Sheltered Minds, unfinished short story

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  • 8/10/2019 Sheltered Minds, unfinished short story



    I wanted to write a short story without any intention for ''true investment'' or actual care, afterMarquis D!" de #ade $ave me a im%ulse to write, &ut the ''immorality'' which I had in mindwould &e too much hus so far(

    here was once u%on a time a )hristian family livin$ in a &eautiful nei$h&orhood, where those%eo%le lived quietly day &y day, %eo%le of a a&ove avera$e income

    *eautiful &i$ $ardens, a &i$ car or two, %lasma televisions and all of the %hysic $reatness and &ytime u%dated o&+ects you could ima$inees, no&ody had ever wored for it %ersonally, &ut they surely thaned .od everyday for theire/cessive meals which they could all afford &y means of their linea$e, their recent ancestors whodid not wor their &acs &roen - &ut rather sat all day in the office, starin$ out of the window untiltheir &acs $ot weaened so much, that you can say ''they sat their &acs &roen''

    his %articular family a mother of a$e forty five and a father of a$ewho cares, he was alwayschildlie and always wanted the &est for others #he was a$in$ merely around her eyes, and he,well, he had the face of a untouched child with the curious e/%ression of a &oy always ready to

    e/%lore the &i$ world, with $reat adventures where he would never &e in actual dan$er, neverwould $et a scar or endure a loss

    !nd than you had the children one &a&y $irl of eleven months old she has Down syndromeell, women of a$e 43 have a chance of one in two thousand to have such a &eautiful $ift from.od !nd than you had a &oy, very father-lie, thus childlie of a$e seventeen e lied .os%elins%ired son$s a&out love and acce%tance, he dreamed of havin$ a family +ust lie the one he is a%art of now( 5ove, childlie +oy, a s%ecial child, a woman who is the only res%onsi&le %erson in thehouse re$ardin$ structure e had, +ust lie they all had &lue eyes and &lond hair and +ust lie hisfather, a very childish, untouched face e was 16 M tall, his father was 160 M and his mother10 M how lovely that he was in &etween

    !nd than, a$e non-chronolo$ical, you had a immensely &eautiful $irl and sister and dau$hter

    yes, she was it all, of fourteen years old#he had a always +oyful face, a ind smile, warm &lue eyes who wished the &est for every&odyindiscriminately, lon$ &londe hair, a &ody which surely was develo%in$ into a &eautiful youn$woman, thou$h you could say that she would loo at a$e twenty five almost the same as shedoes now #he already had her &reasts develo%ed, a handful of delicate, untouched &y eyes andhands, &reasts

    7f course, innocent that she was, she didn't thin yet a&out se/ &ut rather a&out a &oylie manwho would iss her on a romantic, moonshine cliff with an overview over the sea

    hat a dream family, lie those you encounter on a television commercial

    Durin$ a ni$ht, as many other safe ni$hts had %assed, they all sle%t and dreamed as they usuallydo - %eaceful and ha%%y7utside it was stormin$, rainin$, wind howlin$ throu$h the &i$ trees in the immense $arden*ut was does it matter what ha%%ens outside, if you are inside and sheltered ow safe it feels tohear the dan$er %assin$ &y and howlin$ outside your %rotective house, with its roof and&eautifully decorated, oa-stron$ doors and lesser stron$ windows made of $lass as in any otherhouse

    es, they all slee% within an instant when they lay their &eautifully untouched faces on their

  • 8/10/2019 Sheltered Minds, unfinished short story


    %illows, no thou$hts a&out memories ee%in$ them awae in any ni$ht, nor any wron$-doin$s and$uilt since they were childlie %ure 8o monsters in their dreams confrontin$ and remindin$ them,&ecause a&out what should they have to &e reminded and confronted with heir memories werecollective and without sorrows, interconnected with each other and a confrontation couldn't%ossi&ly occur a&out any $uilty feelin$s or &ad ha&its #o %ure, so childlie, so unaware of thetremendous horrors in this world

    9ntil that ni$ht

    es, how could they have heared the smashin$ of a window on the first floor with such a howlin$wind, cryin$ them all to slee% within such a comforta&le house %rotectin$ them and &lanetscoverin$ them from any cold durin$ a dream a&out ice

    ho or what was roamin$ in their house#uch a monster

    It was a man stron$ as his muscular sha%e e/%ressed, dressed in &lac and ti$htly, a mas

    coverin$ his face throu$h which you could see his eyes only which were darer than void -darness in lesser dare was equi%%ed with a da$$er, as well a silenced :mm for +ust in case - and in his &ac%ac(;o%es, candles, cloths, lucifers, acid and a few &ottles of $asoline

    #ilently, not &ecause he was careful, &ut &ecause the storm outside was hushin$ all the noises,he clim&ed the stairs reachin$ the hall with the doors marin$ entries to the &athroom, a studyroom, a se%erate toilet, a room for $uests and their own &edrooms in which they slee% soinnocently

    "irst he went inside the %arents &edroom, he waled towards their &ed in which they sle%t so

    lovely, side &y side, sli$htly on their sides facin$ each other &ut not fully, %artly were their facesdirected towards the ceilin$, as if they were slee%in$ in a sym&iotic harmony

    !nd after he had o&served them, in an instant he +um%ed u%on them with his nees $ivin$ anim%act in their throats so while they awaend &rutally, they couldn't release a sound of a$onyhile tem%orarily suffocated and nearly %araly

  • 8/10/2019 Sheltered Minds, unfinished short story



    "urther e/%lanation into which direction the story will $o and why(

    #ecular umanism derived from )hristianity &ut I wanted to e/%ose the hy%ocrisy of >$alitarianmorality and mae a em%hasis with such a artificial >lite in contrast with those who actually woreither on the field or in artistry ence I made it clear with the few details a&out the &oy, that helied ?rotestant music a&out ''love'' and ''acce%tance'' #omethin$ I can't stand a&out all thosehy%ocrites, in %articular in my land - the ;eformed onesI Des%ise them with a ca%ital letter

    !nd most of all I wanted to shatter their ideal of equality as I had in mind with what would ha%%enwith their &a&y with Down #yndrom after the ''Immoral'' one would have e/%lained %rior his action

    !s well that I had an idea of &lood-resentment, their %ast followin$ them of which they areunconscious

    !nd my line ''hat a dream family, lie those you encounter on a television commercial'' is a hint -the artificiality, the overarchin$ comfort s%here, the ideal, the %ortrait and the contrast with realitywhich would strie them

    ! artificial >lite livin$ in such a sheltered nei$h&orhood in contrast with the '>nriched' ones andthey not nowin$ the value of livin$ they are the ind of im&eciles I dislie

    !nd I truly hate that man, the ''father'', the Manchild, the filthy hy%ocrite with no virility to not evendare to merely thin a&out re&ellin$ a$ainst the ''Invader'' as his scar-less, innocent facee/%oses 8ot even a scar of thou$hts

    I want to tear this throu$h commercials ideali