SharePoint 2010 By: Usman Zafar Malik [MCTS: MOSS 2007], [MSCBSS: CRM 3.0 / 4.0], MCP Session - 3

SharePoint 2010

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SharePoint 2010. Session - 3. By: Usman Zafar Malik [MCTS: MOSS 2007], [MSCBSS: CRM 3.0 / 4.0], MCP. SharePoint 2010 Deployment. Agenda. What to Deploy? Types of Solution Packages Deployment Cases Deployment Steps Deployment Approaches. What to Deploy ?. Solution Package. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SharePoint 2010

By: Usman Zafar Malik

[MCTS: MOSS 2007], [MSCBSS: CRM 3.0 / 4.0], MCP

Session - 3

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SharePoint 2010 Deployment

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Agenda• What to Deploy?• Types of Solution Packages• Deployment Cases• Deployment Steps• Deployment Approaches

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What to Deploy ?

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Solution Package• What is a solution package?– A solution package is a distribution package that delivers

your custom SharePoint Server 2010 development work to the Web servers or the application servers in your server farm.

– Use solutions to package and deploy custom Features, site definitions, templates, layout pages, Web Parts, cascading style sheets, and assemblies.

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Type of Solutions1- Sandboxed Solutions2- Farm Solutions

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Sandboxed Solutions• Allowing site collection administrators to deploy solutions that are safe to run.

• Deploying Solutions at Site Collection Level.

• Some of the Limitations are

– Can’t support visual web parts, because it contains a .ascx control that must be deployed to the “_layouts” directory and deploying controls isn't allowed in any directory in sandboxed solutions.

– Upload the solution package to the Solution Gallery and activate it.

– For Debugging sandbox solutions, attach the debugger to the sandboxed solution worker process, SPUCWorkerProcess.exe and debug it.

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Sandboxed Solutions

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Farm Solutions• They're deployed by a farm administrator and are scoped to the

farm level.

• Also known as full trust solutions.

• They have full trust access to all resources and functionality in SharePoint and, when deployed, require you to IISReset.

• Solution should deployed on both WFE’s and Application Servers.

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Farm Solutions

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Deployment Items• Visual Web parts• Master Pages• Content Types• List Definitions• Page Layouts• User Controls• Web Controls• Site Definitions

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Visual Web Parts

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Visual Web Parts

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Master Pages

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Master Pages

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Master Pages

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User Controls

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User Controls

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Physical Item in 14 Hive

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Deployment Cases• Fresh Deployment

• Upgrade Deployment

• Uninstall Deployment

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Deployment StepsFresh Deployment

1. Adding Solution (*.wsp file)

Just add this solution to the SharePoint solution gallery (Site Collection/Farm Level)

2. Deploying Solution (*.wsp file)

Placed all the files present in the solution package will be deployed to their respective places. User control files (.ascx) are copied to “%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\

ControlTemplates” or a subfolder of it. Assemblies are deployed to the global assembly cache or to a web application's \bin folder Features are copied to a subfolder of “%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\

FEATURES” and installed in the Feature Gallery of the farm, web application, site collection, or website, depending on the scope of the Feature

3. Activation the Features

Activate the Features as required Features must be activated before they can be used.

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Deployment StepsUpgrade Deployment

Deploy Solution v/s Upgrade Solution Concept

• Upgrade Solution If you rename the solution file or change the GUID, "upgradesolution" operation will fail with an error stating that a solution with name or GUID does not exists in solution store. But in case of “deploy solution” it will allow you to rename it.

• Deploy Solution When you deploy a solution and then their associated features are also installed but that's not the case with "upgradesolution" operation. If you uninstall the features and then upgrade the solution, it will not install the features. But if you deploy the solution it will install the features again.

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Deployment StepsUpgrade Deployment (Deploy Solution Technique)

1. Disable and Uninstall all the Features

For the safe side you need to deactivate/disable the feature and then uninstall it .

2. Retracting Solution (*.wsp file)

Retracted solutions are not removed from the farm's solution store and can remain stored there in an un-deployed state indefinitely. It will uninstall all the features which exists in the solution package.

3. Deleting Solution

Deleting the existing solution.

3. Adding Solution

Adding the updated solution in to the SharePoint solution store.

3. Deploying Solution

Deploying the newly added solution/package file. Will automatically installing the features and placed the files in to their respective places.

3. Activating Features

Activate the newly installed features as required.

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Deployment StepsUpgrade Deployment (Upgrade Solution Technique)

1. Upgrade Solution Package

Just performs upgrade operations on the Solution/Package file.

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Deployment StepsUpinstall Deployment

1. Disable and Uninstall all the Features

You must first need to deactivate/disable all the features and then uninstall it.

2. Retracting Solution (*.wsp file)

Retracted solutions are not removed from the farm's solution store and can remain stored there in an un-deployed state indefinitely.

It will uninstall all the features which exists in the solution package.

3. Deleting Solution

Deleting the existing solution.

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Deployment Approaches• Two types of Deployment Approaches.

Use STSADM Command Line Tool

Use Power Shell Commands

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STSADM Command Line Tool• An .exe file “Stsadm.exe” resides in 14 hive Bin

folder. Path: C:\ProgramFiles\CommonFiles\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\BIN\stsadm.exe

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STSADM Command Line ToolAdding Solution

stsadm.exe -o addsolution -filename "DummySharePointProject.wsp”* Perform Administrative Command

Deploying Solutionstsadm.exe -o deploysolution -name "DummySharePointProject.wsp" -allowGacDeployment -immediate –force

* Perform Administrative Command

stsadm.exe -o deploysolution -name "DummySharePointProject.wsp" -allowGacDeployment -immediate -force –allcontenturls* Perform Administrative Command

Note: * Always perform this command after every command that need to run the administrative job.* stsadm.exe -o execadmsvcjobs

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STSADM Command Line ToolRetracting Solution

stsadm.exe -o retractsolution -name "DummySharePointProject.wsp" -immediate* Perform Administrative Command

stsadm.exe -o retractsolution -name "DummySharePointProject.wsp" -allcontenturls -immediate* Perform Administrative Command

Deleting Solutionstsadm.exe -o deletesolution -name "DummySharePointProject.wsp"* Perform Administrative Command

Note: * Always perform this command after every command that need to run the administrative job.* stsadm.exe -o execadmsvcjobs

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STSADM Command Line ToolInstalling Feature

stsadm.exe -o installfeature -name [Feature Name] -force

Uninstall Featurestsadm.exe -o uninstallfeature -id [Feature ID] -force

* [Feature Name] = Example: “Feature.ContentTypes"* [Feature ID] = Example: 4c9e8ca5-d893-42b8-a3b3-cae4b18bf133

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STSADM Command Line ToolDeactivate/Disable Feature

stsadm.exe -o deactivatefeature -id [Feature ID] -url [TargetUrl] –force

Activate/Enable Featurestsadm.exe -o activatefeature -id [Feature ID] -url [TargetUrl] -force

* [Feature ID] = Example: 4c9e8ca5-d893-42b8-a3b3-cae4b18bf133* [TargetUrl] = provide the site URL from where feature is going to disabled.


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Power Shell Commands

Most Power full deployment toolHave large number of command supports (Getter/Setter) available for commandsCan code normal C# code inside power shell scriptCan execute our multiple commands through scripting logic

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Power Shell CommandsAdding Solution

$SolutionPath = “C:\DummySharePointProject.wsp”Add-SPSolution $SolutionPath

Deploying Solution$solutionName = "DummySharePointProject.wsp“$SiteUrl = “http://mydummyweburl:9999/”

Install-SPSolution -Identity $solutionName -WebApplication $SiteUrl -GACDeployment

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Power Shell CommandsRetracting Solution

$solutionName = "DummySharePointProject.wsp“$SiteUrl = “http://mydummyweburl:9999/”

Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity $solutionName -WebApplication $SiteUrl -Confirm:$false

Deleting Solution$solutionName = "DummySharePointProject.wsp“

Remove-SPSolution -Identity $solutionName -Confirm:$false

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Power Shell CommandsInstalling Feature

Install-SPFeature [FeatureFolderName]

Uninstall FeatureUninstall-SPFeature [FeatureFolderName ]

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Power Shell CommandsDeactivate/Disable Feature

Disable-SPFeature [FeatureFolderName] -Url [http://server/site/subsite]

Activate/Enable FeatureEnable-SPFeature [FeatureFolderName] -Url [http://server/site/subsite]

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Thanks !