Shapes Fit Together!

Shapes Fit Together!. Great artists use shapes to create great art. Piet Mondrian, Composition Which shapes do you see used here?

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Shapes Fit Together!

Great artists use shapes to create great art.

Piet Mondrian, Composition

Which shapes do you see used here?

How many different shapes do you see here? Do you notice any shapes that are used more than


Kandinsky “Open Green”

How many different shapes do you see here? Are any colors used more than once?Are any shapes used more than once?

Kandinsky “Time of Fun”

By using the same shape and color more than once, you create unity or balance in the painting.

Your eyes naturally look at the entire painting rather than looking at one individual


Kandinsky “Farbstudie Quadrate”

Today you are going to create great art using shapes.

Duniway student drawing