STEADY PRESENCE IN SHAKY TIMES Chile earthquake - eyewitness accounts page 4

Share issue 2 2010

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Steady presence in shaky times

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Steady preSence in Shaky timeSchile earthquake - eyewitness accounts page 4

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Well, cmS and SamS are now truly integrated! Many of us

had the chance to meet and celebrate at the Day 50 events. I

personally enjoyed (I think that’s the right word for it) cycling for

part of the accompanying Revolution sponsored cycle challenge to

raise money for mission.

God seems to have highlighted two verses for me recently: “Teach

us to realise the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.”

(Psalm 90:12 NLT); “So be careful how you live. Don’t live like

fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity (kairos) in

these evil days.” (Ephesians 5:15, 16 NLT)

I have been privileged to meet several people who have inspired my mission

discipleship: David Orritt runs Mission Paraguay, which sends short term teams

to work with the Diocese of Paraguay in construction and other projects. When

retirement came close he saw his contemporaries buying big homes or other things

to enhance their sense of material security; and he decided God was calling him to

a lifestyle that focussed on the needs of others and the priority of the gospel.

Numbering our days is not a morbid action; it’s about applying our hearts to

wisdom. That’s part of the process we continue to go through: what’s the wisest

way to use our resources for the good of the gospel in Latin America? We are so

grateful for the many gifts that the new CMS are pouring in to support work in

South America – finance, communications, fundraising, church relations, personnel

support. We are also very encouraged by the formation of the Latin America Forum,

which will work in a voluntary capacity to keep our work on the front burner.

The earthquake in Chile shocked all of us. There was so much material damage.

But what it taught many is that life is short; relationships with God, family and

neighbours must take priority. Pray for us and for the church in Latin America, that

we might make the most of every opportunity.

SHARE is produced by the Church Mission

Society, Watlington Road, Oxford OX4 6BZ. Tel:

01865 787 400. Registered Charity Number 1131655.

If you have any questions regarding the

content, please call us or email:

[email protected]

Bishop Henry Scriven, Mission Director for Latin


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mission to the four corners of the worldtim dakin, executive director of cmS, shares some insights from his time in Brazil

Brazil is a big country. I checked my pocket atlas as I sat in a

mission seminar in Recife; Brazil is about the same size as Canada

and China and bigger than Australia! Brazil’s mission is also big;

there are literally thousands of Christians involved in cross-cultural mission both within the

country and to the rest of the world.

I was privileged to listen to Latin American colleagues talking about their local and global

mission during the recent Faith2Share conference. Nearly 20 mission societies from

around the world participated, and there was a parallel track for local mission movements,

those that were focused in Latin America and those working worldwide. As we shared

together and listened to the Brazilian and Latin American mission story, I was struck again

by the commitment to the gospel of those who’d gone before us.

Of course we all know that there’s a long Christian history in Brazil – they even have their

own tradition of Baroque sacred music. But we may not know that there’s a major Brazilian

world mission. Brazilian Christians are like Brazilian football fans – very enthusiastic. As I

listened to my colleagues and got out and about to see what was going on – it was inspiring

to meet Ian and Simea Meldrum and to see their work in Olinda - I was greatly encouraged

by yet another expression of God’s worldwide community, the church.

When Paul saw a vision of Jesus on the road to Damascus, he asked the question, “Who

are you Lord?” All of us need to ask the same question because the Lord is always bigger

than we can imagine; he’s always beyond and deeper than our own culture, and his plans

are always greater and more thorough than ours. Jesus is Lord of all; his followers are

found in Brazil, Canada, China and Australia. He fills the whole world.

And as we go on asking “Who are you Lord?” let’s be encouraged, within our own context,

that Jesus is at work and invites us to follow him

daily with renewed commitment. As the new CMS,

which now includes a Latin American dimension to

world mission, let’s also share with others how Jesus

has changed lives from Brazil to Canada to China to

Australia. His Spirit has been poured out on all flesh

and invites all to know Jesus as

Lord and Saviour.

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UnShakeaBle faith in a Shaken Worldeyewitness accounts of the chile earthquake and the aftermath, from our partners on the scene

“ it was hard to know the severity of the earthquake at first because

there were no lights, television or phones. I remember looking at the moon

and thinking, feeling, that many were suffering. It’s amazing how the Anglican

Church has organised itself in a unified form and done things that have had a

huge impact. Six trucks were sent full of 25 tonnes of food and provisions. For

one little town that was destroyed, 90 people went and served: lifting up rubble,

caring, praying, playing with the kids, sharing Jesus’ love in practical ways. When

night came, the team showed movies in the plaza and even though there was

supposed to be a curfew, the police let everyone stay because they saw it was

good for people. Our church has decided to help a particular little village that was

severely affected and to follow-through with their recovery long-term. ”

Cristobal Ceron, Santiago

“ We have learned so much out of the tragedy of the earthquake: that

all material things and possessions are dispensable and perishable. That all our

technology, communication systems are of little use at the time of a natural

disaster. That it takes only a few seconds to bring down all our material wealth and

we are left weak and fragile…”Ary and Danny Morrison, Concepcion

“ the son and daughter-in-law of two of our church members were

finally found after spending a week living out under canvas. Even worse than the

earthquake for Concepción is the looting that took place in the first few days. So

many shops were looted that they had to bring it a curfew. It wasn’t just food that

was taken, which would be understandable, but everything from fridges to plasma

TVs. One shopkeeper said that when they were attacked, several of those involved

were his regular customers.

Many of the streets organized their own barricades with neighbours armed with

whatever weapons they could find and with elaborate systems of armbands

and passwords to recognize threats. It may be this complete breakdown of trust

between citizens that takes longer to repair than the physical damages.

What is being done to help? Apart from all the aid from big NGOs, government,

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private business and other countries, our bishop Tito Zavala, with the help of the

compassionate ministry of Alf Cooper’s La Trinidad church in Santiago, have been

organizing the Anglican’s national aid to different spots and he personally travelled

down to see how the churches were doing. In fact they got stopped at gunpoint at

one barricade and things weren’t looking good until a man from the back shouted

out, “You married me bishop- do you remember?”

A group of about 60 students from churches in Santiago and Viña went down to

help clear rubble for a week.

There are still concerns of how the three Anglican pastors in Concepción might fare

with reduced tithes later in the year due to everyone recovering financially. ”Daniel and Ellelein Kirk, Vina del Mar

“ as i write we are in touch with the missionaries from our church that are

driving large trucks of help in personnel and supplies today to the worst hit area,

where there is no water and eight hospitals were destroyed. Please pray for us as

we seek to bring the love of Jesus to the hurting crowds. Wherever we pray with

people God s love falls like a gentle dew and peace takes hold of hearts. ”Alf and Hilary Cooper, Santiago

“ two people were killed just down the road when their adobe house

collapsed on them. A pupil of Linda’s told her that, when he was finally able to

contact his mother 48 hours later, he discovered that she had eaten nothing since

the quake due to shock. She lives on the 15th story of a block of flats and her

bedroom must have oscillated through an arc of 40 or 50 feet.

A farmer brought round water in a large tank behind a tractor for a couple of days

and, while we were queuing for it and exchanging news with our neighbours,

Linda commented that she was off to buy some bread, only to be told that no

one was baking. Ninety minutes later, the daughter of the people across the road

arrived with a big smile and four freshly-baked large rolls!

For every incident of looting that has hit the headlines, there are hundreds of

examples of kindness and solidarity, some very small like this, others much bigger.

It will still take years to rebuild and there are a lot of memories which will be very,

very difficult to heal. ”John and Linda Cobb, Huelquen

A big thank you to all supporters who contributed to helping victims of

the Chile earthquake. From our online appeal we raise just over £6,000.

Additionally, at the Day 50 event, the Redeemed Church of God in London

presented a cheque for £15,000 to help rebuild in Chile.

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allen Gardiner house: a family homeBy Bob lunt

allen Gardiner cottage closed in may, bringing to an end the South

American Mission Society’s long sojourn in Tunbridge Wells. Born in SAMS’

history as the home of its wardens, Ted & Marjorie Jenkin, the cottage

has been in recent years the Registered Office of the Society and a focal

point for supporter relations, following the move in 1991 from its famous

neighbour, Allen Gardiner House, which was sold in 2000.

Allen Gardiner House holds a special affection for SAMS people and a

prized place in SAMS mission history. It had been donated to the Society

in the 1960s by Mr & Mrs Jenkin during a period of energy and fervour

in the evangelical world. Their church in Wimbledon had as curate the

dynamic young George Hoffman, a SAMS General Council member who

went on to found Tearfund, and his challenge to evangelicals to follow

Jesus in practical action and concern deeply impacted Ted and Marjorie.

She was gripped by the Lord’s words to King David in 1 Chronicles 28:10:

“Take heed now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for a

sanctuary: be strong and do it.” She shared this with Ted who told her of

his desire to give up their building business and do something completely

different, though it was hardly the most propitious time to change course

and take a major new step: they had a young family and the business,

inherited from Ted’s father, was thriving. However, a meeting with Harry

Sutton, then General Secretary of SAMS and another dynamic evangelical

of that era, set in motion another kind of building ministry - a house for

God’s Kingdom. They purchased Champneys House in Tunbridge Wells

and donated it to the Society as a training and conference centre, and the

renamed Allen Gardiner House was officially opened and dedicated in

May 1966 before more than 200 guests.

SAMS needed not just an office base - that was still in London - but

a home. It was a time of exciting expansion for the Society, and the

House contributed significantly as many folk benefited from its excellent

accommodation and facilities. Visiting parish groups and young people

were stirred to further service, while increasing numbers of missionary

candidates and their children passed through its doors, notably on the

1966: The Bishop of Rochester dedicates the facility

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annual Orientation Course, before carrying its blessings into ministries

across the Atlantic. As well as studying the religious, historical, political

and social background of South America’s republics, they undertook

intensive learning of Spanish or Portuguese, assisted by a language

laboratory installed in 1974, the year the SAMS offices moved to the

House. They also turned hands and minds to first aid, car maintenance,

gardening and other practical disciplines – RFA (Ready for Anything) on

the mission field, as one of the Jenkins’ successors repeatedly reminded

us. The library was also built up there before its moves to Birmingham, Sheffield,

and finally Oxford.

This creation of a SAMS family home was something very beautiful and deeply

spiritual; it was a place of tranquillity even in the midst of busyness. Parents of

missionaries gathered for conferences which epitomised the Society’s pastoral

heart and enriched its family spirit. Bishop Pat Harris recalls an occasion when “all

the parents without exception were in tears. It was plain that the Holy Spirit was

at work. Many were anxious and fearful, and some were angry and saddened by

the fact that their children - and grandchildren - were the other side of the world.

That conference was a turning point for many of those parents and they became

a close fellowship, keeping in touch with one another and some never failing to

attend the conference.” Private guests were also welcomed to this ‘SAMS hotel’,

one regular visitor commenting on “high standards maintained and the peace and

Christian atmosphere of a very lovely home”.

Allen Gardiner House is now private apartments and its new sister-block alongside

recalls SAMS’ origins in its name, Patagonia House. We wish the Cottage too a

felicitous future after its own pivotal role in overseas mission, and bless the Lord

for all who worked there, serving that mission with diligence, skill and grace.

Ted and Marjorie Jenkin

1966 dedication ceremony

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Jessica helyar, lima, peru:I started my stay in Lima, Peru in February. Since then I have learnt a lot, seen a lot and done a lot! I am working in Shalom, which is a day care centre for disabled children, a pre-school and a church. In the mornings I work in the pre-school; there are six children, four who are disabled and two who are not. In the afternoon I do crafts with the children and parents as they wait for their therapies and teach English as well as doing any other jobs that need doing. I attend the service in Shalom on Sunday mornings and help with the Sunday school. Sunday afternoons I help at Jesus el Nazareno church and go to the service there in the evenings. I’ve also helped at a medical campaign.

lara-clare Bourdeaux, asunción, paraguaySchool is going well; I am preparing students to take internationally recognised Cambridge exams in the English language. I have fairly quickly settled into teaching and school life and I’m really enjoying it. I teach five classes a week on my own, plus there are numerous sessions in which I assist and sometimes cover for other teachers. I am really enjoying getting to know the kids. The school’s mission is to give these kids a solid Christian education and an excellent level of English, whilst raising up the next generation of the country’s leaders. Therefore daily Bible studies and prayers form an important part of class time. Many of the children come from difficult family backgrounds,

facing the challenge of absent fathers and other complications.

Wendy power, cambodiaFollowing the four months I spent working in Paraguay as a short term mission partner, I have now moved to Cambodia to work as a volunteer for two years with Voluntary Service Overseas, where I continue to be linked to CMS as a SALT partner. When asked to reflect on how one experience has equipped me and led to another, I see I learnt more about depending on God when facing new situations, especially about living prayerfully. I see that God led me to trust him more with my physical, financial and emotional needs. I also began to consider the spiritual impact on the individual of long term work as a single mission partner. I continue to work out what I think about this and how to serve God most appropriately to meet the needs of those I work amongst, but also to be watered and fed adequately as a follower of Christ. Again, I turn to God for clarity and to sustain me. Here in Cambodia I work alone as a volunteer in a rural hospital, seeking to improve the standard of care through building capacity (ability) of staff. It’s a huge task that’s beyond me, but fortunately I work with Christ in me. Remaining in the body of Christ is crucial, especially in the context of working in a secular organisation, in a Buddhist country.

Zewelanji chamunda, argentinaThe orphanage where I am working is on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. The

Short-term Short StorieS






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rearing ducks, growing faithBill Godfrey, Bishop of peru, reflects on the impact of the holistic mission of norma montoya“Bishop, thirty ladies have given their life to Jesus.” Norma [Montoya, associate mission partner] calls me in excitement.It wasn’t an evangelistic campaign, but a duck breeding and training project in the extreme poverty of Lima’s shanty towns. It’s a three month course for 90 women. It aims to improve nutrition for their families (they get protein from meat and eggs), provide an income if they’re sold), raise self-esteem, and enable learning to work together.Often one of the first questions to Norma and her helpers is, “Are you nuns?” “No, we’re married and have children.” Over the weeks the women discover the team members are inspired by faith, but the issue’s not pushed. By the end of the course, however, there’ll be prayers, for their families and the sick, open conversation about faith, and all in the most natural way.We believe social outreach and the proclamation of the Gospel go hand in hand. This practical project is good news for the women and very often changes lives. It could be any project, but in this case it’s ducks and faith in Jesus. Gospel -good news- was the word chosen by the apostles as the best way of describing Jesus, what he taught and what he did. There is no conflict between the two. Serving others and the proclamation of Christ’s name belong together. “If I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example...” (John.13:14-15). To him be the glory.


way the orphanage works is that the kids are split into three families, with each having their own tia (Spanish for aunty). This is miles better than clumping them altogether, as there is more of a family feel, stability, ownership and a place for them to call theirs...basically just what the kids need! I’m getting to know them all and they are lovely beautiful kids. Not all of the kids are orphans; some of

them have one or both parents and/or godparents. The kids are here either because they are orphans, or because their home situation is bad: drug/alcohol addition, abuse (physical, sexual, verbal), neglect. This orphanage is so good and provides for the kids so well. Spiritually I am on cloud nine. I know I am being filled with so much love and joy so that I can pour it out on the people around me!

Reprinted with permission from Evangelism and Church Growth Initiative—ECGI Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2010

Norma and Julio Montoya

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What a web we weave!there are lots of ways to connect with cmS online and lots of reasons to do so

have you been to www.cms-uk.org lately?

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and introducing…drum roll please…We are Saying yes – www.wearesayingyes.org

We wanted you to be among the first to know about our new website campaign:

We are Saying Yes, which is all about getting people into mission — wherever they

are — one step at a time.

At wearesayingyes.org you can see things that people like you are doing to

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Together we can show God’s love

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saying yes.


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from Bolivia to paraguayan update from nicky and ron irene

We have been living in paraguay for a few months. It has

not been easy but we have felt God’s hand constantly.

Our main struggle has been health issues; both of us have

been in hospital for different reasons. All our children caught


Culturally the biggest surprise has been rejection towards

Bolivians due to the Chaco war where Paraguay lost two generations of men. As Ron

is actually North American, he has started calling himself an American and the attitude

toward him changed. Our kids don’t seem bothered, actually.

People are very friendly when you meet them, although shy, but it takes effort to really

get to know them, whereas in La Paz, people may have been more standoffish at first,

but they were overall much quicker to pour out their hearts.

Ron has been working in two churches under Bishop Peter Bartlett’s supervision. The

two congregations meet in the same building, which is the Cathedral of the Anglican

Church in Paraguay. The two churches are different in many ways but they both are

in tremendous need of raising national servant leaders. Ron is also chaplain of the

school, where he has given more than ten talks to parents, staff and kids; he will also

be giving pastoral counseling. Nicky works teaching secondary English full time at the

school. We feel extremely blessed to be here and know that God wants us to learn

complete dependence on him.

president’s new chaplain is chile mission partnerthe news that he was to be the President of Chile’s protestant chaplain came while he was doing his exercises, says mission partner Alf Cooper.“I was in the gym doing my sit-ups when I received a phone call. I answered ‘Hello’ and I was told, ‘Rev Cooper, I pass you to the President.’ Sure enough I received the official summons.” Alf joins Catholic chaplain Luis Ramirez in service to Preseiden Sebastian Pinera.Alf has been pastor of La Trinidad church in Santiago since 1984 and a SAMS mission partner in Chile since 1975.


Photo: Alex Ibanez Alf (centre) with the President (right) and Luis Ramirez

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keeping countphilip r tadman as readers of previous Share magazines will know, SAMS (GB) transferred

its assets and operations to a new joint entity, called CMS on 1 February 2010, so

SAMS (GB) no longer receives income. Income that was destined for either the

old CMS or SAMS (GB) should now go to the new CMS at the address on page 2.

However, as we come to the end our service, the SAMS staff and volunteers have

not been idle as we have been working on a variety of tasks including the SAMS

annual report and accounts for the 13 months to 31 January 2010, prior to the

planned closure of Allen Gardiner Cottage in May 2010.

Whilst serving the SAMS it has been a joy for me to know and appreciate God’s

wonderful provision for the Society during its 165 year history. The latest report

and accounts again testify to God’s faithful provision for his work in South America

and Iberia through SAMS. As we thank God for enabling his people to give to

SAMS, we also thank all those who have supported SAMS in the past. The funds

the Society were entrusted with over the years were the result of much prayer,

generous and often tax effective giving, for which we grateful to many people.

Please pray that the new CMS will receive the income it needs in the future and

that the members of the new CMS community will know God’s guidance in their

stewardship of resources entrusted to them in the days ahead.

As I close, and as some of us move on to different work/ministry, I am reminded

of Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians 5:16-18: “Be joyful always; pray continually;

give thanks in all circumstances, for that is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”.

thank you so much for your continuing support of mission in latin america.

Please note, as Phil says, all gifts should now go to CMS, Watlington Road, OX4 6BZ.

Cheques should be made payable to CMS. Please rest assured that if you earmark

your gift for Latin American mission, then that’s where your gift will go. If you give by

standing order, you will need to contact your bank and amend your order so that giving

goes to CMS, charity number 1131655, bank: RBS, account: 22897864, sort code:

15-10-00. If you need a standing order form or would like to switch to direct debit

giving, we can help you – just call 01865 787469. Also, it would be tremendously

helpful if you would use Gift Aid so CMS can collect an extra 28% on every gift at no

charge to you. So if you haven’t signed – or re-signed – a Gift Aid declaration form

since the SAMS-CMS integration, please arrange to do so. Again, we are available to

help you. Thank you so much for helping ensure that Latin American mission continues.

a note on


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helping youth in peru feel their valueWe caught up with paul and Sarah tester, to get an update on how their work with children and young people is impacting their wider community

paul and Sarah, what are the biggest issues facing young people in lima?

paul: I think that would be feeling valued. People want to have children,

of course, but it’s almost like they have little value until they are adults.

We are helping people recognise that the young are valued by God.

peru has quite a young population; so why do you think this

is the case?

paul: Until they are able to work and produce something, they aren’t

considered particularly helpful to the family or to the culture.

how is the anglican church, a rather young church in peru, helping?

Sarah: Well, an example is The Ark playscheme I work with in a very poor area. It’s a

place where children can feel safe and loved and listened to. And learn about Jesus.

What about adolescents?

paul: I think the key is to provide a welcoming place. We’re seeing more and more

people reaching out to youth and recognising that they have something to contribute.

I have a real heart for discipleship. I’m also excited to see young people developing

in their faith and giving back to the church. We’ve recently been able to take on a

diocesan youth coordinator and more youth are getting involved in music ministry and

leading groups.

Sarah, tell us about someone who exemplifies why you are in peru.

There are a brother and sister who come to The Ark, Alison, the girl said she

wanted to know Jesus and we prayed together. Through this relationship with

Alison, we’ve been visiting the family. When Alison’s brother broke his arm and

the family couldn’t afford the operation, we worked with links and friends to raise

money for his surgery and physiotherapy. This really impacted on his mum, who

now comes and helps lead at The Ark.

What can we pray for?

paul: The toughest thing is often seeing families struggling and really, the best

thing you can do is come alongside them and be with them in their struggles.

It’s hard to know you can’t help everyone. Pray for us to be able to keep building

trusting relationships. Pray for more leaders to get involved in children’s work, too,

that they’d see the value in it.

From Interview with the Paul and Sarah Tester on Audiomission: Latin America Prayer Focus, April-June 2010 edition, produced by CMS

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the gospel: light of hope for the latin american family?Some thoughts from rev pablo Zavala, pastor of iglesia el redentor in la Serena, chile

latin americans have a high view of the family and dream of

setting up and living in a stable family unit. However, their dreams

have been frustrated in recent decades. Modernisation and

globalisation have impacted the state of the Latin American family,

and, therefore, society.

Issues such as divorce, domestic conflict, teenage pregnancies, redundancy and

lack of opportunities have made young people and adults disillusioned with the

notion of establishing a traditional family based on the values of their forebears. For

example, young men with few resources feel incapable of carrying out the demands

of a family. Some young people are prioritizing economic status over family.

Meanwhile, adult men, feeling the weight of social and economic demands, are

deciding to break the marriage bond in order to escape their responsibilities of being

husband, father and provider. In Chile an estimated 50% of marriages fail.

Yet the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is being proclaimed and the Holy Spirit is at

work in people’s lives, reconciling them to God and helping them to pull families

together. Firstly, it leads them to recognise the problem, highlighting personal and

social wrongdoing, and helps them understand societal changes and discuss issues

together. Secondly, it inspires and challenges families to live according to Christian

teaching. Thirdly, the gospel provides a social network of Christian fellowship through

the church, with people praying for each other, bearing one another’s burdens,

sharing biblical counsel and Christian experience, as well as giving necessary

material assistance. And fourthly, the gospel offers a new vision for life and a reason

to live it; families see in Christ a present hope and a model to follow.

In these times it would appear that to set up a family here in Latin America is not

an attractive proposition. Nevertheless, in Christ there is hope because he makes all

things new.

faith reflection: forgotten no longermaurice Sinclair shares thoughts on the past, present and future of the Wichi peopleGone is the time when the Wichi, an indigenous tribe in Northern Argentina,

were a forgotten people. On a weekend in high summer last year more than

Originally published in the International

Anglican Family Newsletter, edited

here for space

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terry and pancha Barratt have retired as mission partners after 40 years with SAMS GB, but have remained with CMS as associate mission partners as they continue their work with SEAN Seminario por Extension a las Naciones (www.seaninternational.com). We are thrilled that they are able to keep this strong link with CMS and are encouraged by the amazing work that they do with and through SEAN courses across the world.alf and hilary cooper will be in the UK from 17 May until 16 June on a short visit to their link churches before returning to Santiago, Chile.hugo and techy Vergara are currently in the UK on a well-earned six month sabbatical from Northern Argentina. nick and catherine drayson will be in the UK from 13 May to 15 June when they will return to Northern Argentina where Nick is the Suffragen Bishoppaul and Sarah tester are back from Lima, Peru and

in the UK until August.Jill Ball will be flying back to the UK from Santo Domingo, Ecuador on home leave from mid-July until mid-October.rené and marina pereira are due to visit the UK for three weeks in October and hope to visit most of their supporting churches around the country. You can find out more about where and when these Globe+crossers might be in your area on the CMS website www.cms-uk.org and click on the map of Latin America.We would like to express our sincerest apologies to all of you who did not receive their Latin America Prayerlines on time. This was due to a problem with the company we used to send out mailings, which caused a delay. Current and back copies of all CMS Prayerlines, including those for Latin America can be downloaded from the CMS website, under the heading Pray along the top.


a thousand Wichi came together in the Chaco town of Sauzalito to honour the

memory of Bishop Mario Marino and to have his life’s work recognised by the

Argentine authorities.

My wife Gill and I were on a return visit to see friends and former colleagues from

our years of missionary service, and we were delighted to be able to accompany

newly consecrated Bishop Nick Drayson and his wife Catherine on their journey

to Sauzalito and to share in this celebration of Bishop Mario’s achievements as a

leader of church and people. Having been re-acquainted with the mud roads of

the Chaco and having negotiated a river crossing in a leaky rowing boat, we found

ourselves engulfed in a praise service at full volume with one gospel group after

another taking the lead.

On the Sunday morning at a slightly quieter service Nick Drayson and I had our

hands full confirming lots of Wichi youngsters. The previous afternoon there

were speeches given by Mayor Jose Kloster and Bishop Nick also spoke brilliantly.

The climax came with the unveiling of a beautiful marble plaque in memory

of Mario Marino, so obviously loved by his people and respected by the wider

community. With the events of this weekend still vivid in my mind two thoughts

are uppermost. First, who will, under God, be the outstanding indigenous leaders

in the Wichi church in the coming years? But then an answering thought: this

forgotten people were never forgotten by the Lord and he will guide them

whatever the future holds.

Page 16: Share issue 2 2010

you’re invited! ¡ADELANTE! Moving forwardGlobal Mission with a Latin Heartfriday 25 march – Sunday 27 march 2011

Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, DerbyshireKeynote speaker: The Bishop of Chile, Tito Zavala, Bible readings: Rogelio Prieto

A weekend packed with speakers and activities – with a truly Latin flavourSwanwick is a family friendly venue with family bedrooms, on-site facilities including a sports hall and various local attractions. Young children will have their own tea and we will organise a babysitting rota if needed. There will be a crèche and separate youth and children’s programmes. • Day Visitor rates for Saturday 26 March will be available

Costs for weekend, full board:

Adults from £145, ages 14–18 from £95 under 14 £50, under 6 free.

Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.

For full details and booking please contact: Tim Greenhalgh 01594 542314Or email [email protected] Hazelton 01865 787410Or email [email protected]