SHAMBHU DAYAL GLOBAL SCHOOL WINTER HOLIDAY HOME WORK CLASS V SESSION - 2019-20 The winter break from school is often filled with travel plans and activities, but it is important to keep your child learning over these weeks. Because kids also need a break from school and a chance to play, the best educational activities are ones where kids don’t realize they are learning. Note: Do these worksheets very neatly and carefully. Submit the holiday homework on first working day of school after vacation.( mandatory) Enjoy the holidays and revise the whole syllabus done after UT 3 in each subject. Do the work according to instructions given in each subject. And Happy New Year to all.

SHAMBHU DAYAL GLOBAL SCHOOL WINTER HOLIDAY HOME …€¦ · छात्रों को भैदान भेंइकट्ठा ¡ोनेके लरए क¡ा। बी

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    CLASS – V

    SESSION - 2019-20

    The winter break from school is often filled with travel plans and activities,

    but it is important to keep your child learning over these weeks. Because kids

    also need a break from school and a chance to play, the best educational

    activities are ones where kids don’t realize they are learning.


    Do these worksheets very neatly and carefully.

    Submit the holiday homework on first working day of school after

    vacation.( mandatory)

    Enjoy the holidays and revise the whole syllabus done after UT – 3 in

    each subject.

    Do the work according to instructions given in each subject.

    And Happy New Year to all.

  • Name: ____________________ Class: ______________ Sec: _______


    Q1- Read the passage carefully & answer the questions carefully.

    The presence of certain qualities makes friendship a special relationship. A true friend is

    consistent & honest. A friend is not afraid to give an honest opinion & does not say things for the

    sake of getting approval. A friend provides companionship & continuous support. There is no

    room for pride, jealousy or rivalry in a friendship.When one enjoys a period of prosperity, many

    people become available as friends. This is not friendship because these so- called friends slip

    away in difficult times.

    In the Ramayana, Sugriva& Rama honour their pact of friendship through the entire epic. Rama

    helps Sugriva kill his brother Bali & regain the kingdom. Surgiva provides his army to assist

    Rama in his search for Sita& does not rest until she is found & returned to Rama.

    In the Mahabharta, Karna, at the cost of his own life, remains a true friend to Duryodhana. He

    honours his friendship with Duryodhana even after knowing that he, in reality, is the son of

    Kunti& that the Pandavas are his own brothers. He does not break his commitment to


    A- Answer the following questions.

    Mention any two qualities of a true friendship.


    What should a good friend avoid to maintain consistency in friendship?


    How could we say that both Surgiva& Karan had the qualities of a true friend?


    B- Write T for true & F for false statements.

    Being consistent towards one another in all situations is called friendship. ( )

    The attitude of friendship can be looked upon as a responsibility. ( )

    Sugriva&Karnahonoured their pact of friendship in the Ramayana. ( )

    Rivals can make very good friends. ( )

    One who is a friend during both good & bad times is a true friend. ( )

  • Q2- Write the synonyms of the following:

    a- Buy- ____________________

    b- Talk- ___________________

    c- Loyal- ___________________

    d- Empty- __________________

    e- Serious- __________________

    f- Help- __________________

    g- Clean- __________________

    h- Polite- __________________

    Q3- Write the antonyms of the following:

    a- Bold- __________________

    b- Rise- __________________

    c- Haste- __________________

    d- Arrive- __________________

    e- Natural- __________________

    f- Wild- __________________

    g- Proud- __________________

    h- Attack- _________________

    Q4- Punctuate the following passage using capital letters wherever necessary & rewrite it.

    neeraj was having tea at regal restaurant he felt the quality of tea was rather poor he went

    to the manager and said why don’t you serve good tea here the manager said sir we got this

    tea from Darjeeling is that why it is so cold asked neeraj.










  • Name: ____________________ Class: ______________ Sec: _______


    प्रश्न 1ननम्नलऱखित अऩठित गदयानशों को ऩढ़ कर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजजए – (1) गुरुकुर भें ऩढ़ने वारे छात्रों की ऩढाई ऩूयी होने ऩय एक ददन गुरूजी ने सबी छात्रों को भैदान भें इकट्ठा होने के लरए कहा। सबी लिष्म भैदान भें आकय खड़ ेहो गए। गुरूजी ने उनसे कहा , प्रिम लिष्मों भैं चाहता हूॉ कक महाॉ से जाने से ऩहरे आऩ सफ एक फाधा दौड़ भें बाग रें। इस दौड़ भें आऩको एक अॉधेयी सुयॊग से गुजयना होगा। सबी लिष्म सुयॊग से गुजये जहाॉ जगह-जगह नुकीरे ऩत्थय ऩड़ ेथे। दौड़ ऩूयी होने ऩय गुरूजी ने कहा , कुछ लिष्मों ने दौड़ जल्दी ऩूयी क्र री औय कुछ ने फहुत अधधक सभम रगा ददमा , बरा ऐसा क्मों? कुछ लिष्मों ने जवाफ ददमा कक यस्ते भें नुकीरे ऩत्थय थे जजन्हें हभ चुनकय जेफ भें यखते जा यहे थे ताकक ऩीछे आने वारों को ऩीड़ा न हो। गुरूजी ने उन सबी लिष्मों को फुरामा जजन्होंने चुने थे औय जजन्हें तुभ ऩत्थय सभझ यहे , वे वास्तव भें फहुभूल्म हीये हैं जजन्हें भैंने सुयॊग भें डारा था। मे हीये तुभ सफका उऩहाय है क्मोंकक तुभने दसूयों की ऩीड़ा को सभझा। मह दौड़ जजॊदगी की सच्चाई को फताती है कक सच्चा प्रवजेता वही है जो इस दौड़ती दनुनमा भें दसूयों का बरा कयते हुए आगे फढ़ता है। (क) गुरूजी ने लशष्यों को कहाॉ और क्यों बुऱाया था ? (ि) लशष्यों को सुरॊग में ककस कठिनाई का सामना करना ऩड़ा ? (ग) गुरूजी ने लशष्यों को क्या ठदया और क्यों ? (घ) यह दौड़ जजॊदगी की कौन-सी सच्चाई बताती है? (ड़) उऩयुकु्त कहानी का उचचत शीषकु लऱखिए। __________________________________________________________







  • __________________________________________________________



    (2) चने जोय गयभ औय अनायदाने का चूणण! हाॉ , चने जोय गयभ की ऩुड़ड़मा जो तफ थी, वह अफ बी नजय आती है। ऩुयाने कागजों से फनाई हुई इस ऩुड़ड़मा भें ननया हाथ का कभार है। नीचे से नतयछी रऩेटते हुए ऊऩय से इतनी चौड़ी कक चने आसानी से हथेरी ऩय ऩहुॉच जाएॉ। एक वक्त था जफ किल्भ का गाना-चना जोय गयभ फाफू भैं रामा भजेदाय , चना जोय गयभ-मह गाना उन ददनों स्कूर के हय फच्चे को आता था।कुछ फच्चे ऩुड़ड़मा ऩय तेज भसारा फुयकवाते। ऩूया धगयजा भैदान घूभने तक मह ऩुड़ड़मा चरती। एक-एक चना-ऩाऩड़ी भुॉह भें डारने औय कदभ उठाने भें एक खास ही रम-यपताय थी। (क) रेखखका को अऩने फचऩन की कौन-सी फातें आज बी माद आती हैं ? (ख) ऩुड़ड़मा ककस चीज से फनाई जाती थी ? (ग) ऩुड़ड़मा की क्मा प्रविषेता थी ? (घ) किल्भ का कौन-सा गाना फच्चों भें रोकप्रिम हो गमा था ? (ङ) ऩूया धगयजा भैदान घूभने ऩय बी क्मा खत्भ नहीॊ होती थी ? __________________________________________________________










  • प्रश्न 2 ननम्नलऱखित के तीन – तीन उदहारण लऱखिए |

    क –काऱवाचक कियाववशषेण........................ ....................................

    ि –स्थानवाचक कियाववशषेण........................ ....................................

    ग –रीनतवाचक कियाववशषेण........................ ....................................

    घ –ऩररमाणवाचक कियाववशषेण........................ ...................................

    प्रश्न 3 ननम्नलऱखित शब्दों का वाक्यों में प्रयोग कीजजए | क – अचानक ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ि – ध्यानऩूवकु ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ग – के अॊदर ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- घ – के चारों ओर ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • ड – अहा ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ च – हाय राम ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    प्रश्न 4 ननम्नलऱखित मुहावरों का वाक्यों में प्रयोग करो | क – ऩेट में चूहे कूदना ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    ि – भीगी बबल्ऱी बनना ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    प्रश्न 5 आऩको कौन सा ववषय ऩढ़ना अच्छा ऱगता है और क्यों ? इस ऩर एक अनुच्छेद लऱिो | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------










  • प्रश्न 6 जजतना उऩऱब्ध है , उससे कहीॊ ज्यादा िच ुकरने से भी ऩानी का सॊकट उत्ऩन्न होता है | क्या यही बात हम बबजऱी के बारे में भी कह सकते हैं | अऩने ववचार लऱिो | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------















    प्रश्न 7 सब मजजस्रेट कौन होता है ? क्या वह ऩुलऱस ववभाग में होता है ,जानकारी प्राप्त करके लऱखिए | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------









  • Name: ____________________ Class: ______________ Sec: _______



    Q1 Find the perimeter and area of rectangle whose length is 40 cm and breadth is 32cm .












    Q2 Find the area of triangle whose height is 50cm and base is 10cm











    Q 3 Find the area of square whose side is 14 cm .










  • Q 4 Find the volume of cuboid whose length is 40 cm , breadth 35cm and height is 10cm.








    Q 5 Find the height of cuboid whose volume is 4500 cm3 and length and breadth is 50 cm

    and 10 cm respectively .














    Q1 Convert in cm :

    a) 15km 20m b) 42 dm 107cm

    Q2 Convert in kilogramand gram :

    a) 4506 gram b) 3456 dg

  • Q 3Write in column and then add the following :

    a) 23m 100cm 45mm and 187 cm and 56mm

    b) 45kg 500g and 14 kg 20dg 564g

    Q 4 Arrange in column and subtract the following :

    a) 290 L 345mL from 350 L 241 mL

    b) 234 kg 45dg from 500 kg 34 dg

    Q5How manydecigram in 45 kg ?

  • Name: ____________________ Class: ______________ Sec: _______



    Q1. Write name of any five renewable and non-renewable resources.

    Q2. Write full- forms of the following:

    1.CNG- ______________________________________________

    2.LPG- ______________________________________________


    4.ASI- _______________________________________________


    Q3.Choose the correct option:-

    (a)SMOG is the combination of-

    (i) smoke and fog (ii) fog and rain (iii) smoke and dust

    (b) Cooler regions on The Sun is known as-

    (i) Moonspots (ii)Sunspots (iii) clouds

    (c) First Indian Women to climb Mt.Everest was-

    (i)bachendri Pal (ii) Kalpana Chawla ( iii) milins

    d) Vijaynagar is the old name of-

    (i) Karnatka( ii)Chennai (iii)Kolkata


    Q Draw the journey of Crop (A4 Sheet)

  • Name: ____________________ Class: ______________ Sec: _______


    Q-1Write down the famous Indian sports person of these sports:-

    a-Chess ___________ ___________

    b-Cricket ___________ ___________

    c-Badminton ___________ ___________

    d-Golf ___________ ___________

    e-Hockey ___________ ___________

    Q-2 Write down the Inventor name of these inventions:-

    a- Microwave oven ____________________

    b- Stainless steel ____________________

    c- Velcro ____________________

    d- Plastic ____________________

    e- Super glue ____________________

    f- Penicillin ____________________

    Q-3 Matching:-

    A B

    a- MumtazMahal died Gwalior

    b-Capital of Avanti Marble

    c-Chhattisgarh Burhanpur

    d-Singer born 2000

    e-Madhya Pradesh rock LataMangeshkar

    g- Cowherd’s hill Ujjain

    Q-4 Name them:-

    a- A metal that rusts and can be magnetized I_______________

    b- A sharp, curved claw on the foot of a bird T______________

    c- Liquid or powder that helps remove dirt D______________

    d- A large reptile of the crocodile family A______________

    e- The line where the sky and the earth appear to meet H____________

    Q-5Write down five lines about our Prime Minister(NarendraModi).






    Q-6Make a birdy bank with the help of waste material.

  • Name: ____________________ Class: ______________ Sec: _______


    िश्न 1-ककताफ भें ददए गए अभ्मास िश्न ऩत्र एक औय दो को कयें |

    िश्न 2- ऩढाए गए ऩाठों भें ददए गए िब्द अथण माद कयो |

    िश्न 3. भभ प्रवद्मारम ऩय सॊस्कृत भें ऩाॉच वाक्म लरखो |


    िश्न 4 ननम्नलरखखत वाक्मों का सॊस्कृत भें अनवुाद कयो |

    क. मह धचड़ड़मा घय है | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ख. प्रऩता जी अनेक पर खाते है


    िश्न -5 फारक् का प्रवबजक्त रूऩ माद कयके लरखो |



  • Name: ____________________ Class: ______________ Sec: _______

    FRENCH Leçon 8 (Didouaime les couleurs)

    1. Complétez les phrases avec les couleurs (Complete the sentences with colours):

    a) Il a unevoiture ……………………….. (blue).

    b) J’aiunstylo ……………………….. (black).

    c) Nous avons les crayons ……………………….. (grey).

    d) Le chienest ………………………..(red).

    e) Le livreest ……………………….. (white)

    f) Les troussessont ……………………….. (pink).

    2. Donnez la formepluriel(Write the plural form):

    a) La gommeest blanche - ………………………………………………………

    b) Le styloest noir - ………………………………………………………

    c) Le véloestjaune - ………………………………………………………

    d) La chaise estgrise - ………………………………………………………

    e) La trousseestbleue - ………………………………………………………

    f) Le cahier estbrun - ………………………………………………………

    3. Corrigez les fautes (correct the mistakes):

    a) Les tables sont bleu. - ………………………………………………………

    b) Le livreestbrune - ………………………………………………………

    c) Les voituressontjaune - ………………………………………………………

    d) Les fleurssontblanc - ………………………………………………………

    e) La gommeest rouges - ………………………………………………………

    f) Le cahier estnoires - ………………………………………………………

    4. Complétez la grille avec les couleurs (complete the grill):

    Masculin Féminin

    a) Black

    b) Blue

    c) Yellow

    d) Red

    e) Pink

    f) Grey

    g) Green

    5. Écrivez en français (write in French):

  • a) Thank you - ………………………………..

    b) Good bye - ………………………………..

    c) Have a good day - ………………………………..

    d) See you soon - ………………………………..

    e) See you tomorrow - ………………………………..

    f) Sir - ………………………………..

    g) Good evening - ………………………………..

    h) How are you - ………………………………..

    i) Good morning - ………………………………..

    j) and you ? - ………………………………..

    k) Madam - ………………………………..

    l) Hi/Hello - ………………………………..

    6. Retrouvez les mots (find the words):

    a) ustal - ………………………………..

    b) icerm - ………………………………..

    c) nenobiunt - ………………………………..

    e) soobnri - ………………………………..

    f) dmaame - ………………………………..

    7. Epelezbien (spell correctly):

    a) kava ? - ………………………………..

    b) àbeentôt - ………………………………..

    c) marci - ………………………………..

    d) manseiur - ………………………………..

    e) madmoesele - ………………………………..

    f) megfora - ………………………………..

    8. Calculez en français (calculate in French):

    a) 8 + 1 =

    ………………… plus ………………… ………………… …………………

    b) 4 + 3 =

    ………………… plus ………………… ………………… …………………

    c) 7 - 2 =

    ………………… moins ………………… ………………… …………………

    d) 9 - 5 =

    ………………… moins ………………… ………………… …………………


    1. Complete the steps to secure the data on your computer.

    i. Install a good ______________________ software package on your computer.

    ii. ___________________ the antivirus software package regularly.

    iii. Do not download content from unknown ____________________ on the internet.

    iv. Always scan ____________ and ________________________.

    v. Do not open any ____________________ attachments that you think may contain a


    2. Write two measures to prevent spam.



    3. Write the steps to take backup of your data.





    4. Who create viruses?


    5. Match the following:

    a. Virus Junk email

    b. Antivirus Computer program that damage your computer

    c. Spam email Access secure computer systems without


    d. Hackers Software packages that remove virus from
