Shiva to Shankara

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  • 8/12/2019 Shiva to Shankara


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    Web pages designed by Mike Magee.

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    Original artwork is Jan Bailey, 1996-2006. Translations are Mike

    Magee 1996-2006.

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    Shiva to Shankara: Decoding the Phallic


    By Dr Devdutt Pattanaik

    ISBN 81-88569-04-6

    Price: Rs 225, paperback, 167 pages

    Web site Indus Source

    I like this book a lot. It explores the emergence of Shiva through Veda,

    Purana, Tantra and other places and illustrates some deep philosophy

    with reference to stories and legends in texts, through folklore and with

    some interesting diagrams.

    While Shiva is the ice-cool ascetic extraordinaire, that aint necessarily so

    always and at all times. A whole body of material illustrates the Shiva

    phenomenon in the light of Shakti in her various guises, whether as Sati,

    Gauri, Kali or Annapurna.

    Daksha didnt like his yajna disturbed by Mahadeva with his retinue of

    misshapen mates, the ganas, but in the end the old Vedic ways of worship

    were supplanted in favour of ascetism or alchemy, or perhaps sometimes

    a combination of both. While many Shiva devotees in India itself will seekto downplay the phallic significance of the lingam, Dr Pattanaik shows by

    reference to many different short texts that Mahadevas real nature is

    ambiguous in the extreme but fundamentally posited on the lingam as a

    transcendent symbol, played out on the canvas of the reality of female

    and male relationships.

    The book contrasts the Vaishnav approach with the Shaivite. Dr Pattanaik

    illustrates the differences between Vishnu and Shiva in this table below.

    Shiva (Hara) Vishnu (Hari)



    mountain Ocean of milk

    Clothes Animal skins Silk robes

    Cosmetic Ash Sandal Paste

    Jewellery Snakes and Beads Flowers and Gold

    Association with the

    creative aspect of

    God, Brahma

    Carries Brahmas

    skull as his begging


    The lotus that

    rises from his

    navel gives birth

    to Brahma

    Offering Raw milk Butter

    At one time each cult sought to portray each devata as the supreme

    symbol of the Brahman - according to early European accounts this led to

    bitter squabbles and even violence between the adherents. The denial of

    Shivas lingam being an emblem of the phallus even led to the column

    being sheathed by male faces in some temples.

    "Shivas association with low-caste people and his disregard for formal

    ritual made him popular among the masses... Shivas entourage of ganas

    as described as an unruly and rowdy bunch of wild ogres who obtain true

    unconditional acceptance from Shiva. He drinks with them, smokes with

    them and never gets annoyed with their rather antisocial behaviour." -

    page 114.

    eview: iva to an ara: eco ing t e a ic ym o ttp: www.s ivas a s an


  • 8/12/2019 Shiva to Shankara


    Theres a nice quote from the Navnath Charitra which has Shiva and

    Parvati talking about the existence of the world in a cave, deep in the

    Himalaya. He explains to her, tantra fashion, how secret the knowledge is.

    But, unknown to both, a small fish inside a pond in the cave heard the

    conversation and was able to make himself into a man with the

    knowledge. "He travelled the earth, sharing with everyone what he had

    heard Shiva tell Parvati. He was known as Matsyendranath. He had eight

    disciples who went to the eight corners of the world, carrying the word of


    Despite Shivas role as an ascetic, an emergency rose in the heavenly

    spheres and he had to father children, ending up with an unusual family

    consisting of his wife Gauri, the elephant-headed god Ganesh, and

    Skanda. The child he fathered through his relationship with Vishnu in his

    female guise as Mohini produced a child, Ayappa, still worshipped in

    South India and somewhat reconciling the sectarian divisions between

    Vaishnav and Shakta cults.

    The book is illustrated throughout, and includes some unusual and rare

    photographs, including one of the famous ice linga, strewn with bel leaves.

    Dr Pattanaik uses the texts and the folklore to make some subtle and

    deep insights into the legends and the stories. When Shiva as the ice cold

    ascetic was woken to the reality of Shakti, he becomes Shankara and the

    interplay of both represents harmony between the "inside" and the"outside", which are both and neither. This is a fine book, thoroughly

    recommended. MM

    Artwork is Jan Bailey, 1996-2006. Translations are Mike Magee 1996-2006. Questions or

    comments to [email protected]

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