Shambhavi Maha-Mudra Technique for Sex Sublimation

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Shambhavi Maha-Mudra Technique for Sex Sublimation

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SHAMBHAVI MAHA-MUDRA TECHNIQUE FOR SEX SUBLIMATIONPrepration:Find a peaceful place where you will not be disturbed.

Sit cross-legged on a comfortable mat facing east. Place a small cushion under your bottom for support.

Keep your spine comfortably erect; neck and head in a vertical line.

Keep your hands on the junction of your thighs, with palms facing upwards.

Meditation:Gently close your eyes.

Fix your attention between your eyebrows.

With the greatest calmness, feel your breath naturally coming in and going out.

Do not try to control your breathing in any way. Allow it to go on in its natural rhythm.

Duration:Practice the technique for 10 minutes and then continue sitting in the same posture for another 5 minutes.

Practice this technique twice a day, early in the morning and before bedtime.

You may increase the duration once you get comfortable with the technique.

Continue practicing this technique for as many months and years as you can.

Notes:You should remain alert throughout the meditation.

Ignore any stray thoughts that arise and pay attention to your breath.

Fixing your attention between your eyebrows AND observing the breath BOTH should be done simultaneously.

As soon as you can, set aside a seperate room or area exclusively for meditation. Keep this place very clean and don't use it for any other purpose.

This technique appears simple but is very powerful. It works by sending unused energy to the Agya Chakra (third eye).