Shipping, Handling & Storage

Shipping, Handling & Storage - AMERICAN STANDARD PACKAGING PRACTICES PIPE: 100MM - 500MM FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES 100MM -400MM ACIPCO 40 International Pipe Manual Shipping, Handling

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Page 1: Shipping, Handling & Storage - AMERICAN STANDARD PACKAGING PRACTICES PIPE: 100MM - 500MM FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES 100MM -400MM ACIPCO 40 International Pipe Manual Shipping, Handling

Shipping, Handling & Storage

Page 2: Shipping, Handling & Storage - AMERICAN STANDARD PACKAGING PRACTICES PIPE: 100MM - 500MM FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES 100MM -400MM ACIPCO 40 International Pipe Manual Shipping, Handling



AACCIIPPCCOO 4400 IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall PPiippee MMaannuuaall

Shipping, Handling & Storage

DN *Wgt./Pkg.(mm) W H L Pcs./Pkg. in kilos.

100 0.88 1.03 6.55 42 5082

150 1.07 1.13 6.55 30 5445

200 1.17 1.13 6.55 20 4906

250 1.16 1.03 6.55 12 3841

300 1.04 1.19 6.55 9 3633

350 1.20 1.37 6.55 9 4762

400 1.36 1.53 6.55 9 5702

450 1.99 1.78 6.55 12 8910

500 2.20 1.94 6.55 12 10322

Pkg. Dims. in meters

Pipe 600mm and larger are normally shipped individually packaged to ensure maximumusage of ship’s cargo holds while ensuring protection of the pipe.

Bundle configurations are subject to change.

*Approximate weight assuming K9 cement lined ductile iron pipe.

Fittings 100mm - 400mm are packaged in boxes made of wood with removable tops andlined with polyethylene to ensure safe transport.

500mm and larger fittings are shipped individually.

Page 3: Shipping, Handling & Storage - AMERICAN STANDARD PACKAGING PRACTICES PIPE: 100MM - 500MM FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES 100MM -400MM ACIPCO 40 International Pipe Manual Shipping, Handling

It is recommended that pipe to be stored for any extended period of time should not be stacked higher than indicated in the table below. To prevent dirt and debris from entering the pipe, bottom tiers should be kept off theground on timbers, rails, or concrete supports.

Pipe on succeeding tiers should be alternated – bell-plain end,plain end-bell, etc. Timbers 100mm x 100mm size should beplaced between all tiers, and chocks should be nailed at each endto prevent movement of the pipe. For safety and convenience, eachsize should be stacked separately.

Ductile iron pipe is shipped in truckload or carload lots for freighteconomies. Tabulated below are practical loading quantities forFastite®® Joint ductile iron cement-lined pipe. Truckload quantitiesare based on standard 20-ton loading.

Quantities can vary due to changes in joints, classes, ICC tariff, linings, weights, dunnage, other material or sizes included in loads,etc. Therefore, this table should be used as a guide only. CheckAACCIIPPCCOO if more exact information is required.


Ductile Iron pipe is easily cut in the field by any of several methods, the most generally used being as follows:

AABBRRAASSIIVVEE WWHHEEEELL A rotary-type abrasive wheel saw is probablyone of the most popular tools used for cutting ductile iron pipe.This equipment is commercially available with gasoline engines aswell as pneumatic motors. Cutting time is usually no more thanone minute per 25mm of pipe diameter with most commonlyused class thicknesses.

AACCIIPPCCOO 4411 IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall PPiippee MMaannuuaall


100 16 600 5150 13 700 4200 11 800 4250 10 900 4300 9 1000 3350 8 1200 3400 7 1400 3450 6 1500 2500 6 1600 2













Cutting ductile iron pipe with abrasive wheel.

Page 4: Shipping, Handling & Storage - AMERICAN STANDARD PACKAGING PRACTICES PIPE: 100MM - 500MM FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES 100MM -400MM ACIPCO 40 International Pipe Manual Shipping, Handling

TTOORRCCHH CCUUTTTTIINNGG Ductile iron pipe can be cut in the field or shop by using an oxyacetylene torch. Best resultsare obtained by using a No. 8 or No. 10 tip with approximately 5 bar oxygen and 1 bar acetylene. For cement-linedductile pipe, the best results are normally obtained when the torch head is inclined approximately 60° to the direction of cutting .

Cutting ductile iron pipe with torch. Torch cutting ductile iron pipe.

Metallurgical studies have shown that the heat-affected zone in pipe cut by this method exists within only 6mmfrom the cut face. The hardening of the metal in the 6mm affected heat zone causes some difficulty in threading ormachining in this particular portion of the pipe, but such hardening does not interfere with push-on or mechanicaljoint assembly or performance. Cutting speed for pipe cut by oxyacetylene methods is approximately one minute per25mm of diameter for cement-lined pipe and even less for unlined pipe.

MMIILLLLIINNGG CCUUTTTTEERR Several types of milling pipe cutters are available which operate hydraulically, pneumatically, or electrically, or are self-powered by agasoline engine.

The milling-type cutter will normally cut pipe from 150mm - 1,600mm diameters. This type of cutter is usually supplied with an air motor whichalso makes submarine cuts possible. The set-up time for this cutter is usually less than ten minutes; it requires a minimum clearance of 300mm andhas a cutting speed of approximately one minute per 25mm of pipe diameter.

OOTTHHEERR CCUUTTTTIINNGG MMEETTHHOODD Portable guillotine saws cut pipe from 80mm - 450mm diameters. Caution: Hydraulic squeeze cutters are not suitable for cutting ductile ironpipe.

PPRROOCCEEDDUURREE FFOORR FFIIEELLDD CCUUTTTTIINNGG DDUUCCTTIILLEE IIRROONN PPIIPPEE1. Measure the candidate pipe diameter (or circumference) at the location of the cut to be made to ensure that the pipe diameter and circumference are within the tolerance. (Note: There are minimum laying lengths for restrained joint pipe. Consult AACCIIPPCCOO..)

AACCIIPPCCOO 4422 IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall PPiippee MMaannuuaall

Cutting ductile iron pipe with milling cutter.

Step 1. Measure the pipe diameter (or circumference) at the location of the cut to

ensure that it is within the tolerance.

Page 5: Shipping, Handling & Storage - AMERICAN STANDARD PACKAGING PRACTICES PIPE: 100MM - 500MM FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES 100MM -400MM ACIPCO 40 International Pipe Manual Shipping, Handling

2. Mark the pipe at sufficient intervals around the circumferenceby measuring from a reference (usually the spigot end) such that a square cut can be made.

3. Cut the pipe at the desired location. It is important that field cuts for restrained joint welding be smooth, regular, and as square as possible with the axis of the pipe because the cut end will be used as a reference to position the retainer ring. The outside of the cut end should be beveled smooth per manufacturer's recommendations using a grinder or file to prevent damage to the gasket during assembly.

FFIIEELLDD GGAAUUGGIINNGG AACCIIPPCCOO factory gauges the spigot ends of every ductile iron pipe before shipment to the customer. Accordingly, pipe selected for cutting in the field should be field-gauged. A circumferential “ππ” tape canbe used for this. Some pipe, especially in the largest diameters, may be out-of-round to the degree that they willneed to be rounded after cutting by jacking or other methods to facilitate making the joint. This is a normal occurrence and does not in any way affect the serviceability of ductile iron pipe. Instructions for the rounding operation are described in this section.

PPRREEPPAARRAATTIIOONN OOFF FFIIEELLDD CCUUTT JJOOIINNTTSS When a torch cut is made, the last few inches of the plain end need tobe cleaned of any oxides, slag, or other protrusions.

When the cut end is to be assembled in a Fastite bell, an adequate smooth (without sharp edges) bevel should beground or filed on the cut edge to prevent damage to or dislodgement of thegasket during assembly.

NNoottee:: Generous bevels are advantageous in the assembly of field-preparedends. To confirm the effectiveness of pipe end preparation and the subsequentassembly of a field-prepared end, a thin "automotive" or other feeler gauge canbe effectively used to check (probe) for proper and uniform gasket positioning all around the assembled joints.

AACCIIPPCCOO 4433 IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall PPiippee MMaannuuaall

Step 2. Mark the pipe at sufficient intervals around thecircumference by measuring from a reference–

usually the spigot end of the pipe.

Step 3: Cut the pipe at the desired location. Following the cut, the outside of the cut end should be

beveled smooth.

Page 6: Shipping, Handling & Storage - AMERICAN STANDARD PACKAGING PRACTICES PIPE: 100MM - 500MM FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES 100MM -400MM ACIPCO 40 International Pipe Manual Shipping, Handling

TTAAPPPPIINNGGDuctile Iron pipe is readily tapped either dry or under pressure by using conventional tapping equipment utilized bymost contractors and water utilities.

Taps made directly into the pipe result in clean, sharp, strong threads making tapping saddles unnecessary forsmall diameter taps.

Teflon tape or a commercial thread compound which is suitable to the service is recommended to be used onthreads.

FFIIEELLDD RREEPPAAIIRR OOFF DDAAMMAAGGEEDD CCEEMMEENNTT LLIINNIINNGGSSCement lining will withstand normal handling; nevertheless, pipe or fittings may be found at times to have damaged linings which need to be repaired before placing in service. AWWA C104, EN545 and ISO 4179 providethat damaged lining may be repaired, and the following repair procedure is recommended:

1. Cut out the damaged lining to the metal. Square the edges.

2. Thoroughly wet the cut-out area and adjoining lining.

3. With the damaged area cleaned and the adjoining lining wet, spread the mortar (see recommended mix below) evenly over the area to be patched. After the lining has become firm and adheres well to the surface, finish it with a wet 80mm or 100mm paint brush or similar soft bristle brush.

4. The repaired lining should be kept moist by placing a wet burlap over the required area of the pipe or fitting for at least 24 hours.

RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDEEDD CCEEMMEENNTT MMIIXX Cement mix by volume: 3 Parts Portland Cement; 2 Parts Clean Sand; necessary water for slump of 125mm to 200mm. The sand should be free of clay and screened through a No. 20 Screen.

AACCIIPPCCOO 4444 IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall PPiippee MMaannuuaall

Above is shown a 150mm AACCIIPPCCOO Ductile Iron pipe that has been tapped for a 25mm corporation stop, showing the excellentthreading properties of ductile iron pipe.

Page 7: Shipping, Handling & Storage - AMERICAN STANDARD PACKAGING PRACTICES PIPE: 100MM - 500MM FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES 100MM -400MM ACIPCO 40 International Pipe Manual Shipping, Handling

AACCIIPPCCOO 4455 IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall PPiippee MMaannuuaall

PPRREECCAAUUTTIIOONNSS1. Mortar for lining should not be used after it has been mixed for more than one hour.

2. Too rapid a loss of moisture from fresh linings due to hot weather or high wind will prevent proper cure, resulting in the lining being soft and powdery. To prevent this loss of moisture, (a) do not line hot castings and (b) close the ends of the castings with wet burlap.

3. Fresh linings which become frozen will not be serviceable. Avoid lining in freezing weather.

RREEPPAAIIRR OOFF EEXXTTEERRNNAALL CCOOAATTIINNGGSSShipment, handling, and the rough installation of pipe may occasionally damage the factory-applied external coat-ing. Slight damage does not require any repair. If large damage is experienced, it is recommended that the coatingbe repaired at site as per the following instructions:

MMaatteerriiaallss::• Paint brush or roller and cloth rag

• Asphalt paint type approved for contact with potable water

PPrroocceedduurree::• The surface should be cleaned of all damaged coating and dirt

with the brush or rag.

• Dry the area to be coated.

• Apply the asphalt paint with a brush or roller to a mean thickness of 70 microns and no less than 50 microns.