My Reflection on Becoming a Teacher: When we were kids, we all dreamt of becoming someone: a firefighter, a doctor, a cosmonaut, and only a few of us had a crazy dream of becoming a teacher, which was probably criticized by everyone who heard about it. And this fact is not surprising, moreover, it is a common sight. A job of a teacher is extremely difficult and, I would say, hazardous, and not everyone who dreams of becoming one, can actually develop into an average or brilliant teacher. Taking all these facts into consideration, let us explore all the possibilities of becoming a teacher and what is exactly needed to be one. To become a teacher, a person has to first have some reasons for choosing this profound profession. So what are the reasons that can affect an individual to start up a teaching career? While looking at the kids, have you ever felt like you want to be the apple of their eyes, to become the centre of their interest? Well, this is the main reason for becoming a teacher: a will to make your students curious about what you are teaching. As a teacher, you have to love learning and studying, and that is also a reason for making yourself a teacher: to share this love with the students and help them open up their abilities and potential. The primary problem of any teacher is one of the primary reasons for learning: transforming the love of studying into the strong love of teaching kids. Most of the


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My Reflection on Becoming a Teacher:

When we were kids, we all dreamt of becoming someone: a firefighter, a doctor, a cosmonaut, and only a few of us had a crazy dream of becoming a teacher, which was probably criticized by everyone who heard about it.  And this fact is not surprising, moreover, it is a common sight.  A job of a teacher is extremely difficult and, I would say, hazardous, and not everyone who dreams of becoming one, can actually develop into an average or brilliant teacher.  Taking all these facts into consideration, let us explore all the possibilities of becoming a teacher and what is exactly needed to be one.

To become a teacher, a person has to first have some reasons for choosing this profound profession.  So what are the reasons that can affect an individual to start up a teaching career?  While looking at the kids, have you ever felt like you want to be the apple of their eyes, to become the centre of their interest?  Well, this is the main reason for becoming a teacher: a will to make your students curious about what you are teaching.  As a teacher, you have to love learning and studying, and that is also a reason for making yourself a teacher: to share this love with the students and help them open up their abilities and potential.  The primary problem of any teacher is one of the primary reasons for learning: transforming the love of studying into the strong love of teaching kids.  Most of the teachers, of course if they are good teacher, are patriots of their country.  As a result, starting up a career of a teacher indicates a strong desire to serve the community, the society, the country, and all the people who live in that country.  These are the basic reasons for developing into a teacher.  Undoubtedly, there are many more of them, thus these are the fundamental motives for the most teachers.