Kmy Wwt, Florida has ths moot squable climate in the country, with an average range oi only 14* Fahrenheit She 2Ceit West Citizen For 70 Yean Devoted to tko Bent internals oi Kof Wool THE SOUTHERNMOST NEWSPAPER IN THE U.S.A. VOL. LXXI. No. 25 KEY WEST FLORIDA, MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENT* THREE PERSONS ARE HOSPITALIZED HERE IN WEEKEND ACCIDENTS PLANS TO FREE “BIG MO” 150 Boats In 30 Days To Work Shrimp Beds \ \ j, I oSf Jr*'’' SSOO Damage Suffered By Ambulance In Collision Three persons were hospital- ized, including a man who fell at the passing of an ambulance, which was answering a call to one accident and which figured in a collision with a car, all with- in the space of a few minutes early Sunday. At 8:15 a. m. a light truck driv- en by Leo Sandoval, 809 White street, left Roosevelt boulevard near Fifth street and ended up in a mangrove swamp. Sandoval was pinned in the wreckage of the truck, which was upside down in the man- groves and had to be extracted by City Patrolman Ray Atwell and three volunteers, who enter- ed the water and got the driver loose. A Pritchard Funeral Home am- bulance was answering a call from this accident, when it fig- ured in a collision with a car driven by Mrs. Abraham Carey, who lives in Petronia street. A passing car picked up Mrs. Carey and also Sandoval, and drove them to the Monroe Coun- ty Hospital. Harry Pritchard, driver of the ambulance, was un- injured, but the ambulance it- self suffered about SSOO damage. Mrs. Carey’s car suffered a loss of aoproximately $250. With the passing of the ambu- lance along Truman avenue, Is- aa< Mesa, who lives at Grinnell street, tonpled in the street near the earner of Grinnell and Tru- man. A Lopez Funeral Home am- bulance took Mesa to the County Hospital. All three of the injured persons were X-rayed at the hospital, and they were held there all day Sunday for observation. Mesa suffered cuts on the head and seemingly was otherwise unin- jured. The Pritchard Funeral Home ambulance was passing along Truman avenue at Palm avenue, when it collided with Mrs. Carey’s car. The truck driven by Sandoval is owned by James Brown, also of 809 Whitehead street. Patrol- man Atwell arrested Sandoval, on a charge of being intoxicated at the time of the accident. He will be arraigned in court later. Happiness In Marriage Lectures To Be Given Here By JESSIE GIBSON With the whole hearted sup- port of civig and spiritual leaders of the city, the Key West Worn- j an's Club will sponsor a series : of lectures concerning “Happi- ness In Marriage”. Under the direction of Mrs. Margarita J. Davis, Field Direc- tc a of the American Red Cross at: the U S. Naval Hospital, and j chairman of the Welfare Com-j inittee of the Women’s Club, lec- tures will be presented each Tuesday evening in the high school auditorium beginning Fe- bruary 14. The hope and objective of the series”, says M>s. Davis, “is to awaken the community to some realization of this problem and inspire citizens to seek a solution to it We hope to lead other or- (Contiued On Page Five) WEAVER'S STOCK ISLAND INN Air Conditioned Bar and Restaurant Open All Night A&B Fish Dock To Be Extended To Handle Boats There will be 180 shrimp beets ; operating out of Key West a St 1 days, Berlin Felton, one of the partners of the A and B Fish Company, announced today hi stating he has plans made for ex tending hit dock, i “We have opened up new shrimp beds in the lest few weeks, and they look so toed that Pm buying a spec’ini float of boats to go catch them,’' wd . Felton today. I "In order to accommodate the boats, it will be necessary for j me to extend the dock at the foot of Front street, if the U. S. Army Engineers grant me permtsiun to do so. I “I plan on building the dork about 100 feet with a SO-foot ; wing. It will be built in the form of an L. I estimate the costs of 1 the work will run about SB,OOO j. “Within a radius of 100 miles of Key West a fleet of boats has 1 had good luck in finding shrimp in unlimited quantities. 1 don't , want to reveal the exact where- about of the shrimp yet. i "There are eight boats out b- ; day on the new beds. Some un- usually good catches of shrimp have lately been brought in here, and 1 figure that more bools are necessary. 1* A story was carried Saturday by The Key West Ctlurn tklleig of the new shrimp beds that had been opened up off this city Three Persons Die In Florida Auto Accidents TALLAHASSEE. Jan. SO. -i f* —At least three persona (net death in Florida highway am dents over the weekend Another was killed by a dynamite blmt. and two others were injured in a plane accident. Three men were killed when their automobile hit a bridge between Dunedin and Ozon.. Police Chief Eugene Sheets said a search was on in the fwrt flow ing creek spanned by the bridge for a possible fourth occupant. Truman Selects Whitehurst As Fla. Roving Jud“r WASHINGTON. Jan 30 -4*l —An announcement from the White House here says President Truman is appointing a man from Fort Myers to be a roving Federal District Judge in Flori- da The nominee is George W Whitehurst, a retired judge of t* e State Circuit Court where he served for more than 30 years TICKETS NOW ON SALE Roborts Offico Supply 12$ Duval Street Fay* Gift Shop La Concha Hotel 51.50 Tan Included for LAURA A MYSTERY DRAMA IR $ ACTS By Vera Caspary and Geo. Sklar Spon-< i red bv KEY WEST PLAYERS Bam Theatre 319 Duval Street—Rear January 30 Thru Fob. 4 GUERRILLA LEADER Russians End Blockade Of Berlin BERLIN, Jan. 30.—(^P).—The Russians have ended their block- ade of Berlin the same way they started it, without an official ex- planation. Soviet guards are passing all trucks through the frontier posts at Berlin and Helmstedt with only casual checks. During the j past ten days, they have been | holding up traffic at some times j and speeding it up somewhat at l other times. j Allied officials believe the Rus- I sians had a pschological reason i for invoking the little blockade. | Key West to Be In Television Broadcast Soon The island of Key West and j sections of the Florida Keys will I be featured in a nation-wide te- j ] lcvision broadcast to be releas- j ed soon, it was announced today l by Harold R. Laubscher, Mana- j ger of the Chamber of Com- I merce. Laubscher, who has returned j from a Florida State Advertising j Commission meeting in Tallahas- j see, .has made it known that a | color movie film, made in Key West last summer, has been com- pleted and adapted for television broadcasts. It will be made avail- able to television broadcasters sooon. The movie, a 30 minute film showing points of interest about the city and action shots of fish- j ing scenes also includes interest-! ing shots along the Keys. The * film was* made last October un- der the personal direction of Howe Sadler, present head of the Advertising Commission. Lauhscher, in a report of last week’s meeting of the Commis- (Continued On Page Six) Undersecretary Voorhees Here T. S. Voorhees, Undersecretary: of the U. S Army, and Brigadier j General S. B. Hayes, USA, arriv- ; ed at the Key West Naval Station \ Saturday. They will be here for j three days, inspecting the Key West Naval Base and its activi- ties. SECURITY Permits Issued Establish Record IForJanuary oi Total of building permits issu- ! ed this month amounted to $282,- 225, a record for the month in the city’s history and exceeding January, 1949, by $175 225, ac- cording to a statement today by Roy F. Butler, director of the De- 1 partment of Public Service. J j Permits have been issued to-; i day to M. B. Lane, 618 Grinnell street to remodle a hall into a bathroom and to make general repairs on his home at a cost of $1,500; to George Allen, 717 Poorhouse lane, to put anew : roof and make general repairs to * his home at a cost of S4OO. To Eugene Rosam, 1424 Cath- j eine street to construct a frame! garage at a cost of $200; to H., D. Van Waggoner, 709 Emma street to build a small frame; building at a cost of $l5O. To Tom Smith, 1215 Varela* street for making minor repairs l , at a cost of S2OO. and to the] Church of God to erect a gospel ! tent at a cost of S3OO. Captain Nelson Is Named To Succeed Busey Captain W. T. Nelson, USN, j commanding officer of the USS Howard W. Gilmore, has been' named to succeed Captain F. L. Busey, USN, commanding officer of the Naval Air Station, as chairman of the Board of Gov-J ernors for the 1950 Navy Charity, carnival. Under Captain Busey’s leader- ship the planning for the carni- val has gone along well. He turns over a good organization to Captain Nelson. < Captain Busey is being relieved as Commanding Officer of Boca Chica in the near future. Commander C. W. Fielder, J USN, executive officer of Boca Chica, was appointed as the third , member of the Board of Govern- ors. ' The Naval Air Station Band from Jacksonville is tentatively scheduled to plaV for the dances at the carnival. However, there is a possibility that a name band might be selected. The Buick to be awarded is expected in Key West at any time. It will be the first of its modei to appear in this area. It is being brought from the north es- pecially for the carnival. General Meeting ! Tonight Of Key West Chamber Dr. W. H. Walker, president of the Miami Chamber of Com- merce, will address members of the Key West Chamber of Com-, merce at Harris School Audi'oi 1 iurrt tonight at 8 o’clock. Dr. Walker will discuss plans for the proposed International Trade j Mart and Exposition that is I planned for Miami. Details of the exposition are ; particularly interesting to com- | munities in South Florida. The j j Exposition, it is recalled, is the ! outgrowth of plans that were ! originally laid for a World's Fair in Miami. In the past few montns, plans for a Worlds Fair, as such, have been discarded with an Inter- j American Exposition being sub-1 (Continued On Page Six) J POOR OLD CRAIG SERVICE STATION Francis at Division Phona sl3‘ , loir PFRB OIL eler IFT IIC OtM"- s P r *Y *■! LL 1 U C hangs Your Oil | - tBSZL '’JH Jh| jSSHp vn Ifc m (A*) Wirephoto! A FORMER DUTCH ARMY j CAPTAIN, R.R.P. "Turk" Wes- ] terling (above), is the leader of i the Indonesian guerrilla forces ! which have attacked Jakarta in j a rebellion against new United Stales of Indonesia. 2,877 Children I Attend Schools As Of Jan. -JO There were' more than 258! public school children attending ] Monroe Schools this month than i there were ir, the month of Jan- uary, 1949, it was announced today by the office of Horace O’Bryant, superintendent of pub- lic instruction. This was 2,877 us compared with 2,819 children at- tending the public schools in January, 1949. Here is the attendance records of January: 1949 1950 Key West High School 781 784 Harris School 429 488 Truman and Reynolds Schools 545 615 Poinciana School 210 294 Marathon School 77 85 Matecumbe School 56 57 Tavernier School 74 80 Douglass School 447 474 Total 2,619 2,877 Florida Collected $4,500,000 From Its Gasoline Tax I I TALLAHASSEE, Jan. 30.—(/P). —Florida collected more than i four ancf a half millian dollars this month from its seven ' cents a,gallon tax on gasoline. ; The collections came from the | (Continued On Pace Five; Steal Hub Caps; ,Pair Arrested Two Miami men were arrest- ed at 9 a. m. Sunday by Patrol- man Joseph Cerezo on charges of stealing hub caps from a car belonging to D. E. Mallard, 189-D Poinciana Place, which he had parked at County Beach. The men identified themselves as Clarence E. Griffin and Frank H. Kinkoffer, both of Northwest 60th street, Miami. They were turned over to County authori- ties after Mallard swore out a warrant for them, | ] ! Palace Theater Sonja Henie and Michael Kirby in | "COUNTESS OF MONTE CRISTO" (JP) Wirephoto 1 f SAM HOBSON (above) livas the workingman's dream. Ha's j the clerk in the Kroger com- pany's warehouse in Memphis —and he holds more stock in the firm than its president. President Joseph B. Ball says so himself. Hobson started out with $2,800 worth of stock in 1908. Now it's estimated at i $92,000. * (/P) Wirephoto THIS PHOTO DIAGRAM, based on the Navy's maneuver chart, details the projected plan for "Operation Pull-Off." an all-out attempt to free the USS Missouri from the Chesapeake Bay mud- bank near Norfolk. Va. The operation is scheduled for Feb. 2. Part of the effort will be by the Missouri herself. Powerful winches on the battleship's deck will haul on nine cables (black lines tanning out from Missouri) to four-ton anchors imbedded in the bottom of the bay. Two windlass-type beach salvage ships, the "Windlass" and the "Salvager", will be linked to the Missouri by low cables and will haul against beach gear cables anchored far astern. Five sea-going tugs, held together by a lead lug and two harbor tugs pressing k from opposite sides, wttt work in a surging or Cocking pull. Heavy broken lines out- line channel dredged from Missouri's stern to main ship chan- nel, a half-mile away. Other tugs will work alongside the Mis- souri wit htwo harbor tugs alternating in pushing against the bow of the ship in a "whipsaw" motion to help break the suc- tion grip of the mud. Mooring lines (light broken lines) from bow to stern are intended to keep the big ship from turning out of the dredged channel. iMacArthur Wants More American Power In Pacific j TOKYO, Jan. SO-'i/k-Tti, j Amercian Joint Chiefs of Staff are due here on Wednesday. They will meet with Field Com- manders who long have been concerned by Communists gains in Asia. j The Joint Chiefs will be told : that the American military posi- -1 tion in the Far East should be strengthened. i General MacArthur and his t aides are expected to stress that point before the chiefs of staff leave Japan on Saturday. '* con-They edu Denham Alarmed At Power Of AFL Teamsters’ Union WASHINGTON, Jan. 30— —The general counsel for the National Labor Relations Board, Robert Denham, says that he is alarmed at the possibility tha? the AFL Teamsters’ Union ever might exercise its full power. Denham declared that if the Teamsters ever exercise their concentrated power they could influence virtually every indus- try in the country. In a speech prepared for the American Trucking Associations meeting here, Denham said that the potential strength of the mil- lion-man union is sufficient to dwarf the economic power of those so-called monopolistic gi- ant unions into relative msigni- fiacnce Denham also said that despite the Taft-Hartley law aimed at curbing abuses of union power, we stiil have a long way to go before the intent of Congress will be realized Visit the Wedding Ring Store Three Five Day Repair Service All New and Repaired Watches •ELECTRONICALLY TESTED for ACCURACY Knowles Jewelers i 504 SOUTHARD STREET COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY TO DECIDE FATE OF USO-YMCA Turner Prepares ] To Close Jackson Square Building Forrest Turner, director of the USO-YMCA was today preparing jto discontinue the Jackson i Square building in accordance j with instructions received Friday from New York. j However, at a meeting sche- duled for tomorrow afternoon at : (Continued On Page Six> 300,000 TELEPHONE WORKERS MAY WALK OUT WEDNESDAY WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.—</P>. ; —More than 300,000 telephone j workers looked to Union Presi- j dent Joseph A. Beirne today for j more definite word on weather : there will be a nation-wide phone i strike this week. Beirne has scheduled a news! conference late today here. He is | expected to give some details of * his plans at the conference. Mor than one-third of the ! members of the CIO commuruca- j FOR SALE! FOR SALE: 19 Foot Mobile Spt. HOUSE TRAILER Electric Refrigerator Gas Stove: Awning $1250.00 Limeback. Gulfstream Trailer Park j tions workers of America will be free to walk off the job this Wed- j nsdav. Th remaining members j 1 muht wait thirty days. The Union is seeking higher | wages, shorter hours, reduced i apprenticeship period's, and an j improved pension system. | Bell Telephone announced | j plans to improve pensions last t ; year, but the Union objected that i it was not consulted. It filer’, un- ; ! fair ‘labor practice charges with! BOAT BAR ; 503 Duval Street Phone 9165 AIR-COX DITIOXED Sports Results Daily Key West's Most Comfortable Bar j the National Labor Relations Board. Beirne has suggested that all I CIO members back the phone workers in any strike by making a lot of calls, thus helping to jam | automatic equipment. MASONIC NOTICE Special Communication of An- chor Lodge No. 182, F. & A.M., this evening (Monday, Jan. 30). at 7:30 P.M. Conferring of Entered Appren- tice Degree. j All Members and Sojourners invited to be present. | By order: MERVILLE E. ROSAM. JR.. Gerald H. Adams. W.M. Secretary NAVARRO, INC. SERVICE DEPARTMENT " %• Thr SHttSSU V IS TODAY ONE OF THE MOST MODERN IN SOUTH FLORIDA.... SPECIALISTS IN EACH DEPARTMENT mPAINT ami BODY # TVNE4JP WHEEL-ALIGNMENT BRAKE ami ELECTRICAL MODERN LI BRITORII \1

She 2Ceit West Citizen€¦ · Mesa suffered cuts on the head and seemingly was otherwise unin-jured. The Pritchard Funeral Home ambulance was passing along Truman avenueat Palm avenue,

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Page 1: She 2Ceit West Citizen€¦ · Mesa suffered cuts on the head and seemingly was otherwise unin-jured. The Pritchard Funeral Home ambulance was passing along Truman avenueat Palm avenue,

Kmy Wwt, Florida has thsmoot squable climate in thecountry, with an averagerange oi only 14* Fahrenheit She 2Ceit West Citizen For 70 Yean Devoted to tko

Bent internals oi Kof Wool



PLANS TO FREE “BIG MO” 150 Boats In 30 DaysTo Work Shrimp Beds\ \ j, I

oSf Jr*'’'

SSOO DamageSuffered ByAmbulanceIn CollisionThree persons were hospital-

ized, including a man who fell atthe passing of an ambulance,which was answering a call toone accident and which figuredin a collision with a car, all with-in the space of a few minutesearly Sunday.

At 8:15 a. m. a light truck driv-en by Leo Sandoval, 809 Whitestreet, left Roosevelt boulevardnear Fifth street and ended upin a mangrove swamp.

Sandoval was pinned in thewreckage of the truck, whichwas upside down in the man-groves and had to be extractedby City Patrolman Ray Atwelland three volunteers, who enter-ed the water and got the driverloose.

A Pritchard Funeral Home am-bulance was answering a callfrom this accident, when it fig-ured in a collision with a cardriven by Mrs. Abraham Carey,who lives in Petronia street.

A passing car picked up Mrs.Carey and also Sandoval, anddrove them to the Monroe Coun-ty Hospital. Harry Pritchard,driver of the ambulance, was un-injured, but the ambulance it-self suffered about SSOO damage.Mrs. Carey’s car suffered a lossof aoproximately $250.

With the passing of the ambu-lance along Truman avenue, Is-aa< Mesa, who lives at Grinnellstreet, tonpled in the street nearthe earner of Grinnell and Tru-man. A Lopez Funeral Home am-bulance took Mesa to the CountyHospital. -

All three of the injured personswere X-rayed at the hospital,and they were held there all daySunday for observation. Mesasuffered cuts on the head andseemingly was otherwise unin-jured.

The Pritchard Funeral Homeambulance was passing alongTruman avenue at Palm avenue,when it collided with Mrs.Carey’s car.

The truck driven by Sandovalis owned by James Brown, alsoof 809 Whitehead street. Patrol-man Atwell arrested Sandoval,on a charge of being intoxicatedat the time of the accident. Hewill be arraigned in court later.

Happiness InMarriage LecturesTo Be Given HereBy JESSIE GIBSON

With the whole hearted sup-port of civig and spiritual leadersof the city, the Key West Worn- jan's Club will sponsor a series :of lectures concerning “Happi-ness In Marriage”. ■Under the direction of Mrs.Margarita J. Davis, Field Direc-tca of the American Red Cross at:the U S. Naval Hospital, and jchairman of the Welfare Com-jinittee of the Women’s Club, lec-tures will be presented eachTuesday evening in the highschool auditorium beginning Fe-bruary 14.

’ The hope and objective of theseries”, says M>s. Davis, “is toawaken the community to somerealization of this problem andinspire citizens to seek a solutionto it We hope to lead other or-

(Contiued On Page Five)


INNAir Conditioned Barand Restaurant Open

All Night

A&B Fish DockTo Be ExtendedTo Handle Boats

There will be 180 shrimp beets; operating out of Key West a St1 days, Berlin Felton, one of thepartners of the A and B FishCompany, announced today histating he has plans made for extending hit dock,

i “We have opened up newshrimp beds in the lest fewweeks, and they look so toedthat Pm buying a spec’ini floatof boats to go catch them,’' wd

. Felton today.I "In order to accommodate theboats, it will be necessary for

j me to extend the dock at the footof Front street, if the U. S. ArmyEngineers grant me permtsiun todo so.

I “I plan on building the dorkabout 100 feet with a SO-foot

; wing. It will be built in the formof an L. I estimate the costs of

1 the work will run about SB,OOOj. “Within a radius of 100 milesof Key West a fleet of boats has

1 had good luck in finding shrimpin unlimited quantities. 1 don't

, want to reveal the exact where-about of the shrimp yet.

i "There are eight boats out b-; day on the new beds. Some un-’ usually good catches of shrimp

have lately been brought in here,and 1 figure that more bools arenecessary. 1*

A story was carried Saturdayby The Key West Ctlurn tklleigof the new shrimp beds that hadbeen opened up off this city

Three Persons DieIn Florida AutoAccidents

TALLAHASSEE. Jan. SO. -i f*—At least three persona (netdeath in Florida highway amdents over the weekend Anotherwas killed by a dynamite blmt.and two others were injured ina plane accident.

Three men were killed whentheir automobile hit a bridgebetween Dunedin and Ozon..Police Chief Eugene Sheets saida search was on in the fwrt flowing creek spanned by the bridgefor a possible fourth occupant.

Truman SelectsWhitehurst AsFla. Roving Jud“r

WASHINGTON. Jan 30 -4*l—An announcement from theWhite House here says PresidentTruman is appointing a manfrom Fort Myers to be a rovingFederal District Judge in Flori-da

The nominee is George WWhitehurst, a retired judge of t* eState Circuit Court where heserved for more than 30 years


Roborts Offico Supply12$ Duval Street

Fay* Gift ShopLa Concha Hotel

51.50Tan Included



By Vera Caspary andGeo. Sklar

Spon-< ired bvKEY WEST PLAYERS

Bam Theatre319 Duval Street—Rear

January 30 Thru Fob. 4

GUERRILLA LEADER Russians EndBlockadeOf Berlin

BERLIN, Jan. 30.—(^P).—TheRussians have ended their block-ade of Berlin the same way theystarted it, without an official ex-planation.

Soviet guards are passing alltrucks through the frontier postsat Berlin and Helmstedt withonly casual checks. During the

j past ten days, they have been| holding up traffic at some timesjand speeding it up somewhat at

l other times.j Allied officials believe theRus-I sians had a pschological reason

i for invoking the little blockade.

| Key West to Be■ In TelevisionBroadcast Soon

The island of Key West andj sections of the Florida Keys willI be featured in a nation-wide te- j] lcvision broadcast to be releas- jed soon, it was announced today

l by Harold R. Laubscher, Mana-j ger of the Chamber of Com-I merce.

Laubscher, who has returnedj from a Florida State Advertisingj Commission meeting in Tallahas-j see, .has made it known that a| color movie film, made in KeyWest last summer, has been com-pleted and adapted for televisionbroadcasts. It will be made avail-able to television broadcasterssooon.

The movie, a 30 minute filmshowing points of interest aboutthe city and action shots of fish- jing scenes also includes interest-!ing shots along the Keys. The *film was* made last October un-der the personal direction ofHowe Sadler, present head ofthe Advertising Commission.

Lauhscher, in a report of lastweek’s meeting of the Commis-

(Continued On Page Six)

UndersecretaryVoorhees Here

T. S. Voorhees, Undersecretary:of the U. S Army, and Brigadier jGeneral S. B. Hayes, USA, arriv- ;ed at the Key West Naval Station \Saturday. They will be here for jthree days, inspecting the KeyWest Naval Base and its activi-ties.

SECURITYPermits IssuedEstablish RecordIForJanuary


Total of building permits issu-! ed this month amounted to $282,-225, a record for the month inthe city’s history and exceedingJanuary, 1949, by $175 225, ac-cording to a statement today byRoy F. Butler, director of the De- 1partment of Public Service. J

j Permits have been issued to-;i day to M. B. Lane, 618 Grinnellstreet to remodle a hall into abathroom and to make generalrepairs on his home at a cost of$1,500; to George Allen, 717Poorhouse lane, to put anew

: roof and make general repairs to *his home at a cost of S4OO.

To Eugene Rosam, 1424 Cath- jeine street to construct a frame!garage at a cost of $200; to H.,D. Van Waggoner, 709 Emmastreet to build a small frame;building at a cost of $l5O.

To Tom Smith, 1215 Varela*street for making minor repairs l,at a cost of S2OO. and to the]Church of God to erect a gospel

! tent at a cost of S3OO.

Captain NelsonIs Named ToSucceed Busey

Captain W. T. Nelson, USN, jcommanding officer of the USSHoward W. Gilmore, has been'named to succeed Captain F. L.Busey, USN, commanding officerof the Naval Air Station, aschairman of the Board of Gov-Jernors for the 1950 Navy Charity,carnival.

Under Captain Busey’s leader-ship the planning for the carni-val has gone along well. Heturns over a good organization toCaptain Nelson. <

Captain Busey is being relievedas Commanding Officer of BocaChica in the near future.

Commander C. W. Fielder, JUSN, executive officer of BocaChica, was appointed as the third ,member of the Board of Govern-ors. '

The Naval Air Station Bandfrom Jacksonville is tentativelyscheduled to plaV for the dancesat the carnival. However, thereis a possibility that a name bandmight be selected.

The Buick to be awarded isexpected in Key West at anytime. It will be the first of itsmodei to appear in this area. It isbeing brought from the north es-pecially for the carnival.

General Meeting !Tonight Of KeyWest Chamber

Dr. W. H. Walker, president ofthe Miami Chamber of Com-merce, will address members ofthe Key West Chamber of Com-,merce at Harris School Audi'oi - 1iurrt tonight at 8 o’clock. Dr.Walker will discuss plans for theproposed International Trade

j Mart and Exposition that isI planned for Miami.

Details of the exposition are

; particularly interesting to com-| munities in South Florida. The j

j Exposition, it is recalled, is the! outgrowth of plans that were

! originally laid for a World's Fairin Miami.

In the past few montns, plansfor a Worlds Fair, as such, havebeen discarded with an Inter- jAmerican Exposition being sub-1

(Continued On Page Six) JPOOR OLD CRAIG

SERVICE STATIONFrancis at Division Phona sl3‘ ,

loir PFRB OIL elerIFT IIC OtM"- sPr *Y *■!LL 1 U Changs Your Oil |

- tBSZL '’JHJh| jSSHp vn

Ifc m(A*) Wirephoto!

A FORMER DUTCH ARMY jCAPTAIN, R.R.P. "Turk" Wes- ]terling (above), is the leader of ithe Indonesian guerrilla forces !which have attacked Jakarta in ja rebellion against new UnitedStales of Indonesia.

2,877 Children IAttend SchoolsAs Of Jan. -JO

There were' more than 258!public school children attending ]Monroe Schools this month than ithere were ir, the month of Jan-uary, 1949, it was announcedtoday by the office of HoraceO’Bryant, superintendent of pub-lic instruction.

This was 2,877 uscompared with 2,819 children at-tending the public schools inJanuary, 1949.

Here is the attendance recordsof January:

1949 1950Key West High

School 781 784Harris School 429 488Truman and Reynolds

Schools 545 615Poinciana School 210 294Marathon School 77 85Matecumbe School 56 57Tavernier School 74 80Douglass School 447 474

Total... 2,619 2,877

Florida Collected$4,500,000 FromIts Gasoline Tax

II TALLAHASSEE, Jan. 30.—(/P).—Florida collected more than

i four ancf a half millian dollarsthis month from its seven ' centsa,gallon tax on gasoline.

; The collections came from the| (Continued On Pace Five;

Steal Hub Caps;,Pair Arrested

Two Miami men were arrest-ed at 9 a. m. Sunday by Patrol-man Joseph Cerezo on chargesof stealing hub caps from a carbelonging to D. E. Mallard, 189-DPoinciana Place, which he hadparked at County Beach.

The men identified themselvesas Clarence E. Griffin and FrankH. Kinkoffer, both of Northwest60th street, Miami. They wereturned over to County authori-ties after Mallard swore out awarrant for them, |


! Palace TheaterSonja Henie and Michael Kirby in


(JP) Wirephoto 1f SAM HOBSON (above) livas

the workingman's dream. Ha'sj the clerk in the Kroger com-

pany's warehouse in Memphis—and he holds more stock inthe firm than its president.President Joseph B. Ball saysso himself. Hobson started outwith $2,800 worth of stock in1908. Now it's estimated at

i $92,000.

* (/P) Wirephoto

THIS PHOTO DIAGRAM, based on the Navy's maneuver chart,details the projected plan for "Operation Pull-Off." an all-outattempt to free the USS Missouri from the Chesapeake Bay mud-bank near Norfolk. Va. The operation is scheduled for Feb. 2.Part of the effort will be by the Missouri herself. Powerfulwinches on the battleship's deck will haul on nine cables (blacklines tanning out from Missouri) to four-ton anchors imbeddedin the bottom of the bay. Two windlass-type beach salvageships, the "Windlass" and the "Salvager", will be linked to theMissouri by low cables and will haul against beach gear cablesanchored far astern. Five sea-going tugs, held together by alead lug and two harbor tugs pressing k from opposite sides,wttt work in a surging or Cocking pull. Heavy broken lines out-line channel dredged from Missouri's stern to main ship chan-nel, a half-mile away. Other tugs will work alongside the Mis-souri wit htwo harbor tugs alternating in pushing against thebow of the ship in a "whipsaw" motion to help break the suc-tion grip of the mud. Mooring lines (light broken lines) frombow to stern are intended to keep the big ship from turning outof the dredged channel.

iMacArthur WantsMore AmericanPower In Pacificj TOKYO, Jan. SO-'i/k-Tti,

j Amercian Joint Chiefs of Staffare due here on Wednesday.They will meet with Field Com-manders who long have been

■ concerned by Communists gainsin Asia.

j The Joint Chiefs will be told: that the American military posi-

-1 tion in the Far East should bestrengthened.

i General MacArthur and hist aides are expected to stress thatpoint before the chiefs of staffleave Japan on Saturday. '*

con-They edu

Denham AlarmedAt Power Of AFLTeamsters’ Union

WASHINGTON, Jan. 30——The general counsel for theNational Labor Relations Board,Robert Denham, says that he isalarmed at the possibility tha?the AFL Teamsters’ Union evermight exercise its full power.

Denham declared that if theTeamsters ever exercise theirconcentrated power they couldinfluence virtually every indus-try in the country.

In a speech prepared for theAmerican Trucking Associationsmeeting here, Denham said thatthe potential strength of the mil-lion-man union is sufficient todwarf the economic power ofthose so-called monopolistic gi-ant unions into relative msigni-fiacnce

Denham also said that despitethe Taft-Hartley law aimed atcurbing abuses of union power,we stiil have a long way to gobefore the intent of Congress willbe realized

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Turner Prepares ]To Close JacksonSquare Building

Forrest Turner, director of theUSO-YMCA was today preparing

jto discontinue the Jacksoni Square building in accordancej with instructions received Fridayfrom New York.

j However, at a meeting sche-duled for tomorrow afternoon at

: (Continued On Page Six>


WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.—</P>. ;—More than 300,000 telephone jworkers looked to Union Presi- jdent Joseph A. Beirne today for jmore definite word on weather :there will be a nation-wide phone istrike this week.

Beirne has scheduled a news!conference late today here. He is |expected to give some details of *his plans at the conference.

Mor than one-third of the !members of the CIO commuruca- jFOR SALE! FOR SALE:

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j tions workers of America will befree to walk off the job this Wed-j nsdav. Th remaining members j

1 muht wait thirty days.The Union is seeking higher

| wages, shorter hours, reducedi apprenticeship period's, and anjimproved pension system.| Bell Telephone announced |jplans to improve pensions last t; year, but the Union objected thati it was not consulted. It filer’, un- ;! fair ‘labor practice charges with!

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the National Labor RelationsBoard.

Beirne has suggested that allI CIO members back the phone

workers in any strike by makinga lot of calls, thus helping to jam

| automatic equipment.

MASONIC NOTICESpecial Communication of An-

chor Lodge No. 182, F. & A.M.,this evening (Monday, Jan. 30).at 7:30 P.M.

Conferring of Entered Appren-tice Degree.

j All Members and Sojournersinvited to be present.

| By order:MERVILLE E. ROSAM. JR..

Gerald H. Adams. W.M.Secretary