INTRODUCTION TO WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE By: Alexis L. Simpson David Paul Ohmer. “Central Park- Literary Row, William Shakespeare.” October 13, 2008 via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribute.

Shakespeare Power Point

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By: Alexis L. Simpson

David Paul Ohmer. “Central Park- Literary Row, William Shakespeare.” October 13, 2008 via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribute.

Page 2: Shakespeare Power Point

o Develop the skills of close and contextual literary

reading (3.1).o Understand how language variety reflects and

shapes experience (4.2). o Develop critical reading, listening, and viewing

strategies (2.1).


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o Born in Stratford-Upon-Avono Mother, Mary Ardeno Father, John Shakespeareo Educated at King’s New School


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o Married at age 18o Pushed marriage? o Children

Early Adulthood

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o Lord Chamberlain’s Men > Changed to King’s Men o 1599

Theatrical Career

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o London, Englando Built by Shakespeare’s playing company and Lord Chamberlain’s Men. o Destroyed June 29, 1613o Second Globe Theatreo 1642

Globe Creation

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o Elizabethan Theatreo Capacity o Circumferenceo Three stories (or 30 feet high)

Globe Theatre Architecture

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o The Gallerieso The Stairs and Accesso The Stageo The Heavenso The Frons ScenaeoThe Tiring House and the Hut

Globe Interior

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o The Lords Roomo Gentlemen’s Roomo The Pit

Globe Interior Cont.

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Globe Theatre

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o No background Paintingso Boys played the women's acting roleso Natural illuminationo Imagination

Theatrical Rules and Setups

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o Hamlet o The Taming of The Shrew o Richard IIIo Titus Andronicus o Julius Caesar o Othelloo AND many more!

Shakespeare Other Famous Writings

Rachel H. “Old Shakespeare.” February 14, 2009 via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribute.

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o A tragic romance story > True love = death (eternity)o Battle between two families > Historical family feud

Romeo and Juliet: Tragedy

Diluvi. “Romeo and Juliet at Central Park”. September 11, 2007 via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribute.

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o Montague Family > Romeo > Lord Montague > Lady Montague > Mercutio > Benvolio o Capulet > Juliet > Lord Capulet > Lady Capulet > Tybalt > Nurse

In-Class Discussion

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o Romeo and Juliet film (1996) > Romeo= Leonardo DiCaprio > Juliet= Claire Danes o Updated time era o http://www.imdb.com/media/rm4255554816/tt0117509


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o Read Scene One o Fill out the Worksheet o Write a paragraph journal > View point of a character in that scene.

Homework: All Due at The Beginning Of Class Tomorrow

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