SHAREHOLDERS’ GENERAL MEETING · city's and even the region's economy continues apace, whilst at the same time we remain highly aware of the emotions generated by the club's colours

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T. +34 943 20 18 31F. +34 943 20 26 06E . i n f o @ s d e i b a r . c o mW . w w w . s d e i b a r . c o mI p u r u a K a l e a , 22 0 6 0 0 E i b a r

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1.- Repor t f rom the president on the current status of the Company.

2.- Review and approval , i f appl icable , of the Company 's Annual Accounts , the appl icat ion of the results and the corpo-rate management , a l l in re lat ion to the f inancial year ending 30 June 2017.

3.- Review and approval , i f appl icable , of the budget for the 2017/18 season.

4.- Modif icat ion, renumbering and recast ing of the bylaws, grouped together for vot ing purposes in the fol lowing blocks of provis ions:

4.1 Registered off ice: Revis ion of Ar t ic le 3 (Registered off ice) of the bylaws.

4.2 Shares: Revis ion of ar t ic les 7 (Rules governing the transfer of shares) , 8 (Ent i t lements with each share) and 10 (Benef ic ia l interest in the shares) of the bylaws.

4.3 General Meet ing (Powers) : Revis ion of Ar t ic le 13 (General Meet ing) of the bylaws.

4.4 General Meet ing (Budget) : Revis ion of ar t ic les 14 (Types of General Meet ings) and 38 (Budget formulat ion) of the bylaws.

4.5 General Meet ing (Cal l to Meet ing) : Revis ion of Ar t ic le 15 (Cal l to Meet ings) of the bylaws.

4.6 General Meet ing (Attendance and representat ion) : Introduct ion of a new Ar t ic le 16 ent i t led "Right to attendance and representat ion" and revis ion of the current Ar t ic le 17 (Quorum).

4.7 Board of d irectors : Revis ion of ar t ic les 20 (Make-up and appointment of the board of d irectors) , 21 (Board members) , 22 (Board meet ings) , 24 (Minutes from meet ings) , 26 (Responsi -b i l i t ies of board members) and 29

(board members ' salar ies) and shedding of Ar t ic le 25 (Fi l ing a bond) of the bylaws.

4.8 Shedding of non-appl icable provis ions: Shedding of Ar t ic le 30 (Spor t ing discipl ine) , 31 (Classif icat ion of offences) , 32 (Very ser ious offences) , 33 (Ser ious offences) , 34 (Minor offences) and 35 (Punishments) of the bylaws and their t ransit ional provis ion.

4.9 Update to the normative references: Revis ion of ar t ic les 39 (Appl icat ion of results) , 40 (Dissolu-t ion) , 41 (L iquidat ion) and 42 (Termina-t ion) of the bylaws.

4.10 Recast ing the bylaws: The approval of a recast text of the bylaws including the approved revis ions and numbers the t i t les , chapters , sect ions and ar t ic les that they are div ided into accordingly.

5.- Approval , where appl icable , of the Operat ing Regulat ions of the General Shareholders ' Meet ing.

6.- Author izat ion for the acquis i t ion of t reasury shares in the Company for the purpose establ ished under Ar t ic le 146 of the Capital Companies Act .

7.- Motions and quer ies.

8.- Delegat ion of powers.

9.- Reading and approval , where appl icable , of the minutes.

0 . A G E N D A

0 4 For more information visit www.sdeibar.com

1 . P R E S I D E N T ' S A D D R E S S

In th is , my second General Ordinary Shareholders ' Meet ing as the chair of the board of d irectors , I wish to extend our thanks to a l l of our sharehol -ders who, based in 69 countr ies throughout the world , have offered Eibar their unwaver ing suppor t s ince 1992.

It was in that very year that the first capital increase, the 25th anniversary of which we've just celebrated, took place. Since then, thousands of you from right across the globe have been the guardians of our history, values and dreams.

A few months ago we held the f irst elections to have been staged in the club's 77-year history. I would par t icularly l ike to thank al l of those sharehol-ders who took par t , as wel l as the other two l ists of candidates that contes-ted the elections for playing their par t in what was a democratic event which at al l t imes had the club's best interests at hear t , as we al l worked together to offer a f ine example of transparency, harmony and good practice.

Our determinat ion to see our beloved Eibar become the dr iv ing force in the c i ty 's and even the region's economy cont inues apace, whi lst at the same t ime we remain highly aware of the emotions generated by the c lub's colours and al l that they represent . We're a lways guided by our zero-def ic i t pol icy, whi lst our main out lay is on the playing s ide of th ings. Meanwhi le , we also have an extremely f i rm commitment to br inging about posit ive changes to our society and leaving a mark on our community.

We're working very hard to keep the dream al ive of competing in the best league in the world , whi lst being ful ly aware that our s i tuat ion is d i f ferent , and that g iven our populat ion and budget , remaining in the top f l ight is no easy task. However, with hard work , determinat ion and enthusiasm we wi l l achieve our goal . We're going to remain in the top t ier and provide the c lub with the best faci l i t ies and make al l the improvements we can to ensure that Eibar cont inues to be a c lub that is the focal point for thousands of people every weekend.

We cont inue to dream every s ingle day and our enthusiasm remains as high as the summit of the Urko mountain which looks down on us from near ly 800m, but our feet a lways remain f i rmly on ground as famil iar to us as the grass on the pi tch at our beloved Ipurua.

Let 's keep going!

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Amaia Gorostiza


2 . O N - F I E L D A F F A I R S

The 2016/17 season ended with the s ide secur ing an excel lent 10th-place f in ish, which represented the c lub's a l l - t ime highest La Liga f in ish, whi lst the team ult imately succumbed in the Copa del Rey quar ter-f inals at the hands of At lét ico Madrid. The f ine footbal l on offer and the team's good results left suppor ters , who revel led in what was an excel lent campaign, feel ing very happy with their s ide.

The star t of th is campaign , which is the c lub's four th success ive season in the top f l ight , has de l ivered some incons istent resu l ts , which to a la rge extent have owed to a bad run of luck wi th in jur ies to severa l f i rs t - team star ters . In sp i te of th is , the team cont inues to compete wi th

great in tens i ty and wi th the c lear in tent ion of re ta in ing our league status despi te the enormous cha l lenge that th is enta i ls .

The team cont inues to establ ish i tself on the pi tch, with the squad featur ing players that represent their nat ional teams, as is the case of Takashi Inui , who plays for Japan, and Serbian internat ional Marko Dmitrović , who are l ikely to take their places at the World Cup in Russia.

The women's f i rst team, which repre-sents one of our main strategic commitments as a c lub, cont inues to work hard to gain promotion to the top f l ight . The results achieved so far th is term have been excel lent , with the s ide occupying jo int - top spot r ight f rom the opening matchdays of the season. Meanwhi le , the team has secured a major shir t sponsor in the form of the Gipuzkoa Regional Gover-nment , which has offered the Arme-ros ' project i ts fu l l backing.

I t 's wor th point ing out that the ladies played twice at Ipurua last term, in a fr iendly against CD Tacón and the Basque Cup semi-f inal f ixture against Athlet ic Club, with both of these games attract ing large crowds.

Elsewhere, the 2016/17 campaign saw our feeder team secure promo-t ion to Segunda Div is ión B ( the Spani-sh third t ier) , with the play-off matches being staged at Ipurua. The team is th is season competing in what 's a tough div is ion with the aim being to retain their league status so as to strengthen our footbal l ing model with th is notable and new intermediate step between the f i rst team and the academy.

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With regards to the c lub's youth set-up, in the current 2017/18 campaign the academy consists of a total of 11 youth teams, f rom the Under-12s up to the Urko s ide that p lay in the Regional Preferente div is ion, whi lst i t a lso includes two women's teams and features a professional model which is sure to reap i ts rewards in the future. The club's Footbal l School has achieved record par t ic ipat ion f igures, in both the boys and gir ls teams, and offers chi ldren the chance to learn how to play footbal l and engage with the Azulgranas' human values r ight f rom a young age.

Our veterans, who are our best ambas-sadors , are ful ly integrated within the c lub's structure and cont inue to represent us at social and char i ty events and have taken par t in var ious tournaments, f r iendly games and are a regular f ixture in the Nor thern Veterans' League organised by the FEAFV (Spanish Federat ion of Veteran Footbal lers ' Associat ions) . Dur ing the summer of 2017 the team successful ly retained the internat ional crown secured in 2016 by overcoming the United Nat ions Veterans' team.



The 2016/17 season ended with the s ide secur ing an excel lent 10th-place f in ish, which represented the c lub's a l l - t ime highest La Liga f in ish, whi lst the team ult imately succumbed in the Copa del Rey quar ter-f inals at the hands of At lét ico Madrid. The f ine footbal l on offer and the team's good results left suppor ters , who revel led in what was an excel lent campaign, feel ing very happy with their s ide.

The star t of th is campaign , which is the c lub's four th success ive season in the top f l ight , has de l ivered some incons istent resu l ts , which to a la rge extent have owed to a bad run of luck wi th in jur ies to severa l f i rs t - team star ters . In sp i te of th is , the team cont inues to compete wi th

great in tens i ty and wi th the c lear in tent ion of re ta in ing our league status despi te the enormous cha l lenge that th is enta i ls .

The team cont inues to establ ish i tself on the pi tch, with the squad featur ing players that represent their nat ional teams, as is the case of Takashi Inui , who plays for Japan, and Serbian internat ional Marko Dmitrović , who are l ikely to take their places at the World Cup in Russia.

The women's f i rst team, which repre-sents one of our main strategic commitments as a c lub, cont inues to work hard to gain promotion to the top f l ight . The results achieved so far th is term have been excel lent , with the s ide occupying jo int - top spot r ight f rom the opening matchdays of the season. Meanwhi le , the team has secured a major shir t sponsor in the form of the Gipuzkoa Regional Gover-nment , which has offered the Arme-ros ' project i ts fu l l backing.

I t 's wor th point ing out that the ladies played twice at Ipurua last term, in a fr iendly against CD Tacón and the Basque Cup semi-f inal f ixture against Athlet ic Club, with both of these games attract ing large crowds.

Elsewhere, the 2016/17 campaign saw our feeder team secure promo-t ion to Segunda Div is ión B ( the Spani-sh third t ier) , with the play-off matches being staged at Ipurua. The team is th is season competing in what 's a tough div is ion with the aim being to retain their league status so as to strengthen our footbal l ing model with th is notable and new intermediate step between the f i rst team and the academy.

With regards to the c lub's youth set-up, in the current 2017/18 campaign the academy consists of a total of 11 youth teams, f rom the Under-12s up to the Urko s ide that p lay in the Regional Preferente div is ion, whi lst i t a lso includes two women's teams and features a professional model which is sure to reap i ts rewards in the future. The club's Footbal l School has achieved record par t ic ipat ion f igures, in both the boys and gir ls teams, and offers chi ldren the chance to learn how to play footbal l and engage with the Azulgranas' human values r ight f rom a young age.

Our veterans, who are our best ambas-sadors , are ful ly integrated within the c lub's structure and cont inue to represent us at social and char i ty events and have taken par t in var ious tournaments, f r iendly games and are a regular f ixture in the Nor thern Veterans' League organised by the FEAFV (Spanish Federat ion of Veteran Footbal lers ' Associat ions) . Dur ing the summer of 2017 the team successful ly retained the internat ional crown secured in 2016 by overcoming the United Nat ions Veterans' team.

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3 . F A C I L I T I E S

The work under taken to modernise Ipurua, which is the last Engl ish-sty le stadium in La Liga and dates back to 1947, has cont inued at a steady pace throughout 2017, with improvements made to the arena to ensure that i t sat isf ies the new requirements and which have made i t in to a more comfor table , safe stadium, whi lst st i l l retaining i ts unique feel .

In March we opened the new East Stand, which replaced the former stand that was bui l t in 1971, with an event at which the dist inguished Guipuzcoan and Spanish nat ional team coach, Julen Lopetegui , was the guest of honour. Lopetegui took his place alongside other pol i t ical and spor t ing leaders to mark an event which displays our commitment to make gradual improvements to Ipurua. The East Stand involved an out lay of €3.2 mi l l ion, with the Gipuzkoa Regional Government contr ibut ing €350,000 to the cost of the new stand.

Meanwhi le , we have also carr ied out var ious different bui ld ing projects on the main and west stands with a v iew to enhancing the service offered to season-t icket holders and suppor ters. New folding seats have been instal led and new toi lets have been bui l t in the West Stand, whi lst refurbishment work has been carr ied out on the exist ing toi lets in the South Stand, with the steps and stairwel ls a lso having been replaced in th is stand.

In an effor t to achieve the best possi -b le playing surface, 10 por table heaters that provide ar t i f ic ia l heat ing mainly to the s ide of the pi tch located under the Main Stand, the area that suffers most from the weather condi-t ions and a lack of sunl ight , have been purchased. This heat ing has y ie lded posit ive in i t ia l results which can already be seen in the state of the pi tch.

In addit ion, s ignif icant investment has been made on our two footbal l p i tches at Atxabalpe (Arrasate) to ensure that the pi tches provide the f i rst team with everything they need for h igh-qual i ty t ra in ing in what 's such a demanding league.

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This year saw us celebrate Ipurua's 70th anniversary. In an event staged ahead of the k ick-off of our game against CD Leganés, Ai tor Mar t ín Berrueta , the grandson of the brother of the l inesman Jose Berrueta , who given the unavai labi l i ty of the referee or ig inal ly assigned to off ic iate the f i rst -ever f ixture to be played at Ipurua was tasked with running both l ines; Miguel Orueta , the youngest son of Juanita Arr ieta , the patroness of the opening of Ipurua; and Ignacio and Javier Anitua, the sons of Ignacio Anitua, who donated the land on which the stadium is bui l t to Eibar City

Counci l , with a l l of these guests taking their p laces alongside the Mayor of Eibar, Miguel de los Toyos; and SD Eibar 's president , Amaia Gorost iza in what was a touching honorary k ick-off in memory of the f i rst -ever f ixture to be played at Ipurua, which took place in 1947 between Eibar and Elgoibar.

To mark the stadium's 70th anniver-sary, the c lub is offer ing suppor ters the chance to take a tour of Ipurua, in which fans wi l l be able to see the stadium as they 've never seen i t before , sett ing foot in areas of the ground such as the dressing room, the VIP boxes, the pi tch, the dugouts and the museum. Ful l information and bookings can be made v ia the c lub website www.sdeibar.com/tour

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70.UrteurrenaInauguración de Ipurua en 1947


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5 . S P O N S O R S

Whilst being aware of the s ignif icance of the revenue generated by the broad-cast ing r ights , we cont inue to pursue our own commercial pol icy and have renewed the agreements with a l l of our main sponsors.

This sees us extend our l ink-ups with our main sponsors , AVIA, WIKO, Euskalte l , Puma and San Miguel , for a fur ther season, demonstrat ing the qual i ty of the re lat ionship between al l par t ies , as wel l as the assurance and returns offered to the companies which commit to our c lub.

Meanwhi le , a sponsorship agreement has also been reached with Caixabank, which sees a banking inst i tut ion take i ts p lace amongst our por tfol io of sponsors.

The relationship between the sponsors and the club is well established, to such an extent that lots of the organisations also actively support the SD Eibar Foundation in its outreach activities, which directly benefit the community.

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6 . I N T E R N A T I O N A L I S A T I O N

In recent months, E ibar 's internat io-nal isat ion project , which was launched dur ing the capita l increase that saw us gain shareholders from 69 countr ies throughout the world , has been focused on one of our main targets: the Japanese market .

The Japanese ambassador to Spain , Masashi Mizukami , v is i ted Ipurua in September, where he took par t in a corporate event hosted by the c lub that brought together 50 f igures from the Basque Country 's f inancial and business communit ies. Amongst those in attendance were leading Basque companies that hold commercial interest in the Asian nat ion and Arantza Tapia , the Basque government 's minister for economic development and infrastructure.

Meanwhi le , g iven the connect ions and mutual interests between Eibar and Japan, we've hosted v is i ts f rom var ious indidivudals from the J.Lea-gue, the top t ier of Japanese footbal l , to share the c lub's novel working model and exchange exper iences.

In Apr i l , E ibar 's Takashi Inui accom-panied the King and Queen of Spain to Japan, where they attended a recept ion with the Japanese Pr ime Minister, Shinzo Abe, within the f ramework of a meet ing of the Hispa-nic-Japanese Bi lateral Business Cooperat ion Committee.

We also recent ly paid a v is i t to Japan alongside a delegat ion headed up by the president of LaLiga, Javier Tebas, which saw us meet with var ious Japanese par tners to showcase the work being carr ied out by Eibar, the c lub's management model and to establ ish business contacts.

Alongside this most recent v is i t , we have enhanced our Japanese- langua-ge content with the launch of our website a imed at th is par t icular market , as wel l as a Twitter account featur ing content posted exclusively in Japanese. The Eibar website is current ly avai lable in Basque, Spani -sh, Engl ish , Japanese and Chinese.

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7 . E L E C T I O N S

The club's f i rst -ever e lect ions took place on 1 June 2017, with the candi -dacy 'S igamos' , led by Amaia Gorost i -za , obtaining over 77% of the vote.

The f ive new members appointed to the board of d irectors were Leire Barr iuso, Javier Gurrutxaga, Virgin ia Arakistain , Antón Mar t inena and Álex Mar t ínez, some of whom hold previous exper ience of having served as board members, pr ior to the c lub's promotion to the top f l ight .

These f i rst e lect ions in the c lub's 77-year h istory y ie lded an excel lent turnout , with over 50% of the c lub's capita l investors represented in the vot ing, and also demonstrated SD Eibar 's abi l i ty to organise a transpa-rent and fair e lectoral process which serves as a model for other organisa-t ions to fol low.


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On 23 November the c i ty 's Escuela de Armería played host to a ceremony held to commemorate the 25th anniversary of SD Eibar 's t ransit ion to become a publ ic l imited spor ts company. The event , at which LaLiga president , Javier Tebas, was the guest of honour, was attended by prominent pol i t ical and spor t ing f igures and sought to pay tr ibute to those who back in 1992 oversaw what was an extremely complex capita l increase.

E ibar 's president at the t ime, Juan Luis Mardaras was jo ined by former board members Patxi Mut i loa and Loren Quindós to reminisce about just what a dif f icult task the transi -t ion to a publ ic l imited spor ts company was. The process involved secur ing 66 mi l l ion pesetas with a major contr ibut ion of 25 mi l l ion pesetas coming from Athlet ic Club, for which we wi l l never be able to thank them enough. SD Eibar 's president , Amaia Gorost iza , was jo ined by the v ice-president of the c lub's Foundat ion, Mikel Larrañaga, to present the quar tet with the Golden Pin , the highest d ist inct ion awarded by the c lub in recognit ion of the extraordinary and par t icular ly chal lenging job they did and which la id the foundat ions for subsequent capita l increases.

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9 . S T R A T E G I C P L A N

In the wake of promotion to the top f l ight and the c lub's 75th anniver-sary, a Strategic Plan was drawn up with the contr ibut ion of over 200 people from across the c lub's stakeholder groups, such as season-t icket holders , sharehol -ders , inst i tut ions and journal ists , in a plan designed for the per iod between 2015 and 2017.

At the star t of the c lub's four th season in the top f l ight and in v iew of the chal lenge of retaining our league status, a new Strategic Plan has been drawn up with a t ime frame running from 2017 to 2022.

This th ird Strategic Plan wi l l act as the centrepiece upon which to work towards cementing the c lub's place in the top t ier by boost ing and strengthening things on the f ie ld , as wel l as f inancial ly and in terms of faci l i t ies and with a par t i -cular ly strong focus on social outreach.


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We love our Basque language and our commitment to defending and promoting it in all aspects of our l ives is key. We're aware that 'pixka bat es mucho' ( 'a l itt le bit goes a long way') and that small acts can bring about great changes in the use of the language. As such, in 2017 and with the input of an independent consultancy firm, we rolled out a Basque language Plan in order to analyse the areas within the club in which the use of Basque could be improved, but also to identify those in which the language plays a big role in order for these to be enhanced and make them a reference point for the youngest members of our community.

Our a im is to make a contr ibut ion to the community within th is f ie ld , and as a par t of th is endeavour we have par t ic ipated in di f ferent projects in re lat ion to the promo-t ion of our language. A group of our male and female players , headed up by Aiser Riesto, were in attendance at the 20th Korr ika march which passed through the streets of Eibar. We've also offered our suppor t at other events held to promote the Basque language, including secur ing a Guinness record involv ing a pubic gather ing with the defence group Akebai , the celebrat ion of Euskara-ren Eguna (Basque Language Day) , par t ic ipat ion in the Basque govern-ment 's Euskararen Txantxangorr ia campaign and the ser ies of events held to promote the Basque language, such as November 's Hizkelan.

1 0 . T H E B A S Q U E L A N G U A G E

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1 1 . S U P P O R T E R S ' G R O U P S

Our c lub's colours were represen-ted at the Highland Games in July, a spor t ing fest ival which is deeply entrenched in Scott ish culture. The club, the Eskozia la Brava suppor-ters ' group and Eibar City Counci l organised for an expedit ion to travel to the Games, at which lumberjack Ernesto Ezpeleta 'B ihu-rr i ' represented the Armeros and performed wel l , successful ly managing to cut a large trunk.

In addit ion, the Internat ional Fede-rat ion of Eibar Suppor ters ' Groups has worked alongside the c lub to stage different events throughout the season, ranging from meet-ups with fans of other c lubs to events held to recognise achievements, such as the recent gather ing to present Sergi Enr ich with his award as the c lub's most consis-tent performer last term, or the gather ing held beside the statute of the late Alber to Ormaetxea ahead of the Real Sociedad v Eibar game a few weeks ago.

The Armeros' suppor ters ' groups, which number 35 throughout the world , represent one of the main vehic les in passing on the enthu-siasm for our c lub in suppor ters from al l over the globe.


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Offer ing i ts suppor t to spor ts other than footbal l is of great impor tance to SD Eibar, and with th is in mind, for a second straight year, the SD Eibar Foundat ion has approved a ser ies of grants which are set to double the amounts paid out by Eibar City Counci l to the c i ty 's var ious spor ts c lubs. The water polo , rhythmic gymnast ics , women's footbal l , handbal l , bowl ing and basketbal l teams are al l par t of a her i tage that belongs to a l l E ibar residents and these grants aim to contr ibute to the development of the r ichness of a mult i -spor t ing culture which has character ised the c i ty for a number of decades.

The Memorial Valenciaga, a wel l -establ ished cycle race of nat ional and internat ional prest ige was an event which received s igni -f icant suppor t f rom the c lub. We couldn' t imagine not making the most of the resources that our spel l in the top f l ight has offered us and not suppor t events that are as re levant and have the impact that our beloved Valenciaga does, in addit ion to giv ing Eibar-based clubs the chance to compete in top- level competi t ions.

With the focus on the histor ic Gipuzkoa region and with the col laborat ion of the regional government , E ibar has become a member of Kirolgi and sponsors seven Guipuzcoan-based athletes who have achieved extraordinary feats. From the Olympic swimmers Markel Alberdi andAnder Romarate to young talents l ike Odei Jainaga and the establ ished name of Asier Cuevas, a l l of these athletes recei -ve a grant f rom the SD Eibar Foun-dat ion, which plays a par t in a l lowing them to perform to their best . Our commitment to Gipuzkoa's spor t ing ta lent and our region's brand is unquest ionable. ¡Orain Gipuzkoa!

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1 3 . S O C I A L O U T R E A C H

The club has led several social outreach act iv i t ies over the course of the current campaign, d ispla-y ing i ts most car ing s ide and offer ing c lear evidence of i ts commitment to social causes.

In the wake of the recent fires which devastated Galicia, the club decided to donate the full gate from the Copa del Rey meeting between Eibar and Celta Vigo at Ipurua to this cause. Meanwhile, the Fila 0 (Row 0) scheme was also in operation for those unable to attend and wishing to make a donation.

In addit ion, and as has been the case for the last two years , the surplus k i t f rom the previous season, the 2016/17 campaign, was once again sent to a char i ty cause. On this occasion, the chosen dest inat ion was Greece, where var ious organisat ions and independent volunteers are leading aid programmes to assist Syr ian refugees that have emigra-ted to Europe, many of whom are undocumented and l ive in appa-l l ing humanitar ian condit ions.

To mark the Internat ional Women's Day and the Internat ional Breast Cancer Day, the c lub launched different in i t iat ives to help ra ise awareness about them whi lst d isplaying i ts commitment to gender equal i ty. Amongst these in i t iat ives was the campaign in favour of sexual d iversi ty that was organised to coincide with the 2017 LGBT Pr ide Fest ival and involved a social media campaign using the hashtag #LoveIsLove

and #Orgul lososDeNuestrosColo-res (#ProudOfOurColours) and featur ing photos of the captains of the men's and women's f i rst teams, Dani García and Ainhoa Alonso to mark an event of such signif icance in a society as diverse, p lural and inclusive as ours , where an att i tu-de of respect can see our 'no nos impor ta en qué equipo juegues' (We don't care which team you play for) s logan become a real i ty.


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1 4 . T R A I N I N G& B U S I N E S S E S

Training has been one of the c lub's main object ives throughout 2017 and the Ipurua Training Centre has played host to var ious different t ra in ing programmes, with courses, t ra in ing sessions and talks on a range of topics having taken place.

For a second year running and in col laborat ion with the Universi ty of the Basque Country, the c lub has run the Management of Footbal l Clubs course, as wel l as the popu-lar summer course in spor ts medi-c ine and nutr i t ion. In col laborat ion with the Basque Government and the Basque School of Spor t , we organised a session about acade-mies in team spor ts , which was wel l received by youth teams throughout the Basque Country.

We sponsored the #ABIAN Employ-ment and Professional Training Fair for the f i rst t ime. This event , organised by the regional develop-ment agency, Debegesa, saw over 70 young people from within our Debabarrena region offered emplo-yment oppor tunit ies. This is an in i t iat ive that we would l ike to be involved in again in the future.

The off ic ia l footbal l coaching courses, run by the Guipuzcoan Footbal l Federat ion, took place at our Training Centre for a second successive year, running in paral le l with those held in the region's main c i t ies. Meanwhi le , the tra in ing courses in robot ics , a imed at chi ldren and young people and which were launched at the star t of the 2016-17 academic year, proved to be highly successful in seeing the youngest members of the community engage with the world of technology.

In addit ion, d i f ferent meet ings and events have taken place at Ipurua as a par t of the effor t to ensure that the stadium is in use al l seven days of the week and to suppor t our local businesses. Organisa-t ions such as the ADEGI (Gipuzkoa Entrepreneurs ' Associat ion) or Basquetour ( the Basque Tour ist Board) and companies such as Euskalte l , Hays, AVIA, Cadena Ser and Seat have al l chosen Ipurua and the areas of the stadium dedicated to business meet ings to offer them a s l ight ly d i f ferent work sett ing for a day.

2 1

1 5 . B A L A N C E S H E E T

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NON-CURRENT ASSETSIntangible f ixed assetsTangible f ixed assetsLong-term f inancial investments

CURRENT ASSETSStockCommercial debtors and other accounts receivableShort-term investments in group & associated companiesShor t- term f inancial investmentsShor t- term accruals/deferralsCash and other cash equivalents


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NET EQUITYEquityCapitalReservesProf i t/( loss) for the yearGrants , donat ions and legacies received

NON-CURRENT LIABILITIESDeferred tax l iabi l i t iesLong-term accruals/deferrals

CURRENT LIABILITIESShor t- term provis ionsShor t- term debtsCommercial creditors and other accounts payableShor t- term accruals/deferrals


30/06/2016K €

- - - - - - - - - -








- - - - - - - - - -










30/06/2017K €

- - - - - - - - - -

15.920 9.123 6.297


37.100 61

8.754 3

19.963 415



- - - - - - - - - -

25.435 24.587

2.802 10.966 10.819


3.285 285


24.300 51 39

17.010 7.200


2 2

1 6 . B U D G E T ( 2 0 1 8 V S R E A L 2 0 1 7 )

Net turnoverSports incomeMarketing and advertising incomeBroadcasting incomeSuppliesSports equipment consumptionOther consumption and external costsImpairment of merchandisePersonnel costsSports personnel costsWages and salaries of non-sporting personnelNon-sporting personal social security costsOther operating costsExternal servicesTaxesTravelPlayer acquisition costsImpairment of provisions for commercial operationsOther current management costsDepreciation of fixed assetsAllocation of grants for non-financial fixed assets and othersExcess of provisionsImpairment and damage for disposal of assets

OPERATING PROFIT- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Financial incomeFinancial costs

FINANCIAL PROFIT- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


30.06.2017K €


1.314 3.136

38.549 (501)

(49) (372)

(80) (27.241) (23.799)

(3.040) (402)

(7.633) (3 .419)

(105) (720)

(1.511) (70)

(1.808) (1.035)

98 436


12.371 - - - - - - - - - -

46 (1)


- - - - - - - - - -


30.06.2018K €

45.348 1 .503 2.682

41.163 (598)

(73) (525)

- (31.226) (27.205)

(3.607) (414)

(8.073) (2 .947)

(100) (750)

(2.544) -

(1 .732) (924)

79 -


15.181 - - - - - - - - - -

45 (3)


- - - - - - - - - -
