shawns presentation

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Page 2: shawns presentation

My everyday activities are basically just playing video games.. I also go to school and sometimes go for a walk or go to the gym on some occasions. In the summer I go to a pool, or a beach. Sometimes in winter I go snowboarding or sledding. In the fall and spring I go to the gym more often. I don't really do that much, but at least I'm a bit active.

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In the summer my favorite activity is to go to the beach. My favorite beach to go to is Old Orchard Beach in Maine. Other beaches I go to are Hampton Beach in New Hampshire and Lancaster Beach here in Massachusetts. In Old Orchard and Hampton Beach I sometimes like to just walk around the beach and the boardwalk (Old Orchard has a pier).One time on Hampton Beach I accidentally left my iPod in the my pocket while I was in and I had to get another one. Another time in Old Orchard Beach the water was so cold that I couldn’t even go in. On occasions in Hampton Beach there are sand sculptures. I like to have fried dough when I am at the beach. Old Orchard Beach also has some nice pier fries.

Old Orchard Beach

Hampton Beach

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So far I have had 2 dogs in my life. One of them was a cocker spaniel named Spike and another whose breed I am not sure of named Callie.. My first dog was Callie, and years later I had Spike. My mother also had another dog before I was born. One time Callie was hit by a truck and another time Spike bit me and I had to get checked for rabies (I don’t have it.).I currently don’t have any dogs right now, but I hope that I will soon enough.

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In the summer I like to go kayaking. A couple of places I go to are Fort Pond and an area in the same lake as Lancaster Beach. I go to some other places too, but I forgot their names.. My kayak is red and it is light for a kayak as far as I've seen. Kayaking is tiring and it can get pretty boring after a while. I go kayaking in the summer about every week or two.

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I was born and still live in Leominster. I have lived in 3 different houses in Leominster. My favorite place to go in Leominster is the theater. There isn't much to do in Leominster other than watching a movie or ordering a pizza. The only time I leave Leominster is for vacation or to go to something that’s in a different town.

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I was born in Leominster, Massachusetts and I still live there today. The only times I have left Massachusetts are for summer vacation and nothing else.. I have been to Boston once by train to visit the aquarium. I have been to Cape Cod about twice in the summer. Other places I go to are Fitchburg for the theater and Gardner for bowling. Leominster has bowling and a theater two, but I prefer the ones out of town. Boston Aquarium

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My favorite football team is the New England Patriots. I also like the Chargers, but I mostly like them. I mostly pick them in sports games and I have about 3 shirts about them. My favorite player in the Patriots is Tom Brady. One of my shirts of the Patriots has Tom Brady, another one has my name on it, but I'm not sure about the other one, although I know it has a number near 80 on it. I hope that they can get to the superbowl this year.

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When I was 10, my father bought me an ATV for my Birthday. It was black with purple stripes and it had a number on it. He said it was a racing ATV which I think means it is supposed to be fast. I first learned to drive it a year before that with a friend I of my mothers. I was using his daughters ATV and I was having a great time. I used my ATV at a sand pit. I was using the one I had sometimes with my mothers friend, and sometimes with my father. Today my ATV is a little broken, and whenever I let go of the pedal it shuts off. I haven't used it for about a year now.

Sand pit I rode my ATV on

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My favorite baseball team is the Red Sox. Nobody really likes the Red Sox much where I live, but I still do. I haven’t watched their games for a while now, but I still hear about them from my father. He has told me that they are doing better now after their really bad losing streak, and I'm proud of that. I hope they win the World series again soon.

Red Sox shirt

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In the winter, I love to go snowboarding. My average place to go snowboarding is Southeast school, where they have a really big hill where I also go sledding. Whenever I go there I am always scared of that large baseball fence in the middle of the hill. I have been to Mount Wachusett once, and that was for training. I haven't snowboarded in a while, but I plan to go back soon.

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Although I have to wait until January for it to snow and not rain, I still love winter. In the winter I like to go snowboarding and just simply lay in the snow. When snowboarding or sledding, I go to Southeast because of the giant hill . One time when I was young there was an ice storm so bad that there was no power for 3 days! I have been to Mount Wachusett a couple times. Once I have went for snowboarding practice and sometimes I go hiking there in the spring.

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I have been to a Zoo about 3 times so far. Whenever I went to one, it was in the summer. My latest was at the Southwick Zoo last summer. The area was mostly monkeys and birds. The Zoo I went to before that was in Maine. It had a larger variety of animals.. I don’t really remember the other one, but I know I was there.

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I have went hiking about 3 times. I go hiking on Mount Wachusett, but not in the winter of course. One time I went there on a field trip. When I was on the field trip I slipped on a rock and was hurt really bad. I also drank from one of the small rivers going down because I was so thirsty. Hiking is very tiring, and going up is much harder. The path is hard to follow as well.

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In the summer I like to go camping and go to the beach. My favorite campsite is Powderhorn and my favorite beach is Old Orchard Beach which are both in Maine. My mother has a small pop-up trailer and my father has a trailer. I also go to the arcade if the beaches have one nearby which they usually do. My normal camping trip day is go to the beach, go to the pool, then make smores/marshmallows and go to sleep. In the winter I enjoy going sledding or snowboarding at the hill at Southeast school. I also like to basically just lay down in the snow.

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There were two old sports that I used to play. One of them was Tee-Ball and the other was soccer. I was first in Tee-Ball and I was in a team called the Cardinals. I do not remember when I left, but about a year later I went to soccer on a team whose name I forgot. I think I left because I never was able to get the ball and I wasn’t good as a goalie. Both of these were played at Northwest School. I haven’t played any other sports but I have been told to go into football. I probably wouldn’t be good because I don’t have much energy and I cant throw very far or catch very good.


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When I was young I used to play tee-ball. I played on a baseball field in my school. I was number 2 on a team named after The Cardinals. Since I was so young I kept messing up when I played. I don’t remember when I left but I do know that I played soccer after that. I don’t play anything now.

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Whenever I don’t decide to be on the computer, I'm usually on my Xbox. I mostly use it to play video games. I sometimes go on Netflix with it and rarely YouTube. I have another one at my fathers with a Kinect. I sometimes use it while I am on my computer.

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I am usually on the computer when I am able to. I sometimes use it while I am on my Xbox, one for gaming, one for something else, rarely both. My computer is mostly used as a gaming computer. I sometimes go on YouTube , flash games, and some other things. Basically half of my computer is used for games, and it can actually be seen on my desktop.

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Every year I plan to do some things at least once. Some of these things depend on the season. In the winter I plan to go snowboarding or sledding, play in the snow, and hit my brother in the face with snow at least once.

In the summer, I plan to go camping, go to Hampton and Old Orchard Beach, and have pier fries and deep fried Oreos at least once. Other things that I do that are every couple of years is to go a water park and go to Mount Wachusett.

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In the summer, spring, and early fall I go jogging. The places I go are Barrett Park, Doyle Feld, and a couple others. Sometimes I go twice depending on where I go. In the summer I go jogging at the beach. I don’t go in the winter because it is too cold. I go less in the spring because I go to the gym.

Barrett Park

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Nascar is another sport that I enjoy watching. The person I like is Dale Earnheart Jr. I don’t like Tony Stewart that much, but my brother does. I have a shirt of Dale Earnheart Jr. and I have went as him for Halloween once. I have some toy cars from Nascar that I still own. Sometimes I watch a game with my family and some of us root for Earnheart, and a couple including one of my cousins roots for Kyle Busch.

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One of my favorite foods is ice cream. My favorite flavor is mint chocolate chip. Other flavors I like are chocolate, cookie dough, and black raspberry. On one of the camping sites I go to, we travel in a boat to get some ice cream. When I can buy them at the store, I usually get drumsticks, which are basically ice cream cones with a chocolate center. My family goes to Kimball Farm and Cherry Hill to go get ice cream.

Cherry Hill ice cream

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My parents are divorced. I live with my mother and go to my fathers on Tuesday and the weekends. At my mothers house is my grandmother, my mother, and my brother. My father lives with his girlfriend and her kids. I sometimes go to my grandfathers house where my other grandmother, my grandfather, and one of my uncles live. I have two uncles on my fathers side and four on my mothers side.

My mother’s and father’s house

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To keep entertained, I usually depend on video games. Sometimes its my Xbox, sometimes its my computer, sometimes it’s both. Other than games, I also use YouTube and Netflix on them (Xbox has both, computer has YouTube). Another source of entertainment is the television. My iPod does some of these. Other than that, I don’t do much for entertainment.

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I have about 30 or 40 video games on my Xbox and about 10 to 15 on my computer. 3 of the games on my Xbox are from the old version and 2 of the games on my computer are also old. I don’t have a favorite game since It would always change every couple of days. I have 4 ½ pages of games on my iPod and I barely use them. I also have board games. The board games I own are 3 different versions of Monopoly.

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I have a bit of trouble understanding people sometimes. It’s usually because I have a lack of attention. I can understand most references to something that I hear, and sometimes they didn’t mean it. I may not understand people goodly, but I understand a lot of things about life. There are some things I don’t understand yet though, mostly economic things. There are still a lot of things I don’t understand.