4 Plano ISD School Improvement Plan: 2015-2016 School Based Improvement Committee Shepton High School Principal: William McLaughlin Mission Statement: The Shepton community promotes relevant and engaging experiences that foster individual growth and ownership of learning within a safe and caring atmosphere.

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Plano ISD

School Improvement Plan: 2015-2016

School Based Improvement Committee

Shepton High School

Principal: William McLaughlin

Mission Statement: The Shepton community promotes relevant and engaging experiences that foster individual growth and ownership of learning within a safe and caring atmosphere.

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High School Improvement Plan 2015-2016 Shepton High School

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Planning Timelines Analysis of Critical Actions, and STAAR 2014-2015 Gap Analyses: June 2015

Needs analysis, goal setting and strategic planning: June – September 2015

Campus teacher data analysis day: August-September, 2015

SBIC Plan due for DBIC review: October 30, 2015

Meeting Dates Meeting 1: SBIC approves the improvement plan (by October 23, 2015): Thursday, October 22, 2015

Meeting 2: Progress monitoring and review of strategic plan (by February 1, 2016): Thursday, January 28, 2016 Meeting 3: Evaluate effectiveness of implementation of strategic plan and meeting of goals (by June 10, 2016): Wednesday, May 25, 2016

2015-2016 Campus Status

Check all that apply

Title III English Language Learner Campus Non-Title I Campus

☐ Title I Targeted Assistance Campus

☐ Targeted Assistance Campus Transitioning to Title I School-wide

☐ Title I School-wide Campus

Title I Information

Title I Components

1 (CNA) Comprehensive Needs Assessment 6 (PI) Strategies to Increase Parental Involvement

2 (RS) Reform Strategies 7 (Tran) Transition (Elementary schools only)

3 (HQ) Instruction by Highly Qualified Staff 8 (A) Teacher Decision-Making Regarding Assessments

4 (PD) High-Quality Professional Development 9 (M) Effective and Timely Assistance to Students

5 (R/R) Strategies to Attract Highly Qualified Teachers 10 (Coord) Coordination and Integration

Program Funding

Multilingual i.e. Parent programs, Assistance with ESL and/or Bilingual program utilizing Multilingual Specialists

Title I i.e. Parent programs, Tutorial Program, RAMP up for Kindergarten Program

Sp.Ed. i.e. Special Education emergency aid

Local i.e. Parent programs

PDAS SBIC Waiver Approval Form: To provide an alternative appraisal process to the PDAS for experienced eligible teachers, the School Based Improvement Committee has to submit a waiver

(first approved at the campus level) for consideration by the District Based Improvement Committee at its first regularly scheduled meeting. The PDAS SBIC

WAIVER APPROVAL FORM may be accessed here: http://inside.pisd/hr/services/documents/PDASSBICWAIVERAPPROVALFORM.pdf

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SBIC Committee (HS) Committee Member’s Name Role Year 1st Participated on SBIC

Crystal Gaddie Faculty Member 2012-2013

Karen Stephens Faculty Member 2002-2003

Linda Havins Faculty Member 2008-2009

Lisa Snyder Faculty Member 2008-2009

Shelby Chestnut Faculty Member 2009-2010

Rachel Fulton Faculty Member 2011-2012

Bill McLaughlin Principal 2012-2013

Karyn Crowe, Secondary Math Specialist District Professional 2014-2015

Rosolayn Johnson, PWSH Academic Specialist District Professional 2015-2016

Nataushe Sibbaluca, Assistant Principal Campus Professional, Non-teaching 2012-2013

Ellie Murphy, Assistant Principal Campus Professional, Non-teaching 2012-2013

Matthew Conrad, Assistant Principal Campus Professional, Non-teaching 2013-2014

Melissa Blank, Assistant Principal Campus Professional, Non-teaching 2015-2016

Deborah Heineman Support Staff Member 2010-2011

Sherna Armstrong Parent-Selected by PTA 2015-2016

Elizabeth Fernandez Parent-Selected by Principal 2015-2016

Sheryl Joshi Parent 2015-2016

John Hart Parent 2015-2016

Michelle Ridgley Parent 2015-2016

Michael Motes Parent 2015-2016

Kelly Carrero Parent (High and Senior High only) 2015-2016

Marilee Solomon Community Member 2015-2016

Bob Sweeney, Armor Wealth Management Business Representative 2015-2016

Katrina Welch, Texas Instruments Business Representative 2015-2016

John Colvert, Sophomore Student (High and Senior High only) 2015-2016

Alexia Lewis, Sophomore Student (High and Senior High only) 2014-2015

Arielle Robinson, Freshman Student (High and Senior High only) 2015-2016

Jack Barrows, Freshman Student (High and Senior High only) 2015-2016

Information regarding the SBIC Committee (BQB Local) may be accessed here: http://pol.tasb.org/Policy/Code/312?filter=BQB

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District-Wide Goals 1. Increase the percentage of students meeting STAAR Satisfactory performance rates.

2. Ensure that all students meet STAAR and MAP Growth Standards in all subject areas.

3. Increase Satisfactory and Advanced performance rates for Economically Disadvantaged student group – Closing Performance Gaps.

4. Increase the percentage of students meeting STAAR Advanced performance rates.

5. Increase high school graduation rates and ensure students are on track to graduate.

6. Ensure that all students graduate College and Career Ready or are on track to College and Career Readiness.

7. Ensure that all student groups (7 race/ethnicity and Sp.Ed, ELL, ED) meet the Accountability Safeguard measures (60% meet Phase-in 1 Level II on STAAR/EOC).

District-Wide Goals Title I Components Applicable Student

Groups Health, Fitness and Attendance:

The campus will utilize their coordinated health program and analyze their student fitness data to set goals and objectives to encourage the health, fitness and attendance of their students.

10 (Coordination and Integration) All

Violence Prevention and Bullying 10 (Coordination and Integration) All

Parental Involvement: The campus will provide a program to encourage and increase participation of parents in regular, two-way and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and school activities.

1 (Comprehensive Needs Assessment)

6 (Strategies to Increase Parental Involvement)

10 (Coordination and Integration)


Highly Qualified Staff: The highly qualified rate of teaching staff (Teachers and Paraprofessionals) will meet the 100% target measure.

1 (Comprehensive Needs Assessment)

3 (Instruction by Highly Qualified Staff)

4 (High-Quality Professional Development)

5 (Strategies to Attract Highly Qualified Teachers)

10 (Coordination and Integration)


Transition of Pre-KN Students: The transition from early childhood to elementary school is supported by the campus and district. (Title I Campuses only)

1 (Comprehensive Needs Assessment)

7 (Transition) 10 (Coordination and Integration)

Title I only

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Improvement Plan Critical-Actions The areas for school-wide and/or targeted core-subject Critical Actions were identified using the following sources:

Comprehensive Needs Assessment;

Plano Professional Practice Analysis (PPP Analysis);

STAAR/EOC Gap Analysis;

State of Texas Accountability Reports (specifically addressing any student groups that did not meet State and Federal Accountability Safeguards)

Critical-Actions Targeted Area

1. Supplement classroom interventions with targeted support for students who perform below grade level or demonstrate early mastery of the curriculum.

☐ Campus Wide

☐ Reading Writing ELA

Mathematics Science

☐ Social Studies

☐ Other:

2. Increase minority enrollment in Advanced Placement courses to reflect the diversity of our school.

Campus Wide

☐ Reading

☐ Writing


☐ Mathematics

☐ Science Social Studies

☐ Other:

3. Define high-yield instructional strategies and reinforce their use in all classrooms.

☐ Campus Wide

☐ Reading

☐ Writing


Mathematics Science

☐ Social Studies

☐ Other:

4. Model and promote substantive collaboration to foster a learning community.

☐ Campus Wide

☐ Reading

☐ Writing



☐ Science

☐ Social Studies

☐ Other:

5. Use instructional coaches to strengthen teacher's instructional skills.

☐ Campus Wide

☐ Reading

☐ Writing


☐ Mathematics

☐ Science Social Studies

☐ Other:

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Critical Action 1

Critical Action: Supplement classroom interventions with targeted support for students who perform below grade level or demonstrate early mastery of the curriculum.

Project Lead: Crystal Gaddie, Lisa Snyder, Linda Havins, Karen Stephens, Nataushe Sibbaluca, Ellie Murphy, Matthew Conrad, Melissa Blank

Staff, Title I Staff: All Classroom Teachers: ELA, Math, Science

Materials and Resources: Textbook Website, Khan Academy, ALEKS (PreCal only), Block Lunch Schedule, SAS Data

2015-2016 Timeline: September 2015-May 2016


Area: ☐ School-wide ☐ Reading ☐ Writing ELA Mathematics ☐ Science Social Studies ☐ Other:

Strategies for Accomplishing Critical Action:

Action Step Implementation Timeline

per Action Step Formative & Summative Notes

(Evidence of Implementation and Impact)

English/Language Arts: 1. English teachers will hold mandatory tutorials, at

various times (before/after school, lunch), for students not passing class, small-group tutorials during block lunch for students not passing EOC I to address missed state safeguard for students served by Special Education in English, and available tutorials, at various times (before/after school, lunch), for students needing encouragement to reach level III success.

September 2015-May 2016

EOC tutorials were held during lunch and before/after school. There was mixed success because not all students attended. Did a highly-focused rotational pull-out for kids who are in danger of not passing ELA EOC I or II a few weeks before the test date. Some students felt EOC interventions were overkill because they were in English and Practical Writing/BLAST/Ac. Lit. Previously mentioned peer mentoring idea did not come to fruition due to cancellation of block lunch.

Mathematics: 1. Math teachers will provide access to and educate their

students about the textbook website and its resources. Teachers will create assignments for each student to do upon finishing early or for remediation needs.

January 2015-May 2016

All students are aware of the textbook website and resources, but many are not using it. Teachers have not created assignments for remediation purposes yet. This is something we will try next year. There were issues getting the online resources to work when needed this year.

2. Math teachers will provide Khan Academy as an additional resource to students for remediation and enrichment according to student need.

December 2015-May 2016.

Students are aware of Khan Academy.

3. PreCal students will use ALEKS as part of their assignments regularly beginning in November.

October 2015-May 2016

Students were using ALEKS for some of the second semester this year. There were many technology issues with the ALEKS program. The publisher assures us that the issues have been fixed and we are getting another year for free next year.

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Action Step Implementation Timeline

per Action Step Formative & Summative Notes

(Evidence of Implementation and Impact)

4. Teachers will assign mandatory tutorials for students who failed their classes and hold tutorials during block lunch times.

August 2015-May 2016 Teachers have been assigning these tutorials, and many students did begin using block lunch. However, unless the teacher follows up on each student not attending, there are some students that will still not come. The teachers’ following up is a work in progress. Without block lunch, we recommend the mandatory tutorials, but it is difficult for some students to attend.

Social Studies: 1. Provide mandatory tutorials to students who were not

successful in a six weeks. Teachers will issue letters informing student when and where the tutorials are. Students will be required to attend once weekly until they have mastered the learning objectives.

October 2015-May 2016

Some teachers did some mandatory tutorials but with Block Lunch going away, it was hard to get the students there.

2. We will encourage peer tutoring to support student learning.

October 2015-May 2016

Teachers used peer tutoring for test reviews. This will be ongoing for next year.

Science: 1. Provide tutorials that target specific objectives

a. Examine the use of tutorials b. Analyze tutorial practices c. Discuss tutoring prior to new learning to

address prerequisite skills

October 2015-May 2016

Tutorials are being assigned to target specific deficiencies for each individual student needing remediation. Learning guides Students trained to self-diagnose based on learning guide. Next step: getting students to attend more regularly

2. Train and use peer tutors to support student learning a. Train new teachers on the use of peer tutors b. Discuss how to increase peer tutoring use

October 2015-May


Dedication of some block lunch tutorials to peer tutoring is ongoing. Helping students to know what questions to ask. Parental Input: With Google docs, students collaborate and form study groups with up to 20 students participating.

3. Reflect on strategies that can be used across all classrooms

a. Rotate highly structured tutorial sessions after school to address specific learning deficiencies for all students

October 2015-May


Focus in the IPC classes has been listening and note taking with an emphasis on use during tutorials. Unit specific tutorials for semester exam review have been implemented. Hope to incorporate more collaboration through technology (online quizzes, etc). The challenge will be getting more students to take advantage of what’s available.

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Action Step Implementation Timeline

per Action Step Formative & Summative Notes

(Evidence of Implementation and Impact)

4. Work collectively to challenge students who demonstrate early mastery

a. Examine how we currently collaborate to assist students who demonstrate early mastery

b. Use high –yielding instructional strategies that are creative and interesting applications, to motivate and extend learning via online resources.

October 2015-May


Non-verbal linguistic representations of concepts including info-graphics are being integrated into lessons. Chemistry has designed activities that build to the application and synthesis levels in preparation for performance assessments at those levels. Quizzes online and posting of lessons via an online classroom are being utilized in every unit allows students to work at a faster pace if appropriate.

5. Extend learning for students who demonstrate early mastery to maximize learning opportunities.

a. Establish how it is determined a student has shown early mastery

b. Investigate approaches taken to help students extend their thinking for any objective

October 2015-May 2016

Online quizzes are being used to show mastery. Discussion forums are being developed to allow students to extend their learning. Discussion forum Parental input: Hope that there will be more opportunities for early error correction (formative assessment/student self-assessment) so that they can clear up misunderstandings prior to taking a summative assessment.

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Critical Action 2

Critical Action: Increase minority enrollment in Advanced Placement courses to reflect the diversity of our school.

Project Lead: Matthew Conrad, Linda Havins

Staff, Title I Staff: Marcie Ashford, Janis Bates, Shand Laughlin, Linda Ross, Jeff Sullivan, all Shepton faculty

Materials and Resources: Equal Opportunities Schools surveys, teacher feedback

2015-2016 Timeline: October 2015 – January 2016


Area: School-wide ☐ Reading ☐ Writing ☐ ELA ☐ Mathematics ☐ Science Social Studies ☐ Other:

Strategies for Accomplishing Critical Action:

Action Step Implementation Timeline

per Action Step Formative & Summative Notes

(Evidence of Implementation and Impact)

School-wide: 1. In collaboration with Equal Opportunity Schools and to

address a district-wide initiative, Matthew Conrad will lead Shepton admin and staff in researching the causes of low African-American/Hispanic enrollment in AP courses and efforts to increase that enrollment to reflect Shepton’s current demographics.

a. Student survey b. Staff Survey c. Teacher AP recommendations d. Social Studies middle school visits

September 2015-May 2016

Surveys have been done. Social Studies middle school visits have taken place. AP Human Geo: Current # enrolled: 264 15% of AVID students enrolled in this course Next Year’s Course Requests: 351 enrolled 54% of AVID students enrolled in this course

Social Studies: Increase the diversity of our Advanced Placement courses (AP Human Geography, AP World History, AP European History) to reflect the diversity of our school.

1. Increase awareness of advanced placement offerings: a. AP teachers (Ashford, Laughlin, Sullivan) will

visit with Shepton's AVID classes to inform them of the opportunities provided by AP classes and to encourage students to try AP classes in their Sophomore and Junior years in PISD.

b. AP teachers (Bates and Ross) will visit AVID classes at Renner and Frankford to inform

November 2015 – January 2016

AP teachers visited with our AVID classes in November. AP Geography teachers went to Renner and Frankford in November and visited with AVID students.

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Action Step Implementation Timeline

per Action Step Formative & Summative Notes

(Evidence of Implementation and Impact)

them of the opportunities provided by AP classes and to encourage students to try AP classes in their freshman year at Shepton.

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Critical Action 3

Critical Action: Define high-yield instructional strategies and reinforce their use in all classrooms.

Project Lead: Crystal Gaddie, Nataushe Sibbaluca, Matt Conrad, Karen Stephens & Ryan Bryson/Chemistry Team, Deanna Shea & Gina Kalb/Biology Team, Stephanie Brady/IPC Team

Staff, Title I Staff: Math Teachers

Materials and Resources: Professional Development Articles, Karyn Crowe

2015-2016 Timeline: September 2015-May 2016


Area: ☐ School-wide ☐ Reading ☐ Writing ☐ ELA ☐ Mathematics Science ☐ Social Studies ☐ Other:

Strategies for Accomplishing Critical Action:

Action Step Implementation Timeline

per Action Step Formative & Summative Notes

(Evidence of Implementation and Impact)

Mathematics: 1. Teachers will incorporate technology into their lessons

at least once a week and will plan for students to use technology at least once per unit.

November 2015-May 2016

Algebra 1 has been incorporating technology consistently through videos and Google forms for students to use for help. Also, we have used Google forms for in class formative assessments. We are also seeking out other apps online to help students understand material. The other teams are still a work in progress. We are still trying to figure out how to use the technology resources that came with our textbook adoption in an effective manner.

2. Our focus when planning instruction is "What are the students doing?" Teachers will plan lessons so that students are creating and engaging with the material being taught in a variety of ways.

September 2015-May 2016

Crystal Gaddie and Caleb Senbayrak attended the Kagan workshop and Crystal has taught some of the strategies to the department through department meetings and the Algebra 1 team through team meetings. We would like to incorporate more of this next year.

3. Frank Weiss and Crystal Gaddie will research practices promoting high student engagement and share with the math department. Other teachers will try new strategies and share these with the department.

August 2015-May 2016 This is still a work in progress. Crystal and Frank are still finding new things to try, but it is difficult to get these implemented this year due to new curriculum and new resources. We will continue to work on this goal next year.

Science: 1. Work collaboratively to identify a set of high-yield

instructional strategies that all teachers will use.

September 2015-May 2016

Chemistry has designed activities that build to the application and synthesis levels in preparation for performance assessments at those levels. Quizzes online and posting of lessons via an online classroom are being utilized in every unit. Parent input: incorporating collaboration through tech resulted in deeper processing for students

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Action Step Implementation Timeline

per Action Step Formative & Summative Notes

(Evidence of Implementation and Impact)

2. Study strategies that have supporting research linking them to student learning gains.

September 2015-May 2016

Formative assessment of daily lessons using non-verbal linguistic representations of concepts including info-graphics are being developed.

Critical Action 4

Critical Action: Model and promote substantive collaboration to foster a learning community.

Project Lead: Crystal Gaddie, William Barron, Caleb Senbayrak, Frank Weiss, Karyn Crowe

Staff, Title I Staff: All math teachers

Materials and Resources: Google Classroom

2015-2016 Timeline: August 2015-May 2016


Area: ☐ School-wide ☐ Reading ☐ Writing ☐ ELA Mathematics ☐ Science ☐ Social Studies ☐ Other:

Strategies for Accomplishing Critical Action:

Action Step Implementation Timeline

per Action Step Formative & Summative Notes

(Evidence of Implementation and Impact)

Mathematics: 1. Team leaders will host team meetings that focus on

teaching of lessons, rather than tests and editing documents. All teachers are responsible for the planning of lessons and creation of assessments.

August 2015-May 2016

We made great progress on this goal this year. Some teachers are still needed to work on their part for planning and sharing with their teams, but we seem to be focused on instruction during our team meetings.

2. Team leaders will invite Karyn Crowe (math instructional specialist) to team meetings to help with planning.

September 2015-May 2016

Karyn Crowe was a regular part of our planning in Algebra 1 this year and we hope to include her more in the other preps as well.

3. Teachers will use google classroom to collaborate with teachers from around the district when needed.

September 2015-May 2016

A class in Google classroom was provided by Whitney Evans and Karyn Crowe that all teachers in the department signed up for. Here teachers from across the district could share ideas and get advice.

4. Identify and study two specific strategies to be studied and implemented by each team.

September 2015-May 2016

This is still a work in progress. We spent most of our time learning our new curriculum and resources. However, a variety of strategies were tried this year. I cannot say that each team implemented two specific strategies though.

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Critical Action 5

Critical Action: Use instructional coaches to strengthen teacher's instructional skills

Project Lead: Linda Havins

Staff, Title I Staff: Social Studies Teachers

Materials and Resources: District Curriculum, Substitute Teachers

2015-2016 Timeline: October 2015-May 2016


Area: ☐ School-wide ☐ Reading ☐ Writing ☐ ELA ☐ Mathematics ☐ Science Social Studies ☐ Other:

Strategies for Accomplishing Critical Action:

Action Step Implementation Timeline

per Action Step Formative & Summative Notes

(Evidence of Implementation and Impact)

1. Teachers within the department will observe other teachers (substitutes will be provided) both in and out of our department to see how other teachers successfully integrate the curriculum and maintain student engagement in the classroom

October 2015-May 2016

Collegial coaching began in February. Working in pairs to set personal goals for improvement.

We have done 3 videos of ourselves and evaluated each one for different reasons, looking specifically for student involvement and response to us. With a partner, we have discussed how to improve our teaching skills and set goals for improvement. Overall, the department has grown by watching ourselves teach and will continue this program next year with new focus on how our behaviors/strategies effect student participation and growth.

2. Mentor teachers will support new teachers to include new instructional strategies in their classrooms

October 2015- May 2016

Mentors are working with new teachers.

Mentors have met with and supported our new teachers throughout the year and team meetings have supported best practices and new ideas to be used in the classroom.

3. Collaboration in team meetings and department meetings about best practices and successful strategies

November 2015- May 2106

We have been discussing best practices in team meetings.

Our video collaboration has helped teachers to support one another and to advice one another in how students respond to and get involved in our classes.

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Violence Prevention and Bullying

Critical Action: VIOLENCE PREVENTION and discipline management programs must provide for prevention of and education concerning unwanted physical or verbal

aggression, sexual harassment and other forms of BULLYING in school, on school grounds and in school vehicles. (HB 283)

Strategies for Accomplishing Goals:

Applicable Group

Action Step Responsible Staff/Resources Formative & Summative Notes

(Evidence of Implementation and Impact)


Identify high risk areas. (Required) Principal/Asst. Principals

Staff feedback/ survey, security camera footage

Admin identify high risk areas

Monitor high risk areas. (Required) Assistant principals, faculty, staff, SRO

Staff assignments/duty schedule

Duty Schedule for staff, admin, SRO, counselors

Follow Campus Rules/Expectations. (Required) Principal, assistant principals, faculty/staff, SRO

Code of Conduct, District Handbook Campus Handbook

Staff and admin follow and implement


Participate in annual staff training on bullying/sexual harassment. (Required)

Principal, all faculty/staff

Handouts/PowerPoint All staff completed SafeSchools training modules by

December 18

Review referral process. (Required)

Principal/assistant principals, leadership team

Campus referral plan PBIS committee formed to address highlight positive

behaviors; Stallion Standards adopted


Establish recommended intervention strategies for classroom/campus. (Required)

Principal, assistant principals, faculty/staff

Discipline Management Plan

Staff follow discipline management plan

Implement campus referral plan. (Required)

Principal, assistant principals, faculty/staff

Campus Referral Plan All staff participate in monitoring, referring incidents

Utilize Discipline Management strategies. (Required)

Principal, assistant principals, faculty/staff

Discipline Management Plan

Consequences assigned, review of student placement

if/when necessary due to severity or frequency of


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Applicable Group

Action Step Responsible Staff/Resources Formative & Summative Notes

(Evidence of Implementation and Impact)

All Students


State clear student expectations/campus rules/citizenship. (Required)

Principal/assistant principals

Code of Conduct/ Student-Parent Handbook

Expectation talks held at the beginning of the year with

each grade level through English; Student Code of

Conduct available through website

Monitor high risk areas. (Required) All staff Schedule (if necessary)

Duty Schedule for Morning, Block Lunch; admins monitor


All Students


Explain referral process/contacts. (Required) All teachers Referral Plan

Plan shared with staff at beginning of year w/staff and

through staff handbook; New Teacher Orientation

All Students


Apply classroom interventions: (Required) All teachers Campus discipline guidelines; levels of discipline

Teachers implement classroom discipline-apply a levels

system to determine intervention; have ability to assign

lunch detention, and Sat. School

Employ discipline interventions: (Required) Designated staff

Lunch detention, Saturday School, assistant principals, all faculty/staff

Block lunch a helpful behavior incentive; in the spring

when misbehavior incidence was higher, Block Lunch was

suspended and traditional schedule resumed; plan to

work on a new Block Lunch plan for 2016-17

Use other intervention strategies as necessary/appropriate. (Required)

Administrative staff or counselors

Counseling resources, SRO, SpEd staff (as necessary)

CMIT, Counseling; SafetyNet referrals; Boys & Girls Club


Conference with parents/students. (Required) Teachers or other staff

Principal, assistant principals

Collaboration with parents to address serious and/or

ongoing behavior issues

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Parent Involvement

Critical Action: The campus will provide a program to encourage and increase participation of parents in regular, two-way and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and school activities.

Project Lead: William McLaughlin, Melissa Blank, Matthew Conrad, Ellie Murphy, Nataushe Sibbaluca

Staff, Title I Staff: PTSA Board, Shepton administration, SBIC

Materials and Resources: eNews, school website, parent/student/staff feedback

2015-2016 Timeline: August 2015-May 2016

Strategies for Accomplishing Critical Action:

Action Step Implementation Timeline per

Action Step Formative & Summative Notes

(Evidence of Implementation and Impact)

Require all parents to register students via Parent Portal in order to have access to eNews, grades, attendance, and electronic information.

August 2015, as the need arises

Most parents have access to Parent Portal; there are still accessibility issues being worked through [email protected].

Identify parents without computer/internet access to offer hard copies of school information.

August 2015, as the need arises

Paper copies offered to parents during schedule pickup who could not access the portal

PTA representative meets with the principal on a monthly basis to gain insight to student/parent needs.

Monthly August 2015- May 2016

Ongoing; Mr. McLaughlin meets monthly with PTSA Board.

Communicate information through eNews. Weekly or Biweekly,

August 2015-May 2016 Occurring weekly, Special eNews going out when needed.

Upgrade and maintain the campus website for easy access and increased communication with the community.

August 2015-May 2016 Website updated regularly

Partner with PTA to offer parental programs on a variety of topics (academic, social, etc…).

September 2015-May 2016 Race to Nowhere; Beyond Measure screenings on campus

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Highly Qualified Teacher Improvement Plan

Critical Action: The proficiency rate for HIGHLY QUALIFIED teachers will meet the 100% target measure.

Project Lead: Plano ISD HR Employee Recruitment & Retention Department

Staff, Title I Staff: HR Employee Recruitment & Retention Dept., HR Certification Officers, Curriculum Department, Campus Administrators

Materials and Resources: Operating Fund, HR Budget, Campus/Curriculum Budget

2015-2016 Timeline: Throughout the year, as needs arise

Strategies for Accomplishing Critical Action:

Action Step Implementation Timeline

per Action Step Formative & Summative Notes

(Evidence of Implementation and Impact)

Plano ISD Human Resources Dept. reviews and modifies the recruitment schedule biannually.


Recruiting trips by Human Resources Dept./Campus Administrators are used to identify highly qualified candidates interested in teaching in Plano ISD.

May, June Campus administrators and teacher leaders participated in Plano ISD Recruitment Open House on April 23, 2016

To attract and retain highly qualified applicants for bilingual students,

Plano ISD offers a salary stipend. Monthly N/A

To attract highly qualified applicants, Plano ISD offers pre-service

teachers at local universities the opportunity to student teach at Plano

ISD campuses.


Shepton hosted both student teachers and student observers during

the 2015-16 school year.

Local on-going high quality professional development based on

campus/district need is provided to all teachers in all core subject

areas by the Curriculum Department/Campus Administrators.


New Teacher Mentor Program, Staff Favorites, Recognition Board

The Plano ISD Certification Office follows district hiring procedures to

ensure that teachers are not hired if they do not meet “highly

qualified” standards.


100% of Shepton teachers are highly qualified in their respective areas

of instruction.