Short Film Analysis – ‘Hello

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  • 8/10/2019 Short Film Analysis Hello


    Short film Analysis Hello?

    In the short film extract Hello? it uses a

    wide range of camera angles to show

    emotion and to deliver the sad storyline in an

    effective way. Firstly, close up shots are used

    of the boyfriend Fin to show his emotion. By

    using a close up it allows the audience to

    connect and feel intimate with the character

    and see the emotion in his eyes. A close-up shot is effective to make the

    audience concentrate on the face and relate to the character.


    concentrating on his face, we see the pain in his eyes. By using a close up

    shot is also allows the audience to just focus on him, as he is the

    importance in the frame, while the background behind him is blurred andinsignificant.

    Furthermore, In the short film they also use

    long shots leading up to the girl Eva being

    murdered. This use of long shots is effective

    shows the entire human figure of Eva on her

    journey before being killed. The use of a long

    shot in this scene is to introduce the

    beginning of the action. It sets in motion the

    audience's perception of time, place andlogical action of the scene that is about to

    transpire. (Eva being killed). By giving little

    detail visible in the shot, it means you can

    give a general impression rather than

    specific information, giving an open reading

    to the audience. While the focus is on Eva,

    plenty of background detail still emerges

    (e.g. we can tell she is in a subway).

    In addition they also use the idea of a pointof view shot. This is used when Eva hasbeen stabbed and is on her own in the

    subway bleeding to death. This sort of shot

    is effective as the camera corresponds to

    the height of Eva (on the ground). It gives

    the audience the feel that youre seeing itfrom the eyes of the Eva. It is taken from

    near the eye-level of the actor and shows

    what Eva would be seeing this is therefore

    effective as it engages the audience into the storyline as they feel like they arethere with her and form an attachment to her character.

    Millie Price

  • 8/10/2019 Short Film Analysis Hello


    Likewise, Sound is also used in this short

    film for effectiveness and drama. At the

    start of the film it is seen to be a happy

    setting of laughing and friends being

    together having fun. There is rock music, which

    portrays and mirrors Eva and Fins happiness. The

    group of friends are seen drinking and having a

    good time. So therefore the sound if parallel to the

    mood of the scene.

    However as the film goes on and the drama kicks in we here a more

    mysterious humming sound. It is a spookyenigmatic noise which gives to us the feeling of

    something not being quite right or that

    something bad is going to happen. In addition,

    when it is the day of Evas funeral sad music

    plays as Fin sits in her room crying repeatedly

    listening to Evas last message over and over. It

    is a piano sound of soft sounds connotating

    death and grief.

    Lastly the film uses mise-en-scene to portray the theme of the film to the

    audience. The two main characters Fin and Eva are both wearing dull

    clothing of dark greens, blacks and greys to

    almost portray death and sadness. The

    costume mirrors the mood and theme of

    the film.