TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL SHAVUOT EDITION KOL YISRAEL JUNE 2014 Shavuot at TBI INSIDE: together we can do it looking within at shavuot Broadcasting a different message the rules of youth engagement tikkun olam, social justice and demystifying the ‘other’ anZac memorial

Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which

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Page 1: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which



Shavuot at TBI

InSIdE: • together we can do it • looking within at shavuot • Broadcasting a different message

• the rules of youth engagement • tikkun olam, social justice and demystifying the ‘other’ • anZac memorial •

Page 2: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which

President’s report - Together we can do it 1

Rabbi Gersh Lazarow’s reflections - Looking within at Shavuot 2

Rabbi Kim Ettlinger - The Rules of Youth Engagement… 4

Broadcasting a different message 6

Cantor Michel Laloum - Tikkun Olam, Social Justice and Demystifying the ‘Other’ 8

ANZAC memorial boards 10

Busy Bees 11

Join the TBI Book Club 11

Limmud 12

Community Events 13

Donations 14

Smachot 16

Bereavements 18

B’nei Mitzvah 19

Calendar 20

Happy Snaps 22

temple Beth israel (no. a0040666n) 76-82 alma road st kilda / Po Box 128 st kilda, vic 3182, australia t +613 9510 1488 f +613 9521 1229 [email protected] tbi.org.au Publication of any/all material is at the discretion of the editor. Articles express the views of the author, not the Temple Beth Israel Board of Governance. Articles in Kol Yisrael may be reprinted but please acknowledge your source.

TBI acknowledges that we are assembled on land whose traditional custodians are the people of the Kulin Nation. TBI is proud to be affiliated with the Union for Progressive Judaism.

Rabbi Gersh Lazarow: [email protected] Kim Ettlinger: [email protected] Cantor Michel Laloum: [email protected] Rachel Wundheiler (Community Relations Manager): [email protected] Jenny Schulman (Executive Assistant): [email protected] Rhonda Nirens (Lifecycle Coordinator): [email protected] Sarah Barzel (Membership Coordinator): [email protected] Fiona Zlotnik (Administrative Assistant): [email protected] Aliza Factor (Administrative Assistant): [email protected] Sue Silver (Events Coordinator): [email protected] Josh Nezon (TBI Fellow) [email protected] Sarah Edelstein (TBI Fellow) [email protected]

tBi Board of governance 2014 Robert Hershan (President) [email protected] Dorothy Graff (Vice President) [email protected] Robert Sward (Vice President) [email protected] Rebecca Silk (Secretary) [email protected] Jeffrey Leigh (Board Chair) [email protected]

BOARD MEMBERS Jonathan Barnett [email protected] Grossbard [email protected] Cohen [email protected] Loewy Irons [email protected] Roberts [email protected] Mendelson [email protected] Aarons [email protected] Rozen [email protected]

IMM PAST PRESIDENT Sam Sharman [email protected]

editor [email protected]

design artklass: [email protected]

table of contents

tbihostess luncheon

Wednesday 9 July, 12pm

RSVP 03 9510 1488 or [email protected]

76-82 Alma Rd, St Kilda

lady marigold southeyHOSTED BY



Cover Art: Why dairy on Shavuot? Shavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which combination. Before the Torah was given the concept of kashrut did not exist. So one explanation for the eating of dairy on Shavuot is that when the Jews received the Torah they did not have the tools they would need to prepare kosher meat. As a result their first meal after receiving the Torah was a dairy meal.

Page 3: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


SHAVUOT EDITION 2014,uguca ,tmuv

President’s reporttogether we can do it

I hope you all had a wonderful Passover with your family and friends. The festival of freedom is, for me, the nicest family gathering of the year, where we reflect on and appreciate our current good fortune and liberty. We welcome the new additions to our table and take time

to remember those who are no longer with us.

Prior to Pesach, this year’s Purim celebrations were just wonderful. Over the Purim weekend we had approximately 900 people in our community centre who attended the spiel “Purim according to the Beatles” on the Saturday night and the Purim Carnival on the Sunday. The spiel had a combined cast from our PJV community and the performance was repeated at Leo Baeck on the Sunday night.

We are only one third of the way through 2014 and so much has already been achieved towards our goal of refreshing, refurbishing and rebuilding our spiritual home at Alma Road.

In our last edition of Kol Yisrael I mentioned that we have completed the refurbishment of our administration area and it is now completely open and welcoming to all.

The Friedlander Beit Midrash has been sealed off from the main Sanctuary and is available to be used as an alternate prayer space either for services running concurrently with the main sanctuary or for more intimate service gatherings. We have just held our Movie Club opening night, run by Ginny Klooger, and viewing of films in the Friedlander is now state-of-the-art.

We have completed the move of our library to the large landing area upstairs adjoining our main Sanctuary and it is now a dedicated space with reading chairs, and a place to meet and chat. The new meeting room for Netzer is now complete and adjoins the library. Netzer can overflow into the library space if and when required. We have established a dedicated meeting room where the old education centre was adjoining the Magid Centre. The new education centre has been built and is upstairs in the south eastern corner of the building where the old Netzer area was.

Stage one of the installation of our new sound system is complete. We have new hearing loops installed across the main Sanctuary and Slome Hall. This process was fairly smooth as we managed to do it at the same time as we replaced our 30 year old carpet. This enabled us to have

open access to the concrete floor for the installation of new wiring. The installation of the new sound system should be complete by the end of May.

Just before Pesach, on 12 April, we held Rabbi Lazarow’s Induction. It was a Havdalah Service to remember, and an historic moment in TBI’s 85 year history. We had three successive senior Rabbis participate in the service; Rabbi John Levi, Rabbi Fred Morgan and Rabbi Gersh Lazarow. The Induction Service was beautifully led by Rabbi Kim Ettlinger and Cantor Michel Laloum. Approximately 550 people were in attendance and the atmosphere was very special. The Sanctuary looked refreshed as new carpet has been laid and the Bimah has been adjusted to be lower and more welcoming. I am extremely grateful to two of our TBI Board of Governance members Judi Cohen and Rob Sward for the superb way they organised this major event.

In mid-April we launched our 2014 TBI Pesach Appeal and we are delighted and honoured to have Sandy Benjamin OAM as our patron. In her letter to you Sandy has asked you to support our spiritual, educational and community home at Alma Road.

“Your contribution will ensure that TBI flourishes as a vibrant and accessible centre of Jewish activity.”

Your ongoing support enables generational improvements, both spiritually and physically, that we require for our children and our grandchildren.

I want to thank so many of you that have written to me on topics of interest, excitement and sometimes of concern. I greatly value your feedback. With your input we can move forward together.

Page 4: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


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Rabbi Lawrence Kushner tells of the time he brought a nursery school class into the Synagogue Sanctuary for a tour. He showed them the bima, the ner tamid, the cantor’s and rabbi’s lecterns. Finally, the tiny kids stood before the huge doors of the Holy Ark.

“What do you suppose is in there?” he asked them. “Nothing!” one child answered, “It’s empty.” “A new car!” another shouted. “An old, old Torah!” responded another. “I know! I know” one child insisted, “It’s a mirror!”

Each child was correct. For Jews distant and disconnected from Judaism, the first child was right: The Ark is empty. Judaism is alien and barren of meaning and substance.

For others, Judaism holds only a superficial, aesthetic

appeal. It’s all bar mitzvah parties, bagels on Sunday morning, and what we’ll be wearing on Rosh HaShanah this year. Religion as cultural entertainment — a warm, ethnic sentimentality without ethical or spiritual demands.

For some, Judaism is a tired, old, depleted faith. They hear in it nothing important for a modern mind, and what they do hear is interpreted as misogynist, racist, or coldly legalistic.

But for those who are prepared to look deeply and imaginatively, the Ark contains a mirror, reflecting the truth about ourselves, our values, our accomplishments and our limitations.

Menachem Mendel, the Kotzker Rebbe, taught that the uniqueness of Hasidism was this: All Jews are taught, “You should not lie.” Hasidim teach: “You should not lie to yourself.” It is this reflexive turn, the turn inward, that characterises the Kotzker’s Torah.

rabbi gersh lazarow’s reflectionslooking within at shavuot

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Page 5: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


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I first learned this wonderful insight when studying with Rabbi Harold Schulweis at a Tikkun Liel Shavuot a number of years ago. Rabbi Schulwies proposed this reflexive turn as a way to hear the Ten Commandments anew each year at Shavuot.

By turning each commandment inward, he challenged us to look deeply into the mirror of Torah.

The Sixth Commandment, for example, teaches “You shall not murder.” Within this is the commandment, “You shall not murder... yourself.” What are all the ways we daily murder ourselves?

“You shall not steal... from yourself. “ When do we steal from ourselves? What do we steal? And how do we make restitution?

“You shall not commit adultery... against yourself.” How have we adulterated ourselves, betraying sacred principles, practicing moral promiscuity and spiritual unfaithfulness?

“You shall not bear false witness... against yourself.” When do we offer false testimony about ourselves? Or to ourselves? And why?

“You shall not covet... yourself.” We covet when we simply cannot accept that a neighbour has possessions or position that we do not. We covet ourselves when we simply cannot live without all that was once ours but is

no more. What are the attachments to the past that hold us back from the present and the future?

“Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy.” Where is the sanctified Sabbath within you? Where in your life is a place of peace, your haven and refuge from competition and conflict?

“Honour your father and mother... within you.”; What does it mean to carry a father’s love or a mother’s wisdom within? What has become of the fatherly and the motherly in you?

“You shall not take the name of the Eternal your God in vain.” What were the promises and commitments I once made to myself that were subsequently broken, ignored, or allowed to slip quietly into lazy neglect?

“You will have no other gods before Me... including yourself.” When have I made of myself the measure of all things and the centre of the universe?

“I am the Eternal your God.” Where is the image of God within me? What have I done with that precious gift?

On 3 June we will gather together to celebrate the festival of Shavuot, to celebrate receiving the gift of Torah, the mirror of our souls. It is ours, but only if we are brave enough to look deeply and honestly within.

Chag Sameach.

SHAVUOT EDITION 2014,uguca ,tmuv

tuesday 3 june shavuot Program TBI CHEESE CAKE

COMPETITION8.30pm tasting9.30pm judging

Bring your cheese cake for the chance to

win a prize

For catering purposes please register your

participation with Sue by 1 June on

03 9510 1488














4:00pm shavuot family activities

5:30pm community Pizza dinner

6:00pm ice cream cones

6:15pm shavuot evening service

7:15pm tikkun leil shavuot “exploring justice in our world”

7:30pm songs of justice

7:45pm welcoming the stranger “it is not illegal to be a refugee”

8:30pm cheese cake tasting

8:45pm sin of omission “abuse in the jewish community”

9:30pm cheese cake judging

9:45pm songs of justice

10:00pm find the kedusha in kedushin “The case for marriage equality”

Page 6: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


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When I arrived at Temple Beth Israel almost four years ago, I brought with me a passion for youth engagement — a passion that I retain and that grows with each new program we develop and implement at TBI.

There is so much tied up in the word ‘Youth’. The next generation mean so much and it requires so much investment, as our children truly are our future: L’dor vador – from generation to generation.

It’s clear that any education program should engage the littlest of TBI members, babies and toddlers to primary

aged children and teens. Starting with the teaching of the festivals, we instil in even our youngest, a sense of connectedness, learning and community from an early age. As they reach the teenage years we hope they will feel this is another home. This connection to Judaism and community should last throughout their lives.

FESTIVAL PROGRAMMINGOver the last couple of years, we have seen Purim grow in attendance from 200 people to well over a crowd of 350 people. How magnificent it is to see our Sanctuary filled with children, parents and grandparents enjoying the reading of the Megilah, the costume parade as well as the games, the prizes and the food. But this didn’t just

The rules of youth engagement…rabbi kim ettlinger

Page 7: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


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happen. A plan was brought to the board, monies were raised and volunteers were recruited. Community came together. On a smaller scale we did the same for Sukkot, revamping our family programming before services as well as for Simchat Torah. The infrastructure is in place so we can build on it year by year. Family programming complements the religious services, bringing t’filah to life, bringing the learning and the meaning for the family to life. Recently it was seen at Rabbi Lazarow’s induction where families experienced the induction through a havdalah service, and children had the opportunity to make their own havdalah kits to take home.

TBI TAMIDWhile the revamping of family programming was taking place, we decided to embark on reinventing our supplementary religious school, and hence TBI Tamid was born. A committee of invested members met almost twice a month to plan and design a supplementary program that is based on creating positive Jewish memories. TBI Tamid is thriving and the students are learning and having fun. When last did you hear a child say, I had fun at religious school? Just ask our students.

TBI TAMID FELLOWSKeeping a keen eye on the example set by The King David School and watching the Centre for Living Judaism grow and develop, it was thought that TBI might like to create the same opportunities for Youth Engagement. This idea led to raising the funds necessary to support our TBI Tamid Fellows, Sarah Edelstein and Josh Nezon. Josh and Sarah have made a huge impact already, engaging with our families from the littlies to the teens – from family programming to service leadership. Their youth and energy draw in people of all ages.

B’NEI MITZVAH REVOLUTIONYouth engagement is reaching many areas of religious and educational life at TBI. We are working to make what is good, better, and nothing is taken for granted. There isn’t an area where we are not casting our eyes. I’m very excited to announce the next area of innovation. A special committee has been set up to focus on our B’nei Mitzvah Program. Having returned from the Union for Reform Judaism Biennial last December in San Diego, it is now time for us to take what we have learned and concentrate on our B’nei Mitzvah Program. The Reform communities of America are engaging in what they call the b’nei mitzvah revolution and we at TBI have decided to focus our energies in the same direction. What is the b’nei mitzvah revolution? It is rethinking b’nei mitzvah so synagogues and their members can focus on what is most important about Jewish living and learning. Where this will take us, I’m not quite sure yet, but it is exciting and I will keep you updated.

THE FUTURE: L’DOR VADORI began this article by mentioning that youth engagement begins with the littlies and as children grow and develop, the more opportunities they have in congregational life for engagement, the more chance they will have connectedness and live meaningful Jewish lives as adults. We want to be part of a larger plan to strengthen engagement and retention among youth.

We have accomplished much over the last four years and certainly it has accelerated greatly in the last two years. All I can say is watch this space as exciting things will happen and I invite you to travel on the journey with us.

Page 8: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


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rabbi dr danny schiffBroadcasting a different message

Earlier this year, ABC radio in Brisbane hosted an eight-minute conversation on whether nowadays it is “possible to obey all of the Ten Commandments”*.

Let’s set to one side the lack of seriousness inherent in trying to deal with ten pivotal legal injunctions, that have been the subject of 3000 years of deliberation and practice, in such a brief discussion. Let’s also overlook the bewildering assumption that something must have happened in recent decades that makes keeping the commandments in 2014 a more difficult challenge then ever before. Is there anything in the largely comfortable lives we lead that would make observing the Ten Commandments suddenly more challenging today than in generations past?

Let’s instead consider a far more pivotal issue: the criterion by which the program evaluates whether “it is possible” to live by the commandments. According to the host, we can measure the possibility of “obeying” the Ten Commandments by discerning which of the commandments “most people” find reasonably simple to achieve within the constraints of a “busy modern life.” Thus, we are told that while “taking the name of the Lord thy God in vain” “may seem like one of the easiest commandments to keep”, “it can be difficult in moments of frustration, shock, or anger…”. Likewise, preserving the Sabbath might present a problem because “many of us have trouble refraining from checking our work emails on our laptops and phones on the weekend…”. Fortunately, though, the law against “killing” is deemed “one of the easiest to keep,” since “most people do not commit murder.”

Never mind that the show presents the commandments on the most superficial level imaginable, successfully distorting and trivialising their underlying intent. What is truly telling is the notion that the ‘possibility’ of keeping the commandments can be assessed by surveying how most people actually behave in their day-to-day lives.

And perhaps herein lies the audacity of the significant human experiment that we call “Judaism”: Who, after all, received the commandments at Sinai? It was a multitude of the lowly who, just fifty days earlier, had escaped centuries of slavery in Egypt. They were unlearned, they were weak, they were scared, they were disempowered. In short, they were about as lacking in human resilience

as any group could possibly be. What might reasonably have been expected of them? Precious little. Without tremendous assistance and skilled guidance they wouldn’t have lasted a year in the desert, let alone forty.

And yet… And yet it was to them, to this collection of hapless ex-slaves, that these words were spoken. It was to them – to a group of people from whom one should have expected the least – that the greatest moral and ethical challenges were delivered.

Herein lies a powerful message: no matter how weak we might feel, and no matter our circumstances, we can transcend what we are and attain greater heights of morality and humanity.

The critical lesson of Sinai is that we utterly refuse to define what might be humanly “possible” by examining current realities; Sinai insists that we should expect more – that we can indeed elevate ourselves in a constant process of striving.

The historian, Thomas Cahill, poignantly expressed it this way:

If I can peer through the mists of history and see the begrimed, straightforward faces straining upward toward the terrors of Mount Sinai and if I can imagine this immense throng of simple souls trudging through the whole of history – all the ordinary people down the ages in need of moral guidance in all the incredibly various situations and cultures that this planet has known – it must be admitted that it would be fairly impossible to improve on the Decalogue as we have it. The sins it catalogues are the great sins, and those it does not mention explicitly … can be deduced from it… There are few who do not know that if we were to keep these commandments our world would be an entirely different place. This is such a simple, incontestable thing to say that it sounds banal. But for all our resourcefulness we have never yet managed to do it.

It will not do simply to take the pulse of a society and to conclude that no more is “possible”. Far better to broadcast a challenge to utilise our “resourcefulness” to aspire to something greater and more ennobling. That is the call of Sinai to us all.*(http://www.abc.net.au/local/photos/2014/03/18/3966430.htm)

rabbi schiff is visiting australia for limmud oz and will address the mistakes that many people make in thinking of judaism as a religion. he will also question the current fascination with “tikkun olam,” and will devote a whole session to the great jewish ideas that transformed human civilization. danny who previously served as rabbi of our congregation will also speak at tBi on shabbat morning 14 june.

Page 9: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which

Sacred Music ConcertA N I N T E R F A I T H C E L E B R A T I O N

SUNDAY 15 JUNE 2.30pm

Supported by the Progressive Jewish Cultural Fund

76-82 Alma Rd, St Kilda tbi.org.au

Tickets: $35 adult, $30 conc, $10 children under 18 yearsBookings: 03 9510 1488 or [email protected]

Bloch’s Avodath Hakodesh (Sacred Service)

Welcome to Country

Baritone soloist Cantor Michel Laloum

Camberwell Chorale

Camerata Orchestra under the baton of Douglas Heywood OAM

Temple Beth Israel Choirs

Members of the Salvation Army Choir

Canterbury Anglican Church Choir

Tudor Choristers

Members of the Islamic Research and Education Association

Page 10: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


SHAVUOT EDITION 2014 ,uguca ,tmuv

My house shall be a house of prayer for all peoples. (Isaiah 56:7)

ahavat ger, welcoming the stranger, is among the most important tenets of Judaism.

tikkun olam is a Hebrew phrase that means “repairing the world”

(or “healing the world”) which suggests humanity’s shared responsibility to heal and transform the world. In Judaism, the concept of tikkun olam originated in the early rabbinic period. The kabbalists of the medieval period spoke of rediscovering the sparks of the divine while repairing the world around us.

In Judaism the concept of ‘Tikkun olam’ is somewhat analogous to ‘social justice’. John Rawls in his “A Theory of Justice” (1971) defined social justice as “the ability people have to realise their potential in the society where they live.”

Whether in the language of tikkun olam or that of social justice, it is clear that we have a responsibility within our lives, our families, our communities and our world to care for one another.

Temple Beth Israel excels in this work through our daily acts of social activism, such as volunteering at the Sacred Heart Mission; Jewish Care lectures and concerts; our Caring Community; hospital and home visits. The monthly friendship club, the Holocaust Survivors Club, the Russian Club, Stan’s Schmooze, the Book Club, the Dementia Support Group and the newly formed Film Club are but a few of our regular activities.

Perhaps the area least recognised and often of greatest importance is the work done in demystifying the ‘other’. The concept that the self requires the ‘Other’ for self definition is an old one and has been expressed by many historically renowned philosophers such as: Hegel, Husserl, Jacques Lacan and Emmanuel Levinas. While far from new to us, we rediscover the need to de-mystify the ‘Other’ in our responses to rediscovering the ‘Other’ within ourselves.

Scholars such as Michel Foucault, from the Frankfurt School and other postmodernists have argued that the process of ‘Othering’ has everything to do with knowledge, and power acting through knowledge to

achieve a particular political agenda in its goal of domination.

How tragic it is that we need to remind ourselves that the Torah constantly re-iterates our obligation to ‘welcome the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” (Deut 10:19). Pesach specifically encourages us to welcome strangers to our seder by opening the doors and educating those who do not know how to ask questions – often interpreted as either ignorant Jews, children, or non-Jews who are unaware of Jewish traditions.

We do this best by getting to know the ‘Other’, by working with, playing with, studying with, and interacting with the ‘Other’. It is in proverbially ‘rubbing

cantor michel laloumtikkun olam, social justice and demystifying the ‘other’

Page 11: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


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shoulders’ with the ‘Other’ that we discover that the ‘Other’ is by and large no different to us, and that once demystified, our fear of the unknown is often simply irrational.

It is within this context that TBI has historically been a leader in interfaith dialogue within the Melbourne community. Rabbi Dr Herman Sanger was a leading proponent of interfaith dialogue, as were and still are Rabbi Dr John Levi and Rabbi Fred Morgan.

TBI continues in this tradition by supporting the basic principles of:

promoting understanding and cooperation between all faiths based on respect for each other’s identity and integrity;

addressing issues of human rights and human dignity deeply enshrined in faith traditions;

countering all forms of prejudice, intolerance, discrimination, racism and the misuse of religion for national and political domination; and,

affirming that in honest dialogue each person remains loyal to his or her own essential faith commitment, recognising in the other person his or her integrity and ‘Otherness’.

TBI will once again be taking the lead in creating a whole new world of interfaith dialogue and exploration through the June 15 concert “Sacred Music – A Celebration”.

Based around Ernest Bloch’s major Jewish work, Avodat Hakodesh, followed by a series of psalms and prayers common to various religious traditions, TBI will be hosting the first Victorian gala interfaith choral concert – Sacred Music Concert.

Performers will include members from the Camberwell Choral and the Camerata Orchestra under the baton of Doug Heywood OAM, along with the combined TBI and PJV choirs, members of the Tudor Choristers, the Salvation Army Choir, the Canterbury Anglican Church Choir, and members of several other choirs, all combined to perform these works in harmony. Choir performances will be preceded by an Aboriginal Welcome to Country.

What better symbol of unity is there than bringing hundreds of musicians and audience members together in singing in harmony the words “grant us peace and blessing” in Hebrew (Sim Shalom), Latin (Dona Nobis Pacem) and Arabic (Hablana Asalem)?

Tikkun olam is about acting on our convictions – and so I invite one and all to not simply ‘talk the talk’, but to proverbially ‘walk the walk’ in attending and participating in this opportunity to get to know and to demystify the “Other” in our “Sacred Music – An Interfaith Celebration” inaugural concert at 2.30pm on Sunday 15 June, at Temple Beth Israel.

your support is essential in making this event the enormous success it deserves to be.


tikkun olam, social justice and demystifying the ‘other’

Page 12: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


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Zachor - remember. How important this concept is in the lives of us Jews!

We experienced a beautiful Shabbat Zachor at TBI prior to Purim, at Pesach we remembered the exodus story, each one of us as though we, too, had been led out of bondage, and at Shavuot we are prompted once again to remember the spiritual challenges we have been given.

TBI boasts several books remembering the lives of our leaders and members through the generations and also the first seventy-five years of our great community. As Australian citizens, we remembered on ANZAC Day those of our TBI family and our fellow citizens who fell serving their country during the wars of the twentieth century.

We share the amazement and delight at how our Synagogue and office space have become refreshed and renewed, taking us well into the future. At the same time, TBI is taking the opportunity to remember the past. We want to ensure that the names of members on our

honour and commemoration boards are correct in every way: all people listed who should be, names correctly spelled, and boards prominently displayed as a sign of respect.

We invite you to look at our war heroes honour board and let us know if any corrections need to be made or any names are to be added. We will make the necessary changes.

Please contact Fiona Zlotnik, our Administrative Assistant, Community Relations, by email at [email protected] or 9510 1488 if you have a correction or addition. We ask that you kindly let Fiona know by 5 August so that we can complete any work that needs to be done.

Tishah B’av, falling on 5 August, is a date we traditionally commemorate communal tragedy and it is fitting that we complete our list of those we wish to honour by that date.

do you know of someone missing from our anZac memorial Board?









tBi anZac memorial Board

died in active service: Bennett ALEXANDER, Berliner LEON ALFRED, Berliner HARRIS LIONEL, cohen ARTHUR PEEL, dyte ALAN CHARLES,


their memory will Be a Blessing

Page 13: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


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A wonderful team of volunteers, rabbis, and board members all rolled up their sleeves to clean up the TBI grounds in March.

Your efforts are so very greatly appreciated and I was thrilled with how much we managed to do. In my “expert” opinion, the garden areas we worked on now look one hundred per cent neater and tidier and more loved than before we started!

You were all so generous to give up your valuable weekend time to come and assist. There has been so much work of late on the inside of the synagogue that the outside of TBI was at risk of being left behind. So you can all feel very proud of your four hours of “hard labour”.

Once again, my sincere thanks to each and every one of you.

The TBI Book Club is a diverse group of people who love to read and shmooze over some delightful wine and cheese every month.

Prior to each meeting, the Book Club members select a book that will provide hours of enjoyable reading and interesting themes for discussion. It offers members the opportunity to read and enjoy a book, keeping in mind that they will later be able to share their thoughts with other readers.

Recent books selected by the TBI Book Club include The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson, Ugly by Robert Hoge, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, and, Alone in Berlin by Hans Fallada.

Author Dr Howard Goldenberg will attend the TBI Book Club meeting on 13 August to chat with readers about his novel Carrots and Jaffas, that was released in April 2014 through Hybrid Publishers. Discussion questions will be provided by the publisher to ignite discussion and debate.

Carrots and Jaffas tells the story of two red-headed identical twins whose oneness is ruptured when one of them is kidnapped. Their startling intimacy is both a strength and a fault line in their being, and once separated, their individuality emerges. In the course of this exhilarating domestic tale set in Melbourne and the Flinders Ranges, the reader encounters the twins’ parents – emotional, scripture-quoting Luisa and calm Bernard – as well as two remarkable storytellers, Doc, an eccentric outback doctor and Greta, an Aboriginal elder. Trauma is followed by recovery through the unexpected agency of story and ‘country’ (in the Australian Aboriginal meaning of that term).

UPCOMING DATES FOR TBI BOOK CLUB:• 18 June ‘Fault in our Stars’ by John Greene • 17 July book to be decided • 13 August ‘Carrots and Jaffas’ by Dr Howard Goldenberg

FUTURE DATES (BOOKS TO BE CONFIRMED): • 10 September • 13 October • 12 November • 17 December

The TBI Book Club welcomes newcomers. Please contact Sarah Barzel on [email protected] or 03 9510 1819 for more information.

Busy Bees

join the tBi Book club


Clockwise from top left: ‘Carrots and Jaffas’ by Howard Goldenberg; ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ by John Green; and Dr Howard Goldenberg.

Page 14: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


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on sunday

BEING JEWISH IN TODAY’S GERMANYdates: 13 and 20 July, 10.30am-12.00pm Presenter: Dr Esther Jilovsky

These two sessions will explore Jewish identity in contemporary Germany. A range of topics pertaining to Jewish life in Germany today will be discussed, focussing on how memory of the Holocaust both shapes and obscures Jewish experience. Topics covered will include: the ever-growing Jewish community; the emergence of a vibrant academic Jewish Studies scene; commemoration of the Holocaust in Berlin, including the 75th anniversary of the Kristallnacht Pogrom, and how members of the second and third generations of Holocaust survivors write about being German and being Jewish.

Three part series

PART 1: ENCOUNTER WITH JEWISH ART date: 3 August, 10.30am–12.00pm Presenter: Victor Majzner

Victor Majzner will discuss the main themes, ideas and images of his 35 year engagement with Jewish art which will also include a visual presentation.

PART 2: COLLABORATION THROUGH POETRY, ART AND JUDAISMdate: 10 August, 10.30am–12.00pm Presenters: Victor Majzner and Suzi Ghent

Suzi Ghent (poet) and Victor Majzner (painter) will discuss their recent collaborative project. They will focus upon their respective approaches to this collaboration through the lens of their specific art. They will also discuss other collaborative projects in which they have participated.

PART 3: TIKKUN OLAM THROUGH POETRY date: 17 August, 10.30am–12.00pm Presenter: Suzi Ghent

Suzi Ghent creates poetry that is drawn from her 30 years of experience in the

performing and visual arts.

She will present an exciting and engaging session that will demonstrate her multi-faceted creative processes and explain how she is passionately driven by tikkun olam.

on sunday

HIGH HOLY DAYS find meaning in the machzor dates: 7 and 14 September, 10.30am–12pm Presenter: Rabbi Gersh Lazarow

Join Rabbi Lazarow for a two part series exploring the High Holy Day prayerbook – the Machzor. In the first session he will examine the creation and evolution of prayers such as Kol Nidrei, Unatanatokef and Avinu Malkeinu and the many Rabbinic Piyotim (poems) that punctuate and define our prayer at this time of the year. In the second session, he will focus on the Torah and Haftorah portions read during the High Holy Days and explore the challenging spiritual and theological journey at the core of these Yamin Noraim (Days of Awe).

on tuesday

INTRODUCTION TO JUDAISM AT 7.30PMIntroduction to Judaism is a two-semester course for those seriously interested in confirming their place among the Jewish people with a foundation level course of study covering Jewish source literature, history, customs, and, how to pursue a Jewish lifestyle.

For those studying with a view to becoming Jewish by choice, the level of instruction is aimed at students with little or no formal learning in Jewish tradition. Individuals and partnered couples make for a mixed and interesting group.

Introduction to Judaism meets at TBI most Tuesday evenings through the year. There are two intake points for the course each year - late Jan/early Feb and late July.

PARASHAT HASHAVUA AT 7.30PMExploring the Parashah of the week. Meetings take place in the Friedlander Bet Midrash. All welcome.

on Thursday

ALEPH ISN’T ENOUGHIntermediate Hebrew classes with Albert Bentata. A series of 10 one-hour sessions. An understanding of Hebrew word structures and an elementary vocabulary of key prayer terms is required. It builds on the fundamentals to establish a more comprehensive understanding. This course is offered twice yearly.


Page 15: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


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DROP IN AND CHAT / KNITTING CIRCLE2nd and 4th wednesday of the month 10.30am - 12.30pmFor those who are sixty and over, looking for a couple of hours of companionship in a very low key relaxed atmosphere. $2 to cover costs, includes tea, coffee, biscuits. New people always welcome.

MEN’S GROUPOn the 3rd Sunday of the month at 8pm in private homes. Contact Albert Bentata at 9555 2527.

LIVING WITH DEMENTIA SUPPORT GROUP23 june, 25 august, 6 october 7.30-9pm in the friedlander synagogueA Jewish support group for family carers of a person with dementia. Please bring any questions or topics you would like to discuss.

STAN’S SHMOOZE - MAKING NEWS WITH THE LATEST VIEWSon the 1st tuesday of each month 12.30pm – 2pm Well known journalist, author and humorist, Stan Marks, runs monthly News and Views sessions.These cover all recent local, national and international news on a range of topics and the reasons for being optimistic or sceptical of current events. All laced with Stan Marks’ engaging humour and a touch of gossip. All senior members, especially the young at heart are welcome!

RUACH COMMUNITY CHOIRRuach Community Choir sings on the 3rd erev shabbat of every month from 6.15 - 7.15pm. All welcome.

TBI CHOIRtBi choir sings on the 4th shabbat of every monthWe are always looking for new choristers. If you’d like to express yourself vocally, contact Cantor Michel Laloum at TBI.

TBI BOOK CLUBmonthly on Thursdays at 7.30pm. Facilitated by Sarah Barzel, this gathering has grown and is now a very popular and regular event at TBI. New members always welcome. Next meeting 18 June. Please contact the TBI office for more information.

TBI COMMUNITY DINNERThis popular event occurs the first friday of each month after the service at 7.30pm in Slome Hall. Please invite your friends and family and bring a vegetarian dish to share. Contact the TBI office for more information.

GESHEROccurs 2nd saturday of every month at 9.45am in the Friedlander Synagogue. Intimate service led by lay members.

SHABBAT MISHPACHA14 june, 12 july, 9 august, 13 september, 11 october, 8 november and 13 december Occurs 2nd saturday of every month at 9am in the main Sanctuary. Geared to pre-schoolers and their families, come and celebrate Shabbat with your children through songs, stories, and fun. Join other young families in a warm and relaxed atmosphere.

SHABBAT B’YACHAD FAMILY SERVICE6 june, 4 july, 1 august, 5 september, 7 november and 5 decemberJoin us for a shabbat service at 6.15pm specifically for primary school aged children and pre- and post- b’nei mitzvah students. The services include songs, stories and regular Shabbat Service elements with participation from your children.

SHABBAT SHIRA6 june, 4 july, 1 august, 5 september, 7 november at 6.15pm Run in conjunction with Shabbat B’yachad, Shabbat Shira is an alternative minyan - an intimate, musical, interactive service held in the Friedlander Synagogue.

ROSH CHODESH GROUP1 june, 29 june, 27 july, 31 august at 7.30pm Led by Rabbi Kim Ettlinger. We would like to extend a warm invitation to all women to come along and join a lovely group to meet, chat, learn and celebrate the monthly new moon as so many women in our tradition have done before us. Call the office for location.

TBI FRIENDSHIP CLUB1st wednesday of each month For the 55’s and over, sit, chat and listen to music - lunch is served at 11.45am. $10 entry includes lunch.

community events


Page 16: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


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GENERAL FUND Aliyot, Yahrzeit and Self assessed

A • Mr Ron Aarons & Ms Sandra Farber • Mr Alwyn & Mrs Kaye Abraham • Mr Michael Adler B • Ms Paulette Bancroft • Mr Phillip & Mrs Grace Bando • Mrs Adrienne Basser • Mr Albert & Mrs Carol Bentata • Mrs Dorothy Bihary • Dr Philip & Mrs Andrea Bliss • Mr Yakov & Mrs Raissa Borovik • Miss Elaine Bourne • Ms Dorothy Bresner & Ms Evelyn Bresner • Mr Gary Brill • Dr Myer Brott z”l c • Mrs Patricia Cashmore • Mr Steven & Mrs Lani Castan • Mr Joe Chakman AM & Mrs Helen Chakman • Mr Steven-Meyer & Mrs Camilla Cohen • Mr Sidney and Mrs Schima Cohen • Mr Raymond & Mrs Mary Cohen • Mr Trevor & Mrs Claire Cohen • Mrs Susie Cymbalist d • Mrs Debra & Mr Raphael Dascal • Mrs Jocelyn Dean • Mrs Marlene Dryen f • Mrs Sylvia Finch z”l • Mr Max & Mrs Pat Fink • Mrs Vera Finkel • Dr Helen Fisher • Mrs Betty Frey Taylor • Mr Alfred Frohlich g • Mr Geoff & Mrs Fiona Goldab • Mr Greg & Mrs Nellie Goodvach • Sandra Gordon • Mrs Katie Gould • Mrs Rita Greiner • Mr Leslie Gross & Ms Di Erlichman h • Ms Muffy Hand • Mrs Caroline Heard • Mr Gary & Mrs Susan Hearst • Mrs Sharon & Mr Daryl Herbert • Ms Odile Higgins • Ms Jennifer Holan & Mr Paul Wright • Mr Greg & Mrs Jo Hyde j • Mr Vernon & Mrs Sandra Jedwab • Dr Michael & Mrs Danielle Jelinek • Mr Craig & Mrs Tonina Joel K • Mrs Brenda Kahan • Mr John Kaufman • Mr Warren Kaye • Ms Leah Kaye • Mrs Debbie Kiffer • Mr Brad & Mrs Carolyn King • Dr George Klempfner & Mrs Yolanda Klempfner AO • Mr David & Mrs Daniela Klempfner • Ms Jennifer Klempfner • Mr Robert Kochen & Dr Leeora Black • Mr Peter Kohn • Mrs Frieda Kolieb • Mr Andrew & Mrs Diana Kopatsy • Dr Margit Korn • Dr Henryk & Mrs Emily Kranz L • Ms Rena Langberg • Mr Dan & Mrs Michelle Langer • Mr Samuel & Mrs Gertie Langer • Mr David Langsam • Mrs Eva Lehner • Mrs Hilde Leiser • Rabbi Dr John AM DD Ph.D & Mrs Robyn Levi • Mr Gary & Mrs Vivien Lewis • Mrs Helen Light • Dr Lewis & Mrs Eve Lustig m • Mr Richard Margolis • Mrs Eve Markov • Mr Stan Marks OAM & Mrs Eva Marks • Mr Lindsay & Mrs Rosie Matthews • Dr George & Prof Danuta Mendelson • Mr Ran & Mrs Deborah Meretz • Dr George & Mrs Ruth Mihaly • Inge Mohrer • Mr Marcus Moss • Dr Carl & Mrs Madeleine Muller n • Mrs Shirley Nathan O • Mr David & Mrs Debbie Opat • Dr Klaus Oppenheimer P • Mrs Hanna

Popiolek • Mr Ron & Mrs Madeleine Popper • Mr David & Mrs Jane Portnoy • Mr Peter & Mrs Bette Pulver R • Mrs Bronia Raynor • Mrs Deborah Reed • Mr Robert Richter QC & Mrs Anne Richter • Mr Ken & Mrs Ruth Rossdale • Mrs Zilla Roth • Ms Athena Rozenberg • Mr Adam & Mrs Yoko Ryan S • Mr Colin Sakinofsky & Ms Vanessa Gautier • Mr Jeffrey & Mrs Sue Salinger • Mr Ken & Mrs Nitzan Schell • Mr Robert & Mrs Rita Schulberg • Mrs Gerda Shelton • Mr Jonathan Shiff • Ms Natasha Silberberg & Mr Charles Prejean • Mr Jack & Mrs Lesley Silberscher • Ms Caren Silver • Mr Leon & Mrs Laura Silver • Mr Leslie Sive • Mr David & Prof Liz Sonenberg • Dr Norman & Dr Sue Sonenberg • Mr Michael & Mrs Cheryl Spivakovsky • Mr Peter Stach • Mr Keith & Mrs Ursula Steinhardt t • Mrs Magdee Taryan w • Mr Russell & Mrs Janis Whytcross • Mrs Rachel Wildberg Z • Mr Robert & Mrs Kathy Zucker CJES The Council for Jewish Education in Schools (CJES) is a tax deductible fund which supports TBI Tamid• Dr Adam & Mrs Tracy Frederick • Dr David Irons & Ms Joanne Loewy Irons • Dr James Shaw & Mrs Leanne Shaw • Miss Dorothy Graff & Mr Felix Wyss • Mr Alain & Mrs Judi Grossbard • Mr Jeffrey & Mrs Danielle Leigh • Mr John Kaufman • Mr Lou & Mrs Maree Paykel • Mr Paul & Mrs Elphine Bridgeman • Mr Robert and Mrs Yvonne Hershan • Mr Shane & Mrs Galia Rose • Mr Tevita & Mrs Barbara Tauelangi • Mrs Ruth Zimmerman • Mrs Sam Sharman

MUSIC FOUNDATION• Dr Philip & Mrs Andrea Bliss • Mr Adam & Mrs Yoko Ryan

PJCF The Progressive Jewish Cultural Fund (PJCF) is a tax deductible fund for the promotion of Jewish cultural events• Dr Larry & Dr Helen Light AM • Dr Victor & Mrs Sally Barnes • Mr Barry Fradkin OAM & Dr Pam Fradkin • Mr Barry Fradkin OAM & Dr Pam Fradkin • Mr Jack & Mrs Lesley Silberscher • Mr Luke & Mrs Joanna Wajsbrem • Mr Michael & Mrs Lyn Lawrence • Mr Phillip & Mrs Sandy Benjamin OAM • Mr Richard Asznowicz • Mr Tom & Mrs Jenny Gorog • Mrs Ellen Bando • Mrs Gerda Bandman • Mrs Maria Jo Herpe • Ms Sara Kirsner


Page 17: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


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On behalf of the Rabbis, Cantor and the Board of Governance we thank our generous donors for their thoughtfulness and kindness in supporting all that we do at TBI. Thank you also to our donors who wish to remain anonymous and to those who donated past the Kol Yisrael deadline.

There are countless ways you can help our communityPlease consider:

• Promoting a TBI event by allowing a billboard to be placed outside your property if you live on a main road

• Sponsoring a Kiddush or an edition of Kol Yisrael to celebrate a loved one• Volunteering your time

Please contact [email protected]

Irons familyCohen familySakinofsky family

Brill familyBoltman familyJakobovits family

Brott familyMedownick familyFreedman family

Thank you

to the following families who have sponsored a Kiddush:

1 February – 3 May 2014

Page 18: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


SHAVUOT EDITION 2014 ,uguca ,tmuv

On behalf of the Rabbis, Cantor and the Board of Governance we offer a hearty mazal tov to the following members on the occasion of their simcha:


• Renato Been baby boy to Mark Been and Daniela Calabro

• Madeleine Black baby girl to Adam and Vanessa Black

• Matilda Mendelson baby girl to Sam Mendelson and Ashleigh Bennett

• Flynn Mihaly baby boy to Kieran and Samantha Mihaly

• Toby Pomeroy baby boy to Mark and Clare Pomeroy

• Jesse Rauchberger baby boy to Lior and Kate Rauchberger

• James Ryan baby boy to David and Raquel Ryan

• Mya Walvisch baby girl to Ben and Melinda Walvisch

• Bonnie Snow baby girl to Hayden and Thea Snow

• Zoe Segal baby girl to Jona and Gemma Segal


• Richard Morris and Georgia Ezra• Ingrid Popper and Chris Erskine• Naomi Gladwin and Paul Mrocki


• Zoe Sher and Stephen Fein • Justin Baker and Karen Felder• Felix Iskhabaev and Savion Wilensky• Jessica Light and Ran Nadir• Hannah Nevin and Patrick Gorr• Ashley Singer and Lisa Rosenfeld


“Milestone” is defined as an anniversary ending in 5 or 0 from 25 onwards.

• Dr Michael Balint & Mrs Susie Balint OAM • Mr

Gregory & Mrs Elena Barger • Mr Geoffrey Blick & Ms Lorraine Weiner • Mr Joe Chakman AM & Mrs Helen Chakman • Mr David and Mrs Pixie Cohen • Mr Leon & Mrs Gaby Cohen • Mr Howard & Mrs Yvonne Elton • Dr Simon & Mrs Louisa Frenkel • Mr Tom & Mrs Anna Jacobi • Mr Ivan & Mrs Julie Jarny • Mr David & Mrs Daniela Klempfner • Mr Ray & Mrs Daniele Magid • Mr Robert & Mrs Helen Mark • Mr Simon & Mrs Leonie Marks • Mr Ross & Mrs Lyn Maver • Mr Alan & Mrs Esther Michael • Mr Michael & Mrs Tamara Mote • Mr Uriel & Mrs Nili Palti • Mr Patrick & Mrs Sarah Quin • Mr Jeffrey Sher QC & Mrs Diana Sher OAM • Mrs Hayley Southwick & Mr David Southwick MP • Mr Sam & Ms Frances Stiglec • Mr Morris & Mrs Freda Trytell • Mr Luke & Mrs Joanna Wajsbrem • Mr Barry & Mrs Nancy Wicks • Mr Israel & Mrs Meshi Zilberman • Mr Robert & Mrs Kathy Zucker

MEMBER BIRTHDAYS: 1 FEBRUARY – 26 MAY “Milestone” is defined as an anniversary ending in 5 or 0 from 25 to 85 and then after 85 every year.

• Mr Leonard Abrahams • Mr Charles Akkerman • Mr Marc Akkerman • Miss Jasmin Bade-Boon • Mrs Corinne Bader • Mrs Eva Balogh • Mr Allan Barger • Dr Philip Basser • Mr Barry Batagol • Master Renato Been • Mr Phillip Benjamin • Miss Lucy Benjamin • Mrs Irene Benjamin • Mr Robert Bennett • Mrs Carol Bentata • Mr Daniel Birner • Mrs Raquella Birner • Miss Madeleine Black • Mrs Vanessa Black • Mr Norman Black • Ms Natalia Blecher • Mrs Helene Boon • Mrs Raissa Borovik • Ms Lahra Carey • Miss Rachel Cashmore • Mrs Tonya Cashmore • Mr Brian Chaitman • Mrs Schima Cohen • Mr Raymond Cohen • Mrs Gerda Cohen • Mrs Susie Cymbalist • Mr Ken Daniels • Mr Martin Dodge • Mrs Judy Dodge • Mr Jonathan Duler • Mrs Lilian Efron • Mrs Lotti Eisinger-Philipp • Miss Leora Erlichman-Gross • Mr Steven Fein • Mrs Beryl Feldman • Mrs Eva Felts • Dr Pam Fradkin • Mr Michael Frajman • Mrs Karen Fuerst • Dr Susanna Geiro • Mrs Ethel Goldin • Mr Gary Goldsmith • Mr Frank Goldstein • Dr David Goodman • Mrs Jenny Gorog • Mrs Pauline Green • Miss Bonnie Greenberg • Mrs Sharon Hamilton •

smachotmazal tov

Page 19: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


SHAVUOT EDITION 2014,uguca ,tmuv

Ms Diane Harari • Mrs Mary Harber • Mrs Esther Hartman • Mrs June Helmer • Mrs Bella Hiler • Mr Gabriel Hoenig • Dr Sian Hughes • Mrs Ruth Inwald • Mr Nathan Jacobson OBE • Mrs Penny Jakobovits • Mrs Magdi Jakobovits • Mr Graham Joel • Miss Madeleine Jones • Mrs Dina Jones • Mrs Emelie Josephs • Mr Peter Kahan • Mrs Diana Kahn • Mrs Anneke Kangisser • Mr Justin Kanowitz • Mr John Kaufman • Mrs Leila Kleiman • Mr Geoff Kohn • Mrs Frieda Kolieb • Miss Stephanie Komesaroff • Mr Myer Eddie Komesaroff • Mrs Diana Kopatsy • Miss Georgina Korman • Mrs Elaine Kovkin • Mrs Renee Krane • Mrs Emily Kranz • Mrs Eve Landman • Mr Samuel Langer • Mrs Rose Lester • Mrs Basja Levy • Miss Sabrina Lewis • Mrs Helen Light • Mrs Frances Lowe • Ms Carolyn Luntz • Mrs Anita Lurie • Mrs Sadie Lurie • Miss Gabriella Lysy • Mr Ray Magid • Mrs Judy Margis • Mr Stan Marks OAM • Mrs Rosie Matthews • Mrs Lyn Maver • Miss Matilda Mendelson • Miss Arielle Meretz • Master Flynn Mihaly • Mrs Susan Minc • Mrs Stella Mitchell • Mrs Inge Mohrer • Mrs Sue Morgan • Dr Carl Muller • Mr Rikki Myers • Mrs Molly Nathan • Mr Adam Needleman • Mrs Michelle Olesh • Mr Danny Olesh • Dr Klaus Oppenheimer • Mr Les Pahoff • Mrs Michelle Palti • Mr Aviv Palti • Mr Uri Palti • Mrs Nili Palti • Mrs Edith Peer • Mrs Marion Pizer • Master Toby Pomeroy • Mrs Hanna Popiolek • Mrs Ilse Priester • Ms Lisa Quittner • Mrs Rena Rabin • Master Jesse Rauchberger • Mrs Bronia Raynor • Miss Amy Rich • Mrs Ruth Riess • Mr Rhys Roberts •

Mrs Esta Rose • Mr Asher Rose • Ms Stella Rosenthal • Mr Theodore Rosenthal • Mr Phillip Rosenwax • Mr Ken Rossdale • Mrs Ruth Rossdale • Mrs Sylvia Rothman • Mr Norman Rothman • Mrs Yoko Ryan • Master James Ryan • Mr Adam Ryan • Mrs Edith Sadlon • Mrs Martha Sanders • Ms Rachel Sandler • Mrs Deborah Sandler • Mrs Lala Saunders • Mr Fred Seligmann • Mr Bernard Shafer • Ms Amanda Sharp • Mr Leonard Shenker • Mrs Diana Sher OAM • Mrs Lesley Silberscher • Mrs Susan Slowo • Mr Oscar Sokolski • Mrs Catherine Soveny • Mr Daniel Star • Dr Michael Starr • Mr David Steinhardt • Ms Frances Stiglec • Mr Andrew Sward • Mrs Lydia Swart • Mr Bernard Sylvan • Miss Lisa Tescher • Mr Matthew Thurin • Dr David Thurin • Dr Marion Titterton • Mrs Olga Tramer • Mr Ben Wallace • Miss Mya Walvisch • Mrs Ingeborg Warden • Mrs Martha Weiner • Mr Russell Whytcross • Mrs Janis Whytcross • Mrs Nancy Wicks • Mrs Trude Wieder • Mr Russell Wiese • Mr Arnold Wittner • Mrs Sonia Zimmermann • Mrs Emma Zipper • Dr Marcus Zipper


• Michael Sakinofsky • Joshua Brill • Freya Boltman • Adam Freedman • Ella Freeman • Jeremy Zivin


• Adrian Rosenwax

• Miles Urbinder

love films?join like-minded tBi souls for monthly sunday screenings of jewish and israeli filmsAfter the movie, share your thoughts on the film over coffee and cake. For screening details contact 03 9510 1488 or [email protected]

2014 movie nights: 22 June; 20 July; 24 Aug; 12 Oct; 9 Nov; 21 Dec

TBI Film Club

Monthly 6pmFriedlander Beit Midrash

76-82 Alma Road St Kilda

Ginny Klooger

Page 20: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


SHAVUOT EDITION 2014 ,uguca ,tmuv

Louis Abrahams Husband of Jean, father of Arthur and Susan

Lorraine Rose Allen Mother of Carol-Ann Allen

Boris Beilin Husband of Maria, father of Greg

Mikhail Bromberg Husband of Kiri, father of Boris

Myer Brott Father of Karen, Katrina and Trevor

Jill Cantor Mother of David and Peter, aunt of Phil Brass

John Cohen Husband of Shirley, father of Rhonda Hale, Roslyn Cohen and Keith Cohen

Betty Drillich Wife of Henry, mother of Rita Hyams

Sylvia Finch Mother and mother in law of Max and Pat Fink, John, grandmother of Marco and Sophie

Erika Fisher Mother of Yehudi, mother in law of Helen, grandmother of Ben and Simon

Tal Goldenberg Daughter of Baruch and Orli

Ettie Goodvach Mother of Mark, Louise and Vida

Henry Gordon Father of Anne and Olga

Zara Halprin Mother of David, Hannah, Michael and Susan

Joan Hewitt Mother of Robert Hewitt and daughter-in-law of Leah Kaye

Dora Huze Mother of Alex and Maurice

Barbara Jacobs Wife of Bob, mother of Gavin and Gina

Dora Kayman Wife of Norm, mother of Selina Joseph and Adrian Kayman

Lisl Kindler Mother of Howard Kindler and Theresa Epshtein, sister of Sylvia Simon

Menalice Lazarovici Mother of Ada Henzel

Mary Lipshut Mother of Peter, Alan and David Lipshut

John Malady Father of David

Isaac David Margolis Father of Richard, grandfather of Illana

Glen Morley Son of Geoff and Marilyn, father of Damon and Kurt

Deborah O’Neill Mother of Dennis, Jane and Michele

Grete Pearce Mother and mother in law of Gerald and Lil, grandmother of Marc and Brett

Sandra Prinsley Wife of Prof. Derek Prinsley, mother of Mark, Peter, Kate and Emma

Benjamin Leigh Shachter Son of Sol and Adina, brother of Simon and Justin

Adam Simmonds Son of Michael and June Simmonds

Irene Stern Mother of Henry and Dorothy

Robert Wassel Father of Karen Murphy, Philip Wassel and Yvette Cox

Steffan Weiss Partner of Jo, father of David and Lauren

Ben Zaks Husband of Sue, father of Adam


In the event of a bereavement please do not hesitate to contact Rhonda Nirens on 9883 6237 or 0438 464 909

This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

27 February – 1 May, 2014

Page 21: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


SHAVUOT EDITION 2014,uguca ,tmuv

michael sakinofsky 15.3.14 Parashat Tzav-ZachorMichael is an animated and engaging conversationalist! He is currently enjoying year 7 at a new school – Trinity Grammar. His hobbies are – reading, computer games, any form of Apple technology he can lay his hands on – although now loves his school PC, archery with his Dad – he recently acquired a traditional bow for his 13th birthday. Michael’s sporting achievements are swimming – both squad swim races and open water Australia Day swims , athletics, running – school district level, volleyball – currently playing for his school. Writing poetry and drama productions, which he loves as it is closely linked to playing the fool.joshua Brill 22.3.14 Parashat Parah-ShminiJoshua loves skiing and swimming, sailing and school. His favourite subject at school is sport. He also likes science (he loves building rockets), maths and drama. Music is also a part of Joshua’s life. He plays trumpet, French horn and viola. He describes his older brother Ben as caring and sincere, and always willing to help with everything from skiing to school work. Joshua says his Dad is a great person who loves to be with him and Ben. The family never misses Shabbat on Friday night, always praying and singing a couple of songs.freya Boltman 12.4.14 Parashat Hagadot-Achrei Mot Freya’s hobbies include singing, running, performing, being with friends, bike riding and swimming. She enjoys walking her dog and challenging herself. Freya attends The King David School and has been there since 2003. She has won several awards – a bronze award in the Commonwealth Essay competition and TKDS Year 6 performing arts award last year. She has also completed three triathlons and The Great Victorian Bike Ride in 2013.adam freedman 3.5.14 Parashat EmorAdam’s hobbies include playing footy, cricket, soccer, tennis, swimming, table tennis and watching old movies and TV shows with his Dad David. He enjoys drawing, writing funny stories and trying different foods. Adam also writes poems and plays the guitar. His favourite subjects at school are sport, English and French. Adam’s aspirations are to be a pro footy player, something with a guitar or physiotherapy. ella freeman 10.5.14 Parashat BeharElla goes to TKDS and likes most school subjects. She loves sport – swims, skis and does nippers (surf lifesaving). She has a younger brother. Ella also loves music and is in the school choir, ensemble and musicals. She sings and plays the violin and has recently joined Koleneu. She enjoys spending time with her friends and two new puppies – Missy and Wrigley!

B’nei mitzvah michael





Page 22: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


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sunday 1 june5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (offsite)7.30pm Rosh Chodesh (offsite)monday 2 june10am Holocaust Survivors Group

(Jewish Care)tuesday 3 june12.30pm Stan’s Shmooze4pm Erev Shavuot Family Service6.15pm Erev Shavuot Servicewednesday 4 june OFFICE CLOSED10am Shavuot Morning ServiceThursday 5 june10am Holocaust Survivors Group -

Russian speaking (Jewish Care)8pm TBI Choir rehearsalfriday 6 june6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat6.15pm Shabbat B’yachad6.15pm Shabbat Shira7.30pm TBI Community Dinnersaturday 7 june10am Shabbat B’haalot’cha Bar mitzvah Miles Urbindermonday 9 juneOFFICE CLOSED - Queens Birthdaytuesday 10 june4pm TBI Tamid6.15pm Ruach rehearsal7.30pm Introduction to Judaism7.30pm Parashat Hashavuawednesday 11 june10.30am Drop in and ChatThursday 12 june10am Holocaust Survivors Group -

Russian speaking (Jewish Care)8pm TBI Choir rehearsalfriday 13 june6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbatsaturday 14 june9am Shabbat Mishpacha9.45am Gesher Service10am Shabbat Shelachsunday 15 june8am Interfaith Concert at TBImonday 16 june10am Holocaust Survivors Group

(Jewish Care)tuesday 17 june10am TBI Archive Group 4pm TBI Tamid7.30pm Introduction to Judaism7.30pm Parashat Hashavuawednesday 18 june11am Friendship Club7.30pm TBI Book ClubThursday 19 june10am Holocaust Survivors Group -

Russian speaking (Jewish Care)8pm TBI Choir rehearsalfriday 20 june6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat

saturday 21 june10am Shabbat Korachsunday 22 june5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (offsite)8pm Mens Group (offsite)monday 23 june10am Holocaust Survivors Group

(Jewish Care)7.30pm Living with Dementiatuesday 24 june4pm TBI Tamid7.30pm Introduction to Judaism7.30pm Parashat Hashavuawednesday 25 june10.30am Drop in and ChatThursday 26 june10am Holocaust Survivors Group -

Russian speaking (Jewish Care)8pm TBI Choir rehearsalfriday 27 june6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbatsaturday 28 june10am Shabbat Chukatsunday 29 june5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (off site)7.30pm Rosh Chodesh (off site)monday 30 june10am Holocaust Survivors Group

(Jewish Care)


tuesday 1 july 10am TBI Archive Group 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism7.30pm Parashat Hashavuawednesday 2 july11am Friendship ClubThursday 3 july8pm TBI Choir Rehearsal friday 4 july6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat6.15pm Shabbat Shira7.30pm TBI Community Dinnersaturday 5 july10am Shabbat Balaksunday 6 july5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (offsite)monday 7 july10am Holocaust Survivors -

Jewish Caretuesday 8 july6pm Ruach rehearsal7.30pm Parashat Hashavuawednesday 9 july10.30 Drop in and Chat12pm Hostess LuncheonThursday 10 july10 am Holocaust Survivors - Russian

Speaking - Jewish Care 8pm TBI choir rehearsalfriday 11 july6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbatsaturday 12 july9am Shabbat Mishpacha

9.45am Gesher Service10am Shabbat Pinchassunday 13 july10.30am Sunday Limmud 5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (offsite)monday 14 july10am Holocaust Survivors -

Jewish Caretuesday 15 july10am TBI Archive Group4pm TBI Tamid6pm Ruach rehearsal 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavuaThursday 17 july10am Holocaust Survivors - Russian

Speaking - Jewish Carefriday 18 july6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat saturday 19 july10am Shabbat Mattotsunday 20 july10.30am Sunday Limmud 5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (offsite)8pm Men’s Group (private homes)monday 21 july10am Holocaust Survivors -

Jewish Caretuesday 22 july4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavuawednesday, 23 july10.30 Drop in and ChatThursday 24 july10am Holocaust Survivors - Russian

Speaking - Jewish Care 8pm TBI Choir rehearsalfriday 25 july6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat saturday 26 july10am Shabbat Maseisunday 27 july5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (offsite) 7.30pm Rosh Chodesh (offsite) monday 28 july10am Holocaust Survivors -

Jewish Caretuesday 29 july4pm TBI Tamid7.30pm Introduction to Judaism7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavuaThursday 31 july10am Holocaust Survivors - Russian

Speaking - Jewish Care 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal

2014 calendar

Page 23: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


SHAVUOT EDITION 2014,uguca ,tmuv


friday 1 august 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat6.15pm Shabbat B’yachad6.15pm Shabbat Shira7.30pm TBI Community Dinnersaturday 2 august10am Shabbat Davarim

Bat mitzvah Mia Komesaroff sunday 3 august10.30am Sunday Limmud 5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (offsite) monday 4 august10am Holocaust Survivors 7.15pm Erev Tisha B’Av Study session 8pm Maariv service and Eicha readingtuesday 5 august10am Archive Group 12.30pm Stan’s Shmooze 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavuawednesday 6 august11am Friendship ClubThursday 7 august10am Holocaust Survivors - Russian

Speaking - Jewish Care 8pm TBI Choir rehearsalfriday 8 august6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat saturday 9 august9am Shabbat Mishpacha9.45am Gesher Service10am Shabbat Vaetchannan

Bar mitzvah Carl Klempfnersunday 10 august10.30am Sunday Limmud 5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (offsite) monday 11 august10am Holocaust Survivors -

Jewish Caretuesday 12 august4pm TBI Tamid 4pm Ruach rehearsal 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavuawednesday 13 august10.30 Drop in and Chat 7.30pm TBI Book Club

Guest Howard GoldenbergThursday 14 august10am Holocaust Survivors -

Russian Speaking - Jewish Care 8pm TBI Choir rehearsalfriday 15 august6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat saturday 16 august10am Shabbat Ekevsunday 17 august5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (offsite) 8pm Men’s Group (private homes)monday 18 august10am Holocaust Survivors -

Jewish Caretuesday 19 august

10am TBI Archive Group 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavuaThursday 21 august10am Holocaust Survivors - Russian

Speaking - Jewish Care 8pm TBI Choir rehearsalfriday 22 august6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat saturday 23 august10am Shabbat Reehsunday 24 august5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (offsite) monday 25 august10am Holocaust Survivors -

Jewish Care 7.30pm Living with Dementiatuesday 26 august4pm TBI Tamid SHOFAR FACTORY 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavuawednesday 27 august10.30 Drop in and Chat Thursday 28 august10am Holocaust Survivors -

Russian Speaking - Jewish Care 8pm TBI Choir rehearsalfriday 29 august6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat saturday 30 august10am Shabbat Shoftim

Bar mitzvah Jacob Tsyrlinsunday 31 august5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (offsite) 7.30pm Rosh Chodesh (offsite) september

monday 1 september10am Holocaust Survivors -

Jewish Care tuesday 2 september10am Archive Group 12.30pm Stan’s Shmooze 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavuawednesday 3 september11am Friendship ClubThursday 4 september10am Holocaust Survivors -

Russian Speaking - Jewish Care 8pm TBI Choir rehearsalfriday 5 september6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat6.15pm Shabbat B’yachad6.15pm Shabbat Shira7.30pm TBI Community Dinnersaturday 6 september10am Shabbat Ki Tetze Bar Mitzvah

BJ Midlersunday 7 september10.30am Sunday Limmud 5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (offsite)

monday 8 september10am Holocaust Survivors -

Jewish Care tuesday 9 september4pm TBI Tamid 6pm Ruach Choir rehearsal 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavuawednesday 10 september 7.30pm TBI BookclubThursday 11 september10am Holocaust Survivors -

Russian Speaking - Jewish Care 8pm TBI Choir rehearsalfriday 12 september6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat saturday 13 september9am Shabbat Mishpacha 9.45am Gesher Service 10am Shabbat Vaetchannan sunday, 14 september10.30am Sunday Limmud 5pm Kol simcha Rehearsal (offsite) monday 15 september10am Holocaust Survivors

- Jewish Care tuesday 16 september10am TBI Archive Group 4pm TBI Tamid 6pm Ruach Choir Rehearsal 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavuaThursday 18 september10am Holocaust Survivors -

Russian Speaking - Jewish Care 8pm TBI Choir rehearsalfriday 19 september6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat saturday 20 september10am Shabbat Nitzavim - Vayelechsunday 21 september5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (offsite) 8pm Men’s Group (private homes)monday 22 september10am Holocaust Survivors -

Jewish Care tuesday 23 september7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavuaThursday 25 september10am Holocaust Survivors -

ussian Speaking - Jewish Care 8pm TBI Choir rehearsalfriday 26 september6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat saturday 27 september10am Shabbat Haazinusunday 28 september5pm Kol Simcha rehearsal (offsite) monday 29 september10am Holocaust Survivors -

Jewish Care tuesday 30 september7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua

2014 calendar

Page 24: Shavuot - TBI MelbourneShavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. Included in the Torah are the laws of kashrut, which tell Jews what can and cannot be eaten and in which


SHAVUOT EDITION 2014 ,uguca ,tmuv

When celebrating a simcha please forward your high resolution photos as jpegs to [email protected]

happy snaps

Yvonne, Gersh and Mike Lazarow

TBI Chocolate Seder was lots of fun with lots of chocolate to share and enjoy.

Rabbi Gersh Lazarow’s havdalah service and induction. Photos: Joe Lewit

Marie Lewit, Judy Sher and Michael Danby

TBI Business Breakfast with Raphael Epstein. Photo: Joe Lewit

Phillip and Sandy Benjamin with Andrea and Philip Bliss

Jasper Moszkowitz

Engaged: Naomi Gladwin and Paul Mrocki

Zoe Sher

Sarah Irons receives a certificate of recognition

Olive Fishl

Joseph Pomeroy

Jesse Rauchberger

Bonnie Snow

Maya Walvisch

Matilda Mendelson