: St. Ferdinand Parish 5900 W. Barry Ave Chicago IL 60634 - wrzucając w otwór na przesyłki biura parafialnego lub przez internet, używając karty kredytowej logując się pod adres: www.s erdinandchurch.com przycisnąć: Donate Dziękujemy Wam za wspólne modlitwy, wzajemne wsparcie, trwajmy w nadziei i duchowej łączności w tym trudnym dla nas czasie, abyśmy przeżywali go po chrześcijańsku i oby w naszych sercach zawsze był widoczny blask nadziei Zmartwychwstania.

Page 12:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary

July 5, 2020 14th Ordinary Sunday Page Twelve

Zapraszamy do wspolnej modlitwy razem z nami po

zniesieniu nakazu gubernatora tzw. Stay at

home order. Nowe przepisy w tym tygodniu nakladaja na

nasza parafie obowiazek rejestracji wiernych oraz

bezwzgledny limit 192 uczestnikow na msze.

Prosimy o uszanowanie przepisow i dostosowanie sie

do zalecen personelu koscielnego.

Rejstracja dostępna na stronie internetowej

naszej parafii: www.saintferdinand.org W przypadku problemów

z rejestracją online prosimy o kontakt

z p. Beatą dzwoniąc pod numer 773-758-2123 lub z p. Zosią pod numerem

708 369-0680

Dana osoba moze zapisac sie tylko raz w ciagu danego

weekendu - Dajmy szanse bliznim wokol nas.

Obowiazuje bezwzgledny nakaz noszenia masek ochronnych podczas

wszystkich nabozenstw. Uszanujmy to - chroniac

siebie ratujmy zycie innych. Pamietajmy ze personel

parafialny jest zobowiazany do sprawdzenia obecnosci

zarejestrowanych. Zapoznajmy sie takze z

ponizszymi reopening guides

zanim przyjdziemy do

kosciola. Zachowajmy

szacunek do siebie nawzajem

i do personelu koscielnego.

Mamy szanse zwiekszenia

limitu wiernych w przyszlych

tygodniach wylacznie pod

warunkiem zachowania

najwyzszych standardow


Page 13:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary

July 5, 2020 14th Ordinary Sunday   Page Thirteen

Support Staff Mrs. Zofia Mazurek, Administra ve Assistant— ext. 225 Mrs. Ewelina Sokolowski, Opera ons Director Mrs. Sophie Kass, Volunteer Office Support—ex. 222 Ms. Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska, Bulle n Editor Mr. Paul Kolodziej, Website Editor

Liturgical Bro. Dr. James Drangsholt, Director of Music/Liturgy, Lector & EM Coordinator — ext. 247 Dcn. Irv Hotcaveg, Deacon Emeritus Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Homebound Ministers of Care Scheduler Parish Council Mrs. Sophie Kass—President, Anthony Mangiaracina, Peter Holod, MaryAnn Barnhart, Joyce McGiniss, Elizabeth Kata, Br. James Drangsholt, Tony Powers, Carmelo Trujillo, Mark Duce, Jane Lohrmann, Denis Kasprzyk, Beata Bosak, Sr. Zofia

Turczyn, Erin Boyle Folino, Elisa De Leon, Edgar Evangelista

Parish Finance Commi ee Mr. Tom Bucaro-Chairperson, Edith Anaya, Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart, Mr. Gene Szaban, Greg Ramel, ExOfficio Members: Mrs. Ewelina Sokolowski, Br. James Drangsholt Parish Organiza ons and Prayer Groups Boy Scout: Mr. Vince Clemente, Coordinator Girl Scout: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss, Coordinator Fish Fry: Ms. Urszula Szaban, Coordinator (773) 901-8767

Ladies of St. Anne: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio, President Youth Group: Fr. Pawel Zazuniak, Beata Bosak (773) 758-2123 Knights of Columbus Mater Chris Council: Mr. Felipe Ovalle , Grand Knight Legion of Mary: Miss Aurora Almeida — President Legion of Mary, Juniors: Mrs. Emma Camara, President Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club: Mrs. Dolores Schoewe Polish Altar Servers: Fr. Pawel Zazuniak English Altar Servers: Fr. Lukasz Pyka Children Ministry/Ziarno: Sr. Agnieszka Michna Polish Club of the Good Shepherd: Mr. Andrzej Parada, President Polish Rosary Group: Mrs. Helena Lesak, President Polish School Parents Assn.: Mrs. Marta Robak, President Radość: Ms. Marzena Kulesza, Music Teacher Kropeczki: Sr. Agnieszka Michna Lednica Group: Ms. Jola Wasko Polonia Ensemble: Ms. Anna Krysinski 847-529-2555 MOP: Mrs.Marta Robak 847-312-6144 St. Ferdinand Athle c: Ms. Linda Ward St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club: Mr. Tadeusz Kulasik, President St. Ferdinand School Board: Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart, Chairperson St. Vincent DePaul Society: Mr. Michael McGinniss, President The Associa on of Apostles of the Divine Mercy: Fr. Lukasz Pyka, Moderator Ushers Club: Mr. Peter Holod, President Pro-Life Coordinators: Tony Mangiaracina, Helena Lesak Word of Life — Dito Camara 773-344-8514 Holy Spirit Missionary Associa on: Sr. Elwira Dziuk

ON PANDEMIC WEARINESS, AND THE YOKE THAT FITS Copyright 2020 by John B. Reynolds ([email protected])

Are you red? I’m red. I shouldn’t be. I’m re red, a er all, and that takes a lot of the day-to-day stress off a person. I can’t imagine how red the front-liners must be. I’m red of the police brutality that keeps showing up on the television news shows. I’m red of the climbing COVID-19 cases in nearly half of the states. On a more local--and selfish--front, I’m red of people going the wrong way with their shopping carts at the grocery store. And even though Illinois is now opening up more, I’m red of feeling uneasy about going out into the world. Now, I’m not nearly as bad as the English poet A.C. Swinburne, who opined well over a hundred years ago: “I am red of tears and laughter/ And men that laugh and weep/ Of what may come herea er/ For men that sow and reap/ I am weary of days and hours/ Blown buds of barren flowers/ Desires and dreams and powers/ And everything but sleep.” S ll, I’m red. But I’ve seen some medical types on TV saying that it’s not just me. Seems redness/weariness/fa gue--whatever you want to call it--is in (or, as we used to say casually about a head cold or a cough, “There’s a lot of that going around”). Look at some of the headlines I found just now when searching “being red because of the pandemic.” From today.com: “Why am I so red? How to deal with exhaus on during pandemic.” From washingtonpost.com: “Why does quaran ne make us so red?” From healthline.com: Quaran ne fa gue is real. Here’s how to cope.” I didn’t read them all, but focusing on ge ng enough

sleep, here’s the gist of the Today piece: create a regular schedule, disengage from screens and other distrac ons before bed me, don’t forget to exercise, cut back on caffeine. Oh. And I especially like this one: “…avoid working from bed if you can.”

Any discussion of redness/weariness/fa gue brings to mind my favorite observa on on the topic. Singer songwriter Steve Goodman le us too soon, but before the leukemia got him, he gave us, “Weary, though weary is only a case/ Of being unwound at the wrong me and place.” Brilliant, and I think it comes into play with today’s Gospel passage. In the last three verses, which are specific to Ma hew, Jesus gives an apparent nod to Zechariah’s Old Testament prophecy of a peaceful savior heading Jerusalem’s way when he says, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” Doesn’t that sound good right now. Doesn’t that sound great right now? I don’t think Jesus is promising us a rose garden, though. I read somewhere once that the yoke Jesus speaks of won’t take away the challenges we all face, but that it will offer us peace in dealing with them. Or maybe just a li le guidance in unwinding at the right me and place. Like bed, maybe. Sans work, of course.

Page 14:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary

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Page 15:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary

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Page 16:  · shrines as a glorious form of prayer and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may request to have the Sanctuary

St. Ferdinand Parish Phone: (773) 622-5900 www.s erdinandchurch.com

Rev. Zdzisław (Jason) Torba, Pastor — ext. 231 Rev. Lukasz Pyka, Associate Pastor — ext. 236 Rev. Pawel Zazuniak, Associate Pastor — ext. 235 Rev. Albert Judy, OP — PT Associate Pastor Br. James Drangsholt, OSF — In Residence


Weekdays W ciągu tygodnia 8:00 AM & 12:00 Noon 7:00 PM

Saturdays Sobota 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Vigil) 7:00 AM

Sundays Niedziela 8:30 AM 7:00 AM 10:15 AM 12:30 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM


Monday—Saturday / od poniedziałku do soboty 6:30 PM — 7:00 PM

Saturday AM / Sobota— 8:30 AM — 9:00 AM Sundays — 30 minutes before Polish Mass

30 minut przed Polska Mszą sw. First Friday of the month / Pierwszy piątek miesiąca

7:30—8:00AM and 6:00 —7:30 PM ADDITIONAL Confession during LENT

every Saturday at 4:30pm.

St. Ferdinand School: 773 622-3022 Mrs. Erin Boyle Folino —Principal Religious Educa on Office: 773 622-3022 ext. 303 Mrs. Beata Bosak St. Ferdinand Polish Saturday School: 773-945-0505 Mrs. Halina Zurawski—Principal Chris an OutReach (COR): (773) 234-8518 Mrs. Joyce McGinniss, Director Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773 889-7979 Sr. Zofia Turczyn (Superior), Sr. Agnieszka Michna


For Children: a pre-Bap sm class is required for Bap sm of the first child. Classes are held in English on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30PM in the Church, and in Polish on the last Tuesday of each month at 7:30PM in the Church. Following registra on, the sacrament of Bap sm is celebrated in English on the second Satur-day each month at 6:00PM and on the fourth Sunday of the month at the 12:30PM Mass. The sacrament of Bap sm is celebrated in Polish on the first Saturday of the month at 6:00PM and on the third Sunday of the month at the 3:00PM Mass. Please call the rectory to register at 773/622-5900. For Adults: Classes are taught through the Rite of Chris an Ini a-

on Program (RCIA) on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM. Please call Beata Bosak 773 622-3022 ex.t 303 for more informa on. MARRIAGES: Must be arranged at least four months prior to the