Shooting Diary

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shooting diary

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Shooting DiaryWhen filming my video ready to upload on my website I faced some problems and some success' throughout. The first problem I faced was the lead actor who I intended on using wasn't in school the day I was filming, therefore left me in a struggle so I had to find another lead protagonist quickly to take the homeless teenager role. It took me a while, however I managed to find Ben to take lead role.As I began to film, I used my story board as that's how I intendted my film to be like, however as I got to the first shot, I realised I could make it seem more dramatic therefore came up with a completely different plan. I still used a medium long shot however I just filmed Ben sat in a deselet corner emphasising his lonlinless and the old and dirty clothes he was wearing. I did this using a zoom transaction therefore thought it went really well and became more effective than my first inital plan. The dialog on my stroyboard had people laughing in the background, yet I established that was unneccessary as I want to empaphise the sadness of this topic therefore this first shot on my film had no dialog, which really shown his heart break. The second shot on my storyboard, was a a medium long shot of someone sitting under a cloud of rain and lighting with creatures such as mice by him. This shot went slighty to plan as it was another shot of Ben alone however he was not outside, it wasn't thundering and lightening therefore wouldn't of matched my storyboard. In addition, what did go well was how I stuck to having non diagetic sound, which was just a music track over the different transactions of the video coming in. My plan was to use this scene of the video as a fade in shot and I kept to that.Unfortunately, my third scene was supposed to be a close up of Ben crying with cuts and bruises on his face which would really enlighten to seriousness of this situation however I had no fake blood to do this with which was a negative of the shooting process. Instead, I took a long shot which turned out to be more effective as showing Ben from a distance highlighted his clothes etc. Again, the only sound I used was non diagetic which was part of the original plan. A positive that went well was on scene 5 I included text that filled the page rather than another film clip, I stuck to this on my final video which was good as it really separated parts of the film which made it less boring and it also highlighed the key issue of the charity website. I did this when editing my film as I couldnt record text. In addition, another negative was the fact I couldnt film my film all in one go due to needing a different environment each time, this was time consuming however on the plus side, made my film much better and I knew I'd worked harder due to the amount of time it took me. My plan after this shot was to include another fade in shot of text, yet I changed my mind as I knew it would of been more effective placed at the end of the film instead. From following my story board, my next shot aimed to be a bust shot of a celebrity icon, Tracy Beaker who was going to speak. I completely suvberted this as in the end I couldnt find a female actor to be her, I also decided it would change the whole mood of the video and the audience would forget what they had juts previously seen of a homeless boy living a meloncholy life. Instead of this, I filmed a shot starting on the wall, then panning the camera round where then you could see 4 people walking past Ben who is sat on the ground and they just ignore him. This really shows the true lonliness again of Ben and how to other people he is just invisible which is the reason I am doing this charity as I believe it is too un noticed and there is a space for it to be shouted about in the media market. The shots after this, were expected to get happy and it was supposed to show the life Ben now lives and the positive people he has around him who helped him. However, once again I subverted this as I thought it would of been more effective just including this as text on the website. Instead, the shot was of a young boy approaching Ben with a cup of coffee yet Ben rejects it as he doesn't want to feel like a charity case and he noticed this boy previously rejected him as he walked past before. This emphasises the anger of homeless teenagers as they need help however don't want to gain or ask for it. This shot appeared as a distance shot with non diagetic sound with a fade in transaction. One of the last image shots was Ben now changing his mind with a piece of paper saying 'any spare change', this was successful on my film as it was a last minute decicion and so changed form my original ideas. It shown Bens perspective changing and how now he would appreciate the help so asks for it. However, there was a problem at first as it was raining so didn't think we could solve it as we thought the propps and film device being used would become damaged however we just used an umberella and the problem was soon solved. My last shot was also successful as it followed the exact idea from my story board which was text fading in separately with the name of my website 'Teenagers Need You'. Overall, I was happy with the way my ending product turned out even though there was many problems faced along the way. The editing was time consuming however turned out as planned in the final verison.